When An Artist Copies Your Art - Tips For Artists

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Rafi Was Here

Rafi Was Here

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@gina-mariehammer7238 5 жыл бұрын
"I've seen very talented artists who do 0 marketing, because they're afraid to post their pictures.." You *totally* hit the nail on the had with this. This is a conversation that happens between my business-world father, my cautious-mother, and I - the artist. It goes something like this. "I think I'll discount bulk boxes of my cards, because if people buy them in bulk, they'll send them out around the country, and then other people will see my work. The cards have all my info on the back, so it will be like marketing and exposure that *I* got paid for!" (I actually got that advice somewhere else, along with advice to trade with other artists, and to do prints and trading cards whenever possible, to increase exposure.) Of course, my parents advice is to not do ANY of those things, because my work is very different, and someone may steal it. (At least, around here nobody had seen anything like it - although in the last show someone added a few extra boxes and checks to a painting, and it might have been inspired by my work in the last couple of shows. Maybe.) They say things like, "You don't want people to buy prints. You want to force people to buy your originals! If they like your stuff, you don't want to give them cheaper ways to get it. You want them to have to pay full price!" or "Doing cards is a mistake. Your work will be all over the place and anyone can copy it." Since I've only been doing this for a couple of months, I can only say this: Your response, Rafi, is unilaterally the advice I've heard from artists in this area: People will copy your work. Think of it as another form of exposure and move on, unless they're really taking a lot out of your pocket. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. In a few months, I may find that I've made a mistake with prints and cards, but so far, the exposure is priceless, and that's what I need. I can't hide and expect to sell my art if nobody sees it. (Sorry about the length of this. If you can't tell, I'm sort of power-watching your videos. I'm so glad I found your stuff!)
@terataylor158 9 ай бұрын
@gina-mariehammer7238 I’m with you 100% on this. (Another long read, lol, I also binge on Rafi and Klee when I can, I love their content and artistry!) As an entrepreneur in a different field of creative art I’ve learned a few things. One is art is for everyone, and should be accessible at a variety of price points. This is why prints, postcards, greeting cards, and other merchandise are viable options for those who fully respect the prices of the originals, but are unattainable for their budgets. I buy packs of greeting cards with art I love from local artists so I can share this wonderful thing with other wonderful people. I love and display prints (or postcards or greeting cards that I have framed) with as much pride as I would an original, dollar value and resale price be damned. True, art is an investment, but the reusable fabric bag my husband brought home from Austria (a once in a lifetime trip with our sons) has a gorgeous Klimt print on it. I adore it and take it almost everywhere with me. I’m complimented by people who don’t recognize it or the style of the artist. (*Gasp!* The art historian in me must give a tantalizing morsel of information that would encourage individual research by this unfortunate person, obviously a product of the American public school system. That’s a different conversation though, rife with my own personal experiences and opinions.😂) When my treasured souvenir starts to wear out, I’ll make a decorative pillow out of it. 😊 Secondly, in search of creative inspiration, discovering my own style, voice, and how to convey my message, I have followed a number of KZbin tutorials, recreating items with a variety of techniques, tools, substrates, and mediums. I have varying levels of success; I alternately love, hate, want to practice more, or am inspired to take in my own direction. Will I sell any of these? No. Those are for me and my own continued inspiration, living on the walls of my tiny studio for my viewing only, with information about the original on an index card attached to the back. I’m not ashamed of them, I treasure them like my beloved college textbooks. (I only keep the texts I love or grudgingly admit a future need for 🤦🏻‍♀️). I may even try a few @rafiwashere pieces someday, as I love and am moved by his work. I’ll start simple, I don’t have the level of technical skill yet to try his ladies or nudes. They are a beautiful aspiration though, as are some works from a variety of other artists whose work resonates with me. Those successful pieces or happy accidents are mine alone, because trying to pull off a copy to sell as my own is a d0u(h€ bag move. 😉
@carstenbohemus8501 4 жыл бұрын
”Good artists borrow; great artists steal.” Picasso.
@mattahlschwede4810 Жыл бұрын
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If somebody is copying my art, I figure it means I did something right, that they would want to be like me. Really, it is a compliment.
@susanc.houghtondogandfolka3163 5 жыл бұрын
I had an art show and months later another artist was showing her art and one piece looked a lot like mine. There were some differences but the theme and buildings were the same. She even gave it the same title as mine
@lauragammonsstudios 5 жыл бұрын
It drives me up the wall...thank you! A local gallery/studio owner and someone she leases studio space to have been **ahem** heavily inspired by my art for over a decade. I have popped into their space and seen images my work up on their monitor TWICE. You would think that two women with art degrees and lives of leisure could do a bit better. 🙄
@cmralph... 4 жыл бұрын
People do this shit to me all the damn time. I used to get angry and depressed. Now I just don't care. You're 100% correct. Great video - I'll be sharing it.
