Why American News Interviewed Me About The Taiwan Earthquake

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@洪瑞真瑞真 6 ай бұрын
@takaoila 6 ай бұрын
@洪瑞真瑞真 6 ай бұрын
@@takaoila 謝謝你!我的英語不好!見笑了!
@a0953369455 6 ай бұрын
@鄭百佐 6 ай бұрын
@takaoila 6 ай бұрын
@小卡林 6 ай бұрын
這次地震台灣真的還沒到需要國外來捐款的程度, 但還是真心感謝願意釋出善意的人們, 其實溫暖的問候就很足夠了
@林T-k5m 6 ай бұрын
東華大學有開重建捐款專戶 還有聽說日本有捐贈給花蓮
@annchung9500 6 ай бұрын
@momoita888 6 ай бұрын
@sdfg-i7o 6 ай бұрын
別捐給花蓮縣市政府 市長都把錢都給廟了
@hsiu-jungli1852 6 ай бұрын
我相信台灣各地的人們並不是不關心,也不是因為太習慣而麻木。我們的經驗是,當有需要的時候,多數人都會奮起付出,在適當的時候給出必要的貢獻。台灣社會文化比較靠近日本,社會群體意識比個人意識要強烈多一些,所以你看到的社會秩序來自這樣的文化價值。 除了地理環境會帶來的天災,長期處在中國這個強鄰的壓制之下,台灣人們看似沈默安靜,但那是你所形容的『堅韌』,這是一種力量,在必要的時候做必要的事,絕不是麻木或無感。 謝謝你的報導。台灣沒有被世界看見並不是好與不好的角度,對於因為我們的外在價值(比如晶片技術與產能)而被看重,在長期來說,究竟是好事還是壞事,只有之後的歷史可以論斷。 謝謝Topher,台灣幾十年來一直都在文化輸出,一直用自己微薄的力量在幫助這個世界,只是多數的付出都不被世人看見,只有那些曾接受過台灣幫助的朋友們感受過台灣的美麗文化。從疫情到這次的地震,世界對台灣的關注變多了,希望世人看見的是台灣的美麗文化,而不僅僅是台灣對世界經濟的可利用價值。
@一叮哥茶飲一 6 ай бұрын
社羣主義 沒錯
@alexniu7453 6 ай бұрын
Agree. 台灣没有被世界看見没有什麼好與不好的問題,我們會思考並清楚自身定位在國際間算是什麼樣的程度,不過分自滿也不過度自卑,但我們也有足夠的自信。
@qdf269 6 ай бұрын
我超關心的,從4/3 到今(4/5)天,我已經看了三天的新聞了,我住新北市三峽區,那天早上真的震很久,當時正在捷運頂埔站外圍找機車停車格😱
@creator_3344 6 ай бұрын
@@alexniu7453 同感,做好自己的事最重要,這才是本分。
@張瑞志-q3y 6 ай бұрын
台灣在90年代時,我受教育時,課堂上就會討論中小家族企業轉型問題,可能當時解嚴不久,課堂上什麼言論都可講,也會討論為何現代不再有牛頓與愛因斯坦這類科學家,當時的結論,現代科技學術都是屬於團體合作,而不再是個人。 台灣的今日,既是必然也是偶然,並不是從蔡英文總統上台時,才立即轉型成如此。 台灣也不用太擔心內部爭論問題,民主共和制,不同立場本來就會吵架,台灣的繁榮就是建立在吵架之上,老農津貼,全民健保,無障礙設施,沒有一件事,當年不吵的,但遇到共同利益損害時,自動一致對外,我們在1996年台海危機時,很多人就認清兩岸關係,所以才會有特殊國與國關係主張,這是借鑒於1973年,西德率先承認東德主權,之後同時進入聯合國,而用這方式則是1991年的朝鮮與韓國,台灣比較悲催,中華人民共和國過於龐大,美中建交,823炮戰正式結束,台灣關係法,皆是在1979年同年,這些是美國與中國之間的協議,協議內容以現今來看,可推估出,中方改革開放時,希望美國為首資本主義國家能投資中國,而美國希望中國能因為經濟提升,間接政治改革,才有美中簽定技術合作以及之後中國進入WTO成為世界工廠,可是最終中國並沒有政治改革,反而成為美國為首資本主義國家潛在威脅,這就是為何國際局勢演變成現今如此。