Why Did Ladies Ride Side Saddle In The Regency?

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Elizabeth Henderson

Elizabeth Henderson

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In this video, we'll explore the history of ladies riding side saddle in the Regency period. We'll discuss the reasons why ladies rode side saddle, as well as the implications it had on their riding and fashion.
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#regencyera #regencyromance #sidesaddle

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@margaretcarter5804 11 ай бұрын
Hello-I was a founding member of the side-saddle group Hoosier Ladies Aside and am also an historical costumer. I ride side-saddle regularly and find it well suited to dressage. A well trained horse is cued primarily by subtle shifts in the riders seat position no matter whether they are riding English or Western, aside or astride. The lack of having a leg on the right side is compensated for by carrying a dressage whip on that side. It has been my experience that many horses seem to prefer being ridden sidesaddle as opposed to astride and it is also a more secure seat. I own both modern and antique side-saddles and would not want to jump in anything but a modern side-saddle as they have the double pommels and a balance strap to help keep the saddle from slipping to the side. Unfortunately both of these innovations date from the latter part of the 1830’s so would not have been in use during the Regency. However that doesn’t seem to have stopped a lot of determined women through history from doing it anyhow so hurrah to our brave female ancestors. Please do continue to include side-saddle scenes in your books as it is certainly historically correct and such an elegant way to ride. Sincerely, Margaret L. Carter. P. S. I am a retired librarian and can recall seeing at least one of your tiles at the library where I worked!
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, Margaret! I grew up riding, in dressage, English, and Western saddles, but never had an opportunity to give sidesaddle a try. The book I am working on now will definitely involve some of this research. Thanks so much for the helpful additional details!
@cathynewyork7918 11 ай бұрын
It is so silly to say a horse prefers a sidesaddle rider. I have ridden horses most of my life, from age 8 to 71. A horse prefers a well-balanced rider, and a sidesaddle rider overburdens a horse and throws its balance way off to one side, making turns and just general forward going more difficult. NO horse prefers sidesaddle riding.
@cathynewyork7918 11 ай бұрын
No one has just as good control of the horse when riding side saddle. Proper turning of a horse requires pressure of the leg to push the horse around the turn and encourage the horse to turn his hindquarters in the proper circle - in side saddle you only have one leg so half your turns will be crooked and not in the proper curve of the horse's body around the curve.
@user-fe7mg5ot9z 10 ай бұрын
@@cathynewyork7918 Never heard this preference thing, but I went to a side saddle clinic once. I was unable to bring my own horse, so used a school horse. I was the only person using this horse who could get it to canter on either lead. Sitting completely square in the saddle, and understanding how to maintain a central balance is key. Many people are simply not flexible enough to maintain sitting completely square with the horse. A properly balanced saddle is also key. I might add that many riders riding astride also put more weight on one side, which will also throw a horse off balance.
@cathynewyork7918 10 ай бұрын
@@user-fe7mg5ot9z Even the very best side saddle rider will never be able to balance as evenly as an astride rider, and it does load the horse unevenly.
@cathryncampbell8555 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, Elizabeth, for an interesting video. Both Marie Antoinette and Catherine the Great had saddles created for them which allowed them to ride sidesaddle when among courtiers, but which allowed them to adapt the saddle for riding astride when alone. Both women were trapped in unhappy marriages, and both coped with their frustrations by riding for hours each day.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
That’s so interesting! Thank you for sharing 🤗
@Franny95639 9 ай бұрын
My grandmother (1880 - 1965) was a cracking rider both side saddle & astride, also a good hand on a long rein. No surprises there as her father bred "Walers" or horses for the Australian Army in the Snowy Mountains, in southern N.S.W. There wasn't much grandma couldn't do with a horse. Her riding days were well over by the time I turned up, but sometimes we'd go over to the stables & fossick around, eventually ending up in front of her side saddle & her reminiscing about her days of flying over the ground on one of the horses, racing her brothers & sisters or my grandfather. She had no particular reason to use the side saddle, she just did because it was comfortable & gave her good communication with the horse.
