Why being yourself is more important than being positive 🌈

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Anita Moorjani Official YouTube Channel

Anita Moorjani Official YouTube Channel

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One of the things I’ve noticed, particularly because of the work I do, is that people tend to assume my life is always perfect. They assume that everything is hunky dory for me, all the time. Perhaps you assume this of all self-help teachers who write and speak. In fact, even in my Facebook Live video this week, one of the viewers asked me whether I ever have sad days. My Website: www.anitamoorjani.com.

Пікірлер: 645
@jacquelinebianca2313 6 жыл бұрын
She is so beautiful. Inside and out. Her experience happens to her for a reason. She is real, honest, and puts herself out there to spred her story and knowledge. She/ we are still human. We should all support and love one another. Loving yourself IS the key...
@DONALD1951 5 жыл бұрын
My son passed Dec. 31, 2016. A few months later we went away on my wife’s birthday. I was walking down the lobby hall by myself going to get coffee early in the morning. I was not thinking about my son at the moment . A loud and clear message came to me telepathically. It said “Be Yourself.” I never had a telepathic message before or since..
@l.a.raustadt518 2 жыл бұрын
After losing son to a muscular disease (he was 22) , had a dream a year later him laughing and happy. He got serious and said his heart stopped before lungs gave out. Death report was wrong. Weird but so happy to "see" him setting record straight!
@karenlacy8950 2 жыл бұрын
That was your son giving you this message! How wonderful blessings
@Xayja2 3 жыл бұрын
Perfect message, trust that Who you are is good enough and you should never change yourself for anyone
@nanibush1 3 жыл бұрын
Oscar Whilde said "Be yourself because everyone else is already taken"😎🌹🎋
@rachelarmel7547 2 жыл бұрын
One of the best quotes ever!!
@helenmcmullan7311 2 жыл бұрын
What a relief! I've been beating myself up for not thinking positive 24/7!! Being myself/loving myself is what I'll be doing going forward! Thanks!
@joyhappiness-k5w 6 ай бұрын
When you love yourself, your whole life becomes a meditation! Wow how mouthful!!!
@AstrologerPatricia 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I had many people tell me that I attracted being homeless when I was and that I attracted toxic people into my life because of my thoughts. But then I learned that I had subconscious beliefs about not feeling worthy and I suffered from anxiety. It's not easy to think positve thoughts when the neuropathways are damaged. Healing the neuropathways was my priority not thinking positive thoughts. I have had more success clearing ancestral DNA and healing childhood wounds than I have thinking positive thoughts.
@rfrancisfawkes105 2 жыл бұрын
One has to be very careful of these experiences. Some Near-Death-Experiences, NDE'S and Outer-Body-Experiences OBE'S are true and some are counterfeit. It is false especially if it contradicts what the Bible, and what Jesus has to say about life and death. I know that Jesus said that He was the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one could come unto the Father but by Him - John 14: 6. Any other doctrine or any other way that a person points to is the way of a thief and a robber John 10. I want to say that it is not true all the time that in death you would find blissful eternity. In every major religion there is a concept of hell. You would find it in Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism. In Buddhism and Hinduism, Satan is called Yama and one is punished in accordance with the sin he has committed. Hell in both Buddhism and Hinduism is "Naraka." There is a story call Buddhist Monk visits Heaven and Hell. Please search this on KZbin. Jesus showed the Buddhism monk the truth. " Jesus talked about hell more times than he talked about Heaven. He said it is a place where the worm dieth not and the fire quenches not - Mark 9: 44. Jesus said that all those that took the Mark of the Beast will have the smoke of their torment go up forever and ever - Revelation 14: 9-11. There is a Book of a woman that had a near death experience: Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary Baxter. Jesus through an out -of - body -experience showed her what hell was like. There are two books written by Dr. Maurice Rawlings: "Beyond Death's Door" and "To Hell and Back." The doctor's patients immediately after being brought back had horrendous experiences of hell. In some cases they were so traumatic that the patient developed amnesia after recalling them. In Hebrews 9: 27 it states it is appointed unto a man once to die and then the judgement. God is a God of purpose. It is Him that imbues everyone with a purpose. When a person's purpose is complete. God takes them home. God determines the date of the death, He knows. He granted Hezekiah was granted 15 years. the other side is not only love. It is a false impression or message. You are saved by grace through faith in Jesus' finished work on the cross. His book wipes away all sin. However salvation is not a license to sin. You must live a sanctified life. You must also live a life of constant repentance. - Acts 3: 19.
