Castoria is perfect for f2p since we have some very strong f2p arts servants such as jason, sieg, Antonio, gong, upcoming avenger wellfare and erice if she doesn't instakill
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
Your forget the best of 'em all and the best welfare Iyo.
@lucasramirez5962 Жыл бұрын
U forgot kagetora 😭
@mythicalskeleton1546 Жыл бұрын
@@lucasramirez5962 i was mostly talking about aoe but yes quite a lot of good st servants
@alextsukishima7666 Жыл бұрын
Looking at my servants... I have way too many busters
@christopherhu7189 Жыл бұрын
Well you know what they say, it’s buster or bust
@chrisf7345 Жыл бұрын
Same, have so many potential Buster loopers that I MUST get Koyan
@tahirax6374 Жыл бұрын
Literally me too
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
There are waay too many Busters period.
@adamloga3788 Жыл бұрын
As for me, almost all of my early DPS Servants were Quick.
@KagenouCid_Shadow Жыл бұрын
For me : - Buster has the most dealing dmg - Arts has the best loopers - Quick has the best crits
@AsureAgony Жыл бұрын
New player here. Honestly, I just always borrow Castoria, regardless of who I use, because I have 2 kscopes and a bunch of regular IE, which go perfectly with her godlike charging skills, allowing me to enable 3 separate NP. None of those are usually Arts (unless Gong is there too), so her 3rd skill goes unused. I borrow Merlin for farming doors, because I was blessed by Medb. And I literally never borrow Skadi, even through I have a few Quick units. The reason being Skadi lacking team battery, making her charging skills inferior. Fingers crossed I get my own Castoria after getting Morgan (unlikely, lol)
@keiken96 Жыл бұрын
ZTL, you never had to make this video this long. Just follow my formula. My Card type is the Card type that my wife is. My waifus are Melt and Melu that means all card types are my card types.(I only own Lambda so currently its arts but after getting Melu and Melt I'll also do Buster farming and Quick CQ teams)
@belleboni2016 Жыл бұрын
I'm on Castoria/Arts Meta Supremacy. The reason like you mention on the video but there are far more than that. Firstly, you have a lot of additional supports for Arts, we have Tamamo, Lanling, Casgil, Mozart, Helena (rainbow buff) and Xufu (in the future). Secondly, Castoria as a support is very flexible; she can be used on CQ, raids and farming, she can be inserted in different System, like the infamous Immortal Comp. Futhermore, she also benefits having an Oberon on the backline once the DPS is struggling with damage output. Maybe I'm also bias because I'm blessed getting her and a lot of Arts DPS. Btw I like Buster and KoyanLight also but my focus this year is to summon Oberon.
@bizarrecheetah211 Жыл бұрын
Soon the rise of the EXTRA card will be upon ye
@_dxksh Жыл бұрын
You don't even get a choice sometimes, the games decides it for you. Happend to me on JP, so I'm just buster looping now with being able to arts loop only recently with draco and support Castoria.
@Sierlea Жыл бұрын
The best card type to invest in... is extra card.
@nebsoficial6148 Жыл бұрын
@xOblivionAbyssx Жыл бұрын
I'm going to summon for Skadi, since I have too many Quick Servants that I love that need a boost.
@qq1933 Жыл бұрын
All three thank you very much
@SrDelay Жыл бұрын
I believe in Skadi supremacy
@whatwhy6349 Жыл бұрын
I disagree
@Azzarog11 Жыл бұрын
Yeah Castoria is insane, I have been looping with my Salieri for over a year now without bigger problems
@paponvichchattrapronvichia4126 Жыл бұрын
I love anything that is not 3 turn np loop. I love to arash the first wave, muramasa second wave, then muramasa + merlin crit on the third wave. I play NA. So far it works well for me.
@ultimatesonic47 Жыл бұрын
most of my supports are arts servants, but most of my dps are buster or quick, galatea really came in a good time for me
@SlavKnightVlad Жыл бұрын
I've always been a buster guy, ever since I started playing, i only pull for buster servants
@LucklessGun Жыл бұрын
tbh, it really depends on your servants. if you really like caren and rolled her to np2+, then skadi will get the most out of her for bosses and farming. skadi may often require plug-suiting waver in, but waver is essentially a free servant at this point if you’re smart enough to choose him.
@yellowradio5276 Жыл бұрын
Dropping a comment to show my appreciation for the daily dose of FGO :)
@LacerdaIsAWeeb Жыл бұрын
I used to be an arts advocate, but now i have a bunch of buster looping capable servants, i tend to go between both
@icedrone24 Жыл бұрын
why should i choice one of them? when i can use all of them whatever i want to
@petercao1671 Жыл бұрын
Nobody said you can't skadi skadi oberon for some extra np damage.
