What Your Wife Needs to Do to Have A Happy Marriage

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The Happy Wife School

The Happy Wife School

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@rougebaba3887 Ай бұрын
When we married, I wouldn't have dreamed how horrible she would start treating me. In my 30 years of life up to that point, no one (and I do mean NO ONE) treated me with such emasculating disrespect as my wife displayed. It was God awful and I was completely confused and caught off guard by it. If I had known what my marriage would fast become, I would have never walked down that aisle. No way.
@racebannon96 Ай бұрын
Her hateful narcissist behavior started after our kids were born. No help from her with the kids and chores. If I asked for help, I got a lecture from her, "Deal With It." One day a week at my job I worked a double shift, she still refused to help with the kids and meals. After 10 years, she left us. I helped her pack her stuff.
@rockkstah2550 Ай бұрын
That goes for almost 90% plus of men divorce and married … sad but true.
@Melinamiu007 Ай бұрын
Im guessing (like many similar commenters) you stayed married for another 30 years? I don’t think it’s only women in « camp victim. »
@rockkstah2550 Ай бұрын
@@Melinamiu007 you really are not hearing what Karyn is saying so typical
@Melinamiu007 Ай бұрын
@@rockkstah2550 and like a lot of dodgers you didn’t answer the question. Typical
@nathanhale6477 Ай бұрын
"Over time, they begin to withdraw, disengage, rebel, fight back...." Been there, done that; every single item on her list! Little miss, "I'm too busy, you're not worth my time" has been the source of every fight/argument in our marriage from day one. Many years ago, a counselor tried to tell her what she was doing was wrong, she wouldn't listen. That said it all. Sadly, most women like this will never listen to anyone. I would be willing to bet that less than 1 in well over 100 would ever accept any responsibility for behavior like this.
@nickbardan3867 Ай бұрын
In order for my wife to be 10% of what I want her to be , I have to be 100% the man she wants me to be.
@racebannon96 Ай бұрын
The wife’s rules were changing to her mood or “feelings.” Her leaving us is the gift that keeps giving. She lost her mind when she tried coming back and I said No. Peace and freedom was restored for the kids and me after she left.
@johntiggleman4686 Ай бұрын
Since my wife stopped caring about my needs many years ago, I stopped trying to be "romantic." No more flowers, small gifts, foot massages or anything. Not birthday, anniversary or Christmas. Of course that didn't affect her in the least. But it has saved me money.
@Billy-the-Kid Ай бұрын
Went a step further. No more restaurants, no holidays or nice weekend trips, no going to family/friends together, no more shopping together, etc. Saves money and time too.
@EnisudR Ай бұрын
And to add insult to injury, she probably blames your backing off as the reason why she stopped caring about your needs
@Billy-the-Kid Ай бұрын
@@EnisudR Read better. Now you try to do the 180 degrees. The men above say that the wife stopped intimacy/sex and how they react.
@johntiggleman4686 Ай бұрын
@@EnisudR Oh hell no. It was her. I just quit wasting time and money.
@SALTYCOMBATDIVER-ExInstructor Ай бұрын
Why would anyone do anything they don't have to do? Until society requires women to be accountable, they won't do it.
@MrJfortheElohim Ай бұрын
Is it society or men in general? When enforcing the rights of the people of this land, who is at the base of the enforcement? Men.
@SALTYCOMBATDIVER-ExInstructor Ай бұрын
@MrJfortheElohim western societies are gynocentric, have been since chivalry. Yes, we men have created this
@smokingcrab2290 Ай бұрын
Marriage gives the woman too many options
@MrJfortheElohim Ай бұрын
@@smokingcrab2290 A marriage license through the state gives women options to break their vows.
@PoeticAmmunition. Ай бұрын
God holds all accountable. Very helpful for all of society.