@NoodlePoodle1234 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this seriously. Someone did this to me. It hurts.
@traceyjohns3490 5 жыл бұрын
Gees it's so hard I had a load in my studio yesterday and she stood an described to the finest detail a painting I'd exhibited in an exhibition that she'd been to. She said she was going to paint this picture. Blatantly with no 'Oh I saw your painting of...and I'm going to copy ' she described it like she'd come up with the idea! There was another client present and I was stunned! When she left I showed my Instagram to the other lady which contained said painting. The lady said omg that's what she just described!!!! It's not the first time either. She's copied loads of my stuff and someone actually said to me oh your work is like this ladies. I wanted to punch the wall I was so annoyed!!!! I want to be able to just forget about it but it's difficult because she tries to exhibit in the same shows as me and I'm not that big of artist that anyone would care to take the original. It's just so annoying!!!!
@tjduprey 4 жыл бұрын
I would have stopped her, calmly, and stated "you're describing my painting. Why?"
@theanataro 4 жыл бұрын
Your videos are soo good, I feel like I am just having a down to earth conversation with a fellow artist
@ieri_creations 6 жыл бұрын
I used to be really into drawing dragons, and during my senior year of high school a girl stole one of my paintings. The following summer she was selling a bunch of my dragons for like $300+ at the Annual Art Walk around the square. When people came to my booth, they would say that I was ripping off someone else. No one in my home town wanted my art because they thought I had stolen from her. I never had any success as an artist after she stole my dragons from me until I moved 3 states away to North Dakota. According to my sister, that girl is still selling my art style as her own. I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if people didn't think I was an art thief.
@Eckertainment 6 жыл бұрын
Shantelle Carey i totally get where you're coming from. I have a student film online that a bunch of people have tried reuploading and passing off as theirs. I had a few commenters accuse ME of theft and it was only a few... but man did it boil my blood.
@Eckertainment 6 жыл бұрын
and i hope you're doing better now! It hurts I'm sure. No one wants to be so thoroughly betrayed like that. But imagine it this way. Clearly, you were on to something if she was able to sell your style. And she obviously is NOT as talented or original if she had to stoop to theft...plus I like to think one day karma will bite her in the @$$ for it :D one day people will tire of her repeated dragon art, and she'll either have to stoop again to theft or her success will be over. People eventually get bored with a one trick pony.
@aaronfuksa2047 6 жыл бұрын
dang, that means all you have to have is a big sign on your booth saying: Originally created by me!, end of discussion.
@ShawNshawN 5 жыл бұрын
so terrible
@LadyArtist3059 5 жыл бұрын
Oh My God, that is terrible.
@BreakingArt1 5 жыл бұрын
I do mostly Digital art. One of my fb members copied my photos from social media and posted them to fine art America to sell merch. And small prints. I contacted fine art and they told me, "unfortunately due to the fact that you cannot actually prove you created these pieces you will have to pursue legal means on your own". I replied with links to dated KZbin videos of myself creating the work. My subject was are you sure I cannot prove I am the artist? They took my work down off the pretenders page. I little different then the video. But very beneficial to film and document whatever you can in my experience.
@notimpressed100 3 жыл бұрын
Hah! I'd like to see them copy your figurative work! You are a very talented artist.
@mxferro 2 жыл бұрын
Remember...you can't copyright a "idea". It's the physical manifestation or creation, "end result" made which is copyrightable. The finish piece (and it must be a "finished piece") is the artists real world product of his/her visual of a idea. But your creation of a idea should be different. The statement of "good artist copy,great artists steal" is not to be interpreted directly but instead it is , as Adam Kurtz says, ( “is intent.” Imitation is laziness or refusal to accept your influences. Inspiration is recognizing that influence and turning it into something new: “Great artists steal” is at its root about finding inspiration in the work of others, then using it as a starting point for original creative output. Artists may recontextualize, remix, substitute, or otherwise mashup existing work to create something new. Sometimes it’s as simple as calling something art".)
@CalicoCollage 5 жыл бұрын
This was recommended to me by KZbin and it was much needed. Thank you for opening my mind and helping me see my own situation in a better light. You both are such great people, thank you for sharing your time and creating such great videos.