@JiryStark Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the game is in a state where you can make work whatever you like. And Oberon is NOT needed for Koyans system, you just need Waver as the bare minimum to give an extra 50% charge. And that's without thinking in the most f2p way to buster loop, which is using support Koyans, your farmer and the all mighty Chen Gong. You WILL loop 2 times your NP with your prefered buster farmer as long as they have a 50% battery of their own. I'm doing this with my Morgan once she and Koyanhuahua arrive to NA. Not meta enough? I know. Does the job? Yes, it does it. Rn I'm using an even more f2p team with Gong and Arash and it works just wonderful. 3 turn farming 9 times out of 10.
@muratticugaratti1571 Жыл бұрын
Buster doesnt need Oberon per say but without Oberon buster looping at best is incomplete
@JiryStark Жыл бұрын
@@muratticugaratti1571 But you can make it work, so Oberon is more of a luxury
@muratticugaratti1571 Жыл бұрын
@@JiryStark not at all? Melusine is for example not worth it at all unless you have Oberon Same with 30% chargers you have to have kscope at that point and you might not have one until next year
@JiryStark Жыл бұрын
@@muratticugaratti1571 So far, with my f2p set up in my op, I never needed Oberon. So, why, with an objectively better setup, will I need him now? Oberon is not needed. Certainly is better to have him, but every time someone said to me "you need this" I just flat out didn't. And I fully intend to totally skip every loli servant regardless of how good they are, so I honestly don't care about Melusine. I'm going for Morgan, and I'm going in Hard for as many np levels I can get being f2p. I don't even want Koyanskaya, just Morgan. So far I delete everything with np2 Brynhild berserker when farming... I don't need Oberon. I don't even like him. I just need Morgan.
@muratticugaratti1571 Жыл бұрын
@@JiryStark thats you man. What if i like Arjuna the most? Then Oberon or Kscope is actually a MUST for me. You get my point? Not everyone is you and trust me your Morgan will appriciate Oberon more than you think On top of that you are f2p do you know how much oberon increases damage? Far easier to get Oberon than going for dupes
@arizton Жыл бұрын
My belief is to get all the supports so I can use a larger variety of servants as farmers
@fseiba6718 Жыл бұрын
building my pity over both of them im currently over 1600 sq and i even got miss crane just cus she is a very strong and usefull support and cute of course. I only need skadi, reines and waver. Waver is on free ssr ticket and reines i hope i can pull her from gssr.
@arizton Жыл бұрын
@@fseiba6718 don't forget Oberon too
@fseiba6718 Жыл бұрын
@@arizton oberon and koyan is sure hit cus i will have the pity amount i just hope i will get both of them in 500 quarts max and i will still have some sq for morgan rerun and summer kama. I only have an np 1 summer musashi, muramasa, summer kiara but neither of those top tier arts farmers. Or maybe i should just wait for summer ibuki.
@bruh_bruh_the_bruhest_bruh Жыл бұрын
@@fseiba6718 You can loop with S.Kiara you just need to learn the skill order
@Player_0914 Жыл бұрын
god has given me many quick servants so i will quick loop
@Sierlea Жыл бұрын
For me it's largely on class. I have an NP4 grailed Parvati vs np1 Fionn and no good buster AoE lancers. Archer enemy, Skadi comes out for Parv. Meanwhile, saber enemies? Well I've got Jeanne Archer, Castoria's up at bat. And so on. The class determines the support.
@qukong9417 Жыл бұрын
Bro, my guy didn’t put the right card type colour onto the right servant 👀
@SquareoftheLightOnes Жыл бұрын
For me, Quick has been excellent for odd number waves like 3,1,3 nodes. Arts servants aren't getting enough NP return if wave 2 has only one enemy, and unless you have the stupidest np gain buffs stacked on your main attacker you're not getting enough refund where you can reach 100% by wave 3. Quick circumvents that by dumping stars from their NP on wave 1, and then using those stars to deal massive crit damage to the sole enemy on wave 2, earning their NP back for wave 3. The only downside is this is RNG dependent since you'll want at least three cards of your main attacker for wave 2, and preferably either quick or arts be in there. And some of the quick servants are QQABB, so you don't often see that one arts card that you need when you need it. Atlas Academy Mystic Code can help, but sometimes you just get a dead hand and have to take an extra turn or two. MIXA from the last event could easily 3-turn some of the 90+ nodes thanks to event bonus damage, as an example. I still prefer arts. _BEAUTIFUL JOURNEY~_
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
3/1/3 can easily be done by most arts 50% chargers if you either give them Oberon or a 50% CE and have enough damage 🥴
@Xenosix Жыл бұрын
Np 5 muramasa with double castoria is clearing everything this game even the challenge nodes without needing other supports just my bond farming team but maybe later this will change and idk people should summon who they like and for me i like having all supports i can bcs they are all good and maybe help me in the future
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
Based fellow Muramasa enjoyer
@Xenosix Жыл бұрын
@wafellzdude9210 Жыл бұрын
Np looping is way too fun
@andrewsisson6536 Жыл бұрын
My box has always been very Arts-oriented. I got Nero Bride on her first banner, Summer 1 got me Squirtoria and Surfer Mo. I have Castoria and Spishtar. But I'm eager to branch out. I have plenty of viable Buster options for Koyanskaya, so I really hope I get her. My Quick options are not great. Mostly just Rider Kintoki, MHXA, and Osakabehime... Never got Skadi.