@seahawk7467 2 жыл бұрын
@@rfrancisfawkes105 Ohh Francis one must feel soo sad with constant thoughts and fears of HELL… that’s not living … every single word in the holy bible was not intended to be taken completely literally either… just live life being a good human being, loving all, learning, growing and helping your fellow man whenever/however you can. GOD knows who we are, each and everyone, that’s all that matters, follow your hearts 💕 Amen 🙏
@rfrancisfawkes105 2 жыл бұрын
@@seahawk7467 Thanks for the reply. In all due respect, I am doing all I can to help my fellow man with my gifts. I am sorry if you misconstrued by statement. I was only citing demonstrable scientific evidence to bolster my case. Being an anointed man of God with a prophetic unction, I hear the voice of God. I have dreams and visions. God has spoken to me and told me: "I have placed you upon this earth to do my work." I am happy being obedient to God. In Ephesians 2: 8 you are saved by grace through faith, and not of yourselves. Salvation is a free gift. If works could save you, every man would boast.
@joycefletcher4696 2 жыл бұрын
There is power in being positive Though.
@flosacoco5572 2 жыл бұрын
@@seahawk7467 Amen
@DeeplyBreathing 6 жыл бұрын
Cancer came to me to reveal to me exactly where a 50 year old contract I had made with "Life" to expressly prevent myself from experiencing love, yet asking GOD to love others through me... I asked a vow of silence and secrecy from even myself, to seal the deal. Now I finally recall everything, and am making conscoius choices NEW, based in love, not fear and shame and terror. It has been a wild ride, and you, Anita are such a GIFT to one such as me. Thank You.
@kullaooo 2 жыл бұрын
you are the most genuine person i have ever listened to....thank you for your message!
@daniellegaudette6125 3 жыл бұрын
I feel so much love and gratitude when I listen to you. Thank you SO MUCH for all that you have brought to this world!
@hiromibee 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Anita! Your words save my soul. With love from Japan 🇯🇵 🌹😌
@speshulk1976 6 жыл бұрын
Well isn’t this REFRESHING! Its the antithesis of EVERYTHING we are fed and taught in this world. Isn’t it also very amazing as we hear it it feels like an ancient message of love we have always known. An old friend welcoming us home! It ignites everything within you to LOVE your life despite the circumstances you seem to be in. That this LOVE will usher in your destiny...your real destiny....not you programed one full of fear and anxiety. The true nugget in this is that you did NOTHING to bring this truth to light. It found its way back to you! Your LOVE brought it back. It was always there it really never left. There was no struggle no positivity that made it happen. You were just being you and you have ALWAYS been worthy of it. Anita Moorjani you are a gem! Thank you for your LOVE and your MESSAGE OF LOVE!
@betty-loucreamer112 3 жыл бұрын
I have hidden myself through my teens and adulthood I was in a controlling relationship and finally broke free and left at 44! I am now myself but slip now and then trying to please everyone! Thanks for you! You are what I need! I love your book and you remind me to shine my light 💡 Thanks so much 💜❤️🦋🌈🙏🏻🇨🇦
@陳雅柔-d5c 2 жыл бұрын
i saw a movie named Joy. There was a scene , the younger version of Joy told herself you have been hiding youself from others so long that now you can't find yourself. I am still struggle with finding myself. Hope you are free and happy to be yourself. I wish the best of you.
@kaylabryson1932 6 жыл бұрын
I love this information so much !!!! Thank you, I needed the LOA relief. Love your life, is loving yourself...I know exactly what you are saying. I am suffering from painful chronic illness and have felt like a loser for attracting it! No more, I am going to change. I am worthy to receive! Praying for the healing God has promised.
@tendaimvula5622 2 жыл бұрын
KBB, I hope 3 years on you are feeling much better. God bless you
@kaylabryson1932 2 жыл бұрын
@@tendaimvula5622 thank you so much ... My life is becoming less stressful which helps but still always looking for answers to heal. Thanks again for you comment 💜 best to you also .
