Which Is The Best Job In Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

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What are the best single jobs and job combinations in Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age?

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@captainwhisky7021 3 жыл бұрын
Here looking for ff jobs when Im unemployed irl
@sleepyherbs6303 3 жыл бұрын
I unlocked Popeyes cashier 3 months ago 😐 abilities are mid...
@zacheray 3 жыл бұрын
onion knight at t-bell? seriously tho, hope you found something
@Deep_Freeze_DF 3 жыл бұрын
SAME BAHAHAHA, Since end of Sept 2020. Been nice catching up on my games backlog a bit though! :)))
@overlordFell 3 жыл бұрын
@MrSlashfreak27 3 жыл бұрын
i feel yah bruh
@nesoukkefka1741 3 жыл бұрын
Ther is a lot of mistake here : Beyond the stats the biggest differences between the character are their speed animation with each weapons, some characters have noticeably longer or shorter animation which makes them lose or gain DPS to give a quick overview : -Balthier is actually an overall better physical damage dealer than Vaan, cause he is tied with Basch for the fastest animation with Ninja Sword, Katana and One-Handed Sword and he has the fastest animation for Daggers, these combine with Balthier having the best base Speed makes him the Best Shikari for damage purpose and on bosses you'll mostly will use Ninja Sword, Katana and 1H Sword (the last Katana is treated as a 1H Sword for animation purpose). -Vann on the other hand is tied with Basch for fastest Greatsword animation and with his good Balance stat he is actually a pretty strong candidate for the Knight job (I'll come back to him). -Basch is as you may guess is the fastest for almost all weapons (only exception being Daggers and Poles). -Fran is suprinsingly the fastest with Polearm if you want to make her a good damage dealer give her the Monk jobs and pair it with a Job that has the Heavy Armors -Ashe excels with no weapons she is average for all of them. -Penelo is same as Ashe except for Ninja Sword oddly enough her animation with Ninja Sword is the best tied with Balthier and Basch. Also some notes for the range weapons : -Funny enough both Balthier and Fran are terrible with their starting weapons, Balthier has a terrible Gun animation and same for Fran with Bows. -Balthier has also the tie worst animation with Bow (in other word Balthier sucks as a range attacker) -Penelo has a bad animation with Guns and Crossbow One other note : As an all the stats doesn't matter really you have 3 categorie of Jobs in this game for me : -The Specialize ones -The Balance ones -The Odds ones -Specialize Jobs are the jobs that give you the corresponding equipment to their important stats and ton of bonus for this stat as well as the passive that increase their type of damages, in other word Heavy Armor for physical fighter and Mage Armor for Mages, these includes Knight, Uhlan, Foebreaker, Black Mage, White Mage and Red Mage. For these stat wise the character you pick doesn't matter cause if you give these Job to a character with Low stat they'll give a huge boost through both Armor and Bonuses that pretty negate the weakness of said character. As such Fran fits well in these due to her average stats. -Balance Jobs include the Leather Armor ones, you'll need a character with a good stat (mostly strength and potential speed (Shikari and Archer) or Magic (Monk)) for these you want a strong character like Basch or Balthier, as a side note stat wise Vaan makes a great Monk as his Magic is high enough to make good use of Cure 4 on Base and his strength is solid. -The odd ones these include Machinist, Bushi and Time Mage. Machinist is here because it completly ignore the character stats, stat wise any character can work as a Machinist, Bushi is an odd one for reason I explain later same for Time Mage. -By itself Foebreaker is pretty much the second/third worst class in the game, yeah it has all Breaks but first only Wither is actually broken the other aren't as broken as Wither and other better class have Wither, also it has 3 Switness but need 2 Esper to unlock the remaining 2 Swiftness, and it offer no utility beyond that, but the biggest drawback of Foebreaker are it's weapon type Axe and Hammers's damage are extremely random which overall makes it a poor option for damage and makes it fall behind pretty any other class, Axes also offer no elemental coverage, the only good thing about Axe and Hammer is that the ultimate Hammer can be obtain really early without to much risk. -For Ninja Swords (and Bows to) Genji Gloves are NOT the best accessory, this is an assumption prior to releases of TZA that was proven wrong by the community, Ninja Sword's damage scales off both Strength and Speed, and there is an accessory called Germina Boots that give a 50 Bonus points to Speed (considering the max is 99 that is massive) which increase the damage of Ninja Sword immensly, to the point that the DPS is actually better than Genji Gloves, basically if you want to demolish Yazmat pair the Shikari with a Mage job (Red Mage works really well) equip Yagyu Darkblade + Black Robe armor + Germina Boots. -By it's own Bushi is probably the worst Job because while it has a great weapon for physical damage, his main armor type is Mage type and it gives a lot of Magic Bonus despite having no spells to cast at all, it also give Serenity and Spellbreaker which increase magic (with again no spells to cast) instead of the physical equivalent of these abilities. What can I say on it's own this Job just completly miss it most selling feature which is Katana and their high Combo rate, you have to wait until VERY late in the game to finally get access to Heavy Armors (by either getting Genji Gear from Gilgamesh or defeating Zodiark) and you still don't get Adrenaline. Needless to say this is hands down the Job that beneficiate the most from TZA possibility to pair Jobs, without another Physical Focus jobs it sucks. -One really OP weapon you forgot to mention is the Excalibur, without counting Invisible Weapons (which IMO break the game and shouldn't exist, so let's ignore them) this is the best weapon in the game hands down, and it make Knight a really strong Job, not only does it score a very high attack but it's also Holy Elemental, and late game pretty 90% of the ennemies and bosses are weak to Holy, this already make Knight a killing machine but add to that you pair Knight with a Job that give him Mage Armors and equip the White Robes to boost the Holy damage further, honnestly if we're speaking late game Knight is probably the best physical job of the game because of that. -Machinist is actually really strong, I don't know where that idea of pairing with a White Mage from but I'm gonna say bullshit, Machinist is a strong range damage dealer that need no specific stats, it also has access to some of his best guns really early (in fact if you are willing to do the work you can get the strongest weapon at about one third of the game at which point he will be your best damage dealer for a while period), pair it with Foebreaker to get the Adrenaline ability, use the Berserk accessories and watch him decimate ennemies, also pairing him with Foebreaker allow to use the breaks at distance for nice touch. Also on a New Game Minus it is hands down the best damage dealer of the game. -Time Mage suffer the same as Bushi, a lack of focus it's a mage that for some reasons gets the Heavy Armors, it sucks because that means he has Low Magic and his debuffs spells suffer from low accuracy because of it. It also doesn't help that Disable and Immobilize his best spell for mobs can be use by the Red Mage who is significantly better with them than the time mage. At the very least it's unfocus nature makes him a good complement, you can give it to a Monk to give Monk even more utility and Heavy Armors, a Black Mage to give more accuracy to the Time spell and give Black Mage more utility and also more HP. In any case really TZA possibility to combine jobs fixes some of these jobs but on their own my ranking would be Low Tier : Time Mage, Bushi, Foebreaker Mid Tier : Archer, Machinist (High Tier for mid game and New Game -), Uhlan, Red Mage (as a side note if we are sticking to early game Red Mage would be High Tier) High Tier : White Mage, Black Mage, Monk, Shikari and Knight
@locloudanerpg 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. You are hired my friend haha
@dimastricahyandri5580 3 жыл бұрын
can you give a recommended job/combination for each character?
@stef_supertramp3226 3 жыл бұрын
I'm about to start this game, could you give me an optimal setup please?
@manm555 2 жыл бұрын
Omg nice! Please can you tell us your job recomendation for each character? Which ones I should pick first and last? Thank you!