回到我前面說1996年台海危機後,台灣人就意識到兩岸最終可能無解,陳水扁第一任執政時,兩岸談判最終破局後,一邊一國漸漸變成破局後的台灣共識,而在2006年終止國統綱領,台灣就將較有潛力企業開始轉向為國際化,吸引外資與人才在台灣發展,台積電早在1997年就開始朝美國掛牌上市,目的就是在於此。軟實力部分以慈濟與台商為代表性,印尼南海大海嘯時,慈濟就投入救災行動,汶川大地震時,台灣也沒少幫助四川人,只是換來的結果就不多提了,日本311時也如此,現今幾乎全世界,那邊有災害,台灣人就在那邊幫忙,即使現今很多中國人偷渡到美國,慈濟與華僑也在幫助他們,一直默默耕耘。這些從來不是任何政治人物主張,也不是民間團體誰公開呼籲,而是台灣有能力者,自發性默默付出,目的也是萬一中國對台灣採取任何行動時,台灣不會孤單面對蠻橫龐大的中國。 在1995年,我思考台灣問題時,得出結論,台灣就是控制台灣海峽這重要地理因素,在大航海時代來臨後,勢必成為兵家必爭之地,至今地緣政治之下,台灣人依舊面臨這無法擺脫的命運,雖然長期面臨武力威脅,可是當時我卻不是得出悲觀的看法,反而是得出樂觀的結論,樂觀的想法是源自於何處,試想將現今世界經濟活動視做為非洲大草原,台灣海峽猶如非洲河流一般,即便非洲枯水期,河流周邊充斥著危機四伏,相對的也充滿著無數動物的生命力,只要有效控制危機,這裡的生命源泉就不會間斷,生於憂患,死於安樂,一直是台灣的寫照,台灣海峽只要能保持國際航線地位,日韓台共同保護這條貿易綫,才是台灣能繼續佔據優勢條件,同理美國要維持現今國際秩序平衡,自由貿易,才能達到美國利益最大化,自然而然不會輕易出賣台灣,畢竟失去台灣,等同出賣韓國日本,所以目前我也不是很擔心中國武力威脅問題,日韓台會自發性聯盟在一起,台灣只需保持好日韓美外交關係,真遇到萬一,也並不是我方的錯,畢竟能做的都做了,其餘的只能相信神的保佑,積善之家,必有餘慶,加上台灣文化影響,冒險犯難,永不放棄,這種精神是刻畫在台灣人骨子裡,這些都是我當時得出來的結論,所以我並不會過於擔心台灣的未來,因為我們一直勤勤懇懇經營台灣這片土地。 兩岸問題也從來不是改國號或進聯合國問題,而是台灣地理位置在大航海時代後,這裡就必定成為兵家必爭之地,那為何只選擇美國而不選擇中國,美國屬於海洋文明,對領土沒有執著,屬於重商主義,這種思想的國家,對國民才會有自由與契約精神,中國與俄羅斯皆屬於農耕文明,對領土有無比渴望,屬於重農主義,而在這思想之下的國家,國民只會被奴役的結果,從中原史或俄羅斯史都可以看到同一路徑。
@actuallyUncleTopher 6 ай бұрын
It was great to hang out with you! Thanks for having me on your channel 😁
@umbertocalvini7429 6 ай бұрын
Cheers from San Francisco! 👏🤙
@taiwansivispacemparabellum9546 6 ай бұрын
Uncle Topher, how was your first real earth quake?
@actuallyUncleTopher 6 ай бұрын
@@taiwansivispacemparabellum9546 it definitely got me out of bed quickly!
@yphuang596 6 ай бұрын
Finally, Uncle Topher met Prozzie who has inspired your curious, then here you are.
@dovey4703 6 ай бұрын
Good to know you Topher!!! American military has been strong assistance to us in Taiwan since way back, so as a Taiwanese I’d thank you for your service too! 🫡
@benimaruhou429 6 ай бұрын
@yifungtsao7479 6 ай бұрын
非常認同😂 不如拿個水壺找個不會被砸到,或是砸到了還可以存活的地方....
