ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@JoelButler-i8j14 күн бұрын
Take your POLICY and shuff it, the constitution and law is what l believe in PERIOD.
@CPIcivrights21 күн бұрын
I absolutely understand his mistrust in the police. I also live in a medium small town, and it has always been corrupt.
@HeavenGateman21 күн бұрын
Delete Policies, Policy is Not LAW
@Youhaverights620 күн бұрын
Chile sadly said don't agree to crimes while he was talking about loud exhaust that doesn't rise far above a substantial evil. Chile I would agree loud is a crime if as he is riding through town everyone on the road side had their ears bleeding. Come on man. You are the only one agreeing to crimes Chile. STOP advocating registrations and policy.
@Milania71721 күн бұрын
0:55 bzzzz lol Chille- luv his reactions!!! 1:16 listen to what Chille is telling you all about here!! Very important- can save your life!!
The hypocrisy, but they can elevate!
@jimdouthitt283120 күн бұрын
Seeing ORANGE Orbs? Copper on Shroomz. 😊
@chiefsmokembud21 күн бұрын
That squad car "Looks Suspicious"
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@xxgeox449821 күн бұрын
Yes 👍
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@Milania71721 күн бұрын
9:37 wow!! The driver is so wrong!! STHU!! And this cop is definitely a seasonal psychopath - he’s using psychological manipulation on the driver!!! WOW!!!
@FoundingFathersNEWz19 күн бұрын
What passive aggressive oath breaker!
@WilliamArbor-r6s21 күн бұрын
Welcome back
@Milania71721 күн бұрын
2:41 Must have it on paper- under the Clearly Establish law- two phase analysis!! Like Chille explained- the cop must be told- informed- (of rights/ case laws)… articulate- and show documentation - this is too Clearly establish- to the copper- in order for you to have standing- and the cop was educated- on case law/ rights- also for copper too loose his qualified immunity- You ASLO then must put the cop on notice: using Trifold- that if he violates and or has violated your rights - he will lose his QI- and deprivation of rights under color of law- 1983 This is the only weapon you have to protect yourself out there- listen America is NOT a free country!!! The police are policing for profit- and YOU- the people are their targets- they’re out there to hunt you down!!! Your life depends on knowing this!
@ReadtheBible8822 күн бұрын
I'm awake now Chili. Bring on the video.
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@robmerriman717221 күн бұрын
1- They're,"High on Consolation" & "Drunk on Perceived Power and Athoriti"OTVO🌶
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@robmerriman717221 күн бұрын
@@NewAgeAninism_Revival Well Said, WELL SAID, my brother! I stand with you , if not in front of you going forward..!!!✌️
@dukeweber72320 күн бұрын
“I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.” George Bernard Shaw
@robmerriman717221 күн бұрын
To Constable Dic'Cheese I'll take a 4x4 Animal style....😂
@JamesBeaulieu-i1i20 күн бұрын
It’s a Canadian cop, we don’t have a constitution we have a charter of rights a freedoms
@Milania71721 күн бұрын
3:49 Chille!!! 🌶🌶 So on point here!!! Listen to what he says here!!! 3:49
@Milania71721 күн бұрын
2:24 Chille on point!! Chille is the best out there who actually does the full analysis of each situation- Here he points out what to do and how to invoke your rights on cop stops- Along with a great analysis of what this cop is doing- the tricks/ psychological warfare they use to incriminate you!! Remember: cops approach- they articulate to manipulate- to incriminate- to escalate- to eliminate!!!
@brandyswaney945721 күн бұрын
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@chrisbelli44521 күн бұрын
Did you see the cops abandon the dying man in st louis?
@centerlinekravmaga351721 күн бұрын
The Information You Put Out Is More Important than Ppl Know 👍🏼
@papabearcamaro19 күн бұрын
@AnaCervantes-he9cg11 күн бұрын
Wow that’s amazing free information!
