Where Did She Go | How I Deal With Aging | Things We Cannot Change

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Life With Sandra Hart

Life With Sandra Hart

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@SisiYemmieTV 4 жыл бұрын
I love your channel... I'm in my 30's but I watch you just to see how graceful you are.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Wow! That is really awesome! Thank you so very much for watching and I hope you are enjoying what I have to say. Have a great day today.❤️
@smilesandbestwishes8597 4 жыл бұрын
Very kind and wise! God bless you!
@dulcehajjar5826 3 жыл бұрын
Me too 😀👏🤗🌹
@jeanphilpot350 4 жыл бұрын
I do think about growing older. As a breast cancer survivor, maybe I’ve had a different perspective. I’m 65 years old and salt and peeper hair that I’m thrilled with since I was bald for so long. I still get people asking why I don’t color my hair, that “they could never do that”.! It’s been so freeing to not worry about coloring my hair and I kind of feel sorry for people that feel the need to say things like that to me. Do I like my sagging skin? No, but I’m alive and healthy! For me, that’s everything! Thanks so much for this video❤️
@subi1677 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a almost two years breast cancer survivor. I turned 50 this year and decided that I'm going to keep my salt and pepper hair. Like you, I'm just glad to have it back😉. Losing my "looks" bothers me to some degree, but not being healthy scares me even more. I'm just glad to be here and I'm doing my damnedest to be able to enjoy it😊
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Congratulations and continued good health to you. . Unless someone has walked in your shoes they will never understand what you have been through. Good for you that you have let your hair grow in to its natural and beautiful color. Be happy with who you are, and I think you are at that stage in your life. You are a role model of courage for all of us.❤️
@joannoriol6444 4 жыл бұрын
So happy for you.
@claudiascott6484 4 жыл бұрын
Congratulations to you Jean ❤
@gretchensmith3981 4 жыл бұрын
Next time someone says that about your hair, tell them YOU are the one in style and on trend. Honestly, its becoming quite old fashioned to color ones hair. It's considered natural and healthy to wear your hair silver; and ATTRACTIVE!
@jbug884 Жыл бұрын
I’m 44 now and seeing age come upon me is frightening. Thanks for making this video Sandra, you are beautiful inside and out 😊
@ladycactus110 4 жыл бұрын
About age and appearance: I learned about the sadness of being unattractive as a child and teenager. To the point that even the principal of my high school told me in a private session that I better study hard, because clearly I would never get married 😢 and would need to support myself. Good times 😆. Having gorgeous, narcissistic classmates was much worse than anything old age would dole out. Perhaps it is easier to ignore the cruel jabs of old age when you have never put great stock in your beauty. Concentrating on doing (and not being) is the key to contentment. And sometimes I think the obsession of some people with their veneer is a turn-off. Barbie and Ken dolls are boring! You are right when you say that once you see a great personality shine through, the beauty radiates. Thanks for your thoughts!
@gwenewing6837 4 жыл бұрын
Reading your comment brought back hurtful memories of my childhood. I was the only girl with 3 brothers. I had an overweight issue. I had many friends and was liked by all, but the cruel things that I had to endure, especially as a child and teen were piercing. (I even had insults as an adult, from adults) The pain of these insensitive remarks are with us today, I feel it and want to cry as I write this. I never felt good enough. Thank you for sharing, maybe your comments were cathartic for me. God Bless!
@CatsPJS2027 4 жыл бұрын
@@gwenewing6837 I also was an obese little girl throughout grade school and high school, never picked for the athletic team, given cards of hippopotamus and elephants when we exchanged valentines in class. I never had ONE date in high school, went to college and had few friends and went home every weekend. NOW? I am 66 living in southern california in a fine home and used to have money in the bank, too scared to look and see whats left now...... I sit on three philanthropic boards, married a genius with a six figure income. Was asked to be the "mayor" of our little unincorporated town of 25,000..... I now embrace my early rejection but I can still remember all the mean words and the rejection....I know the pain.
@roseyc.5846 4 жыл бұрын
Ladies: I totally relate. As a child, I was overweight; as a teen, I was never one of the pretty, popular girls. At times as an adult, I had managed to put myself together so as to be reasonably "attractive", but now, I've had to simply had to accept the obvious signs of aging. God bless you all; stay well and safe!
@gwenewing6837 4 жыл бұрын
@@CatsPJS2027 thank you for your reply! You are an inspiration to all of us! Maybe it made us stronger, but the scars you receive as a child never go completely away!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Yvonne, how in heavens did that principal ever stay in his job! Such a chauvinistic and cruel thing to say to a child. Everyone has a special beauty to themselves. We are each unique and I have never met an unattractive person in my entire life, because always there something that is beautiful and amazing if you are willing to see it. Your advice on concentrating on doing and not being as some of the best advice I have heard yet. Keep on believing in yourself, keep on being beautiful and keep on being you. Thank you so much for sharing your story and opinion with us today. It has been extremely valuable.❤️
@pattilowell314 4 жыл бұрын
When I remember that our life on earth is just temporary it makes me grateful for every day. I think of what God has planned for us after we leave here. No more sorrow or tears. When I do that it keeps me focused on the privilege to be alive.
@tupelomiss8315 4 жыл бұрын
Totally agree.God has a plan for us all & I can’t wait to see many other grateful times.i thank God everyday .Amen to you.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Patti, Amen!❤️
@joannoriol6444 4 жыл бұрын
Well said.
@dulcehajjar5826 3 жыл бұрын
Very true !🤗🙏
@spoly8139 4 жыл бұрын
The old saying "Youth is Wasted on the Young" is so true! If I only knew then what I know now I would certainly have done some things differently. It's tough looking in the mirror when inside we still feel the same with the same hopes and dreams as when we were young. If our health holds out that is the most important. Makeup and hair can always been toyed with...good health is so important to enjoy life at any age!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Every day is a gift. That is for sure!❤️
@1LavenderLace 4 жыл бұрын
As I age ... my greatest fear is that I will not ever really know myself.
@annmalik4897 4 жыл бұрын
Lavender Lace wow!
@tupelomiss8315 4 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree with that lavender lace. What a thought but very true comment.i hope you will find yourself on your journey in life.🌷🌷
@lorenheard2561 4 жыл бұрын
First of all,don't go foreward thinking that you don't matter.We all are here on this earth to do something special.It may be as simple as listening to some one who needs somebody to talk to,even if you don't understand them,it may help them so much! You have the potential to bloom where you are .By being gentle and kind to yourself,you can let it spill out,learn new things,make things happen little by little.Make simple goals of what you like to do,and try to get to the big ones in a while.Make a list of all the good in your life and what you know you can do.I learned to swim at 25 and drive at 31.That was long ago.🐣Hatch a plan!Go for it!😘
@looshaw3695 2 жыл бұрын
Im turning 58 this year, Ive never felt so happy in my own skin, i really dont care what others think, life is so precious, and now i have two beautiful grandaughters my life couldn't get any better, i will adore growing old with them, and give them lots of happy memories to cherish forever... Being called a purple nannie is an honor... And seeing their faces light up to see me is the icing on the cake... Live ur life, enjoy it, and most of all ENJOY it...👍☕😄😀😉🌞
@gailspear2173 4 жыл бұрын
The trouble is people don’t realise how lovely youth is when they have it. It’s only later when looking back .different beauty with ageing Grace. Elegance peace wisdom. All beautiful qualities x take care
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Gail. Truer words were never spoken! Guilty as charged!❤️
@kathymarton2411 4 жыл бұрын
As we age, we cannot control the changes to our bodies, for the most part. I worry more about how I feel towards myself and others. Keeping busy and having a purpose is more important.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
I believe having a purpose in life is one of the most important we things can we can do from early on until the end.❤️
@moniquemonique3430 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandra, I think you look fabulous. You know a thing I have noticed when I look at my pictures is always that I looked very good but at the time I took the picture I wasn't thinking that. A bit sad. So now I have decided that I want to appreciate how I look now knowing that of course things will keep changing but the inner beauty as you said will always stand out and sparkle through out eyes and personality. Thank you for having me reflect upon it. Have a great day. Blessings.
