Why China Will Be a Very Different Kind of Great Power

  Рет қаралды 38,231

Martin Jacques

Martin Jacques

Күн бұрын

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@huangzb8060 8 жыл бұрын
If we will to have more scholars like Martin, the world will be more stable and peaceful. USA produced scholars who are US centric and never really see the world clearly but always with much prejudice.
@ihatetheparty6340 7 жыл бұрын
You are so very right. In truth, China is far more "civilized", is capable of teaching the world "family values" that last forever! America is based on a barbaric "push and shove" at the sickly and the weakly [think genocide of original Indian tribes, slavery of million of African blacks (still suffering from the fumes of that great injustice) etc.]. China clearly works. God bless China for stressing eduction and also helping the world on the climate change issue. It's the WEST that's been stagnating, starting to ROT FROM WITHIN. (All you have to do is look, and you'll find truth "fainting at the head of the street" in America and Europe --- Isaiah 59:14-15). Fascism cannot solve any problem, just brush it under the rug --- until it erupts elsewhere. But China is stable, will not implode or destroy itself --- ever.
@MartinJacques 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks. You are very generous.
@chfgbp6098 7 жыл бұрын
They are not fighters. They are builders, farmers, and traders/entrepreneurs.
@grandmabente123 5 жыл бұрын
terrific - spell binding and I agree with this guys so much !!!!
@TheAllen501 7 жыл бұрын
When I see this person, I give a thumps up first
@rap3208 Жыл бұрын
What he said about the fall of the US and rise of China seven years ago is happening here and now.
@hanahann3147 5 жыл бұрын
Professor Martin you might need to update your lecture speech every year. Each year China has changed and improved....
@lmyunxlee2005 Жыл бұрын
what you had talked before all come true now
@prakashman1 7 жыл бұрын
Thank-you. Thoroughly illuminating.
@changtschining5686 7 жыл бұрын
The core value of traditional Chinese culture could be enriche d as "living as a human being" ,therefore, people don't like war. Carefully trace historical dynasty changing of China, you will find those strong power ages, Qin, Tang, Yuan(Mongol), Qing all established by "foreigner" at their times. Those foreign people finally adapted the culture vale, fused to be as "new Chinese". So, why not just check their culture but not their economic development?
@28richfield 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your insight about the future of the East & West. I really enjoy your speech.
@gregparrott 7 жыл бұрын
Very insightful. When the 2008 economic crisis hit, China had relatively little debt and was thus not as much affected. It served as a wake up call to the U.S. that there had been a shift in world order.
@juneflower4998 5 жыл бұрын
We still have a Long way to go,fighting !!🇨🇳
@stephenyang2844 3 ай бұрын
From an evolutionary perspective, China‘s collective wisdom allowed the CCP to rule the country, coupled with a meritocratic ’GaoKao‘ --university entrance examination that selects the brightest for its universities. Hence China’s governace is superior to that based on popularity contest, and politics influenced by money.
@stephencyang6628 7 жыл бұрын
For thousands of years. Chinese system of civil service examination focused on excellence in literacy; thus leading to weak science and military power. It even decided to close itself since mid nineteen century, that led it to become humiliated and military occupation by western powers. Even with 1-child policy for decades, Chinese population and economy grew in the past decades. Confuciianism and Chinese cultural and economic influlence will grow tremendously going forward. Mr. Xi's vision is to restore China back to a strong and dominant society that it was until the mid 19th century.