@jimdouthitt283120 күн бұрын
Milania For The WIN‼️
@RRMM7721 күн бұрын
In a fragile society, laws are not designed to empower individuals but to protect institutions from perceived threats. The ‘Halo Law’ is a prime example of a system that seeks to prevent the discomfort of its agents, at the expense of the public’s right to challenge or observe. This is the same impulse that breeds overregulation and control in a world that should be cultivating antifragility.
@aprilrayne7521 күн бұрын
lol 😂 Chille your the best love the stream Appreciate you hey everybody get a TRIFOLD👍 The copper don’t wanna give us a hard time my Ass. Ugh
@AnaCervantes-he9cg11 күн бұрын
Hell ya I understand 1!
@JeffEndicott-xn4xf21 күн бұрын
You don't come to my door without a warrant period. I have no trespassing signs on my property. And if you do I'm putting you in jail period.
@vicki367121 күн бұрын
Something tells me the police would get out of it, you wouldn't , your neighbor wouldn't but the police would.
@jimdouthitt283120 күн бұрын
Always Invoke your 1st and 5th while recording! Tri-Fold & 5A CopCards will ready you to have a PROTOCOL. ❤❤❤
@Chucky92521 күн бұрын
Ok if you knew he wanted you to roll your window up to see if you have tent, why would u help him in his investigation? I don't think there's a law that you have to roll your window up to help him investigate you for a window tent violation.....
@sherrycorcoran753317 күн бұрын
1. On the contrary the driver caused the officer's emotions to elevate and he needs a moment to breath! However, a driver can't block an intersection, so you must wait to take a left before pulling into an intersection. The officer would had to put on his flashing lights and siren in order to proceed through a red light to chase.
@Milania71721 күн бұрын
@jimdouthitt283120 күн бұрын
I did...❤
@jimdouthitt283120 күн бұрын
@rawbishop488521 күн бұрын
Every and all police are the most crooked. But lvmpd is the worst by far. Las Vegas metropolitan Police department
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@audiophile6416 күн бұрын
He did not thank cop for giving him ticket,and why did he go into that long convo with him after the interaction?
@aprilrayne7521 күн бұрын
HIT THE LIKE BUTTON ❤👍Team DLZ much love We don’t stop.
@diddlethepoodle481221 күн бұрын
9 dollars for something you can print for free? Cmon man.
@adaptivevision4420 күн бұрын
Everybody got to eat stop hating who else is putting out this much consistent content have respect for people who do things others wont
@xxgeox449821 күн бұрын
I cat see
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@xxgeox449821 күн бұрын
Look 👀 good as I walked in you see it close
@MrEdsPirit20 күн бұрын
@Christopher-d3z21 күн бұрын
This guy's licking the boot and swallowing the boot 👢🥾
@vicki367121 күн бұрын
I don't get that ( more than 1 cop) here in small town ohio, it takes a min of 2 cops to write a ticket , sometimes 3 which tells me we are employing way too many cops and all the tax $ we are spending could go for something to help the ppl, we the ppl
@jameslucas565821 күн бұрын
The tint thing is so they can identify the driver without pulling him over and run his plates
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@iyeetsecurity92221 күн бұрын
_{This comment was deleted by KZbin staff for your safety and feelings. _*_The First Amendment is not recognized on this platform._*_ Thank you for your obedience, and don't forget that _*_we own you.}_*
@ponderthis734221 күн бұрын
(Wolves in Wolves clothing) thanks for the tip. I know what to look for. A (black) not a blue uniform anymore!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@donaldkwren21 күн бұрын
I always say "I learned it from you, I learned it from watching you dad." Haha most don't get it those lame commercials were funny. There was this is your brain on drugs with the egg then the one where dude says "Nobody ever says when I grow up I wanna be a junkie. Haha
@dalefrancis864421 күн бұрын
I think he’s trying to say you need one in your car
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@oneeyeopen504420 күн бұрын
Is Susan a real person that messaged you? We would love to see Susan do an unboxing.