@KenGrimm1949 Жыл бұрын
Years ago, in rural Chester County, Pennsylvania, my next door neighbor, Mrs. Streeter, was a leader in the local fox hunt, and was also at that time the richest woman in America (she was the sole heir of the Lowell fortune, as in "Here's to good old Boston..."). She frequently rode across our ("Ker Fael", The Barnes Foundation estate), and she always rode sidesaddle. She was well known to be able to jump the highest fences and hedges in this manner.
@elizabethhendersonbooks Жыл бұрын
I wish I could have seen her in action! Thank you for sharing!!
@justdeepblue 10 ай бұрын
HI I've been to the Barnes Foundation in Chester County (years ago), a school trip from PAFA in Philly. I've seen photos of side-saddle jumping and also a woman riding a beautiful gaited horse. I'd love to try it.Their was a group here in Oregon but I can't find it anywhere. Anyway, Thanks
@beabarber4300 8 ай бұрын
I've been riding horses all my life (since age about 4), in a variety of styles. Now early 60s. Even spent time as a professional 3 day eventer and show jumper in my teens which were many moons ago. I quite like riding in a modern 'leaping head' side-saddle. It is my preference for riding a horse that is known to buck, as it is almost impossible for one to become detached from the saddle/seat and thrown off. Also, I've found that sensitive horses like the side saddle too - perhaps because more trust between rider and horse is required. The real danger in a side saddle is if the horse falls over or slips - again as it is almost impossible to get out of the saddle quickly in an emergency even if you want to. So one runs a real risk of getting crushed by the body of the horse in such situations. The older style, without the leaping head (pommel) is much easier to get out of in an emergency. I've used both as appropriate. As with any quality horsemanship, the real determinate of comfort and safety is the trust between horse and rider. I found I didn't need to carry a whip to replace the offside leg, as a forward moving horse responds very quickly if you point both knees in the direction of travel. Impulsion is easily obtained with the leg that's on the horse. As one sits further back on the horse's spine in a side-saddle, the extra length of rein is also useful for leverage if a horse is ignoring your requests for their attention. And I have found it easier to teach a horse to shift their weight further back onto their hindquarters and achieve a light forehand when using a side-saddle. I must admit that most of my horses have been cheap OTTBs, where they are deeply invested in going forwards at any cost, and this is a personality trait that I really like in a horse. I never bothered with skirts - regular riding breeches were fine so I didn't use a safeguard (skirt) except in very cold weather or for fancying about at competitions etc. And I did enjoy being the only person in a fox hunt with warm knees.
@flonzaley6092 10 ай бұрын
Thank you. Side-saddle riding went on long after the Regency period, into the early twentieth century, and was very harmful to health by the danger of spinal deformation, quite apart from its painfulness.
@gwynneeldridge374 9 ай бұрын
I was an International Side Saddle Organization instructor- judge and had four different side saddles. Really enjoyed side saddle riding.
@suzismith9681 11 ай бұрын
I have always wanted to ride side saddle from as long as I can remember. I've been a lover of horses , along with my dads family. Although never fortunate enough to own one. Our local agriculture and pastorial group had a horse day. All carriages and coaches came out along with every horse. So along I went with a hope that this time , surely someone would have a horse to ride. Yes they did and a side saddle too! The lady saw it at the back of the shed threw it on the float more for decoration than anything else. But I had my ride and was smitten. What an awesome day! Thats where the story ends, unfortunately. I've wanted to make a riding outfit ever since. , its on the to do list. 😊
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
That’s a lovely story and it sounds like an amazing day. I’m so glad you chose to share your comment!! 😊
@alphaharper8083 10 ай бұрын
I had an amazing horse and a western side saddle it was really fun and comfortable protecting hip and back problems
@leelastarsky 9 ай бұрын
Always wanted a horse, but it never happened. Always adored the 'look' of riding sidesaddle, and always wanted to try it, and I did manage to get a couple of lessons! It was awesome! I've heard several stories of men coming home from War minus part of a leg, and being able to ride sidesaddle despite it!
@christopherstube9473 9 ай бұрын
Ms. Henderson, thank you for the presentation and for the interesting discussion. I resolve to look up your works and read them.
