Who was Mbuya Nehanda?The Story of Nehanda: The spirit medium of the Shona Zezuru people

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Precious Mapfumo

Precious Mapfumo

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Hello Makazen
So I did part 2 of the Legends, Myths, fact ir fiction and this was on Mbuya Nehanda. She was a great spirit medium of the shona people who lived in the late 1800s.
She was very instrumental in orchestrating the first Chimurenga war against british colonisers. I hope y'all enjoy this video and please do interact and comment on the next video you would like to see.
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@avhashonimainganye6393 2 жыл бұрын
I am always fascinated by the story of the legendary Mbuya Nehanda, I even named my daughter after her. Since an early age, she has been followed/guided by a bird wich in luvenda is called "gwede" May the Spirit of this great daughter of the soil live forever!!
@preciousmapfumo3773 2 жыл бұрын
That's so cool
@blaise1445 2 жыл бұрын
its good seeing history being passed down like this
@Phoonguy Жыл бұрын
We need to hear about chaminuka , because he seems to cover a lot of southern Africa, Pasipamire
@israelchitsa6633 Ай бұрын
These settlers were coming as hunters and gold mining. Before the British came the Hwata people used to trade guns and gold with the Portuguese and thats how they managed to get more guns
@chanachaHumbaMakombe 3 жыл бұрын
loving this, but Mbuya Nehanda/Charwe was believed to be greatest meduim of later days of Zimbabwe but there was Chaminuka and Biri na Ganyire of the Nyandoro clan who are also the greatest in ZImbabwe
@preciousmapfumo3773 3 жыл бұрын
Yep.. i know about Chaminuka... it's in one of the videos coming. The ither 2 i have never heard of haha will check it out. Hope you subscribed 🙂
@chanachaHumbaMakombe 3 жыл бұрын
@@preciousmapfumo3773 since this series l actually did and hope to see more of this african forgotten history l appreciate it
@anenyashamusonza8336 Күн бұрын
Thanks girl for the information. I have learnt a lot . Keep on uploading other videos about history, l love history so much.
@mafuwet 3 жыл бұрын
Good job, but the original mbuya nehanda was actually the one who was said to be one of of Murenga Sororenzou children, the founding father and great ancestor of Zimbabwe. She led the Mbire (shona) from Tanganyika to present day Zimbabwe. The one you call the original was raped by her brother because he thought it would give him power which it did. However he ended up giving her half his kingdom, because it angered vadzimu so much and reeked havoc in his kingdom. Other than than you were correct about the rest of her story.
@preciousmapfumo3773 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you soo much for the addition, when I googled it said they got married, had no idea she was raped.. I appreciate this
@Phoonguy Жыл бұрын
So kaguvi spoke shona?
@israelchitsa6633 Ай бұрын
Actually Mbuya Nehanda saw their coming and saud to her people that Ndaona vanhu vasina mabvi vachiuya but musatye havana chakaipa chavachaita
@barneytsikai2478 2 жыл бұрын
Ko wadi kutaura neshona sisi.Hatiregereyi kukurudzira English language we can all speak English but zvange zvakanaka kuti tinzwe nechirudzi chedu.
@preciousmapfumo3773 2 жыл бұрын
I have friends on here from SA and other countries who do not understand Shona
@barneytsikai2478 2 жыл бұрын
Well done for the info its just that I'm a staunch Zimbabwe natinalist who supports land retention without compansation.Our history needs correction and i don't have no single apologies for that semwana weMurozvi i hope u have the same feelings as i do whats ur take on that sis
@Phoonguy Жыл бұрын
Ko iwe unoti KZbin ndeyenyu chete here ana musoro bhangu , there's plenty of other nationalities who appreciate African history iwe woda kushoropodza munhu pfutsek mhani.
@DeanMukuchura Жыл бұрын
y English of all things??inga tiri mashona naNyakasikana
@preciousmapfumo3773 Жыл бұрын
Yea but how will the rest of the world know about our history if they don’t understand the language?, even some Zimbos who don’t understand Shona?