@gwenewing6837 4 жыл бұрын
I was so guilty of this. I never liked the weight I was at or how I looked. It is a terrible thing to live through. I look at those pics now and think oh you needed to value yourself more!
@aliciasmith3844 4 жыл бұрын
This is exactly how I am. I look back on my pictures and think..why were you so hard on yourself...I was very pretty. I now accept myself as I am right now. Great freedom in that.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Monique, Monique. You are not alone. As teenagers and growing up as young women I think we were always exposed to models and very glamorous women and we compared ourselves to those. It made us not appreciate how attractive we were and how pretty we were when I looked in the mirror. It’s most unfortunate but I think that more of us felt that way then not. The thing is to appreciate who we are now and not be so hard on ourselves as we age. Beauty radiates from within and anybody can be beautiful if they believe they are.❤️
@cottagecute3690 4 жыл бұрын
Sandra, you may not be 45 anymore. You are a very beautiful 80 year old woman inside and out. I am really enjoying this time of my life. I am 60. I have a 36 year old daughter and a 34 year old son and five grandchildren. Because I have been there and done that I feel that the younger generations look to me and my husband for wisdom and advice. I do see my mother when I look in the mirror. My mother was also a very beautiful woman inside and out.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. It’s just that when I look at her, I never appreciated who she was at that time. I think perhaps that happens to a lot of us. We are too hard on ourselves until we look back and see all of the wonderful attributes that we had. I, too, am really enjoying this phase in my life. ❤️
@deborahjensen875 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your advice. I was so busy taking care of everyone else in my 20's, 30's, and 40's that I didn't take very good care of myself. I am in my early 50's now. The quarantine has forced me to take a good hard look at myself. I am making some serious changes so that I can be active as I age. I think that is the thing that worries me about aging, will I be able to get around.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Deborah, I think we all are fearful of what’s going to happen as we get older healthwise. But all we can do is to keep exercising, eat right, try to stay fit and keep our mental health and wellness in tact. Less stress, lots of sleep, and friendship. Those are three things that really will help us age better.❤️
@shamalama29 2 жыл бұрын
Well Deborah, you have a beautiful smile. Continue with that self care.
@deborahkimball-billups6405 2 жыл бұрын
Yes , that's about where I was as well.
@margaretroseduchessofpough8485 4 жыл бұрын
I’m 26 and I feel like I have passed my ‘most beautiful’ phrase of my life. I love how elegance you are I wish I could age that gracefully
@sharonworyn8024 4 жыл бұрын
26 and you are already over the hill??? Honey, be grateful and thankful and make the best of your assets. Stop believing all the advertising and hype that is making you feel like you are no longer lovely!
@razorback4953 4 жыл бұрын
Honey, you haven’t even begun to come into your most beautiful yet. What we 70 and 80 year old’s would give to be 26 again! 🤦‍♀️ Plus, you still have you health!
@gwenewing6837 4 жыл бұрын
I love your ame!! My dear aunt was Margaret Rose!! Social media has made us all feel inferior, Don't buy that !
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Margaret Rose at 26 you are just beginning the great adventure we call life and living. You certainly are just beginning to blossom and to find out who you will become. You have many adventures ahead - many exciting things to look forward to and when you’re my age you can look back and you will say to yourself, My, I was so beautiful, wasn’t I? I really didn’t realize it. You will age gracefully if you love yourself and if you appreciate who you are right now. All I can say is enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your youthful beauty and adventurous soul. Bring it out there and move on.❤️
@smilesandbestwishes8597 4 жыл бұрын
@Sequoyah_7 4 жыл бұрын
My fear, as I speed my way to 60, is becoming invisible. You walk down the street, enter a room, drive in your car, and if you are an older woman, past a certain age, no one sees you anymore, you are not noticed, ignored, even. It’s very sad.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Lisa, The right people see you every single time. Those that don’t see you, don’t matter at all! Don’t give them a hoot!❤️
@mariacullen1701 4 жыл бұрын
It's difficult to hear you in this video. I always enjoy your channel. I am 59 years old. My mother is 90 years young. Have a wonderful week!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Maria, you are right. I forgot to change my microphone from doing my live video a week ago. I changed it for my next video.❤️
@VegasVixen 4 жыл бұрын
I’m 35 , all of my very best friends are 50 plus . Age is just a number . Although I look in the mirror and say , geeze , I need some Botox ?!?, it’s only a private feeling when I’m alone . When I’m with friends and family , im just enjoying my time and could care less of what I look like . As long as you are young at heart you are young . The advice I get from some of my very best friends is stay active and stay yourself . 😁 your ring in the picture in the intro is beautiful , I’d love to see your favorite jewelry pieces and the meaning behind them 😁
@gwenewing6837 4 жыл бұрын
Good idea about a video on Sandra's jewelry!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
You have got the right attitude and your friends are very smart to give you that advice. Always stay true to who you are and enjoy each and every day and forget the mirror. It only tells part of the story.❤️
@fyreglo13 4 жыл бұрын
About getting older, when I look in the mirror I sometimes don't recognize who is looking back at me... I feel that all the trauma I have gone through over the last 4/ 1/2 years has really aged me.. like when you see someone that you haven't seen in many years and you think "boy.. the years haven't been kind to them, they have aged a lot".. that is what I am seeing in myself now... I feel that I have aged more than the 4 1/2 years since he died.. I look 10 years older to myself... that's just my perspective.. my aunt and I were talking about this just the other day.. that we don't see ourselves the same way as other people see us... and maybe to others I look better to them than I do to myself... I am finding this a very hard time to get through with this pandemic and the self isolation.. I am a widow who lives alone. I am a home body but, when I felt the need/want to see my friends I could.. and now I can't... the thing I miss the most is the human contact that I get when I hug a friend.. the first person that I see and hug when this is all over I will probably break down and cry... hugs to you Sandra and Arthur.. hoping your children and grandchildren stay safe ... we will get through this...xo
@gwenewing6837 4 жыл бұрын
Hang in there Catherine! You will be fine!
@roseyc.5846 4 жыл бұрын
Katherine Eddy Same situation here. I think, in many ways, life gets harder as we get older. How I miss him being here; just his presence was such a comfort. Stay well & blessed.
@fyreglo13 4 жыл бұрын
@@gwenewing6837 thank you Gwen...xo
@fyreglo13 4 жыл бұрын
@@roseyc.5846 thank you Rosey..xo
@jackiehall8522 4 жыл бұрын
Catherine Eddy 9
@dianaduncan8877 4 жыл бұрын
I always leave with something good after watching your videos.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Diana for saying that. I appreciate it.❤️
@JJSolitude 4 жыл бұрын
Sandra, this was just wonderful. I am turning 60 in a few days and experiencing both the freedom and fear of aging. You give a sense of calm and realness which always keeps me coming back. Who knew way back in the 60's while watching you on t.v. that I'd be doing it again decades later? Hugs to you!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
We meet again. I am so happy that you found me and that you are still watching me today. You don’t know how wonderful that makes me feel.❤️
@shamalama29 2 жыл бұрын
Girl! 60, you are just coming into a beauty of a different kind that only gets better.
@JJSolitude 2 жыл бұрын
@@shamalama29 you're the best, thank you!