@DanteCrowlley Жыл бұрын
The one with more damage, don't care about mechanics or loops, I want to delete anything in my way to show my absolute power
@DarkFireBird Жыл бұрын
@akmalsy159 Жыл бұрын
Fo looping, simply: 1. Arts Castoria for most nodes with 3-3-X enemies, many servants can even equip BG for more damage. 2. Quick Skadi if in addition to 3-3-X nodes, you also rely on Crits for extra damage.Though most servant need Kscope. 3. Buster Koyanskaya is for irregular nodes with 1-2 enemies per wave, most also need Kscope and higher NP level.
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
Give 50% CEs to Arts and high NP levels to Arts and with CCO they'd do every single irregular node apart from 90++ too lmao.
@markbc3382 Жыл бұрын
Farming: Arts: The easiest Buster: Supremacy Quick: Nice NP lol Boss Fighting: Arts: Loopable but can't crit to save their lives Buster: Can crit but hard to NP loop Quick: Both, both is good Conclusion: Yeah just try to get all 50%+ battery support, including Kukulkan
@zen_7748 Жыл бұрын
I was Quick looping for two years, then began Arts looping since January with Castoria and Muramasa. I prefer Arts for how much leeway it has in terms of NP Gauge charging. I'll be rolling for Koyanskaya in a few days, hope I get her so I can utilize my NP2 Morgan. But if I don't get her with 800 SQ, then I'll always have my favourite Arts looping.
@alexandermurphy5881 Жыл бұрын
Soo how did it go
@zen_7748 Жыл бұрын
@@alexandermurphy5881NP1 Koyan ate 54 out of 107 of my tickets and left my 1.2K SQ alone.
@Gray_Fox115 Жыл бұрын
I’m going for koyanskaya to make my np2 eresh shine but man this year is rough for me as I want Morgan, melusine, and summer kamma too but I can’t exactly skip Oberon and koyanskaya if I want to make my buster units nutty(looking at my Arjuna alter) nothing like last year where I literally only summoned for castoria and summer and was done
@jamesonedwardsii4943 Жыл бұрын
Yeah man I want Oberon Koyan but also really want Kama/okita and Morgan and I’m missing two or three I can’t think of that may be a little less meta too
@Aioross Жыл бұрын
I have a zerkerlot np 3 lvl 80. I have a spishtar np 1 lvl 100. I have a godjuna np 2 lvl 100. Now, don't get me wrong, I really like Castoria and she's one of my favorite supports but I'll have to shift to buster looping to be more efficient. Koyanchihuahua will replace Castoria in my farming team but not in my heart. Also, I have enough SQ for 4x pity so it's not just Koyanchihuahua that's coming home but a bunch of servants very compatible with buster looping. (Also I'm hoping I can get at least NP3 of a certain dragon girl but that's wishful thinking, only 1 copy is guaranteed) And I'm hellbent in making Iskandar "looping" work, I think I can pull it off somehow with some Arash or Habetrot shenanigans, I don't know yet but I'll find a way. It's all about getting that first wave out of the way, my lvl 120 Iskandar will take care of 2nd and 3rd.
@GS_CCC Жыл бұрын
How will you 6-slot loop with konyan instead of castoria to be able to be more efficient than arts ?
@Aioross Жыл бұрын
I can go back and forth with arts / buster farming if I need. But I think it's still possible with buster looping, right? I don't play in JP but in theory it seems possible to me. (Not the Iskandar part, I want to use him whenever I can but some things are just not possible unless lasengle gives him a charge)
@GS_CCC Жыл бұрын
@Aioros i think only servants like Caster cu and arcueid can without plug using double konyan. With double oberon you can use any servant with at least 20% charge.
@Aioross Жыл бұрын
Ah, I didn't know you meant without plug. In that case it can get trickier yeah, I'd need to look at my options for a particular node to decide. I've been doing fine with Spishtar + double castoria but it's also truth sometimes her damage is lacking and odd nodes can make it harder to use that setup. So it always depends on the situation.
@Aioross Жыл бұрын
I see what you mean, personally I'm not a hardcore farmer that clears 100~200 or more boxes in a lottery, so what I want at all times is to be able to 3T everything so I don't bore myself with face cards. So in my case, the damage to clear the waves is what I'm after, double koyan + oberon gives me what I need. I think I conveyed poorly what I meant be efficiency, I'm not after the fastest possible time but like I said I have NP1 spishtar she's at 100 but that's still not enough, I remember encountering nodes where I just couldn't farm properly and ended up relying on face cards, my problem is I have a lot of key servants, strong ones at that but they're NP level investment is low. I have both Spishtar and Musashi but they're NP1, on the other hand my box is much stronger on the buster servants so the addition of Koyan + Oberon is huge to me. Either way, I'll have the option to go back and forth between arts and buster, quick is the only one I think I won't invest anymore, I do have a Skadi but even when the Ruler Skadi comes up I don't think I'll bother rolling for her (mostly because I'll be saving for other stuff but also because quick seems extremely underwhelming compared to buster and arts).