@nesoukkefka1741 2 жыл бұрын
@@manm555 Wait youtube didn't notice me of the previous answer to this comment ? Weird. Anyway choosing jobs is now less crucial since latest version of Zodiac Age allow you to reset your jobs and start again so there is no fear of choosing wrong in any case for each character : -Vaan : He can litteraly be anything you want due to how versatile he is and good stat all around, he has the fastest animation for Greatsword and therefore I love to put him for my favorite combo Knight + Bushi, these 2 jobs synergise extremely well with each other, Knight provide Heavy Armor and Adrenaline which Bushi desperatly want as well as White Magic spells including Bravery, meanwhile Bushi provide 3 Swiftness, the Magic and Mage Gear to make Knight's healing working (really if ennemy is physically immune or Attack is disable switch to Mage Mode and he will be a good healer), the Katana are very strong but must of all the White Robes which pair with Excalibur is probably the best weapon in the game bare the invisible one, and Vaan's fast animation will make great use of this weapon. One combo I like is also Monk + Red Mage really takes advantage of Vaan Jack of all Trick nature and make him a super polyvalent that can do anything, support, physical damage, magic damage he can do it all with Great HP to boot, Monk's White Magic selection complement extremely well Red Mage's spell list. -Balthier : With fast animation he is a dedicate Damage Dealer, however despite him being with Gun in his artworks, you do not want to go with Range weapon he is bad with Ranged weapon due to crappy animation. Personnaly I think Shikari fit him best he has the fastest attack animation for both Daggers and Ninja Sword, and he has the highest speed of the cast, and speed is use for Daggers and Ninja Sword animation. To pair with Shikari you have 2 choices, either pair him with a Job that have access to Heavy Armors to get more strength accross the game. Or you can pair it with a Mage Job, I think Red Mage works really well cause there is good synergy in their Esper requirement, and Red Mage get access to Heavy Armors later on, but the winner with this combo is access to the Black Robes + Yagyu Darkblade combo which is extremely good for beating the crap out of Yazmat in the late game, Bushi works also very well giving access to Katanas which are great on Balthier and later in the game heavy armors. -Basch : Basch is a physical beast so treat him like one, start with a Job that have access to Heavy Armor any will do I recommend Foebreaker this will give him the Breaks later in the game, then give him Bushi really Katana high Combo are the best way to do physical damage for most of the game. Bach isn't suited for Magic so avoid these, he can be a good Shikari tough but IMO Balthier is better for Shikari. -Fran : Has the lowest stat overall, so you definitly want to specialized her you can either make her a Mage, the White and Black Mage suit her good, I prefer Black Mage and pairing it with Time Mage can work Black Mage massive increase in Magic really amplify the success rate of Time Magick statut spells, particulary Immobilize and Disable these are really good if you try to explore high level area early as they can shut down a lot of mobs in the game, also having Reflect/Reflectga on the Black Mage is pretty convenient as the classical strat of putting reflect all your team to Reflect your spells on the target is a very damaging strat especially in the Mid-game. If you want her as a Physical Damage dealer, she is the best with Bowstaff so Monk works good, preferably paired with Foebreaker for access to both Heavy Armors, lot of Strength lore and Genji Gloves. Or since she has average stat in everything you can go "screw this" and pick Machinist which concretly doesn't care about the character's stats, since Fran is not oriented toward anything in particular she might be the most convenient choice for Machinist. -Ashe : Basically like Basch but for Magic, she doesn't perform well with any weapons so Magic is the way to go, you can go the aformentionned Black Mage + Time Mage combo, or you can go for White Mage instead, and there is really nothing that can go wrong with White Mage, but I don't recommend pairing White and Black Mage together as that's just to much on one unite and she might be to busy healing to take advantage of Black Mage spells, with White Mage Time Mage can work again to complement her support buff, Machinist is also a fairly good choice as Gun doesn't care about stat when not healing she would still contribute with som damage while staying away, Machinist also get the last Time Mage late in the game. -Penelo : Honnestly pretty much same thing as Ashe, generally I like going Black Mage with one and White Mage with the other. Altough suprisingly Penelo is tied with fastest Ninja Sword animation with Balthier so suprisingly she can work as a Shikari, and might actually be a better candidate for the aforementionned Shikari + Red Mage combo, the selling point being Red Mage's spell selection will make good use of her Magic Stats and she can take advantage of the Yagyu Darkblade + Black Robes combo for the infamous Yazmat or any ennemies neutral to Dark.
@justsomeguywithamask2784 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks man this was a good insight. It's been one of those what combination days for me and I think I got it.
@lucsaguiar 3 жыл бұрын
I love this game, but it forces you to choose jobs without any information other than "It uses a x as a weapon and y type of armor". Yes you can view the boards in advance, but it doesn't mean anything if you're new to the game.
@KelluehazeDSOO 3 жыл бұрын
Yes it does, it literally tells you what the class does and you can go to the license board. Don’t be lazy and expect the game to tell you literally everything, If you don’t want jobs then play the original version, then you will be glad that there are jobs 😹because the original is very limited
@stevecosmolove1045 3 жыл бұрын
KellueHaze TY.....geez lazy ass people these days.....
@ianbraun271 3 жыл бұрын
@@KelluehazeDSOO What do you mean: "the original is very limited?" In the original, you could literally take every license on the board. For everyone. In Zodiac Age, if you want you want Cure Magic, you are LIMITED to White Mage Job, or using Ashe, Penelo, or Fran, who have it innately. Very limiting.
@ubermaster1 3 жыл бұрын
@@KelluehazeDSOO Agreed except one thing, the original is actually more varied that IZJS/Zodciac Age, purely because you can choose every piece of a license board if you are insane enough to do so.
@darencolby1916 3 жыл бұрын
Ian Braun Yeah but each character start somewhere else on the board. It would take insane grinding or you’d have to wait till endgame to have most of the options available to you. With the job system you can have each character start building up exactly what you want from the beginning
@FewNewReasonss 2 жыл бұрын
Honesty as a kid, I loved the open board ot really really got me into the series. As an adult I appreciate having to think about which two jobs you pick and I really enjoyed playing it again differently.
@BowmansWorld 3 жыл бұрын
Been excited for ur next ff vid! Love this jrpg franchise!
@mikerosa5092 3 жыл бұрын
Great job I like how you showed detail explaining the jobs
@suzleber4 3 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the nod for the timemage even in low tier. Late game paired with a knight it's a pretty formidable pair and shikari/whm is my favorite!
@misterpayah7723 2 жыл бұрын
Red Mage/Monk is insanely adaptable and incredibly fun to control manually. During a battle you can switch instantly from healing, to buffing allies, to managing battle flow with Slow and Decoy, to magical AOE damage against multiple enemies, to Oil-Ardour massive damage, to physical DPS, depending on the situation. The only thing that misses is Haste. You even get Shades of Black for random hilarity.
@jamesholton3129 Жыл бұрын
Going to clarify something. The original 2006 release of Final Fantasy XII used the same liscense board system in both NA/JP versions. One noted difference however was certain boss health pools were larger in the NA release. i.e. omega xiii had 1 million hp in JP while NA it was 10 million. In 2007 they released a new version of the game in JP called FF12 International Zodiac Job System. Zodiac Age is the HD remaster of the JP only 2007 Zodiac version released to other territories.
@brandonlakin2138 Жыл бұрын
I know this comment is old but I believe it's the other way around JP was 10x more health
@RebelOnision Жыл бұрын
Yeah I was going to comment about this, really weird misconception that they would remove the job system for the NA release.
