Genau so war es in den 80 und Anfangs 90igern, eskiomotieren, meistens, sonst schwimmen, Stecker alle Mal. Und am Ende noch klettern und Boot rein werfen. Das Beste war der Schwumm danach im Seelein. ;-) Wir haben uns danach ein paar Jahre in Korsika mit etwas modernen Booten rumgetrieben.Gruss Hans-Jürg
ahahahaaa ! Thanx for the laugh , you guys rock , literally ,lol !
@thexsurfer14 жыл бұрын
A funny whitewater safari in the swiss Tessin and italy Piemont - 1990. Here comes Part 2 through the gorge of the Cannobino... The deep and unescapable canyon of the Cannobino is the only way to go. Once in, there is only one way to get out - in your kayak. So sit tight, and take your paddle between your teeth - and never get stuck... Just here you can see the legendary "stuck"... with the funniest rescue action... Also see Part 3 of our trip Tessin 1990 Mastallone - Part 3