Why don’t Germans follow this one rule? | American in Germany

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Lauren Angela EN

Lauren Angela EN

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@LucaSitan Ай бұрын
Around where I live, my dog is never on a leash, unless we encounter a dog we don't know (which is very rare in the countryside). He is leashed in town or any new places though. I think German dogs are just generally well trained so it's fine. You know how German Kids have much more freedom compared to American kids? Well, our dogs are like our kids too, we like them to feel free and happy.
@ChrisTian-rm7zm Ай бұрын
Hundehalter: "Der will nur spielen!" Also Hundehalter: "Das hat er noch nie gemacht!"
@ukraus Ай бұрын
"Was speilet er denn?" - "Weißer Hai!"
@wito609 Ай бұрын
Hello Lauren, may I remind you of the rule that super likeable American KZbinrs who lived in Germany for 11 years and in Malaysia for 5 years and are now back in Bavaria should use a "Pfannenwender" as a micro holder? 😂😂😂 Kind regards Thomas
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok that is very cute. Also on the English Channel?!
@wito609 Ай бұрын
@@Laurenangela_english yes, sometimes I also watch your English channel. Because you not only speak German very well for an American, but also English very clearly (in particular for an American). So, I can train my listening comprehension of the English language very well here.
@rairei Ай бұрын
I support the request for the Pfannenwender LOL ... this way it looks better than always holding the micro directly with fingers
@flamedealership Ай бұрын
🤡🥰Even Shakespeare let Richard III 's last words be "a spatula, a spatula, my kinhdom for a spatula"🤣🤡 GIBL65
@kochenundbacken70 Ай бұрын
@Jens1204-e5d Ай бұрын
Warum habe ich mit meinem Schul-Englisch plötzlich 75-80% verstanden??? Du sprichst so schön langsam und klar!!! Daran muß es wohl liegen. Zum Thema Hunde: Bin viel mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs und habe immer ein mulmiges Gefühl, wenn mir auf kleineren Wegen Leute mit größeren, unangeleinten Hunden entgegenkommen. Aber in Deutschland tun die allermeisten Hunde nichts, sie wollen nur spielen😅😅
@b.k.3313 Ай бұрын
Was ich als Radfahrer auch ganz unangenehm finde, sind die kleinen Hunde and den Flexileinen, diese sieht man so schlecht und oft erst im letzten Moment, ob der zwischen Hund und Besitzer noch eine Leine ist (wenn beide weiter auseinander sind )
@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 Ай бұрын
Das Problem ist, dass man nicht genau weiß, was ein Hund als Spiel betrachtet...
@Quodlibet100 16 күн бұрын
Es gibt viele Menschen, die das Verhalten eines Hundes nicht einschätzen können. Kommt er freudig und schwanzwedelnd oder kommt er aggressiv mit gefletschten Zähnen? Sie können das nicht unterscheiden. Und diesen Menschen gegenüber ist es unhöflich zu rufen "Der tut nichts". Deshalb rufen wir unseren Hund "bei Fuß!" sobald andere Spaziergänger sich nähern. Grundsätzlich. Obwohl es nicht nötig wäre. Unser Terrier ist jetzt 14 Jahre als und hat noch nie Jemanden gebissen.
@ArchibaldHein Ай бұрын
Let's try an answer. Dogs have a special role in Germany. They are not people, but they are sometimes closer to us than many other people. We love them it's not always intelligent, but it's your feeling and it's okay with it. Corona brought in a lot of new dog owners who would have been better off getting a stuffed animal. Normally you don't let your dog into a children's playground. Only idiots do that. Even on a leash, I take the shortest route through a playground with my dog. He always wears a leash in the city. But it's allowed in the city park and my dog ​​is allowed to be a little free. I can retrieve him otherwise he would never run free. Unfortunately, we have people who have bought dogs very carelessly and have little knowledge about these animals. That also leads to problems. On the other hand, many older Germans are used to dogs running freely. And in the city park you have to endure that if you want to go there. Just as dog owners have to live with the fact that there are many other people who have completely different needs. Whether joggers, children, old people, there has to be space for everyone and everyone should show a little consideration. Then it will work and parents shouldn't be so afraid. Most dogs are nicer than many people. The problems are allways at the higher end of the laash .. sorry for bad english .. 😀
@MrThomashorst Ай бұрын
Try to adhere precisely to the speed limit and you will see how upset germans can be when someone is following the rules😂
@Glotzboje Ай бұрын
THIS (!) literally gives me heart attacks!! I HATE snails 🐌 on four wheels!
@eberhardjiritschka3151 Ай бұрын
once an unleashed dog was getting in my way when I was biking here in Köln (Cologne). I made a loud hissing noise like a snake which has proven to be effective to rise a dog's attention. The dog literally jumped in surprise showing the effectiveness of my method. But I did not expect the dog owner's reaction who yelled at me: "DON'T SCARE MY DOG" That's how it works here ;)
@_Yannex Ай бұрын
Do this together with the typical snake hand movement and.. run😄
@kilsestoffel3690 Ай бұрын
I live in Germany, nobody ever yelled at me for crossing a road. But, I am German, I have never jaywalked ... Of course I did, more than once. But never in front of children. Never with a grumpy elderly person around. Never in front of cops.
@gigi2091 Ай бұрын
I can confirm that
@wora1111 Ай бұрын
Many German rules are actually strong suggestions on how to behave and have to be taught to children. Once you are old enough to fully understand the consequences of ignoring the rule (like being a bad example) and consider the situation safe, we sometimes willingly ignore them. And accept the consequences.
@monikap.3785 Ай бұрын
Hallo Lauren, ich glaube Du hast da schon ein wenig überreagiert. Aber ich habe natürlich Verständnis ,wegen der Kinder. Ich hatte auch immer Hunde (auch jetzt) und der ist auch nie an der Leine, außer in der Stadt. ABER meine Hunde sind sehr gut erzogen. Außerdem wohne ich in einem kleineren Ort in Österreich und wir haben nicht überall Leinenpflicht und das ist gut so. Für mich ist ein Hund der immer an der Leine gehen muss ein sehr armer Hund. Aber natürlich wenn jemand zu mir sagt er hat Angst , nehme ich ihn selbstverständlich an die Leine. Alles Liebe und sei nicht zu streng mit uns Hundebesitzer. Ps noch eine kleine Geschichte. Mein Hund liebt Kinder über alles. Wenn wir eine Schulklaasse treffen dann muss er mitten hinein und so viele Streicheleinheiten abholen wie es nur geht. Lehrerin muss natürlich einverstanden sein.
@SK-2503 Ай бұрын
Mein Hund mag Kinder grundsätzlich auch - zumindest Kinder über einem gewissen Alter, die imstande sind vernünftig zu agieren und ihr nicht in die Augen greifen wollen etc. Aber sie würde niemals von sich aus mitten in eine Schulklasse hineinlaufen - und auch auf Aufforderung nur sehr zögerlich. Sie ist zurückhaltend und vorsichtig - und erwartet diesen Umgang auch von anderen - ist halt auch schon 14 Jahre alt. Aber auch als sie noch jünger war hat sie das nicht getan und ich hätte es auch sofort unterbunden. Es ist klar, dass nicht jeder engen Kontakt mit Hunden haben will, darf auch so sein. Aber "Leben und Leben lassen" (auch Hunde) ist einfach wichtig!!!!
@SK-2503 Ай бұрын
P.S. Die meisten Menschen finden Susi absolut süss - und wir müssen uns ständig gegen Übergriffigkeiten wehren. Ich habe allerdings auch schon hysterische Volltussis erlebt, die wenn sie sahen dass der 6 1/2 kg bonsai Wolf ohne Maulkorb frei läuft, laut aufschrieen und ihre friedlich in 10 metern Entfernung spielenden Kinder zu sich her und von uns weg rissen und laut schimpfend "die Flucht ergriffen" - absolut ohne Grund und Anlass. Und dafür habe ich kein Verständis
@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 Ай бұрын
I don't want to generalize, but... I have noticed that smaller dogs are often more aggressive than larger ones. By the way, wouldn't it be a good idea to stand under one of these signs and sell dog leashes, like some umbrella sellers show up when it rains ?