@israelchitsa6633 Ай бұрын
Its Charwe and not Chirwa
@Phoonguy Жыл бұрын
Hwatas testified against her they are low life dogs
@christianmabasa1815 3 жыл бұрын
Listen here my baby sister. History is not your calling. You know absolutely nothing. Its better because you admit that you follow what you come across. This makes you a waffler than a historian. While Lobengula was in good terms with the spirit medium, that was based solely on what Nehanda was, a spirit medium. When the Umvukela came in 1896, it was a war between the Ndebele and whites. The reason being that they were not happy about colonisation. Your view that Lobengula sold the country is just but a horrible tribal tirade on a tribe you hate for reasons best known to you. You must know that the Ndebele came in Matabeleland where they assimilated what was left of the Shona and other tribes. The Shona were no longer a force to reckon with as their denasty was destroyed by the Rozvi by Changamire in 1868. So when Mzilikazi came, he never found any organised tribe and there was no army. He then set up a state. When colonisers came, they skirted Lobengula and went to Salisbury via Masvingo where they easily colonised what was left of the Shona tribe. In essence, it is the Shona who sold out Rozvi land to the whites. They went on to submit themselves as soldiers and police officers against the Ndebele. Lobengula tried to protect the kand but tje Shona and the whites defeated the Ndebele. In 1896, the Ndebele chiefs rose again against the whites, a war whose peace was brokered by Cecil John Rhodes. The Shona had no army. For you to say Nehanda encouraged the insurection, you are mistaken because the Shona had no army. Those who assisted in the revolt did so in sporadic fashion. You also claim that Kaguvi is a Ndebele. This shows your ignorance on the Ndebele origin. Do some research dear. Only 300 pure genuine and real Ndebele people left South Africa and the rest were assimilated along the way and a large number was that of the Shonas found in Matabeleland who later changed their surnames to Ndebele language. To cut a long story short, your rhetoric is far from history. Its actually a trial to ingratiate yourself to a position you do not belong to. No wonder the Shona are now claiming having built the Zimbabwe ruins and other relative ruins. For a tribe presumed to have arrived in Zimbabwe in 1000 AD, the ruins are rumoured to have been built between 1100 and 1300 AD. Using your common sense, putting into mind the fact that the ruins are a classical advanced infrastructure, is there any reason to built such structures of awe, then abandon them barely 3 centuries later. The ruins were already abandoned by 1400 AD. If it was in yoyr blood to construct such structures, why do we not see a replica of such structures after 1500 AD. Could it be that the knowledge disappeared as well. Archaeology proved that artefacts found in Great Zimbabwe belonged to Portuguese, Chinese, Arabs and nothing conbected to the Shona was found. The only archaeologisto who appear to favour you are Only 2 who came here in 1905 and 1929. Otherwise recent archaeologists with advanced equipment still insist that those structures were built thousands and thousands of years back. Long before the Shoba came here. If you look at Khami ruins, the only evidence that can be found of people who used the structures are the San whose paintings are all over. Yet you claim that its your ancestors who built that. Now you are claiming the Umvukela war when the Shona are known to have had no army at the time. In fact, the majority had been assimilated into the whites army. As if that is not enough, you are now claiming the 1960s liberation war. Why stifling proper history for propaganda. You think people dont know where they are coming from. Thats why you even claim Zimbabwe when you know that you also migrated here just like the Ndebele. The fact that you came earlier does not justify ownership claim. Africa is for Africans. There was no Zimbabwe before the whites came here. The borders were erected by whites. How then do you know the areas you lay claim to. Lets make history and not fun of it.
@preciousmapfumo3773 2 жыл бұрын
I never said I was a historian as a matter of fact, if you know better then do a video and educate us. You can not call me ignorant if I am actually trying to understand my history unlike my peers. You could have dmed me and educated me than use your hands to tupe a long ass text about how ignorant i am when i never called myself a historian to begin with. Phumakim please and don't watch if the info is wrong. I always ask that i get dms if I'm wrong voz the essence of this is to learn handiti.
