When you buy the perfect horse but it all goes wrong!!

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Steve Young Horsemanship

Steve Young Horsemanship

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When you buy the perfect horse but it all goes wrong!! The dream purchase of an amazing show jumper was a dream come true! only this dream became a nightmare! Everything that could go wrong did go wrong! Things have to improve surely??!! steve-young-ho...

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@raygeorge4553 9 ай бұрын
Horses like people carry trauma and until a different 'pathway' is shown they can repeat the behaviour that they are convinced will keep them safe. Steve, once again helped this mare create a new pathway and allowed her understand that she can do it and survive the day! Every time I watch Steve with a horse I learn another vital skill! 🤠
@joannsmith9 9 ай бұрын
Folks, Steve Young is the BEST INVESTMENT you’ll ever make in your horse! If you’d tried everything else- TRY STEVE ! Don’t give up on your horse TILL YOU HAVE TRIED STEVE. YOUR HORSE DESERVES IT!!!!
@CaliAnimalLover 9 ай бұрын
That horse is gorgeous! And once she really learns that she doesn’t have to guard herself from being hurt anymore, she’s going to be wonderful to have as a partner in riding! PS I’m so glad she’s found a home and a person who loves her and being hurt and frightened won’t be part of her story going forward.
@carolwhite6979 9 ай бұрын
What a lovely horse! So glad she took the time to sort Sidney's issues mental and physical, took real commitment and love.
@seanmueller556 9 ай бұрын
Sydney is an exceptional horse who was relieved to find someone who spoke horse to her. Wishing her a bright future of unconditional love 😊
@Giddyupggs 8 ай бұрын
Can I really say how grateful I am to all of you for helping Steve get these skills out there? Before retiring 5 years ago, I ran a 'school', where I would rescue one horse at a time and rehabilitate it. Most of them were because of behavioural issues and had reached the end of the line. Once I had that current horse to the point that I was happy to put my working students on them full time, I would find the next rescue. The horses would gradually work their way down to more experienced riders, less experienced etc. Almost all of them ended up teaching beginners. Most of my students came to me knowing nothing. I set up my arenas to support the process. I had my two small arenas side by side, each of which I could tape off into 4 squares. The beginners started in 1 taped off square yard to themselves, which then grew to 2 squares, etc. Then they would start to ride with other horses and eventually in the large paddock with the jumps beside the arenas. It was all done in a halter, they could progress to a bridle, if they wanted. Those that chose to normally went back to a halter because it was easier. No having to clean bits and wipe down bridles after each ride! They were taught with loose reins and from the very first ride, they could halt with no reins, just dropping their energy and lateral flexion was the only stop they were allowed to use for quite a while , whether the horse stopped or not. I wanted a strong muscle memory in there. No one, even experienced riders, was allowed to ride until they could handle a horse in every aspect of preparing to ride safely and fairly. For the beginners, that meant 6 - 8 lessons. They had to learn how to read a horse and make sure they had it's attention before entering the stable. From that first lesson, they knew how to move the horse away from the door, put a rope halter on correctly and tie them up with a true quick release knot, that would undo- while the horse had it's weight on it, pulling back. None of the horses had tying problems but there were an occasional pull back from fright. I even taught them that new twine was too strong and they needed to use scrappy bits or strands of the new twine. ( didn't know about your brilliant ties then!) Then they would learn to lead & turn the horse from the horse's outside, while in the stable, so they knew how to move a horse over. I had to teach them to lead from the side but I would draw out a course with chalk that had squiggles and zig-zags and straight lines, that the rider's feet were not allowed to move off of. Through out their little course, there were different size circles, where they had to stop and not allow the horse's nose (or the rest of it), in the circle. Once they had that down pat, they moved to the arena and learnt how to lead the horse in the trot and do the same thing on imaginary lines. They learnt how to lift their energy and drop it, so they could go at a slow or fast walk, and same in the trot. Some of the more athletic ones made the rest of us jealous by being able to keep up with their horse in canter. They learnt how to fairly reinforce an ask, if they needed to. All the riders had to warm up their horses on the ground and have a minimum of 3 girth tightenings, so they had already established some sort of connection before they even got up