Why Modern Disney Heroes Suck

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It's not just the villains at all but also the heroes.

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@sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 Жыл бұрын
Raya had the potential to be a great hero but she was completely overrun by the bad storytelling and the hypocritical messaging. Also when Sisu came into the story, I just couldn’t help but roll my eyes every time she was onscreen. Raya is not the one the movie should have portrayed to be in the wrong. If someone deceived me and took my entire home and father away, I’d be as angry as Raya at Nemari. Raya was such a waste of potential.
@FarahA27 11 ай бұрын
Agreed! I was hoping that Raya would be more like Katara and that Sisu would be the one portrayed in the wrong and that Nemari would be the bad guy (it would make Sisu realize that some people are not worthy of trust).
@Swiftbow 10 ай бұрын
Disney's insistence on using modern dialog tropes in fantasy settings kills my immersion, too. (Example: "For the record," and other irritating, overused phrases like it.)
@Embrinna 10 ай бұрын
I was so shocked that the plot makes her to have her trust back to someone that BETRAYED HER FIRST. What makes me feel more weirded out is how it's people around her that push her to have hee own trust again to other people. I mean, she lost her entire family and people for being bertrayed, and somehow it is HER that should fix her point of view!? What kind of gaslighting message is that????
@herbertn.oafallas3565 10 ай бұрын
As a Southeast Asian, aside from the bad message it conveys, I have several reasons why I don't like our own Disney Princess... 1. The creators must just focus to one region of Southeast Asia, Thailand or Indonesia would do. But they do is mixing the cultures and traditions of all countries into one single monolith that any my SEA siblings wouldn't recognized, Raya isn't Thai, Indonesian, Filipino, Malaysian, Lao, Burmese, or Vietnamese, she's Kumandran a fictional place with a fictional language, why should I relate to her? 2. Raya should be a musical. It's a missed opportunity to incorporate the rich and diverse music of the region especially I buy that sht if they have a soundtrack with Gamelan orchestra in the background music but we just get is a song with virtue signalling message of Trust, not hating Jhene Aiko she has a beautiful voice but the song is not it. 3. The East Asian dominated Voice Actors. Imagine the deities of the movie, voiced by an East Asian actress is kinda weird and sounds implying to me. Theirs only two SEAsians in the casts of VAs, Kelly Marie Tran and the one half-Filipino that voiced the one of the chiefs with barely two or three lines throughout the movie. 4. The clothing is fckin bland. If you search about the traditional clothings of SEA, it has amazing patterns and designs. whether a royalty or commoner the clothes are embellished with designs and patterns. They nailed the detail of Elsa's dress in Frozen 2 but they became lazy with this movie. Unbelievable. 🙄🙄
@sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 10 ай бұрын
@@herbertn.oafallas3565 1000% agree with all of this.
@dhruvgeorge Жыл бұрын
Honestly, they really should have explored the idea of WHY Ralph was so clingy. I mean, the guy was friendless for most of his videogame life. His own game characters treated him like trash. Now, this girl comes in and becomes his best friend, but now she wants to broaden her horizons. Being new to this whole friendship thing, obviously Ralph would be paranoid that his new best friend would abandon him and he would go back to being friendless
@MysteriousMagick Жыл бұрын
@dewolf123 Жыл бұрын
Oh well unfortunately you are not the writer because your idea would mean someone who is smart and cares about the art of writing would improve the script so Disney is stuck up their nose with whoever is the least qualified as a writer.
@AllenTheAnimator004 Жыл бұрын
Disney forgot about "friendship" and turned it into "if you love someone,let it go" but worse
@iclynnx Жыл бұрын
And maybe make it seem more like he's kind of like a father figure instead of the best friend of a child that never grows up. It could work. Ralph is suddenly a father figure to somebody, he cares a lot, and now he risks losing one of the first meaningful relationships in his life, but surprise surprise, it doesn't mean losing her, just being apart or letting them move onto other things or whatever, and Ralph can still have other meaningful relationships.
@georgemeyers7172 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. That makes sense. They needed scenes to emphasize the fact that he used to be lonely.