@gnarthdarkanen7464 5 жыл бұрын
The hardest part about dealing with a "petty art thief" (that individual who copies to sell) is laughing it off to keep your own energy fresh... BUT do that, and it's a "when" rather than "if" they embarrass themselves. I used to make money trading prints or "flash" in tattoo shops... AND one day I ran into a guy I'd heard I was stealing art from... He was in a shop selling cheaper sets of my last "series" (so about three months old at the time)... AND I unwittingly greeted him cordially only to notice the Tattooist actually scrounging cash out to buy the 3-mo-old set... To whit, I asked (innocently?) "Um... don't you want the latest series?" There was a sort of loud conversation after that, which I shut down when I just picked up a pencil and scratched out the older series off-hand in about ten minutes... (no xerox = LOTS of practical practice) Then I laid down a second sheet of paper, offered the pencil to my accuser, and crumpled the "original flash" on the table into a wad. "Hey! You owe me 250 bucks a sheet!" "Draw it again, and I'll give you 450." I replied. "I did it in ten. OR you can pay me my 250% royalties." He struggled with one of the sketches for almost half an hour... and the Tattooist had him tossed out... I gave the guy a break, since Flash was going at 300 a sheet on new stuff at the time, I said he could get both sets for the original 250 asked... AND bang! Instantly loyal customer... Laugh because it's easier AND because art thieves are a joke until their corporations that don't have to abide laws anyway. ;o)
@BlackCat_2 Жыл бұрын
Many years ago I developed an interesting in sculpting with polymer clay. I spent a lot of time watching tutorial videos etc. to learn from. Eventually I was turned off from it because these same people offering the tutorials or in depth process videos were then getting mad when someone was selling something they learned to create from the tutorial. Also they had all these copyright notices in or on the video somewhere stating all the rules about following the tutorial etc. and how you could use what you created from it. Many said only personal use and you could not sell them etc. To me that was ridiculous. If you don't want anyone making copies of what you make then don't offer a virtual class on how to create it. - Heidi
@poetrysoul8643 6 жыл бұрын
This is usually quite a fiery topic. The ones that created the work either accept this as some form of flattery or they are super annoyed/angry about it. I myself had instances where people not just copied my stuff but I also once had this young woman selling the wedding jewelry set she comissioned from me as something she did before she even payed for it. How about that!? And as for the copies, as you said, they were not nearly as good due to lack of technical skill. Today, I wouldn't be pleased to see someone doing the exact thing after seeing it from me... but I wouldn't be as angry either. At least they had to make some effort in the process of recreating the piece. What does still rub me the wrong way is when people take it so far and take the photos of someone's work and claim it as their own. That pisses me off becuse, in comparisson, I personally first have to create my piece, then I have to do the setup, then I take photos with professional equipment and then I do the photo-editing. And for someone to take the end product and claim it as their own is just a lot. (And no, watermarks don't stop some people.) I am too old to be surprized but still even I sometimes get quite amazed to see how far are some people willing to go with their lies. LoL (This goes way beyond the theme of art copycats though. The fact they are such pathological liars and that they even exist is what pisses me off the most. 😂😂😂 LoL) Anyway as with other things in life these days I am able to remain in the place of calmness simply due knowing the truth and living that truth. And that being enough for me. I know I created something from the inspiration I felt and I know I did everything else from that pure place and that is enough for me. What someone else does with it after is out of my control. And definitely not something I should worry about. What someone else does is something that is going to tax their Soul and not mine. If being so deceitful is their path, well good luck to them because they are sure going to need it... sooner or later...
@GAWells-lj7qo Жыл бұрын
Absolutely lurve your videos, fun and very helpful. So glad I found your channel.
@jengoodwyn2715 4 жыл бұрын
I did stumble upon someone on Instagram stealing art online and selling prints as theirs. Two artists I followed were featured. I did pass the info on to the artists and they did report it I wasn't impressed. I'm glad I passed the info on.
@joan-lisa-smith 4 жыл бұрын
Downgrade and shrink the pix of work you post that are straight on shots. This way you can sell nice prints using your original but anyone who tries to print anything larger than a 6x8 that they lift offline gets a blurry or pixilated image that's unsellable. You can make them just large enough that they look ok on a laptop, and are super clear on smaller screens, but not printable.
@jengoodwyn2715 4 жыл бұрын
@@joan-lisa-smithThank you! That's awesome advice!
@BoxedCrowable 5 жыл бұрын
This is the video that made me subscribe. XD That song was amazing. Going through your videos thanks to a suggestion and haven't regretted it yet.