there. They were taught to do everything from both sides, including mount, how to remind a horse to stand at the mounting blocks, all the things you are teaching. Some chose to learn how to ride just using the equivalent of your Boinging sticks. Some wanted to advance in their ground skills. There were so many directions for them to go from there. I'm writing such a long message because I received so much judgement from the 'regular' riders and I really struggled with it, despite the fact I made it very clear that what I taught was different to most schools and made sure they knew that. I would support the riders in whatever direction they wanted to go. Every time you, Steve, say to someone "because we were never taught it', I have a little surge of pride and but more importantly, affirmation. Something happened last night with a couple of my own horses who used to only be only handled by experienced students for feeding and rugging most evenings. Despite the horses going to their own stables, one at a time, without being led, just made to wait at the gate for their turn, they still picked up little tricks, even from that minimal handling. I pulled the 2 old girls in last night. They've only had basic care for the last 5 years, all of us enjoying forced retirement. I decided to check in on where they were at, after watching so many of your videos. I was playing with different things and an old and regular demon raised it's head, in me, not the horses. I started to feel like I was doing the wrong thing because I was thinking outside the box and not sticking to the protocol of the way I had been trained. It was very much their way was the only way and if you stepped out of that lane, there were actually repercussions and it was made very clear that you had done the wrong thing. I did remove myself from that group after I became a qualified instructor of theirs and started to see a bit more behind the scenes than what was presented to the public. But I still carried that paradigm. So last night, I was playing with my 2 beautiful girls and that old anxiety about doing something different came back. Your words of watch, learn and compare played through my head and I almost cried. I had been trying to do that for a long time but only stretching the 'bounds' so far and feeling wrong for doing it. Those shackles fell away last night, truly all thanks to you. I am now crying writing these words because it is such a relief, so freeing, so liberating and giving me permission to do things the way that I , like I used to when I was younger. It also has given me room to enjoy my training and imagination again. I cannot express how significant this is to me. I have been battling these demons for years, not believing in myself enough to ignore other peoples judgements. Your words will be my mantra as I rediscover myself with my girls. I'm sorry I have purged myself here but I am just so grateful to all of you for making this possible and I really did want you to truly know the impact your hard work has on people. Thank you isn't enough so I'll say God bless you, too. To all of the team. 💖🙏 Oh, and Merry Christmas! A week today! Thank you so much.
@wioi 8 ай бұрын
Hmmm, I know you wrote a long comment and I've read it completely but yet I didn't really understand most of it. You were a riding instructor but you thought your students to ride in a halter??? Also they had to trot or canter aka run next to their horses or? Also I'm not sure if you ment that students weren't starting to ride for 6 to 8 lessons? Etc etc?
@mtngrammy6953 9 ай бұрын
It's such a joy to watch the "magic" that happens with your understanding, patience, knowledge and experience. Starting with a horse that so obviously showed her total mistrust in the stable to her trust and confidence and willingness in the end is wonderful. I love seeing the transformations! You are a blessing to the horse world.
@shawna2boys716 9 ай бұрын
Sydney’s new confidence is splendid. Great job, Steve!
@pol2171 9 ай бұрын
A great outcome for the horse and owner. Sydney did so well and I was very impressed by her loving owner too. She is in good hands. Steve, wonderful job making the horse comfortable and confident to be able to be long reined out and then ridden, great job!
@marciahenry3893 9 ай бұрын
Amazing work, with plenty of serious requests for this beautiful horse. Steve you simply fabulous. This owner is sweet and confident. Uses patience where needed. 😊❤
@novascheller5957 9 ай бұрын
Such a change! That first time down the lane… the confidence and flow of the horse’s stride. Brilliant Steve as always! ❤❤❤
@dove-1234 9 ай бұрын
Just overwhelmed Steve how you tenderly cuddle these walking wounded horses gently back to finding their courage and confidence. Spine pain is so horrendous you’d rather die than have that searing knife like pain shoot through your spine, time after time. Finally , not only is someone listening to her, you are letting her speak…. Thankyou, bless you, forever grateful you find these lost souls and gently nurture back to a safe place of peace and harmony .