@jaynezamora1062 3 жыл бұрын
Anita I'm so glad your story has gone viral ~ thank you, & thank you Wayne!! I completely resonate w/the lack of self love & people-pleasing. I'm writing a teaching memoir about that myself, & taking classes by the Hay House Community! I was raised so orthodox Christian. It's been so hard to get past the chains I've felt so bound w/by so many Christian mentors, teachers, & peers. I am still nervous, actually, about "coming out" ~ but my beliefs just no longer fit in their small box anymore. And hearing you & your story, knowing you're living proof ~ really gives me peace in my new, expanded-knowing. Thank you so much for being you. So much Love!! ❤
@kellyfrancis249 5 жыл бұрын
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Just be yourself. Love yourself! Wow this is such an amazing message!
@philadelphiainternationalu4351 4 ай бұрын
I lived in fear for far too long. I started to listen to my inner voice or to my Higher Self. Furthermore, I am amazed at how this voice talks back to you if you listen. Too many voices are out there to confuse us, but there is only one voice I prefer to listen to, which is my inner voice.
@MT-tx7bu 6 жыл бұрын
Anita, you're such a great force. I love how you talk about how we need to learn to love ourselves, which I think is so important.
@alethaoneall3019 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your insights. I am struggling so hard right now with my awakening...depression and fear. This message is what I need to hear right now. Much love to you!
@terrigibbs8337 2 жыл бұрын
Just love to hear you speak and everything you teach.
@elainewilliams2299 3 жыл бұрын
I have made myself mentally ill in the past by trying to micro manage every thought as so many spiritual teachers keep saying thoughts become things and this filled me with fear to the point I could not lead a normal happy life because I was constantly worrying about my thoughts and used to wake every morning riddled with anxiety. Also old religious beliefs put me in fear it has almost destroyed my life and family life. I am learning not to believe everything I hear. There is so much stuff out there on you tube it can be very confusing. I love your teachings Anita they are so uplifting and comforting ❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️
@sharon5259 6 жыл бұрын
Wow. YES. I am currently experiencing psoriasis which I have done a little research via homeopathy and is said to be linked to suppressed anger. I am a highly sensitive and empathetic person. In the past I have covered my feelings of anger rather than someone see me angry, think its ugly, and not like me...only waking up to it now. Just feel! Don't bandaid it telling ourselves we have to just be happy and positive. NAH. I'm ready to be mad and FEEL it. And love it. And then it can change. I feel that finding a way to realise the energy via the Body could be helpful...is screaming in a pillow or doing a crazy dance/spontaneous movement. Like Eckhart Tolle says ducks do with their wings after a fight :)
@Amy-tl2xe 5 жыл бұрын
Anita, you are one of the most rational, reasonable, wise people I have ever heard speak. I love how real and unpretentious you are. I believe you really are helping people learn how to cope with and understand this life. Best to you and yours.
@Dania34 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Anita! I have followed you for the past 6 years and gobble up every book you write and love your message! And still you manage to open my eyes and heart to new more compassionate ways of thinking - for others and for myself. I sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that others need to change their way of thinking for their own good and it bothers me if they don’t see the ‘truth’ which I realize is quite a religious mentality to have. Thank you for helping me to see them through more compassionate eyes and reminding me that we all hold onto beliefs because of what we have gone through and we are all trying to make sense of this experience. I like to believe that deep in us we are all connected by the same truth from the same source. I still have a bagillion questions for God every day but thank God, literally :), that he sent you back to us to help guide us and offer some guidance. Ironically I first heard your message one night when I said a very strong prayer asking for guidance. I’ll never forget that night. Thank you for being YOU :))
@peace-a 3 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful, joyful message. Thank you!!
@cstrongman 4 ай бұрын
Anita's eyes are bursting with joy!! That's what it's all about !
@sissi8610 6 жыл бұрын
I love your enthusiasm, it's so innocent and child like, love it, love it, love it! Thank you for this great video, and I agree, throw the bloody TV away, I've done that years ago.
@helenseymour1041 5 жыл бұрын
This is definitely how I am. I beat myself up way too much. I blame myself for everything. I have been working on this and your videos are a great help to me.
@missmc2442 2 жыл бұрын
I could listen to you everyday!! Sending much love!❤
@analyn787 3 жыл бұрын
"Being who you are is not a negative" -there is deep meaning to it. Because by nature human are good created by a God who is good.