@melinalortie1526 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. I just got copy to day and this video helped me to find my smile back. I went to a djob interview to Day and the the person who interviewed me looked at my portfolio. The interviewer said that he saw the same project presented the same way in an other portfolio of someone else he interviewed last week. So the interviewer thought i copied someone elese's portfolio. I Was angry all day until i fond your video :) Thank you
@timclemons8719 3 жыл бұрын
Very helpful!! Thank you Rafi and Klee
@babyblue61549 3 жыл бұрын
Agree with us 100%. Great attitude and so true. 👍🏻
@amieperryman7421 4 жыл бұрын
Really appreciate your perspective. My husband (who is currently deployed, active duty US Navy) did something very special (he thought) by taking an image I had posted years ago on my FB page (artist unknown at the time) and I had raved about...and had a friend burn the image on a beautiful piece of wood. This was then mailed to be from Japan where he is stationed. I had no idea he did it and he was so proud to give me the gift for our anniversary. I didn't think anything of it and posted a pic on my FB page as the proud recipient. I get THE NASTIEST threat from the original artist (whom after years of searching for her I found, friended and offered to help her with marketing!) threatening us with a lawsuit for STEALING her work. REALLY? I took the post down (and her nasty public comment) and messaged her directly explaining that he didn't know... and he was just trying to be a good guy... she lost her mind over it. I completely understand original material and don't at all disagree with her on that issue....but my GOD. I am a loving adoring FAN of hers and she totally showed her inner black-hole of a person. Ruining forever her work for me and my poor husband feels like an ass.... she could have simply contacted me and asked that I take it down, offer me a discount for being such a great fan... I have thousands of friends on FB and am a website designer... would have GLADLY paid penance for my husband's mistake by promoting her and buying a print or something... am I wrong for being to utterly offended by her reaction???
@ArtistRebeccaLS 5 жыл бұрын
Hell no! It’s extremely terrible on print on demand sites where this is happening on daily basis It’s ok to be inspired by a piece - it’s not ok to copy, or *steal* plus yes, I don’t like the money side of the art business where people try cashing in. People of the world - Knock offs never work. Another super helpful video Rafi and Klee 👍😊
@aketcham4749 6 жыл бұрын
I actually gave the advice to my daughter that a copy IS the sincerest form of flattery - rather than get upset, contact the person and thank them for loving your work passionately enough to try to reproduce it 😊..and I agree that the original artists' work will always have the emotion and finesse lacking in copies. Even true of photos of work IMO.
@sherrylhenning5630 5 жыл бұрын
RAFI!!!! Thanks for the inspo! LUUUUUUV the black fades top and bottom on Seasons of Change! Not my color palette or style, but hit a dead spell. Now I can go PLAY!!!!! THANKS! Here's what I'm gonna do so you can play with my ideas if you want. I'm probably gonna use the colored ink that's been gathering dust, but I normally use acryllics. Paint parts of the picture on layers of tracing paper, wax paper, or other translucent paper. Stack it and frame it. Its an old Japanese art form, traditionally ink on rice paper. It looks like a foggy day. SUPER COOL effect! Don't know if you can use this idea, but hope you consider it fair exchange for giving me an idea! Thanks again for the inspo!!!!!!! Now back to the video and breakfast!!!!! HUGGGGZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!
@madArt1981 6 жыл бұрын
I love your dynamics with the person (peanut gallery) behind you. No offense intended.
@Marianne_C_O_Art 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for giving me another perspective on this. Also AWESOME tshirt 😁🖖🖖🖖
@sarahholt7256 6 жыл бұрын
Great video and something my husband and I were laughing about a few weeks ago I went to the festival I mentioned on another video. While there I had several people fall in love with one particular piece I had painted from a photo I took. Well several of them came back a little while later telling me someone at the other end of the fest had the same painting but mine looked more finished and thought out Found it and it looked like one of my kids painted it. Good times. lol
@FEARLESSME-JoPaddy- 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you* this is encouraging info* I will now view this problem in a new light.
@heatherjohnson8022 4 жыл бұрын
When I was in college, my teacher had us choose an artist, preferably a past master or someone we really connected to and had us do a series of copies so that we could learn how they mixed, applied and worked with value in their paintings. It was difficult, but I learned A lot! And from there on I developed my own style of painting which, of course, has developed. I still apply that concept to contemporary artists alive today whose art rocks my world and incorporated that into other series of work. But it’s really pathetic intentionally copying another’s style to pull off as your own.
@SlimCase01 3 жыл бұрын
Your wife wins me every episode😂😂
@Laurenjturnerfineart 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Thanks for this ❤️
@ChronicCraftyLife 6 жыл бұрын
Crochet is so different because patterns are patterns. I tend to change every single one I use...but if someone who was at a show I did also crochet and all they made are hats, scarves, shawls...then they see that my toys sell so next year they make a ton of toys. I would probably be annoyed. Luckily I try to have a variety of different things. Klee...your songs are great
@MarinaMartin-yl6zl 5 жыл бұрын
I agree it can be annoying, but anyone can use your idea to make crochet toys. Fortunately we all can look around for best ideas and use them to create. You can't copyright ideas. Hopefully other person will make those toys with different style and spin as it should be.
