Excessive fanservice, skinship, and toxic fans themselves have damaged and even ruined a lot of friendships and relationships. I admire the guys that refuse to do it. Nothing like this should even be in their contracts. Let the actors themselves decide what they will and what they won't be comfortable with. I understand the need for promotion but everyone involved needs to be on the same page. These entertainment corporations should not have the power to have a say in every aspect of these guy's lives.
@maritesdelacruz2451 Жыл бұрын
Jyd - 100% agree. You cannot just do whatever they asked you to do then after a series or movie is done you will say fan service only. Just don't say anything leave it like that. It will now depend on your followers if they believe it or not coz sometimes they are true sometimes not, there's a saying action speaks louder than words
@menzhim2812 Жыл бұрын
@jyd.. Cant agree more. The intimacy, the cuddling, all were way: Too Over The Top. Fanservice is deceiving. Cheating the fans. But most fans can be so naïve to believe all the "stage-acting". I did another round of viewing of TharnType series and scrutinized their relationship. Put aside the "loving" part: Type is an abusive and violent partner. Tharn, being a soft-hearted lover, fell blindly in love with Type. In addition to the vulgar insults, oral and mental abuse, Type was actually also physically abused Tharn. Typically too many times, this type of relationships happen and sadly, ignored. In any kinds of relationship, there should NOT be any kind of abuse. Hence, the fanservice is to promote the series as loving-lovers.
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
mew gulf was not fan service only mew is saying mew is big lier i know him so well from 2016
@kulgerta Жыл бұрын
Isn't it wonderful that we live in a time when one of the most influential Thai BL movies came out. How many years have passed and it is still being talked and fought about. This means that the film itself was very well made and the actors gave more than 100%. We are lucky indeed.
@BtsArmy4eves Жыл бұрын
Team Gulf ❤❤❤
@niliroja7632 Жыл бұрын
Gulf es de un corazón 💟 puro y humilde ❤lo admiro mucho y lo amo 💕
@mariaisabeltapia2470 Жыл бұрын
Al que parece que se le olvidó eso fue a Mew quién dijo que le agradecía a tul parque siempre estuvo hay para apoyarlo a él se le olvidó que Gulf lo ánimo para que siguiera cantando y nunca le agradeció en cambio Gulf siempre agradeció y admiro a Mew espero que Gulf nunca tenga que hacer ningún trabajo con esa persona
@Camila.3019A Жыл бұрын
Y esa vez no me acuerdo de k evento era cuando mew hasta lloro y le dijo s gulf que gracias por haberlo conocido o algo así no me acuerdo bien mew lloro y lo abrazo hasta eso era actuación ay no k triste k ni amigos fueron, puro marketing
@mariaisabeltapia2470 Жыл бұрын
Si vi ese vídeo pero de verdad uno no sabe que pasó entre ellos porque para mí querían pero la vida es haci espero que mi Gulf este bien
@Camila.3019A Жыл бұрын
@@mariaisabeltapia2470 esas lágrimas eran parte de su trabajo de mew es actor es fácil para el llorar para sus fans😔
@mariaisabeltapia2470 Жыл бұрын
@@Camila.3019A Para mí Mew aprendió o se aprendió bien lo que ISO su antiguo compañero supo engañar muy bien pero si sus fans son feliz
@vivianamolina881 Жыл бұрын
La supuesta amistad de Mew y Gulf es todo un misterio. No sabemos si en realidad llegaron a ser amigos o sólo fueron compañeros de trabajo. Pero, parecería qué algo ocurrió entre ellos o simplemente se alejaron por diferencias de caracteres, distintas personalidades, edades y gustos. Bueno, sólo ellos saben la verdad de lo qué ocurrió.