@josyontour Ай бұрын
Das war ein sehr interessantes Thema. Wir sind erst seit zwei Jahren Hundebesitzer (und einer davon ist ein schwarzes "Beast" 😀) Fast mein ganzes Leben lang hatte ich aber sehr große Angst vor Hunden und kann daher beide Seiten gut verstehen. Ich kann sagen, dass wir uns eigentlich immer versuchen an die Regeln zu halten und unsere Hunde an die Leine zu nehmen wenn es gefordert wird. Aber ich kann auch verstehen, dass wenn jemand einen gut sozialisierten Hund hat, er ihn gerne frei laufen lässt. Solange er keine Belästigung für irgendjemanden ist finde ich das auch okay. Also wenn unser schwarze große Hund plötzlich bei dir gewesen wäre, wäre uns das total unangenehm gewesen und wir hätten uns entschuldigt. Die Reaktion des Mannes war very rude! I agree.
@Beauli Ай бұрын
Yes, we Love our dogs. And we give them the utmost freedom. Maybe to compensate for our own rule following.😂
@koabua1973styria Ай бұрын
Don´t be afraid of Dogs. Just stand still, be calm and everything is alright. Mostly. 😅
@KassandraFuria13 Ай бұрын
My hunting dog is running free only in some areas , obeying strictly. I choose those areas carefully, checking that there are no wild animals in sight . He needs to speed up once a day. If a bicycle comes, I call him close. The same with people coming, I always ask if they would like I put him on the leash because I understand that some are just afraid of dogs. Same with other dogs. After passing I set him free again. No problem. Hate ignorant, disrespectful owners, who let their dogs running free, scaring people. But I also hate if people are jelling at me for no reason because of setting him free. I also hate bikers who are coming from the back without any noise , passing very fast and then are jelling because of my dog ! But shortly I had a shocking encounter with a strange, humanless dog : I was working with my hunting dog at a large lonely meadow area with bushes when suddenly a huge Pyrenean dog, guardian for sheep, appeared in front of us out of the bushes, higher than my hips. No human at all in sight ! My dog is very charming and they started playing cheerfully, becoming friends quickly. My dog is also very picky , ignoring agressive or stupid dogs, so I relaxed after the first shock, trusting his instincts. I also know that kind of dogs, I am sitting one sometimes, so I became confident of handling the situation. The dog wore nothing, no marks , but I decided , that I could not leave him there alone. He obeyed my commands perfectly, went with the leash and joined us peacefully, obviously he was fallen in love with my smart dog. I wanted to find the owner by looking around and asking people. A man approached and the dog proved he was a guardian dog, wanting to protect us, but fortunately listened to my commands . I never would have been able to keep him from attacking if he did not have obeyed. My nerves .....! The man was so stupid, continued approaching us although the big dog became angry and I called the man to stay away please. Stubborn, stupid people ! But he had an idea about the dog owner, the owner of the area too. On my search for the house I met two women with dogs who knew him, his name and the owner, who is old and sick , and took him over. They told me, the peaceful dog had already escaped several times from the house , feeling bored , roaming alone in the area. That is irresponsible. Not all people can deal with such a unknown huge thing suddenly approaching. By the way : usually it is allowed to go on private not fenced meadows, when they are last harvested and no special protected areas. You have to keep off from not harvested meadows . But the rules are different from country to country in Germany. Of course you have to collect the poo of your dog. I take care that he did it already elsewhere, not to offend the farmers. He does it on command 😊.
@silva4163 Ай бұрын
Hey Lauren 🤗 I'm from Germany, and I can totally understand your point. I have a huge dog(German Shepperd/Siberian Husky mix), and I always keep him on the leash because I don't want that he runs to other people or their dogs, because I think it's too dangerous. But it seems like others dont care about that😂 There are always dogs running free, even on the Playgrounds(where it is strictly prohibited), and no one cares. One time, a dog attacked my dog, and his owner was like 200 meters away 🤯 I screamed at that dog until his owner came, and the owner was absolutely shocked why I'm mad at him! Something like that happened a few times, and I still can't believe why the people do not follow that rule because that is one rule that absolutely makes sense! Great Video 👏 Have a nice day 🤗
@ralfklose9189 Ай бұрын
Hey silva. Many people trust their dog. And when dogs fight each other, it usually sounds worse than it is. The loose dog is usually socialized and avoids such situations anyway. That shouldnt be an excuse (I know you're right), but a lot of people think that way. They simply wanna give the dog a kind of freedom. Sometimes these people dont pay attentation or they are just wrong. :)
@jennyh4025 Ай бұрын
I know dogs, that do not have to be kept on a leash, but they are as well trained as a service or a serving dog (as in police or border control). But most dogs should be kept on a leash.
@peterl0815 Ай бұрын
And why don't you train your dog to walk without a leash? This one rule don't make any sense if the dog isn't a danger to anyone. Yes it's a animal and so it's not fully reliable. By the way I manage dog encounters for my dog if I'm not sure about the other dog and I can be very impressive to the other dog. So you should train your dog to walk without the leash (most problems arise from leash contacts because of suppressed body language of dogs) and you should go and manage dog encounters for your dog if you have a bad feeling about the other dog.
@Coco-oz4sy Ай бұрын
​@@peterl0815it's one thing, if the dog is well trained but that isn't always the case. A dog should be called back when approaching people as there are those that are scared and the owner of the dog should be able to intervene in case the dog or the people react in an unexpected way. And in areas with signs either because of many children or nature reserves dogs should be on a leash. It can be fined with up to 5000€. Dog poop may be detrimental to rare plants and a dog just going down to a stream to drink or bath may scare protected animals of this area. The leash rule isn't always about the dog being potentially aggressive.
@peterl0815 Ай бұрын
@@Coco-oz4sy Yes 5000€ but fckit :) There are real problems out there. You sound like a Spießbürger and Bedenkenträger. ;-P
@WK-5775 Ай бұрын
"Ein Auge zudrücken" ist die normale Redensart, aber "beide Augen zudrücken" gibt es als Verstärkung oder ironisch gemeint auch.
@hh-kv6fh Ай бұрын
beideAugen zudrücken macht man bei Toten^^
@pakabe8774 Ай бұрын
@@hh-kv6fh Oder wenn man auf die drei Affen macht.
@gast9374 Ай бұрын
Und es gibt noch, als weitere Steigerung, "auch noch die Hühneraugen zudrücken". (Hühnerauge = calluses or corns on the feet)
@Glotzboje Ай бұрын
@susannep.9072 Ай бұрын
Und vergessen wir nicht die Hühneraugen 😉
@andyharman7581 Ай бұрын
Germans also smoke at a lot of places where they're not allowed to like on subway and train platforms, at bus stops and in front of building entrances where there are signs saying it's not allowed. Italki is great. I've had around 190 lessons in many languages for a fraction of the price of local tutors. Anyway, German dogs are usually well-trained, so that might be why people don't make a fuss. And the Germans like dogs more than kids. Fact.
@johar8619 18 күн бұрын
Dear Lauren, I love your channels! And you are absolutely right. Germans do yell at you, if you are jaywalking. I'm German and I do it too. But only when children are around to see it. German children walk to school alone at a very young age (around 8 years). It is actually expected by the school and society in general. So parents have to rely on their kids to behave and stick to the rules. And they also have to rely on other adults to lead by example. Not only on the way to school but all the time. That's probably why Germans react that harsh.
@oschonrock Ай бұрын
Dear Lauren... about the "rule following Germans" A film anecdote: There is a great film, Victoria (2015). It's a thriller about a young Spanish women in Berlin nightlife. It's famously shot in "one-take", ie 138 minutes of a "single continuous take" with no cuts. I highly recommend it. Get yourself a copy. It's half English and half German. 35mins into the film there is a scene where the two "heroes" cycle, drunk, beer in hand, on a bike at ~6am. Victoria is standing(!) on the luggage carrier. He, Sonne, is cycling on the Bürgersteig. A grumpy local barks at them (mit "Berliner Schnauze") for cycling on the pavement. Sonne rebuts him firmly, just brushes him off, and then explains to Victoria... "Nein, stupid guy, he is just angry, because he has no wife"... That's how many Germans experience the "rule following" and the "rule breaking", and the "angry complaining".... It doesn't matter. You can do almost anything you want in Germany, within reason of course, ie not committing violent crimes etc. Maybe someone will complain. Who cares. Be free. Don't let it bother you. All Germans break rules at different times. There is always a flexible way to get things done, even with the authorities. You would be amazed. And make sure you also try outside of Bavaria, which is famous within Germany for being the most "conservative" state. The remainder of the plot of the film is an interesting experiment of stretching the rule breaking, and it's very clear when it goes too far.... but I don't want to spoil it.