@kingagrabowska9366 Жыл бұрын
In the beginning, Disney's main characters were supposed to be role models. If you were a princess you were kind, good with animals, and hard-working, if you were a prince you were just there but then came the one from Sleeping Beauty who was brave, strong, and kind. As time went on females and males got more equal screen time. And their personalities became more unique, with individual hobbies, with flaws to overcome, and with dreams we want them to make come true. Lately, Disney's main characters seem to have no individual goal. They are very passive, instead of making decisions, good or bad, which drives the plot forward the plot is dragging them along for the ride instead. I have the perfect life in this perfect place but something's wrong with plants/gem brakes/house is coming down. It feels less personal because instead of a character wanting something with all their heart and chasing after it, it's more like ''I don't want the entire world to die and my family to die, so I guess I better get going.'' I think most people don't want their family to die and the world to end. It worked in Encanto because it was just a house and magic which would've sucked if they lost but if they did they could just move/rebuild the house and live like normal people. Also, it was a metaphor for family relations.
@GabePlaysYT Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. Belle sings out that she's unhappy and wants adventure. Aladdin wants to be more than a street rat. Ariel wanted to be part of their world. All the heroes of the past were unhappy and drove the story forward. Recently however, it feels like the plots are driving the characters and they are just along for the ride. If they heroes don't really care to be there, why should we care for what happens?
@tisvana18 Жыл бұрын
It worked in Encanto because all Mirabel wanted was to be loved and treated as an equal by her family and saving the house was the means to do so
@lilac3266 Жыл бұрын
@X Dr encantos characters are absolutely NOT sloppy. You can dislike the film but you cannot argue that the characters aren’t the highlight of the entire movie. Camilo is an underdeveloped side character but he was so interesting to people in that 6 mins that they were OBSESSED. what other disney movie has side characters that memorable honestly? Each of the family members had their own distinct personality and even garnered their own fanbases. Mirabel is a really interesting main character shes got good motivations but she also has flaws and isn’t perfect fitting completely in the message. People were calling her one of the best protagonists for a reason!
@prasetyodwikuncorojati2434 Жыл бұрын
@@lilac3266 few recent Disney movie which isn't nightmarishly bad in characterization other than Soul
@lilac3266 Жыл бұрын
@@prasetyodwikuncorojati2434 there may be few but even people who don’t like the movie say the characters are fleshed out interesting and indeed memorable
@chasformer3091 Жыл бұрын
Puss In Boots: Who is your favorite fearless he-e-ro? Who is your favorite fearless he-e-ro?
@hunterolaughlin Жыл бұрын
I have a weird Mandela Effect with that song where I remember seeing the film on Christmas Day (an awesome Christmas gift) and during the second chorus hearing Puss improvise by adding “Feline” to “Favorite Fearless Hero”. Am I the only one who swears I heard “Feline” thrown in at one point during the song? 🤔
@exaltedfalcheon1793 Жыл бұрын
Who's brave and ready for trouble? (You are, you are) Who's so unbelievably humble? (You are, you are)
@altinaykor364 Жыл бұрын
honestly the one one in this list that was well-written and the problem was the characters and events around, is Raya! she really deserved to be in a better movie and story than that piece of crap
@despinasgarden.4100 Жыл бұрын
Agree, i liked Raya as protagonist for the most part. But feel that i did mostly because i felt bad for her since the movie was gaslighting her the whole time.
@Epic_Halfblood 10 ай бұрын
Well… you can kinda give the writers/team at least some slack. They were working on the movie and I guess when they were halfway done, the pandemic happened so they had to do the rest from home. The pandemic took a toll on all of us so we shouldn’t be too hard on them.