@IOSARBX Ай бұрын
The Happy Wife School, nice content you deserve more subscribers
@duaneh1973 Ай бұрын
I am a very big advocate for your channel! Short story, I drive for Lyft and always play your live stream on Saturdays. There has been times my passengers didn't want to leave my vehicle. All the female passengers and men in relationships. I suggest your channel. The other day, I could have cried. My one frequent female passenger told me just before she exit my vehicle she stated, that's why I'm getting married because of listen to the Happy Wife School. 😢🥰 I congratulated her and it made feel so proud of her and you! Thank you!
@thehappywifeschool Ай бұрын
@duaneh1973, wow, thank you for sharing this story with us. I am very touched, and I appreciate you helping get the message out to others - very brave, too :)
@duaneh1973 Ай бұрын
@@thehappywifeschool more than welcome keep, keeping up the good work!
@PoeticAmmunition. 28 күн бұрын
​@thehappywifeschool where would u recommend 1 start? To being a happy wife?
@duaneh1973 28 күн бұрын
@@PoeticAmmunition. like I tell my passengers. Go to her videos, scroll through and a video will resonate with you.
@hurricaneaquatics Ай бұрын
I enjoy watching these and in heaven this might be true 😂. In my experience, when a woman is this stubborn, you would have better luck hauling the titanic off the ocean floor with a kayak. When a woman has this type of contempt toward her husband, it's over. The only reason a woman will have this 180 degree turnaround, is if she knows her life alone will be much less materially than with her husband. The fear of losing resources that she doesn't work for or even have to contribute to the marriage, is far more frightening to the than losing their husband. When a woman is like this, it's a mental disorder and 99% of the time, this doesn't change. For me, it would take actions to show me thus type of change. Women are just full of words or they think having sex a couple of times, resets everything and then they'll go right back to the abuse and neglect. She's right in these videos, absolutely, but think about this. If a woman has character and integrity, she would NEVER think of treating her husband this way. You can't repair bad character and no integrity. That's ingrained in people. It's a sad thing to go through.
@thehappywifeschool Ай бұрын
@hurricaneaquatics, thank you for your comment. "People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built." - Eleanor Roosevelt
@hmurchison8123 Ай бұрын
Marriage is a GAME. A Husband cannot do everything his wife wants. A list of demands is a plea for control. If she can convince hubby to dispatch the list in the hopes of making her happy she's assured near absolute control. The smart hubby understands that "this" isn't the worst part. If you give her everything she wants and she is still plagued with unhappiness then she's got two options. Confront the real nemesis which is HER or flake out with the "he's a good guy that does everything yet i'm still unhappy. I love him but i'm not in love with him[vomit]" Either way there is an uncomfortable reckoning coming for him. When it's time to tell the truth.
@pauldrozdowski3710 Ай бұрын
If the husband actually dispatches the entire list, the wife will realize that she is in fact control, and she will lose whatever respect for him she had left, for having relinquished his authority.
@Cougs2894 Ай бұрын
They complain about you when you don’t do things they ask you to do and then blame you for their unhappiness when you do the things they ask you to do. It’s a no win.
@l-vbordercolliesbryanbaque6237 26 күн бұрын
Oh, there’s other other options my friend but they’re not as nice as the ones you showed there. I hope you get one of those not the ones I got.
@PSB-900 Ай бұрын
My wife and I are retired 5 years now. I thought some things might change when that happened but it's the same (in this order): Grandchildren are #1 priority, her job is #2 priority (working her old job 10-20 hours per week) from home, watching television is #3 priority (curse of the DVR) and 'maybe' I'm squeezed in as #4 priority. Intimacy? That's maybe #10 on the list and I feel like I'm begging and getting rejected all the time.
@outsane1 Ай бұрын
My wife has our son as #1. her job as #2. her exercising is probably #3. The dog is #4. Her tv shows and #5 then her mom and family her friends I am someplace after that and sex or intimacy is off the end of the paper. I don't need anything from anyone else. I can and do everything by myself I cook, clean, can fix or build almost anything, the only thing I ask of from her is to have sex every now and then. Then after I work twice as many hours as her and make dinner and wash the dishes and get our son ready for bed I then collapse into bed for 5ish hours of sleep just to do it all again the next day.