@TheEleonore18 Ай бұрын
The thing with dogs in Germany ist, that we know the rules regarding leashes exist, but most people find them stupid. the next thing is, that a high percentage of dogs are well trained. Another thing is that a lot of people love dogs and love them coming to them. We make a lot of exeptions for rules if no minors or possibly angry people are in the area. as long as nothing happens or we aren´t a nuisance to others than most of the time no one will enforce those rules or fine us for it. your experience with that dog and the owner was definitly rude and nothing a responsible owner should do. i have 2 dogs as well and would be very cross with such an owner. most of the dog owners i know would also be upset with such an owner. such owners sadly exist and the only thing you can do is make it clear that you don´t want anything to do with a dog you don´t know. The good thing is such owners are a minority and what you saw at the island was probably something that was closely wathed by the owners to make sure everyone was okay with it. i also make sure others want the attention of my dogs and if i´m sure everyone sitting or standing is okay with it i let my dos choose to whom they go. i strongly believe that if someon there would have said something against it the owners would have restricted the dog a lot more in its freedom to roam around.
@maxschmidt9461 Ай бұрын
Löl, swimming where it's not allowed is also a a common thing, here in Mannheim the by far most popular swimming spot have "Baden Verboten" signs everywhere but it's not taken serious by everyone. I think this, maybe the dog thing as well, is just about to not hold the city/commune liable if something goes wrong, since they were clearly informed it wasn't allowed, so the swimmer/dog owner is responsible themselves
@MagnificentGermanywithDarion 28 күн бұрын
Yes, I totally understand. It is crazy sometimes how people perceive other cultures either good or bad :).
@mick-berry5331 Ай бұрын
Hi Lauren, it was a special pleasure to hear you in your native English for a change. I felt you were a bit more relaxed than in your German speaking videos. Given your fluency and the long time you have been living in Germany, why do you still call yourself an outsider ? And wow ! The Chiemsee area must be one of if not THE nicest area in Germany. We stopped there last year driving to Munich from Austria...😊
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
I still feel like an outsider!! And Chiemsee is so incredibly beautiful. I think I need a Jahreskarte for the boats
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
And I actually feel much more relaxed in English at the moment. I will concentrate on posting videos here I think
@rairei Ай бұрын
@@Laurenangela_english Lake Chiemsee is a nice spot with water, islands and alps in the background. Fraueninsel contains a convent of nuns. At the most north spot you can go swimming. For Bavarian castles: Not as big as in Paris or Vienna (Bavaria's kings were not rich enough) but inspiried by them.
@TulliaSellar Ай бұрын
Dear Lauren, Thank you very much for your video. I've lived in Germany since I was born. More precisely in Hamburg in northern Germany. And I would say that Germans don't follow rules all the time. It absolutely depends on where you live in Germany. The north and Berlin are much more liberal than Bavaria, Swabia or rural eastern Germany, although I would still say that in the bigger cities, with lots of subcultures, it's usually more liberal than in the small towns and villages and so on. I always cross the road at red lights if there are no cars coming or I'm not tired and don't mind standing. Or if there aren't small children at the traffic lights with me. Although sometimes, if I'm in a hurry, I do cross at red lights and I'm aware that the parents think that sucks, but hey, that's not my problem, they have to teach their children that you don't cross at red lights, but they also have to teach them what reality is like. And if you're an adult and can see that the road is clear, you should be able to decide for yourself. That's what parents have to teach their children. I think the reason why you and other Americans have experienced being approached so often about crossing the street at a red light is that it's not as dangerous in Germany as it is in the USA to get involved in stupid things. Germany is also more rude. People simply speak more freely here to strangers, what they think…
@JohnnyByeYm Ай бұрын
Yup, good observation. Germany is relatively dog friendly and many owners love their dog so much they do not want to leash them up unless strictly unavoidable. And there are a few other exceptions where Germans are less strict than Americans: Smoking at a trainstation (outside) / bus stop e.g. - totally not done in the US, frequent here. Or jaywalking on a street away from the stoplight (simply where there is no crossing). And I think we could come up with a few more. But yes, it is not always consistent the German "obedience".
@peterfromaustralia2878 11 күн бұрын
2 short comments (from a German): Of course, I would not stand and wait in front of a "red man light", if there is no car coming. Of course: People, who are not able to use their eyes and brain to determine, if it is save to cross the street, need to be told by a light, if they should cross the street or not. The irony is, that there are people being run over, because they crossed the street believing the pedestrian light rather than their eyes and brain... / The other comment is about dogs: There are a few exceptions, but in general, dog owners live in a parallel universe: One that is not governed by reason. They do not have a problem with their dog barking day and night non-stop either. They think that that is normal. So: Them letting their dogs run loose to attack other people is normal in their little world, too - and btw.: They would tell the attacked person: "He only wants to play!" - And a short comparison Germany/Australia in regards of the dogs-problem: Dogs are barking everywhere driving the neigbours nuts (but apparently not their owners). Dogs in Germany run around loose. In Australia the dogs are all kept in the houses and gardens of the owners. It is very rare to see dogs running around anywhere - neither on the leash nor off the leash. So that's a plus. - When I erected a 2m corrugated-iron fence towards our impossible neighbours with 2 barking dogs (who barked at every arriving visitor, including their owners, when they arrive) I felt quite sick, when I walked around their garden: The stink of shit there was overwhelming. Apparently they liked that - as I wrote above: Different universe...
@arnodobler1096 Ай бұрын
You should get your children and yourself used to dogs, because some dogs become aggressive when they smell fear. Most dog bites, even among conspecifics, come from insecure, fearful dogs, which is why normal dogs become aggressive. I also let them run on country lanes or in the woods, but not in a park or anything like that. Most dogs in Germany are well behaved. We also take them with us almost everywhere, unlike Americans, and others. There are also puppy schools here so that they can get used to all situations early on. Try to get a dog from a shelter, you will have to answer a lot of questions first.
@mynameisnotalias Ай бұрын
i'm surprised and can't believe it 😯 in Vienna where i am from, people immediately complain to put the dog on the leash angrily ☝️🧐 (unless it's a 'Hundezone') and i was sure in Germany it would be the same 😝🤪
@SK-2503 Ай бұрын
Ich habe mittlerweile schon 25 Jahre in Wien gelebt und ich finde es echt unerträglich dass es einzelne Blockwarte gibt, die sich tatsächlich über Hunde beschweren. Wenn Willy oder Susie die Hunde meiner Eltern bei mir in Wien zu Besuch waren - sind die z.B. auf der Donauinsel, im Prater. oder auf den dieversen anderen Stadtwanderwegen stets frei gelaufen. Hundezonen meide ich - die sind 1. zu klein und 2. chronisch vollgesch... Susi hat auch schon mit mir im Rathauspark Balli gespielt (lief frei und ohne Leine dem Ball nach den ich ihr geworfen habe). Niemand hat sich beschwert - weder die Polizisten die dort patrouilliert sind, noch der Gärtner der unweit von uns Rasen gemäht hat. Viele Menschen haben gelächelt und Kommentare wie "ach wie süss" von sich gegeben. Es gibt auch in Wien freundliche und tierliebe Menschen - nur Du zählst halt leider ganz offensichtlich nicht dazu - schade für Dich.
