Where is the Body of Akhenaten? | Lost Pharaoh of Egypt's 18th Dynasty

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World of Antiquity

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@WorldofAntiquity Жыл бұрын
Get 10% off 6” and 8.5” MOVA Globes with code WOA10 at bit.ly/woamova.
@beepboop204 Жыл бұрын
do you think you could get on Joe Rogan if you pretended to come up with all your peer reviewed academic material via DMT? 😂
@lostboy8084 Жыл бұрын
Only if there is a globe of Middle Earth
@wadeadams4263 11 ай бұрын
Sorry, but I can't stop watching the globe. So cool
@anasevi9456 Жыл бұрын
I always figured his body was destroyed or intentionally desecrated in a way that would make it's preservation virtually impossible. Having a bunch of incredibly powerful and incredibly angry priests having it out for you usually does that.
@xspydazx Жыл бұрын
Yes replaced by Arab fakers ... They sold the originals long ago .... I have been to people's homes on top of tombs ! Still exploiting them ... They even had special stuff which the museam probably wish they have ....
@chrispict42 Жыл бұрын
...angry priests?. Yep, you said it.
@amylarson3958 4 ай бұрын
Don't forget they somehow magically lost Pharaoh Hatshepsut s Mummy...... No one liked her either
@cejann3926 Ай бұрын
@@amylarson3958they’ve got her
@somnambulist7705 Жыл бұрын
Happy to find a channel that is interesting and presents the information in an entertaining way without all the ancient ‘technology’ rubbish. The difference in someone that has an open mind, reason and facts.
@David7308258 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps you could direct your 'open mind' at the granite pottery, diorite statues, 70 ton stone boxes with almost perfect internal geometry, or bore holes in solid granite that the deluded ancient technology brigade point at, and tell us all how they were created (without mentioning soft copper chisels, or pounding stones). As soon as someone tells these people how it was done, they will all go away and leave you open minded types to chew over your dynastic pharaonic charts.
@dmacrolens Жыл бұрын
Shoot, I'd just be happy to find a comment that communicates with clear and complete sentences.
@somnambulist7705 Жыл бұрын
@@dmacrolens I come here for the content not the comments.
@FormerMPSGT Жыл бұрын
@@dmacrolens Ah yes the life of a Grammar Nazi!
@joshuadk13 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion, I believe Akhenaten was buried at Amarna, and then reinterred at KV-55 after it was abandoned, even as a heretic, he was still a pharaoh, especially if this reinterment was done during his son’s reign. I believe the mummy found in that tomb is Akhenaten.
@Wodz30 Жыл бұрын
King, not a Pharaoh. Ramses II was the first Pharaoh of Egypt. GOD-KING of the 19th century. There is a reason the Abydos "Kings" list suddenly ends there LOL
@dantyler6907 Жыл бұрын
Should be helpful to analyze the skulls of KV-55 and Amarna. We see indications of an affected body in hieroglyphs (elongated skull/jaw), perhaps elongated nose. Examining and imaging skulls in those tombs might help nail down the identity of the occupant.
@joshuadk13 Жыл бұрын
@@dantyler6907 unfortunately only dna can do that I think, maybe test them against Tut’s. The Amarna style was most likely just aesthetic
@katherinegilks3880 Жыл бұрын
​@dantyler6907 The DNA issue is always going to be problematic because of how closely related the royals were. We don't know anything about Akhenaten's physical traits that could conclusively determine whether remains are his or not.
@katherinegilks3880 Жыл бұрын
I think the theory that the KV-55 mummy is Akhenaten is the most sound considering all of the evidence we have at present. Horemheb was the one who wanted to strike Akhenaten, Smenkhare, Tutankhamun, and Ay from the records. Bringing Akhenaten and family back to the Valley of the Kings would be seen as part of the restoration of order under Tutankhamun.
@Kasamira Жыл бұрын
Ever since I read a historical fiction book about Nefertiti and Akhenaten as a kid I’ve been fascinated by them- great video as always
@joeanderson4508 3 ай бұрын
Me too - the one I read was called "A God Against the Gods""
@dazuk1969 Жыл бұрын
That KV55 sarcophagus is interesting. The gold face has been ripped off and there was also a hieroglyphic inscription on it that gave the name of the occupant which has been erased. This would kinda fit with wanting to erase Akhenaten as he was not exactly flavour of the month. Cool globe by the way.
@joshuadk13 Жыл бұрын
Also, I think Akhenaten is incredibly interesting for his political weaponization of religion. In my view, he didn’t change the religion to Aten worship out of belief, but in an effort to reconsolidate power around the Pharaoh which the cult of Amun had taken for itself, you eliminate Amun, you eliminate their power entirely.