@insertwittyprofilenamehere 4 жыл бұрын
As an artist it can b very hard to toe the line between copying a work that inspires u and taking ideas from that piece and making it ur own. I'm constantly inspired by other art works, but I do put in an effort to make sure that I make each piece my own in some way.
@seahorsecrazy 5 жыл бұрын
Phone cases on ebay, tattoos of my art without permission, chain stores stealing,hard not to get emotional 😔
@aketcham4749 6 жыл бұрын
I wanted to add that perhaps young people do this because formal art instruction often includes copying the masters...sometimes it might take them a while to figure out the difference between being a student and being an artist.
@SabianArts 3 жыл бұрын
First, that was an amazing Tenacious D reference. 👏👏👏👏👏 for Klee. Second I just recently had someone email me and say that they watched a couple of my videos then tried to make a sculpture out of leather. He said I did everything that you did but yours looks different so can you tell me how you did yours so I can sell it? Hello balls! What I'm currently making is a result of years of trial-and-error. You want to grab a piece of leather and try and make a sculpture? Go for it but I'm certainly not going to give you instruction how to make a piece look exactly like mine so you can sell it.
@DanaHaynes 4 жыл бұрын
Your right about there being no "new ideas".........which really annoys me. Cause I try to be original but the there is a difference between inspired an learning from another artist an just an ass hat. I know there is a project I wanna do, been meaning to do a long time an accidentally ran across a guy doing almost exactly what I planned. Now I'm debating if I even should. Sometimes I think its better not to even pay attention or follow what other artist are doing but then I've also experienced working with a group working towards the same goals together. Anywho, you two crack me up.
@iMakeThat 2 жыл бұрын
4:35 hahaha 🤣 This is the greatest and best painting in the world… Tribute. 😜
@nicnaknoc 5 жыл бұрын
oh wow, now I kinda feel like I need to confess your sunflower ladies - had me writing sunflower and turquoise in my ideas for lithographic prints, so yeah that's happening (and I do do a lot of suggestible naked ladies anyways) - cuz that colour combo just hit right in the good place ;) - can you tell I'm binge-watching your videos very much at random from youtubes algorithm :D
@ShawNshawN 5 жыл бұрын
Ya we used to have this artist in our art coop that would straight copy artists, which it looked bad. Later she would make it her own and then it was good. I never knew why she worked like that.
@leekotvfilms5236 6 жыл бұрын
I fvckin love ur channel lol
@shonaranae4588 5 жыл бұрын
Yep I am at that point the painting does not look like the image in my mind. Thanks for reassuring me it is a normal part of the creative process and to not wait too long before I get back to the drawing board and come up with a creative solution.
@parlevous1 6 жыл бұрын
I totally get what you're saying and what so many artists seem to be having problems with.... but is it wrong to say that I would be secretly kinda flattered if someone wanted to "make a tribute" to my art? lol 😂 I know I'm silly. I agree that it is a problem though.
@CrystalBannoute 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video. This just happened to me, however, she has a huge platform. But ultimately and rationally you are right.
@scrappysinger 4 жыл бұрын
Dude... I didn’t think it was possible... my work is so... well, not high on the hot art list! And yet... 10 days ago, it happened.😖
@kelli8923 5 жыл бұрын
OMG was that "Blinded By The Light?" LMAO!
@littleravendesigns5587 5 жыл бұрын
This is a touchy subject glad you went over this!
@erinakaika2431 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your info and advice given. Do you have Patent Protection on your art Rafi? I come to realise after listening to you, that every artist that ever lived on earth, at the end of the day, we are all behind the Greatest Artist our Creator GOD.
@carolineharnish5633 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, let it go!!
@jpchoatearts6477 6 жыл бұрын
I have always been paranoid about making something similar to someone else and them finding me and accusing me of copying them when I never saw their stuff before :O And also one a separate note, when I was a lot younger I discovered this painter lady and I WAS sooooo inspired by her stuff and I told her how I wanted to learn to paint just like her, meaning it as a compliment, and she got so offended and mad at me. So told me stuff like how I wasn't allowed to paint like her. When I hadn't meant like EXACTLY, seeing her stuff had gave me all kinds of new ideas, that's all! :( That experience hurt my feelings pretty bad, but it was a learning experience too.