@BlueGuise9 8 ай бұрын
I'd love to see a 'Single Job Only' tier list. I doubt the Foebreaker would rank so high.
@adamswenson5701 3 жыл бұрын
Ive been playing this game for a couple days and my biggest thing is what job should i suit for every party member. So thanks for the info on the best jobs i can give
@nehuen7949 3 жыл бұрын
Great great great GREAAAAAT video. Thank you so much
@jhon1406 3 жыл бұрын
when I played TZA, I had 2 members go White Mage just to make sure I could be party flexible + still have access to it
@GooseGumlizzard 2 ай бұрын
same. WHM/Knight for Fran and WHM/Shikari for Penelo
@locloudanerpg 3 жыл бұрын
So it looks like I was partially wrong. Final Fantasy XII the International Edition was a japan only release that Zodiac Age was based off of. It came out a year after the original back in 2007. We wouldn't get that version until the release of Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.
@OmegaEnvych 3 жыл бұрын
Zodiac Age actually improves over International Zodiac Job System. PS2 version only allowed characters to have one job, so there was no multiclassing in FF12 until Zodiac Age.
@s-wo8781 2 жыл бұрын
Why was it called International, if it was only available in one nation?
@Shaiath 2 жыл бұрын
@@s-wo8781 Square likes to re-release Final Fantasy games in Japan with the extra tweaks or features added in from the extra dev time needed for NA/PAL releases, and uses "International" to denote that it is a reworked, more finished title. Simple example is that in FF7, Weapon battles like Ruby or Emerald didn't exist in the original release, but are present in the NA, PAL and subsequent International version. International Zodiac Jobs Edition, by extension, is where Square fully implemented the class system they had been working on but hadn't finished in time for the original (or even international) release. Some buns need more time in the oven.
@s-wo8781 2 жыл бұрын
@@Shaiath You didn't explain shit. The word international means more than one nation. All that without even answering the question. To denote it being reworked? You know that doesn't make sense. Your source? Other studios for other versions use something like definitive edition, golden, S or whatever. International means crossing multiple nations when the game was exclusive to one.
@ME_Scot 2 жыл бұрын
@@s-wo8781 woah toxic much. Other publishers might use different terms, but square Enix used to use 'international version' as its tagline for upgraded games. They don't give a shit about the exact definition of the word 😏
@michaelschneider1365 2 жыл бұрын
Great video thanks. I’m buying this tonight
@wiseguy240Winston 3 жыл бұрын
The one thing this game was missing was the Blue Mage class. Enemies had some cool attacks in this game like Sandstorm.
@parkerpierce9752 3 жыл бұрын
or blood mage
@darrensterling3039 3 жыл бұрын
@@parkerpierce9752 blood mage? What is this dragon age? cool concept tho
@hardyjoe4278 3 жыл бұрын
SE just repeated this mistake in Bravely Default II. The red mage is there, but not the blue mage. Edit: I thought Terra Branford was a Red mage, because she could wield a light blade, and cast moderate black magic.
@bruceapollo9300 2 жыл бұрын
I guess im asking the wrong place but does anybody know a method to log back into an Instagram account?? I stupidly lost the password. I appreciate any tricks you can offer me.
@deshawnthaddeus3202 2 жыл бұрын
@Bruce Apollo Instablaster :)
@dadadabest2237 2 жыл бұрын
I think people are sleeping on monk/time mage combo... it got all battle lores and hp, and some magic lores to suplement monk's healing magics.. T.m. also gives monk heavy armors and 3 swiftness... not to mention it can buff itself w/ haste, protectaga, bravery, bubble, decoy and reverse.. poles may not have the highest damage, but its combo and evade stats more than makes up for it.. Bushi/red batlmage is kinda good too.. it maybe double mystic armor class.. but Exodus can give red btlmge some heavy ones.. not to mention genji.. the only difference from knight/bushi is just you're trading some battle lores for more magic options and self buffs w/ green magics.. Machinist's guns may be limited in damage output... but you will appreciate it on 122333/weak mode.. Vanilla ff12 on ps2 is the same for japan & the west... The international ver. came later and, ironically like all other international versions, is japan only.. And its Machinist.. its kinda acceptable calling the knight a paladin.. but there's no such thing as a Mechanist🤔
@dododimitrov9657 2 жыл бұрын
Ok this was great video but I was hoping you let us know which classes to give for each character so we cover all.
@zacheray 3 жыл бұрын
I like watching these after I beat the game.. I had a combo of low tier and high tier stuff and no god tier stuff besides foebreaker and the game felt much easier than most FFs even doing most of the Bounties.. I like that they took the job/subjob system from ffxi.. I felt at home there
@kranvis2885 Жыл бұрын
I miss FFXI so much :(
@freyanox9443 3 жыл бұрын
hey fran has the best vitality in zodiac age. that's like 1 less second you're afflicted with debuffs yay!
@dflatproduction 3 жыл бұрын
And 3 more casts of decoy. 😂
@davidevans7477 3 жыл бұрын
At least give her a special buff with berserk and brawler... for lore reasons....
@tiradegrandmarshal 3 жыл бұрын
She's also the best pole user (and therefore best Monk) due to having the fastest animation speed with poles.
@jayb6718 3 жыл бұрын
I have Vaan as a bushi/monk and he is one with the sword. Shreds everything
@PrincessNine 3 жыл бұрын
My Balthier was a spear wielding time battle mage. This tier list hurt me.
@notafbiagent473 3 жыл бұрын
My Baltheir was a Mechanis/time mage. This tier hurt me as well
@thegoatruns7277 3 жыл бұрын
this guide hurt us all we became self aware that we are noobs lol
@PrincessNine 3 жыл бұрын
@@thegoatruns7277 idk about "noobs". Just we became aware we were playing non optimal
@thegoatruns7277 3 жыл бұрын
@@PrincessNine basically im playing for the 1st time since i was 11 yrs old lol im 26 now so im lost myself but these videos are great help
@GooseGumlizzard 2 ай бұрын
my Balthier was Time Mage/Bushi. Can use the great katanas while having access to heavy armor and Time magicks
@AzrielTheOne 2 жыл бұрын
4:28 you forgot red battlemage/monk. Makes for a solid backup healer, all around offense and with two or 3 espers, a high offensive tank.
@nezkeys79 Жыл бұрын
Rdm/Monk is a low tier and borderline useless pairing. I'll explain why... FROM MONK PERSPECTIVE: It wants armour and genji gloves to maximise its dps, plus has the ability to achieve 4 breaks. This brings up a few possible combos 1) Monk/Foebreaker. Genji Gloves + Heavy armour but now the ability to have a party cast 3 breaks simultaneously is gone 2) Monk/Time. Heavy armour but no genji gloves. Can cast all 4 breaks though which is crucial to having a party able to cast 3 breaks simultaneously drastically reducing the amount of setup time at the start of a boss fight 3) Monk/Knight. Knight is then wasted potential because one of the best combos in the game is lost 4) Monk/Bushi. Genji Armour but no heavy armour. Plus in a 12 job run you again gimp Knight/Bushi FROM RDM PERSPECTIVE: It wants to be paired with jobs that benefit from having mystic armour. 1) Rdm/Shikari and Whm/Shikari. Both great pairings for Yiazmat because of dark robes + yagyu 2) Rdm/Archer. This pairing boosts fire damage with burning bow so it will be almost as good as a blm casting fire spells. Rdm benefits a few different classes so it's difficult to decide who to give it to Basically Monk offers nothing the rdm wants and rdm offers nothing the Monk wants. Shields and maces are useless to a monk. Poles are useless to a rdm. Even the backup healing spells Monk gets are from espers. Even the free curaja from quickening is not an argument in favour of it because it comes so much later in the game. Rdm has cura and curaga for free all game
@nickschaffer3766 3 жыл бұрын
It's tough still 😂 but good video thanks man! I think vann as the ninja monk is the best combo. White spells on top of higher damage but still the class sets get confusing especially when you played the ps2 version 😂
@blue-phoenix115 3 жыл бұрын
Ninja Monk isn’t very synergistic: 1. They’re both light armor 2. Can’t pair either Genji Gloves or Black Robes
@teoakio1902 3 жыл бұрын
Great vid, would you mind doing a similar one about the jobs in bravely default?