@tinedanielsson1531 9 ай бұрын
So happy to see that this horse came to the best owner who really cared for the horse wellbeing and not just her jumping skills. Great to see her progress in that short time. You did an amazing job as always! I wish Sydney and her owner many happy years to come!a
@clarekelso7841 9 ай бұрын
I know it shouldn’t amaze me anymore but I’m always blown away by the way you establish such a trusting, strong but kind relationship, that within minutes the horse is fixated on you. Ears and nose pricked towards you waiting for the next command. I wish I was 20 again. I’m just too immobile to do what you do.
@shilohndrah 9 ай бұрын
What a beautiful soul Laura is! I noticed how delicately she holds the blue lead rope in her right hand before Steve's work began. Steve, what amazing miraculous repatterning of the aggressive behavior that Laura says shows Sidney's fear and resentment of humans. You and Charlotte must be so proud and happy for Laura and her sweet daughters to be able to ride Sidney with safety and confidence. Bravo Steve Young Horsemanship!
@lynnesmith5718 9 ай бұрын
So lucky for Sydney she has the new owner she deserves. So nice to see how determined she is to help her. Great video!
@forensicgirl 9 ай бұрын
Laura is truly a very kind soul. The mare is beautiful and I can see why she's such a good jumper. When she's in a nice, forward walk her hind feet come so far forward she looks like she might step on her front heels. Lots of power there. I hope Sidney and Laura have a long, safe, happy journey together! Another excellent job, Steve!
@micah06v8 8 ай бұрын
I'm so glad that this sweet girl is now of someone who loves and cares about her! She never has to defend herself again! The best thing is, she's going to perform even better now that she's in the hands of someone who cares about her more than how she performs. And doesn't try to get that performance out of her through fear!
@SilverFlame819 8 ай бұрын
It seems like every video I've watched of yours, the horses just need someone who's going to take charge. All these horses that come with past trauma just need a calm, strong leader, so they can relax and stop thinking they need to defend themselves, and make all the choices themselves. You give them a confident leader to follow, and they're like, "Oh, thank God." They relax and become a totally different horse.
@dorothyleeuw8774 8 ай бұрын
After 30 years in horses and importing two dressage horses from Europe and bucket loads of money……I can tell you that the Perfect horse is a fairy tale. Nice job on how you helped this mare. 😊
@carolineridlington5010 5 ай бұрын
Yap...been there too...😢
@petrakrugell8752 9 ай бұрын
Sid is so proud, look, I can go this way alone ❤ Lovely
@tracywilson1356 9 ай бұрын
I feel like the noise from the grass trimmers helps teach her to focus on you for direction, and whether or not it’s something she needs to concern with or just ignore like you are. A good learning moment for her to follow her “herd” leader.
@lisagilbert8472 8 ай бұрын
Wow! Smart girl, you can see the fear being replaced with confidence, calmness and Sid’s confidence returning. It is almost like she was afraid that she lost her meaning and purpose in her life and it was restored!! What a beautiful horse! ❤❤❤
@rofiahcrawford3250 9 ай бұрын
I love when they look so proud of themselves!
@Leolioness44 9 ай бұрын
@l.mcmanus3983 9 ай бұрын
It always seems like the the smartest horses are the ones who can end up like Sydney. She picks up on everything and gets confused and fed up with mixed signals that she sees. I see great potential in this relationship and I am so glad Steve could help set them on a good path forward. What a beautiful horse.
@OnceUponaTimeline 9 ай бұрын
I think they are so quick to pick up on any weakness and learn how to get their way a lot. But since they don't understand the human world, they can never be comfortable being a pack leader in a human world. Once they accept someone else doing the leader role and being worth of it, they can relax. It's like when you are the boss and every problem becomes yours to fix, ug the internet is down, the bathroom is flooding and the employees in shipping are fighting, now you fix it all. But I am not an IT guy, nor a plumber, nor a psychologist but the employees are even worse at it than me! It's a relief when an expert you trust shows up to fix it for you, but first you gotta vet that guy a bit. ;-P
@corinneguest 9 ай бұрын
Best long rein tack I have seen. No threading through stirrups. Great video as always.