@angelal3560 Жыл бұрын
Estoy de acuerdo con lo último. Cada vez que veo videos de las actividades de Gulf y las de Mew, siento con más fuerza que poco o nada tenían en común ellos dos. Realmente es tan distinta su forma de disfrutar de la vida. La verdad, siento que funcionó mg solo para promoción de ttts, pero quién sabe 🤷🏻♀️
@hilariaedrosa7330 Жыл бұрын
True, and I’m sure something bad happened. There was sulking and flirting on each side, Gulf moved away from their channel and no contact to each other, that’s simple to analyze that only those that don’t really care can relate…. But not everyone is dumb to realize that and would believe that was only fan service like Mew claimed, Gulf said work is work but never said it was all fan service
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
gulf did not talk about fan service at all he said he do hes best for job and everything please don't trans worung
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
im happy evrything is over om glad gulf dont have to see mew . mew never desorve gulf even as a brother
@YvetteABlake7 ай бұрын
Mew is protecting the one he loves. They both know what's going on. Love them.
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
when they dont have a any contact so they are not friends lol for 2 years not say happy birthday and or congrat nothing im gald if everything is fan service but why they should get hurt mew is 11 years in this work he also play bl before so he also 7 years older from gulf he 100% know about what is fan service
@velo7506 Жыл бұрын
Je pense qu ils ont été ensemble, ils ont été trop tactiles pour que soit faux, mais je pense que cela s'est très mal fini, avec un gros clash. Je pense qu ils ne veulent plus se croiser parce que tout cela s est transformé en haine. Plusieurs fans à l epoque avaient dit avoir les surpris en très grosse dispute, avec des insultes. C est tellement dommage...
@serpico6471 Жыл бұрын
oui j 'ai pensé à la même chose ils sont sortis ensemble à un moment donné car ils agissaient vraiment en boyfriend; Si il y a bien un couple que j'aurais aimé voir ensemble c'était les deux, j'attendais même leur mariage ça a été un vrai choc tout ça .... déjà le fait que Mew ne soit pas apparu à l'anniversaire de Gulf le 4 décembre dernier m'avait mis la puce à l'oreille mais là , pas se parler depuis 2 ans c'est incroyable .... en tous cas je me souviens qu' présentateur avait demandé aux deux : qui est le plus possessif ? et Gulf avait répondu Pi Mew ... peut-être c'est une des raisons on saura jamais .... espérons qu'ils se réconcilient un jour
@blackcrystalzen157 Жыл бұрын
Tul is a good friend that knows the truth, but he will never tell what it is because that's what loyal friends do and Tul is loyal to mew.
@anamendoza5903 Жыл бұрын
Creo que ya tienen que superar a Mew y Gulf, no comprendo ellos ya dijeron que no se hablan y veo miles de videos hablando de ambos en el mismo video 🙂, a mi me gusta gulf y sólo veo actualizaciones de él, a Mew le evito ya no me gusta
@МарияЗайцева-э6ц Жыл бұрын
Фансервисом занимаются все актеры, у некоторых есть девушки и для всех это нормально. Мью - философ, он рассказал столько о своём faen, что подходит минимум 6 человек, 2 девушки и 4 мужчины. Мью хитрый лис его не поймаешь. У меня один вопрос, почему все его депрессии и скандалы происходят когда Галф уезжает и все проходит когда он возвращается? Тарн Тайп был удачным проектом , что бы продолжить свою карьеру пришлось каждому пойти своим путем, но я не думаю что они прекратили общение , общение прекратили Тарн и Тайп. Однажды Галф сказал, что всегда будет на стороне Мью, этому можно верить.Время расставит все по местам .
@mariaisabeltapia2470 Жыл бұрын
Entonces tú dices que Mew y Gulf tienen una relacion
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
no also gulf this time dont say happy birthday to mew for frist time mew don't say hbd for 3 years they are not good to each other
@МарияЗайцева-э6ц Жыл бұрын
Это как прятать чёрную кошку в чёрной комнате, кошку никто не видит, а она там есть.Я говорю об общении, остальное очень личное. У них расписаны чёткие графики, они часто бывают в одних и техже местах и никогда не пересекаются, и как минимум один костюм у них общий, принт на ткани эдентичен, я работаю с тканью. Любая пара может разойтись,но при этом сохранить нормальные отношения .