@billbasler182 11 ай бұрын
In the early 1920s my father had polio in his legs. When he was able to go back to school his only transportation was by horse. He wasn't able to straddle the horse so he used a side salad. He said he didn't find it to be uncomfortable and he had just as good of control of the horse as straddling the horse.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
That’s so interesting! I love all the ways that people have found side saddles useful. Thanks so much for your comment 👍
@cathynewyork7918 11 ай бұрын
Your father rode "side salad"? What kind of salad dressing did he use? LOL.
@cathynewyork7918 11 ай бұрын
No one has just as good control of the horse. Proper turning of a horse requires pressure of the leg to push the horse around the turn and encourage the horse to turn his hindquarters in the proper circle - in side saddle you only have one leg so half your turns will be crooked and not in the proper curve of the horse's body around the curve.
@juliaforsyth8332 11 ай бұрын
@@cathynewyork7918 High School versus ordinary everyday sort of riding?
@cathynewyork7918 11 ай бұрын
@@juliaforsyth8332 Legs on both sides of the horse will give the greatest control over how the horse turns and moves his body.
@naly202 11 ай бұрын
I wish you best of luck with your channel. Very interesting info. Deserves more subscribers!
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
You are so sweet! Thank you - I’m so glad you like it 🤗
@HughLlewellyn 9 ай бұрын
So I tried riding side saddle to see how it felt when I was a teenager. I didn't have an actual side saddle but I used an English saddle with the right stirrup run up in the leathers so it didn't dangle. I hooked my right knee over the pommel, and used a riding crop to touch my horse's right side in lieu of my leg. It actually felt fairly secure, and I can see how riding that way would work if you had the pommel hooks for your legs to secure you. Not that I'd have considered trying to jump. A good spook would have probably landed me on my butt in the dirt. But still. It was an interesting experiment.
@christopherstube9473 11 ай бұрын
The regency period was very formal in many aspects and it is as you say. I was a saddle maker in western saddles, and my observations of the sidesaddle is that it allowed a good seat for a small lady or a child who could not span the horse's barrel and hold with the knees against the pommel. On the side saddle the right leg is secured by the upper horn and the locking stirrup puts the left knee right up under the adjustable horn which means that you can lock yourself in your position by holding your legs together and the cantle provides support for your seat from behind. There is often a place to secure things on the offside of the saddle like a saddle blanket or parfleche. But i would say that a sidesaddle is a secure way for people small of stature to remain on the horse and be in control and even go hunting or on cattle drives and hold their own with larger people. It is even possible to post effectively in a sidesaddle because the knees support the movement.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
A very interesting comment. Thank you!!
@sandrawash8875 10 ай бұрын
I often ride aside and your comments are correct. Thank you for this. Aside can be very comfortable and safe. A lot of it depends on the addition of the leaping horn on the sidesaddle, which I am very happy was invented in 1830.
@christopherstube9473 10 ай бұрын
@@elizabethhendersonbooks en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidesaddle#/media/File:STACE-Esther_M.jpg
@Buckoux 10 ай бұрын
I agree that the use of the sidesaddle is most useful for small persons to ride the average horse of 14+ hands. My wife is of diminutive stature who rides both English, Western and sidesaddle and agrees with your reasoning. Ms Henderson may have over thought the answer to what may be a simple question. Cheers.
@InaMacallan 9 ай бұрын
I have seen a sidesaddle display team on heavy horses (Clydesdales) which is easier for a small rider than astride. There is (or was, pre COVID) a regular steeplechase for sidesaddle ladies - the Diana's of the Chase. Sidesaddle is safer (unless the horse rears over backwards), but uses different muscles, especially where the right leg has to grip forwards, but the riders weight must remain central (exactly as if riding astride).
@patytrico 11 ай бұрын
Thank you! Lots of thing I didn't knew! :)
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
You are so welcome! Thanks for stopping by :)
@daphnewilson7966 10 ай бұрын
Good primer on this peculiarity of history. Georgette Heyer's "Royal Escape" portrays the lady mounted behind the (counterfeit) servant, pre-Regency. I don't remember the circumstances when I got set up in a side-saddle, but it felt surprisingly secure. (I was already an experienced rider.) What is really interesting is the perseverance of the taboos constraining females that kept the sidesaddle as a standard of propriety until more=or=less just yesterday. I have seen photos of tourist excursions to Yosemite well past 1900 with the ladies in side-saddles. I keep reminding folks that females were not considered human enough to vote until 1920! Maybe that's when the side-saddle finally faded away....