@grumpikinsstinkamus9134 Ай бұрын
Your lists are wrong. Her top priority is making you as miserable as possible because you need to be punished for being the MAN she MARRIED!
@stevesmith1493 Ай бұрын
Don’t beg.Tell her you’ll get it from another woman and mean it! Go do it!
@dr.vonslifeinvesting6485 Ай бұрын
@@outsane1I remember those days you need to stop doing everything
@ashinch0r Ай бұрын
​@@outsane1 There myself, because my kids need me to, not because of her. She is as emotionally abusive to them as she is to me.
@oliviabolton7511 Ай бұрын
Wife here 🙌🏼 My marriage is a mess and I’m trying hard to do what he needs. Ive been watching these videos and putting in much effort. I put his needs and his feelings before mine also all the time. How do I know if he’s a good man and I’m the problem? I know there’s a video on it but it didn’t really give specific situations or examples. So confused and sad 🙁
@ephram50 25 күн бұрын
Go to her website and contact her.
@jackfenton2271 Ай бұрын
Nice is a personality trait. Kindness is an action. Kindness is everything.
@ghostoferlock Ай бұрын
If women were more equal and took accountability, things would change dramatically for the better.
@ghostoferlock Ай бұрын
I can't agree with everything you say, but realizing you are the problem and projecting it on your husband, that takes a lot of courage. Saying it for people to hear, I think you just earned the respect of everyone watching. Much respect...
@thehappywifeschool Ай бұрын
@ghostoferlock, I appreciate you taking the time to make such a thoughtful comment. Thank you.
@ghostoferlock Ай бұрын
@@thehappywifeschool appreciate you saying the truth, and showing vulnerability to people. It's being open like that, which can inspire change.
@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 Ай бұрын
they will never because that implies accountability.
@Sydebern 12 күн бұрын
I tend to be cynical about this too, but Karyn shows accountability here. So other women can too, in theory...
@derpderpington5433 Ай бұрын
Bish wanted an open marriage. I waited 12 seconds to give her a reply. Hell no. Divorce. I had been walking on eggshells for 11 years, give her everything paid all the bills went to the stupid inlaws, put up with everyones crap. Did i really need 12 seconds? No. I was already gone in 3. Cars, house dog, kids liquidated in. Few seconds. Shows how much i despised the life i had. Every day emasculation, beatings while i slept. Putting me down in front of my own family. Done. Itried staying close but the violence and court antics were too much. I moved 1000 miles away and found peace. I have a car, job and home i could never have while married. I enjoy life again. 🎉
@anthonywarren1317 23 күн бұрын
💯🎯 good for you brother.....
@loverofgolf Ай бұрын
Karyn you have convinced more good men to walk out the door than you can ever imagine. Of all people it takes a woman to see things from the good man's perspective.
@MrJfortheElohim Ай бұрын
Did she convince men to walk out the door or from a broken woman who didn't want to do the work on themselves to be a better version of an obedient person?
@loverofgolf Ай бұрын
@@MrJfortheElohim I think she convinced many good men to walk away from an impossible situation.
@joegaccetta5799 Ай бұрын
I hope she’s not convincing you to walk away but rather know what you’re dealing with so you can try to take leadership back in your family. Get your family in church, try to get your wife to marriage Bible studies. Men don’t give up. Nowhere in the Bible is it trying to convince you to walk away. That’s not the answer. Good men need to fight for their covenant. It’s not gonna be easy, but God instituted marriage and we need to bring God back in the equation.
@MrJfortheElohim Ай бұрын
@@joegaccetta5799 Are you obeying the commandments and laws of the Bible?