@bluecollarmom7341 9 ай бұрын
Syd is lucky she finally landed with people who care about her not just her talent and ability. Learning that she does not have to defend herself from humans constantly has to be a relief.
@shawnmurray9964 9 ай бұрын
We’re just gonna do this until she gets bored 😂 I love it. Steve you never cease to amaze me, I love watching you work, it’s beautiful!!!
@lydiagould3090 9 ай бұрын
Lovely to see you working with this horse.I thought placing the buckets of food on the track is great for helping her be more confident leaving the yard!
@skstrang1 8 ай бұрын
Once again Steve unlocks the secret and helps horse and owner! His humility is unmatched in my opinion. Another saved horse/human relationship!❤
@HollyJordan15 9 ай бұрын
This brings tears to my eyes! Sydney looked so proud of herself going down that drive & she looked like Black Beauty & Laura’s smile as she turned back for home on the road said it all 👏👏 The horse has definitely been handled roughly prior to coming to Laura, really sad. But onwards & upwards now thanks to you Steve.
@constancesmith8881 9 ай бұрын
Poor girl, she’s been through so much, it makes you sad for her. Ulcers can cause a myriad of symptoms too. My old OTTB had ulcers and he disliked being groomed suddenly. I stumbled on a list of behaviors caused by ulcers, thank heavens, and that was one of them. He raced for years and also had kissing spine. No surgery because he was 28 when he came to me. She’s very lucky to have such a wonderful owner now and to have Steve to help. Another fine job guys!❤
@rosemarysyverson5967 9 ай бұрын
Steve is so awesome!! This mare is so smart. I wonder what happened in her life to have the behaviors she has. She is definitely worth the extra work.
@brucebrown686 9 ай бұрын
What an interesting approach to find a workable solution 👍
@carmenslee6234 9 ай бұрын
Hmm! Did the last owners sell her knowing she had kissing spine? Pain changes us all!
@Tam-Solo70 9 ай бұрын
This mare reminds me of my new mare. I sure wish I had someone like you to work with Steve.
@suzyq-zy216 9 ай бұрын
I just started watching so I don’t even know Sid’s story or journey with Steve. Just from looking at their showing pics, what a beautiful jumper! Very correct in her form. Pretty girl. So glad they’ve been able to get Steve’s help!! What a lovely person Laura is! What a blessing that she found Sidney. How refreshing that she’s got a great horse sense and is so dedicated to patiently healing this poor, beautiful girl’s issues, physical AND mental. Can’t wait for an update❣️
@mataform 8 ай бұрын
I had exactly the same problem.The horse I got was so bad she attacked me at every opportunity, bit me, kicked me and other horses and she got the vet as well. Reared up on her .I have been doing the same work as Steve for 30 years. The mare was out of Nijinsky and had been a show jumper . She was 7. I got her teeth done which was an event in itself as they were bad, and her back feet were awful. So she had to have boots on. I have dealt with horses who won’t have their feet done and got them through it and I know how to avoid a kick. Lunging her she would swing round and double barrel me and let out a scream! Going out on her if she saw another horse shed go mad , plunging and screaming and try to attack them and we ended up in a ditch once narrowly missing being run over. She was completely mad! She was going to be my last horse. I had 2 other retired horses. But…. I knew I was never going to give up. Sure enough after a year I saw a change. Her eye softened. She didn’t go to bite me. She put her boots on without kicking me . She watched me wherever I went. I remember taking her face in my hands and kissing her and she didn’t scowl . She looked pleased and hung around for more. My mare had decided I was someone she could trust and she was safe . the moment had finally arrived. I’ve worked with lots of difficult horses but she was a horror. she had been pushed and over jumped and beaten by a professional eventer. That woman should never be allowed to have horses . Despite all my work she was unsound and the X-ray showed up such awful damage to her spine and hocks she could never get better . The vet said jumping her so early and so high ruined her . I lost that beautiful horse and I have never bought another. It really did break my heart and even now I find it very hard to write about it. Peoples ambition overrides the well being of these lovely creatures and it’s just appalling.