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
@@МарияЗайцева-э6ц type eng and talk to me later 😏
@mandapaparang1931 Жыл бұрын
Fans service it's ok itu normal di dunia showbiz gini, jadi penasaran nanti di acara award mereka berdua dateng ga ya 😅 soalnya agak weird aja gitu loh mereka ga pernah ketemu secara kebetulan , kesan nya yg satu ada nah yg lain menghindar 😊😊, ngerti bgt mereka public figure punya privasi sendiri dan menghormati bgt apapun pilihan mereka , cuman bener kata sisvita masa sayhello aja terkesan takut bgt, tapi ya berharap yg terbaik buat mereka kedepan nya ,dan hubungan mereka makin membaik dan ga ada fans toxic lagi , jadi mereka bisa saling berteman dengan baik 😊
@anjss3560 Жыл бұрын
Kalo menurut aku pribadi mereka masih temenan cuma emang pacarnya mew bukan gulf. Banyak orang yg bilang "kalo emang gaada apa-apa kenapa ga pernah ada interaksi (di sosmed)" "kalo emang cuma bro kenapa ga biasa aja kaya bro, partner lain banyak kok yang kaya gitu". Tapi mereka ga sadar se besar apa fandom ini dan sebanyak apa toxic fansnya. Lets be honest, kita sendiri juga sadar sebenernya kalo ada interaksi SEDIKIT aja antara mereka berdua di sosmed bakalan DUARRRR. Dan di masa depan kalo mereka ngenalin partnernya ke publik dan ternyata bukan satu sama lain they're gonna drag them down like sooo bad, meskipun mereka dah selalu bilang kalo mereka cuma brother🙂
@norazwamohdbuang510 Жыл бұрын
Hai Sis Vita... Bagi pandangan saya, mungkin mereka berdua ada perjanjian... Perjanjian apa pasti berkaitan tentang hubungan mereka yang kita semua tidak tahu.. Saya rasa P'Mew silap..bukan 2 tahun mereka tidak pernah berkonunikasi...last acara couple mereka tak silap saya pada October 2021.. Tapi apapun saya tetap sayang P'Mew Dan N'Gulf lebih lebih lagi N'Gulf 🥰..love Kanawut 💜 Terima kasih Sis Vita
@sisvita Жыл бұрын
Bisa jadi macam nih, 🤔😁❤️
@norazwamohdbuang510 Жыл бұрын
@@sisvita Saya rasa rasa seperti itu, Sis Vita 😅.. Ada masanya saya rasa seolah olah "kekasih" P'Mew yang berada "di luar negara" itu seperti tidak wujud.. Tetapi tak mengapa,sebab hanya P'Mew Dan N'Gulf tahu apa yg mereka lalui . Doakan yg terbaik buat kerjaya Dan kesihatan mereka.. Oh yea, Selamat Berpuasa , Sis Vita 🥰
@Ирина-д1в9о Жыл бұрын
Как сказал Мью "он хочет уважать свою девушку" и сказал,что все что было связано с Тарном и Тайпом это фан сервис. А когда он вел себя с Галфом,как со своим фаеном,когда обнимал тискал,целовал в щёчки,целовал в плечики носил на руках и всем своим поведением показывал,что Галф для него особенный и не заменимый,когда перед фанатами говорил Галфу " Давай будем вместе очень долго" ,говорил что он человек " одно сердце и одна любовь,"когда посвятил песню Галфу , почему тогда он не уважал свою девушку. И как его девушка чувствовала себя во время этого,как говорит Мью,фан сервиса . Я бы после такого поведения и после таких действий ,какие делал Мью,такого парня на пушечный выстрел бы к себе не подпустила и ни когда бы ему не доверяла. Он ее унизил при своих фанатах,а теперь вдруг в любви признался. Как то низко и подло это все. От их фан сервиса у всех просто взрыв и снос " крыши " был. Ещё ни кто не смог переплюнуть такой фан сервис,как был у Мью и Галфа. И пусть меня хоть убьют,но я никогда не поверю,что это был фан сервис . Это была настоящая безумная любовь!!!!! А вот ,что произошло между Мью и Галфом,что они перестали взаимодействовать,это только им известно.