@jpchoatearts6477 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah I made the mistake of telling her a bunch of ORIGINAL ideas I was getting by being inspired by her. I thought she was going to be my like new best art friend or something. She got mad and told me all this stuff about I can't paint like her and people collect her paintings. and stuff... oh well, I learned to be afraid of other artists. lol.
@MarinaMartin-yl6zl 5 жыл бұрын
@@jpchoatearts6477 You totally can paint like someone else, just do not copy exact paintings of that artist to sell or pass it on as your original art. You can use somebodies style if you want. It's okay to learn techniques from other artists and copy their styles and paint just like them, nothing wrong with that. That artist was not nice and maybe felt unsecured that you could take her place if you become better then her. But what you wanted to do was not illegal or morally wrong. But I (as an art teacher) always encourage my students to take it to the next step. Don't be like someone else forever, become yourself!
@nadinepartridge2570 5 жыл бұрын
Love the t-shirt. Trekking, eh. Sorry with "eh" I'm Canadian.
@Epscillion 4 жыл бұрын
I have had some very talented and well known artists compliment my work and then rip it off by creating something very very similar, and then get noticed for it because they are famous in the Illustration realm. I brought this up with a group of illustrators who make a living doing art (and are some of the best) and they said deal with it, it may be a jerk move but it's legal. This person, to prove their point, then directly copied a piece of mine a week later. It was awful, I looked up to them and they are in galleries and hosting really big KZbin channels that interview other artists. I feel I can't speak up because they have a larger following, so I just block them instead. What do you recommend when the PROS are copying you and being nasty?
@AngelwithAttitude7 5 жыл бұрын
I found a company using one of my paintings for a free download if you purchase a print, whatever. What’s funny is they have the unfinished painting. It did make me mad, but I let it go.
@pjurda529 4 жыл бұрын
When people say that they are going to copy my painting I tell them that I hope it is a jumping off point for them and not the end product. I am happy for others to learn from my stuff but would be even happier if they take it a step or two further.
@manuelaherr9027 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Rafi! I totally get what you are talking about. But my opinion on this topic is, I am not a proffessional artist, yet. I do have a lot and I mean a lot of ideas,that I have to write them down so I don't forget them! I use search machines like picfinder on my phone to get even more inspiration and ideas on whatever is on my mind that time...And yes I even download the pieces that inspires me! But I don't even try to copy another artists work! I think about ways I could turn this idea into my own original piece of Art! I don't think copying another artists work is not okay at all!!! But being inspired by it and make something original of my own,is something totally different and okay. The reason being, we all get inspired by something and sometimes even from a piece of Art work from another Artist! But what do you do Rafi, if the situation comes and copys your original Art and a big company puts it on posters, pillows, mugs, prints and that kind of things and make a whole lots of money with your original Art work??? How do you handle that? Thanks for this helpful video! I appreciate it very much! Be blessed dear Rafi and Klee, in all you do! I totally love and adore you,both! Keep going! Lots of Love from me, Manuela from Germany, to you dear Rafi and dear Klee!!!
@MaiveFerrando 5 жыл бұрын
100% agree with you 👍💕
@eddienilanart9298 5 жыл бұрын
That was good Raffi as always i Enjoy your guys post enjoy the day
@drawrobot 2 жыл бұрын
Curious on your thoughts about AI art. In some ways it’s kind of alarming. In many fields, this could trash a lot of former viable jobs. In art, meat and potato sort of work is in jeopardy. (Ex. Logo design)
@Rafiwashere 2 жыл бұрын
I'm doing research for a vid
@JadeDRail 5 жыл бұрын
I'm not good or known enough for people to copy MY art. HAH jokes on them. *cries in corner*
@AO-qv5hl 5 жыл бұрын
What if someone is a newer artist trying to get out there with their work, and they come up with an idea that is a new to them idea, but later realize that it wasn't entirely original to begin with cause someone else did something very similar, but it's a shared interest? There will be a time in life where a piece of art hasn't already been made, or a tv show, or a movie, or a book, or anything for that matter, aside from maybe slight variations in it from each person. I'm a fairly new potter, and I think for me personally, it can get paralyzing to be worried that maybe I could be copying someone somewhere with a coffee mug idea and not realize it. I mean straight up copying someone's work to the T and claiming full credit is a low blow, but what if that's not always what ends up happening? There's this other girl who's a potter and makes amazing work, she likes embellishments largely what appears to be pertaining to ocean life. But I can relate to her vision on life and art, but then get all worried that it will seem like I'm taking from HER vision when I'm not trying to do that. If that makes any sense. Love your videos! I'm a new subscriber 😊
@AO-qv5hl 5 жыл бұрын
Like deliberating stealing their idea and claiming it as original. Gotchya 😊
@AO-qv5hl 5 жыл бұрын
It's interesting cause when I met this other potter at an art fair I went to, when I immediately saw something she made it reminded me of a drawing I did years ago. Same exact concept, and I had just met her recently, but I made my drawing 4 years ago. I was like, yeah we something in common in our artistic vision. But I'm hoping I won't seem like I'm trying to "copy" or in other words steal from her ideas. Especially cause that's not the intent.