@locloudanerpg 3 жыл бұрын
Téo Akio great idea. I’ll add it to the que.
@teoakio1902 3 жыл бұрын
@@locloudanerpg Thanks, my lord
@locloudanerpg 3 жыл бұрын
Téo Akio welcome subject.
@mad1020 3 жыл бұрын
@@locloudanerpg can i use all jobs in one character?
@PapaDutch 2 жыл бұрын
I am revisiting the entire series, which is an amazingly satisfying turn based point-&-klik that can relax and amuse even under, ehrm... "suboptimal" conditions. Being a retired former instructor I can say with some kind of credibility that your delivery and presentation skills are excellent. This is one of the bennies of catching the online bug- it brings out latent skills & talents that have considerable professional value! Tally ho, young sir knight 😀
@JH-ok5lx 10 ай бұрын
I quit this game really early on when I was a kid finally giving it a second chance. Thanks for the tips!
@rale317 3 жыл бұрын
what's the most optimal team if you are going to use a shikari/bushi? Without using all jobs. As in just going with the best combos you can smash into one team.
@nezkeys79 Жыл бұрын
1) Black Mage with flame staff easily. It's strong all the way through the game. Fire/Fira/Firaga + oil absolutely murders anything not immune to oil+fire. It has other staffs to boost other elements too. Paired with rdm it gets dark early on (which gets a boost from dark robes midgame if prepared to farm an early dark robes). Also good on yiazmat with darkga. It gets Ardor (firaga upgrade) late game so even better. This will do way more damage than Rdm/Archer with burning bow casting ardor (because of more magic lores and a few better passives) and that combo loses Aeroga too. Anything immune to firaga/ardor just gets blasted by Scathe (neutral aoe). Ardor comes very late anyway too. Blm will still destroy everything before then even without flame staff because of aoe attacks (something melee doesn't get). The only offensive spell it doesn't get is holy. To achieve that (via pairing it with whm or mnk you lose ardor and darkga so that's a bad trade off. Sure you get healing spells too but blm doesnt really want to be healing at any point. It wants to nuke 99% of the time before enemies even get close. Offence is the best form of defence as they say) 2) Knight/Bushi (with excalibur and white robes), and Ulhan/Bushi (with holy lance and white robes). These two are the best melee classes late game since 90% of the endgame areas are weak to holy. Knight isn't the strongest melee dps early game though and struggled against flying types so forced to use shades of black. Uhlan doesn't have this problem and does higher damage in most scenarios than Knight until Knight gets karkata and then excalibur. Also it gets access to two breaks via espers like you said but one of those espers is better on another class pairing. Both these holy destroyers come quite late in the game though that's the only "downside". With the respec option though now you can just start with something else and switch later. For enemies immune to holy at endgame just have these classes switch their weapon. Both have many options of endgame weapons because they both have katanas so can both equip masamune and kumbha, plus their ultimate non holy weapons like vrsabha and zodiac spear. Also uhlan gungnir on oiled enemies will do more damage in this scenario too, and maybe even more than holy lance on holy weak enemies. Knights flametongue has too low of an attack power to benefit here in comparison and its only neutral sword is tournesol really which is a bit meh imo 3) Rdm/Shikari. The class with the most utility. Can evasion tank. Can throw the same spells as a blm early game, and gets three aga spells through an esper. Can heal just as well as a whm until whm gets its high level spells but hinestly Curaga is probably doing 8k heals anyway. Has arcane spells too. Whm/Shikari is better as a pure healer later on because of faith bravery arise (rdm only gets raise) but it can't cast aga spells or arcane spells like darkga and death. Both these combos are optimal dps against Yiazmat with yagyu darkblade + black robes but since that is the last thing most people will face (plus almost every endgame enemy heals from dark damage) that strat has very limited usage, just a nice bonus to have on your last hunt. Outside of the three basic spells and dark/death if any flying types are immune to those spells (probably doesn't exist) then you can give guns to Shikari via an esper. This does give you earth and water to target though with bullets 4) Whm/Time. This combo gives you great spells like disable immobilize haste slow etc on your healer for when they don't need to heal. Then later gets hastega berserk float slowga etc. Great spells although when you can afford 99 bacchus wine and 99 float motes berserk and float spells become redundant. Disable and Immobilze are still useful all game though. For example in the secret area of henne mines you can disable abysteels and immobilze hecteyes, all from a distance cause holding a Crossbow not a melee weapon. If using rdm as your main healer then you can pair time mage with it too for the same effect early game just rdm has more utility. An alternative to this class late game is Whm/Machinist (gets hastega and slowga and is able to target certain enemies elemental weaknesses when attacking) but loses Disable and Immobilze and the other situational time spells like break (which is used for the jelly afk exp farm in henne mines) so personally I prefer whm/time and just make whm/machinist for the yiazmat battle. 5) Monk/Time (gets all 4 breaks) or Monk/Foebreaker (gets all 4 breaks plus genji gloves). Use this in your backup team to set breaks and even better if other characters can break at the same time (obviously faster to have 3 breaks being cast simultaneously than 1 character systematically using all breaks). Kanya (the ultimate pole) will do high damage with genji gloves + heavy armour but it's not as high as the other melee dps classes. Similarly vrsicka + shield the alternative if you want to play tanky is lower down because of the random damage axes hammers and hand bombs do (sometimes they do 200 damage and other times 10k for instance). Obviously the "breaker" character can be used in your main team but if you start overlevlling which is easy to do then breaks lose their appeal. For me I just spent a few turns casting break with my reserve party on tough bosses, then switched in the main dps team). For instance on yiazmat the uhlan/bushi and the monk/time casting expose and wither at the same time. If you give foebreaker to someone else though you can cast 3 breaks simultaneously. For example Shikari/Foebreaker Monk/Time Uhlan/Bushi will be able to cast expose/wither/shear all at the same time drastically reducing how long it takes to apply them all BTW shikari on its own doesn't equip genji gloves. It's just Knight Foebreaker and Bushi. Also some people claim that germinas boots are better than genji gloves but when i tested both here's what I saw...germinas Boots equipped the damage of each hit was higher but it rarely combos. With genji gloves equipped lower damage but combos more often. Since the genji gloves method is reliant on RNG in a way I guess that's why people prefer germinas boots. Personally I found the difference between the two minor (but I was testing with full health because I don't really know how to consistently keep characters at critical health as it seems very annoying to do so)
@nesoukkefka1741 Күн бұрын
@@nezkeys79 Actually a guy on gamefaq named DragoonKain33 had made calculation and compare for Ninja Blades with Genji Gloves or Germina Boots, can't post link so I'll paste his answer : "Ooh, something my spreadsheet dps can help with. At full hp, with end game equips, so 99 STR and Balthier with 38 base SPD with Maximilian (+6 SPD), and base 58 VIT with Grand Helm/Diamond Armor for the best hammer. Berserk + Haste as well. 0 DEF represents totally Exposed boss, 33 DEF is average defense at end game for trash mobs, and 72 DEF represents lvl 99 Archa birdy whose name I can't spell. 0 DEF Full HP Mesa with Genji Gloves: 6866 Mesa with Jackboots: 7922 Vriscka With Genji Glvoes: 7922 0 DEF Crit HP Genji: 8683 Jackboots: 9279 Vriscka: 9559 33 DEF Full HP Genji: 4775 Jackboots: 5509 Vriscka: 4779 33 DEF Crit HP Genji: 6039 Jackboots: 6453 Vriscka: 5766 72 DEF Full HP Genji: 2304 Jackboots: 2659 Vriska: 2083 72 DEF Crit HP Genji: 2914 Jackboots: 3114 Vriska: 2513 So Jackboots > Genji all the way with ninja blades, and this DPS numbers are biased against Jackboots since I don't factor the slight decrease in charge time by having higher speed."