@hape3862 Жыл бұрын
His father, Amenophis III, had already begun to disempower the Amun priests by favoring Aton. Perhaps little Amenophis IV became a true believer in what his father had created as a political move. In any case, that is the version that a friend and I tell in a historical novel from Horemheb's point of view …
@RalphEllis Жыл бұрын
It is likely that Akhenaton fled to Greece, along with Aye. When Tutankhamen died, Aye came back to take the throne. But he was kicked out four or so years later, and fled to Spain and then Ireland. Where does this information come from! Scotichronicon and the Labor Gabala, that ancient history of the Scots and Irish, who say that their lands were settled by Aye and Ankesenamum (Gaythelos and Scota). See ‘Scota, Egyptian Queen of the Scots’. Ralph
@joshuadk13 Жыл бұрын
@@RalphEllis I really doubt that
@terrirandilee5239 Жыл бұрын
He was trying to get rid of the previous distorted message about the "gods" reminding them we only have 1 infinite creator.
@hape3862 Жыл бұрын
@@terrirandilee5239 Have you not taken your medication again?
@tlcmc6451 Жыл бұрын
I've wondered if Akhenaten's remains were destroyed because he was such a heretic. Or maybe buried in a way that his remains were not identifiable or even preserved in the normal manner in order to deny him an afterlife?
@Luciddreamer007 Жыл бұрын
Yes - he could have ended up as Fish Food 😅
@oldmanriver1955 Жыл бұрын
Whilst they engaged 'damnatio memorai' this generally meant erasing removing names and images. I doubt their theology would really destroy his remains.
@varyolla435 Жыл бұрын
It's possible. Perhaps Horemheb who "erased" references to him and Tut saw his tomb violated as well. Horemheb ordered the destruction of Amarna - where Akhenaten's tomb was located. The blocks of Amarna was either ground down to make lime and/or were reused to build other things at Karnak. It might also be a case of later tomb robbers violating the tombs. As his tomb was located at Amarna - which was razed - it stands to reason that the tombs located there would have then lacked any protection as others in say the Valley of the Kings had. A destroyed city sitting alone away from others is a ripe target for marauders. So whoever violated his tomb destroyed what was contained in it as his stone sarcophagus was smashed and the wall depictions damaged. It might have been sanctioned by a Pharaoh - or simply robbers who also hated what he represented. The fact that as you see on remaining temples his depictions in his tomb had their faces obliterated infers Horemheb as responsible. It shows "selective" destruction as opposed to simply destroying a wall depiction in toto. That is what Pharaohs did via _"damnatio memoriae."_ His tomb might have been vandalized and his mummy removed and ignominiously dumped into a lesser crypt.
@dazuk1969 Жыл бұрын
@@oldmanriver1955 I agree, there was a hieroglyphic inscription on the sarcophagus that gave the name of the occupant that has been erased. As well as the gold mask being ripped off. This fits quite well with wanting to erase Akhenaten without going against their beliefs.
@strigoi_guhlqueen8355 Жыл бұрын
Always appreciate the wide range of topics you cover.
@rdawson808 Жыл бұрын
I'll tell you straight up, I have no idea where his body is, because I'm an economist and have no clue about ancient history. But I LOVE your videos. I feel like I learn a lot from them. Thanks! (If only those globes were of the Star Wars universe!)
@Norralin Жыл бұрын
I really like how you get the real archeological debates out there, not the bogus debates that pseudoscience wants to have. Also, in my own uneducated opinion - the Egyptians seem to have been pretty rigid about pharaoh burials. I'd put money on Thebes! Also they seem to have been sticklers for tradition and keeping up appearances - I can almost picture the priests in Thebes anxiously wringing their hands and waiting for Akhenaten to die, so they could back to doing things the proper way.
@KasumiRINA Ай бұрын
It's almost funny how conservative Egyptians were with things, Greeks pointed out the leap day but Egyptians insisted on their calendar with round months and fixed length. Only with Caesar calendar was mostly fixed, else they managed to get half a year sway lol.
@edgarsnake2857 Жыл бұрын
Great subject, great commentary. Thanks, Doctor. His name rings down through the ages. Akhenaton has historical mystery clout like few others. King Arthur, Joan D'Arc. People who make history that is talked about centuries and millennia later. Your videos always have a comprehensive authority to them--like if Edward R. Murrow had been a historian.
@chrispict42 Жыл бұрын
Jeanne d'arc was a witch King Arthur did not exist.
@snarky4lyfe144 Жыл бұрын
@@chrispict42 so any woman who knows about herbs and natural medicine is OBVIOUSLY a witch huh ? Joan of Arc was a great heroine not a witch . and there is no evidence that King Arthur lived or never lived . though there are a variety of stories that may or may not be true . i mean they DID find a round table in a time it should not have been , there is evidence that Merlin was an actual person , so . good enough to me to be true history . would be nice if others would actually do some more searching in other places than egypt . id love to hear more european history .