@MrJfortheElohim Ай бұрын
@@loverofgolf I beg to differ, but what she is doing is bringing truth to a bunch of lies feminists put in place.
@Mix-wj2ew Ай бұрын
Thank you Thank you! It was me! It was a bitter pill to swallow but couldn’t be happier now. So glad to have found you. 😳😀
@landunlocked2423 Ай бұрын
Being a good wife is noble is an awesome quote
@luisphilip2694 Ай бұрын
Where do you find her?
@DanHoller-eb6xt Ай бұрын
there’s only one & she’s taken!
@joegaccetta5799 Ай бұрын
They are out there, but they gotta stay rooted in the word of God! My wife was there for part of our marriage, but when she drifted away from God’s word and started listening to other women all hell broke loose. I’m praying that he wakes up and sees that everything she’s ever wanted, she already has. I hope she can find happiness in herself and stop blaming others and wanting to live as a victim.
@peterdelbove2838 Ай бұрын
As usual, remarkable and spot-on insight Karen! Thanks for your voice.
@JAG214 Ай бұрын
More women need to hear what you are saying but I am sure this video won't get to most women and on top of that most of the comments on this video are by men if not all at the time of my comment
@urbanart7325 Ай бұрын
My wife is a physical therapist. Not one massage in 32 years not even on my birthday. Getting divorced. The financial burden on me
@StillnessofMind 28 күн бұрын
I am a Physical Therapist and I am appalled by that !! Sorry to hear that man. I do a ' special ' 1 hour Massage for my girlfriend once/month but strictly only on the condition that she treats me like a King.
@Mattheus217 Ай бұрын
The hard thing is only getting crumbs, you are glad for little bits of good, but really you are starving. Ross Rosenberg discusses this in his videos. Then one day you take a cold hard look at your starving relationship and realize how poor it is, how way off balance, and blame is constantly thrown at you to give more. If you’re broke, you can’t pay to help someone else in need. It’s not possible or sustainable.
@johntiggleman4686 Ай бұрын
@Mattheus217 It's what I refer to as Zero Return On Investment. I am trying to do less for her, bit by bit, or delay as long as possible something she wants done. Nothing for her birthday, anniversary, Christmas or any of the times I used to get flowers for her for no reason.
@CWU2006EOY Ай бұрын
How is it that you can see these truths and confidently expound on them when so many wives, obviously, cannot or will not?
@thehappywifeschool Ай бұрын
@CWU2006EOY, thank you for your question. I was hungry for truth and real change - it didn't come without a few temper tantrums, though : )
@Shewizardxx 23 күн бұрын
This is really eye opening . I’m exactly the kind of woman u described in the beginning
@Shewizardxx 23 күн бұрын
I’d like to add that I think we behave like what we have seen growing up , for instance I have noticed most of my toxic behaviours are exactly how my mum used to behave , and I thought that was normal . It’s only thanks to searching online and on KZbin that I stumble upon such great content which has taught me otherwise . Frankly I would have never known my mum was always pointing out the flaws of my dad throughout my childhood , I have learnt to have similar sky high expectations of my husband and thus be almost perennially unhappy . Thanks ma’am
@PushingThroughThePain Ай бұрын
It's sad that this is so widespread that women actually need to be advised to be nicer in their marriage
@Karloz-zr3hv Ай бұрын
Isn’t it funny how they start of do nice then you get engaged have a baby etc then they start to show the real them and how horrible it is no respect accountability honesty loyalty and it’s all because it’s our fault we want them happy we work hard keep things running hold the family together while they chase happiness yet we are the worst person ever go figure and they are the victim
@Mix-wj2ew Ай бұрын
Such a great wake up call for many women. Great content. Thanks.
@ManzaMvsa Ай бұрын
Sometimes I say “Those Muslim Men treat women so bad” But as the years have gone by and I have seen what modern women have become I slowly began to understand why those cultures treat women the way they do.