@janeenrose8097 4 ай бұрын
Another tear jerker, but again in a good way! I’m so addicted to your videos Steve and Tanya!! You do such a great job showing and explaining your methods and Tanya is the best cameraman a husband can ask for. Thank you for all you do!
@lsdev4229 9 ай бұрын
Happy tears Steve and Tanya...beautiful horse and hopefully many good years with owner...Thanks for the video! 🥰.Sharon.
@whodouthinkuare 6 ай бұрын
There is only one other horse whisperer from the US i saw on KZbin who comes close to Steve Young, but that guy came in for criticism for being too aggressive. Steve does it right without instilling fear in to the horse.
@dd3wc 9 ай бұрын
Brilliant! It’s so heartwarming how you’re able to give new life into a troublesome relationship, between horse and owner/rider. It always ends in a win/win situation. She is a beautiful mare with her ears forward vs. pinned back. You’ve demonstrated time and time again how imperative it is to do the basic groundwork, which seems to be the key foundation to a positive equine relationship periodically. The owner was blessed there wasn’t more going on than the ‘kissing spine’ and that it wasn’t something more debilitating (i.e., Wobbler’s) Always a pleasure to watch you guys, even though we all know the outcome will be successful … each and every time. As a matter of fact I can’t recall a VLOG where you haven’t been able to succeed, to a certain extent. And let’s face it, you’ve dealt with some pretty traumatized horses at times. So I gather you guys will be off soon, if not already … to the U.S. for your Cowboy Christmas! Hope it’s a blast for you both and enjoy yourselves … even though it is a bit of a working vacation. Until the next VLOG … happy trails! 🙏🙌❤️🇨🇦🐎🐴🤠👍
@fun---- 9 ай бұрын
These sad horses with owners who have no idea what to do to help them. Blessings to Steve, Tanya and family, saving lives and teaching owners how to love the horse.
@OnceUponaTimeline 9 ай бұрын
Haha Sid was barely a challenge in the face of Steve, she figured it out very quickly that there was a new sheriff in town.
@almirakline6070 9 ай бұрын
Awesome 👌 👏 ❤❤ Nearly made me cry 😢 😅 with happy tears to see the progress & Laura's success , also! Beautiful. ❤
@april5666 9 ай бұрын
You’ve done it again! Steve and Tanja for the win. The difference you effect in so short a time is nothing short of brilliant. Another horse’s and family’s life immensely improved. Somehow you need to package the changes you bring as there are so many suffering horses who need your help. Thank you so much for sharing what you do ;)
@lisawhite9885 9 ай бұрын
Lovely owner and horse. Another great video of Steve working through the difficulties. Wonderful job!
@sharonjones5217 9 ай бұрын
Brilliant video. Many years ago a friend of mine bought a dressage horse from Holland, at that time these horses were hardly ever turned out and although my fiend turned him out every day he was very protective of his stable and would bite and kick when you went in to the stable. So glad you have been able to help this horse and her owner
@RockyMountainWoman 9 ай бұрын
Good going. I'm glad to see she is keeping it going.
@Newbie-is2xr 8 ай бұрын
we had a mare like this, now she is the dream.. it's time and patience, correct handling and lots of love..
@lisaward7969 9 ай бұрын
What a smashing mare just my type I can see why the lady brought her So glad you helped her Steve and looking forward to updates
@KarineTKnudsen 8 ай бұрын
Every "bad behavior" is a cry for help.
@mariagillinson8527 9 ай бұрын
What a great smile Laura has… Good luck Laura and Sydney…
@lindadonaghy9421 9 ай бұрын
Wow! She’s smart!