@andross2k 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if this is the case but if you're only mixing shikari with bushi for the black robes then why not do a shikari red mage? Isn't that more fun and just as effective?
@daywalker3735 2 жыл бұрын
I just wish this game had useful technicks that actually kind of made sense for each job.....like if Archer had "bird killer" or if the Uhlan had "jump"....etc etc
@efrenarevalo2025 8 ай бұрын
I never looked at the skills when choosing their class, I just look at the character and what fit the best.
@farazsworkshop 2 жыл бұрын
I went machinist for vaan, this is my first final fantasy game beside tactics..
@diandrasiswanto9432 2 жыл бұрын
mine is: Vaan : Knight / Time Battlemage Balthier : Shikari / Foebreaker Fran : Archer / Uhlan Basch : Bushi / Monk Ashe : Black Mage / Red Mage Penelo : White Mage / Machinist and I'm really happy with my team
@JARedwolf100 3 жыл бұрын
I’m a sucker for magic and always make Vaan a black mage monk. Not ideal but REALLY comes in effect when stuck in Vaan solo missions and at the start to just run around farming Gil, XP and just making a challenge in seeing how far Vaan can go without help! :P Also, you forgot to mention that Monk has the Charge ability which can greatly restore lost magic but at a small risk of losing all magic at a failed charge.
@nezkeys79 Жыл бұрын
Charge is awful imo. It restores a tiny portion of mp and can fail (putting your mp back at 0). Its basically a worse ether. Syphon is a much better ability against enemies that aren't immune to it because it full heals your mp for free. Even when an enemy is immune to it if you don't mind reducing one characters mp to 0 you can get free mp back that way too. For example if you have a melee character with no spells who is just berserked or something
@sweetxcalibur5319 9 ай бұрын
Charge early game op, no need for ethers at all practically infinite magic. Jusy might take a turn or two.
@aloekado1638 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for mentioning my channel :)
@locloudanerpg 3 жыл бұрын
AloeKado thanks for the content! I’m pretty sure I gave you a follow, I’ll check.
@aloekado1638 3 жыл бұрын
@@locloudanerpg You did
@Fine_Mouche 2 жыл бұрын
0:30 and was great ^^ The best would be give the choce at the beginning beetween full board and jobs for ZA :/
@joshw9527 3 жыл бұрын
So who is best to give these job combos to?
@BlufireTheifprince 2 жыл бұрын
There is one other thing you can rely on to boost ardor's damage. Fran may be the worst party member but with this combo she slaughtered the hell wyrm, yiazmat's foil. Red mage/archer has a similar combo to red/black mage with ardor and the burning bow. Shikari/bushi is my godsend in the yiazmat fight, vaan as shikari/Bushi and uhlan/breaker makes for a great physical wall
@samuraiboy497 Жыл бұрын
I always make them have classes which fit there personality Fran looks cool with a katana so I always make her use one or a bushi ash looks like a paladin so I make her one or basch
@BlufireTheifprince Жыл бұрын
@@samuraiboy497 understandable, mine is based around minmaxing to an extent. Basch I build as a knight/time battlemage, ashe as a white mage/machinist, then penelo as a Black mage/monk
@BlueGuise9 8 ай бұрын
I'm the same way. @@samuraiboy497
@Elementardarkness 2 жыл бұрын
This is from a german site. How good would be this combinations they suggested there? Vaan: Monk & Time Mage (Esper: Adrammelech, Zeromus, Famfrit, Chaos, Zodiark) Balthier: Archer & Uhlan Fran: White Mage & Black Mage Basch: Knight & Bushi Ashe: Black Mage & Knight (Esper: Mateus, Hashmal) Penelo: Red Mage & Shikari (Esper: Shemhazai, Cuchulainn, Exodus, Ultima)
@JamieOliveTree 3 ай бұрын
thanks for the video. good work bro 👍👍👍
@BaldManBeardFace 3 жыл бұрын
You do an amazing job. I was wondering. Could you do Xenogears? Such an amazing game and love to hear your opinion on who is best
@locloudanerpg 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I've been playing with the idea of mixing a few games together that don't have alot of playable characters, like Xenogears and Wild Arms Reloaded. It's good to hear that it's wanted. I'll keep you posted on what we decide!
@leeman27534 3 жыл бұрын
citan is the best. hardly even a competition. gets better physical capabilities than even fei early on, one of the faster allies in general, has excellent healing and support capabilities - and is the only other character to be able to heal more than one ally at once with skills - disc 2 gets a pretty nice offensive upgrade, and is one of the only allies that can be relied on for most of the game. that being said, he's not potentially the greatest in a more specific sense - i had a build with billy's robot that was constantly doing 9999 damage with the basic robot square attack, thanks to it being an ether move + ether doubler + the engine with limited fuel but way stronger attack power. hell, even outside of robots and ether based moves, ether doubler works the same with billy's shotgun as well as ether attacks from other allies - and omegasol is insanely cheap to be equivalent to ethers.
@beauvsb5230 3 жыл бұрын
Vaan - Shikari/Bushi Ashe - White Mage/Time Mage Basch - Knight/Foebreaker Penelo - Black mage/ Monk or Red Mage Balthier - Machinist/Shikari Fran - Archer/White mage This is my staple party set up.
@sddt223 3 жыл бұрын
@river2345 3 жыл бұрын
Cool! I was just started play this game, and i glad i gave Vaan breaker (i have no idea it was god tier, sort of like the sounds of it). Thanks for the vid!
@atrashedpanda6044 Жыл бұрын
Did most people not know that if you just head to the clan building qnd talk to Montblanc you can change any person's class and respond the points you previously put in as many times as you want?
@nezkeys79 Жыл бұрын
This feature wasn't in the original launch of the remaster
@Himmelvakt Жыл бұрын
It it was an Xbox exclusive for like 2 years, before being added to the PSN version.
@uraninezak 9 ай бұрын
This is one of your videos I woudl suggest giving a revisit. A lot of your information here is based on pre-release theory crafting and in practice a lot of your job combinations have proven to be mediocre at best. Do you have any interest in redoing this one?
@Clouds12012 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Idk you uploaded this sooooo fast tho...did you do the research by playing it and studying the game? OR looking it up online? OR worst of all friends told you -_-"
@locloudanerpg 3 жыл бұрын
Cloud Strife I play all the games I rank. the rest is forum, stat and skill research.