@altinaykor364 10 ай бұрын
@@Epic_Halfblood Ralph breaks the internet was before pandemic and that was a lot worse than this
@Epic_Halfblood 10 ай бұрын
@@altinaykor364 I was talking abt Raya tho and I just wanted to be nice to the writers :(
@gunkulator1 Жыл бұрын
The root problems with most of these movies is that they are sequels to movies that already had a clean ending. It's the rare sequel like Toy Story 2 & 3 that finds something new to say about a set of beloved characters. Most sequels have to create some overly contrived scenario and warp the characters in order to shoehorn in some new conflict. That has been the case in Hollywood for as long as sequels have been a thing. As to the new movies, they suffer from the reversal of the canonical hero's journey. Instead of the hero overcoming their faults to defeat the unchanging villain, it is now the villain who undergoes a growth journey while the hero is stagnant. This creates moral ambiguity and an unrelatable hero.
@Chris-th5fl Жыл бұрын
Maybe one day you can pitch a series/movie to these companies to show them what fans really want/need to see.
@lk_3099 Жыл бұрын
I don't think they even care about what we want sadly.
@wonderstorm116 Жыл бұрын
Gravity falls. Need I say more.
@acrsclspdrcls1365 Жыл бұрын
@@lk_3099 Truth
@darthvaderdylan Жыл бұрын
it's not the concepts it's the execution. Disney could take the best of ideas and make it shit
@TheUnseenPath Жыл бұрын
Of course Bonnie would forget Woody she's a kid. Kids these days are into things and just forget them after a bit xD.
@Pompomeranian7 10 ай бұрын
Raya pissed me the hell off as it had potential to be an amazing story. It is a horrible message to endorse children to blindly trust someone. Especially one who stabbed you in the back not once, but twice. Namari was a HORRIBLE person, completely undeserving of trust or forgiveness and it made me seeth that she blamed Raya for Sisu's death when she was the the one who pulled the trigger on Sisu and the instigator to the entire mess by trying to steal the crystal! Had they actually put something in the movie with Namari begging for forgiveness to Raya and working hard to reverse the mess she made by helping before the last 5 mins of the film, it could have had a message of forgiveness and 2nd chances. Instead what we got totally shat the bed. Namari only changed her tune once the damage done was unforgivable and her people were on the chopping block. By then she no longer deserved redemption. She never did apologize or admit being wrong for the shitstorm she caused.
@DarkCape64 Жыл бұрын
I agree with these but I also think they DO have some amazing modern ones like Coco, Zootopia (Wolf in Sheep's clothing joke aside), Encanto, and Inside Out. No real villain in the last two, just toxic traits but story wise and character development are amazing in all 4 in my humble opinion. These are all great examples of money grab movies. Except Raya really since it was it's own thing, so I don't know why they bombed it the way they did. It's a dangerous thought imo where the lesson is: place blind trust and always give them the benefit of the doubt despite them having history of taking advantage of you and your kindness. I DID enjoy Toy Story 4 though. Could they have left it off on Toy Story 3? Yes. However, I was happy to see Woody get his own happy ending after always working tirelessly for Andy and then Bonnie. --- The main reason Lightyear bugged me is the dumb clip at the start saying "This is the movie Andy watched and made Buzz so popular in the Toy Story World". Then completely disregarding what they showed in Toy Story 1 and 2 both in the video game Rex was on, Buzz calling star command / making logs being mocked in the movie, as well as the Star Wars jokes with the Toy Zerg who like Buzz thought he was the real deal. They even joked about Zerg being his dad before correcting that it's himself which tells me they screwed around on purpose. Star Wars is owned by Disney at this point so copyright isn't a thing if they pushed it and unless they straight up use names or the force references it wouldn't have hit if they didn't own it. Alien planet + Robot Enemies + Time Travel = it could have been an (less than original but still thrilling) new movie on its own that would have worked better without Buzz. Buzz as the lead makes it the money grab.
@yrooxrksvi7142 Жыл бұрын
Encanto was straight up a boring movie with no real stakes. Telenovela-tier family drama is just not interesting. The characters were one-note stereotypes, and an overbearing grandma with PTSD is just not strong enough of a conflict. Also, it wraps things up way too quickly at the end. Zootopia was AWFUL. It's everything I hate from Modern Disney in a nutshell. Self-indulgent, unfunny, preachy as hell and politically driven, too many stupid jokes, has a lazy and boring "plot twist" villain whose entire plan relies on people not watching cameras and is really using racism as an excuse to vent out her frustrations at the Mayor, too many stupid or raunchy jokes that stretch out for too long, obnoxious and unlikable characters, ESPECIALLY the lead duo. And no real sense of danger, because it's a dumb buddy comedy trying to hard to be a political thriller. And fails at it.
