The new items and removal of mythics and the meta is so nice for panth support, i just learned to play eclipse into cleaver into sundered sky, and u can match most top laners and mids, if only people stopped going lethality, it night actually catch on, he has everything a support needs, range poke, an execute q, stun, shield/defensice slow and ms , and a basically global ult, the umbral glaive rush is such a sad thing to see happen on an insane bruiser support Im 100% wr rn going after not playing since s12, and im just bulding him like a top laner but doing vision and roams. He doesnt even have really bad matchups either, outside of maybe double ad bot
@WildPalooza5 ай бұрын
Seraks gage and shojin are great situational items as well for support panth. Basically utility > lethality for late game
@silencegaming32275 ай бұрын
@WildPalooza exactly, having a marginally better vision clear, is no where near as worth as having a bruiser engage with armor shred and a stun