@dnocturn84 18 күн бұрын
@@SK-2503 Na so einfach ist das aber auch nicht. Ich hab in meiner letzten Mietwohnung in einem Haus gewohnt, in dem per Mietvertrag die Hundehaltung eigentlich verboten war. Dann kam eine ältere Dame, die einen Golden Retriever "nur vorrübergehend zu Pflege" hatte - was aber zum Dauerzustand wurde. Danach kamen junge Leute, die gleich drei Hunde hielten, usw. Keiner von diesen Vögeln hat selbst im Hausflur/Treppenhaus jemals einen Hund angeleint. Selbst nach Aufforderung nicht. Und da war alles an Erlebnissen dabei - gebissene Postboten, Nachbars Katze bis in dessen Wohnung verfolgt und die Bude zerlegt, Inventar beschädigt, Schuhe vor den Wohnungen beschädigt oder verschwunden und Schlimmeres. Trotzdem null Einsicht bei den Hundehaltern (gut, das waren alles "Assies"). Mein persönlich unangenehmstes Erlebnis war zum Glück nur die Vernichtung von 120,- Fleischereinkauf für meine Geburtstag auf Arbeit, die mir der Goldene freundlicherweise abgenommen hatte, als ich nach Hause kam. Auf das Geld warte ich noch heute. Zum Glück muss ich sowas heute nicht mehr ertragen. Und ich habe selbst zwei glückliche Hunde. Auch gibt es Stellen, wo ich keinerlei Verständnis habe im öffentlichen Raum. Hier gibt es bei uns umzäunte Spielplätze, auf welchen Hunde nur an der Leine rein durften. Und trotzdem hat sich keine Sau dran gehalten. Erst als das zweite Kleinkind schwerverletzt in die Notaufnahme musste, hat man endlich reagiert und Hunde dort generell verboten, was dem Ordnungsamt immerhin Handlungsfreiheit gibt.
@peterl0815 Ай бұрын
The point is that the explanation of the whole topic is at the end of the video. A dog which is well behaved can walk free. You just didn't see the invisible leash :-P . The dog is under control and that's the whole thing. Every dog owner knows that dogs should be without any leash as often as it's possible because leashes are not natural for a dog. The alternative would be a long leash but they pose a danger for ppl. By the way ... I walk over red traffic light if it's not dangerous ... fck it ;-)
@rairei Ай бұрын
Oje .. Lauren, emergency help for you is needed: get your own dog. Beware: the smaller the dogs are the more hostile they are. Bigger dogs are often very calm. Indeed some people are in fear about dogs - sorry for you and them. One reason this rule is broken is that there are just a very small amount of problems with nice dogs. The more rural the scenery is the more freedom for dogs is practised. But owners have the leash with them and will stop the dog if necassary. For people with dog fears: Make friendship with some dog and try to fight your fear
@monikap.3785 Ай бұрын
Da haben Sie vollkommen Recht. Mein Hund hat schon 3 Personen von ihrer Angst vor Hunden befreit.
@monikap.3785 Ай бұрын
Mit vier Kindern einen Hund zu nehmen ist keine gute Idee. Aber es wäre schon wichtig Freundschaft mit Hunden zu schließen weil die Angst überträgt sich sonst auf die Kinder.
@Martin.S.Germany Ай бұрын
The story of the dogs not on the leash reminded me of the cemetery of my home town. There are signs everywhere forbidding to ride a bike but nobody seems to care.
@ulfradicke Ай бұрын
Actually there are more areas where Germans break the rules: * The Speed Limit is almost always exceeded. * Cars often park on the bike lane or sidewalk, thereby obstructing bike and pedestrian's traffic. (Funnily, many car owners complain about cyclists not following rules.) * Car drivers let their motor run while waiting for somebody or cleaning the ice off their car. (Illegal in Germany, as this is unnecessary pollution.) * Cyclists often travers the road on a red light. * And, yes, many dog owners let their dog run un-enchained when they behave well, even where a leash is compulsory. On the other hand, many other people - incidentally often foreigners - talk off people who let their dogs roam freely even when it is allowed.
@slug9181 Ай бұрын
i 100% agree on everything said in this video and i approve to generalize all germans :D I'm not a dog owner but i get it, having a leash on your dog when you're out for a walk is the opposite of what you want to archive when you're out with your dog. its just impractical... and if its impractical... its not german :D still... i wish dogs would be leashed constantly. especially when i drive around in a car. I dont know if the dog is trained to heel, when i see it on the sidewalk.
@Splattercat82 Ай бұрын
Herreninsel lässt sich am besten zu Gentlemen Island übersetzen, würde ich sagen.
@badassbavariana Ай бұрын
And Fraueninsel is Ladies' Island? 😊 Being a local from around there, I think both islands got their names from the convents which used to be / are located there. Monks on Herreninsel and nuns on Fraueninsel. So it's more like monks' island and nuns' island, I guess. As far as I know, there are still some nuns living on Fraueninsel.
@gast9374 Ай бұрын
or Master's Island
@GrouchoEngels Ай бұрын
Das ist lächerlich. Es ist ein Name. Wer übersetzt Namen? Wie ist die Übersetzung von Ludwig van Beethoven? Oder von Minnesota?
@gast9374 Ай бұрын
@@GrouchoEngels Eine Übersetzung von bspw. Minnesota bekommt man im Alltag tatsächlich nicht angeboten, eine ethymologische Erläuterung im Lexikon aber sehr wohl, z.B. " 'klares, ruhiges Wasser' aus der Sioux-Sprache Dakota". So ein Übersetzungsversuch ist also eine etwas direkter eingefädelte Erläuterung der Wortherkunft. Ausflippen muss man deswegen nicht.
@gast9374 Ай бұрын
@@GrouchoEngels Und wer ändert Namen? Warum hast du mit deinem Nickname den armen Groucho Marx einfach umbenannt? Was erlaube!? Beethoven heißt auch Beethoven ... und ... nicht ... ähm Mozartherd.
@nordwestbeiwest1899 Ай бұрын
Wo ist der Pfannenwender als Microholder ?
@saraslavuljica8522 Ай бұрын
❤Immer spannend deine Videos und deine Perspektive 😊
@G.Harley.Davidson Ай бұрын
Yea, my mom’s parents are from Bayern and we spoke Duestch mit unserem Oma y Opa when we were kids, but then I worked for Levi’s jeans ( a German negocio ) as a kid en Aguascalientes , Mex, for a summertime job. I speak fließend Español and English, but my German is very broken, because we no longer speak with it in our house, and here in the U.S. , no hay no one here in the U.S. to practice with. There are huge Oktoberfest here in the U.S. where I live, but nobody speaks German. The closest place near to me is Huntsville, AL., where you know the German Rocket Scientist came over to support the Apollo missions,i.e., Werner Von Braun. Entonces k recommendes, I talkie?
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
Si Me encanta italki! ¿Por qué no lo intentas?
@G.Harley.Davidson Ай бұрын
@@Laurenangela_english I will check out Italkie! GrX!
@maxschmidt9461 Ай бұрын
M ybe it's aboutwhere you jaywalk, cause only as a kid/teen I got yelled at a couple times and I probably jaywalked more than I waited for the lights to turn green, if there's no cars, I'm going. Also the parts of Germany definetly will be different, since it seems like most foreigners come to Bavaria which is generally more uptight than the rest and also in smaller communities... Maybe also if people think/know you're a foreigner they feel more entitled to correct you
@th.a Ай бұрын
Of cause we Germans like to follow rules. However we do not follow all rules at any time. Most of us will interprete certain rules and adapt it in specific situation to our actual needs. For example, more or less nobody adheres to the speedlimits. Cyclist often will somehow manage to get around a red traffic light or simply ignore it. And of cause we will even jaywalk when nobody is around we should be a role model for. And of cause some of our fellow citizens will call you out when you act in a way they believe you shouldn't do. But trust me also these ones, mostly belonging to the elder generation, will frequently adapt the rules to their own advantage.
@oschonrock Ай бұрын
Exactly, the "rule following stereotype" is totally overhyped.
@Glotzboje Ай бұрын
@@oschonrock100% agreed. First thing when I see dumb senseless rules, I think about how to break them. 😅
@FrauGothi Ай бұрын
ich kann deine Reaktion so gut verstehen. Ich mag Hunde, habe aber auch große Angst vor ihnen, besonders wenn es fremde Hunde sind. Es wäre mir so viel lieber wenn Hundebesitzer dafür mehr Verständnis hätten und Rücksicht nehmen würden. Aber wie du schon sagst, viele können das nicht nachvollziehen.