@dhuang81514 7 жыл бұрын
us Chinese learned that civility doesn't work with barbarians 200 years ago....hence we need both military and cultural power, need the former to defend the latter
@ihatetheparty6340 7 жыл бұрын
Jacques has a correct analysis. She saw how the U.S.S.R. disintegrated and thought "THAT'S NEVER going to happen to me --- EVER!" And so she grasped her more distandt provinces even tighter (think Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan) and became even more sensitive about the South China Sea. Whn she has enougnh cash, she'll be able to buy America and put it in her back pocket, ha-ha. Even Trump would have to agree that buy/sell considitions cannot be halted --- ever. But: will the international "peace makers" go on sprwading their little net, bringing people up, and slaying them forever? [Habakkuk 1:14-17]. Think about it [they'll murder some guy who was quoting holy scripture that condemned their deeds, a guy who had many Muslim friends; afterwards one on=f them graduated with an advanced degree in ciomputer science, flew home to visit, was drafted at the airport upon arrival, and assigned duty in a missiule launch site out in the back woods. The very first day there, in his new starched uniform, he will whisper into the righteous Muslim commander's ear how they murdered some poor guy over in Amrica. And whar was he doing, they they killed him for it? Why, he was "talking abiout God, quoting Holy Scripture". There will be a scuffle, some security policeman will be shot in the leg --- and twenty minutes later, that commander will be in an underground bunker, wavin g his pistol about and splicing wires --- and he was the one who installed all those wires! Let me put it this way, sir: :All those puffy little white clouds that sail over the Middle East will BLUSH [when they se that fireball ten times the size of Mount Everest rushing up to greet them; in the END, you'll understand that cleary: Jeremiah 23:20, Proverbs 1:10-14, Psalm 109:16-20 & 94:20-21, Isaiah 1:9, 17-18, 5:20-23, 59:14-15*, Deut. 13 & 27:24, Mark 3:28-29, etc.]
@mischa1880 7 жыл бұрын
@ I hate the party: You write that China saw Russia disintegrate and said This is not going to happen here.... Ever! I disagree. Russia was tricked. Russia was taken over by the west, especially the Rothschilds, through Hermitage Capital Management. The Zionists wanted Russia's natural resources (Yukos...). The had different tactics for China. What they wanted from China right away was cheap labour, so they let China do things her way. But the long term goal for China was the same as for Russia.
@Volvo-f2y 7 жыл бұрын
I think youtube is also mostly dominated by childish american viewers and the likes people.. the more substance the video has, the less is the viewer.. always
@legpol 7 жыл бұрын
Your English sounds like yourself is childish, more childish than any American.
@zied6456 7 жыл бұрын
Butthurt much?
@ReekieReels 8 жыл бұрын
'I think therefor I am', I only know for certain, that I exist, therefor I have rights as a sentient being, which I assert on my own behalf. I cannot prove that you do NOT exist, therefor I assume that you too have rights, which you yourself assert on your own behalf. This reality is the cornerstone not only of the American constitution which you seem to dismiss, but of the western enlightenment which underwrites it. China will be a great power I agree, but only in so far as it acknowledges this reality, which I think in time it will. Absent that acknowledgment it is and will be an empire of air.
@changtschining5686 7 жыл бұрын
Lewis Hamilton About the human right, the western is quite different from chinese traditional culture. For chinese people, man is not a single subject, therefore, not indepedent absolutely. Forexemle, any baby without mother caring will die, and for all the animal, this is the same. But, only human beings will turn back to take care their disable parents. That is why we are not animal. This is also why chinese don't like war.
@craigkdillon 7 жыл бұрын
This discussion does not say how China will be DIFFERENT form of power. Recent moves in the South China Sea indicate that it is moving towards a military centric domination, not economic.
@Pulaco.Dimantag 6 жыл бұрын
Craig Dillon you are describing the american form of power.. china is securing the south china sea as american military camps surrounds it from japan all the way to indonesia..
@Kylo_Ren_2033 5 жыл бұрын
How so? China has one of the lowest military budget/GDP ration in the world
@jin_asap 10 ай бұрын
Do u kniw that xijinping offered Obama to mutually demilitarise the SCS? What did the Us do? They put more military there. What do u expect china to do? 70-80% of its trade went through that region. You dont know this because the western msm does not show you this.