@nicolakerrison 9 ай бұрын
Lovely work. It's fantastic to see the horse go from scared and hostile to happy and willing. I hope the progress continues! And as others have said, lovely to see an owner so committed to the health and happiness of their horse.
@Fubar2024 9 ай бұрын
Awesome video. Thank you! ❤️🇨🇦
@brendalaird8094 9 ай бұрын
Another success for horse and owner well done Steve ❤
@conniekenny3829 8 ай бұрын
I should be vacuuming my ‘pastures’, but instead I’m watching another SY video ❤️❤️❤️! Always a worthwhile waylay!
@juliastrzyga2274 9 ай бұрын
It's so heartwarming to watch you start that positive change in horse's and owner's life. Your vids are very informative and just... precious.
@cynthianauman1358 9 ай бұрын
Great training learning session lowering her head and yielding what a lovely mare and owner never give up she is worth it ❤
@Victoria-hz3gx 8 ай бұрын
❤Brilliant! Beautiful horse and exceptional behaviour considering the noise! Well done 👏 all❤🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@marciahenry3893 9 ай бұрын
Go Steve go. This is bringing tears to my eyes- for delight❤
@vintagelady1 8 ай бұрын
Steve, you are truly fluent in "horse!"
@cynthiabowers3109 5 ай бұрын
Steve you have her curious enough to pay attention. The hardest part of dealing with a large animal is having a lack of fear. ❤✌️
@margies5906 8 ай бұрын
How can somebody mow the lawn in the rain?? Will the content of the video was so good you didn't even care if you heard the lawn mower! Another victorious horse Concord her fears! Thank you Stephen Tanya for sharing this special moment with us 🕊️
@SG-vu4qy 5 ай бұрын
what lovely people and a lovely mare. wishing you all much success and happiness on your partnership.
@dawndavies203 8 ай бұрын
Beautiful and despite the noisy background, she is listening to you.
@sarahjones-jf4pr 8 ай бұрын
I am glad you re addressed your original statement of "when I am passing"this lovely lady needs a lot of help this is a difficult one not to be condescendingly put on the back burner for convenience sake....priority please for her.You will be rewarded with this mare she is kind and been thoroughly abused.
@GalaBrissy 9 ай бұрын
Tanya, thank you for everything you do, from time to time can hear the stress in your voice it must be a worrying time for you. 🥰💕
@michelemayhew2378 8 ай бұрын
Sydney is a Diva. Proud of her abilities...just like us. Good job. Steve.
@Fifi-wv3bd 9 ай бұрын
Wonderful work as always Steve and Tanya. Great to see the horse and rider benefitting from your expertise🐴❤️
@SmallWonda 8 ай бұрын
Beautiful - lovely pictures from the show ring all the best for Sydney & girls. Excellent results, again!
@daveanderson8776 9 ай бұрын
This was so awesome Steve ! 🐴🫶🏼 it really touched me when she ran down the road the first time ,I caught myself self cheering her on , wow ! What a story of redemption. 🐴😊👍🏼
@russellgill8449 8 ай бұрын
That was a good outcome, great training her out of bad habits.
@joycev2314 9 ай бұрын
A lovely smart horse with some problems. You are the magic. It always makes me happy to watch you do it. Luv you all. Thank you for putting it out on this site while they're in US.
@Christine-bv2ww 8 ай бұрын
Beautiful mare!! She appears to want to learn but scared!! Keep working with her!! Dont give up!! She seems like she will be an even better horse with some good work!!
@sue5242 9 ай бұрын
What a beautiful horse!!