@christinadaggett6024 4 жыл бұрын
You were an inspiration, years ago, as a Romper Room teacher and you are still inspiring and teaching all of us today. I remember watching Romper Room when I was 6 years old and had to stay home from school because I was sick. Believe it or not, I can still remember a song from the show - See me walk so straight and tall, I won't let my basket fall, eyes ahead and don't look down, keep my basket off the ground. I should have mentioned this the other day when You were talking about good posture. :)
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Christina, how brilliant you are to still remember the lyrics of that song. Thank you so much for sharing that today. You took me down the nostalgia lane with the lyrics to that song. I hope you have a wonderful day today.❤️
@NokiaNokia-dh3oz 2 жыл бұрын
I’m 37 and I am so grateful to have you in my life…Your content is gold for me. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.💚
@sylviagray4206 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, I do think about aging. But can I just say, that the 45 year old woman in the picture you see in the mornings has turned into a beautiful, classy, and smart.mature woman, you are beautiful and we thank you for inspiring us. Stay safe and stay well.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Sylvia you always say the nicest things! I wish I would’ve read your post earlier because you would’ve made my day all day! Thank you so much for being so kind and being there and so supportive. I hope you have a wonderful day today❤️
@roseyc.5846 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandra: Thank you for addressing this extremely relevant topic. I remember that, at 45, I was still quite attractive and assumed I would remain so. I intended to continue to take good care of myself. Imagine my shock when I looked in the mirror about ten (or fewer) years later, and everything has sagged. I had cellulite instead of good muscle tone, and my facial skin had lost its volume...the dreaded "jowliness" had appeared. I became "invisible" to men my own age, and, being single, that was very difficult to accept. Still single; the vast majority now want young girls, even those with with artificial "enhancements". It's been tough to swallow, but, I suppose it's part of the process. I had no HRT at menopause, no botox, fillers, etc. I'm trying to age gracefully, taking care of my health, skin, etc. I know I'll never see that young woman again, but, if I live to be the age you are now (I'm 69), I can only hope to look half as lovely and elegant! You & Arthur stay well and safe..thank you, and God bless you both. Rosemarie xo
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Rosemarie. None of us can stop the aging process even those people that have fillers and Botox and face lips and whatever else they want to do to their face they eventually will morph and age into someone that is old. End of story. So don’t worry we’re all in this boat together and we just have to know that wherever we have wrinkles their smile has been and whatever their cellulite firm skin has been at one time. At least if we have our health and we can still think and talk and socialize and enjoy one another and our families, that’s what it’s all about. Nothing else really matters. It’s all surface stuff!❤️
@carolbell8008 4 жыл бұрын
Rosey C. Hi ,We are the same age , I appreciate your comment very much!🌸💞
@shamalama29 2 жыл бұрын
There's such an un speakable beauty that older women have. The wisdom, the courage and self confidence, is all to be worship. I love every bit of it.
@annanorth7997 4 жыл бұрын
From 2014 to 2016, I was seriously ill. Once I recovered, I decided to make a lot of changes. I lost weight, started exercising and eating better, and became less of a people pleaser. At 59, I am happy with my looks, but thrilled that I am healthy and looking forward to the future. Once this horrible pandemic has passed.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Hattie, From what you say it looks like you had a very frightening wake up call as to what really is important in your every day life. Good for you to make all those wonderful changes so that your future is better and so that you will be able to live at my more fulfilling life each and every day. You are a great example of surviving and learning from life experiences. Thank you so much for sharing that today.❤️
@shamalama29 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you Anna.
@lakelizard8145 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know what you're talking about. I look just like I always have. It's just that quite a few things are an inch or two lower now. 😂😂 Seriously very good counsel here Sandra. That is your gift for sure. Thank you.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
LOL!!! Now that’s what I call a great attitude!!!❤️
@ElizabethBSoCal 4 жыл бұрын
I turn 55 this year. I like the way I look much better now than I did in my 40s. I alternate between wearing my hair it’s natural Salt and pepper and coloring it purple. I find that I am treated differently when I leave it natural. More deferential and less open to talk to me. With the purple hair everyone reaches out and asks me about it and I have such great conversations. ~Elizabeth
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Purple makes you more hip in others eyes! Still the same you, but the perception is different. Great observation. Thanks for sharing you experience. Interesting isn’t it?! ❤️
@Joyous765 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandra and sisters along the way---just know that our sisterhood matters always, and especially, these days. What sustains me at 77, is a growing sense of Spirit Within that is expanding beyond our personhood. It's what spiritual masters, gurus like Jesus have always exemplified and taught. Yes, Heaven, peace and wisdom; true beauty---is Within! Thank you Sandra, for your precious part in this beautiful mosaic made by each of us! Deep Bliss and blessings--- to all... JOY
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Joy, you always have such positive messages. You truly are living your name exactly. You spread joy and positivity and faith to all of us. Thank you so much for reminding us what really is important in our life. Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead.❤️
@christined2495 4 жыл бұрын
What a wonderful video. Next week is my 69th birthday, the end of another decade. As I age, I also see my mother in the mirror as well, but it’s a welcome sight, because I miss her since she passed 4 years ago, at the age of 92, but I see her at the age that I am now, I have her hands as well. I will glance down and at my hands during my busy day and I can’t believe she is gone, and now I am the grandmother... I try not to think of aging, I take care of myself, I eat Whole Foods plant based, and have for over 25 years, I take care of my skin, and just want to be the best I can be at this age, and remain healthy.its funny because I look back at old pictures, and it feels like another lifetime ago, yet I remember each beautiful moment. I feel blessed my husband and I met in our teens, and we are still very much in love, with a beautiful family, children and grandchildren , how many can say that, your video did bring a few tears to my eyes any woman can relate to your words and feelings, but aren’t we the lucky ones, some are not so lucky, and have not lived long enough to see their children grow into adults with families of their own.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Christine, what a beautiful heart felt toast. I do hope all of my subscribers will read your thoughts and your feelings that you have put down here. I know. My mother died quite a few years ago at the age of 92 and I miss her every single day of my life. I know that she is with me in spirit and her memories I will always carry with me. Her influence in my life really made me the person I am today and I am ever so grateful. I just hope I can be the same voice of reason and comfort to my own children and grandchildren. Thank you again for your wonderful thoughts.❤️
@angelajanelomax5540 4 жыл бұрын
I love ageing, im still here. I have 2 grown children, i love with all my heart. I miss them, empty nest. This was fascinating Sandra. Every time i think your name, type it, i can hear Arthur saying it. Knowing something of your history, i stop and think. How to get past that, you are so beautiful inside and out. I have friends a great deal older than myself. One is 80 in August. I have called them all, checking on them. Your special and speak to me in your videos and other ways. I hope your daughter is doing well. Love to you & all your family xxx 💞❤💕
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Angela, that’s exactly what I say every single day. I love aging. When I wake up and I know I’m still here I thank God that I’ve been given another day. You know it’s really funny, that after 41 years of knowing Arthur he doesn’t pronounce my name correctly. He always calls me ‘Saundra’ instead of Sandra. No matter how many times he hears other people pronouncing it correctly he just doesn’t hear it he hears his own version!😊 I agree. I love my children more than anything. I guess some others love never dies, ever. Love to you across the pond.❤️
@angelajanelomax5540 4 жыл бұрын
@@lifewithsandrahart I think when Arthur says your name it sounds Posh. Very nice lol. xxx Love back to you. Xxx 💞❤💕🐕🐾🐾
@tammymango3028 4 жыл бұрын
I love your videos! I"m 73, taking care of my husband with Dementia. I want to be able to do what I want physically & not be dependent on anyone. So far, I can take care of our home, yard & finances. Now with the virus controlling our lives, I just want to be healthy! Stay well 😷 & safe.😘❤️
@larkireland1 4 жыл бұрын
Dearest Sandra.... thank you for this video. I'm 69 and try to do my best on a daily basis. My grandmother lived until she was 103 and I recall her telling me when I was a teenager, "attitude is everything". She was funny, adventurous and wore my favorite perfume, Chanel No. 5. I can close my eyes and think of her laugh and sparkle in her eyes..... I try to follow in her footsteps with regard to aging. I strive for an active and vibrant life. Take good care, Sandra! Hugs, Lark
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Lark,What a beautiful story that is about your grandmother. How wonderful that she was so vibrant and lived such a long life. We do learn from our parents and grandparents don’t we?. Even though they are not with us today they still remain in our memories and in our hearts. I wish you the same longevity! Thank you so much for sharing that with us today.❤️
@MaryEllenAfter60 4 жыл бұрын
Good afternoon, Sandra. Beauty is only skin deep, right? I have 2 photos of myself on the walls in our home. One with me, and my teenage children, and one of Jim and me right after we married. When I look at the photo of me when I was 39, I am thankful I am so much smarter than I use to be. I am so fortunate to have enjoyed every decade of my life, but must say (so far) the 60's have been my favorite. Enjoyed your video as I always do. Blessings, and love, my beautiful friend...MaryEllen
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
MaryEllen, this may really seem strange, but I think every decade that I have lived I have either learned something that’s made me a better person, or I have achieved something that has made me a happier person. I cannot say there is one decade where I have felt it hasn’t made me who I am right now. Where I am in my life I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Except maybe for this virus to go away so that I could go to Nashville. LOL! I love you and thank you very much my beautiful friend for watching today❤️
@kathleenlankford6027 3 жыл бұрын
Sandra you are so positive, When I turned 70 I felt sad but than I thought about friends that haven't made it to 70. I have been letter writing again, there is beautiful stationary out there and greeting cards. I love seeing my friends penmanship on paper, it is such a personal thing that just belongs to us. Thank you for sharing your channel on u tube.❤
@jencarey9236 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandra I really love watching you, I now wear scarfs thanks to you, regarding aging I feel grateful to be in my sixties, I have lost so many friend under Sixty that I feel I must enjoy aging and be grateful as we know what the alternative is I'm on the go all day as I have a daughter with downs syndrome who is 24, she keeps me young, my only fear on aging is leaving her behind so I live day by day, wake up in the morning and say this is the day that the Lord has made I shall rejoice and be glad in it x
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Jen, thank you so very much for your beautiful and inspirational comment.❤️
@cookingwithelise 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, Sandra, I think you are an even bette version of that beautiful lady in the picture. You not only have over thirty more years of life experience but you are kind enough to share those life experiences with all of us! You are a beautiful treasure!