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
no im so happy also many fans so happy they dont see each other anymore
@irnijuniwati6012 Жыл бұрын
Menurut sy, Mew berbohong utk menutupi sesuatu dan salah satunya spy film masing2 laku ditonton, tdk berhenti hanya di TTTS, Yg perlu dicurigai mengapa mrk langsung stop komunikasi setelah film TTTS selesai, pdhal artis2 lainnya msh bs berkomunikasi misal Mild, artis2 yg bermain BL jg msh bs berkomunikasi spt biasa, mengapa MG tdk bs ? Ini aneh bukan ? Mew mengaku punya pacar dan bukan dr kalangan artis, mengapa hrs disembunyikan, yg biasanya diam2 tp berpacaran ya dr kalangan artis sj, krn menjaga imeg dll. Jd mengapa MG spt itu ? Logika kita hrs jalan ya nong ❤❤
@anjss3560 Жыл бұрын
Kalo menurut aku pribadi mereka masih temenan cuma emang pacarnya mew bukan gulf. Banyak orang yg bilang "kalo emang gaada apa-apa kenapa ga pernah ada interaksi (di sosmed)" "kalo emang cuma bro kenapa ga biasa aja kaya bro, partner lain banyak kok yang kaya gitu". Tapi mereka ga sadar se besar apa fandom ini dan sebanyak apa toxic fansnya. Jujur saja kita sendiri juga sadar sebenernya kalo ada interaksi SEDIKIT aja antara mereka berdua di sosmed bakalan DUARRRR. Dan di masa depan kalo mereka ngenalin partnernya ke publik dan ternyata bukan satu sama lain mereka akan dihujat habis-habisan, meskipun mereka dah selalu bilang kalo mereka cuma brother🙂
@maritesdelacruz2451 Жыл бұрын
You know for someone you have worked for more than 2 years, do you believe that they have not communicated for 2 years also. You cannot just ignore a friend, brother or whatever you want to call it whom you have worked for more than 2 years to notcommunicate for 2 years. Something must have happened. Mew suddenly announced he has a lover and what happened between him and Gulf is just a fan service. Who would believe it? In interviews they said that what you hear and what you see comes out naturally not pretending. They even said that they will support each other, love each other and whatever good for them. Where did all those promises go? They became water under the bridge.
@angelal3560 Жыл бұрын
Nada en este mundo es eterno. Nadie puede asegurar que el cariño entre dos personas durará toda una vida. Si no me crees, mira las tasas de divorcios que existen actualmente 😅. Por lo mismo, no se le puede exigir a dos personas, de las cuales ni siquiera conocemos su vida privada, que mantengan sus sentimientos inamovibles. Lamentablemente, o no, eso no es posible. Todo cambia, para bien o para mal 🤷🏻♀️
@Ojosyou Жыл бұрын
Yo tengo mis esperanzas pero por otro lado hay que tener respeto por las dos partes, apoyar y lo que sigue osea básicamente seguír apoyando.
@sisvita Жыл бұрын
( ◜‿◝ )♡
@rosesantosdy Жыл бұрын
I think Gulf & Mew had a really busy schedule so they had no time to talk to each other. Mew had a lot of promotions of his lakorns. Gulf is busy doing whatever his schedule is. Let them breathe, ok. Leave them alone.✌️
@lailysudjadi2153 Жыл бұрын
Simple saja, karena sangat terlihat jelas dari segi M nya sudah ingin mengstop semuanya, M sudah mulai berubah dari akhir 2020, bahkan 2021 seterusnya M sudah mengstop semuanya, cocologi yg sering di lihat justru membuat M semakin gerah dan memborbardir Twitter nya ( dengan mengatakan fans services walau dengan kata2 yg cukup kasar sampai heboh) dan itupun di amini G bahwa mereka profesional kerja saja. konon sampai ada mata2 yg mencari tahu ttg MG namun hasilnya kering/nihil karena memang mreka just brother. Doa terbaik sukses untuk ke duanya, bersama atau tdk bersama semoga ttp sukses dngn karir/jodoh mereka kelak
@sisvita Жыл бұрын
Emm bisa jadi sih 🤔🥺
@YvetteABlake7 ай бұрын
Why so much hate in the comments?. You've loved them together, now love them separately.
