謝謝Torres跟團隊製作這麼棒的影片! 我去年於冰島時巧遇也正在窮遊的Gigi,並有幸跟她成為環冰島公路旅行20天的旅伴;看到Gigi勇敢地繼續在非洲的冒險旅程,替她感動又驕傲! 發現有些網友質疑她是不是家境很好、相機很貴、賣書斂財..等酸言酸語,想替她說句話: 「如果你親眼見過Gigi本人,就會知道她是真的勇敢、聰明、真誠,又對這世界所有人都充滿熱情與善良!」 我跟她在旅行時為了省錢,很常是整天只吃一點餅乾麵包,晚上不是睡背包客棧,就是直接睡車裡;她只用清水洗澡;她的相機從她當劇照師的工作機,到陪她上山下海、周遊列國,價值早已被她用的淋漓盡致,根本超級划算。 Gigi對待每個遇到的陌生人總是充滿笑容,以開朗樂觀面對這個世界;這樣一個心胸寬闊、勇敢追夢的年輕女孩,希望這世界也能以良善相待她。 May the world be kind to Gigi, since she's literally an living angel on this planet. : )
在肯亞 小孩子因為讀書不好被安排去放牛 一塊橡皮擦都需要多人共用 連自己都不喜歡的深色皮膚 Gigi的肯亞故事觸動我很多 所以我和Wesley決定開拍這個系列 希望也能分享給你們 我們會每兩天發一集 In Kenya, many young kids have no option but to give up on their studies. They have limited resources while also battling with self doubt. We decided to produce this series because Gigi’s story touched mine and Wesley’s heart. Hope you guys enjoy this series :)
@aertybhujm1 Жыл бұрын
Barely no media here in Taiwan covers the story of this speical Taiwanese woman. I will definitely share this video with my students. Big thanks to Mr.Pit.
Her story touches me so much. She is excellent, kind and brave! Proud of her
@qbutterfly987 Жыл бұрын
@TangoLima1 Жыл бұрын
This young woman is incredible. Intelligent, beautiful, brave and full of grace. Any man would be extremely fortunate to marry her. She will touch the lives of many along her journey. May she be safe and return safely to her family
直接看到哭 gigi you are a strong ,brave woman that i have never seen. thanks for doing somethimg good for the world. im pound of you!!! 希望之後能看到更多你的故事 真的超級有意義!!!
@oliverng4521 Жыл бұрын
It brings tears to my eyes when Gigi said she bought every child a unique eraser with their names written on it. I'm proud of her, so grateful to see all these things happening.❤
I couldn't stop my tears when i was watching this video. Gigi is such a brave, angelic and great person! May God bless her for amazing, safe and smooth journeys! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Gigi, I really admire your courage to fulfill your dreams even travelling to dangerous places for solo women travelers. You have such beautiful pure simple heart. May God keep you safe. Torres maybe you should hire Gigi as she fits your company philosophy, always exploring 😅 All the best guys and thank you so much for sharing so many beautiful videos of the reality world outside!