@MoshMoshx Жыл бұрын
General impression here is that Castorias just super solid to have for any line up, fair to say?
@trdl23 Жыл бұрын
Yeah she's the best unit in the game for a reason
@Harbinger359 Жыл бұрын
I've even used her to Support off colour, Kama for instance. She does enough that even without the Arts buff she would be a top tier Support.
@lucasramirez5962 Жыл бұрын
yes. absolutely the most value servant in the game. she can even loop a few quick servants and assist in looping buster servants too.
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
Yeah Castoria da 🐐. Also, Warriors in 7.
@amihilarious4665 Жыл бұрын
I prefer Buster cuz it doesn't rely on refund on those weird nodes with 2 enemies etc. But the main reason is most of my favorites are Buster (Morgan)
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
Bruh Arts can do 99% of irregular nodes with plug Oberon and double Casroria. But use your favorites, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
@amihilarious4665 Жыл бұрын
@Kun Factoring in Oberon, yeah, I guess.
@nevillegear830 Жыл бұрын
Either If my's be arts or buster one thing is for center, they still doing quick dirty, Avalon sadly tune out to be arts, cas skadi is not bad but don't hit, ruler skadi not bad but if don't got 2 busters 2 quicks forgot about it, sen rikyu could have been but support on berserker we know how nightgown turn out, truly a tragic case until one day it happens.
@kingofexecution.9710 Жыл бұрын
I want to loop with my favorite servant tbh
@Marcosantoniothebluecreator Жыл бұрын
Space ishtar owners: any type i want to.
@gigai9361 Жыл бұрын
Nope. Only buster and art.
@Marcosantoniothebluecreator Жыл бұрын
@@gigai9361 she can use skaddi, i can assure, since i do Most other options are limited which u may or may not have, and if u already have a spishtar, the again "Any type i want to"
@Pazzo.Occo8 Жыл бұрын
On copium because I’m really wanting another quick support to change the meta. (All my waifus are quick)
@JiryStark Жыл бұрын
My prefered card type is Morgan
@amihilarious4665 Жыл бұрын
The only correct answer
@neves783001 Жыл бұрын
I'm 50/50 between Buster and Arts. My strongest boss killers are either all about inflicting REAL SOVIET DAMAGE (both Jalters, Hijikata, Swimsuit Martha, Penthesilea, Tomoe) or spamming NP as fast as a frycook could flip a bunch of burgers (Kagetora, Swimsuit Hokusai, MHXX, Astraea).
@knightofthelake8112 Жыл бұрын
Most of my support is quick so I go for quick teams. My support servants are: Skadi, Osakabehime, Chiron, nightingale santa, waver, reines and the rest of the low rarity ones.
@DYhalto250 Жыл бұрын
With my box, getting the buster bois.. will basically open ever option for me. As i got all the supports currently and a selection of aoe servants of different types.. the curse of not bring a whale but wanting the shinnies
@jamessisk2013 Жыл бұрын
Too many of my favorite servants are quick, so arts and buster are my afterthoughs
@generalkenobi1972 Жыл бұрын
Each type has different requirements because with buster you only need NP battery, with arts you need to look out for NP gain/hits/enemies per wave and quick is basically both because it refunds some NP unlike buster but you need to combine it with NP charge. So overall quick is the weakest without triple Skadi wich NA will not get for at least some time now
@TheTrickmeister Жыл бұрын
Arts has the most options, Buster is the strongest, Quick... sadly is lacking because they haven't found a good way to make it competitive and able to 3 turn farm with MOST of it's card type (which tackles a more fundamental problem with the card type more than anything). I feel like quick just needs a niche like double or tripling hitcounts on their quick cards (with np gain). It works on Musashi, why not try making a meta card type buffer do that for quick? (Before you mention it... let's be insane and double hitcounts on quick nps too, so... as an example... Kama has a 20 hit np with that buff).
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
False. Arts is the strongest and that's only because Castoria is the best support out of anything.
@Rosemaryalter2711 Жыл бұрын
@@kun2588 Bruh,someone forgot Himiko exists
@bodbyss Жыл бұрын
The problems that buster solves by getting their units to Np3 and Np4, castoria can solve with multicore farming
@Don_Bartolomeo Жыл бұрын
Going into current arjuna banner i had np1 and long story short i now have np4 so ig buster it is but the sad thing is tho now i need to somehow luck out both koyan and oberon to even use him...