@gwenewing6837 4 жыл бұрын
I am 62 and recently retired, March 8! I think about aging all the time, I have recently lost a good deal of weight and feel so good! Sometimes I think, who cares what I look like at this age? But I like the way I look and feel. I retired because I never really had a "passion" for my "job". I liked my work and was good at it, but it didn't ever spark joy for me. My mission statement for myself is: I have neglected myself spiritually, mentally and physically along with my husband and my home. These are the things that spark "joy" for me, and I do not know how long I have to enjoy them. I am going to spend my life rediscovering my passions and learning new things! I want to learn to paint and take a course in Italian and French, I want to read great authors! I so enjoy your videos, Sandra! You "spark joy" for so many of us!
@JJSolitude 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like I wrote this myself!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Gwen, What a wonderful life story. First of all, losing weight is good for your health. Forget that it makes you look better in your clothes and probably you have more energy. But now is the time to break out and to be you. Realize that you are worthy and you deserve the best. You deserve to follow your dreams. This is your time and it can be the very best time of your life. When you get older and you look back you’ll be so happy that you were able to use this time to grow. Thank you so very much for sharing that today. I hope a lot of women follow your lead.❤️
@gretchensmith3981 4 жыл бұрын
I am 53 years old. I have to tell you that I think, no, i KNOW, you truly are VERY pretty. I'm serious, you are quite beautiful. I do hate getting older. I try not to but it bothers me sometimes. But if i look like you in my 70's and 80's, i will be just fine. I love your videos; they also are beautiful; TRULY!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Gretchen, you have really made me feel very good by your comment. I certainly am not the woman I was when I was 45 but I accept the aging process and I appreciate my beauty within and who I have become today. Aging is not all that bad!❤️
@mariesymcewan7737 4 жыл бұрын
I love your videos Sandra, so truthful and helpful. I am 51 and my beautiful mother is 72 she hasn’t had an easy life but she has came out on top her loving caring hopeful attitude of seeing good in everyone has made her even more beautiful with age We sometimes get mistaken for sisters lol which doesn’t reflect well on me. I can learn so much from people like her and your good self. The key word you mentioned purpose she always has something to do or study and she always factors in helping someone else a long the way. I cannot wait for quarantine to be over so I can visit her and give her the biggest hug. Humour is invaluable too I have been ringing her daily and because we both aren’t out and about there is little to discuss so we are exchanging corny jokes and just laughing. Thank you Sandra for reminding us of the important things in life. I don’t think beauty fades it just transforms into a different guise. Love to you and Arthur from Marie in Ireland 🇮🇪 x Stay safe xx
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Marie. So nice of you to be watching the video today you are really right. The bond between mother and daughter is so very special You are so very lucky to still have your mother and that she has a great attitude. That will keep her young forever! I am so anxious to give someone a great big hug when this is all over the first person I see I’m afraid I’m going to be tempted to give them a great big hug whether I know them or not!😊❤️
@mariesymcewan7737 4 жыл бұрын
@rochellekrupp4236 3 жыл бұрын
I feel that leaving my child is the most painful thing about leaving this earth.
@lifewithsandrahart 3 жыл бұрын
I think we all who are mothers feel the same thing❤️
@evarodriguez1576 4 жыл бұрын
Oh Dear Sandra, "Age"...I really try to make the best of it but I wish I could turn back time. I'm 65 years old and I actually get sad about aging. I wish I were younger but not loose the life experiences and wisdom I earned through the years. I remember not even liking my parents to age but it's a part of life! My three children are middle aged now and my grandchildren are growing and getting older too, realizing how fast time travels. There is a song by Cat Stevens "Oh Very Young" that is so true about being on this earth for a short while, listen to it if you can, it is very beautiful. We can only preserve as best we can. Another thought... just as we age as humans so do things around us. I always loved my elementary school I attended and now sadly it's a condemned building because no preservation was ever done. Preservation of our homes too is essential because aging is a process for everything. I do try to practice your message from your last video "Be the best that you can be"! Thank you Sandra for sharing the love and stay safe, Eva Rodriguez from Mission, Texas.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Eva, thank you so much for sharing all that information in your comment. You’re right, I never thought about it much, but things around us age as well. Even our homes if we stay in them long enough. I just think we have different chapters in our lives and if we are willing to move from chapter to chapter and find amazing things within each chapter we will be just fine. That 45-year-old woman is still inside of me but physically she has gone away but emotionally that girl is still here.❤️
@kathyabeauty 4 жыл бұрын
You are so right. It all happens so fast. You are lovely at any age. Inside and out.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for that Kathy. Stay well.❤️
@karenlouise2156 Жыл бұрын
My neck. I'll be scheduling a neck lift for a deep plain neck lift. Beauty is and always was and always will be an inside job.
@INSIDEBEAUTYwiththeoldgirl 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandra, I love this video! I believe most of us that are in our senior years ask that question every time we see a picture of ourselves from our younger years. The biggest thing that bothers me about aging is that the years and time on this earth won’t be long enough for me to express my love to my loved ones, especially my 5 grandchildren. On the bright side, I will still be able to send them kisses from heaven so for that I am very grateful. Much love, Sheila
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Shelia, I think about that too. One of my children is expecting a child in August and at 81 and I’m wondering how long I will have with this new grandchild and if they will ever remember me. That’s a really hard pill to swallow. But I love the thought that I can send kisses from heaven. That is very beautiful Shelia. Thank you for that.❤️
@cathyjohnston240 3 жыл бұрын
So true about beauty radiating from within! What bothers me most about aging isn’t so much my physical appearance, but how difficult it is to maintain muscle! I want to be physically strong so I can remain independent into old age. I’m 67 now.
@lifewithsandrahart 3 жыл бұрын
Cathy , that is really a concern. What I do is very easy. I lift weights every morning in my pajamas! I have them by my bed, so it’s one of the first things I do. We also have stairs in our home so that helps me build and keep my leg muscles besides walking.❤️
@vshah9973 2 жыл бұрын
I feel that my inner confidence has grown now that I am older and I have now got the time to work on myself and re-invent myself. Learning something new excites me. We do look older as we grow older but still beautiful. There is beauty in every one and I am happy to see the beauty in all people. Lots of love xx
@2PuppyProductions 2 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate your reminder that beauty comes from within. The best thing I can do to present myself to the world in a beautiful way is to have confidence and bring joy to those around me.