@TroyStevens430 Ай бұрын
I think back now on my (failed) marriage and recall how often I would just say to her, "can't you just be nice to me?" As men that's all we really want, but for a lot of women even that simple act would represent relinquishing too much control. It's all about control, guys. Understanding that makes all her weird, manipulative behaviour make sense. No woman will ever treat me that way again.
@racebannon96 Ай бұрын
I went through that too. I am still relieved that I got out. Peaceful and stress-free in my home.
@Agent-zd9nn Ай бұрын
My ex-wife committed heinous crimes against me before divorce. He deprived me sexually, became unsupportive frantically, got pregnant forcefully, tried extreme domination to cut me from my family, committed extreme adultery then left house one day like a thief and aborted our unborn child brutally. 🙂
@HomelessShoe Ай бұрын
I truly understand what you're going through, guys. I might be an odd cookie, but I often find it more exhausting than fulfilling to have friendships with women, so I tend to spend more time with men. You guys are refreshingly direct, without the mind games or causing (unnecessary) drama.
@GG-mf3rz Ай бұрын
How would one get themselves out of victim mentality or how can a husband red pill his wife on the topic of victim mentality?
@Susan-fg3nv Ай бұрын
She has a course for men
@Nordic_Sky Ай бұрын
It's pretty obvious what she needs to do. Will she do it? Nope. Why? She will never see this video.
@Ragnarok_Rider 23 күн бұрын
So I have realized over the last year that I am the problem towards my man and my toddler children. Particularly since Jan, I've been going through a very personal awakening process. But I still feel stuck on how to get out of the victim narrative causing me to react in major anger when I feel disrespected and ignored. Did you just wake up one day and say, "no more, I'm gonna do things differently" and it was like flipping a switch? Or was there a process to redefining who you wanted to be as woman, wife, and mother and it take some time for the transition to stick? I've only watched a few of your videos this morning since I went to my man and told him how angry I was at our 4yo and that I didn't know how to react without being angry...so he sent me one of your videos 😅 of there's a better video to watch where you talk about my questions, feel free to direct me there 🙏🏻
@Onthebeach002 Ай бұрын
Hello and you nailed it. I would fall on the sword, but why? She wouldn’t acknowledge anything.
@enrgpro Ай бұрын
I really appreciate your content, keep up the good work
@kontaktkomp9204 21 күн бұрын
You are amazing!
@allinfortheKing Ай бұрын
You are so smart
@milesdragicevic6256 Ай бұрын
How I wish ohhhi wish my X would have listened to the truth you speak!!❤️
@ryanfroelich696 24 күн бұрын
Amen again
@grim3897 Ай бұрын
IMagine having to explain someone that they need to be nice in a relationship, whatever kind it is. Many men need to be strong and walk away if their kindness is not answered with kindness, and of course, never apologize, never go back no matter how much they beg, no matter how much they cry, because women never cry for men, just for themselves
@user-sy6jf4hm3t Ай бұрын
Be nice, until it's time to not be nice ~ James Dalton.
@Tarsen-qb2ub Ай бұрын
Karyn, can you tell me about your differentiation between needing to love yourself and be a strong individual vs a woman falling into more traditional roles of being a homemaker while the man is viewed as the "provider" for the woman? How do these viewpoints harmonize in the relationship structure you talk about?
@BrosinsMusic Ай бұрын
If I ever have another serious relationship with a woman, if there is ever another woman that wants my commitment, its now part of my requirements that this channel be studied, notes taken and what was learned reported back. If she cant or wont do this, I don’t want her around. This channel will be used to vet future partners.