@muratticugaratti1571 Жыл бұрын
yeah probably shouldve just got him once and went for oberon koyan
@Don_Bartolomeo Жыл бұрын
@@muratticugaratti1571 ye i got him in like 120sq and 30ish tix and then day after that i did a random ten pull got him and decided might as well even my tix nuber so i used 5 and got another one so ye
@timothyzadeng6133 Жыл бұрын
I have a lot of quick servants but still dont have skadi and the funny this is my quick servant are the most built like my lvl 100 kojiro my saber astolfo lvl100 atk max fou max both his quick card on the process of lvling up his other cards and all the other 4 star i have at np 2 are mostly quick
@Cee_Kaye12 Жыл бұрын
Since i got np2 tamamo & np5 castoria i think my NA account is a arts focused team but most of my servants are buster😭
@fseiba6718 Жыл бұрын
He just talking about looping out of the 3 servants castoria is the best overall in the whole game. Castoria provides the easiest looping for the 80%of the game(90+;90++ where koyanskaya shines) and she provides the best support abilitys for CQs. And you can use oberon with castoria and dont forget that the best boss killing servants are Arts like summer eris who is an avanger and has the biggest damage in the entire game on neutral and servants like yang gufei against berserkers is a cheat button that if you press the boss is dead. You definitelly has strong buster st servants but they die and that is the problem with quick servants too. koyanskaya is a very good unit but she cant function well without oberon. Buster looping definitelly the meta but it has major flaws that are patched with multiple things to make it work. Castoria dont need patches she is shining by herself without relying on any other servant. So for make your life easyer in fgo castoria is a MUST have and koyanskaya is a must have too but only if you want to roll for oberon. And if you have oberon he can help out castoria and most on the 90++ you need st servants so arts is stroner in that sense unless you have a np5 tiamat than she just kill everything but her kit is too broken with skill cooldown abilitys.
@einzweichschein Жыл бұрын
Then build Chen Gong, Jason, and Salieri for art looping. They are on par with higher rarity ones if grailed. Or maybe use the welfares, Sieg especially is excellent looper and next year we'll be getting Iyo, the best welfare looper atp.
@chrisf7345 Жыл бұрын
You don’t need Oberon for 30% charge Buster farming. As long as you have Reines or Waver, and the 30% charge skill isn’t too long of a cooldown, they could farm. Like say, Arjuna Alter
@jamesonedwardsii4943 Жыл бұрын
Gil can farm right? He’s my most invested servant so that’d be dope
@ashton101letsplays Жыл бұрын
@@jamesonedwardsii4943 yes any servant with a 30% can do it thanks to appends but im pretty sure they require oberon
@jamesonedwardsii4943 Жыл бұрын
@@ashton101letsplays you need append? I have it but I don’t get it. I’ll have to look more into it. Do you need Kaleidoscope as well?
@chrisf7345 Жыл бұрын
@@ashton101letsplays no, as long as the 30% skill isn’t on too long of a cooldown, you can loop with waver + kscope
@chrisf7345 Жыл бұрын
@@jamesonedwardsii4943 it’s like this. You start Gil with Kscope, and you either need your append battery skill maxed or have the kscope MLB. Next turn, you use one Koyan 50% on Gil, he pops his 30%, then both Koyan’s reduce his skill cooldown. Right now, Gil has 80% charge, so swap out the Koyan that already used her battery for Waver/Reines/Castoria. Charge up Gil to 100% exactly. Turn 3, you should have 1 Koyan 50%, Gil’s 30%, and the extra supports 30%.
@dragoneyerx7170 Жыл бұрын
Casoria Supremacy Baby!
@asterhal5233 Жыл бұрын
with the level 90+ nodes with cant refund a lot of np, im investing on buster since i have a lot of buster np servants with spishtar at np3
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
You don't need to invest in Buster. Spishtar can do everything up to 1/1/x with Two Castoria's and Oberon. And for 1/1/x you just need a 50% CE. Or in some cases you can just multicore because Spish gives good AoE steroids and Castoria has enough batteries to throw around. If you're going to Buster as another option for you, go ahead, but if you're approaching it from the perspective that you need it; you don't.
@AmandaFessler Жыл бұрын
So basically, just save for fox and moth. Already have Castoria but I'm doing this for my NP5 Bunny King.
@belphy205 Жыл бұрын
I desperately want Oberon so if I miss Koyanskya I’ll be alright. I prefer Castoria anyway. I want Oberon for husbando purposes anyway.
@yukio9723 Жыл бұрын
My skadi already bond 11 when I get castoria. And I still use her till now since I like crits.
@vesta3544 Жыл бұрын
a fellow crit enjoyer. waver is proud
@yukio9723 Жыл бұрын
@@vesta3544 I got waver later so he's still bond 8. But yeah, he's a good pair with skadi.
@LCRavagnani Жыл бұрын
I am at Bond 13 with Skadi and Bond 14 with Dantes. I stopped using them for now to get Castoria and Spishtar to Bond 10 (They are both at 9)
@yukio9723 Жыл бұрын
@@LCRavagnani that's great... I'm not that active in playing so increasing servant's bond is a bit hard for me
@joycosta8707 Жыл бұрын
Yea I am sticking with arts this year. After seeing buster looping technical vid on Kadhroth’s channel, I realized there is a lot of servants I need plus very specific CE…as well as … maxed append skills. Doesn’t seem doable as f2p. I got lucky with space Istar and Galatea and will pick up Tamamo from the summon ticket for a robust arts team. Thinking of saving SQ for next year for Oberon but dunno if it’ll be worth summoning him for Arts focused team. Unless they make content that locks out arts cards for the whole battle….I’ll be fine. As for farming, all looping teams take about the same time to clear 3 waves except for nodes with 1-2 servants where buster shines.