@kathryngehrke3922 4 жыл бұрын
As I have aged I mourn the loss of my looks and physical ability. Very most of all I think about all the things I wish I would have done, all of the things I could have been, now it's too late. That's what makes me really sad. I married young and spent the rest of my life trying to please other people.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Katherine, , it’s never too late to start over and begin a new chapter in your life. We can’t go back, but we can move forward. Think about it. There is so much life yet for you to live. we all mourn in one way or another what used to be. But the important thing is that we have to move forward and except who we are right now and make peace with that. Best of luck to you.❤️
@lindamarocco4583 4 жыл бұрын
Such a thought provoking video... thank you so much this!... much love and appreciation!..be safe and healthy!...💜💜💜💜💜
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching today Linda. I sincerely appreciate it - thank you!❤️
@artfulyama9071 4 жыл бұрын
My practice for myself: Maintaining a “joy of life” belief helps me to continue my self-care regimen consistently, which in turn benefits not just physical health but mental health and one’s appearance. Life progresses in stages. I allow my attitude to progress as i age and in these “senior” years, joy of life has become enhanced.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
So beautifully said. I can’t add anything more to what you have expressed. Thank you so much for sharing that today.❤️
@sloanchessman5783 4 жыл бұрын
Sandra, I love your channel and I enjoy watching all of your videos; however, this video really struck a deep chord with me. I am 55-years-of age, and my mother passed away from breast and ovarian cancer when she was only 57-years-of age. The females on my mother's side of the family don't usually live very long lives, so I feel like as long as I continue to have good health, I can handle the gray hair, wrinkles, flabby skin, age spots and whatever other physical changes take place. Watching my mother die at such a young age has made me so grateful for every day that I'm given that I don't want to waste one single moment of my life fretting over something that I can't change and that everyone experiences at some point in their life if they live long enough. It's all about maintaining my good health....both physically and mentally. Take care of yourself and stay well! 🤗💕
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Sloan, I am so glad you shared this with us. You are absolutely right. First of all I’m sorry that you lost your mother at such a young age, but that does not have to be your destiny. As long as you are vigilant about getting checkups taking care of your health through diet exercise and positive mind you have 99% of the battle won. I think a positive attitude has so much to do with longevity. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us today and I think you’re on the right path to living a long and purposeful life. ❤️
@mavep2855 3 жыл бұрын
Sometimes when I look in the mirror I see my Mother’s reflection and I ponder how that happened. Then I remember what a beautiful and amazing woman she was at every stage of her life and I am grateful. I inherited my platinum hair from my Grandfather and embraced it when I stopped dying it in my early 60’s. As you say Sandra, self confidence allows one’s inner beauty to shine. Thank you🙏🏻❤️
@lifewithsandrahart 3 жыл бұрын
Mavis, embracing the changes in our lives is so important to our Gratitude and Happiness in life. Self-confidence is extremely important. You are so right❤️
@rosemaryboast3414 4 жыл бұрын
Dear Sandra. That lovely lady is still there. Both inside and out. You are still that lovely lady. You always cheer us all up with your videos and your help and good advise. I am nearly 71. I mostly try to feel lucky and positive. My Mother died when I was 3 years old. She was only 40.So if I get a bit down in the dumps, I try to remember, at least I have been lucky to have had so much more then she did. But you will laugh, because what makes me grumpy ,is the fact that I have become so deaf. I have hearing aids, which I have a love/hate with. I seem to miss out on conversations and people seem to treat you as if you are a bit silly. I always say to my family. I am deaf, not daft. I wonder if other hard of hearing people say the same? I’m sure they do. Stay well and safe. Very best wishes from us all in the uk. Rosemary x
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Rosemary I’m so sorry you lost your mother at such an early age. That must’ve been very difficult for you and probably still has made you a different person because of that. You’re right we all age together and we all have to except what is happening to us. But it doesn’t have to be bad for aging is a beautiful thing it’s something we all go through we cannot escape it while we’re here, so we might as well embrace it. Thank you so much for watching today.❤️
@jeaninekelly4271 4 жыл бұрын
My mother is hard of hearing and when she responds to what she thinks she heard, they say she is losing it. I get so mad.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Gwen Roy Kelly I canSee yeah that is very frustrating for both you and your mother. Sometimes people can be rude.❤️
@annmalik4897 4 жыл бұрын
Just one word “Beautiful “I m 36 years old all my life thought that I am so unattractive despite of the appreciation from others sometimes due to low self esteem and aging further scares me that its gonna go down further lol! But your videos are really helping me out that one cod b beautiful at any age and true beauty is inner beauty which of course I don’t have as well lol. But Thankyou so much for helping so many like me and you are still so beautiful and I truly mean it! Lots of love Annie ❤️
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Ann, we all are unique and we have to embrace that uniqueness. Each of us are different. There are no unattractive people. There’s always something very beautiful about that person whether it comes from inside or it’s on the surface. Appreciate who you are right now at this time in your life and embrace all of the things about you that are so wonderful and different none of us are alike. And isn’t that a wonderful thing. Thank you so much for watching today and don’t forget to look in the mirror and tell yourself I am worthy I deserve it and I am beautiful.❤️
@annmalik4897 4 жыл бұрын
Life Over Sixty With Sandra Thankyou so much for your kind words , I really appreciate them and yes I am going to tell myself from now onwards that I m beautiful :) Lots of 💓
@deborahmartin1432 4 жыл бұрын
Iam happy and proud of how I taught my daughter she was supposed to have come to visit first day of spring and we decided she better wait. I haven’t seen her in two years and I guess the hard part of aging is when will I see her . Well she’s 24 and I’m 66 and I have to believe soon this is just a road block.Thank you Sandra for your videos. 💞🙏
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Deborah, it’s very hard for me m,too, because all of my children live far away. I am sure she will look at you through her eyes of love and feel that you haven’t changed one bit. I’m sorry for the delay in your visit, but I’m sure when you see her it’ll be just wonderful.❤️
@deborahmartin1432 4 жыл бұрын
Life Over Sixty With Sandra thank you Sandra.We lived in San Diego and her and her boyfriend moved to Alaska,and I moved to Southern Oregon we all moved at the same time two years ago.
@dulcehajjar5826 3 жыл бұрын
WOW !.... What a great Journey has been, that I am still here... aging and just Taking Day by day..🤗😀 Sending you a hug Sandra 💐
@lifewithsandrahart 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad you’re still here taking a day by day and living in the now is really important❤️
@beyenatseghai5252 2 жыл бұрын
So far, I have not seen one aging like fine wine like you! I would like to let you know that I am learning about life in many aspects from you! I wish I started watching you earlier. I wish I was your next door neighbor. Thank you so much!🙏🏿🥰
@tinapadilla4755 2 жыл бұрын
Sandra, I don't want to age. I'm 78 n I'm working steadily seeking for good skincare, eating better foods exercising.. drinking water, Staying out of the sun n take vit. D. I do have lines on parts of my face n just started taking 'collagen'. Stress less, etc. Also I, too, have found I like a daily conversation with my sister or brother to see how their day is going. Thank you Sandra for having a great interest in us to share your knowledge n wisdom. Very appreciated. ❤💛💙💚
@carriemoon-dupree7875 4 жыл бұрын
70 seemed the turning point when I could no longer deny that aging was taking it’s toll on me. Everyday my look into the mirror reveals some new wrinkle, aged mark or sag that wasn’t there the day before. On the plus side, I am healthy and have everything I need and plenty of friends in the same boat. My big take away is that now that I am older, I understand what my Mother was going through as she aged.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Carrie, as long as you have your health nothing else matters! The shell is just the exterior but it’s the interior that keeps us alive and keeps us young so forget the wrinkles and forget the sagging and embrace who you are today. It’s all about good health.❤️
@yvetteszparaga805 4 жыл бұрын
I often think where did she go when I look in the mirror, my husband says well, just don’t look in the mirror 😂. Typical man. I know that she’s still in my heart just not visible to the naked eye. Do love your videos thank you for helping us all stay sane at this time x
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Yvette, that girl is still with me inside my heart. I feel as young as she, but unfortunately my body when I look in the mirror is telling me something else. I am grateful though to be here where I am at this point in my life.❤️
@paintbrush42 4 жыл бұрын
Beauty isn't a big thing with me except I don't like that my cheeks have fallen. I used to have my grandmother's beautiful cheekbones. But I am happy that I'm here and I'm glad I can still move around and have such a sense of who I am and who God is in my life. Hugging is what I miss most of all with this isolation.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Diane, hugging for me,too, is something that I genuinely miss. I hope it’s not gone for ever. Being confident in who you are and have a wonderful sense of self is the secret for a fulfilled life and happy aging. As long as you have that, then you will be able to live the best life you can while pro aging at the same time.❤️
@ronnielola6594 4 жыл бұрын
Aging is wisdom... The only problem is how you age... But the most important thing is the wholeness self accaptence... What you tell yourself when you look in the mirror is how you are going to feel. Much love from France. 🙏Sandra... Always inspiring. 💜♥️
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Bonjour Ronnie. Self acceptance is truly the key to happiness! Thank you so much for sharing that with us today.❤️
@ronnielola6594 4 жыл бұрын
@@lifewithsandrahart You inspire me everyday.... Merci beaucoup. 🙏💜
@anniechristie9693 4 жыл бұрын
You are breathtaking, and make me excited to age gracefully. You are not beautiful for your age - you are beautiful, period. Thank you for inspiring me!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Annie, I am answering my comments this morning and you just absolutely made the beginning of my day awesome! Thank you so much for your kindness.❤️
@hi-yu4bh 4 жыл бұрын
Nice video..positive thoughts !!!
