Civ 6 video where I prove that Alexander and Macedon is the best civilization and leader in civilization 6
Пікірлер: 33
@DesignerShark448 сағат бұрын
Alexander, the guy who declares war on you for not being at war Alexander, the guy who declares war on you for being a warmonger
@TheCivLifeR8 сағат бұрын
he just likes declaring war alright
@CookieTaiga8 сағат бұрын
HE RETURN FROM THE SHADOW. HE HEARD OUR PRAYERS AND DESCENDING FROM HEAVEN. Now he only need to play Tamar Domination Victory with no wall and golden age bonus 😂😂😂
@TheCivLifeR8 сағат бұрын
D: cruel and unusual punishment
@dhruvbajaj3033 сағат бұрын
Always a glorious day when the civ lifer drops
@liammork4 сағат бұрын
Civlifer, I’m pregnant and you’re the father.
@majest1c247 сағат бұрын
my goat posted another banger
@maranheads8 сағат бұрын
Try the alexander scenario on deity
@TheCivLifeR8 сағат бұрын
I might do it on a stream tbh or a dedicated scenario video
@MiloSukhoi7 сағат бұрын
its the day when TheCivLifer gives open heart surgery
@airbound17792 сағат бұрын
That unique building is cracked
@jPaulSmith19948 сағат бұрын
@TheCivLifeR8 сағат бұрын
@iSpEcKz--8 сағат бұрын
Me playing Gorgo every turn… 😏
@blazenskaly56098 сағат бұрын
Can you make a video on how to beat humans not Ai in early war
@TheCivLifeR8 сағат бұрын
not a multiplayer player check out herson
@RobaMostarRoba8 сағат бұрын
can someone tell me if rise and fall and gathering storm are worth it? i only have base game
@TheCivLifeR8 сағат бұрын
get it on sale, if not now then it will in a few months. If you really like the game then its worth it, but civ 7 is coming out soon so its up to you at the end of the day