@dennisanundson426121 күн бұрын
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@rawbishop488521 күн бұрын
Orange light. Says never. Yellow light
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@jameslucas565821 күн бұрын
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@marciashea364421 күн бұрын
How do i get 1
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Fuck the trifold
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
Amazing did good the other day, but why share instigating!
@DanielsDelivery21 күн бұрын
Be smart... be prepared. Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights This statute makes it unlawful for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person of any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the United States, (or because of his/her having exercised the same). It further makes it unlawful for two or more persons to go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another with the intent to prevent or hinder his/her free exercise or enjoyment of any rights so secured. Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to ten years, or both; and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years, or for life, or may be sentenced to death. Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law Summary: Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any. TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 - Deprivation of Rights Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death. Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 - Pattern and Practice This civil statute was a provision within the Crime Control Act of 1994 and makes it unlawful for any governmental authority, or agent thereof, or any person acting on behalf of a governmental authority, to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct by law enforcement officers or by officials or employees of any governmental agency with responsibility for the administration of juvenile justice or the incarceration of juveniles that deprives persons of rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. Whenever the Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe that a violation has occurred, the Attorney General, for or in the name of the United States, may in a civil action obtain appropriate equitable and declaratory relief to eliminate the pattern or practice. Types of misconduct covered include, among other things: Excessive Force Discriminatory Harassment False Arrest Coercive Sexual Conduct Unlawful Stops, Searches, or Arrests LEARN HOW TO STOP THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR ANY CASE! Fraudulent concealment is a common law doctrine that may be invoked to toll a statute of limitations. Under this doctrine, if a defendant has concealed his misconduct, the limitations period shall start when the plaintiff discovers his claim or should have discovered it with due diligence.[1] It is similar to the equitable estoppel doctrine.[2] The United States Supreme Court adopted the fraudulent concealment doctrine as a federal common law matter in the 1874 case Bailey v. Glover. The Supreme Court stated that the law recognizes that people who commit fraud should not benefit from their conduct. When a defendant engages in fraudulent concealment, the statute of limitations is tolled. Fraudulent concealment occurs when one party intentionally hides or suppresses a material fact that they are legally obligated to disclose with the intent to deceive another party. Here are the key elements required to establish a case of fraudulent concealment: 1. Concealment of a Material Fact: The defendant must have concealed or suppressed a material fact. 2. Duty to Disclose: The defendant must have been obliged to disclose the fact to the plaintiff. 3. Intent to Defraud: The defendant must have intentionally concealed or suppressed the facts to defraud the plaintiff. 4. Reliance: The plaintiff must have relied on the absence of the concealed fact. 5. Damages: The plaintiff must have suffered damages as a result of the concealment.
@ernestoalamo359117 күн бұрын
I love how you cried when masshole followed you.
@gregb815322 күн бұрын
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@libertyblair14 күн бұрын
@charliemccarthy585422 күн бұрын
Thought they shut you down
@charliemccarthy585421 күн бұрын
@ thx for being a white night. Thought I directed my comment to the “ law scholar “
@charliemccarthy585421 күн бұрын
@ my bad. You answer all his comments. 😂
@charliemccarthy585421 күн бұрын
@ joined one day ago 😂😂😂😂
@charliemccarthy585421 күн бұрын
@ don’t need a clue. Not watching anything. Anti American is not for me. Thx anyway
@charliemccarthy585421 күн бұрын
@ guess you had to plead the 5th 😂
@marciashea364421 күн бұрын
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@AFATAFAWP11218 күн бұрын
I used to like Chile but turns out he's woke
I just set up new youtube account just so I could like 🔇☮️🐝🦙🍄🐐🦔🌎
@deborahlyons608721 күн бұрын
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
@NewAgeAninism_Revival21 күн бұрын
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!