@rvinothini1454 3 жыл бұрын
Sandra......You are Beautiful and thank you for making several others beautiful tooo.😊
@lifewithsandrahart 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching some of my videos. I’m glad to know that you were here and spend a little bit of time with me. I hope I see you again soon.❤️
@petagaymacmillan9449 4 жыл бұрын
Your daughter in law is probably hoping she can age as beautifully as you. You are one fabulous lady. Everybody would agree 👍🏼😃🌹❤️
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Peta, well, I just happen to have a very beautiful daughter-in-law in her 30s. I wish I had been as smart as she is at her age. She loves my son and that even makes her more beautiful to me.❤️
@petagaymacmillan9449 4 жыл бұрын
Life Over Sixty With Sandra Isn’t that we all want … for our children to be happy and loved 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼❤️ have no regrets
@NVG1307 Жыл бұрын
I feel like I have aged overnight, literally. Even looking at my 59 year old and then 60 year old. It’s like if I spend 24 hours in a dryer. I turned from a juicy plum into a dry prune. I am 62 and still trying to figure out how to get accustomed to my new strange image. Learning how to switch from being externally satisfying to being satisfied internally. I think I love most of the gains of the age except for the mirror reflections. However, in my younger age I used to admire older women who represented a unique style and class. You are a beautiful diamond, Sandra. Thank you for sharing and prompting all these topics. ❤
@lifewithsandrahart Жыл бұрын
Embrace the new and unique you! We are more than our wrinkles! Older women can have a special mystic about them. Confidence and the way we carry ourselves. Don’t be afraid to flaunt your own style because at our age we are over worrying about what others think. We are so lucky to still be here.
@luludelumeau7090 4 жыл бұрын
I'm still hanging on to my pencil skirts and stilettos in my 60+ life. But all they do is clutter my closets and make me feel unattractive. I'm a mess and need to move on...I know😪
@sharondiaz137 4 жыл бұрын
Lulu deLumeau I feel you. It can be very sad
@JJSolitude 4 жыл бұрын
At least you're honest!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Lulu, letting go is hard to do but we can’t move on until we do. Give those pencil skirts to someone who will enjoy them or donate them to a woman’s charity and reinvent yourself. You will be a new woman and love the new you. It’s never too late to start.❤️
@imahick5723 4 жыл бұрын
Great video! I have tried very hard to not become my mother who was an angry bitter old woman. I have had a very good life, and have been many different ages. Some days I just pick one of the ages I've been and become that age again. Lately I've been stuck at about 28, but I have been in my forties and fifties too!
@gwenewing6837 4 жыл бұрын
I like that! I think subconciously I pick an age and become that for a day or two too!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Hey, Ima, 28 sounds good to me. I’ll join you. LOL! You are amazing.❤️
@spiritualconnection6289 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Sandra early 50s here god think your beautiful. Age has been very kind to you hun. Love your story's yes I don't like ageing. You remind me of my late mother your lovely hair very glamorous. Have a daughter 29 son 13 love from UK stay blessed,love your words of wisdom miss my mother dearly she loved life dancing. Clothes hair. I understand I feel like this now. Where has the time gone.🌹❤️
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Oh, isn’t that so true! Where has the time gone! For me, it has traveling at the speed of sound. How wonderful you have a 29-year-old daughter and a 13-year-old. You will be raising children for a long time! Thank you so much for being here and sharing with me today.❤️
@annesfeltedfriends 3 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed your video on aging. I have always been someone who preferred the “natural” look and haven’t wore make up since my working days, and then very minimally. At 78 years old, I look at myself and even now have difficulty accepting my aged body, even though I know is is “natural” to sag in places. So I don’t like to look at myself in the mirror! However, I do love to do crafts for charity, weaving and knitting. So this is what gives me purpose in life now, even tho I can’t do the things I once was able to do!
@lifewithsandrahart 3 жыл бұрын
Anne, How wonderful that you craft. Weaving and knitting are such a wonderful skills. Are used to knit and crochet, but I don’t know if I remember how. My oldest daughter does knit and I know how calming it is. We all are aging together, but that’s a good thing because it means were still here. We can’t fight it so we might as well just embrace it and make the best of it. Try to enjoy our lives each and every day and do as you do by giving and using your talents to help others. Thank you so much for sharing your story❤️
@deborahgonzales424 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandra, my name is Deborah& I am 58! I think the thing that I fear most about getting older is not being able to go like I used to do, getting dementia, losing my eyesight. I live in Georgia. I have neuropathy in my feet& I've broken both ankles & my femur bone at the hip! But I love to read, I have my Bible& I've learned to live with the pain. I am content. Now I want to talk about you!! First just let me say you are absolutely gorgeous! You are beautiful, inside & out. I am SO lucky to have run across your channel! I think you are so talented... & very wise. You inspire me so much! I am going to start exercising, a little at a time! I would be so honored if I could call you my friend! I don't have a you tube channel, I just watch them lol! I look forward to watching some more of your videos! Now you take care & be safe! God bless you ❤🙂🦋
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Deborah, i’m so sorry to hear that you have had so many broken bones. But please don’t be afraid of dementia or losing your eyesight. The chances of that happening to you probably is extremely small. Concentrate on the positive things in your life. The fact that you’re still here and you seem to have a really wonderful attitude about life. Those things are always so extremely important. I’m so happy you found my channel and of course we are all friends here. I think my subscribers are some of the best people in the whole wide world. They’re smart, they have empathy for others and they want to live purposeful lives. Feel better and know that we are all thinking of one another. So happy to have you here with us.❤️
@deborahgonzales424 4 жыл бұрын
@@lifewithsandrahart Thank You Sandra ❤🦋
@michellemccoy3726 4 жыл бұрын
I see myself physically changing.. I am 51 and I am starting to look it. I hate it! Your talk has helped me not get so hung up about it.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
If you don’t love who we are and where we are at this moment. Then we are going to lead a miserable life. We all age. That’s just reality. So let’s make the best of it. So let’s put some lipstick on fixer hair and go out knowing that we love ourselves and who we are.❤️
@shamalama29 2 жыл бұрын
Well from the look of that pic of you, you are looking really nice at this wonderful time in your life.