@sarahpetty4760 6 жыл бұрын
Hi, ANita-I’ve watched several of your videos and appreciate what you’re doing. I want to comment on the Law of Attraction. I relate to what you said because I worked the Abraham-Hicks interpretation of the LoA and yes-I found it to be an “efforting” that had very little success. Then 3 years ago I discovered a teacher who explains that the LoA is not a mind based exercise. It is a soul based tool and it has a specific purpose. You put it this way: that we attract who we ARE not what we artificially think about. I believe that is true, and I learned that all our LoA events are magnetized to us to reveal what emotions and feeling-beliefs are in the soul, not just the effect emotions, the emotions we prefer to feel rather than feel the CAUSAL feelings -the sadness of not being loved some way in our childhood. A friend and I worked together to observe our LoA events, especially physical symptoms, and we researched what the spiritual meaning was for each illness and body part. It was amazing! I got rid of all the “create your own reality” books because I realized they didn’t understand the soul aspect of the LoA. In three years I went back into my childhood beliefs and cried them out rather than avoid them anymore. And that changed my present day LoA because I didn’t need a message about the error in my soul-it just wasn’t there anymore! . This is real self love, and I agree with what you say-that it’s all about loving your inner self, not investing more in your facade self. By doing this work, I’m now off all my meds, including a high dose of antidepressants which I had been taking for 25 years and which when I tried to stop taking I repeatedly became suicidal within 2 weeks. My thyroid has also healed and I no longer take that medicine. I had chronic pernicious anemia-and I no longer have that. I used to feel painfully lonely and abandoned-now I can love myself since I released those error feeling beliefs from my childhood. I can feel God’s Love and the beautiful love of my guides which I was closed to before when I hated myself. I encourage you in your ministry. Thanks!
@babetteloos 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Sarah, what you are saying is almost exactly the way I felt it too! Finding out I had cancer made me even more open to the real feelings and beliefs underneath the external. Crying (really howling) so far has been the best tool to free myself of the heaviness of those feelings. To balance that, or to put back more 'good' weight on my core, immediately I dance and do everything that comes up to satisfy the eagerness to spontaneous living that my inner child wants and needs (make funny faces in the mirror). But, I didn't throw out the self-help section of my library yet, because I also came to a deeper understanding of the LoA. It should be called the Law of Intention, because it is all about that. In the morning with my yoga, I set intentions from my heart (not my head) -being open and not judgmental about me or anybody else- and keep myself reminded throughout the day.. I found those days to be even magical sometimes! Also in order to set an intention, a big part is getting rid of your resistance and old beliefs, so in a way (i feel) it all really ties in together! Because the opposite is also true.. i didn't love myself or my body and that set me into a mode of manifesting disease. Thanks everybody who write here and Anita who does so much for our souls, so good to know that we are NOT alone
@sarahpetty4760 6 жыл бұрын
babette loos Thanks for commenting. What my group of friends here who are doing the emoting work (feeling ALL our emotions especially the childhood injuries that we believed must be truth) are finding is that all this work loops back to loving ourselves. If we love God as we do this work it makes it much easier to release the childhood sadness where we were not loved. When we go back and discharge that child feeling then we experience what Anita said that we reclaim that bit of our soul that was locked into that suppressed emotion. God gave us the freedom and responsibility to feel ALL our feelings, it was human error that taught us NOT to fully discharge whatever feelings come into our soul. If a feeling comes into our soul, the only way it can leave is by experiencing it. So you giving yourself the love to allow your child self OUT of the cage IS the most powerful self love. That’s the work until it becomes the joy of your life.
@Hannah-if9gb 6 жыл бұрын
What teacher?
@Joyful1501 5 жыл бұрын
Hello Anita, you are a beautiful soul. I love listening to you and learning so much every day. Thank you for being you. May God bless you even more. Lots of love from my side.
@RIM0622ricothecat Жыл бұрын
Hi!! More people are on KZbin! I appreciate you being on KZbin. By the way, I needed to hear this. Love to you
@MindAlchemyOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
You're such a beautiful Soul, Anita. Thank you.