@jin_asap 10 ай бұрын
Do u know that Xijinping offered Obama to mutually demilitarise the SCS? What did the US do? They put more military in the region. What do u expect China to do? 70-80% of its vital trade go thru that region. You dont know this because ur western msm doesnt tell you this
@huiminzhang6096 7 жыл бұрын
Be careful there are some bias opinions in the comments, in which they claimed they are Chinese but in most occasions they call themselves Hongkongers or Taiwanese. Usually Hongkongers or Taiwanese hate to be recognised as Chinese people because they look down China mainland, i.e. the People Republic China. It maybe little confused to the western people that some Chinese (Hongkongers, Taiwanese) discriminate some Chinese (the mainland Chinese people). Yes that's true because Hongkong and Taiwan are richer than the mainland. Please don't listen to their fake comments that China prefer war. Chinese people want to make friend. We love peace just as the Kongfu Panda does. As discussed in the video, maybe China's GDP will soon become number one, but its culture influence or soft influence on the world will keep low for a very long time. That means China will face a hostile international environment because of lacking common culture. Just like now, it seems everyone (USA, Japan, India, Vietnam) want to kill People Republic China, split it into several parts, hinder its economic growth. Even the north Korea, whose people's survival depends on China's economic support, is glad to show the disrespect (e.g. the H-bomb). How to invade another country when the whole world hates you? Even Hongkong, Taiwan want to join the USA to kill their mother country China. Poor China.... I know most Hongkongers look down the mainland people and especially the communist government. But almost everyone in mainland PRC accepts this communist government and believes it is the only one can stabilise the whole China and make our life better. It is also true that the mainland is still poor and many people want to immigrate to Hongkong or Europe because of better social benefits and less competition stress. We admire Hongkong or Europe because you have better living conditions, but we don't consider our government is as evil as those Hongkongers described.
@changtschining5686 7 жыл бұрын
Huimin Zhang 您的論述很不像傳統中國人啊!國共鬥爭是因為救國弱路線的不同。兩者都曾迷失在歐美至上的概念中。也都付出慘痛的代價,臺灣因此年輕一代不知道何為民主,自由平等的真境界卻口稱自己具有普世價值。大陸因而盲目仇外,繼之表現道德淪喪,沒有民族優雅氣質。歐美價值是五百年來交互惡性競爭,繼之獸性率引理性創造兩百年全球血腥殖民,掠奪全球資源形成今日的野獸文明。過去五十年歐美良知逐漸甦醒,逐漸趨向華夏三千年前的人文概念,是人性領導理性的人本文明。值此之際,華人當振奮前行,率全人類創造全球融通的新人類文明。這,那有時間和錯誤認知,視野獸文明為至寶的人瞎混?古聖賢言說,日新是盛德,成就眾人生命價值是富有。作為華人,哪敢貪圖金錢財務帶的來不當發展與享受?哪敢不敬業日新毀壞祖先教訓?所以說:千萬人吾往也,此華人腰骨所在,何自卑?