@lorenheard2561 4 жыл бұрын
I've got to tell you,that you are better than the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.You inspire me to try and be a better person,and it's not been easy do to some certain experiences I went through that left me on guard with people for most of my life.So thank you,there are very few women I talk with as I'm still a tomboy.As far as what I wonder...Where did that 11 year old go!? I still get weirded out by that,cause I still feel 11 inside pretending to be a "grown-up"
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Lauren, that 11-year-old tomboy is still inside and you can let her out once in a while, that’s OK. We all have a child inside of us and in a way that keeps us young, but we do grow up and we do become other people. Eventually we do grow up and change. We should embrace and believe in who we are now and take pride in that fact.❤️
@lorenheard2561 4 жыл бұрын
@@lifewithsandrahart Thank you.🌻
@patriciaburke2401 4 жыл бұрын
Sandra, you look amazing! Your mother must have been beautiful. I was walking passed some shops one day and I saw the reflection of an old lady, rather stooped over. I thought “ that poor old lady”. So, I looked around & discovered the reflection in the window was me! It was a rude awakening, for sure! Lol!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Patricia, I know it’s scary, isn’t it? Every time I pass a mirror I say to myself,” there’s my mother”. We can’t stop the aging process but we can’t except where we are now and embrace who we are at this moment.❤️
@carlawendos864 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandra, I think you highlighted several important tips. Never stop learning. Embrace imperfections ( we are in a world obsessed with perfection). Sometimes it is difficult to accept ageing, but the old saying - it's about the journey not the destination. Also, we've never been old before, so it can take some getting used to ! Carla x
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Carla, some very wise and great advice in your comment. I hope everyone reads it. Thank you so much I sincerely appreciate your support and leaving a comment today.❤️
@Lavender-doll 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks...a beautiful presentation. Have a great day!♥️
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
You too TheA.. Thank you so much.❤️
@anneedfitzpatrickfitzpatri3294 4 жыл бұрын
Our attitude has a lot to do with it, someone said you don't reach your best look until your forties, not so sure about that, I think there's beauty in every age.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
I think you’re absolutely right. Every age has its own unique beauty. I know a woman in her 90s and she is absolutely beautiful because she is alive inside and interesting and has never let the joy of living leave her.❤️
@jeremybiger 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sandra, I am a fan of your channel. I am 38 years old, but aren't we all ageless souls? I feel what you are saying in this video applies all life long. For many people the struggles come at all ages and we can all benefit from the points you talked about. Jérémy
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Well thank you so much for enjoying what I’m doing here on my channel. I guess I think that all ages experience certain things in common but as we get older sometimes the things we worry about and are concerned about become more exaggerated. I think that is just human nature. Also, when were young we don’t really appreciate where we are at that point in time until later on and we look back. Hindsight is a great magnifier.❤️
@happyandjoyful7916 4 жыл бұрын
Sandra, since I have been watching your videos, I really believe you have become younger looking. You’re so beautiful inside and out. Your personality is classy and at the same time, you’re so cute. You have a soft sweet innocence about you. Don’t ever lose that softness. You have a childlike enthusiasm and humility that is just captivating at any age.😊😊😊😊👏👏👏👏
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for that. I certainly appreciate your kind comments. Thank you for watching and have a wonderful day tomorrow.❤️
@happyandjoyful7916 4 жыл бұрын
Life Over Sixty With Sandra You too Sandra. You and your family be safe.😊
@mariakapatos9545 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandra I so love your talks and time spent with you. I am 72 years young and I also believe that when you feel young inside it shows on the outside. I am happy where I am now in my life and for the wisdom and growth on my journey so far. Today is a good day and I am living it, I tell myself each day in meditation. You are such a warm and loving person and I'am richer for knowing you. I look forward to all your uplifting and inspiring chats, thank you and bless you. Much love comming your way.🌹❤
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Maria, I am so happy when I get such nice comments from my subscribers. You are so right. We really have to embrace being here and enjoying every single day. We have to be so happy that we can still leave a vibrant and full life. I am brace every single day and all the changes and the challenges and adventures that come along.
@eerindiraarora6921 4 жыл бұрын
Very valid points and at the same time, uplifting. What I want the most for myself is to lose weight but find it difficult to not eat what I feel like eating. Oh well...
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
I know it’s hard to abstain from your favorite foods 24/7. Why not try to abstain from those foods during the week and on Saturday treat yourself to something very decadent. Just eliminate things like bread from your diet helps. If you really wanna do it you will. In the meantime enjoy being you.❤️
@eerindiraarora6921 4 жыл бұрын
Life Over Sixty With Sandra Thankyou! That is valuable advice which I cherish and will take up. I LOVE bread but am willing to give it up
@beam8250 3 жыл бұрын
You are as beautiful as you were when you were 45 y/o, in my opinion, Sandra! I am truly grateful that you share your wisdom with us all. Thank you
@lifewithsandrahart 3 жыл бұрын
I’m watching this and I’m glad that you enjoyed it. Thank you for your kind comment❤️
@Premchik 4 жыл бұрын
Dear Sandra, thank you so much for your channel! I think it is wonderful and so much needed for a lot of women, and you are very beautiful. I'm 50. For me the hard and painful switch happened when I realised for the first time (may me first 10 times - it is not an easy thing to digest) that I was not young and attractive any more. Physically. I am still relatively young and somewhat attractive, and I can preserve and enhance my beauty (which is important to me) but I will never ever be young again - I will not have that silk glowing skin, those forms - round and harmonious, that young fertile women have - and I will never ever be attractive in this way. It was a blow. And it was especially hard because at that particular moment my husband left me for a younger woman. But I must say that after I was past it, the rest was absolutely fine by me. I don't mind aging, I don't mind changing. I would say that it's even easier now, because I feel that the burden of the demand to be attractive has been risen. Now staying attractive is a choice that I make rather then an expectation of the society. So I'm enjoying myself now! :) (Sorry for my English))
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the honest and very important message you have shared with us in your comment. We cannot reverse aging, but we can embrace who we are and love who we are right now. We will never be the young women that we used to be, but we certainly can cherish what we have become. Thank you so much for that. I hope a lot of my subscribers will read your very honest and open dialogue. Self-love is the best gift that we can ever give to ourselves.❤️
@Premchik 4 жыл бұрын
@@lifewithsandrahart Very true! 💖
@KimCMuir 4 жыл бұрын
A very moving inspiring video my sweet Sandra! Only you could soothe my soul!!! One thing that's been changing for me at age 64 is how fast everyone goes in all things all ways....talking too fast on the phone!!! Many many times I just say, "Hold up! Please start over and speak slowly!" They usually do but condescendingly sometimes! Lol, I just laugh at myself and I'm generally enjoying my role now. I'm more of a mentor now with 12 grandchildren! They look up to me where society looks down to me! Hahaha, Ageism is alive and well! I'm a feisty senior and living life on life's terms.💕💕💕💕💕
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Kim, I hear you. How wonderful that you have 12 grandchildren! What a dream! The bond between grandchildren and grandmother is so very special and your grandchildren are so lucky to have you as their mentor. You will live on through them for a long, long time. Thank you so much for sharing your story today.❤️
@marysmith8876 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sandra. Wonderful . I really enjoyed this .AHH to find ones purpose! Be safe and be well 😘
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching, Mary. Have a great day tomorrow.❤️
@jamestalkington7434 2 жыл бұрын
a caring hart to hart conversation is the spice of life😇😻🤠GOD BLESS you and yours✝
@jgroysman1 3 жыл бұрын
I’m 44 and subscribed, love to see the wisdom and peace and beauty. Gives me hope and relieves fears a little about the aging process. Thank you🌺
@lifewithsandrahart 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for subscribing and I am so happy to have you here. Welcome and I know you were going to enjoy the other women in this community. Aging it’s a natural process and we must not fear it. We are only as old as we think and feel. Our beauty constantly continues to grow from within❤️
@faziabacchus4138 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandra, I am in my sixties, I love my life, very thankful to God for good health, I like to dress up and go for walks, have a snack, look at people going about their business, it's still a beautiful world, you have beautiful eyes....