@preciousmapfumo3773 2 жыл бұрын
I am following the history I found in books and online. Since you are a historian then do a video and write books. I feel like you are attacking me based on something deeper than my video honestly 😂😂😂😂... Heal mntase
@barneytsikai2478 2 жыл бұрын
Just for history's sake Ndebeles came from South Africa under the persecution of the Zulus Muzilikazi sort sanctuary in western part of Zimbabwe the Shonas were there already and were driven away by Lobengula's tibe running into the Matopos with some of their animals taken away including women too.Basically Shonas were weak they were living in small communities without much bother Lobengula signed for the white to explore Zimbabwe not knowing he had given up the land we have the facts here in England Museums where they even kept Nehanda and Kakguvis heads.During those years we were not united to fight the now please lets not bring the tribal narrative into who sold out here.Lobengula had no idea what he signed up was giving up the land to the whites.By all means I'm not saying he sold out we could do with a united front to take our land back without compansation to correct history.Lets not try to insult each other just your knowledge and correction will be helpful bro opening and pick old wounds will not get us anywhere
@barneytsikai2478 2 жыл бұрын
Precious well done girl don't be discouraged post what you want this is the platform no insult no hate i find you very refreshing sis with lots of knowledge there is something you know and I don't know vis verse so I'm 200% with you baby gal
@Itsnotcomplicatedreally 2 жыл бұрын
I believe your account is mor accurate my brother. No doubt. However I think the sister was going off what she thought to be true. Indeed a lot of misinformation has been spread on this topic over the years. It's been going on for generations to the point where it now seemed as fact. She definately could have done more research and got references from a wider range of sources and I'm sure she will take this an opportunity to learn. Anyway points to the sister for her attempt to educate us as I feel and hope she was coming from a good place and props to you sir for her correcting her where she may have been misinformed. Good day my fellow Zimbabweans let's not fight amongst ourselves, the whites were killing us all back then Ndebele or Shona etc and as we speak other Africans e.g South Africa are killing our brothers and Sisters now. We only have each other is what Ive learnt recently. Let's not divide but rather prove that we too can conquer. I love Zimbabwe because of our rich history but I love it even more because I know how much richer the future can potentially be. it starts with here intelligent and productive dialogue
@israelchitsa6633 Ай бұрын
First Chimurenga was fought by the Hwata people and thats where the people like Stoddart and Blackstone was killed now Blackstone Primary school named after him Avondale
@metaverseplayer 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the story-time. Would love to hear more :)
@davisonmutsvedu5777 2 жыл бұрын
Can you find out about the `Njelele Shrine`. Thank you for your recounts
@cameriemurenza303 Жыл бұрын
do we know the totem of nyamhita and do we know any history of nehanda before nyamhita ?
@preciousmapfumo3773 Жыл бұрын
Hey I have never researched that, however the mbuya nehanda we know was of the Hera tribe meaning she was a Chihera il find out for you
@maxwelltachiona491 3 жыл бұрын
I wish to use shona language for this good progre
@preciousmapfumo3773 3 жыл бұрын
@thamsanqathesonsinxezi 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve also been trying to understand the power behind invest rituals 😭
@highschoolmanagementsuite7050 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video😀
@raen-m6431 2 жыл бұрын
Saka kana mwari aive aiti varungu musavatye kureva kuti vakanga vasingazive here zvichauya pamberi?
@kuzykawodza8230 3 жыл бұрын
Is musikavanhu really 'god' ?, the 'god' referred to today as musikavanhu is based on christianity. Christianity was not a thing before colonisation but musikavanhu had been around for centuries. Do these 2 really equate to the same thing?
@preciousmapfumo3773 3 жыл бұрын
It depends on how you want to look at it. My grandmother is deep ndau and doesn't use words like mwari. She is Christian and when she prays she refers to God as Musikavanhu. So there isn't a right or wrong reference, its just how you use it.
@Phoonguy Жыл бұрын
It is the same thing, Christianity was not in Zimbabwe before colonisation however it was in Ethiopia and among the Lemba People in Zimbabwe but was not called Christianity because it only became Christianity after Jesus , the invaders brought Catholicism
@trestreschic9634 3 жыл бұрын
Very good story. Waiting on your other videos on Zimbabwe legends.
@preciousmapfumo3773 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@tebelloqhomane7555 3 жыл бұрын
New subscriber💗😊
@preciousmapfumo3773 3 жыл бұрын
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