@huiminzhang6096 7 жыл бұрын
当年欧美到处建立殖民地、血腥掠夺,还有日本,叫嚣着脱亚入欧在台湾进行了成功的皇民化运动,这个恶果一直延续到今天造成了台湾的族群撕裂。 而很多港、台政客和殖民经济受益者一直在妖魔化中国,利用民粹煽动对中国的仇恨,导致很多港台年轻人搞不清楚自己的身份。“汉人学得胡儿语 却向城头骂汉人”已经成了港台的主流民意,“支那”谩骂不断。 你看这上面很多留言号称是中国人,却不停地说中国很不和平、是对世界的威胁,破坏香港的民主,鸭霸台湾的自由。这后面的深层次的原因,是因为他们希望“脱亚入欧”融入西方,与穷亲戚划清界限。甚至乐于见到“支那”被西方世界围殴。 谁都想过好日子,移民海外变成发达国家公民其实也可以理解。但香港和台湾这两块土地是搬不走的,既然在上面生活,就不可能与大陆上的13亿同胞划清界限,就好比一个家庭的孩子无法选择自己的父母和兄弟姐妹一样。不幸的是一部分被洗脑的港台年轻人对大陆人莫名仇视。 至于你说的大陆盲目仇恨,丧失优雅,我不同意。 所谓穷生奸计、富长良心,公民素质提高和财富积累一样,都是有个过程的。目前国内势头不错,年轻一代的精气神比老红卫兵们强多了。我相信中国大陆会变得越来越好。但是软实力的提升是很慢的,现在同文同种的港台同胞成了最敌视大陆的族群。更为西方国家抹黑造谣中国提供了口实。 在国际上,中国目前在非洲手把手的教黑兄弟工业技术,帮他们改善生活。一带一路也是很伟大的和平规划,美国人欧洲人搞坏的地方,我们帮他们重建家园。可是你看欧美主流媒体,从来没有正面报到过中国的贡献,他们只是在不停地报道中国的负面消息,抹黑中国是掠夺非洲。 更不幸的是,现在抹黑中国最努力的就是港台的主流媒体。我写这些,也只是希望国际社会能够少些敌意。
@legpol 7 жыл бұрын
Nuimin Zhang... 港台人仇视大陆中国人,其原因在统治中国的党,共产党。如果共产党放弃一党专政,情况就会不同。在一党专下,被专的中国人也会反感反对共产党人。这反,当然就是仇视共产党。我猜,你必定不晓得,现在还有上百的反专人士关在牢房中。你也一定不知道,共产党用苦刑(torture)整治反专人士。整得他们要死不活。由于你不知道这个背景,你才把原因说成是,港台人受西方影响。
@changtschining5686 7 жыл бұрын
Wood Wu 先生。國共兩黨是一張紙的兩個面。您大概也不知道早期國民黨為打擊共黨在臺的“暴政“?共黨目前管的是十三億南轅北轍思想不同的人,“暴力”管轄正反映少數人管理多數人的窘境。如果您回看法國大革命,當時法國人口不過數百萬,爭自由的結果便是血腥的暴民政治。在網路尚未發達時代,美國警察對中下階層平民也是鐵血暴力。您要理解,齊一人的思想是不可能的。但透過改善社會經濟,使人生活類近因此想法相近是可能的。而這才是理想中民主政治的基石。西方改善社會經濟,靠的是血腥殖民,掠奪世界資源。工業汙染移去殖民地,所以,您看的歐美美麗國家,是三百年來非人性的物欲成果。共產黨如果能回歸傳統文化價值,為什麼不鼓勵他們改變?
@legpol 7 жыл бұрын
Chang Tschining, 你的看法和我的很不一样。譬如你说:『西方改善社会经济,靠的是血腥殖民,掠夺世界资源』。你这话的反面就是:[中国不同,中国改善社会经济,不靠血腥殖民,也不靠掠夺世界资源]。西方竟然这样坏,我不相信。如果这样坏,为甚么邓小平还亲自跑到美国求美国帮忙?有人问邓,为甚么要找美国帮忙?邓回答道:受美国帮忙的都变富了。邓的看法,和你的,也不一样。目前的现实是,中国人靠美国帮忙,果然变富了。美国并没到中国血腥殖民,反而是中国在美国殖民,美国每个角落都有Chinatown。而世界各地的资源,纷纷送入中国。人家却没说中国掠夺世界资源。
@dickhamilton3517 8 жыл бұрын
What bothers me about them is that they, when ascendant, seem to regard every other polity or 'nation' as inferior, and that attitude, just as well as the other things mentioned, goes back along way. China's failure to regard others as accomplished, and hence a threat, left them frozen in virtual stasis for hundreds of years, while 'the West' developed, and then prey to much smaller European colonial powers when those chose to exert their technological and military development. China remembers humiliation. I think we should be very wary of Chinese 'nationalism', usually expressed as a kind of cultural supremacy - even if it isn't the nationalism of a nation state.