@elizabethhendersonbooks 9 ай бұрын
Excellent points -- thanks!
@susannah1066 9 ай бұрын
I remember watching the late Queen riding side saddle-when some guy fired a gun-she kept the horse under control-might be on you-tube.
@nancydelu4061 10 ай бұрын
Great granny Gaspar rode side saddle in a pinch. Hawai'i, so mostly wagons for women.
@erinmuetz8771 10 ай бұрын
Interesting info. I've always ridden astride. No interest in sidesaddle. Looks interesting
@elizabethhendersonbooks 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for stopping by and watching!
@EmeraldAngelEyes 11 ай бұрын
A very informative and well presented video. Will be checking out your other videos and your books. If anyone wants to see a Regency-style riding habit or someone riding side-saddle in period appropriate clothing they should check out the priorattire channel. The creator, Izabela, sews historical costumes of many eras, and has several videos of women riding side saddle
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your comment! I took a peek and can tell this is definitely going to lead me down a rabbit hole in a very good way. The channel mentioned is @priorattire if you're interested :)
@0Shanna 10 ай бұрын
You know, THANK YOU, and YES! I'm a guy btw but have a genetic disorder that makes holding one position for a while not just painful but *actually deforms* my body and (can) do that PERMANENTLY with just a few hours in total of exposure. In they didn't know what it was, just that it ran in the family and we have to deal with it on a case-by-case basis because one could have it in varying severity (it's probably EDS-which medicine STILL isn't sure about!-or at least a nonnnective tissue disorder.) I have it pretty badly so I wasn't allowed to ride until I stopped growing (which was nonsense *in my case*, but children & teens have to listen to adults "knowing better") until I was 16. Sorry for this tangent, the short version is: One can ride in ALL KINDS OF MANNERS on a horse if there is enough trust between the horse and rider (even when you aren't it's owner and it's not been specially trained, as long as the horse doesn't spook and you do neither). I was actually the only one that was affected in the family (BIG family) that was active at all, so there was no precursor for a young man with my "affliction" riding horseback and thus no knowledge on how to do it. Besides having had basic NORMAL riding taught I had to figure out everything else by myself, including how not to cripple my hips and legs during (and after!) riding. The key answer? POSITION CHANGE. I've ridden horses laying down on them forwards with my legs hitched up and crossed behind the LOW saddle and stirrups hitched up in front (You know? A horse tends to trust you less if you hurt them-like letting (metal) things dangle that strike and eventually hurt/bruise their legs, go figure!) And (sometimes leaning/ laying backwards) while CROSSING ONE LEG in front of me (or both, but that isn't safe in the slightest as one can't sit up and take over in a heartbeat, nor hitch up the stirrups) so I'd have one leg dangling to the side and one in front of me, facing forward. Or dangling to the same side if the saddle had a pommel I'd hook my knee around. WHICH COULD BE CALLED RIDING SIDEWAYS. That's why I'm thanking you, because when people were talking about sidesaddle riding I just couldn't ever even imagine how that Could work, so I was dismissive of it. Yet turns out I've been doing it myself with a normal saddle without problems. (Though I won't ever try jumping sideways even if it were possible in this day and age (like, if there were even a horse and saddle that could, I wouldn't fit the saddle as I'm Tall (Marfan syndrome like) and even then I don't think I dare because of my spine. So this tangent and thanks is for educating a man, teaching him something about the world and about himself. I'm very philosophical (hence the tangents probably, as after COVID I haven't been mentally clear enough to summarize my thoughts any more than this. It's a mess upstairs. Excuse me.) PS. I had to face forward: of course "chairs" were the first things that were tried but not having my back aligned with the force working on it (like a horse's gait or even in cars!) prevents *my* back from absorbing shock properly and is damaging. Thus, had to improvise. Cheers, Cearon
@christopherstube9473 9 ай бұрын
So you conspired with the horse to have fun anyways.
@k2r5j 11 ай бұрын
English Heritage has a great video of : how ti ride side saddle like a victorian Lady, maybe they have something also regarding Regency period!