@林小新-m1m 6 ай бұрын
你說的是921後的房子 目前還蠻多921前的房子
@swtsog 6 ай бұрын
@Jessica-ml3tb 6 ай бұрын
@林小新-m1m 6 ай бұрын
@@Jessica-ml3tb 其實就跟CPR一樣 一直在滾進變動 但萬變不離終 就是想給大家當下最好的活命方式 主要是應用 就跟火災一樣 必須先判別自己身邊有甚麼 可以做甚麼 而不是一昧追求當下認為的最優解 我想這才是之後全民防災的正解
@洪瑞真瑞真 6 ай бұрын
921的地震讓台灣人非常受傷!因為有很多人的家庭破碎了! 我們政府也因此而檢討台灣的建築是否能抵擋這樣恐怖的災害! 現在的台灣已經有改善很多!但是台灣更多建築物明明是危險建物卻沒有被拆除還做生意~花蓮倒塌的那座“天王星”便是這樣的建築物!
@HEXA_ALIEN 6 ай бұрын
@barricadebbb 6 ай бұрын
不過天王星歪成這樣還能保持幾乎完整的外觀,我覺得也蠻厲害的欸,我以為一般地震後應該要直接散架成瓦礫的 (外行人,不懂這是不是常態
@HEXA_ALIEN 6 ай бұрын
@@barricadebbb 30年前的建商良心還在啦
@winst2000 6 ай бұрын
我小時候八零年代還聽說過有一些建商會在半夜抽鋼筋(偷工減料)。 雖然不知道這個建築物有沒有偷工減料,這幾十年來政府開始凍結這一些不負責任的私人財產, 我相信像天王星這樣的建築會越來越少。
@user-hz5qr4gj6y 6 ай бұрын
@carolchen4866 6 ай бұрын
這次地震很大,學校方面疏散所有教室內學生們,全部到操場(空曠地區)避難;待在家中的人除了躲避在桌下,確認家中瓦斯、水管方面關閉,也一直互通訊息,通知東部朋友要躲海嘯。聽說很多家的水塔因而損傷造成停水。 不是無作為,而是已經做好功課,知道發生地震要做什麼樣的應變。不要慌張,冷靜應變,對於災區、救援人員反而增加救援的流暢。 關心新聞到一直刷手機,我都覺得自己太過注意這件事情,反而沒有做好平時的工作😅。 謝謝您們的支持臺灣❤,願大家平安喜樂
@annchung9500 6 ай бұрын
@LISLAB-Design 6 ай бұрын
謝謝Prozzie, 台灣人在你的鏡頭下,我們沒意識到自己堅毅沉穩的性格,以及快速應變的能力,您看到慈濟和各個基金會救援單位,快速整合連心理師、wifi, 熱食、通風帳、用塑料瓶做的多功能床椅、甚至還有按摩師,都在三小時內完成,太感動又令人驕傲。我們並非對花蓮無動於衷,而是這一定是某些人的痛,我們不會輕易對人投以擔心,以免增加對方困擾
@OtakuCassell 6 ай бұрын
@AniyahANT 6 ай бұрын
@ngo2284 6 ай бұрын
Those who lost lives 25 years ago did NOT sacrifice for nothing. We survive from learning to live with the mother of nature. Bravo! Taiwan! My motherland. Thank you for sharing your point of view with the world.
@yhc9351 6 ай бұрын
I like it when you say people who sacrificed in 921 earthquake 25 years ago didn’t sacrifice for nothing. Taiwanese people has learned from that lesson, so right on the day the last earthquake struck, we continually have electricity and clean water. Students went back to class after two hours later the earthquake struck. These 25 years, we must have done so many things right to have what it is now.
@chiunghua 6 ай бұрын
Prozzie, I would like to give you a big thanks for making video to let people around the world know more about Taiwan. I agree that we are lack of exporting our Taiwanese culture, and that is why I thank you so much.