@sobraniengarin4935 4 ай бұрын
Hi Anita thank you for your experience and accenting! I feel like you literally save my life, even just talking about what that exactly is to love ourselve, I’m so grateful to you ❤
@elizabethlewis5593 4 жыл бұрын
Anita,I relate to and resonate with you and your message so much! Your love and sincerity are amazing! Thank you !
@athinav.5995 6 жыл бұрын
my beautiful Anita, I I wish you all the beauty of this world. every video that I have watched has brought so much comfort in my heart as it touched my innermost wounds . its like an answer to my daily prayers. in few videos you turn my world upside down, from talking about first focusing on us instead of forgiveness, how not to be a doormat, how to protect myself as an empath, how not to beat myself for my situation. I feel immense gratitude Anita. I am in bed for three days due to my heart struggling i think due to stress, and watching all your videos, I sent you all my love and gratitude, thank you thank you from heart xxxxxx
@kaygraves7235 2 жыл бұрын
Wonderful lady. I'm so glad you was allowed to come back. You're work is so beautiful and I believe you was sent back for this reason.
@leslieannewood70 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting your videos on KZbin! I’m really enjoying watching them all. Your message is SO important. Life is truly magical when you live it from a place of love.❤️
@kristinamickwitz3542 4 жыл бұрын
Cat reincarnation-metaphysicslv.blogspot.com/2013/04/kakeniti-virs-atveda-no-kadas-dzivnieku.html
@deehuntley1712 2 жыл бұрын
I truly needed to hear this today❤Infinite Love and Gratitude ❤
@shirleyj2687 2 жыл бұрын
So glad to come across this video. It may be 3 years old, but it is just the information I needed. Thanks Anita! 💜
@rosemoon8072 6 жыл бұрын
thankyou Anita for always making it so personal ... its a rare thing !!!
@daily-inspiration7 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Anita for incredible and authentic inspiring story. Love your true message to the world to love and be true to yourself. 👍❤️
@kismetspiral 6 жыл бұрын
I really LOVE this video! It is so IMPORTANT for people to hear this! Thank you!
@galactichealer9097 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Anita, you are so inspiring, I just love you, many blessings!
@heikekershaw8990 8 ай бұрын
OMG! I needed to listen to this so much!! Thank you Anita from the bottom of my heart ❤️
@zennikuan1341 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for your honesty......vulnerable and all. That's what makes you real
@ic7804 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much, you have confirmed what I thought. I was trying to be 'positive' and instead I was getting angrier and angrier for lying to myself. Then I accepted that I am the way I am, also I have realised that the belief that good people are positive and the negative are bad. It is not true at all. I realised I wasn't negative, I was realistic, I realised that I am way more resilient and easy going in difficult situations, where the 'positive' people were crumbling down.
@lawlietrzk1 6 жыл бұрын
You have a great smile, Anita. Thank you for spreading the light.
@SkyAngelNYC 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being you and sharing so much with love. Namaste and gratitude from NY
@truthsayer1111 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Anita, You came to my attention a few years back in regard to your NDE. Thank you for talking "fear", because I know that it is the one thing in my life that influences everything I do. My outside persona is someone people see as fearless and I have taken big risks in my life where most others wouldn't dare, but I know that fear is the thing that ultimately controls most aspects of my life to the point where it is crippling. It really does stem from all the people around me telling me I am crazy, even if it is in a playful way. My quirky personality lends itself to that criticism. Yet these same people never doubt my intuition about things. Still I am left with self-doubt, which keeps me from moving forward and on to the next adventure. At 59 I do not want to end up living a mediocre life like the people who call me crazy. . I find it sad that I am not afraid of something like death, but every day dealings can terrify me. Thanks for all your good advice.
@boorat3573 2 жыл бұрын
I was supposed to be a vegetable "if" I lived on Christmas Eve of 74 & had an outer body experience & by Christmas day I was at my Grandma's for dinner.Came back with a psychic knowledge.