@KasumiRINA Ай бұрын
​@@chrispict42 Joanne was a dragon lady defeated by Kojirou Sasaki the Savior of France, and King Arthur is another girl who looks very similar to Joan. They're called "Saberface" for a reason!
@TravisLTalbot Жыл бұрын
You’re the best, Dr. Miano!
@PopGoesTheology Жыл бұрын
Tushratta - my new favorite name form the ancient world! Thanks, Doc! For those who don't know, Mitanni is modern-day Syria.
@incorrba Жыл бұрын
I didn't know that and Tushratta's name did not form the ancient world!
@ABBAndy Жыл бұрын
First of all: Akhenaten was surely burried in his own tomb at Akhetaten. There can be little doubt about that, as many artifacts and remains of a king's burial where found there, most of them carrying his names, including his sarcophagus, shabtis, canopic chest etc. Just see G. T. Martin, The Royal Tomb at El-Amarna I. The Objects, London 1974. He concludet on page 105 Nr. 9b: "Akhenaten was buried in the Royal Tomb in or shortly after Year 17. [Summarizing the material, he goes on:] There can no longer be any room for doubt that Akhenaten was buried there." Secondly, concerning the tomb KV 55, there is no evidence at all that this mummy could be someone else than Akhenaten himself. Smenkhkare is often mentioned but none of the objects in the tomb bares his name! Just see the original publication of T. Davis, The Tomb of Queen Tiyi, London 1910. This attribution was only led by the assumption, that the mummy was a man who died young, which we now know better (Davis himself beliefed, the mummy was that of queen Tiyi). Even though there where rumours about an inscription mentioning Smenkhkare on the inside of the mostly destroyed sarcophagus - only the lid was found in a good condition - these rumours where proofen wrong when the remains of the sarcophacus where rediscovered and reconstructed. On the other hand: the canopic jars sure where originally made for Kiya, a secondary wife of Akhenaten, but where altered, most likely for Akhenaten, before all inscriptions where eventually removed, see M. Gabolde, Under a Deep Blue Starry Sky, in: P. J. Brand and L. Cooper, Causing His Name To Live, Leiden/Boston 2009, p. 109-120. The same goes for the sarcophagus, even though no traces of alteration where found in the examination of A. Grimm/S. Schoske, Das Geheimnis des goldenen Sarges, Munich 2001. The best piece of evidence is however the presence of magic bricks. They state that Akhenaten was buried here and protected by the old gods! In combination with the fact, that the tomb was originally seald with king Tutankhamuns seal, it is most likely that here Akhenaten was reburied after Akhetaten was abandoned. And the DNA analysis lines in with these historical facts perfectly. So there is little mystery in my opinion. And sorry for any language errors I may made - I'm not a native speaker.
@PeachysMom 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I agree …fragments of his sarcophagus were found there, so that’s good enough for me
@IanBlease-y5b 13 күн бұрын
Definitely KV55
@scottowens1535 Жыл бұрын
Good stuff. Also a nice globe!
@shock_n_Aweful Жыл бұрын
Given the treatment of Akhenaten's legacy by the following Pharaohs it seems strange not imagine that the body was desecrated/destroyed or maybe never actually mummified.
@Eyes_Open Жыл бұрын
UnchartedX channel will now release a video about the unknown ancient technology that causes your globe to mystically rotate. It is impossible to achieve today.
@richardvine5915 Жыл бұрын
You sure they are not flat earthers?
@adkh5826 Жыл бұрын
I think both sides are rather disrespectful to humans in history and our shared ancestors. Conventional archaeologists refer to the ancients as primitive (implying dumb dumbness) and of using primitives tools when they actually build the most monumentally epic structures. The alternative community also refers to them as primitive, so much so that they attribute these monumental structures to a separate lost civilisation, of which has no evidence! It's time to give the ancients the respect and credit and credibility and accolades they deserve. You underestimate their ingenuity and will power to be something more than perhaps our civilisation
@TheLeppus28 Жыл бұрын
​@@adkh5826The expession "mainstream archeologists" suggests that there are other archeologists which are not mainstream. I suppose these must be "youtube archeologists" who dig in their back garden. Funny enough those ones are actually more mainstream than the first ones as their videos are watched by millions of people and nobody listens to real archeologists.
@lostpony4885 Жыл бұрын
Thats because the aliens left.
@catman8965 Жыл бұрын
​​@@adkh5826 I found your writing shows you HAVEN'T listened to either side.
@lilgnomey Жыл бұрын
Oh my god!! Hopes and dreams answered with that globe thing!! And in a vid about Akhenaten, no less. *turns into happy little puddle on the floor* Have been following your channel for a year or so now, and I truly appreciate the logical and passionate way you present researched analysis (and let’s be honest, the pure mastery of your satire!). Thank you, from Australia 🇦🇺
@WorldofAntiquity Жыл бұрын
I am glad you have enjoyed it, and thank you for the donation!