@travolf889 6 ай бұрын
感覺Prozzie最近可以考慮去台中的幾個921地震紀念園區拍攝,讓西方人看看當時的情況 例如霧峰有一個紀念園區(當時被震壞的國小)、南投有一個被震歪的電塔被留著當紀念
@tiro_taiwan 6 ай бұрын
推 還有集集武昌宮
@kDRkDR-zs9cz 6 ай бұрын
影片中的隆起的操場,就是了!😂😂 再看一次吧!😂
@travolf889 6 ай бұрын
@@kDRkDR-zs9cz 抓網路照片的跟主持人自己實際採訪的感覺也不一樣啊XD
@nisstw 6 ай бұрын
贊成,這是好題材。 有許多地震斷差的地貌還保留著。
@kDRkDR-zs9cz 6 ай бұрын
@@travolf889 對於沒有經過921的年輕人or外國人, 那是一個景點,或是紀念館! 對於經歷921的人!那個纪念館無法呈現那個災難的萬分之一!
@Litsair 6 ай бұрын
從這部影片中可以讓世界各地的人看見台灣人的「韌性」與「堅強」!台灣人並不是不擔心不害怕強震所帶來的傷害,而是面對長久以來的天然威脅,我們都是以更有經驗地保持「冷靜」和「理性」的方式來面對,並維持好「秩序」、「團結」、「不驚慌」的處世態度。但其實心中都有做好最壞的打算並做好最好的準備! 尤其非常讚賞醫院的護理師們,在地震的當下一起奮不顧身地呵護著一群剛出生的嬰兒,這也就是台灣人「善良」、「負責任」的本質❤ 感謝將台灣的現狀及台灣人的特質宣傳給全世界。#相信可以讓世界各地的人都相信台灣絕對是一個非常安全的國家擁有非常良好的居住環境和一群善良的人們👍
@Angela-wq5wy 6 ай бұрын
真的 那些護理師勇氣可嘉 看了真令人動容!感謝有她們保護這些未來的主人翁❤
@lewissaws5789 6 ай бұрын
大震之下 不要試圖跑出門外 除非人在一樓 而且門外不會有招牌或磁磚掉落物等狀況 不然反而會更危險 正常應該先找梁柱底下躲避 並且最好旁邊有比較高的家俱可以創造出生存空間 增加生存機率 不是台灣人淡定 而是有一定的躲災經驗 祈願這次的地震 往者走的安心 受災者能早日恢復平靜生活 同時 也支持政府對受災者的補助 讓他們能早日恢復日常生活
@dennisschuster3739 6 ай бұрын
My family is in Taipei right now. They were going to leave in an hour to visit family in Hualien at 9:30. Earthquake was at 8:30. Everyone is ok I thank God. The people there are fabulous. That’s why we love it and them
@ling2yslove 6 ай бұрын
@audreyandlinCompany 6 ай бұрын
I think the reason the media was surprised is because the San Francisco 1989 quake was the worst the US has known in an area where they built with earthquakes in consideration. The damage in '89 was horrifying and that was only a 6.9 Magnitude! So they expected far worse in Taiwan where even people in Taipei felt it. My cousin in Hualien sent me an image of the building where he works -- No one was injured and the building still stands but it will have to be destroyed and rebuilt because the foundation is bent!
@kDRkDR-zs9cz 6 ай бұрын
因為這次震央在海底12km!對於台灣的破壞力比較少! 921大地震在南投集集地下10km!破壞力非常可怕!
@audreyandlinCompany 6 ай бұрын
​@@kDRkDR-zs9cz And now you see NYC people freaking out over a short 4.4?
@kDRkDR-zs9cz 6 ай бұрын
@@audreyandlinCompany 現在的台灣的餘震很少了,幾乎感覺不到! 花蓮還是有餘震! 希望大家都平安!
@kDRkDR-zs9cz 6 ай бұрын
@@audreyandlinCompany 紐約的地震,在台灣算是中等地震, 不必緊張!😂😂
@楊牧言 6 ай бұрын
​​@@audreyandlinCompanyI mean...that is new york's most serious earthquake in more than 200 years😂 New yorkers have this kind of reaction is totally understandable
@Jesus_is_my_Shepherd_orchid 6 ай бұрын
台灣人的生活哲學:『不論酸甜苦辣發生了,日子一樣要過下去。“平常心” &“感恩”』謝謝視頻博主們的分享,天佑台灣🇹🇼!平安喜樂。Peace be with you all.😊🕊️😇🌈🌹❤️🙏
@yifungtsao7479 6 ай бұрын
地震當下表情淡定漠不關心,其實心裡緊張到爆啊!!!!😂 然後火車跟捷運上根本不能逃...亂跑也危險,那就繼續淡定....; 如果在家裡,可能已經在糾結要不要往外跑,但是決定要跑的時候地震又停了....😨
@christinet1028 6 ай бұрын
We, love you too, dearly . N thanks for your kindness regarding Taiwan, 😅😊😮❤😂😢in tears.......