@hilariaedrosa7330 Жыл бұрын
Sis, it’s not normal not to talk to each other after their project considering they were close but of course they have their own opinion on what happened based on what we see in the media. But definitely there was something happened between them. I had seen clips behind the scene towards the end of the shooting of their series. Seems there was already a problem between them at that time where Gulf seems sulking like hurt, in the other hand Mew was flirting with someone else that they were even teased by other crew at that time. So they went separate ways right after the series that Gulf even had to move from gmmtv. I might be wrong but anyway, it’s also better for them to be in separate ways if they can’t reciprocate each other’s feeling without hurting. 😢
@angelal3560 Жыл бұрын
Una corrección. En los planes de Gulf no estaba gmmtv, su meta siempre fue ser parte del Ch3. Hay entrevistas donde lo confirma ✌️
@cathymiller438 Жыл бұрын
Gulf is with Ch3 has been since TharnType ended he has made 2 Lakorns 1 Film now on Netflix he has done other short series his queue is 3years long Mew has a part in a Lakorn no other work why do you think he can go away for a month at a time Gulf has never been with GMMTV he has good friends who he went to school with like Bright
@nimaderemi7772 Жыл бұрын
Menurut saya... Keduanya tidak akan mencari pasangan lain... 😂😂
@sisvita Жыл бұрын
Mew mau nikah btw, jangan bilang gitu 😭
@yeem4639 Жыл бұрын
Bener...Mereka udah gak bisa cari yg lain 😊
@rositaarana6381 Жыл бұрын
yo le voy a dar tiempo al tiempo ,porque la vida de mew gulf es un misterio que ellos solo conocen por que si no se hablan da la casuaildad que siempre ay indirectas de parte de los dos inclusive de algunos miembros de su familia ,yo no se pero mejor tranquilita no nos vayan a salir con alguna sorpresa aunque de seguro es lo que muchos esperan,🤣
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
mew should saty away from gulf
@vivianesousa4802 Жыл бұрын
Sinceramente, eu ficaria muito feliz se caso eles não se falacem mais, se eu fosse o mew suppasit continuaria mantendo distância do gulf, pois seria bem melhor pro BB. Acho que mew cada entrevista que ele dá vai ficando maior ainda a bola de neve, 2 atores que não se falam há 2 anos, assim disse o suppasit. Gulf demorou falar sobre o assunto, acho que ele tem coisa melhor pra falar, como sobre seus trabalhos... Então gulf, concordou com o que o mew já havia falado, lógico que o gulf não iria falar que o mew é um mentiroso. Ele confirmou a história do suppasit. Mew fala que somos malucos né!? Então, ele é mais Maluco ainda de dizer que não fala com o gulf a 2 anos, ninguém e burro suppasit! Todos os atores de BL sempre se encontram em eventos, não é sempre, mas durante esses 2 anos, mew e gulf não se encontrarem? Morram no mesmo país no mesmo bairro, tem amigos em comum que moram perto, e eles não se encontram? Se tem um restaurante onde eles frequenta, o mesmo restaurante?... Mew suppasit tem medo de ser esquecido. Tá sempre querendo causar pra está sempre nos holofotes. Todas as semanas tá lá uma polêmica causada por mew suppasit. Essas mentiras já está enchendo o saco... Se ele tem namorada ou namorado, fala logo quem é! Se já falou que tem então seja bom com seus fãs, os que enche o seu bolso de dinheiro. Seja mais atencioso. Fala quem é, e se case logo. Acabe com essa palhaçada.. Ou então diga logo que sempre foi o BB gulf que vc ama, e pare de deixar seus fãs triste com essa falta de respeito. E como não é o gulf, e daí!? E só vc falar e pronto não vai doer. Ou será que e o ART? Eu não duvido nada,pois vcs dois iriam se merecer. Só uma observação. Eu sou fã dos dois Mew e do gulf. Mas uma fã que já está de saco cheio de tantas mentiras. Do mew suppasit 😔. (🇧🇷🇹🇭🇧🇷). 2 anos sem se falarem. E seguem um ao outro no IG, vê se pode 😂😂😂. Realmente mew suppasit Quer que sejamos malucos? Casal de mentiras. Viram inimigos,?😮. Aí aí 😂.