@angellinegirl 5 жыл бұрын
Always love listening to you Anita, you're so in tune with Source and so inspirational. Much love to you and your loved ones :-)
@drjennilarson Жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful video! Thank you! What a wonderful reminder to love ourselves, our emotions, and our thoughts no matter what! Instead of shaming ourselves, especially when experiencing illness, which I can relate to! During my own NDE, when I was dying from full body rash/psoriasis/eczema people would tell me to love myself, but I had soooo completely lost myself i had no clue what made me happy! It wasn't until I hit my first rock bottom, when the pain was soooo bad I thought about ending my life just to end the pain, that I finally reached out for help and asked my parents for help with my kids, only for my mom to tell me I wasn't spending enough time with my kids and that I should be spending more time with them (I was a single mom experiencing a very toxic divorce struggling to make ends meet, keep a roof over our heads, food on the table)... thankfully I didn't listen and thank goodness for their dad coming to pick them up when I sent out a mass text saying I couldn't bc I was thinking about ending my life! Anywho, 2 years and a death later and a few more layers peeled back I'm finally feeling like I love myself, doing things I enjoy, letting relationships go where I don't feel I receive the same love back, and I'm sooo proud of how far I've come. Anywho, Matt Kahn says it as well "whatever arises, love that." And I love that message soooo much! True, unconditional love, no matter what! Love!
@iamkaspar5757 3 жыл бұрын
You ment the world to my best friend. So you see why I an very thankfull to you. You speak with an amazing clarity and authority. Thank you for knowing that. Jesper H
@North_York 6 жыл бұрын
Anita love, you are amazing and thank you so very much for sharing your story to humanity. We need more of you on this planet. Unfortunately I'm not able to attend any of your events (for being a single Mom) but love to receive more of these podcasts in the near future. Sending you lots of love and good vibrations!
@wheelersinthewild 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Anita, what you said about how to love yourself was such a beautiful message, I have always had trouble with this but I don’t now I know how to do to it, you are a beautiful person thank you ❤
@SumaChatni 2 жыл бұрын
Wow wow wow! You are awesome! A huge fan of your clarity and wisdom here! Hats off to you! Thank you so much... Love you ☺ 🙏
@lifesong8484 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Anita 🤗 I had somehow forgotten this & your reminder came in perfect timing. How much we are loved & taken care of! 😊👌💗
@Ursaminor31 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Anita, exactly the perfect reminder to hear this morning. Thank you for all you and share with the world. Hugs from Canada.
@palomasanchis2595 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Anita! ❤️ These new technology is great! I watch your videos from youtube because I don't use facebook, these time I feel some of the questions you adressed could be mine. I love you are now able to read and respond so clear some relevant questions. Thank you so much 😊
@kristinamickwitz3542 4 жыл бұрын
Cat reincarnation-metaphysicslv.blogspot.com/2013/04/kakeniti-virs-atveda-no-kadas-dzivnieku.html
@indyw3458 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the video you present. You inspire and uplift me and I really appreciate your messages of being true to ourself and coming from a place of love not fear. I identify and resonate with everything you talk about. I gave away the television and keep the social media down to a minimum which certainly helps to tune out fear based information. I enjoy my life more, accept myself more and feel more connected. Learning to love who I am, knowing who I am has been part of a healing and spiritual journey. I’m truly thankful for your story.
@aparna1170 2 жыл бұрын
Lead by example. I see how free u r. Free from bonds and fears. First time in a long time I ate happily. I was never indifferent to food. But eating without the guilt of disappointing others is fantastic. Hopefully my spirit will be free too soon.
@quanaramirasherman 5 жыл бұрын
Anita, this video is exactly what I need right now, I must have "attracted" it, LoL! Your spirit and guidance is so uplighting and REAL. Thank you! 😍😍🤩🤩😎😎
@jeannepv9712 5 жыл бұрын
36:23 ... Lol! “Eat Chocolate!!” Yet another reason to Love you! 🍫🙏🏼❤️
@teresafraser3049 2 жыл бұрын
Loving yourself is when you follow your own hearts desires regardless of what others think of you.... Going to the rhythm of your drum.... Giving yourself permission to heal your wounded self.... Allowing the grace of wisdom to flow through you... Being OK with where your at within your personal evolution..... Releasing self blame and self judgement ... Loving every wrinkle you have developed through all the triles and tribulations that you endured throughout your life.... Accepting the false EGO MIND as being who you really are....and letting go of these false narratives ... Lastly......Loving the unique individual that you have created yourself to be in this moment of NOW 🙏❤🙏
@gabbyricci1602 2 жыл бұрын
I just love you even without knowing you.i have been following for not even a week and you are creating so much positive change in my life.I wish that life could give me the privilege of physically meet you one day.love Gaby
@Sa1990ka Жыл бұрын
you put words into what I've known in my heart allll my live! I've cried and tooked notes in the same time 😂 I'm on my (awakening) ajourney and I appreciate that I found you to connect much deeper with myself. Thank you❤
@dani28325 4 жыл бұрын
What you said about negative thinking and being paranoid about thoughts has just given me so much relief! I’ve been struggling with OCD intrusive thoughts about my health and I was so worried that I’m going to manifest problems for myself because of how often the thoughts would come in, which made me more paranoid and stressed than I already was even thought it wasn’t intentional. I now understand I was just manifesting more stress and anxiety for myself, and that loving myself and being kind to myself is the answer instead of trying to analyse and solve the thoughts. Thank you Anita! ❤️
@spaxxxc822 2 жыл бұрын
I love who you are you have allowed me to gather my totality and really accept what and who I am....