@lilgnomey Жыл бұрын
@@WorldofAntiquity you are most welcome 😊
@andriettebergakker6604 Жыл бұрын
In a effort to destroy any traces of him would they have destroyed his body (thereby also ensuring that he is unable to get a proper afterlife)? I have always wondered based on the length they went to make him dissapear from history.
@Patrick462 Жыл бұрын
The bodies of all of the pharaohs (except one) have been destroyed/never found. Akhenaten is no different in this regard.
@maszkalman3676 Жыл бұрын
Yeah i'm 100% with you on this his body if they found it must be destroyed so the heretic king can't go into the afterlife...
@varyolla435 Жыл бұрын
Not always. Horemheb destroyed references to Tutankhamun = yet his tomb and thus his body were not violated. Whatever the Egyptians believed they placed great stock in "symbolism". The Pharaoh was still considered to be a living God. To exist in their afterlife however demanded not only a body for your spirit to inhabit = it required you be remembered and offerings made. So destroying temples and references to them would accomplish the same effect in their minds without destroying the actual body. If no one remembered them + no offerings were made in their name + they were perhaps removed from their tomb and dumped into some lesser ignominious crypt - thus they lacked the magical spells contained within their tomb to insure their passage into the afterlife = it would be the same as erasing them. So it is possible his mummy was destroyed. Such destruction however might more plausibly be done by marauders who did not ascribe to Egyptian religious beliefs rather than a sanctioned act by some Pharaoh. The Egyptians as a people were typically pretty leery about violating a body as far as destruction. They might steal any valuables and leave the rest. Destroying the body entirely however infers someone operating outside the realm of Egyptian beliefs.
@maszkalman3676 Жыл бұрын
@@varyolla435 Egyptians had no problem ripping the heart out of the mummy or wrote fake names on the sarcophagus so they can't go into the afterlife...
@Zebred2001 Жыл бұрын
The fact that the face of the KV sarcophagus seemed to be chipped off suggests that it was Akhenaten.
@studioMYTH Жыл бұрын
It makes me so happy when you upload!
@musicplaylists59 Жыл бұрын
Great video David. Do you think your likely to make a video about Hatshepsut at some point? She's one of the most fascinating pharaohs to me for some reason.
@martinjf467 Жыл бұрын
I was under the impression that the mummy DNA project back in the 90s/00s had established almost without doubt that the KV55 mummy is Akhenaten.
@IcebergTech Жыл бұрын
I imagine there's at least a chance that his mummy was eaten or turned into home remedies by rich 16-19th century Europeans, who apparently did that sort of thing quite often.
@Chris.Davies Жыл бұрын
Egyptology without the BS. Thanks, Dr. The Miano!
@massimosquecco8956 Жыл бұрын
Splendid lecture! This is what I m expecting from you. Thank you so much for your exhaustive and honest description. You are the best!
@wildheartfree420 7 ай бұрын
I am convinced that Akhenaten was the Pharaoh of the biblical Exodus. It’s amazing to study this period of time.
@HoangLyDaiVuong 5 ай бұрын
Because he was a hybrid between a human and an alien, the aliens took his body back to his father's country/planet.
@katherinegilks3880 Жыл бұрын
The KV55 theory is the most accurate according to current evidence. Is it absolutely certain? No, but historical science is like that. The idea that Akhenaten was returned to Thebes after his death doesn't sit well with the image of him as a damned heretic, but there is no evidence that he was considered such under the reign of Tutankhamun. Much like how some religions practice posthumous baptism or other similar rituals, Akhenaten might have been treated as returning to the old gods alongside his son. Horemheb was the one who wanted to get rid of him, not Tutankhamun. That Horemheb got rid of everyone between himself and Amenhotep III suggests that the damnatio memoriae was much later, leaving plenty of time to move Akhenaten back to the Valley of the Kings.
@opmdevil Жыл бұрын
Akhenated face well known. Maybe he super star of history. Very distinct features. Maybe super model of egypt pharao.
@purepotentialityNow 7 ай бұрын
Loving Revelations and Opening of Awareness 😊😊😊 Blessings
@michaelsinglehurst7153 15 күн бұрын
I also have visited Akhetaten in 2012 and believe that Akhenaten was originally buried in the royal tomb but consequently re-buried at Thebes, possibly by Tutankhamen, for safety reasons when Akhetaten was beginning to be systematically destroyed!
@yesfredfredburger8008 Жыл бұрын
You’ve been uploading weekly??? But KZbin hasn’t mentioned you in months! Excellent content, as always!