@sobatdin9593 9 ай бұрын
Tania n Steve awwww what lovely owner of sydney, nice little yard too, another great video, never seen demo of long reinnig before,the horse looked calmer , because she knew she could not take the piss,so had to behave herself yes that thought too big belly, but a great looking horse i wish them well thank you steve,
@Apb23 8 ай бұрын
I like the videography on this one… very cool watching her go down that fenced lane
@margaretfleming3554 9 ай бұрын
@IrishJoesJourney-jn1fz 7 ай бұрын
You guys do a fantastic job With both the horses & the owners/former owners. Huge inspiration to me & mine Cheers
@louisegogel7973 8 ай бұрын
Very nice! 🤎🧡💛🤍🩶🖤
@pintsizestories196 9 ай бұрын
A simple but perfect solution to her hesitancy going down the lane. Spending time in the stall just chilling out, rubbing a horse, talking to them, tidying up can help them to relax with you in the stall. If you are always taking them out to work every time you go in their stall, they can start to get unhappy with you coming into the stall. I hope her pain issues have been resolved otherwise there will always be problems riding her. Sadly some wonderful horses can no longer be ridden because of pain. Not all pain can be cured.
@danielclint1033 8 ай бұрын
I think Laura and Sydney all ready have a bond, which will deepen. Steve is absolute magic with horses. Sydney is a very smart and strong minded horse, I like that. Steve you gave Laura the bump in technique and confidence that she needed. All will be well and Sydney will realize that she is in a safe space.
@cjdiffin7237 8 ай бұрын
I was surprised at her progress. A really good session.❤❤❤❤
@stuffstuffstuffyay 9 ай бұрын
so great, well done! Definitely want to see an update!
@user-qm4rs8ul3t 8 ай бұрын
I so wish you would let me know when you are Devon bound! I have a big old TB, he is perfect in nearly every way. I rescued him 10 years ago and I love him dearly. He only has 1 dangerous quirk, he totally loses it if we go anywhere he's galloped, at all, ever! There are places he is fine to canter, I don't even want to gallop 😢. This seriously curbs my efforts to keep this old boy fit ( a necessity on medical grounds) As a 17.2 ex-racer he has earned his quiet years, at 23 you think he'd be slowing down, but no! I can't even pass the gate of a field he went in twice. I've done the obvious, vet, dentist, farrier. Some people say PTSD from racing, I'm so confused. One freak out every 6 /12 months. I need someone to get in his head
@madelineriley-jn9uq 8 ай бұрын
So glad you found STEVE ,,,,, he is the DUDE,,,,,,
@TbandyMusic 6 ай бұрын
That was really wonderful to watch! GREAT job l.😊
@colleenmonfross4283 9 ай бұрын
Beautiful work, as always. Your confidence with the horses makes all the difference.
@tammyspurdle9208 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing another informative video. Life changing teaching for this horse and owner. Look forward to the update. ❤
@marymcclavey8395 9 ай бұрын
Studies have also revealed that horses that take part in any discipline that requires them to invert their topline during athletic activities have a greater risk of showing the signs of the condition. Examples include jumpers who invert their backs when landing and barrel racers who have to invert their backs as they round a sharp corner. Unsuitable Riding Conditions
@normanwhiteheed7464 5 ай бұрын
Watched this again steve.just amazing.great camera work by tan . thanks.❤
@sheilamcinerney4291 9 ай бұрын
Great job Steve,beautiful horse. Hopefully going forward they will work their way through this.
@mataform 8 ай бұрын
Great work. Lovely session. Groundwork is sooo important.
@SarahWRah 9 ай бұрын
Loving owners don't jump horses -- despite its popularity, competitive jumping cannot possibly be healthy for a horse's legs and spine -- as this horse shows. With her history of injuries, no wonder this horse acts out. Personally, I hate seeing competitive jumping -- all ego for owner, not good for horses. Ditto barrel racing.
@MrBatraaf 8 ай бұрын
Seeing Steve at work is such a pleasure. When I was taught to ride as a kid, we were taught to be a lot more "authoritarian" and use the riding whip to correct unwanted behaviour. And although there is a world of difference between a corrective tap and abusing a horse, these methods just appear to work better.
@hotmessequines 8 ай бұрын
Great video! Thanks for sharing ❤🎄
@suebbb9827 8 ай бұрын
This was a wonderful success! Lovely mare and looks like life will get better for you both making a special relationship! ♥️
@sharonchittell3504 9 ай бұрын
Lovely job Steve. Lovely horse.
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