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
I’d love to see one - the saddles did change from one period to the next! Thanks for your comment 👍
@lindafarnes486 10 ай бұрын
Ueen Elizabeth the first rode astride, or how we do these days. They have one if her saddles at Warwick castle in England. But Queen Elizabeth Ii rode side saddle. I have to say, it kind of looks more lady like. However that may be due to the difference in attire.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for that! I'd love to see those saddles in the castle!
@ing-mariekoppel1637 10 ай бұрын
Before I see the video : guessing their skirts were so slim so they could not spread their legs over a horse back. Now I will watch the video. This is intriguing !
@elizabethhendersonbooks 10 ай бұрын
I hope you enjoyed it :)
@sharonroberts3397 9 ай бұрын
@sweetkitty7675 10 ай бұрын
I would love to try to ride side-saddle.
@mm-yt8sf 10 ай бұрын
wow so over all of human riding history (i guess...thousands of years?) the idea of women riding side saddle out of modesty is a relatively recent thing? or did women just not ride at all in the distant past i "rode" a horse only once...and that was one of those touristy things where you sat on a horse with a bunch of others and they all followed each other in a line. sitting on a horse looks so simple in movies, but i was surprised just having my feet a foot or two off the ground was terrifying. i felt like it would be natural to slide off to either side and spent most of the time hugging the horses neck..which i'm sure was great fun for the horse 😛 i thought it was cute that when i said anything its ears would twitch around like it was listening to me. 😀
@elizabethhendersonbooks 10 ай бұрын
I'm glad you had a horse who took good care of you! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience :)
@francesmaurer185 10 ай бұрын
imho: It depends on the style and structure of the side saddle. Proper comfort riding "habits" clothing . 💖🐎💗🏇💖🏇💗🏇
@angelhelp 11 ай бұрын
I can’t keep my rear end atop a horse no matter what, and with my short legs, trust me, it’s a hopeless task. I knew about the idea of preserving the hymen intact.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
Ha! My own short legs make it a challenge, too. Thanks for stopping by! 😉
@gottathinkupanewone 9 ай бұрын
Madame, please! Ladies do not bifurcate! Nor do they do anything as scandalous as endanger their tender modesty -- or their tender maidenhood -- by riding astride. Yeah, all that tender modesty, and women needed a lot more skill and strength to ride sidesaddle than to just sit on a horse with a leg on each side.
@938quilt 9 ай бұрын
I guess I would've learned back then but I have trouble just sitting on a horse at a dude rance LOL! let alone balance with nothing to hold onto
@timihobbs1992 11 ай бұрын
I grew up in the 1950's I thank my lucky stars I could wear pants. I liked taking my school dress off and wearing something that would be ok to go out and sit on the forest floor. Later on my parents joined a country club and I was presented to society in a white dress.
@hiddenshadow2105 11 ай бұрын
Pants are amazing and I am happy I can wear them without being condemned.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
Yes, I'm with you on this one. I'm definitely a pants person :)
@elizabethlovell9997 9 ай бұрын
I have to ask, ‘the regency’ what? The word ‘regency’ is an adjective in this context. ‘Regency’ as a noun is used as the word for the period of time when a country is ruled by a regent. A regent rules when the heir or heiress to a throne is underage, or if the monarch is unwell/unfit to rule.
@queenlioness7056 9 ай бұрын
I cannot ride horses. The couple of times when I did, I barely stayed on the horse even riding astride. I would have definitely fallen off of the horse if I had to ride side saddle. But I guess if you had to because it was the times, then you did it no matter what discomfort or difficulty you face. I am assuming you'd get adequate training before hand.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing -- I'm glad you didn't fall off :)
@NegativeReferral Ай бұрын
How does riding side saddle not give you or your horse scoliosis? It only solves a logistical issue that can easily be solved with a pair of jeans.
@BeansPredi-ch6xk 19 күн бұрын
But if the little girls rode with legs on two sides then how is this about hymen?