@Pulaco.Dimantag 6 жыл бұрын
Well the west is much much more worse in terms of arrogance as they have mixed it with violence, subjugation and even ethnic cleansing.. while China never colonized any country.. I'll take the Chinese's arrogance any day than that of the west..
@totallynotommy2284 Жыл бұрын
China's an imperialist nation state just the same as all the others lol, it just has a different propaganda focus than america and such
@cahuynh7599 7 жыл бұрын
I have the feeling that his speech about China is like a blind tries to describe an elephant.
@phatphuc9509 7 жыл бұрын
The coalition of the willing was an American led invasion of Iraq. It consisted of several nations providing infantry personnel and other resources for this UN approved military operation. However, although the odds appeared to be against Iraq. America sent the bloodhounds into north Iraq to the Kurds. A people who had lived on periphery in Iraq. Then American friend, Syria and NATO ally Turkey for hundreds of years. American agents armed the Kurds to create a northern front against Iraq though Iraq had no allies. Having established themselves as a nation, Kurdistan, though they are still not recognized by anyone even their most important ally the US. America can't openly support Kurdistan. Since it would mean acknowledging Iraq doesn't exist the same way anymore and would mean America went in to Iraq to save lives only made it extremely worst by destroying the nation in more ways than can be imagined. Iraqi government realizing Kurdistan means the homeland would loose a chunk of its territory and oil wells had go to war against Kurdistan. Here are two creation of the US fighting each other with western made weapons. America can't pull itself away from the Kurds as it will create another list of potential enemies. So, it has no choice but to support Kurdistan in different ways. Kurdish oil sales to China and with the money buy western weapons to fight to only in Syria but Turkey as well. China who received structural remains of the world Trade Towers. China is a creation of the west.
@caseylee2931 7 жыл бұрын
@leehueymin4735 7 жыл бұрын
What are you implying?
@caseylee2931 7 жыл бұрын
@eusonking 7 жыл бұрын
Re-telling the old tale of land power (China) and sea power (the West).
@Time4View 7 жыл бұрын
Who funds this guy?
@zied6456 7 жыл бұрын
your mom
@c.a.4901 Ай бұрын
there won't be other human empire Chinese or Russian because the Anglo American World dual Empire will the last,we live in the feet of the immense Image of Daniel prophecy.dan.2:41_45;and rev.16:13_16;17:10.❤
@Jazz-po1nl 7 жыл бұрын
Because country rule by comminest regiment no opposition to protest against
@jantansopan4865 7 жыл бұрын
when there is power, there will be a devil.
@nitinbhasin8898 7 жыл бұрын
The presentation is very biased in some of the areas. The commentary on lack of cultural influence is wholly incoherent. As an example India is much more culturally influential despite being not as well off. I consider insular approach of the society and impact of cultural revolution as the culprits. Yes there are many faults with western approach and pragmatism together with economic development is strength of China at this juncture. But the potential risks regarding communist party's response to stresses and strains both nationally and globally cannot be wished away.
@popkahchin 7 жыл бұрын
Nitin Bhasin threats caused by the US can be washed away or forgotten? Everyone talks about the threats that will be brought by communists but are the democratic americans are any better than them? Look at how they made a mess in the middle east and other countries. Also,take a look at how british people tried to make a mess between pakistan and india before they left and non of you guys remember that and still see them as some kind of people who are bringing peace. hahaha how stupid.
@nitinbhasin8898 7 жыл бұрын
I recognise the faults and biases of western dominance which have become institutionalised in in past few centuries. The comments don't defend them in any way. So please don't make assumptions while commenting.
@changtschining5686 7 жыл бұрын
Nitin Bhasin Traditional concept of using military power for Chinese people usually on defecing. Historical expanding ages almost directed by those kings, who actually a foreigner(therefore, as foreign race) to Chinese at their times, dominated the empire. Those strong people finally accepted traditionl Chinese culture, and they themselves became part of Chinese, Han race. In that sense, Han is a cumulated people instead of race. Therefore, you can find 50+ different races in China now. The old Chinese culture, is focusing on building commnwealth, equalty and peaceful society. To love people as loving yourownself. This is the reason why China didn't try to conquer the world.