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
So nice
@hanlingchang 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for broadcasting the positive side of this quake and demonstrate the resilience when crisis happens it’s part of our culture to keep calm n work together for whatever upfront.
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@sophina0303 6 ай бұрын
@abc0952553368 5 ай бұрын
921還沒滿25年喲 今年的9月才有滿
@bertchen323 6 ай бұрын
Prozzie, it’s an excellent timing for doing an episode with Topher! Well being to both of you in Formosa! 🙏
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@bertchen323 6 ай бұрын
@@Prozzie the pleasure is mine.
@davidshen813 6 ай бұрын
😢US NJ had 4.6 earthquake half hour ago. Japan had 6.0 too yesterday noon time. May God bless all of us. By the way, we all pay attention to the progress of rescue. There are still 11 missing. They rescue 1 Canadian today, 2 foreigners not found yet. Donations is about 0.6 billions NT$ up to now. The alarm should be send to area where has 4 or more earthquake intensity.
@juliusnepos6013 6 ай бұрын
@nytiachan 6 ай бұрын
When you started want to clarify how Taiwanese are just OK, you already r one of us, not only living here❤
@MysteriMustacheToast 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for highlighting and sharing the culture of Taiwan! I wish more people could see and realize it’s beauty the way you have.
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@bzfan164 6 ай бұрын
Wow, you two look good with the sunshine in Kaohsiung.
@spotterq 6 ай бұрын
@習近平-g2d 6 ай бұрын
不是 是緊戒隨機應變 見招拆招
@ibsong4167 6 ай бұрын
@習近平-g2d 6 ай бұрын
@@ibsong4167 8964天安門萬歲
@nickmac5953 6 ай бұрын
You were the first person I thought of when I found out. Went straight to your channel knowing you would provide a real picture from your point of view. Glad your ok. Keep posting, and ”Keep your stick on the ice” -RG lol 🤭
@rdzorchhw3791 6 ай бұрын
@莊華 6 ай бұрын
@kurakura1954-tw 6 ай бұрын
@rocky01101 6 ай бұрын
@莊華 6 ай бұрын
@@rocky01101 我說的停電是電塔倒了才停的電
@kurakura1954-tw 6 ай бұрын
@@rocky01101 我所感受到的就是電力沒有中斷,所以沒有停電,至於你說的什麼機組跳停之類,一般人不可能感覺到,老百姓感受最直接。
@reverend_wintondupree 6 ай бұрын
Spot on Prozzie, the American media is especially very sensationalistic and is as much entertainment as it is news, and has been for decades unfortunately. Curious how the Taiwanese media is portraying/reporting the events and if this time's coverage has been similar to previous recent earthquakes. And if the media coverage in Taiwan is reflective of the sentiments of the citizens.
@cedshred1676 6 ай бұрын
The Taiwanese people are great. I’ve visited many times and really like the country. With regard to “the Bay Area,” that’s short for the San Francisco Bay Area of California and California has quite a few earthquakes, some of which have been very serious. The earthquake link between the Bay Area and Taiwan is probably why that news channel was so interested in your video. Also, the Bay Area is home to Silicon Valley, which is linked to Taiwan through the semiconductor business. Anyway, keep up the good work and I’m glad you’re safe.
@jamesjpn4669 6 ай бұрын
Another great video my friend!
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Thanks man! Can't wait for you to come back to Taiwan!
@YinYeung-f6o 6 ай бұрын
I love those guys 😊keep safe. Thank you for supporting TaiWan❤
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@elfin9252 6 ай бұрын
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
I should be thanking Taiwan for everything it has done for me
@NamasW24 6 ай бұрын
@@Prozzie You hit the nail on the head when you said the west do not really know what’s happing with Taiwan unless it’s china related
@Anita-xz3zz 6 ай бұрын
原來買了票拍個照或影片也是一種保障😂 真可愛。願大家一切都好❤
@kaiminwang354 6 ай бұрын
@bendyloco 6 ай бұрын
Congrats Prozzie! Glad you’re safe
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Appreciate it!