@jeannovacco5136 10 ай бұрын
I don't even like doing the side stroke when swimming or doing the kind of crawl where you only breathe on one side of your body. Maybe it's an aesthetic issue of equilibrium but I've heard that the synapses fire differently when swimming favoring one side or the other. I'm impressed by the explanation of the person commenting school is part of some sidesaddle equestrian group in the US. English saddle and then got switched to a saddle which confused me. I tried to play tennis with a particular grip and then was advised to change the grip and I lost my backhand. Today I don't participate in sports and am happy to not have to conform to elitist forms or dress up to get exercise. I don't even like learning about how you're supposed to hold a leash side to stand from your dog, even though this is utilitarian. I've contemplated learning because I enjoy hitting balls with sticks, all of the training seems to be about contorting one's body into a particular favorable and specialized position. Bowling reminds me of factory work. There's probably something wrong with my thinking or discipline or both...but the idea of riding a horse bareback doesn't attract me either. I did like learning that if you're having trouble getting along with a horse who had been living in one of my fields by breathing on the animal's nose through one's nostrils is helpful ... And not easy but rather rewarding. I met some people who had Polo ponies and they confirmed this technique of getting to know these kinds of animals, which is kind of like imitating their mannerisms. But I did not watch this video out of reverse snobbery; for movies or TV dramas that runs from chapter to chapter, I prefer to watch costume dramas with lots of dialogue where the action on the screen is slow, but the part moves along quickly as the characters speak -- as opposed to action movies where action on the screen is fast but doesn't advance the plot and the dialogue is thin. This video made me think about things I had forgotten, and I learned something from watching & reading other comments so thank you.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 10 ай бұрын
I'm glad you liked it -- and have also learned so much from the many people who took time to comment. Thank you for commenting!
@cherylkurucz8852 11 ай бұрын
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
All those hearts made my day 🥰
@cherylkurucz8852 11 ай бұрын
@@elizabethhendersonbooks 😁 i’m glad🤗
@quackslikeaduck 10 ай бұрын
"Medici" is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable: "MEH-da-chee"
@nergregga 8 ай бұрын
I have always thought it was weird that it wasn't people with penises that rode side saddle because they have parts that can get chafed from riding astride.
@ccsullivan9164 10 ай бұрын
And we also dance backwards!
@ing-mariekoppel1637 10 ай бұрын
Was it only in the Regency era?
@elizabethhendersonbooks 10 ай бұрын
Not just a Regency era practice -- and side saddles can be found in other cultures, too. I'm glad you stopped by!
@lesmohr6289 10 ай бұрын
Did you know the undergarms were di Florent from today's they had no croch
@doonewatts7155 10 ай бұрын
Another reason, so I have heard, that aristocratic ladies rode side saddle was because people usually men thought it would be too pleasurable for them to ride astride. Poorer women would have little to no access to a horse of their own
@elizabethhendersonbooks 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Yes, poorer women would not have had any of the advantages in horses, saddles, or attire!
@Horsefaire 9 ай бұрын
I was a Riding Instructor over 40 years specializing in biomechanics and sidesaddle Poor women rode the family horse astride if an errand was needed The wealthy women with disposable income could be “seen” in park or hunt field . Please don’t perpetuate the myth that they were oppressed, helpless babies
@donnaloconteribot9992 10 ай бұрын
So, basically, "doing it backwards and in high heels."
@ing-mariekoppel1637 10 ай бұрын
Were the Reg era in fact more prudice than the Victorian era? When did the prudishness begin? 18th century being on the contrary more frivolous.
@cynthiahogue5762 11 ай бұрын
I think that it would be very uncomfortable. And dangerous!
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
Personally, I think I'd hate having to ride side saddle and can't imagine that combined with all that restrictive clothing. Thanks for your comment!
@sandrawash8875 10 ай бұрын
elizabethhendersonbooks, Wrong, not dangerous especially since the invention of the leaping horse. I often ride aside and I also JUMP my horse aside. If you ride aside properly, you are very secure and safe riding aside.
@cynthiajohnston424 10 ай бұрын
" If the world were a logical place , men would ride sidesaddle . " Rita Mae Brown ( equestrian & author )
@elizabethhendersonbooks 10 ай бұрын
Love this quote. Thank you!
@daphnewilson7966 10 ай бұрын
Oh that's great. Thankyou! I just wrote down her name, because there must be (pungent) more! Like, "logical...." women would have been able to vote before 1920! Women would have been able to get a credit card on their own before 1980! Women would be able to access pre-natal care before.... oh, maybe someday.....