@d.darling.honeyboy Жыл бұрын
I think it might be the same scrutinized study that identified The Younger Lady in KV35 as Tutankhamons mother and KV55s brother/husband? Regardless if The Younger Lady is king tuts mother or not, she occupies my brain. The way she looks to be sleeping serenely contrasted by the huge hole/gash in the side of her face and the hole in her upper torso just kinda hurts. Not knowing who she is makes that even more tragic because I can really see her as a person rather then just a mummy. I think the other people in her tomb are more or less identified but then we have mostly figured out who she probably isn’t? Also how their three bodies were found in situ also made me feel things. And if she is Tuts mother it’s also sad since tuts mother wasn’t really mentioned anywhere. The state of her body and her confusing identity just leaves a lot up for interpretation but rather than speculating I’m just a bit heartbroken. I’m well aware that my facts could be off but if someone has better, more reliable info I beg you to correct me hahaha. I just want to know more about KV35YL!!!
@DerbyKnowledge93 Жыл бұрын
yeah I always thought his body was never found. Then I heard something this year, 2023, that they have the mummy. I guess that is what you referred to.
@eyuin5716 Жыл бұрын
Inside our hearts
@Izwat Жыл бұрын
Please talk more on symbolism of everything you show and do it’s really easy to learn from you then reading or searching for it 🙏 Thanks 😊
@serenedoge9920 Жыл бұрын
Hey Dr. Milano, I was wondering if you’d have any interest in commenting on the latest Total War release about to come out in October. It’s set in the Bronze Age Collapse focused on Egypt and the Levant? Just wondering if I can bring together one of my favorite history tubers and game series. Even if just as a visualizer. I know they put a lot of effort into rendering cities.
@WorldofAntiquity Жыл бұрын
I am a big fan of that series of games. Maybe I will do a livestream.
@nathenstrauss-fm1bz 7 ай бұрын
Mount Nebo is significant because of its role in the Old Testament. The Bible says that Mount Nebo was where Akhenaten lived out his final days
@m_t_burton Жыл бұрын
Always filling me with enlightenment! Love all your videos man!!!!
@clippyPaper 6 ай бұрын
In case anyone is unaware of it, I can recommend "Akhnaten an Opera in three acts based on the life and religious convictions of the Egyptian Pharaoh (Amenhotep IV),written by the American composer Philip Glass in 1983. The libretto is by Philip Glass in association with Shalom Goldman, Robert Israel.
@herschelmayo2727 Жыл бұрын
My guess? He got chucked in the Nile. "Oh swim, great Pharaoe. No? Ahhn have a nice day."
@Emcee_Squared Жыл бұрын
It’s amazing how his successors tried to erase his name from history yet now, he gets more attention than many other egyptian pharoahs. I guess their idea backfired.
@minraja Жыл бұрын
What i fear is that the missing mummies were destroyed during eighteenth to early twentieth century. A lot of mummies were used for seances, egyptian brown pigment, mummie unwrapping parties, or destroyed during the robbery of their tomb. I don't think we will ever find the missing mummies. I thought it was Nefertiti had her husband assassinated.
@Sevenigma777 Жыл бұрын
I always thought being how radical he was religiously that his body wouldn't have been buried like the other pharaohs. His tomb could have still been built as that was the custom but he wished something totally else for his body.
@astra6712 Жыл бұрын
Akhenaten was murdered by Maya and Rennefer in the Priests of Amun. Akhenaten was more about self glorification. It’s apparent he had a pitiful existence. His son, Tut ankh Amun (Tutankhamen) was the first real mortal human king. Moses was the adopted son of Akhenaten. They lived in the household of Amenhotep III.
@SandraAdcock Жыл бұрын
i feel the combination dna and grave goods point to kv55 being Akenaten.....no grave goods would lend more credence for dna contamination....which face it dna contamination can occur in any time or such....if we go with dna contamination....then using tbe tool in courts....and this happens some....but the small chance would mean not using the tool at all because of the possibility
@igor110p Жыл бұрын
Great video as always :) but one thing - calling Akhenaten's religion "monotheism" is probably not accurate, it's more like henotheism, with some signs of cult of other gods even. Of course it's possible that it was something like monotheism in the making and eliminating belive in other gods was Akhenaten final goal, but it wasn't established really.
@prodigalsun1069 10 ай бұрын
Another theory was that Akhenaten was forced to abdicate the throne after a coup plot, and was killed with his followers of Aten in the Sinai desert by Horemheb, or Seti.. Regardless its a fascinating mystery that I hope gets discovered to solve what actually happened, and where he actually is. Thanks for the video!
@HoangLyDaiVuong 3 ай бұрын
We lost the opportunity to test whether his DNA accurately contained alien genes.
@deathdoor Жыл бұрын
This globe would fit well on Irvin Finkel's office. Something a wizard like him should have.
@rodolfoayalajr.8589 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this educational video friend. Amen 🙏.
@naciremasti Жыл бұрын
The globe should be placed on that middle shelf on the right side. The one with the several blue books. That's the first advert I've actually watched ina while, usually just fast forward thru em.