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
no they said nothing not even contact so they also not friends na
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
i wish they dont be friends and don't even see
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
glad if every thing is fan service but mew said gulf is hurt why gulf is hurt?
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
no they are not friends and brother anymore is over in 2021
@ladirlucia2506 Жыл бұрын
Acho q o mew tem muito a perde aliás já perdeu pois a carreira dele não é mais a mesma e ele sabe disto pois está atirando pra todos os lados e não consegue se firma em nada enquanto o gulf segue no auge da sua carreira e um principe e o mew é só um sapo com sua carreira parada sou mais o gulf q não precisa dizer q tem um amante pra tenta chamá a atenção dos fãs vive sua gloriosa carreira rumo a felicidade
@imherendone Жыл бұрын
Mew career is not at a standstill...have you seen the views on his MVs and newest lagoons? One could say he's actually edging Gulf out a bit because Gulf can't sing
@sabikonabarbie418 Жыл бұрын
@@imherendone who says Gulf can't sing Gulf can sing any kind of songs especially rap can your mew rap ? NO???
@gnancyswarna9724 Жыл бұрын
@@imherendone views 7k not even one episode crossed above 50k 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣which lakorn or which actor you are speaking about 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@gnancyswarna9724 Жыл бұрын
@@sabikonabarbie418 global singer Mew's fm nobody buys tickets 🎟 y ?🤣🤣🤣but for Gulf fm it is sold out within minutes like noodles 🤣🤣🤣
@sabikonabarbie418 Жыл бұрын
@@gnancyswarna9724 love you man let's stay together for Gulf for a long time his MV is for adults only NC bc he is good at that but Gulf's MV is for GP even children love to sing and can watch wholesome MV
@nimaderemi7772 Жыл бұрын
Menurut saya... MewGulf tidak akan saling menyakiti saling menjaga hati... Tidak akan berpisah... Dilihat dari pernyataan2 mereka berdua dari 2 th lalu... Keduanya tidak akan mencari pasangan lain...
@sarayegane5770 Жыл бұрын
ولی مشخص که هنوز علاقه بین میو و گالف هست .امیدوارم خیلی زود به هم برگردن و ادامه بدن 🙂
@sisvita Жыл бұрын
Mew already have lovers, mew and gulf just brother
@joynkem1964 Жыл бұрын
Please leave gulf out. Gulf will never get back with a man that constantly create controversy for him.
@joeypurlas4391 Жыл бұрын
Agree never again mg comeback that old man he has a secret lover now he vacation in NY we are curious maybe that two are lover cause we know that man nature. We will see again the scandal and rumors MT maybe T send again both them are wearing boxer brief or bad scene 😅same attitude that two they like topless Mew like rumors with that man until his old they are bringing the bad memories. No more anymore mg ok and our gulf is move on already someday he will find a good person and we want a woman for gulf and we wait at the right time and we wishing gulf he find someone he truly love sincerity and loyal and we wish for him a happiness 🙏💯🥰❤️❤️❤️
@粉雪-c9y Жыл бұрын
@jolandaoranje4372 Жыл бұрын
Its a strange story from so close to nothing don't believe in that
@emmamartinez6811 Жыл бұрын
That is very very sad Then they said they love each other😢😢😅😅
@emmamartinez6811 Жыл бұрын
Neither do I😢😢
@renespeaks3895 Жыл бұрын
Maybe Mew should stop talking about it at every interview..it’s not helping him. 😢
@rosalinasri8 күн бұрын
iya knpa ya kok pmew sama nong Gulf kok bs ya gk komunikasi sm skali..heran ya😢😢😢 heran..klau pmew punya kkasih...tp sharusnya msih bs jadi temen ...gk trus dlupakan gt aja....😢😢