@fall661237 6 ай бұрын
@theaveragejoe5781 6 ай бұрын
Killing it with the videos recently, man from Taichung
@游惠曲 6 ай бұрын
找地震受損畫面?看新聞就有了啊!至少我看公視新聞有報導全台有多少房屋受損。 另外處在地震帶的國家,房屋建物至少要能抗5級地震是基本,尤其台灣921後建物要求更高了【921大地震政府重新檢討建築法規】 · 1.提升建物耐震係數(約耐震3-4級提升為5-6級)...。 7.2地震是發生在台灣島外海,全台灣只有花蓮是6級,其他地區都是5級左右。
@張瑞志-q3y 6 ай бұрын
@evanhao611 6 ай бұрын
First very happy you are safe, and hopefully you can get more follower.
@xingxinghong2594 6 ай бұрын
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@gamelife0857 6 ай бұрын
國際媒體問的損害方面 也是在比對臺灣媒體報的正確性
@heyjojo1998 6 ай бұрын
Great video of aftermath earthquake. So relieved to hear everyone is doing great and safe there. Praying for those who lost the loved ones and their homes.😢
@carolyoh3682 6 ай бұрын
Life goes on!
@Jjjj0900 6 ай бұрын
This is nice~these two guys make me feel comfortable ~~
@ColeFogle 6 ай бұрын
The 921 earthquake was brutal back in 1999. As I awoke floating on an air mattress.
@sleng358 6 ай бұрын
@dovey4703 6 ай бұрын
You be our bridge Prozzie 🤝
@kDRkDR-zs9cz 6 ай бұрын
@2003mrhk 6 ай бұрын
@BarrytheSuperScot 6 ай бұрын
I got interviewed by the BBC after the Tainan earthquake. It was because I posted a comment on their website to say I had felt it. I didn't appear on camera though. I had a similar thing with the questions too, I had to remind them I was over 150+km away, I was just describing what I felt from a distance.
@gshiner 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Prozzie, for showing the world about Taiwan.
@jejudo3000 6 ай бұрын
I felt the quakes in Kaohsiung
@TL243 6 ай бұрын
Hmmm. Not sure about the position. You all have the chance to talk about the amazing leadership in Taiwan that invested in the country to prepare. Would like to have seen you go live and share this in real time. 😎❤️🇹🇼‼️
@paulharris7034 6 ай бұрын
I just came back today from Kaohsiung after a 3-day trip. Have yourself a splendid time there.
@ijji4615 6 ай бұрын
Glad to see that you are safe! Good luck!
@JosephSato-1997 6 ай бұрын
Great video. 👍 Thanks 🙏
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Thank you too!
@蘇玉櫻-s2u 6 ай бұрын
Thanks, Prozzie for doing so much for Taiwan! Love you!
@smallkingsize 6 ай бұрын
Q: what kind of people will film himself buying the ticket? A: KZbinr
@chiang_paul 6 ай бұрын
God bless Taiwan ❤❤❤
@joypeace2223 6 ай бұрын
thank you for sharing the real story in taiwan, i like your point of view
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@taikinllawyers3816 6 ай бұрын
@MarcoGPUtuber 6 ай бұрын
Because it's the best channel. Duh....
@KSY515 6 ай бұрын
在家裡 注意倒下的家具即可 不要亂跑 因為在跑去空曠處過程中 可能會被掉落物砸到 高樓一般來說最危險的事 1 2 3樓 其他樓層基本上都可以視為是安全的 還有 樓梯其實是很脆弱的 所以不是不跑 而是跑了會更危險
@yopparaemon 6 ай бұрын
Awesome exposure!
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Glad you think so!
@Michael-ce6uk 6 ай бұрын
台灣人不是不關心 而相反我們是很關心這件事情~也怕地震 但我們習慣了地震發生時該如何面對~所以才會冷靜這一次地震的發生!也教育我們地震的常識
@liangmaggie7811 6 ай бұрын
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@nisstw 6 ай бұрын
這次地震,是老天爺重重舉起,輕輕放下,提醒台灣人舊建築該更新了。 921當時的舊建築,到現在又老了二十多年。遲早要都市更新
@specex 6 ай бұрын
The 1999 earthquake was the one I remember. The areas where I was, Taichung, Nantou, & Chunghwa were hit pretty hard.