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Frazia, it’s so nice to get a comment from someone who is happy with their lives and who is in a pro aging state of mind. Keep up your positive attitude.❤️
@jeanetteturner7466 4 жыл бұрын
I just keep asking where did the time go? I think I was working and taking care of three children. Then all of a sudden they were in college and gone. I’ve had a happy marriage for 53 years. I never dreamed I would be in a weigh loose program at my age. So, some things I’m happy about, and some things I’m not happy about. I’m thankful for my life, my children, and my six grandchildren. I do have some things that I’m really sad about, but too painful to share. I have a lot of anxiety because of the pain. At 73, I do think about death. I’m trying to get everything prepared. I’m a very organized person. I laugh with my children that I’ll be orchestrating everything when I die. I do not want a funeral, I want a Celebration of Life at our home, even though I’m a religious person. I want to donate my body, but I haven’t gotten that done yet. I look at my hands and feet and think of my mother. The longer I live the more I look liKe her. She was a special lady. I miss her every day. 💜Jeanette Turner, Brentwood, Tennessee
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Jeanette, I really understand how you feel. I had an interview yesterday with the woman who is writing about women who can and have achieved things in their lives. When I started talking I realized I’ve had so many chapters in my life that it’s almost crazy. My child rearing years, my television years, my acting years. My blogging years and now my KZbin years. And in between writing my books. Somethings in my life I’m really not happy about it either. Some choices I made were really wrong for everyone. But I guess that was my journey and your journey is what you have experienced. But yet, here we are sharing our experiences our lives and our journey together. Good luck in your weight-loss program, it will be better for your health all around. PS.It’s kind of awesome that you live near my son in Nashville, too. ❤️
@jeanetteturner7466 4 жыл бұрын
Life Over Sixty With Sandra I do hope I get to meet you sometime. I do live close to your son, and I taught school at Harpeth Valley which very near his home. 💜
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Jeanette Turner I hope so, too. It doesn’t look too good for me to be in Nashville this summer because of the virus, but I hope maybe in the fall I’ll be able to get down there for a little while.❤️
@jeanetteturner7466 4 жыл бұрын
@ana419 2 жыл бұрын
What are you talking about? You're far more beautiful today than when you were younger! What's with looking younger? How about just looking beautiful? You got it, you're gorgeous as a diamond! ♡
@lifewithsandrahart 2 жыл бұрын
Good morning. You just made my whole day! Thank you so much for your kindness and I really appreciate your being part of this community.
@gayleritter1199 4 жыл бұрын
Some of your topics are so thought provoking and this is one of them. I don’t know why this is but every morning when I wake up, my entire life flashes b4 me, good and bad. The thing that is prominent is gratefulness because EVEN with the bad, I somehow I was introduced to the right people, doctors, events that eventually formed a new and more confident me. I have been so blessed in so many ways, most of my close close dear friends are dead now and I miss them terribly but I have such wonderful memories of them and the 50’s and 60’s. I was introduced to the Lord during my first cancer bout (age 38) and he changed my life. He showed me how little control I actually have and that’s another reason for my attitude. On a lighter note, as silly as it seems, fashion has always been a fun thing for me, I used to sew and even sewed for a yardage store to display items for them, I think if you have something that you do that makes you happy, it shows in all you do. Now, I hardly sew at all but I get such fun out of putting outfits together and adding jewelry, etc. My father who grew up dirt poor used to say “if you look good, you feel good.” Maybe my love of fashion comes partly from that. And, of course, there is your loving family and those wonderful grandchildren. When they say they love you, you crumble. No one has a perfect life but I am so very grateful for all I’ve been given.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Gayle, thank you so much for your very heartwarming, honest and beautiful comment. I hope everyone reads your story and gets inspiration from you and your strength and your ability to be a survivor. I love reading your story and I always love getting your wonderful, wonderful comments thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.❤️
@cherilynnsorensen3637 2 жыл бұрын
I know this video is couple years old but wow you were such a beautiful lady and you still are Sandra I had a hard life when I was younger never felt pretty I was insecure just went through alot I just turned 50 this year sometimes I feel shocked I can't believe I'm 50 already I can remember when I was pre teen like it was yesterday where did time go .at my age now I have so much more knowledge Iearned self love for who I am and I am so much more at peace with myself than ever before when I started self love I was no longer a victim to domestic violence also or a push over anymore yeah sometimes when look in the mirror I see an older lady but ultimately I'm at peace thank you for your videos you super awesome I love your advice ♥
@kimwade6249 4 жыл бұрын
I have never been a beautiful person, just ordinary.. but even though the exterior has changed, I find that I much prefer the person I have become inside. I have accepted who I am and I am ok with it. 🙂
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Kim, I am sure you’re not ordinary. And I bet when other people look at you they don’t think that you are ordinary. We all are unique and we all have our unique types of beauty. And I know you are a beautiful person because of your comments I know that you were have that wonderful beauty that radiates from inside that makes you more attractive than you believe you are. Your beauty radiates to me. Thank you so much for your comment today and watching this video.❤️
@sessions322 2 жыл бұрын
I think you look more beautiful and fresher now. Thank you for your channel.
@jennifernethery3841 4 жыл бұрын
Sandra, you are more beautiful now than at 40!!!! Really, I mean it!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Jennifer, Gee, when I look in my mirror I don’t see that, but I will take that compliment! Thank you ever so much for that.
@MR-ho3mo 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Sandra for being on KZbin and sharing your wisdom. I've enjoyed your honesty and willingness to share your innermost self. I live by myself and have felt the need to reach out and connect in as many ways as possible. I try not to think negative thoughts but they do pop up, now and again. Your videos help me think about my life and how happy I've been in the past.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching my videos and enjoying them. One is never alone as long as they can connect, even through KZbin. Thank you again, stay well and have a wonderful day.❤️
@junieb9161 4 жыл бұрын
oh how your words comforted me, wow, I'm not alone. You were saying everything I have been feeling. Similarly, I had recently gotten out a younger picture of myself and propped it up so I could look at younger me everyday and everyday I'd stare at it and think to myself , where did this young woman go. Well, I thought about this as I listened to you and realized too that it wasn't just about the loss of my youthful looks but about my spirit, my confidence. I wanted to feel that again. And..... surely as I just turned 70, what now is my purpose. Thank you for sharing. I can't tell you how much it has helped me. I'll be watching this video again.
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
June, thank you so much for sharing that with me. That young woman is still inside of you. She is still there but we have become someone else on the exterior and perhaps even wiser with more life experience. That’s a good thing and we should embrace it always. Have a great day today.❤️
@roseyc.5846 4 жыл бұрын
BTW, Sandra, you're so right about the online resources available to us, to help us stay positive and productive during these times. Many are free..they range from help with anxiety through meditation and guided breathing, to an endless range of topics and tutorials. We can learn much, and we can turn this time of isolation into a time of self-transformation in a positive way. Thank you again! :-) Rosemarie xo
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Rosemarie, thank you so much for sharing that in your comment. I hope others read it. Thank you.❤️
@celiatube 4 жыл бұрын
Your friends sound magnificent! Thank you (&them) for sharing the wisdom! Btw, I can TOTALLY see the 45 year old you, in you! & In fact, you might be even MORE gorgeous now!!! Personally, I've always had an odd relationship with the mirror. Also, or especially, with the photograph/camera lens... but aging, I've always looked at more logically. What bothers me most about the process... that I cannot change my mindset of basics, sleeping on back, and other such obvious tips! But, I'd rather work at my inner growth I guess, than train myself on some others fronts, in anycase... I'm so glad you are part of my beauty journey, and growth plan!
@lifewithsandrahart 4 жыл бұрын
Oh, I totally agree with you! Sometimes when I watch other videos I almost groan to think that I have to do all of these things to try to stay young! I am at the period in my life we are less is more. I don’t want to have to work so hard on my exterior to feel good about myself. I would rather nurture my inner strength and inner qualities that radiate from the inside to the outside so that I don’t have to work so hard trying to have a good image in the mirror. Does that sound crazy?❤️
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