@nitinbhasin8898 7 жыл бұрын
@Chang... I am sceptical about peaceful expansion of any Kingdom. People don't give up their heritage, identity and culture and assimilate into others willingly. for example, there are ongoing conflicts within China and other places around the world due to the reason. The whole concept of middle kingdom with tributary kings is an old way of asserting control over large areas when communication and technology was very limited. Similar systems were in place within India and Arabian countries at that time as well. @Lindsay... agree with your point. In addition, the uncompromising position of communist party ruling China adds to the difficulty. What happens if China goes through a recession or similar difficulty which is difficult to get out of, will the party accept the problem or find someone to blame? How will it react?
@changtschining5686 7 жыл бұрын
Nitin Bhasin Your skeptic point is worth of further thinking. If Mao were still in position today, people probably have to worry about a disaster clash between east and west will come soon. But Xi, now the most powerful leader in Chinese CPC, performed gradually the social reform from few years ago, Confucius institute as a typical signal , totally reverse the functions Mao exerted through culture revolution to China. It appears a traditional culture recurrence so quickly, as a huge tide, in that society within few years. It looks like Xi initiated the tide politically, in fact, the great supporting force already formed right away after Deng’s open policy, which encouraged many overseas Chinese, especially from Taiwan, went back to re-awaken people by teaching traditional culture. As a background like this, the term “peace expansion” you used here could cause confusions to what China is doing. The sense about “expansion” to most west nations, usually refer to territory, political influence and hence, the culture acceptance. In the sense of traditional Chinese culture, the priority about these three is reversed. This is why military power always put to the last, and war always the most reluctant choice in the history.
@yuanhangwang6931 5 жыл бұрын
I think it is where British New Conservatism can begin.
@yuanhangwang6931 5 жыл бұрын
But, as a Chinese, I don't really think China has not invaded any other countries. The definition of invasion should be clearly defined. At least, China has a long history of expansion. Otherwise, China will not hold such great size of land. From the history of China's neighbor countries, they can list many wars that China did to them. This is a fact that is very important for Chinese to understand that....how do our neighbors feel when China declared peaceful revival and how China can reassure its neighbors.
@steventhong5746 3 жыл бұрын
@dcyndcyn 7 жыл бұрын
How can a thousand year civilized country became a student and a few hundred years civilized country became a teacher to the world ? For a similar situation where your parents become student and children become teacher. What do you think ? This US speecher really making me laugh out... 😊😀😁😂😅
@wwjs5888 7 жыл бұрын
China's landscape is the center 18 provinces. The out side are occupied by China: Tibet, Xinjiang(new territory), Manchouria( they changed its name to NORTHEAST), Mongolia (call them inner Mongolia).
@caseylee2931 7 жыл бұрын
@craigkdillon 7 жыл бұрын
I do not accept the forecasts for China. They seem to anticipate continuous growth. Economies don't work like that. There will be economic crises, maybe collapses. China's 250% debt/GDP ratio indicates that is likely to happen. Secondly, his ignoring India is silly. India is growing fast, and will grow faster. Its more mature political/legal structure is better suited to support long term growth.
@Mennion3 7 жыл бұрын
Craig Dillon China and India started as similar economic conditions and population and see where they are right now. I'm all for India developing but to dismiss what the Chinese accomplishments shows your inherent bias.
@Kylo_Ren_2033 5 жыл бұрын
The 250% debt/GDP ratio is not the full story. In the same regard, the American debt/GDP ratio is over 700%.
@jin_asap 10 ай бұрын
Lol. Such biasness and intellectual dishonesty. I hope you have changed your views a little over the years
@craigkdillon 10 ай бұрын
@@jin_asap All the time. I change my understanding of things as I learn more. BTW -- why do you think I am "intellectually dishonest"?? I may be wrong. But, my conclusions are my own.
