The technique where you knock someone, throw the barrel, use a finisher to force the enemy to trigger the gas, then thirst is actually pretty smart. It gives you a mini Bangalore like smoke for cover so it gives you more time to reset. Never seen that before! 🔥
@TiedraindropАй бұрын
2:43 I don’t even know what to say to that sHwEaTy WrAiTh
@littlewilly5422Ай бұрын
Only apex content creator I watch 💯
@ItsWestSiderАй бұрын
Appreciate you 💚
@Emmanuel-ox2xdАй бұрын
exactly west sider is the best
@josephfusselman6818Ай бұрын
Caustic’s my main! Your videos helped me play him better! Hope he gets some buffs in this new season! 👍🏻
@ArecatsbetterАй бұрын
0:02 I fR thought he was bought to say his last Apex episode was about to start crying
@ItsWestSiderАй бұрын
Noo! 🙏
@Dorkness888Ай бұрын
Still love caustic!! Fun to watch👍
@Vendettaplayz69Ай бұрын
This is gonna be insane. I've enjoyed your vids thanks for the gameplay
@FinalOmegaXАй бұрын
Great reset in the 2nd half!
@TiedraindropАй бұрын
I’VE FINALLY CAUGHT UP TO YOU…………….. I’d like to watch all you videos 😊
@Topflight-z9fАй бұрын
🐐love your vids
@ItsWestSiderАй бұрын
Nice 🔥🔥
@graceypatrickАй бұрын
How do you get that skin for caustic
@ItsWestSiderАй бұрын
With heirloom shards because it's a prestige skin 🔥🔥
@abdu7095Ай бұрын
I would like see you play ranked.. Caustic is my fav besides mirage and fuse
@ItsWestSiderАй бұрын
Maybe next season. Ranked has too many cheaters 😢
@QuillyMundo7Ай бұрын
Gg bro! See you next season! Hopefully Caustic gets the Knox-vision as a passive buff, gas traps automatically does 10+ damage/ slows down enemy and gas grenade automatically has 80% area (range) and does 15+ damage.
@ItsWestSiderАй бұрын
That's overpowered! 🤯
@Vendettaplayz69Ай бұрын
@@ItsWestSider That would help a lot to stop the rushers