@292Artemis Ай бұрын
Ja, ich kann das auch gut verstehen! Deshalb lasse ich meinen Hund nicht zu jedem hinrennen, rufe sie zu mir, lasse sie bei mir sitzen bis Radfahrer (auch auf dem Fußweg!) an uns vorbei sind. Und ich habe ein recht kleines Exemplar, was alle immer total süß finden. Ist sie auch, aber es gehört m. M. n. zur gegenseitigen Rücksichtnahme im Zusammenleben. Kein Hund sollte andere Menschen oder Hunde belästigen.. Gibt aber leider echt viele, die ihre Hunde nicht erziehen. Wir begegnen leider auch häufig solchen...
@SK-2503 Ай бұрын
@@292Artemis Das ist der Punkt - ein Hund darf keinen Menschen belästigen, hat gut erzogen zu folgen wenn man ihm ruft und fremde Kinder sind ein tabu, die haben ganz besonders in Ruhe gelassen zu werden. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es aber auch echt viele Idioten, die unfähig sind ihre Kinder zu erziehen oder zumindest zu beaufsichtigen - ich finde nicht dass immer nur der Hund schuld ist wenn etwas passiert. Fremde Hunde nicht einfach anzufassen - ist eine Grundregel, die jedes Kind lernen und beherzigen sollte. Und Wenn im Gasthaus unbeaufsichtigte Kleinkinder einem Hund in den Futternapf fassen, ihn an den Haaren ziehen, mit den Fingern in die Augen fahren wollen etc. dann habe ich vollstes Verständnis wenn dann mal der Hund zuschnappt - das würde ich an seiner stelle definitiv auch machen. Bei gegenseitigem Respekt und Rücksichtnahme muss aber dann auch niemand an die Leine - der Hund nicht und auch nicht das Kind...
@juricarmichael2534 Ай бұрын
Well, actually the stereotyp saying is a bit longer: Follow the rules & and know when to break them.... Kenne die Regeln und wann Du sie brechen darfst... 😉😈 Schönes langes Wochenende ("bridge day" / Brückentag -- closing the gap between today's holiday and the weekend) 👋 German mindset is complicated, like everything in germany....
@martinam.2278 Ай бұрын
Hallo Lauren, liebe Grüße aus Hamburg an den schönen Kiemsee! Tja, die Deutschen und ihre Hunde 🙄 😅 Die allgemeine Leinenpflicht besteht in Deutschland noch nicht sehr lange. Und gilt auch nur für Hunde die nach 2016 angeschafft wurden. Außerdem kommt der Hund (bzw. die Katze) gleich nach des Deutschen liebstes Kind, dem Auto. Was glaubst du, warum wir immer noch keine Höchstgeschwindigkeit auf deutschen Autobahnen haben? 😂 Ja, da lassen wir uns nicht gerne bevormunden 😅 Dazu sei aber gesagt, dass die meisten Hundehalter ihre Tiere sehr gut erziehen und es sehr selten zu Angriffen auf Menschen, oder den Hunden untereinander kommt. Wenn, kommt das eher in Städten vor, wo viele Hunde auf engem Raum unterwegs sind. Da stören mich persönlich die sogenannten "Terminen" mehr, wenn die Hundehalter nicht nach ihren Lieblingen aufräumen. 😅 Natürlich heißt das nicht, dass überhaupt nichts passieren kann, und falls doch mal etwas passieren sollte, helfen dir vielleicht folgende Tipps: Ruhe bewahren: Am besten sofort stehen bleiben und keine Hektik verbreiten. Blick abwenden: Den Hund auf keinen Fall anstarren. Keine Angst zeigen: Tritt selbstbewusst auf. Langsam wegbewegen: Entferne dich vorsichtig vom Tier. Das habe ich damals auch meinen Kindern beigebracht. Völlig unnötig übrigens, es ist ihnen und in meinem Bekanntenkreis nie etwas passiert. Also: Ceep calm 😅😂
@KerstinHu-s1z Ай бұрын
Chiemsee, not Kiemsee, sorry, can't ignore that as a Bavarian 😅
@KerstinHu-s1z Ай бұрын
Leinenpflicht oder nicht, ist eine Entscheidung auf Gemeindeebene, das war zumindest meine letzte Info dazu. Korrigiert mich, wenn ich falsch liege. Im Wald ist es so eine Sache, sollte der Hund von einem Jäger ohne Leine gesehen werden, dürfte er ihn theoretisch sogar erschießen, Stichwort Wilderei. Obwohl vermutlich die meisten Hunde dort nicht wildern. Ich kann es verstehen, dass du dich gerade vor großen Hunden fürchtest, ich fühle mich da auch nicht so wohl, und bin der Meinung, dass man sich als Hundebesitzer nach so einem Zusammentreffen, wie du es beschrieben hast, zumindest kurz entschuldigen kann. Das verlangt der Anstand. Manchmal habe ich das Gefühl, dass wir Deutschen vielleicht mehr, ich nenne es jetzt mal Naturverbundenheit haben, als du, oder die Amerikaner allgemein? Tiere scheinen bei dir immer Vorsicht und Angst hervorzurufen, oder auch Raupen oddr Kastanien, die auf Bänken liegen 😉 Oder es gibt einen persönlichen Grund dafür, bin gespannt wie es deinen Kindern gehen wird, wenn sie hier aufwachsen. Hoffentlich kannst du unsere wunderschöne Natur mit all ihren Einwohnern noch besser und ohne Angst genießen lernen, es lohnt sich. Nix für ungut!
@stephaniedannecker9191 Ай бұрын
* Terminen - sollte sicher Tretminen heißen 😂 Autokorrektur
@martinam.2278 Ай бұрын
@@stephaniedannecker9191 Stimmt! 2x gegengelesen und trotzdem überlesen🤦🏻‍♀️😂
@martinam.2278 Ай бұрын
@@KerstinHu-s1z Danke für den Hinweis! ❤️ Dachte noch, das sieht irgendwie komisch aus. Da hätte ich doch lieber noch mal googeln sollen 😅
@monikadeinbeck4760 Ай бұрын
Germans love their dogs.
@rufusramackers4809 Ай бұрын
Beste Englischlehrerin 😎
@wizardm Ай бұрын
When it comes to dogs, bicycles and e-scooters rule following is not what germans do. Rules are advices only.
@schnuppig Ай бұрын
There are some rules that are not strictly observed in Germany. Apart from dogs that are not on a leash, I find old people walking on the street annoying. They walk with walkers, have poor hearing and vision, and only make way for cars when they are very close behind them. I also find drivers who park their cars in no-parking zones annoying. I find cats particularly annoying, as they run around freely everywhere and use our terrace as a litter box. Conclusion: The more I get upset about other people ignoring the rules, the more I realize that I am getting old.
@ArchibaldHein Ай бұрын
Mal ein Versuch,einer Antwort. Hunde haben Deutschland eine besondere Rolle.Sie sind keine Menschen aber uns teilweise näher als viele anderen Menschen. Wir lieben sie, dass ist nicht immer intelligent, aber es ist dein Gefühl und damit okay. Durch Corona kamen eine Menge neue Hundebesitzer dazu die sich besser ein Stofftier geholt hätten. Normalerweise lässt man seinen Hund nicht auf ein Kinderspielplatz. Das machen nur Deppen. Selbst angeleint gehe ich mit meinem Hund auf dem kürzestem Weg durch einen Spielplatz. In der Stadt trägt er immer Leine. Aber im Stadtpark ist es erlaubt und mein Hund darf ein bisschen frei sein. Ich kann ihn abrufen sonst dürfte er nie frei laufen. Leider haben wir Menschen die Hunde sehr unüberlegt angeschafft haben und wenig Wissen über diese Tiere haben. auch das führt zu Problemen. Auf der anderen Seite sind viele ältere Deutsche es gewohnt das Hunde frei laufen. Und im Stadtpark muss man das ertragen, wenn man dahin will. Sowie auch die Hundebesitzer damit leben müssen, dass es ganz viele andere Menschen gibt, die völlig andere Bedürfnisse haben. Ob Jogger , Kinder ,alte Leute für alle muss Platz sein und jeder sollte ein bisschen Rücksicht nehmen. Dann klappt das und Eltern sollten nicht so ängstlich sein. Die meisten Hunde sind netter als viele Menschen.