@KelluehazeDSOO 3 жыл бұрын
@@locloudanerpg Play the game, get the platinum trophy , or at least KILL everything and show all the combos because tier lists do not show the power of each class
@dlf_uk 3 жыл бұрын
Can’t have played it that much to be calling machinist “mechanis”
@OgagSoriano 2 жыл бұрын
Vaan - Shikari / Foebreaker Basch - Knight / Bushi Penelo - White Mage / Uhlan Ashe - Black Mage / Monk Fran - Archer / Time Battlemage Balthier - Machinist / Red Battlemage
@HamsterScout 3 жыл бұрын
That bunny thing cheeked up
@steveiswatchingyou917 3 жыл бұрын
Guest tier list although there are only like 3 to 4. I like all of them and they are all good.
@wiseguise5960 2 ай бұрын
I always thought guns were a cool addition to the main weapons we don't usually see in FF titles. They may be weak and have a slow attack gauge, but I am fairly certain they have a 100% accuracy even if the char has been blinded? And the damage calc for guns is not just the weapon stat, but also ignores the enemies def, correct me if I am wrong.
@keinlieb3818 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like any combo works as long as you have Shikari in the combo
@MasterNinjaXz 3 жыл бұрын
When you say combinations, do you mean like with another character? Or having both those jobs combined lmao the same character? Or do you just mean in general? I'm just confused how certain classes are better when paired better.
@PROJaiRU 3 жыл бұрын
you can use two classes with each character, that is the combo
@NickC_222 2 жыл бұрын
When you talk about "pairing with another job" do you mean having that other job in the party on another character (AND properly built, of course,) with the given paired character? From my understanding based on my limited experimenting with the job systems, it appears as if when you wipe your job to try another one you lose access to all of the stats and abilities that job offers until you wipe again and return your points back into that job and it's licenses. I'm new to this game but if there's a way to "multiclass" in this game, it's completely eluded me. As far as I can tell, you only ever have access to the abilities your current job build offers. Is that correct?
@locloudanerpg 2 жыл бұрын
Each character can have two jobs making a hybrid job.
@Trisaaru Жыл бұрын
I'm two years late but what he says at 0:22 is just false. The game's original release was the same across all regions, including Japan. A year after the release - and only in Japan - FF12 IZJS was released which introduced the job system. This version only had one job for each character throughout the whole game too.
@zeldaworld7 2 жыл бұрын
I always make my balthier and uhlan time mage it’s just my favorite even though it isn’t the greatest. It is fun though
@ZaddyZavid 2 жыл бұрын
As long as you like it it shouldn't matter, I'm starting the game now and it feels forced. I dunt like how much Fran was nerfed but I like that Vann is strong..
@kallmemikey1701 Жыл бұрын
I know Each Character has 3 regular Mist Abilities but a 4th that's a 1st I've heard about where do I find it on the board
@dflatproduction 3 жыл бұрын
Well done. I think Germinas Boots were tracked to be better than genji gloves for shikari damage output. I feel like shikari also needs a heavy armor pairing for top tier. Dark robe combos are only ace in two fights that I recall. Blm/rdm doesn’t get Last stand. Archer does. Also has burning bow for Ardor boosting, but it does drag mid to late game (pre-Ardor). But that’s red mage for ya. I did just get by with (one job) Red Ashe healing in my IZJS playthrough. Darkga healing’s ~ok~. Red/Monk gets an Esper free Curaja and fun Balance casts (HP lores). Eventually 3 Swiftnesses with an Esper. Archer is a great addition to any standalone class for its remedy and Phoenix lores. Phoenix downs become more time efficient than revival spells late game. Germinas boots work similarly to Shikari. I do love a Bushi Knight combo. White Robe Excalibur hits. 💫 White mage is my top for this game. Curajas lay waste to all the undead, and they have the Channelings and mystic armor for it.
@nezkeys79 Жыл бұрын
Giving a shikari heavy armour against yiazmat will make it do less damage. Dark Robes boost the yagyu darkblade dps by 50%. The only devision should be between Shikari/Bushi (for genji gloves) and Shikari/Rdm or Shikari/Whm (the other two robes jobs since you don't want Shikari on blm) I farmed Yiazmat with both (20 battles with one and 20 with the other) and can honestly tell you the difference is marginal. The genji gloves combo does less damage per hit but combos more frequently. Since comboing isn't a 100% chance some feel that germinas boots are better but from what I saw I would say the random 4-9 hits etc would average out over time to do more damage than a bit more "on hit" damage
@dflatproduction Жыл бұрын
@@nezkeys79 I’m not disagreeing that a black robe shikari is superior for Yiazmat. I’d just rather have heavy armor for the hoards of dark absorbing enemies over shaving a few minutes off of Yiazmat.
@nezkeys79 Жыл бұрын
@dflatproduction pre "montblanc respec" yes it's prudent to take many benefits over one, but now you can just respec at the yiazmat fight then respec back lol. I was just saying that dark robes shikari does more damage thats all. The best party in theory for that battle would be two shikaris with yagyu but since I don't think that is possible outside of trial mode for the second yagyu, a blm casting darkga with dark robes is the next best thing. Top it off with a healer that has machinist so they can hit dark shot when don't need to support/heal. This is what I ended up using (after using a support party to cast breaks) Whm/Machinist Blm/Rdm Shikari/Bushi
@shenk2210 3 жыл бұрын
Does it matter what job you get first and what secondary or nah?
@arielsuarez5471 3 жыл бұрын
I should probably have to characters be Shikari. I could combine one with Bushi and the other with Foebreaker. Vaan and Basch seem the ideal candidates. Then, I forsake the Machinist license altogether. I never use guns, anyway.
@markchristianp.villamin3356 2 жыл бұрын
Hey why can't I select my 2nd job in my pt, I already defeat belias and acquire his power?
@davs.ketchup Жыл бұрын
The zodiac system just added a lot of replay value damn,
@curtcrowley6659 4 ай бұрын
Is this applicable to ff12: int'l zodiac job system?
@theslugboiii5969 7 ай бұрын
Just beat trial mode mostly using Vaan as Knight/Time Mage, Basch as Uhlan/Time Mage and Ashe as White Mage/Knight. Only thing that gave me any trouble was Zeromus.
@Comet_373 3 жыл бұрын
Why didn't I watch this earlier, my van is a mechanistic and I made penalo a Spearman 😓
@mewple 3 жыл бұрын
In the international version Uhlan was one of, if not the best mellee class in the game but with Zodiac ages dual job system Uhlan falls short as it has no real good combinations. It kind of sucks that it worked out that way. Also, putting time mage/archer in low tier? When archer can have phoenix downs that act like full revives as soon as you reach Jahara, or the fact the time mage is the only class besides machinist with access to haste along with a wide array of extremely useful time spells(albeit many can be used by red mage). Spells like disable, slow, immobilize are useful at all stages of the game for hunts and higher level dungeons. Like I will agree they both "fall off" in usefulness as the game goes into the later stages, but that's where zodiac ages dual job system comes in. Also how the heck are shikari and foebreaker god tier? Any combination of other classes can get you access to all 4 breaks, everything else the foebreaker brings sucks compared to the other physical classes(even uhlan). And although shikari does give ninja swords and three swiftness lores it's really only god tier for two fights in the game, for the rest of the game its just a giant "meh". Many other classes give three swiftness lores and bring more value through most of the game. I will also say your position for black mage in the list is also far too low. Through out the entire game until the very end when you acquire all the best gear for your other classes, the black mage is by far the strongest damage dealing class in the game. First demon wall giving you trouble? Cast reflect on your team and cast aero (with cherry staff equipped) on your team and watch him die in 3-4 casts. Pair elemental magic with elemental staves vs the enemies weak against that element and watch your black mage do 4x the amount of your hardest damage dealers at any point in the game. Obviously not all enemies are weak to elemental magics, but even then non elemental magic like drain, scathe, shock and more are still useful. I was able to kill Chuchulain just after Raithwalls tomb by having him focus my blackmage and having my blackmage spam drain. Obviously this power list was made with only the very end game in mind which I feel is not the best mindset for a game like final fantasy where most of the game is the journey.