@DarkCape64 Жыл бұрын
@@yrooxrksvi7142 For Encanto --- If you think it's boring, there's nothing wrong with that, to each their own. You are correct about the grandma (Like I said, not a villain, just toxic.) There's definitely not high stakes because if the gift dies, the VERY privilaged community simply loses the free labor / gifts from their lost powers and the family is without a home which the community would probably build. Mirabel wasn't a tragic princess who grew up miserable like Cinderalla, Aurora, Rapunzel, and she wasn't a warrior princess like Mulan, Merida, or Pocahantes. She was designed literally to be ordinary while everyone around her had some sort of power. They separated out all of the traits that you'd see in one princess of a classic Disney movie to the entire family. I think all of your points do have merit, I just think it was a fun and catchy musical with a simplistic plot that would likely appeal to both children which Disney is meant for AND family that could follow along. Sure, it's not a box office record breaker like lion king or something but it's also not self-destructive like Raya and it's not a money grabber by clinging to a former success like Frozen II or Ralph Breaks the internet. It was a neat, simple, fun and catchy movie to me.
@yrooxrksvi7142 Жыл бұрын
@@DarkCape64 All this pointless wall of text basically boils down to it being a poorman Pixar movie. "There's definitely not high stakes because if the gift dies, the VERY privilaged community simply loses the free labor / gifts from their lost powers and the family is without a home which the community would probably build. " Oh right, the irrelevant NPCs who just show up for song numbers. Who. Cares. "She was designed literally to be ordinary while everyone around her had some sort of power. They separated out all of the traits that you'd see in one princess of a classic Disney movie to the entire family." So they made her basic and plain af for the sake of being "subversive" (bleargh) with a rejected Velma rip-off, and instead made the one-note sideshows "special". I don't how that's a good thing. The cringe humor still exists. None of them are that developed or interesting. And again, no real stakes because it's trying too hard to be a Pixar movie. "I think all of your points do have merit, I just think it was a fun and catchy musical with a simplistic plot that would likely appeal to both children which Disney is meant for AND family that could follow along." It's boring, unremarkable, forgettable, the songs are annoying and take way too much space (just like the first Frozen), and it's a already footnote that anyone who isn't a dedicated Disney shill has forgotten. Children and family will still consume bigger garbage like Frozen anyway. "Sure, it's not a box office record breaker like lion king or something but it's also not self-destructive like Raya and it's not a money grabber by clinging to a former success like Frozen II or Ralph Breaks the internet. It was a neat, simple, fun and catchy movie to me." Pretty sure that pitiful rushed ending undid a LOT. And blah blah blah "Itz good cuz simple and fun". If I want something simple and fun, I'd watch The Aristocats, not this dull Telenovela.
@loonytunescrazy Жыл бұрын
I love frozen myself
@yrooxrksvi7142 Жыл бұрын
@@loonytunescrazy No one asked, and it sucks
@Sjono Жыл бұрын
Wreck it Ralph 2 is why I don’t trust Disney with a Kingdom Hearts series on Disney+
@OpticalSorcerer Жыл бұрын
Disney has always received a lot of criticism, so it's unsurprising if their new protagonists try to solve this and thus seem too different from the older generation.
@ellemilsomart Жыл бұрын
I find Disney pretty insulting nowadays. It's like they think we're stupid. And apparently enough people ARE stupid because their awful remakes, virtue signaling, and disgusting lack of effort still mostly work in their favor.