@MegaJoanna1988 4 жыл бұрын
It's ok if you have a huge following and lots of loyal supporters who know your work. I've had someone copy one of my sculptures making at least 3 replicas of the same one. This person has a larger following than me and sells more art. So it really pisses me off that she's getting credit for one of my ideas. It's also shitty if someone sees the sculpture she copied off me and then sees mine thinking I'm the copycat! Grrr!
@jonathanjaeger4242 6 жыл бұрын
Loved this so much I love both of you, I did actually think you did invent painting on wood, you should have kept going with that. Lol this was a great topic, what about this topic when your work just resembles somebody(an famous artist who has passed) and others keep comparing you to that artist. It’s fun for awhile but you’re trying to be original. Oh, maybe do one on consignment if you have not already!!! Thanks Brother.
@karritz1542 5 жыл бұрын
Just about every time I come up with an idea I've never seen done before someone will tell me it is just like the work of some famous artist I'd never heard of until that moment. When I look up their work later I do occasionally see a resemblance. I haven't done anything much for a few years now but am about to start again. Funnily enough I have also had other artists bemoan the fact that my paintings are so unique my work is easily recognised as my own. I've now got to the point where I just do my own thing and try to ignore the rest of it. Im thinking of doing some multimedia things now with materials no artists from the early 20th Century or esrlier is likely to have done.
@suegardner 5 жыл бұрын
Ive got this at the moment, a really bad but obvious copy of my bestselling licensed work. Another artist contacted me to let me know. Apparently the person is selling prints and merchandise with this copy. My instinct is to just let it go, yet it strikes me as so disrespectful at the same time. She has copied my colour choices and even the brush strokes . This is the second copier of this piece, the other is a big company based in china.
@joan-lisa-smith 4 жыл бұрын
It's worth a try to do what a well known and very copied artist I know does to those companies...randomly send the company a big invoice for use of your image,, lol. She said half ignore it but half pay it!
@aaronfuksa2047 6 жыл бұрын
That Sucks. But copiers should stick to free use art, 30% changes, & painting peoples pets, portraits & belongings upon request.
@robmccullough4657 5 жыл бұрын
I really like your videos and watch them often. This one I have to say makes a very valid point however, when an artist takes great pains to demonstrate their techniques on KZbin as well as sell DVD workshops they can't rightly claim someone stole their work. If someone takes a picture of my art, sends it off to be photo copied and transferred to canvas and then sold I would call that stealing my work. If someone sells me a DVD workshop and I follow along step by step and create something similar then I don't feel I stole their work. If someone shows a step by step on KZbin and verbally explains their technique and another artist follows along and creates something similar then I don't think that is stealing either. If you don't want your art copied, don't put a video on KZbin showing how you did it. I personally ask permission from the artist that taught the class, produced the KZbin video or the Workshop DVD if it is alright for me to paint a copy of your art and sell it and I haven't had anyone tell me no. We hear all the time on TV or in the movies that a true Art Curator can spot a forgery in a blink of an eye.... oh how wonderful it would be if I thought someone was concerned about whether their Rob McCullough piece of art was original or not.
@kstephens1991 5 жыл бұрын
Rob McCullough I get what you’re saying, but I think you missed the point. SELLING the piece you did from the videos is the issue. Those videos are done in efforts to help teach techniques, not for a person to copy then sell, unless otherwise stated. It’s still THEIR original work they’ve used as a teaching method, so claiming it as your own and selling it is what creates the “copying” issue.
@carolineharnish5633 5 жыл бұрын
Yes be the innovator!!
@ShoshanahShear 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this Rafi. It's been very helpful. What are your thoughts when it comes to photography? A while back I wanted to develop my photography more and put some photos up for sale on a certain platform. Someone alerted me that one of those images had ended up on a website, no credit or pay for the image. The person could not see any problem with having used my photos without asking permission, pay or credit. Yes it did set me back in selling online especially since when taking it to the community discussion on the platform noone seemed to hear that my art form was photography and I had put the image up for sale not just free decoration of a blog or website
@manicoquita 5 жыл бұрын
Rafi n Chlee scrolling through the comments: Aww so much love and supp- wait what? 🤨
@scorpiostudent4596 5 жыл бұрын
I mean, currently I see supporting comments. Are the others actually supporting art theft? 😥
@manicoquita 5 жыл бұрын
@@scorpiostudent4596 lol I haven't. I think I was just putting myself in Rafi's train of thought for when he saw the one comment that stood out to him
@mattieb5558 5 жыл бұрын
I paint rocks to look like animals, etc. and one craft fair I was at a woman walked up to my booth and literally started taking pictures of all my rocks without even speaking to me. It was a bad feeling. I didn't know how to feel or react.