@muratticugaratti1571 Жыл бұрын
Oberon is used for arts as well
@einzweichschein Жыл бұрын
Oberon is all cards support. So not only for Buster which is his main, he's also used for 90++ node Arts and Quick Farming due to his 70% charge and NP damage steroid.
@N120Xeno Жыл бұрын
Don’t think you really need max append skills for Buster looping. And I also feel like now is the best time to build up for Buster farming as Morgan and Koyan are coming out soon, the Halloween event will bring back the Ariel dive CE which provides a 50% battery and a 20% damage up to Buster NPs, and you can get a free Waver for that extra 50% batter on the final wave. In a way you only need to concern yourself with Koyan and a AOE Buster servant with a 50% battery. Plushie even did a video about Buster looping and it’s not as expensive as one might think, at least right now currently on NA.
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
@@N120Xeno Imagine needing a 50% CE for 3/3/x smh. Just pick up Oberon and the summer 6 event CE (which is only needed for 1/1/x nodes btw) alongside Castoria and any 50% self charging Arts servant is set until 90++.
@bruh_bruh_the_bruhest_bruh Жыл бұрын
Blu reigns supreme because unlike green and red it doesn't require CE and when it does it's still better because you can use BG instead of S.Scope/apend Most of the time
@LCRavagnani Жыл бұрын
I already have Castoria w/ NP2 Spishtar and Skadi w/ NP3 Dantes so based on your rationale (regarding deep investment), I am better of going for Skadi Ruler than going for Koyanskaya + Oberon as I mainly use my buster servants for story content with double Merlins even though I have a whole lot of AoE busters.
@rgameming9213 Жыл бұрын
I will stand strong in my assessment that buster looping is objectively the best farming set-up. Why, you might ask? Well that's simple 1) guaranteed looping and 2) massive damage that's guaranteed to take down all but the scariest of 90++ nodes. Seriously, just 2koyan + Oberon and you've wiped every single farming node in the game. Now if we're limiting ourselves to just a single support, then I'd say arts (castoria) is more versatile in general than having just a Koyansakaya.
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
No it's not smh. You have no idea what you're talking about. 1) Pick up Oberon alongside Castoria and any Arts 50% charger has a guaranteed loop spec. 2. False again. Most Buster single-core stuff cannot do 90++ unless you're hyperinvested in a unit that will be useful for like one specific node or they give you a damage CE in which case Arts is fair game. The most efficient solution to the 90++ nodes is to havea native Castoria and Oberon and have a wide array of strong multicore DPSs and then just borrow a whale's hyper unit according to each node. You can literally do that for the 90++ node right now; Just borrow someone's Draco with the event CE/BG and then use Valks for W2 alongside Castoria/Oberon and it's done. And it has worked for many nodes b4 too.
@literalgarbage8014 Жыл бұрын
I'm only capable of getting arts support, which is pretty ironic considering that most of my servants are quick and buster (OBERON, PLEASE COME)
@v4nish Жыл бұрын
After the 6th anniversary pre much finishing and then oberon comin out i still feel more at ease arts looping. since I started during the release of castoria and got her np5 n then i also np5 muramasa da dmg difference with my morgan which is np1 sadly is just to big. although I guess with oberon that can be reached sadly only in wave 3.
@DadsAnime Жыл бұрын
I've been playing for about a month and I still have no idea what the fuck I'm doing as far as team building. Not sure what I should be working towards or saving stones for
@deiz10838 ай бұрын
I dunno if you're still playing or if you have figured this out by now, but the only servant u need to save for is Castoria. Then for the free ssr, you need to pick Waver. That's about the only major servant u "must" have. Aside from this two, u can chosse to raise whoever you like. FGO is a pretty easy game after all
@anarbor2282 Жыл бұрын
I have spishtar and muramasa with my castoria but i need koyan for me new arjuna alter and my second ssr in gilgamesh and for best girl ereshkigal
@GoldenDragon007 Жыл бұрын
Blue is my favorite color, so obviously, Arts is the best card type!
@Leomerge10 ай бұрын
Me here collecting every support already have koyan of light, oberon, merlin, skadi caster, waver just missing ruler skadi and castoria 😅
@ethanluke5130 Жыл бұрын
Yeah Quick is my favourite card type, but I absolutely avoid it when farming 😂 at least until summer Okita Alter👀
@danielguardado4574 Жыл бұрын
Summer Okita and Komahime are absolutely goated. Komahime can BG farm as well against anyone iirc.