@highvibee 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks again Anita, I really appreciate what you do and say. I’m my own “guru” (guru dev) that’s why clinging to your words. Grate work! 💖🌿
@MrJonathanpopma 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Anita your amazing , impacted my life. Keep spreading the love , know that I am.
@audreyhopfner2823 6 жыл бұрын
Law of attraction drove me nuts for the reason, all the reasons you talked about. Thank you so much for clarifying loving yourself. God bless you abundantly🙌🙏
@autonomydepthconsciousness7633 2 жыл бұрын
This video is one of my favourite videos I will be listening to it multiple times because it makes me feel so good. Thank you.
@cynthiajohnson9412 Жыл бұрын
Oh Anita, thank you so much. Your words resonate so strongly, but even more powerful is the quality of your voice and the energy you convey. I've listened to other spiritual teachers who have said similar things to what you say, but there is something off putting in their voices that I have trouble with, even as I see and feel the truth in what they say. I find your energy sustaining. P.S. I believe in signs and the sign between me and my angels is the blue light. They even sent me a blue light bulb as a sign that they are with me and watching over me, and when I saw the blue light of your light bulb moments I knew you were sent to me. Thanks again.
@l.c.345 2 жыл бұрын
I so agree with you and I've always said the Law of Attraction can do more harm than good in that when people cannot seem to manifest what they're trying to they end up feeling like failures; along with what you said about it, I also think that if something is not in our "contract" that we came into this life with or in our Life Blueprint so to speak, it will not manifest. Only Source knows what's for our Highest Good in Divine Order and Divine Timing.
@michaeldrew2068 5 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite talks so far- so uplifting and truly helpful. Thank you Anita, you're my friend from afar!
@norikohasegawa1728 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Anita, for all your deep insights. You seem to deliver messages that I need to hear on a very timely manner, it must be synchronicity:) “The way to love yourself is to create a life you love” is so true, and yet, I haven’t been able to because of the toxic environment (chemicals in the air such as people’s perfumes and scented products that they are using / wearing) and I have had to give up all the things I enjoy and / or necessary such as traveling, going to theaters and concerts, going to the gym, taking ballet classes, working, living in a home,...). I have been homeless for over 4 years and hotel-hopping, and location shopping around the globe to no avail as of yet. I believe MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) is trying to tell me that i am still not doing the things I truly love, but not being able to find a place to sleep and breathe every night is quite an obstacle. One can avoid food for food allergies, but one cannot help being exposed to toxins in the air, because they are unavoidable even with gas masks and goggles on. I feel living among humans in this space and time is extremely difficult.
@tarapham1 5 жыл бұрын
I am so grateful I stumbled upon this video. I thought I was the only one in this world who thought this way. The paranoia, the constant fear of my thoughts, trying to suppress and change my thoughts. This is ME. Loving myself and accepting myself for who I am, knowing I deserve happiness changed my entire outlook on life. I now choose to be myself unapologetically, to be perfectly imperfect.
@christinahorvath355 4 жыл бұрын
Just listening to Anita has calmed me down to the point that I forgot my physical pain. Thank you.
@universalseeker 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I realized it was not a gift and I responded accordingly by allowing my trueself come out! Thank you for this video. It has given me confirmation. I am enjoying life!
