日本語勉強中です。文法や単語の使い方の間違いは多いと思いますが、ご了承いただければと思います。 (間違いのない英語バージョンは下に。英語の方が私が言うつもりものです。日本語バージョンはちょっとちがうかもしれません。) (English below. The English version more accurately represents exactly what I want to say. The Japanese version may be different.) 久々に全然楽しくないフィッシャーズの動画だった。 せっかくゲーセンで友達と遊べたはずなのに、一人にさせられた上にそれで煽られたザカオさんの気持ちはどう考えてもいいわけがない。何度も「マジで?」とか言ってたから明らかに一人でやりたくなかったけど、ンダホさんの「これでもいいじゃない」とかに押され続けて仕方なくそのまま企画を行っているのを感じます。 そもそもやばい始まり方を置いといて、途中ザカオさんは一人って事を知っててわざと「楽しいなぁ~」とかで煽るのはまるでいじめるつもりのようで、見てだけでもムカついてしまいました。 判定の部分は他の人もすでに気づいてると思いますが、どう見ても青いカプリコを数えながらザカオさんの景品みて「いやそれは赤じゃない」って言って没収って勝手に決めるンダホさんは、そんなに勝ちたいんですか?一人で動画のために一生懸命しゃべりながら取った景品が一個ずつ「没収」「没収」って捨てられるのを納得させられたザカオさんに申し訳ない気持ちしかない。 当然、フィッシャーズのメンバーたちはとても長い付き合いで、お互いわざと傷つけることはしないはずだとわかっています。しかし、この動画について私の感想は「ンダホさんはザカオさんが嫌いなんだ」ではなくて「ンダホさんはカメラが回ってない時こういう人かな?」です。もしこれがンダホさんの本性だとしたら、いつも見てて楽しんでいる動画の中の人は実際どんな感じなのか、つい考えてしまいますね。 It's been a while since I watched a video from Fischer's that wasn't fun at all. Even though they're supposed to be having fun together with friends at the arcade, Zakao was forced to go by himself (not to mention being made fun of for being by himself). There's no way that was fun for him. It's obvious enough that he was against the idea of going alone from him saying "really?" multiple times throughout, he had no choice but to comply after a person who isn't alone, Ndaho, kept telling him that it's fine. Of course, why wouldn't Ndaho want to proceed with those "teams" when he's on the fun one? How thoughtful. Even putting aside the absurd intro, Ndaho felt the need to insert "wow this is so much fun!!" like he wanted Zakao to feel ashamed of being alone. Why the need for so much toxicity? Finally, other people probably also noticed as well; the white team (or more specifically Ndaho), while knowing they counted a clearly blue Caplico for themselves, continues to throw away Zakao's items one after another because "that's not red". Orange, scarlet, red, pink, is there really that big of a difference? Do you really need to nitpick the slightest of details just so you can win? How does one not feel bad for Zakao who, after having to make interesting small talks while playing for the sake of the video, is forced to watch and accept as the bigger (and already advantaged) team demolishes his work like that? Of course, the members of Fischer's are very close friends and probably wouldn't genuinely want to hurt each other. However, the takeaway from this video for me wasn't "Oh wow, Ndaho hates Zakao", it was "is this what Ndaho is like when the cameras aren't filming his every action?". If this is Ndaho's true nature, who are the people in the videos that I normally watch and enjoy? Are they really as joyful as they seem, or are they simply putting on facades for the sake of their audience, knowing that revealing their true selves would lead to judgment?