@clairebear3930 3 жыл бұрын
but as the name implies for the video, these are the "best combos" with end game in mind. Its also worth noting, you can re-spec to try stuff out, these combos work, and they work for a reason.
@mewple 3 жыл бұрын
@@clairebear3930 video name is best jobs, not combos. Nor did I mention job combos being an issue. It also doesn't specify end game and as I said in my comment, most of this game is not end game content and judging a class based solely on its end game potential is folly.
@tiradegrandmarshal 3 жыл бұрын
Uhlan has a few good combinations. Bushi or White Mage gives it robe access, which is nice for Holy Lance; Bushi is also good for that third swiftness, or White Mage for Bravery and an all-around MP-efficient offensive healing and support unit. Uhlan isn't a bad place to stick Time Battlemage with, either, as TBM gives Uhlan that third Swiftness and the useful Time Magic buffs. Uhlan/Archer is also solid with 3 swiftness and maximum Phoenix, Remedy, and Potion Lores. Uhlan/Machinist also has 3 swiftness, max Remedy and Potion Lores, 2 Phoenix Lores which is still pretty good, and has access to any elemental attack. The Uhlan's ultimate weapon Zodiac Spear may lose out to certain gear combinations in pure damage, but what's nice about it is that it still does very good endgame damage without needing a specific piece of armor or accessory. That's a quality a lot of people underrate.
@AndreasNicklasson 3 жыл бұрын
Huh? So "The Zodiac Age" is WAY different from the version I played on PS2? That's it, picking up the Switch version.
@jordanrock3494 3 жыл бұрын
And it looks beautiful in HD.
@FlaWLessMinigun 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly, from a Component hookup on PS2 to a HDMI on PS4, I can't tell much of a difference. But I can say that I dislike the license change; I preferred the big board where everything was more convenient... I know it also allowed characters to become overpowered, but then again, that could be avoided by choice.
@jordanrock3494 3 жыл бұрын
@@FlaWLessMinigun it looks way better. Only if you use emulators and use filters and up scaling will you make the original look as crisp.
@FlaWLessMinigun 3 жыл бұрын
@@jordanrock3494 I know it won't quite reach the same quality as the HD, and the PS2 was primarily 4:3, but the Component attachment really did do a lot for the graphics in comparison to the A/V input
@GSS1Sirius 3 жыл бұрын
I've had the Switch version since release but unfortunately it got stuck in my backlog. Now is the time to finally play it!
@MrGrimlocksmash 3 жыл бұрын
Want to do a mono job run soon.
@robertlewallen5283 3 жыл бұрын
Yo I love these man lol chrono cross when?
@locloudanerpg 3 жыл бұрын
Robert Lewallen chrono cross is in the que. might be a bit though. I have a big project up next :)
@1ButtonDash 2 жыл бұрын
ever think of doing a video for new game minus? it's a much different experience for the game as you don't level up so everything is based off your jobs, licence board points and gear
@hardyjoe4278 3 жыл бұрын
I was inclined to give Fran Hammers/Axes. I should have made her the Red Mage, a homage to the FFtactics Advance/A2 games...
@riulbrintik5143 Ай бұрын
Foebreaker / monk, genji gloves + heavy armor + whale whisker (high combo chance) + ton battle lore and HP... Shikari / Red BM, yagyu + black robe + germina + dragon helm, mega black magick... Knight / Bushi, genji gloves + masamune + lordly robe + grand helm, excalibur + white robe + grand helm... Uhlan / time battlemage, first hastega, faster zodiac spear... Archer / white mage, heal focus than dmg dealer... Black mage / machinist, faster spellcaster, second hastega, primary magic dealer, rifle when low mana (no need strength/speed/vit attrbt), blackrobe + dark shot
@Zzw2648 5 ай бұрын
Im glad i got the switch version it lets you switch your jobs so you can check out combos and switch them if you dont like them
@locloudanerpg 5 ай бұрын
Does the PS4 version not do that?
@lilsabin 3 жыл бұрын
i started it about 2 weeks ago and game has some potential , i hope square keep the job system for the next ff (ff 15) game , and it would be nice to have an arena mode (online)
@ianbraun271 3 жыл бұрын
Do you care about spoiler?
@lilsabin 3 жыл бұрын
@@ianbraun271 actually , i did a mistake in my comments , i know ff15 dont have job , i meant ff 16 ( there are so much game out there that i got confuse , lol) ... On a side note also , i played ff 12 on PS2 back in the days , i am just rediscovering the game again ( nostalgia)i even started ff online (arr) last week
@travismoore7849 6 ай бұрын
On ps2 I have a character that uses black, white, green and time magic and techniques. And can equip most armor classes. Weapons are bows.
@Katie-hb8iq 2 ай бұрын
White Mage/Time Battlemage is a good combination, and is good on Fran. The problem with Ulhan/Time Battlemage is do you really want to waste an entire party member slot on Hastega? It's not worth it. White Mage/Machinist is also just a White Mage with a gun. It's not really all that exciting when Time Battlemage still gives you crossbows. I think you do underplay the ranged weapons a little. There's a lot of flying enemies in this game, and only 1 job has Telekinesis to my knowledge. This makes Time Battlemage and Archer kind of useful in some areas. The Uhlan can also hit flying enemies too. These make good jobs to pair with other classes that can't hit flying enemies. I would argue that because of the flying enemy bit, a Red Battlemage + Archer is a good combination. The burning bow still gives you the flame damage that the Flame Staff gives you to power up Ardor with this combination. You can also get access to Esuna and some other useful unlocks through Espers, making this combination a bit more versatile compared to a Black Mage setup. This can also get the -Aga spells through another Esper unlock, and Darkga is pretty useful against some difficult enemies. What I'm saying is that there are definitely many situations where this combination is superior to a Black Mage. Esuna by itself is a game changing spell you'd ideally want on every character if you could have it.
@rinyimy Жыл бұрын
Red Battlemage + Monk + All Espers. No hidden Weapons to be fun.
@ljthompson3011 3 жыл бұрын
The thing I didn't like about xii is there were no abilities to use aside from magic It would have been a top ten if it was a little more interactive in the melee combat
@zettas1157 2 жыл бұрын
I made Vaan a Red Battle Mage combined with Bushi. Can I just say the Dark spells from Red battle mage are busted as far as early to mid game goes literally tearing bosses a new one. Have to finish the game but I know I got pretty far.
@davidevans7477 3 жыл бұрын
I never played Zodiac, only the original. Hence why I'm watching video before. For an all achievement run, I am thinking... Vaan: Monk/Black Mage (Un-Holy Warrior) Ashe: Bushi/Foebreaker (She wants revenge. She can have it!) Basch: Uhlan/Time Battlemage (Zodiac Spear, buffs) Balthier: Shikari/Knight (Balthier highest speed stat in Zodiac, and some white magic) Fran: White Mage/ Mechanist (Support, and Hastega from one of the espers for Mechanist) Penelo: Red Battlemage/ Archer (Ardor)
@TAOSEELE Жыл бұрын
So you don't consider Espers to be part of the game? Don't they unlock important power ups?