@thepolyhobbyist Жыл бұрын
Your latest work have been great 👍👍 love it 😊
@pattheplanter Жыл бұрын
You missed out the really fringe theory that Akhenaten died in Moab on Mount Nebo under the nickname Moses. Buried there by God Himself, according to the more accurate translations of Deuteronomy.
@oldmanriver1955 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou. Prof. Osman Ahmed finds a home! He theorised that Ahkenaten was Moses. Not of pure royal breeding. Son of a Hapiru ( nthwestern delta Hebrew tribes???) And Amen III. Rises to King upon the death of his elder brother and his father to start a proto-monotheistic revision (Atenism was exclusive and seems to have taken a primary solar position). Forced from office by a coup, wanders the Sinai for 40yrs and returns to Egypt during Ram II to set his Hapiru people free. No the dates don't fit but it was a great theory to teach my classes as a repost to conventional theory.
@pattheplanter Жыл бұрын
@@oldmanriver1955 Nobody agrees on biblical dates, especially around the timing of the Patriarchs. I like to imagine this conversation: "Hey, boss, I thought you said you knew the way? It's been 40 years." "It looked different on the map." "What's a map, posh lad?"
@oldmanriver1955 Жыл бұрын
@@pattheplanter It is actually more difficult than that. There is a stele from Merenepthat III - one of Ram II's sons that mentioned destroying Israel that throws much of the dating of Exodus under the bridge.
@bugsby4663 Жыл бұрын
So many people make the mistake of calling Akhanaten a monotheist but this is the belief that there is only one god. In fact, he was a henotheist in that he believed many gods existed but worshipped only one. I think his worship of the Aten was political but also deeply personal. His father had started to worship Aten as an important, seperate divinity at the end of his life and even idenitified himself with the Aten. Although many kings called a particular god their father, given that Amenhotep III saw himself AS the Aten, I wonder how much of Akhen aten's Aten worship was bound up in worship of Amenhotep III. as for his body, I think for once I agree with Hawass and that kv55 is the most likely.
@WorldofAntiquity Жыл бұрын
Indications are that he was a monotheist. He called Aten the "One God" and even ordered the word "gods" removed and changed to "god," wherever it occurred in public inscriptions. I have seen no evidence that he believed many gods existed.
@MiseurPompadour Жыл бұрын
Didn't they possibly identity his body ? It was found in the Egyptian museum in Cairo. I'm pretty sure they did
@virginias.poston4308 Жыл бұрын
While I have no strong opinion on the location of Akhenaten's body, I do have a related question. I recall reading several years ago an interpretation of the DNA of two infant girls (related to Tut) that posited that the KV55 mummy could be Tutankhamun's grandfather, but not his father. However, I don't remember whose analysis that was or where I read it. Do you know anything about that line of reasoning?
@bobkoroua Жыл бұрын
Was he one of the ones that the Victorians ate? That globe is amazing, imagine what an ancient Egyptian would have made of it 🤯
@salinagrrrl69 Жыл бұрын
I gotta believe anything he had built including his tomb the materials were 'repurposed'.
@heatherprice588 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou for your interesting lecture on Akhenaten I concur with everything you have said nothing more has been found in the last seventy years on this Pharoah, I got the Egyptology bug when I was ten & I still find it intriguing, I read everything I can get my hands on. I've seen the mummy case they may be his, its beautiful as are TUTANKHAMEN'S coffins & treasure.
@nancyM1313 Жыл бұрын
The Globe is awesome Doctor Miano🌏 Thanks for always uploading informative/entertaining videos💙
@elihinze3161 Жыл бұрын
Fascinating video as always!
@nektu5435 Жыл бұрын
Great... now every time that globe is on screen I get fixated on watching it rotate 😂 🌜🌎🌍🌏🌎🌍🌏🌎🌛🌞
@frankdobs Жыл бұрын
as a kid in school when i was placed next to the globe i spent most the day just looking at it instead of listening
@M.M.83-U Жыл бұрын
An extra interesting video, thank you prof.
@foghornleghorn2975 Жыл бұрын
It seems like folks were bothered when Amenhotep 3 married Tiye...maybe she was outside the family tree. The offspring were obviously shunned by the priesthood and doomed the fate of the 18th dynasty. I think they fed Akhenaten to Sobek....😲
@roykay4709 Жыл бұрын
Well, since you invite speculation, my guess is that his body was probably preserved. It would behoove his wife and his vizier to do so. Likewise to continue with the worship of Aten as essential to their legitimization. Horeb (sp?), being inclined to the old theology would not want to destroy the body, but to return to the rites and traditions, and thus the Valley of the Kings. Akhenaten wouldn't be treated particularly well, but would have to be treated regally. One question: Did the language of the time (either Hieroglyphic or Demotic) have capital letters? We tend towards initial capitals in English usage, but where their differences in the characters? This is a speculation on characterization as Akhenaten vs AkhenAten or even Akhen Aten.
