As long as a person is not bored by themselves, it is all good.
@artharrisonofficial3 ай бұрын
I totally agree. So much of life - from happiness to confidence and maybe even just “being interesting” start with actually liking / being okay with yourself! That’s kind of what this video was all about! -
@atharvasalokhe51683 ай бұрын
hey man! i resonate with this so much! I'm 22 years old, and people my age usually go around and socialize, do fun things, which i do enjoy from time to time, but i also enjoy solitude and doing nothing on a day except maybe reading a book. thanks for this and I'm glad i found your channel ;)
@artharrisonofficial3 ай бұрын
Glad you liked it (and welcome to the channel!) Yeah, I’ve certainly been there. For the good and the bad, you’re stuck with yourself for this whole life, so find a balance of course, but definitely take the time for the things you want to do!
@pretichaturvedi1713 ай бұрын
If you’re doing what you want to, you don’t have time to be “interesting”
@artharrisonofficial3 ай бұрын
That’s exactly my point. I know some of the people who do “more” than me with hobbies and other things might be doing exactly what they want to, so no shade on them. But for me, I think it’s about excepting that everyone wants something different :D
@businessconstruct3 ай бұрын
Art, just curious. What is your goal with creating? You enjoy the process of building a community (what kind)? You appear to have had some major successes. What’s the goal now? Just curious.
@artharrisonofficial3 ай бұрын
That's a very good, and very timely question. To be completely honest, when I started, I intentionally didn't have, or want to have, a plan -- other than to make videos, share ideas, etc. Now that I've been doing it for 6 month, and basically feel like I'm ready to "start". (I say "ready to start" because I've learned a ton about how this actually works, how to make titles, what I need to improve upon, etc - that I feel like in the coming weeks I can finally take a big leap forward). The end goal is a build a "Circular Growth Ecosystem". Basically, free tools, resources, content, community and more (all free, ideally), that both support the members and create new content and connection ideas. In general, I have a little bit of freedom with my current life, so I want to build a community rather than sell a product. I'm hoping to start here to build a brand, but then my tech and other skills will come in to create some further reach. It's still fuzzy, but over the coming weeks, the content will likely switch to have a little more focus on both Advice (as I have been providing) geared towards some more specific outcomes + me living that advice (or failing) as I actually try to define and build what I just did a poor job of doing in this post. I'm getting excited, but also know it's going to be A LOT!
@businessconstruct3 ай бұрын
Good info. I just started my YT journey and I’m following along other small creators to see what stands out. To me, it’s so interesting that you started and exited a company (I’m into the business space). Starting a channel is a lot like starting a business in that, in the beginning, it’s hard to figure out what to do next, especially if we have no experience to guide us. Personally, I find it hard to shoot, edit, post, etc. consistently because the business and family life just devour my time. Anyway, just wanted to drop a line for support. Keep on keeping on.