@Tadicuslegion78 Жыл бұрын
Here's in part why modern Disney sucks, Nobody EARNS anything, they just give to them. There are exceptions like Moana, Encanto, Zootopia. But way too often, they play it way too safe so there's no sense of danger nor risk. And that lack of danger/seriousness in the name of "comedy" greatly harms the story because it just comes across as bland flavorless mush designed to be chopped up into 20 second Tik Tok shorts for ads. And the trend I really hate now where Disney goes, hey you know all that previous work we did? Right into the trash can. And garbage messages that are constantly contradicted by the movie...Raya and The Last Dragon with it's BS Trust/Forgive your abuser message....actually you know what....I hate Encanto forgiving the Grandmother for being a selfish horrible, toxic witch who abused her own family for years and gets forgiven for it.
@danim.r2276 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for hating Encanto, as a Latino I endorse it
@mazkeraid4039 Жыл бұрын
This is a perfect opportunity for a villain to be made here, but they didn’t go far about it.
@lilac3266 Жыл бұрын
@@Raya-ir4tm it was an arranged marriage??? She wasn’t using him they were made to be together by their families
@tanishambrowne1137 Жыл бұрын
I thought that as well I hated that about encanto the grandma is toxic as hell they should have made her villian.
@andreasmeelie1889 Жыл бұрын
@@Raya-ir4tm What I loved about Encanto is how the Grandma owns up to her mistakes while the other characters in Modern Disney movies like the villain from Raya never once own up to their mistakes. It's also a movie so, of course, in real life it takes time for people to get forgiven while in movies things have to go along with the plot. You can have your own opinions but I strongly feel like the Grandma getting forgiven makes a whole lot of sense. I actually watched a very positive video over it once.
@Princess_of_cute Жыл бұрын
Goodness YES. I only came here because of Raya, cause all others you're free to criticize, but god-damn it, while I love Sisu's design, I hate her morals and how dumb she is. She is lacking any empathy and is thinking "Because this worked for me, this must work for everyone, how dare you not agree with me?". It's just terrible that Raya went through all this trauma, probably blaming her self for not being careful enough and then gets further blamed, because she doesn't trust the one that gave her trust issues. I hate that move, except for some aspects.
@HelloKittyUwW07 Жыл бұрын
I love his voice so much
@theenchilada5290 Жыл бұрын
A lot of modern Disney heroes are of circumstance, usually following a selfish goal while portraying or being portrayed as the moral superiority to which other points of view are to be ignored.
@nephene00 Жыл бұрын
I dont think they are allowed to portray someone as truly "evil" anymore. Villians needs to be bad, but still somehow good if that makes sense? And there is so much forced pc agenda and representation, in disney movies it feels so forced and out of place. I dont mind pc colture or representation if it is done right. it worked in the movie nimona because it wasnt showed down our throats. They force a character of some minority in every movie and they feel out of place. Its like they have some quota of representation to fill in each movie and as a result these characters are badly written and shoe horned in.
@Disneyfan82 10 ай бұрын
Why the hell would they not be allowed to portray villains as pure evil? That's what villainy is all about, is it not? Not all villains deserve redemption as far as I know, not even Maleficent and Cruella which was a big mistake.
@sararomerocovers7096 Жыл бұрын
I liked the first Frozen movie is not as good as other Disney classics and it definitely has some flaws, but it’s okay and Elsa has a character arc not as good as Anna’s in my opinion but it was fine. But in the second movie they made Elsa a Marie Sue and I just hate the fact that she saved Arendelle at the last minute making her the hero of the story, and leaving the other characters behind.
@Keznen Жыл бұрын
Ever since Disney sabotaged (the masterpiece) Princess and The Frog's marketing, it's been going downhill. Frozen and with its lackluster plot and asspull "twist villain" was when the shit quality was first apparent.
@iandanielcassidy8126 Жыл бұрын
Most modern movies can be awful and cash-grabs. Lots of movie studios can be greedy.
@rocketknightx6066 7 ай бұрын
It's because the Disney company has gradually become happy-go-lucky and family-friendly. If Comcast bought Disney back in 2004, the movies' plotlines would've been altered and Disney would've been different.
@denikehi4579 Жыл бұрын
HAHAHHH in same vein as the villain video, Raya and the Last Dragon could have been fixed easily if what'sherface villain girl who "turns good", after the timeskip when next we see her as an adult has regretted her actions as a kid(because mom was manipulative) and is trying to prove herself to Raya who is justifiably non trusting towards her, in which case Sisu can be a wiseass about it and lecture her that "can't you see she is sorry? forgive her, move on!"