@sasha-zm4tl Жыл бұрын
Mungkin karena kalau mereka berinteraksi lagi, orang orang akan ngesip mereka lagi Kan mew sudah bilang mulai sekarang dia ingin menghormati pacarnya Tapi bingung juga sih kan mereka bisa berinteraksi sebagai phi nong, fans juga gak bakalan ngesip lagi karena mereka sudah menjelaskan bahwa mereka cuman sekedar phinong
@anjss3560 Жыл бұрын
Yakin mereka bisa berinteraksi sebagai phi nong dan gabakalan di ship lagi?😂 lets be honest. Kita tau peris bakalan gimana kalo mereka ada SEDIKIT interaksi aja di sosmed, bakalan DUARRRRR. Dan suatu saat kalo mereka publikasi hubungan masing" dan ternyata partner mereka bukan satu sama lain, pasti dijatuhin abis abisan meskipun mereka dah bilang kalo mereka cuma bro
@sasha-zm4tl Жыл бұрын
Iya juga sih, mew sekarang belibet libet banget ketika bicara tentang pacarnya awas ye kalo entar ujung ujungnya balik lagi ke Gulf, otak PhD emang susah dimengerti
@debrapayne6533 Жыл бұрын
I think they should not meet; Gulf I think did not do complete fan service I think he loved Mew and of course MewGulf was little excessive with it; their friendship is probably not very well
@cathymiller438 Жыл бұрын
Mew is Delusional he needs and begs attention 😊
@isabellarose6640 Жыл бұрын
This is the way P'mew melindungi nong gulf Dari pembenci Dan toxic fan.,.kita tau gulf sangat di benci oleh same mewlions
@mariaisabeltapia2470 Жыл бұрын
Porque lo odian si Gulf es un amor de persona
@niliroja7632 Жыл бұрын
Mew egoísta Zorro no le gusta perder
@sarahrenkoski4311 Жыл бұрын
I don't feel that fanservice is fair to the fans or the actors. If it isn't real. It really hurts all who want it to be. I really feel it isn't right to make the actor put on a show like that. Still going to watch any work either one of them put out.
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
you think you know evreything???? is not true you don't know why they dont talk for 2 years.
@smutnekonwalie Жыл бұрын
So why they don’t talk for 2 years?
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
@@smutnekonwalie becuce they break up in 2021 . or they have a big problem as gulf said.
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
you don't know them i was with mew for 8 years
@anjss3560 Жыл бұрын
Tell me then what kind of person mew is? (I'm not being sarcastic at all). I'm new to this showbiz and to mew so i dont really know
@mamasuma348 Жыл бұрын
Terima kasih sis atas berita tentang mewgulf, dan ini pendapatku aja yaaa, aku rasa mereka masih berhubungan hanya saja mereka tdk ingin diketahui sama penggemarnya, dikarenakan penggemar mewgulf kan sangat antusias yaa terhadap mereka (mewgulf) penggemar sellu mengadakan acara ini itu tentang mereka sedang kan mengadakan acara ini itu kan ga sedikit mengeluarkan biaya. Aku rasa mereka menghindari acara semua itu agar tidak mubajir 😁😁😁😁😁 makasiiiih..,
@sisvita Жыл бұрын
Emm bisa jadi sih 🤔🤔😁
@mamasuma348 Жыл бұрын
@@sisvita hmmmm bagaimana kalau kita jodohkan 😁😁😁😁😁
@sisvita Жыл бұрын
@@mamasuma348 nggk boleh ☺️
@mamasuma348 Жыл бұрын
@@sisvita 😄😄😄😄😄
@mamasuma348 Жыл бұрын
Cemburu yaaa
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
gulf said he dont want to work with mew agian
@gegebuge9670 Жыл бұрын
When did Gulf said that he don't want to work again with M
@gnancyswarna9724 Жыл бұрын
@@gegebuge9670 he didn't tell to openly but when the MC asked is there chance to act in the future with Mew?Gulf Quick answer was no thanks 😂😂🤣🤣🤣I think Gulf already had enough hate from Mew and Mewlions now he is very prudent and his answer was hell no 🤣🤣🤣
@gegebuge9670 Жыл бұрын
@@gnancyswarna9724 can you tell me what event is this?