@Amber-fm2cv 6 ай бұрын
其實我們的關心 除了第一時間知道家人是否安全外 並不會慌亂無章的去蝦忙啦。 通常都是後續假如有需要幫忙的地方 我們就會傾全力去捍衛自己家園了喔。
@angelrabbit3602 6 ай бұрын
nice to see this
@joinin.hl4818 6 ай бұрын
@廖嘉豐-f9m 6 ай бұрын
Love you as a Taiwanese
@cindychung1475 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for truly reporting on the situation in Taiwan. However, Taiwanese people are not indifferent. After the earthquake, friends make sure each other is safe by using line, because we know panic will not solve anything. And many people show their love for compatriots , and donate money to Hualien for disaster relief。
@Summer-tk8yk 6 ай бұрын
My family in Taichung is doing well. It’s good to see a video after the earthquake to know the overall situation there.
@inggermanydeutschland3808 6 ай бұрын
The epicenter this time is in the ocean and the building in the east coast ate built for the earthquake from the very beginning. That's why the major problem buildings are those big ones which more built by the modern architect not zhe eisdzog tradition.
@cattommy6839 6 ай бұрын
@javierckyip 6 ай бұрын
I had two light experiences more than a decade ago. One inside one of the Asus factories in Taoyuan County where i felt a little waving as I leaned onto a production line and then there was a PA announcement in the factory that the recorded earthquake was about level3 on the east coast, so no action required. The other one was in a hotel room at Taipei at the midnight where I saw the TV was shaking a bit (whilst I was still thinking myself dizzy after some strenuous hours of overtime paperwork), so I ran out to the public corridor asking a janitor about her feeling and advice. She just said "take it easy, no big deal". 😂
@何冠儀-p9q 6 ай бұрын
@Thomas-kw9je 6 ай бұрын
I wonder what people are thinking of your youtube name on mainstream media.. lol it’s sound so funny when she says it
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
haha yeah I didn't tell her what it meant in England
@beamdriver5 6 ай бұрын
I'd love to see more stuff about Taiwanese arts/culture/movies.TV.etc.
@jimflagg4009 6 ай бұрын
Wow you made the news.
@藍天白雲-w7d 6 ай бұрын
@John07133 6 ай бұрын
Instantly reminds me of the video in a certain C country where the subway ask a guy without both arms to prove that he is physically challenged because he didn’t have some kind of id with him
@ninghuichen6584 6 ай бұрын
@mikem3614 6 ай бұрын
Thank You For A Realistic Look At Daily Life In Taiwan
@tinacheng9301 6 ай бұрын
@moana-p9e 6 ай бұрын
@AudreyHuang7228 6 ай бұрын
地震發生後大家第一時間會查詢地震震央震度,震央的損害,會互傳訊息或彼此聯絡,彼此關心。社群平台上也有相當多的討論跟關注,台灣人非常關心地震訊息,社會上哪裡有需要,就傾力相助,但我們並不張揚,都是以安靜地方式進行。 在一次次的天災中,我們已學會跟災害共處,知道如何保護自己,所以才顯得冷靜,並非麻木或自滿哦
@meizi5521 6 ай бұрын
I am a Taiwanese living in Sydney, being here 20+ years, going through the endless party music noise in Sydney, and the crazy disco music from passing cars, and people dont use earphone on public transport, they turn on titok oy youtube as loud as they want. I can tell you, Taiwan people are really considerate, Aussies are 3rd world in my opinion.
@kenttheboomer721 6 ай бұрын
Glad you and most Taiwanese are okay. Death toll is sad. I just think it would have been so much worse. Hope you get a bump from this exposure to this channel.
@user-qf3eq4nj1d45 6 ай бұрын
@petrasouth1133 6 ай бұрын
There seems to be quite a lot of damage in the beautiful Taroko Gorge, which is a shame.
@梅-n8p 6 ай бұрын
@yenyenw.555 6 ай бұрын
@vampyreGisel 6 ай бұрын
I totally agree with u guys that Taiwan doesn't get enough exposure for all the goodness we have over here. I do have one little suggestion esp for all the English speaking KZbinrs, I think it would be GREAT if u guys could put English subs!!! anyhow... Thanx for the vids!!!
@Prozzie 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing!!
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