@cynthiajohnston424 10 ай бұрын
@@daphnewilson7966 I believe women in England could vote before women in the US . I'm a baby boomer - as a single woman was able to get a " MasterCharge " card about 1973 ; got a bank loan , against my savings account , to buy a horse in 1975 ( paid back in a couple months ) . However , to buy a horse trailer thru another bank , my father had to co-sign my loan ! Go figure ... Anywho ... RMB is an interesting author , very diverse subjects ; I prefer her books which feature a woman master of foxhounds who is an amateur sleuth . 🐎🤎
@ninecatsmagee8384 11 ай бұрын
In British English idiom "pants" are underwear. It literally means "underpants." So more proper to say that women weren't permitted to wear trousers. Trousers are outwear for both women and men. Also -- breeches for the male vintage wardrobe -- or jodphurs for riding and either sex up to the present day.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this! I appreciate your clarifications which are so helpful 👍
@cathynewyork7918 11 ай бұрын
You are confused. Riding breeches are made for BOTH men and women riders. I know, I have plenty here in my home. Breeches go to mid-calf and are worn with long socks and knee-high riding boots. Jodhpurs were developed in the heat of India back when the British had stolen and occupied India - they are full-length riding pants down to the ankle and are worn with ankle-high riding boots instead of knee-high riding boots. You will rarely see jodhpurs in modern American horse shows, except for young children who would quickly outgrow expensive knee-high riding boots.
@cathynewyork7918 11 ай бұрын
@@elizabethhendersonbooks Her clarifications are wrong.
@WakandaBabe 11 ай бұрын
I guessed the second reason, about virginity. I do wonder if that is the reason behind male and female bicycles here in the USA? At least, that has always been my thought. Male bikes have a bar in front. Female bikes do not.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
I have always wondered that -- it makes no sense to me, either!!
@sandrawash8875 10 ай бұрын
The reason for girls bikes not having the top bar is that their skirts would get caught up in the bar anking the bike more dangerous.
@WakandaBabe 10 ай бұрын
@@sandrawash8875 Thanks
@emerveille_ 10 ай бұрын
It sounds very straining for the human body, potentially causing or aggravating hip, back, and muscle imbalance issues
@thaliawolfsbanemoon6858 11 ай бұрын
Ah, the hymen. History's most ridiculously misunderstood piece of anatomy second to the train-ride--evacuating-wombs. XD Not a romance person, but I appreciate the history :)
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for leaving a comment that made me smile :)
@nancywysemen7196 10 ай бұрын
thank-you. not always good to realize how messed up people are about proper baloney but facts are freedom.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment!
@annanardo2358 8 ай бұрын
Irrational society rules. I don't think much of a lady that would ride side saddle for the sake of looks and appearance. Riding side saddle is dangerous and unnatural.😖😜
@thewol7534 10 ай бұрын
The Patriarchy keeps putting up barriers and we keep excelling despite them. Ginger did everything Fred did, only she did it backwards and in high heels.
@sandrawash8875 10 ай бұрын
@kayallen7603 11 ай бұрын
Fashion?!?! Ah! Oppression and Caste as well as Medical Ignorance. No, I wouldn't ride side-saddle.
@elizabethhendersonbooks 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching and commenting :)
@sandrawash8875 10 ай бұрын
@kayallen7603, Don't knock it unless you have tried it. I ride both aside and astride and love both.
@musicgodess80s 7 ай бұрын
I was patiently waiting for the Patriarchy to be the reason....of course
@eilenekellogg-ki2br 10 ай бұрын
Because they thought women might be imodiest.
@californiadreaming567 11 ай бұрын
Sounds awful
@elizabethhendersonbooks 10 ай бұрын
Yes. Much of Regency era life sounds awful, to be perfectly honest!
@sandrawash8875 10 ай бұрын
@californiadreaming567, Don't knock it unless you have tried it. I ride both aside and astride and love both.
@susanfarley1332 9 ай бұрын
Sounds like a suicidal way to ride a horse.
@gaylecheung3087 10 ай бұрын
Because men do not want to ride like them
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