@LunaBianca1805 Ай бұрын
Our dog always stays on the leash, not only he's a bit of a scared cat, but also because I don't want him to run into traffic or harm others or hunt like mice or birds or anything. He's a well-behaved good boy, but you never know people or other dogs react, if there's people with female dogs about that might be in heat or if anything might startle him.... I'd rather be safe than sorry (especially since he's a big black boy and people often have some real negative prejudices about them) and he's got our big backyard to run free in, so...
@ukraus Ай бұрын
Das Anleingebot ist hauptsächlich wegen der Wild-Tiere, nicht wegen der Kinder. Es gibt aber eine "unsichtbare" Leine, weil die Hunde meist sehr gut erzogen sind (Hundeschule). An der Leine sind sie meist, wenn Gefahr für den Hund besteht, wie im Straßenverkehr.
@SK-2503 Ай бұрын
And it is not in the best sense of the dog to be on a leash all the time. My family owns a dog - and whenever it is safe, the dog goes off-leash - and children simply have to ignore my dog to the same degree that my dog ignores them. Children MUST NOT TOUCH a dog they do not know. This is the most important rule of all - they must not touch, they must not take the food, they must not pull on the dog's hair, they must not scream (I personally hate hate hate children who scream for no real reason) - the children just have to keep their distance - and everything is fine.
@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 Ай бұрын
I read that complaining about screaming children is like complaining about birds singing too loudly.
@SK-2503 Ай бұрын
@@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 Such a stupid comment I have never read before! Singing is normal communication for birds - and it is beautiful. Screaming and yelling is children misbehaving and terrorizing their environment. Parents may choose to ignore this - but other people certainly don't have to. Parents simply need to discipline their little terrorists to make them more socially acceptable. Fact!!!
@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 Ай бұрын
@@SK-2503 You seem to be an easily irritable, self-centered person. You cannot express your opinion without trying to offend. I said I READ that about screaming children. And I also READ that the position of the authorities in Germany nowadays is that you have to tolerate screaming children in public places. The comparison with singing birds was not my invention either, the author perhaps meant that screaming children are part of nature
@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 Ай бұрын
@@SK-2503 You seem to be an easily irritable, self-centered person. You cannot express your opinion without trying to offend. I said I READ that about screaming children. And I also READ that the position of the authorities in Germany nowadays is that you have to tolerate screaming children in public places. The comparison with singing birds was not my invention either, the author perhaps meant that screaming children are part of nature
@SK-2503 19 күн бұрын
​@@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 and you don´t care about other people needs at all - egoistic and self centered as you are - why do you post stupid comments like its in the nature of children to scream - no it ist. Parents have to stop that - its not my concern how - or leave the misbehaving children at home. No one has to tolerte such behavior in public. Nowadays you can read a lot of bullshit everywhere - that doesnt mean that everything you read is true ... But as long as americans take for the truth what ugly orange Donald writes -...
@monikamuller3358 Ай бұрын
Es ist auch für viele Menschen in Deutschland eine echte "Sauerei", dass sich Hundebesitzer und übrigens auch Raucher kaum an die Regeln halten. Warum wird hier nicht strenger kontrolliert?
@marchurnik Ай бұрын
Most dogs behave much better OFF leach and turned protective when ON leach.
@sternenregen5489 Ай бұрын
Hunde frei laufen, pestet mich auch an. Genauso Radfahrer auf dem Fußweg, die dich halbwegs umnieten. Du siehst, so brav sind wir deutschen auch nicht.
@MrReese Ай бұрын
I am actually convinced that all you North American expats got together and focused on that one thing 😂 that's how unrealistic it is 😊. The only time people complain about that is when you interrupt traffic by doing it.
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
@wallerwolf6930 Ай бұрын
Hallo Lauren! Ob so etwas in Deutschland die Regel ist ;-)), diese Regel zu brechen, wage ich zu bezweifeln. Wo ich wohne, ist es die absolute Ausnahme und es gibt hier sehr viele Hundebesitzer. Auf der kleinen Insel fühlen sich die Hundehalter wohl vor dem Gesetz (und schreienden Nichthundehalter ;-)) offensichtlich sicher und es hat sich dort so etabliert.
@robinsonhauser883 Ай бұрын
😂😂👍👍(and speed limit )🤣😱
@Netzjargon Ай бұрын
die Anleinpflicht, die Leinenpflicht, der Leinenzwang ist bei uns deutschen sehr unbeliebt.....nicht nur bei denen die hunde besitzen!
@maxcapax Ай бұрын
The problem seems to be, that German dogs cannot read the signs. I apologize for my country. Or, to be more serious, it's not about the dogs running free but about what they leave behind (some call it "Tretminen" - "treadmines?"). I see no difference, weather this is from a dog or from a human being - I don't want to have it on my shoes, particularly not in a tourist place. Dogs on the leash! In the country it's a different story.
@Buffy-Try 21 күн бұрын
Das mit dem Hund anleinen gilt nur für Hunde die nicht auf ihr Herrchen hören… zumindest denkt das in Deutschland jeder! Mein Husky ist immer an der Leine, außer auf dem Feld wo ich ihn immer abrufen kann. Jedoch selbst dann sterben ein paar Mäuse! Um so natürlicher der Hund ist, umso mehr der Trieb. Gerade Husky ist ein Hund für Profis, weil er nicht weit von Wolf weg ist… welcher Hund jault wie Husky und Wolf 🐺? Dafür bellen sie kaum.
@idontknowhowtobeme Ай бұрын
Hi Angela, I live at (on...?) Chiemsee. Actually I'm in Colorado for three month. Greetings to you ❤
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
Omgggggg amazing. My dream!!! Enjoy Colorado, it’s also so beautiful there! You are doing something right 🤩
@idontknowhowtobeme Ай бұрын
@Laurenangela_english Thank you ... I'm 'Erzieherin' and care for a little girl here. ♥️
@christinehecht3449 Ай бұрын
I think the germans treat their dogs almost like a human person.Maybe because you have to announce your dog in the district you live in and pay the "Hundesteuer" In fact,20 years ago many people argued with this "taxes" as they were critiscised when they let their dog 💩 around in parks or on the streets withuot carrying away the dirt.
@gast9374 Ай бұрын
At the moment it could help to yell: "I'm from Haiti! I'm from Haiti" and all dogs are on the leash in the very next moment. But, on the other hand, maybe not. Just kidding! The funny thing is that all the small dogs are always on a leash, it's the big one's that aren't. I guess the small one's more likely tend to run away, and "Auf Wiedersehen!" in another life, they're gone. 😀
@sonjak2395 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately people with dogs say they love animals, but not all care for wild life. Dogs should be kept on a leash to avoid that they are hunting the birds, deer, hares, …
@achimschroter8046 Ай бұрын
Die Menschen heute haben leider völlig den Bezug zur Natur verloren. Kaninchen Eichhörnchen Vögel, eigentlich fast alle wildtiere hierzulande sind fluchttiere. Es ist ihre Natur. Abgesehen von einigen wenigen Hunderassen sind wohl die aller aller meisten haushunde weder körperlich noch von der Geschwindigkeit her in der Lage diesen Tieren Schaden zuzufügen. Es ist allenfalls ein wenig Hit and Run Game. Nur weil einige wenige ihre ausgewachsene jagdhunde Kilometer weit durch den Wald laufen lassen muss nicht jeder Yorkshire Terrier immer und überall an die Leine. Sie können sich ja mal einen Tag an der Leine herumführen lassen um zu erfahren was das für eine demütigende Erfahrung ist
@ankebosing1968 Ай бұрын
My dogs do not hunt of leash, they just play. Cats are worse, they kill tons of Wildlife.
@KassandraFuria13 Ай бұрын
Most dogs are not interested in hunting, depends on the breed. I have a hunting dog and he has to obey. He does, but I have only 30 seconds for reaction after his eartops moved. So he is on a leash in the forest but runs free in certain other areas, which I choose carefully. Then I have to stay full concentrated. No smartphone , no small talk. 30 seconds ! After that the adrenaline is in the blood and he is not able to obey anymore. Most usual hunting dogs do not get the animals, but he would, he can speed up to 60km for a very short time. For his health he must have the opportunity to speed up once a day. In 11 years he took only once a hare and once a deer which both unfortunateley came in our garden 😢. Sh.. happens.