@helenamcginty4920 Жыл бұрын
I read a comment in one of the late GM Trevelyan's books that priest ridden societies ultimately fail. I have wondered if that was part of the reason for the demise of ancient Egypt as a powerful world force. If I recall he was explaining how the English found it relatively easy to overcome the Celtic tribes of Ireland as their druids ruled the roost. Chieftains (aka Kings) took their advice I think? I'm not sure if he was right but the later Tudors certainly knew that the only way they could rule effectively was to smash, often literally, the power of the church and to appropriate all the church owned lands and buildings to fill their own coffers. Societies where religion is not the most powerful force do seem, while not perfect, more egalitarian than those where the priests hold too much political power. Wolves in sheeps clothing?
@JH-pt6ih Жыл бұрын
Ancient Egypt never really recovered from the Boronze Age Collapse that wiped out or greatly dimminished all the Mediterrainian powers of the era. Despite its power, Ancient Egypt was still dependet on having strong trading partners. The priestly class was involved in power struggles at different times in history though so there is no reason to not consider the role it might have played in the continued decline.
@courtneyriley185 Жыл бұрын
The sponsor was coool 🎉
@pallasathena1369 7 ай бұрын
Santorini volcano damaged the health of the descendants of Amenhotep 2. The reason for the plagues and poisoning of the river. A huge climatic event has long hitting damage.
@MrGaborseres Жыл бұрын
Thanks 👍 I really enjoyed it, I just subed 👍
@WorldofAntiquity Жыл бұрын
Thank you, and welcome!
@MaryAnnNytowl Жыл бұрын
I've loved your work since I found the channel, though I can't afford superthanks or memberships or whatnot. Still, I like & comment for the Almighty Algorithm. On a side (but very important) note, please, please take time to tell your loved ones you love them EVERY chance you get. Tomorrow is not a given; you're never promised the next sunrise. ~ ~ ~ ~ "And don't let it break your heart. I know it feels hopeless sometimes. But they're never really gone as long as there's a memory in your mind." _Hold On To Memories_ Dave Draiman, Disturbed 💔💔
@redveinborneo4673 Жыл бұрын
Please do an episode on how Darius the great came to power (who killed bardiya/Cambyses) etc
@bombadil776 Жыл бұрын
I really enjoy these videos.
@Devils-advocate78 Жыл бұрын
Your moustache looks like a mountain with snow on the top 😂🥸🏔️ pretty cool 😎
@melaninsupergurl-vu4uv Жыл бұрын
His daughters/inlaws fled to Spain and then to the British Isles..his grandson is buried at the Mound of Hostages Ireland and his daughter is Buried under megalithiic slabs in Ireland after being killed in battle with Celts and Picts
@wetcanoedogs Жыл бұрын
i don't know what is like now but kids in the 50's would have a globe in their room.
@martinross6416 Жыл бұрын
Appropriate somehow that the Egyptian authorities make it so difficult and mysterious to study the ancient world. Oooooo mysterious.
@xotan Жыл бұрын
I have been to Egypt many times since the 1970s and have had an avid interest in Ancient Egypt since I was about 6 yrs old. In line with that I read anything/everything on Egypt I could lay my hands on. At some point I came across a reference to S'menkhare which held that this pharaoh was actually Nefertiti who had taken on the role of pharaoh after the death of Akhenaten. Sadly, I cannot find the reference now as I moed house - not only house, but also country. Alas, many items were displaced or lost in the move. However if anyone else has come across such a theory, I'f be glad to have the reference.
@disclaimin 11 ай бұрын
It's a theory that's discussed in Dominic Perry's History of Egypt podcast. Could probably find sources there.
@benchilders571 Жыл бұрын
At one point you described the worship of aten as 'One and Only God' is that accurate? I thought that the elevation of aten was more of a 'one God Above the Rest' sort of situation. Thanks for the great content
@oldmanriver1955 Жыл бұрын
I taught this for years. My reading is that the highly controlling Theben religions were repressed whilst the solar theology of Memphis was permitted to stumble on. Simplistic view but researchable and arguable.
@PhilipWielgus Жыл бұрын
@WorldofAntiquity Жыл бұрын
And thank you!
@cbm2156 Жыл бұрын
My personal opinion, is that his body was destroyed by the next dynasty. He was so hated that they wanted him removed from the face of the earth. They tried to hide his existence and was successful for many centuries in doing so. All of the Amarna kings were removed from the king's list.
@TankUni Жыл бұрын
Steps out in traffic; Hey, I'm Akhenaten here!
@walterulasinksi7031 Жыл бұрын
It is also interesting ghat the mummies of Aye and Horemheb are missing. Although,it is known ghat during the late 19th Century CE, many mummies were legally and illegally sold out of Egypt. One such mummy is 5hat of Ramses I. That was found having been acquired by the Niagara FallsMuseum. While the Museum was not at fault, the acquisition was handled through Mustafa Aga, a disreputable antiquities middle man. Due to such activities, it is likely that Horemheb is in the Rosicrucian Museum i; Santa Cruz CAs. As they have a mummy with crossed arms ( pharaonic) catalogued ad a noble man of the 18th Dynasty. It has ben accepted that such a pose during the 18-19th Dynasties were reserved only for Pharaohs.