@blue-phoenix115 3 жыл бұрын
Gotta disagree with the Foebreaker class, it’s terrible: 1. Its most important break skills (Wither & Expose) are available to other classes like Monk and Uhlan 2. You’ll rarely use these break skills 3. Access to Wither and Expose are in the late/end game 4. Axes, Hammers, and Hand Bombs deals random inconsistent damage
@KayderimGameplays 3 жыл бұрын
The damage may be inconsistent but Axes and Hammers usually have much more ATK than other weapons. The strongest hammer available get has 133 ATK, 20% combo hate and you can get it when you reach Henne Mines, and is VERY easy to craft. Put it on Fran (highest VIT, increases Axe / Hammer damage) and she'll one or two shot pretty much everything until you until you reach those pesky marks at late game, i think that this was the only weapon i saw hitting 90k damage, and with 20% combo hate, this is a very strong damage dealer job, most likely will outdamage Monks and Uhlans
@blue-phoenix115 3 жыл бұрын
@@KayderimGameplays You’re right, I agree that it’s indeed the earliest ultimate weapon players can get a hold of (Excluding Seitengrat ofc, since it breaks the game). However, l still prefer consistency. The hammer is like a better Knot of Rust, sure it feel good when it deals massive damage but it also often deals tiny damage. Also, you need to pair Foebreaker with spell caster or support class, otherwise the character would just be a tank, not very versatile. For instance, the popular Shikari/Foe pairing, which the character can’t cast anything.
@leeman27534 3 жыл бұрын
it can be alright, if paired with another class that could use it's benefits. like, bushi - it wants some heavy armor, 1h weapon potential, shield stuff - it's potentially a great way to help it beef up it's strength stat, while still having lots of magic + lores to do mage ish stuff. same for shikari - it's got good atk/speed weapons, but still wants heavy armor to max out it's strength for best results.
@rodneyhenderson9853 2 жыл бұрын
Which character fits better with what garden Force
@hellbringer09 Жыл бұрын
everyone talking about oil ardor forgetting that by the time you get it its not really worth it. sure its nice hitting for 50K but there are better and faster options to dps. by the time you get ardor most enemies are immune to oil or resist fire in some way... 1 shotting famfrit is awesome though
@junkiexl86 3 ай бұрын
Yea that was an issue with many things in FF12. By the time you get things (like Ninja Swords for example), its so late into the game, its trivial. Unless you're going for 100%. Even then with TZA, most of the Esper/Hunt challenges from the original are a joke now with the broken combos.
@robertmal5203 2 жыл бұрын
Hello! When you say combo do you mean combining 2 licenses to one character?
@locloudanerpg 2 жыл бұрын
@jeremyswanson6688 2 жыл бұрын
Wish you had a list of this
@Danny-px4oi 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video and recomendations Im replaying ff12 so i might try your build My first playthrough was Vaan: knight / bushi Balthier:. Foebreaker / shikari Fran: archer/ red mage Ashe: white mage/ machinist Penelo: black mage/ monk Basch: uhlan/ time mage
@AhmedX8 Жыл бұрын
I had the same job combos, but I had Ashe as a Monk/BM, Penelo as Archer/RM and Fran as Machinist/WM. Worked out pretty well cuz I like Fran with Guns and Penelo with Bows, and Ashe gets high HP and Magic with this build.
@medleysa 3 жыл бұрын
I though the OG FF XII, even in Japan, had a wide open license board. I don’t think they added jobs until FF XII International: Zodiac Job System on the PS2. I thought that was a completely separate game from both the initial Japanese, US, and European releases. I could be wrong though.
@DocKing236 3 жыл бұрын
Nope you're correct
@ZaddyZavid 2 жыл бұрын
From my memory the international version was dismissed by most. I was fine with the us version. I'm playing zodiac now and I'm not sure if it is better.. I like how jobs work in ff tactics, it feels a bit redundant in this one. The characters feels diff also, Vann was pretty useless but he's gr8 in zodiac, hearers Fran was gr8 in the US pg but she is weak in zodiac.
@thomasmartin1514 3 жыл бұрын
I think the idea of pairing white magick and mechanist is the fact that they are stuck with guns as their only GOOD weapon, this means things like entites and other magick creatures take no damage from guns
@davidevans7477 3 жыл бұрын
Knots of Rust
@junkiexl86 3 ай бұрын
Great video. The main issue is alot of these top jobs/combos, the stuff they need to become that OP/top class happens so late into the game (like unlocking Ardor or Ninja Swords etc) that its pretty much trivial outside 100% comp runs. I love Shikari, but it absolutely sucks you don't start finally getting Ninja swords in TZA untill you're about to fight final story boss. I will add that at least in TZA, Genji Gloves are best used with Katanas and Germinas Boots are best for the Ninja Swords (even better than Genji Gloves)
@ValianTheRELover 3 ай бұрын
isn't ashura ninja sword in stillshrine of miriam? i play the IZJS PS2 version
@junkiexl86 3 ай бұрын
@@ValianTheRELover Not sure about IZJS, but in TZA all Ninja swords are now only obtainable by rare treasure drops or low % chance drops off rare monsters/hunts. The Mesa is only obtainable from the Bazaar According to Fandom, in TZA, Ashura the weakest Ninja Sword is first obtainable as a very rare treasure in Stillshrine so like IZJS (I think they are basically the same game TZA and IZJS, yea?). Even then you dont go there till way after the halfway point in the story and that's just the first NS. The next one, Sakura, cannot be obtained until you reach Sochen Cave, as another rare treasure drop.
@ValianTheRELover 3 ай бұрын
@@junkiexl86 that sucks, lucky in IJZS it's 100% guaranteed treasure. I thought it's the same in TZA
@junkiexl86 2 ай бұрын
@@ValianTheRELover Well I guess in a sense it can be 100%. Save game right before you open it. Open, reboot game, open. Rinse and repeast till you get it haha. And I may have use a bad choice of words earlier. Its treasure drop, I assume like everything else treasure wise the good stuff is % based, not 100%. It may be 100% treasure, I simply don't know for sure.
@DavidSantos-ix1hu 7 ай бұрын
Every character has a archtype that works with them but basicly can play almost snything,fraan and baltheir are very much rangers fran is great with magic,her build is perfect for a redmage archer.
@Mcwaffles86 8 ай бұрын
I once had a dream that Vann got killed. It was a good dream 🤔
@TenchiHawkwing 3 жыл бұрын
Germinas Boots are better with Ninja Swords than Genji Gloves so honestly you don't even need to pair Shikari with Bushi. I prefer Shikari/Red Mage, personally. Another combo I have come to like a ton is Foebreaker/White Mage.
@chrislake6001 Жыл бұрын
Why am i told to wait until im about 12 hours in the game too pick a liscense???
@reggiemoore755 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely love how u talk about yaizmat like he's so powerful when I was a kid I ran into him while exploring and took him out easy (granted it took like 2 hrs) XD
@donstarlancer 3 жыл бұрын
I think it takes way too long to get all of the break techniques for Foebreaker to be considered god tier.
@KelluehazeDSOO 3 жыл бұрын
Foebreaker is a very useful class however, it’s wither is extremely useful for yiazmat and Gilgamesh, and especiAlly omega mark 12
@aeroga2383 2 жыл бұрын
Doesn't matter. The post game in this game is long and girthy
@Fine_Mouche 2 жыл бұрын
9:15 : You write "White mage + shikari" and tell "Shikari + white mage" , the order tell the main/principal job so please can you tell wich order is the good one ?
@locloudanerpg 2 жыл бұрын
Start with white mage.
@Sakkanartn 6 ай бұрын
Foe Breaker? I'm rarely used Axe or Hammer.
@chrisshipp7013 Жыл бұрын
One overlooked combo I think is Machinist/Red Mage.
@fahrenheit9646 Жыл бұрын
Why use machinist ever? 🤔
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