@SK-2503 Ай бұрын
And what about those stupid uneducated screaming awful "children" running in the woods destroying everything screaming loudly and frightening the wild and the birds to death - much worse than any dog could ever be.
@sonjak2395 Ай бұрын
@@SK-2503 A kid is not hunting. But apart from that - yes, also kids are sometimes a bit too wild and careless (as there parents).
@sonjak2395 Ай бұрын
Oh, be sure to visit the Christmas market on Frauenchiemsee!!
@bettina6186 Ай бұрын
Liebe Lauren! Wir halten uns doch nicht an alle Regeln! Das kommt Dir nur so vor! ... und der Bayer an sich, hält sich sowieso nicht an alle Regeln, weil wir ein extremes Freiheitsbewusstsein haben. Mia han, mia, quasi! Wir loten nur aus, wo wir uns dran halten müssen!😉 ...die "Preussen" (Definition lt. Oberbayern alles drenterhoib der Donau) sind Weltmeister im Regeln einhalten, aber die haben mit uns ja nichts gemeinsam!😅😉😎
@t.mustermann Ай бұрын
Yea Germans see dogs like there children but children who seems to be easier to take care of (which is obviously not true)
@PeterP-dj2qi Ай бұрын
I'm German living in Bavaria and I tell you: foreigners have a lot of prejudices about Germans. I do a lot of jaywalking and was only once yelled at me for that - by a foreigner. Bavarians are special. They are kind of anarchist and Bavarian dog owners even more regarding their dogs. But they risk a Bußgeld if they let run their dogs freely. You should never visit Turkey. There are millions of wild dogs in Turkey, roaming the streets everywhere. Some are really dangerous.
@peterl0815 Ай бұрын
jaywalking? Bei Rot über die Ampel?
@nidhoggvomwalde2280 Ай бұрын
Still, Bavaria is not Germany. And not to cross the street at red light is not a rule, it's a law. U can find it in the StVO. The island mainau, the flower island, is private property, it's up to the owner to control the dog owners. But in most counties around the Bodensee it's not allowed and some force u to "install" a muzzle at ur dog. In case the ordnungsamt catches u will have to pay.... Btw, Malaysia is a muslim country and the muslim ideology doesn't really like dogs.
@TulliaSellar Ай бұрын
I know your experience with the dog owner very well from my childhood. Sayings like he just wants to play or he doesn't do anything were completely normal. I suspect you were dealing with a very old-fashioned person. Or with an irresponsible person. Nowadays it's not that common anymore but some people are too cool, i.e. too insecure, to apologize for their dog's behavior or take responsibility. I wouldn't say it's typically German. At least not in larger cities these days. It's insensitive and unsympathetic and unempathetic.
@BigTrikerTom Ай бұрын
Untrained dogs are bad both on and off a leash. Trained dogs are more peaceful and friendly off a leash than on a leash. This has to do with the fact that without a leash the dog can literally avoid situations that he doesn't like or that frighten him, which a leash prevents him from doing. What is also observed again and again: the smaller a dog is, the more aggressive and unmannered it usually is.
@peterl0815 Ай бұрын
Yes and and on leash you often cultivate a frustration and with that bad behaviour and aggression and also you suppress a good body communication between dogs.
@BigTrikerTom Ай бұрын
@@peterl0815 Exactly - that's how it is...👍
@monikap.3785 Ай бұрын
das liegt aber nicht am Hund sondern 99% an den Haltern.
@SK-2503 Ай бұрын
Bei der 1. Aussage stimme ich Dir zu - bei der 2. bezüglich Aggressivität und Größe definitiv nicht. Hängt von der Rassee mehr aber noch vom individuellen Hund und dessen Halter ab - und meiner Beobachtung nach auch davon ob der Hund kastriert (dann meist friedlicher) ist oder nicht.
@BigTrikerTom Ай бұрын
@@SK-2503 Natürlich hast du auch ein Stück weit recht. Es ist halt mehr als nur schwarz und weiß. Wie bei uns Menschen und unserem Verhalten untereinander kommen doch auch hier hunderte, wenn nicht tausende Faktoren zusammen. All das hier aufzuzählen würde zu weit führen. Ich kann auch nur aus meiner persönlichen Erfahrung mit den Hunden berichten, die mir über den Weg gelaufen sind. Derzeit haben wir hier 4 Magyar-Viszla Rüden, von denen einer noch nicht kastriert und erst 7 Monate alt ist. Alle gut sozialisiert, gut erzogen und machen auch im Umgang mit Anderen keine Probleme. Der Unkastrierte ist noch etwas wilder, aber das wird sich auch noch ändern. Probleme gab es bisher bei uns und auch bei unseren Bekannten eigentlich nur mit den kleinen, unerzogenen "Fußhupen" und deren Haltern. My 5 cents...
@utaemme7723 Ай бұрын
Hi Lauren, ich liebe deine videos❤ mein weisser schäferhund ist an der Leine schwierig, aber ohne eher zurückhaltend. Bin froh über under grosse grundstück.LG❤❤
@SK-2503 Ай бұрын
Unsere kleine ist ohne Leine auch viel verträglicher als mit - mit Leine ist sie im "Dienst" und fühlt sich verpflichtet uns zu "bewachen" - ohne Leine ist alles viel entspannter. Dazu haben wir zwar ein Haus mit großem Garten - aber ein Hund braucht dennoch andere Anregungen und auch soziale Kontakte, weshalb wir mindestens 3 mal täglich mit ihr Gassi gehen... Ich finde es erschreckend wie intolerant viele Menschen geworden sind und nur mehr sich selbst sehen. Was spricht dagegen Kindern beizubringen fremde Hunde einfach in Ruhe zu lassen und ruhig, nicht schreiend an ihnen vorbeizugehen - das wurde uns als Kindern auch beigebracht und es hat uns in keiner Weise traumatisiert oder sonstwie geschadet.
@schlaeckerbaer Ай бұрын
German Dogs 🐕 are free 😂
@astridaden8536 Ай бұрын
Liebe Laureen , komm auf den Punkt..... ..😅❤
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
lol Hello Astrid, I like tangents!!!
@astridaden8536 Ай бұрын
Liebe Lauren, in deinen anderen Videos kommst du auch straight auf den Punkt......❤​@@Laurenangela_english
@josefartzdorf5019 Ай бұрын
Our dog is a German Shepherd, really well trained, but a considerable big guy, and as my wife means, "i would not like to meet him in the wood alone"! But the only thing he battle with is the homelike sofa. And when we meet strange people, he is so sad, because nearly all are afraid of him, what he does not understand of course. But nevertheless we constantly keep him on the leash because nobody can know that he is a "sofa fighter" only. And i really don't understand dog owner who refuse unwaveringly to do so, though knowing that a lot of people palpitate with fear when even meeting a dachshund. And when i hear the famous "der tut nichts, der spielt nur" (All he does is playing) my crest is rising! There are enough places where dogs are aloud running free. Lonely spots, sequestered meadows, or perhaps the garden at home. After all dogs are staying animals, and nobody can unconditionally guarantee their good behavior!
@AnnoNym-e1q Ай бұрын
Als ob man das bei Menschen garantieren könnte.
@Splattercat82 Ай бұрын
Da kann man mal ein Auge zu drücken das du nicht genau weisst ob ein oder zwei Augen =)
@conan7422 Ай бұрын
Even if German dogs are well trained, many dogs cannot read!
@pakabe8774 Ай бұрын
"Herr" and "Frau" are not really translated into man and woman, because that would be "Mann" und "Weib", but because of many think "Weib" is negative, they use the wrong word "Frau". "Frau" is the word used to adress high born women - from nobility. Same for "Herr". After democratization it was used to put everybody on the same level in society to make everybody equal, that is why "Herr" and "Frau" is used since then to adress everybody formally. That is the information to understand "Herren" and "Frauen" as plural, to name the islands Herreninsel und Fraueninsel. So in English it might be lords island and ladies island.