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
@@gegebuge9670 in hes interview he said
@happy5676 Жыл бұрын
@@gnancyswarna9724 that was too quick 👍
@joantan8543 Жыл бұрын
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... be it shakespeare or william congreve, they r wrong. Men too..not faen, not friend is also highly possible 😅
@inasundariana2233 Жыл бұрын
pmew tu Nora.bersukur gulf ga berhubungan sm orang egois
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
you don't know anything only mew amd gulf amd mlid konw what happen to them also is so clear they hate each other just gulf is rexpcet mew but mew even as a actor dont rexpect gulf
@امنهتیموری-ك8و Жыл бұрын
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
mew is lover is not privesy mew kipp talk about fean .
@happy5676 Жыл бұрын
You seem to be too upset, I resonate with your feelings 👍 Time will heal everything, let's hope for the best.... I'm a diehard Gulf fan 😘.
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
@@happy5676 im happy i will kiss mew fean hand for she or he is with mew 😂😂😂😂😋😋😋😋😏
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
@@happy5676 i support both i dont have any problems with mew us just hes talk shit if he want priavte so he should stop talk about fean and travel ...
@almzxykr Жыл бұрын
Pada 'ngeh' nggak jawaban n'Gulf soal tweet p'Mew pas acara OishiOnePiece×Gulf beberapa waktu lalu? Media ada yg nanya, "did u talk anything with him?" Nong jawab, "oh, abt talking to p'Mew, i don't often. well as phi said, we haven't had chance to talk much for a while." jeng jeng jeng 😅 kudu digaris bawahi sepertinya 'i don't often, to talk to much for a while' padahal cuitan p'Mew udah 2 years nggak bicara sama Nong. Mungkin kita harus jeli bgt ya memahami kata per kata dari ucapan mereka, lebih² lagi kata² Nong. as u knowww, orang yg nggak banyak bicara seperti Nong, pasti selalu mempertimbangkan ucapan mereka (a man of his word). Dan yg terpenting adalah we don't know anything abt them. Kalau masih curious, pantau. Kalau udah jengah, boleh melipir say good bye. Jangan mengutuk salah satu apalagi keduanya. Soal p'Mew and 'his faen', mari kita doakan hilal segera terlihat 😊 disclaimer: jawaban Nong tadi translate, semoga emg bener² mewakili karena gw jg gapaham bahasa thai. thx sis vita 💜
@angelal3560 Жыл бұрын
Se debe tener cuidado con las traducciones que se leen de las entrevistas de ambos. Es necesario buscar fuentes confiables y no aquellos que traducen con Google 😬
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
you even dont show your face you think you know evreything???
@susanabutikofer7777 Жыл бұрын
Mew Sol de Tailândia BRIIIIIIIIIILLA AMO EL ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@joereilly8418 Жыл бұрын
It is really boring with all this Are they or Are they not this or that.
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
they don't say don't any promles they dont say they fine gulf dont say this work are you sure you see all interview M
@geetapradhan6942 Жыл бұрын
Sorry but he is a big Laiear and playboy he chageds his partner like a person change a clothes what a Sam mew suppasite you navear happy in your life anymore 😭😭😭😭🙏🏼
@mahdokhtghasemi7780 Жыл бұрын
mew before was really rexpect gulf but mew jock and say bad thing a about gulf work
@happy5676 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you👍
@sarayegane5770 Жыл бұрын
ممنون خواهر و دوستت دارم.من فکر میکنم میو اشتباه کرد و با تول دوستش رابطه گرفت و این رابطه به زندگی و کارش لطمه زد
@sisvita Жыл бұрын
@sarayegane5770 Жыл бұрын
من فکر میکنم میو با تول رابطه داره این رو بعد از سفر میو به امریکا متوجه میشیم
@Joanne9557 Жыл бұрын
@@sarayegane5770 his life, his lies, his lover, his business
@celiaelenanunezdebenitez7362 Жыл бұрын
Gracias Sisvita por la información yo esperare siempre que hables de los dos MEWGULF son muy bellos realizaron un excelente trabajo como pareja BL los dos son excelentes actores EXITOS !!!!!
@happy5676 Жыл бұрын
@@sarayegane5770 No Tul is just his friend, a sincere friend.