@Charlie-Em Жыл бұрын
He left Egypt to found the Kingdom of Judah and establish a syncretic monotheism using Canaanite and Gypo influence
@elonslawsuit5004 7 ай бұрын
I've always wondered why Zahi Hawass has never had a definitive anthropological study of the KV55 mummy done to settle the matter of the skeletal remains age. I was given to believe that the original findings were based on the fact that the Epiphyseal plates had been examined to establish skeletal age as opposed to formation of wisdom teeth molars or other methods but I have never seen any such report from actual physical study of the skeletal remains. I'm pretty sure a modern anthropologist could make a definitive finding of age to either confirm the skeleton is too young to be Akhenaton and is more likely to be Smenkare or visa versa. The interbreeding of subjects of the 18th Dynasty must obviously create some problematical effect in the study of DNA on top of the additional problems of dna identification in ancient subjects. The fact Queen Tiye was found in KV35 with apparently Ankhsnamun means the Amarna royal tomb was emptied of its bodies at some time either before or after the restoration of Amun in Thebes. The other 18th Dynasty bodies likely to have been there, Nefertiti, Meketaton, Setependre Akhenaton have never been found but may still be in a royal cache as yet undiscovered. Just as easily they may have been found unrecognised and destroyed in the disgraceful looting of Egyptian artefacts in the 19th Century.
@TheVinceLyons Жыл бұрын
Good stuff. Can you do a video on Schlieman's Troy? Is it real or not?
@cbm2156 Жыл бұрын
I always found it interesting that these kings talked about being buried eternally etc. The fact is they would have no control after a few years. . You would have thought that they would have known that nothing is eternal on earth.
@richardmurphy9006 Жыл бұрын
the guy was despised utterly despised
@emmasimon4005 Жыл бұрын
if i was in ancient egypt i for sure would want to destroy the mummy of The Enemy
@sallycormier1383 Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who can’t stop looking at that glance over his shoulder?!!!
@thesausagecontinuim1971 Жыл бұрын
is it not possible his body was never entombed ?... if his haters were that vengeful as to kill him (maybe) is it not possible they destroyed his corpse say by fire or eaten by animals??
@WickedFelina Жыл бұрын
I say that they do deep dive into the bones they have. It may prove to he Akie or, a brother, or older member of his family? Unti that ONE individual is completely ruled out, the debate will be on the table, and old Akie, will never have his name returned to him. Therefore, NEVER, to enter the Duat. The End.
@DorothyBohnenberger Жыл бұрын
Akenaten did not institute reforms to the existing Ancient Egyptian practices. After he became Pharaoh he believed that he was a God. That he and the Aten were One. This dogma eliminated the need for the Amduat, no challenge for Osiris in the underworld that was eliminated no weighing of the heart, no judgement in Amenti. As God Akenaten upon his demise would go to join the Aten as would Nefertiti, and his daughters, he also designated them as goddesses. Only his immediate family had the god and immortality status. The rest of the Ancient Egyptians could not access the Aten or immortality. It is extremely complex all the consequences of this effort by Akenaten. I am very intrigued by what precipitated this initiative by him. As you know he is not on the King's List in Seti's Temple at Abydos and Amarna was leveled. I suspect that his remains may have been scattered to the winds and he was consigned to Oblivion. This would have been the greatest punishment for Akenaten.
@annepoitrineau5650 10 ай бұрын
The globe is very cool indeed. I might get it.
It's on the triangle 📐 piece of land. Research NACO camp grounds in America. Silver woods
@davidmedlin8562 Жыл бұрын
Religion for Breakfast just did a video about akenahten and I don't think it was truly monotheistic
@DoomMomDot Жыл бұрын
considering how important the body is to ancient Egyptian religion, my guess is they destroyed his body as part of the attempt to erase him from history.
@aranciataesagerata2506 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting video. I suggest you study about Aten’s religion eschatology. There was no afterlife in the way it was understood by ancient Egyptian religion. This could be one of the main reasons why Akhenaten was so hated as afterlife was so important for ancient Egyptians. Therefore there could be no Akhenaten’s mummy nor treasure. Dead people, based on Aten’s religion eschatology, slept during night and their spirits woke up when sun rose to join alive people and rest of alive creatures to worship Aten at the Amarna Temple.
@WorldofAntiquity Жыл бұрын
In what ancient Egyptian documents are you getting this information?
@aranciataesagerata2506 Жыл бұрын
@@WorldofAntiquity Hornung, E. Akhenaten and the Religion of light (D.Lorton (trans.)) Cornell University Press 2001
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