@jin_asap 10 ай бұрын
@@craigkdillon sorry,i might have been a tad too aggressive. Been dealing with anti-china people all the time,so i lose my patience sometimes. China has high internal local govt debts, but very low external debts, and its central govt is extremely financially healthy. It spends only 40% of its tax revenue,and china is a net creditor nation. So it will be able to weather economic slowdowns/crises much better compared to the US,for example. Also, its people has extremely high savings. They save for a rainy day. China will not collapse like the soviets. The US is much more likely to collapse. India is still very bureaucratic. They get things done slower than an autocratic system. That is just an inherent property of the systems. Also,i predict that more countries will get more autocratic. Autocrats now know that you need to build an industrial base to support their national programs. So they will follow in China's footsteps
@sugarkang 8 жыл бұрын
This idea that China wouldn't exercise imperialism after achieving greater economic power is very foolish. Countries without multiculturalism are most susceptible to nationalism. I'm not predicting China's Manifest Destiny upon the rest of the world, but I wouldn't sit here and recommend ruling it out as Martin Jacques seems to want us to do.
@Tristar10h 8 жыл бұрын
90% of Chinese around the world considered them self "Chinese, Han, or Tang" despite the fact that they are as different among each other in Mainland China as between French and English. Why? Simply because China is not a "Nation State" (invented during Westphalia agreement) but is a "Civilization State" (aka, Asian Union). China have 56 ethnic group and even more different dialects but standardized the written language over 2,000 years ago by the first emperor of China. Please and please don't mention again that China is not a multicultural country. AND historically, China does not invade other unprovoked. But how did China grow soo big you may ask? The only time China expanded geographically is when the Mongolian and Manchu are assimilated into China proper after 100 - 300+ years of taking over China. Therefore, China's imperialism is not the same as Westerns.
@28richfield 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your commend and I agree with you.
@markcasila8310 7 жыл бұрын
yeh rigth china doesnt invade other countries .... what about Tibet ...
@fanyechao2761 7 жыл бұрын
+Mark Casila Tibet joined china(Qing) during the Qing, based on the Grand Unification Ideology, as sooon as you have joined you shouldnt break apart, you can ask for special treats though
@chester1234ification 7 жыл бұрын
No this guy is wrong , I believe India GSP will be 99% by 2030
@從黎明到衰頹 8 жыл бұрын
u have known too much Sir,,,
@craigkdillon 7 жыл бұрын
All analyses of China ignore its political/legal structural problems. First, not being a democracy, it is always in danger of falling into a succession crisis. Democracies handle economic crises well. They don't cause system collapse. The Great Depression caused electoral changes in US & UK, but dictatorships in Germany & Italy & Spain. When the China Debt causes a collapse of the economy, how will China's regime be affected?? It may collapse. Then what of all these projections??
@Mennion3 7 жыл бұрын
Craig Dillon Read up how Deng Xiaoping changed the succession issue. China unlike the west has a problem with its population saving too much. Also the whole GDP vs debt is overblown because the debt is held by state banks instead of foreign banks and also has trillion dollars in currency reserve. With the One Ring One Belt it's moving its lower manufacturing to other parts and maturing to a consuming economy. It's also pumping their trillions in infrastructures and lending money to help other countries improve their economies because you guess it so they can export Chinese goods.
@jin_asap 10 ай бұрын
Democracy is good but overrated. It is not something new that the US/europe discovered. the greeks already tried it 2000 years ago. Democracy is inherently divisive,and requires a population that knows about statehood, which is impossible.
@craigkdillon 10 ай бұрын
@@jin_asap Democracy predates the Greeks. Our democracy does not come from the Greeks, but from Celtic and Germanic tribes.
@rafiqkhan9197 7 жыл бұрын
gog magog on the way to rule the entire world
@wwjs5888 7 жыл бұрын
They were being colonized by Manchouria, now they colonized Manchouria, Mongolia, Tibet, Xinjiang, you are lying to cheat the uninformed.
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