@Gray_Fox115 Жыл бұрын
Another thing in favor for castoria when it comes to newer players or casual players is that she does not need max skills like buster farming since you need those max batteries for not only koyanskaya but your dps while arts you can get away with it even with lower skill levels
@dfih1592 Жыл бұрын
If you don’t have her skills maxed, consistently 3 turning will be rough
@Gray_Fox115 Жыл бұрын
For which one? Since my castoria isn’t maxed and I still get my muramasa looping done. Sure not always 3t clear but I get my np every turn still
@bruh_bruh_the_bruhest_bruh Жыл бұрын
@@Gray_Fox115 Try chen gong Muramasa dmg is honestly not that great
@dikaiosynidemodeus4426 ай бұрын
I started on jp This march and only have castoria, but also have a Lot Quick servants because of gacha luck, i miss koyanskaya, skadi and Oberon from my NA acount that i Lost due to phone isues
@joshgrolh20 Жыл бұрын
My options for buster farming are eresh, lancer artoria and summer bb so hopefully I will get koyanskaya
@awezomehero Жыл бұрын
I see red, I click🗿
@irete267 Жыл бұрын
The right card type for me is Skadi
@dfih1592 Жыл бұрын
What do you think of the three card types as they relate to 90+ and 90++ min turning?
@alexanderlevi9558 Жыл бұрын
buster is easier since oberon supports buster the most
@ucmanhvuong4301 Жыл бұрын
Right now just abt anything works on JP. 90++ now usually requires a double core team anyways so it really doesn't matter too much, tho Castoria sure does have an edge for being able to AOE charge. Rarely do we actually see single core team actually manage to 3T 90++, but when that does happen it's always either arts or buster. Quick is still behind the other two metas.
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
At the 90++ level it's less about card-color and more about the support. Koyan is trash there whereas Oberon and Castoria reign supreme and SSkadi is also pretty good if the DPSs have batteries to throw around.
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
@@alexanderlevi9558 You have no idea what you're talking about smh
@bruh_bruh_the_bruhest_bruh Жыл бұрын
@@kun2588 koyan isn't that bad if the dps has offensive buff with a 5 turn cool down
@penguinalice Жыл бұрын
ill prob go for ruler skadi cuz i plan on going for okitan
@AdS-1013 Жыл бұрын
I think that buster is objectively the best, despite arts having castoria (who is better than all the buster supports individually) because in general a lot of the more powerful servants are buster, and the 3 premium buster supports are very very good and cover all bases. While I do think an argument can be made for arts, I don't think an argument for quick can be made because their supports really come down to skadi and summer skadi, who are both good, but it lacks survivability and quick as a whole lacks the raw damage of buster or the amazing looping of arts
@bruh_bruh_the_bruhest_bruh Жыл бұрын
You can't 6ce with most buster loopers
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
Bruh, 99% of Buster can't 6CE and if you give 50% starting charge CEs to Arts they can do 1/1/x too lmao. Spishtar/SKama are better than every single Buster in the game until 90++ comes out. Also, tf Quick's literally have the strongest W1/2 damage in the game rn because of SSkadi. And the new gen of Quick's like Caren, Sen , Huyan and Brito can easily loop even irregular nodes with SSkadi and Oberon. Seems like you play NA and are talking about something you have no idea about lmao.
@bruh_bruh_the_bruhest_bruh Жыл бұрын
@@kun2588 that 15% card color difference is that good?
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
@@bruh_bruh_the_bruhest_bruh It's a20 m15 better than Koyan. That's also AoE so it's good for some multicore comps like the Loliza one for last Haloween. With Oberon being a thing, W1/2 is the problem most of the time tbh and having better steroids there is a boon. The problem is there are very few good Quick DPSs with batteries to throw around to take advantage of it and since SSkadi doesn't throw around batteries either to make use of her AoE steroids and there is no Tez/DVR/Arc/Koyami Quick equivalent apart from Taikobou who's kinda mid when he's not hitting both class and treat which kinda makes thode comps hingent on a Buster DPS with EB getting counter-class. The potential is there but there is no real big name servant to make use of it consistently enough rn.
@bruh_bruh_the_bruhest_bruh Жыл бұрын
@@kun2588 I meant between cas and sskadi
@yukio9723 Жыл бұрын
I did all card type since I have all support in NA. But I like my quick better, not best team but I just like it. In JP I only have Buster and Quick support, my art support is only ftp and don't have castoria. But art is still usable
@GS_CCC Жыл бұрын
Even without castoria arts can 6-slot farm without plug pretty easily, you just need a looper and any servant with 50% charge and append unlocked. Even without any decent looper you just use a CE like quick. It lets you farm with more efficiency and use more servants.
@yukio9723 Жыл бұрын
@@GS_CCC I know.... I just like using quick or buster just because I like crits.
@cassiopeiathew74065 ай бұрын
I like Quick
@Izaiyusa Жыл бұрын
Played on jp got yeeted by sumer skadi to quick camp few day after starting
@Quin08647 ай бұрын
One of my debates is Ruler Skadi for Buster Crits, or Lady Avalon for my level 100 Chen Gong???