@samreynolds3789 4 жыл бұрын
Mattie's Catz! SAY “Hell NO “!
@nsr5961 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Rafi I love watching your videos. You and your wife are so awesome. I want to start an art career but I have done at least 20 paintings and they are just sitting at home but as I’m just starting im very nervous about even making the next step. By the way..is it worth it? I’m just asking that because I hate my 9-5 job and I want to eventually just work from home doing something that I love. Oh and make a lot of money! Any suggestions? Tips on how I can take this next nerve wrecking step?
@nsr5961 5 жыл бұрын
Rafi Was Here Studios Thanks Rafi! I’ll definitely do my best. 😌👍🏻
@mxferro 2 жыл бұрын
Not that it's "right " to do it but Artists Jeff Koons, Banksy, Joan miró, Richard Prince ,Andy Warhol , Vincent van Gogh (Japanese prints) and many others do or have done (copies) known as " appropriation art","transformative art" and "deviation art". those are the ones to watch out for. If ever taken to court on a case, the jury has to find if it can hold up to "fair use" definition including.."the effect of the use upon the market (or potential market) for the original work." (Wikipedia). transformative use or transformation is a type of fair use that builds on a copyrighted work in a different manner or for a different purpose from the original, and thus does not infringe its holder's copyright. Transformation is an important issue in deciding whether a use meets the first factor of the fair-use test, and is generally critical for determining whether a use is in fact fair, although no one factor is dispositive.(Wikipedia). If your flat out COPYING another sources imagery ( even if a different media ,such as Jeff Koons going to trial for his sculpture based on a photo!) That's copyright issue and odds very high you'll lose ( what you've made and lots of $$). If your "influence" but do the finished artwork transformative "enough" to meet the courts criteria then your work will be able to stand solely under its own as a art piece. Copying to learn is completely understandable and technique used for all human existence. To profit or "draw away" reputation and possible money sales from another artist is not only weak character..but can, if pursued, cost you big time bucks in a court settlement.
@AnvilandScribe 5 жыл бұрын
I can’t force myself to copy anyone. Most people I see just make mass producible shit, which I can’t stand. I rarely sell any artwork anymore.
@lmarteen2778 4 жыл бұрын
I saw this artist on instagram that gets alot of her inspiration from picasso, so she draws and paints nothing but similar picasso work? And she is selling them for quite a bit of money. What is ur feedback on these type of artist?
@gina-mariehammer7238 5 жыл бұрын
Oh - and subscription button is missing, lol
@jacotromp59581 3 жыл бұрын
If you are going to steal my work, fine. At least make it better, at least take my idea and do something so amazing so that I will look at it and wonder why didn't I do it like that?
@mikebarker5829 3 жыл бұрын
Tenacious Klee
@THEARTURLIVE 6 жыл бұрын
She can sing...
@tjduprey 4 жыл бұрын
But you did tattle on them right?
@taylorj6177 5 жыл бұрын
"Copying others' work is not very profitable..." Tell that to: Beltracchi, Elmyr, Mayer... ;P
@sylviapineda6717 5 жыл бұрын
On yea -+++++thanks calif, u.s.a.
@alphaelement8990 4 жыл бұрын
Your wife is funny ☺️
@lynnwildoner90 2 жыл бұрын
I like how you are talking about people coping your art and Klee is singing the biggest artistic rip off and singing the wrong words to a song written by the BOSS. Funny how things go.....
@errolmichaelphillips7763 5 жыл бұрын
Have you considered copyrighting?
@errolmichaelphillips7763 5 жыл бұрын
@@Rafiwashere I'm referring to "copyright registration". It can be done at the US Library of Congress.
@NickLMears Жыл бұрын
I'd by a crappy rip off painting of one of mine.
@quiettornado1970 5 жыл бұрын
mine got copy by the graphic designer of Ricoh
@quiettornado1970 5 жыл бұрын
@@Rafiwashere tiss why I am so pissed off at the graphic design industry. I went to school with another graphic designer who would copy other famous logo and just change the color. tis why I think Organic nails are a copy of Oprah's logo by this designer I know.
@fkfkfkfh 5 жыл бұрын
They are clones😂
@sailorrmooon20 5 жыл бұрын
Are y'all married?
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