@kellyssimplesouthernlife2174 6 жыл бұрын
I love you Anita! You have inspired my life in such a positive way! Thank you for sharing
@mylifesmeditations8802 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Anita Moorjani! Your energy is so uplifting. I’m so grateful I found your channel. You’ve helped me to understand myself and my sensitivity so much better 💕
@deephillips9591 6 жыл бұрын
Love this message💜
@listencarefully1497 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t know how to love myself , I will be watching more of your videos .... omg I’m in the middle of the video and already I have received many confirmations!!!!! Thank you you have truly helped me! I will listen to this over and over and over until this whole entire message is embedded in my spirit! God bless thank you!
@marisaortizavila 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Anita for your healing words. You are so kind to the medical industry... practicing doctors create the industry themselves, I struggle to feel compassion for them and many others in the medical establishment, including insurance and big pharma, yes it is a tough industry because they create it in such a way out of greed... it is much tougher for patients, they die everyday of malpractice, of hospital issues not related to their original ailments, mostly now in pandemic times. I know many of them and I appreciate them as humans, but they don't want to give up the social status, the financial reward and lifestyle and they are willing to sacrifice many in the process. I welcome your guidance in feeling compassion for them, and forgiving them for so many lives lost... thank you, love you so much!
@aparna1170 2 жыл бұрын
Love it when u say don’t think about right or wrong. Because we are accepting that something is wrong with me.
@barbaralammi4088 6 жыл бұрын
This is perfect timing for me. I resonate 100% with you! I've been searching for answers and the two healers I use are FIRM on the LOA. I felt such relief and you explained it so well. I cannot thank you enough. TY x1000's!
@lindascarborough5551 2 жыл бұрын
Anita, when I realized how much effect my thoughts (subconscious) affected my physical life I said to My (higher?) Self "what on earth do you think you are doing?" Truly, I was not a happy chappy & I was quite 'miffed' at myself. BUT what came with that? The Realisation that by 'Default' I had indeed been attracting challenging issues etc. The Key is 'By Default'!!! Forgiveness of Self is then needed & Spiritual growth & Conscious Awareness is the Reward 🙏 Thankyou Anita, You Are Doing a great job 💜✌🙏
@rhodafranklin5402 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Anita!! Wonderful!!!😘❤️
@rhodafranklin5402 2 жыл бұрын
Watched this again! Life saving! Thank you!🥰
@susannahrobinson3871 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Anita, your book has given me such peace about the future. You are so balanced and loving in the delivery of your messages. The world needs you so much right now! I hope that you come to Australia one day so that I can attend a seminar 💕💕
@Vickivaporub 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for helping me today. This video had so many messages that reached me very deeply. I needed to hear this and you are a gift to the world. ❤
@gayatrisethuraman 5 жыл бұрын
This is so uncanny. Everytime a question pops up in my mind and I just let it be and say don't obsess it'll come to you.. it does.. one of your videos pops up in my suggestions and I watch it and actually answers the question I had. This one answered a question I had towards the end, so I didn't Know that it would..but it did..so cool that this video would show up.. almost like in answer to my question that was only in my mind so far..and this isn't the first time..this has happened 3-4 times with your videos.. how amazing ♥️
@ruthschrager6052 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this message! Have a great n I got! Love and peace! Ruth
@mars1783 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Anita you helped me so much, I owe u my life experience n I am doing my best, while feeling scattered. Still since my strange/EGOTISTICAL behaviors in the past, because I'm strange, or crazy but smart. Thank you so much for helping me
@suzannemaiden5213 6 жыл бұрын
Your message feels so powerful for me! I have been dx with stage iv Sarcoma. I have beaten myself up because I can't "make it go away." It's this horrible circular reasoning I engage in. Then, Spirit gave me a perfect message yesterday: "Cancer can't exist in the same place where love dwells. It's energetically impossible." The message was to love myself! Historically, I have not been good at receiving - and now, your words are helping me correct my thinking. I KNOW I can heal ~ thank you, with abundant love.
@gabrielatrisler7388 3 жыл бұрын
Anita I love all your books. I am Gabriella and I have cancer. I am fighting since 4 years. Someday I’ll meet you in person I am sure. Sending you love 💕
@quietreflections18 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, Anita! I am so grateful for everything that you share with your viewers and readers! Lots of love, Jaden XXXOOO
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