When wanting to stop resisting causes more resistance, this is what you do:

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Saja Fendél

Saja Fendél

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 34
@pflanzenteller Күн бұрын
Brother, this was so helpful! I was guilty of wanting to remove my resistance to suffering... the scientist approach unlocked a relaxed curiosity🎉
@sajafendel Күн бұрын
So glad man! 🙏
@MelFinehout Күн бұрын
This was one of the better explanations I’ve seen. The breakthrough in “letting go” for me was realizing that the desire to let go, its self, was what I needed to be with and allow. The shift is from letting go of what you “don’t want” to letting go of the “not wanting”. It’s better called “letting be” IMO. “You” can’t let go. The letting go is not really “done” as much as it happens. You don’t let go anymore than you digest your food. You put food in your stomach and the dissolution happens. The same when you put apparent reality into consciousness. All “you” do is decide to “show up” I strongly prefer the word “Acceptance” because if you look at the antonyms for it they are what stop. Rejection, refusal, denial, opposition, etc. but “you” don’t stop them. “You” just bring them into consciousness where they are “digested. The true key for me was to find that everything is already being accepted. That there is an ultimate actuality that isn’t capable of holding on or resisting. It doesn’t emanate from someplace or pervade this and that. It isn’t “you” and it doesn’t in anyway exclude “you”. It is so simply what it is that it cannot be named; all resistance is “it” and so is all acceptance. You can’t tell someone and nobody can tell you. It might be the only thing that is actually ineffable and it isn’t a thing. And this is why the exploration is vital. This cannot be taught or learned. It can’t even be known in any meaning of that word that you can have prior to the recognition. This should be stressed more “YOU” HAVE TO LOOK FOR YOURSELF. It cannot be taught. The looking can be taught, the recognition cannot.
@Ustinmitchell Күн бұрын
You are amazing dude. Labeling everything as perfect, be still and know. This is a state of receiving all of the glory of life, knowing that it is already glorious. Giving it to yourself and experiencing the kingdom within, without.
@sajafendel Күн бұрын
I appreciate you man! 🙏
@robertwaterston3846 Күн бұрын
Thank you Saja.
@sajafendel 20 сағат бұрын
Pleasure as always brother 🙏
@jericosha2842 13 сағат бұрын
Your videos speak to me in a very direct way that penetrates my stubborn mind. Thanks for putting yourself on KZbin.
@BenMaleHealthCoach 12 сағат бұрын
I started visualizing a pendulum when you were speaking: craving and aversion, desire and resistance, being the two scales. If you're investing in aversion/resistance, the scale is out of balance, your Shakti is blocked. Youre suffering. If you're invested in craving or desire (even the desire to end your suffering), you're out of balance, you're blocked. You're suffering. Balance is by letting go of either. Just witness, with curiosity, the world around you, and accept what has and is happening right in front of you. ❤❤ Get curious about it, be in awe of it. Thats when the uplifting energy begins ❤
@AnmolGill-1111 Күн бұрын
We all receive love and authenticity through your videos…lots of gratitude saja!!
@sajafendel Күн бұрын
That’s so sweet, I’m glad 💚
@aaron-hatefi Күн бұрын
I just love when I’m thinking about something and then out of nowhere your video comes and addresses my very thoughts Almost creepy But I like it Also great explanation
@sajafendel Күн бұрын
I appreciate it Aaron 🙏 glad it came at the right time! 🌅
@pspspspspsp1127 Күн бұрын
I promise it can get so much more instantaneous!
@andrewmcmaster6632 Күн бұрын
Your content is very very good - thank you
@sajafendel Күн бұрын
Thank you Andrew 🙏
@LlamaAlarma Күн бұрын
@sajafendel Күн бұрын
@rsz2001 Күн бұрын
Much of what is sold as spirituality is exactly that though, sold as a way to remove your suffering and get your toys and play things of the world. Convert ALL your desires into the one desire for Freedom.
@SpiritualBeingSpiritualJ-ow6pt Күн бұрын
Suffering has a purpose; men learn from it. The deeper the suffering, the more profound the lesson. When a man can’t run from pain, he learns patience. Patience brings acceptance and acceptance leads to wisdom. Pain makes men pay attention, happiness does nothing. If there were no pain, there could be no love because the loss of love brings pain and suffering. To invite love into your life is to accept the possibility of suffering. This is a world of duality, Yin and Yang. There can be no Yin without Yang and no love without suffering.
@ibnenkigalileo9256 Күн бұрын
In a nutshell… whatever we do or do not do to end suffering is useless. Gosh I knew our situation was hopeless 😂
@sajafendel Күн бұрын
It doesn’t mean suffering doesn’t end. It just means that there’s no activity we can do to end it. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t end 🙏
@bond872 Күн бұрын
Can you talk about manifesting?? Can we create our reality ?? Your videos have helped me understand things a lot better, Thanks
@sajafendel 22 сағат бұрын
Yes I’ll do a manifestation video very soon 🙏
@bond872 22 сағат бұрын
@sajafendel thank you 🙏
@samdavidson5511 Күн бұрын
Thanks Saja! I’ve been doing emotionally and mentally well for many months. However, have an EDS genetic disorder and degeneration of my spine and ligaments that I’m trying different things to treat/alomst to reverse it so I can be physically more able and comfortable.. even so I can sing properly again. Are you saying to just stop trying to change it? It does take quite a lot of my thoughts thinking about how and when I’m going to improve things. You have a beautiful day too :)
@sajafendel Күн бұрын
Pain is a mind experience that is the response to a physical experience to tell us that the body is at some lack of integrity (bone broken, thorn in our leg etc) so that we don’t make it worse. Therefore, once we know and fix or address adequately the issue the pain is addressing, the pain should disappear. If it doesn’t even though the issue is perfectly sound, it is likely held onto my the mind. Therefore just like any emotion, we should treat it as such, and let it go 🙏 I have many videos on this, most of which are in the community.m!
@kiryubelmont3222 Күн бұрын
I can also recommend reading on this concept of pain not being physical but of the mind, if it is not adequate for the time taken to regenerate after an injury/issue. Dr John Sarno - The Mindbody Condition and Steve Ozanich - The Great Pain Deception Both books helped me become pain-free.
@nareshs8764 Күн бұрын
How does one transcend materialistic desire of wanting recognition/fame, how does one see through the illusion and realise true self worth independent of external achievement?
@macaroon147 Күн бұрын
It may fade with time. Also, you don't necessarily need to remove that desire. Maybe you have a belief that you should remove that desire? I also had that desire, but it has faded quite a bit with time, it's still there though but very subtle.
@Sander-k4d Күн бұрын
You're not helping anyone solve anything through media. Life is experienced through life.
@Rachel29979 Күн бұрын
You can point through media though :)
@shadoZer 21 сағат бұрын
What are you experiencing that makes you express this first sentence of your comment?
@johndean8052 7 сағат бұрын
You are not the second coming....just a KZbin new kid on the block playing at being a sage with only book knowledge no insight...don't overlook Newtons law...
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