@BrosinsMusic 22 күн бұрын
and this is how fast I learn, commitment is really the issue, this is a game of words and agreements for the Man, its mature to not participate is that game of words at all. for example , the relationship, she will want to put it into words, what are we? a couple? are we just dating? is this serious, is it not serious? Marriage? See, instead just going with the flow, they are pressing the Man to put it into words, to make agreements and ultimately to commit. Im going to say it, commitment ruins it, Im still married right now, for 20 years, and I knew in the first year I had made a big mistake. You know how everyone makes the generalization that everything changes after you get married? Well it’s largely in part to the chase being over, and I wont let that happen again. Im hot 🥵 the chase is on, I get attention from Women everywhere I go, this is a competition and it always will be. Karyn has to face that as well, her behavior will dictate how the Man responds and he can go get another Women on a whim, so she better be careful. Heres the point, Instead of committing to a Women, I choose to commit to God instead. :Mic Drop: 🎤
@skip123davis Ай бұрын
virtue is its own reward
@alexfafoutakis Ай бұрын
So f’ing true…the thumbnail says it all
@bradchar1 29 күн бұрын
Do these ideals work for sex during menopause?
@sgttim8617 16 күн бұрын
Yup, yup, YUPP !!!
@goofy3908 Ай бұрын
You and Kevin Samual and you start to get an idea of a relationship that will last
@carlmanis879 Ай бұрын
The husbands are two weak they are not acting as the head of the house hold. God made man the head of the house hold. The devil made the womans movment to go against Gods law. Remember who hands out rewards as the head of the house hold. Besides how can she feel safe with you if you are a push over for her.
@smokingcrab2290 Ай бұрын
All the woman does is fight you. And when you put her in her place she cries victim and leaves
@carlmanis879 Ай бұрын
@@smokingcrab2290 Cry if you want to but it not changeing my mind. If you leave then good riddens, my happy life begains. Man up.
@Myopiniononly Ай бұрын
With social media now they portray everyone mainly males as narcissists so sad women read into this and start to say oh that’s my husband and I had enough I’m divorcing him so sad
@russholcomb 29 күн бұрын
how do you red pill my wife?
@Dciara 16 күн бұрын
Your channel seems to focus on women as the primary problem in relationships, but let's address a glaring oversight: the necessity of defining what constitutes a good relationship with a good man. A woman can only thrive as a good wife when she is with a partner who respects her, ensures her safety, and refrains from abuse or infidelity. It is astonishing that you fail to emphasize this critical disclaimer. By neglecting to clarify this, you are perpetuating a toxic narrative that allows men to deflect responsibility for their actions. Your messaging is being misused to justify harmful behaviors, enabling men to blame their wives while they neglect their own failings. This is not just irresponsible; it’s damaging. You must recognize the importance of highlighting that a healthy relationship is a two-way street, and that a man's role in providing respect and safety is non-negotiable. Without this acknowledgment, your content risks enabling a cycle of blame that can have severe consequences. It’s time to take a hard look at the implications of your words.
@IvoZ. Ай бұрын
Karyn, I did your course for men and it was a game-changer! If you ever have a woman from Switzerland completing your course: you have my data, please give her my email, I am interested in dating her 😀!
@HazellHurst_Pastora 17 күн бұрын
This is really damaging
@Dciara 16 күн бұрын
I wholeheartedly concur: her message is not just misguided; it’s dangerously toxic. She consistently neglects to clarify that for a woman to flourish and embody the qualities of a happy, good wife, her partner must provide safety, security, respect, and other essential attributes that define a truly good man. This glaring omission in her content is profoundly irresponsible. By failing to articulate what constitutes a good man, she enables a troubling dynamic where inadequate men feel justified in blaming their wives for relationship issues. These men, often the ones who treat their partners poorly, latch onto her videos as validation for their toxic behavior, all while ignoring their own shortcomings. It’s imperative that she acknowledges the critical role of a man’s character in fostering a healthy relationship. Without this fundamental distinction, her messaging perpetuates a harmful cycle of blame that undermines the very essence of partnership.
@mr.e8432 19 күн бұрын
"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. " -Phil 2:3 It's as simple as that, if the wife does that for her husband, and the husband does that for the wife, they're golden.
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