@mariusa.5863 Ай бұрын
"Weib" IS a derogatory term for woman in modern German! It would be offensive to use it or (at best) sound very dated (depending on the context). It used to mean just "woman" (up until the late 19th or early 20th century), but its meaning deteriorated. "Frau" (or "frouwe" in Middle High German) was indeed a term to address a noblewoman, nowadays it means "woman" (in a neutral way; opposite: "Mann" - "man") or "Mrs/Ms/Miss" when combined with a woman’s last name ("Frau Schmidt", no matter if she is married or not; for a man it would be "Herr Schmidt"). If you address a crowd respectfully, it’s "(meine) Damen und Herren" (= "ladies and gentlemen").
@pakabe8774 Ай бұрын
@@mariusa.5863 I don't say you should use it, but it is the right term and is not derogatory as such! We still use it as derivation "weiblich" and in other forms. You couldn't even use or understand these derivations or flexions without knowing and understanding the noun. What you obviously don't understand the difference between meaning and connotation. When people use it in a derogatory way it appears derogatory. The issue is not the term, but the intention. I never heard this term being used in a derogatory way and from older generations I still remember them using it in a non derogatory way. I never ever heard anybody using it in that way, so the connotation exists, but on a wrong reason. There are people talking in a derogatory way about women, but they do it, no matter which words they use. To conclude a term is derogatory because some people use it that way, doesn't change the meaning of it as derogatory. And I don't say you should use the term "Weib" on a daily base, but you have to understand the term to understand many more words used on a regular base! That is my point! You wouldn't know what "weiblich" means, what a "weibchen" ist or what "Weiberfasnacht" and so on. Sure, you could guess, but guessing doesn't make understanding! And you already have seen in the video, how Lauren didn't know how to proper translate the meaning, because we stopped using the correct terms and people who didn't grow up in Germany won't understand the meaning of some words, without understanding the reasons!
@gast9374 Ай бұрын
... or master's island ...
@pakabe8774 Ай бұрын
@@mariusa.5863 And by the way: "Dame" has a different etymology and to use it in this context is a problem, because the English "Dame" would be the German "Frau". There are many missunderstandings between languages, because many Germans think there is no "Sie" in English language, but the English "you" is actually the same as the German "Sie". The English expression for "Du" is actually "thou", but that is not used any more, because English speaking people seen it as too direct to use it publicly. But at the other hand they wonder, why we not call everybody with the personal "Du". They inflated our language and made us using "Du" on a regular base, while they themselves still use "you" what in fact is exact what the German "Sie" means.
@pakabe8774 Ай бұрын
@@gast9374 No, because that has a completely different meaning.
@Jo_Schuler Ай бұрын
Hallo Lauren, mich als querschnittsgelähmten Rollstuhlfahrer stört es auch, wenn ich draußen unangeleinte Hunden begegne. Diese sind nicht an Rollstühle gewöhnt und reagieren meist mit Bellen. Neulich bin ich in Ulm, meiner Heimatstadt an der Donau Liegebike gefahren, auf dieses reagieren Hunde manchmal noch seltsamer. Da sind plötzlich zwei Staffordshire Bullterrier aufgetaucht und haben mich über mehrere Kilometer entlang des Radweges am Ufer bellend eskortiert. Ich versuchte sie unter Sorge, dass sie mich angreifen mit 30 km/h abzuhängen, aber sie blieben dran. Du musst Dir vorstellen, dass mein Kopf etwa in der Höhe der Hunde ist, was das alles noch dramatischer macht. Erst nach 3 Km ließen sie endlich von mir ab. Hier ein Video von meinem Rad, falls Du sowas nicht kennst. kzbin.info/www/bejne/qWjEiWengcp1sLs Btw. ich schaue jedes Video von Dir und finde es super, wie Du das alles machst. Gruß Jo
@i-klaus Ай бұрын
Das dauert mir zu lange bis Sie auf den Punkt kommen.
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
That’s ok!
@haraldlenz7263 Ай бұрын
Hallo Lauren, ich hoffe, deine Familie ist in Sicherheit vor dem großen Sturm und ihr Besitz wird nicht so hart getroffen! 😮
@flamedealership Ай бұрын
And don't forget the heavy panting Germans running after their dogs exclaiming a desperate "der will nur spielen!!"😁🥰 Your comment a little earlier just confirms that even as a Geezer I still can't grasp the first thing of how you women tick. For months and months you post videos in German while not being in Germany. And now that you're finally back over here again you feel more comfortable making videos in your native language? Is it Natalie all over again, my friend? PS: very cute picture, btw. Wich one? Well, the one in the picture I mean by that doesn't wear a recently obtained 10 foot long vest...🤡😁💛💛 PPS : that was a comment from my evil twin who wrote that while I was distracted for just one second, I apologize on his behalf...😁 GIBL65
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
you are so funny. going to reply to your email soon.
@ralphvanissem1884 Ай бұрын
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
@AnnetteLudke-je5ll Ай бұрын
@TimTayler-p6d Ай бұрын
"Why don’t Germans follow this one rule?" In Germany there is no general requirement for dogs to be kept on a leash. Every federal state and every city has different regulations.
@danielemathildelydiakepple2532 Ай бұрын
In Österreich schon.
@van03de Ай бұрын
As a German government lawyer I can confirm your statement. In my state, Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), dogs need a leash in forests, open lands and out of town from April 1st to July 15th. This law is supposed to protect breeding birds and wild life. But it is hardly ever enforced. If violators would be charged 50 Euros every time, they would learn quickly. Secondly, other states, e.g. Hessen (Hesse), have different laws, so how can travellers know about the law of the land? Regional regulations exist as well, but are not widely known. It would be best to have one rule in federal law (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz).
@danielemathildelydiakepple2532 Ай бұрын
@@van03de danke für diese interessante Information. Bei uns in Österreich haben auch alle 9 Bundesländer unterschiedliche Gesetze.
@SK-2503 Ай бұрын
@@danielemathildelydiakepple2532 NEIN - auch bei uns ist es von Bundesland zu Bundesland und auch von Stadt zu Stadt unterschiedlich. Ich lebe in Salzburg und hier gibt es meistens die Regel Leinen ODER Beißkorbpflich. Da es nicht artgerecht ist einen wohlerzogenen Hund ständig nur an der Leine laufen zu lassen läuft unserer praktisch immer frei (ausser bei stark befahrenen Straßen etc.) Und ihre Schnauze ist so kurz, dass kein Maulkorb wirklich passt - also trägt sie diesen auch nicht (ausser beim Einsteigen in einen öffentlichen Bus solange der Fahrer hersieht, dann auch nicht mehr - ist so). Und ich persönlich hasse Eltern, die ihre Gören nicht im Griff haben und ihnen keinen Respekt beibringen - ist leider heutzutage fast schon der Normalzustand.... Weil viele nicht verstehen, dass Respekt und Anstand vorleben und einfordern nichts mit "schwarzer Pädagogik" zu tun hat - sondern einfach mit gutem und wertschätzendem miteinander Leben...
@girlfromgermany Ай бұрын
Sorry, aber da muss ich widersprechen. Ein unangeleinter Hund ist deshalb noch lange nicht gut trainiert. Vor allem ist das Hundetraining ja mindestens genauso ein Menschentraining. Verantwortungsvolle Halter lassen ihre Hunde jedenfalls nicht einfach überall frei rumlaufen, denn selbst wenn das wirklich der liebste Hund ist, weiß man ja auch nie, wie ein fremder Mensch auf das Tier reagiert und ob jemand vielleicht Angst hat.
@joncentel4932 Ай бұрын
@winny4765 Ай бұрын
Lauren, you have definitely become toooo German.
@rumpelstielzchen963 Ай бұрын
1 Auge zudrücken
@florgatyerf9295 Ай бұрын
How many “eyes” does such a society need? Where does this begin and where does it end? Is mutual consideration only practiced when it suits one’s own interests?
@rumpelstielzchen963 Ай бұрын
@@florgatyerf9295 Mir ging es um die Grammatik.
@Splattercat82 Ай бұрын
Oh, du klingst etwas erkältet. Falls es so ist, direkt mal gute und schnelle Genesung. Und danke für das tolle Video
@Kelsea-2002 Ай бұрын
Die Ausnahme von der Regel.
@sonjak2395 Ай бұрын
Oh, be sure to visit the Christmas market on Frauenchiemsee!!
@Laurenangela_english Ай бұрын
I cant wait for it!!!!
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