@r3hab743 Жыл бұрын
ZTL is proto Merlin worth summoning rn? Or should I save for later?
@flareless6713 Жыл бұрын
Thats a very hard Q and really comes down to your comp. She basically completely re[places Tamamo.... T_T and Merlin in stall comps plus brings some crits for arts crit comps. On top of that you can use her for ESports. SHE IS A VERY USEFUL servant to have but you don't really need her she is the best plug in for arts teams behind Oberon tho. She is also great for CQ too.
@ZTL Жыл бұрын
She's real strong for Arts setups and I would say is worth summoning for but is also not needed if that makes sense. She brings the same sustain that Merlin does to Buster teams but for Arts instead. I feel like you would be safe to summon for her because I'm not expecting anything immediately powerful on JP right after this current event. However, also consider that their anniversary and summer events aren't that far away.
@r3hab743 Жыл бұрын
@ZTL gotcha, cause my account isn't new but beginner. I started in summer 7 and got Ruler Skadi and Space Ishtar but stopped after that, Until around the valentine event. I dont have a good arts support unit so I didn't know if she would be worth it or wait for Castoria since I have Draco and Ishtar. I have Skadi to kinda help with her triple buster but not much for her NP. Thanks tho, I'll probably summon then just save for Ani love the Vids
@einzweichschein Жыл бұрын
@@r3hab743 Then, it's better to wait for Castoria or summon Quick looper since you have Ruler Skadi. Or, you can use Xufu as pseudo replacement for double Castoria system for the time being. Spishtar can loop with Xufu and Support Castoria pretty well, after all. And, why did you stop if I may ask? Because, I also started during Summer 7, got a really good looper (IbukiZerker and Erice Avenger) there, then got Castoria after. I think it's Road to LB7: LB5 when her banner dropped. You must have missed that.
@r3hab743 Жыл бұрын
@@einzweichschein I had too many gacha games (not spending money) and I couldn’t juggle jp fgo. Then I heard about lb7 then arcade collab I got hooked back in and less gacha games.
@jsansdream6860 Жыл бұрын
I only have arts servants but I want to build the others
@kinglace3782 Жыл бұрын
With my box is obviously buster
@alexanderlevi9558 Жыл бұрын
lasengle seem to be really fond of buster. the new meta seems all to be busters Edit. i wasn't straight up talking about the new units releases but for the love that lasengle have for each card type. the new non buster units don't really change the meta to elevate quick or arts above buster
@JiryStark Жыл бұрын
Hello, Ibuki? Draco?
@Grizzle2894 Жыл бұрын
Idk about that one chief. Yeah kuku and tiamat come out but so did kirei(arts), tezcatilpoca(arts) nito alter(arts), Johanna(arts), and takasugi(quick) and that's just looking at 2023 so far.
@GS_CCC Жыл бұрын
Buster is still worse outside of 90++ where it is tied if you don't have high NP and LV arts servants.
@alexanderlevi9558 Жыл бұрын
@@Grizzle2894 new meta meaning "best of the best" kuku and tiamat are straight up better than .... well johanna for sure, kirei and taka yes, tezca and nito may be arguable, and draco well she's for bosses and cq
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
That's NA talking out of their ass. Buster is currently in the "grass is greener on the other side" phase, once people who spout that nonsense actually get to use it with heir hands they'll understand that Buster is not really better than Arts for farming.
@dipereira0123 Жыл бұрын
When ruler skadi is coming to NA?
@griffin5322 Жыл бұрын
I have Artoria, Mordred, Jalter, Okita, Muramasa, and Castoria already. So after I get Morgan I should probably try to go for Koyanskya then Oberon. Is this a good strategy? (Morgan is non-negotiable)
@nerkvititate Жыл бұрын
Koyanskya banner drops in early to mid july Morgan n oberon drop in the same month
@afonso7611 Жыл бұрын
For me personally it's gonna be Buster all the way.
@fegoracedia6080 Жыл бұрын
Have Muramasa,zerker Musashi and Galatea with Castoria, even if I don't get Koyanskaya it won't be too bad since I'm already arts looping
@Rosemaryalter2711 Жыл бұрын
They are great but Oberon has surpassed them all overall
@Seysooo Жыл бұрын
Not correct. These units enable consistent and competent Farming-Systems while looping with double Oberon misses out on the majority of the damage dealt. If anything, Oberon should be viewed as a partially necessary addition to all of them rather than a Farming-Enabler.
@Rosemaryalter2711 Жыл бұрын
@@Seysooo Oberon's damage and his battery already hit all of them in the farm he can play a variety of card colors rather than relying on each card color corresponding to the servant that's why he's an integral part of map 90++
@ajabacan1886 Жыл бұрын
@@Rosemaryalter2711 double oberon set up is low dmg for 1st and 2nd wave though. tested.
@kun2588 Жыл бұрын
Only Castoria is on the same level as Oberon tbh with how the top level nodes are atm