@mariantambe5110 Жыл бұрын
Plus, have most of the other characters be trustworthy. How's Raya supposed to be proven wrong when they're all....people with past behavioral issues.
@denikehi4579 Жыл бұрын
@@mariantambe5110 Yes. Good addition!
@Jman92854 28 күн бұрын
What I hated about Strange World was that the father, or well the grandfather, Jaeger, never had his Encanto moment. He never sat down and apologized for everything that he did... abandoning his family to explore the mountains, making them think he perished. Even meeting his son 25 years later, Jaeger chooses to insult and belittle his son for not being an adventurer like him. Sure, his son is also not a good father, wanting to keep his son away from being anything like his grandfather, but the trauma started because of him.
@_The_Stinky Жыл бұрын
*Goes to a Cinema to watch a movie without AD* Plot twist: the movie IS the AD
@lennoxwilliamsart7387 Жыл бұрын
Funny - or rather sad - that they take series material and squeeze it into movies while taking movie material and stretching it into a series 🙃
@alumlovescake Жыл бұрын
Bonney better feel bad she lost a one of a kind toy. If I want Andy.. she would never see another day
@haleviyah9791 Жыл бұрын
Just going to throw this out there for the aspiring writers: No character in life = No characters on script.
@TheDrizzle404 Жыл бұрын
I think the character study of Mulan and her environment compared to the modern "Mulan" remake sums up everything wrong with Disney.
@Userinvalid4217 10 ай бұрын
This will be appreciated in 20 years. We always prefer the older movies.
@palladiamorsdeus Жыл бұрын
Vanellope isn't a hero, she's the villain of the story. The plots main conflict is driven by her and she never does anything heroic to make up for it. She's a petulant, spoiled child who in no way resembles the character from the first movie... except that she likes to drive. Guess the writers thought that was enough.
@venveng Жыл бұрын
Vanellope game jumped an online game. She gonna get deleted once the game updated its version.
@lyria261 4 ай бұрын
The story of frozen 2 is a mess but character wise i really like Elsa simply because she is one of the only main characters in modern disney right now that is introverted instead of loud and adorkable. It's a much needed and refreshing change of things to portray people with other personalities and the unique struggles that come with it instead of reusing the same quirky personality over and over again
@morganbrick9837 Жыл бұрын
What's worse is that Toy story 5 is happening
@thatoneintrovertedgirl 9 ай бұрын
I think y'all are mostly being too negative and nostalgic because there are so much great aspects you overlook simply because you're mad damn, Elsa's character is not fully developped yet, Anna's too. Frozen II is a road for their character development personally and for their relationship. Reminder that Frozen II takes place three years after the first movie, Anna and Alsa hadn't talk to each other nor leave their kingdom for a decade before this. They aren't done building their relationship, exploring, and evolving. Frozen II showed so much about their past, explained their origins better, it had wonderful songs, a magic animation and carried a message from the first movie..
@rosegirl3220 10 ай бұрын
I want a Disney princess with megara's personality from Hercules. They already have like four girls with Rapunzel's personality
@Lalaland666-k3x 10 ай бұрын
I feel like Disney is TRYING to make more money then ACTUALLY making GOOD movies
@jacksonlutkus3381 10 ай бұрын
Before this video I had no idea “strange world” was a thing
@daizydixon4069 8 ай бұрын
Ralph breaks the internet - In other words - Highschool sweethearts, guy thinks they are going to get married and have a family in small town while girl wants to go to big city and live a dream life. Guy is the villian clingy crybaby who heroic brave woman is trying to get away from while still friend zoning him. Look, once she points out how him fighting for the future he thought he was going to have is gone, he suddenly realizes that him fighting for her is 'toxic masculinity'. She will still send him an email or something, to keep him on the back burner. Be sure to string him along. Its a break up movie. Women go out and follow your dreams, dont worry about the guy. He will be crushed for a while, but he gets over it. Dont settle for anyone. Go find Chad.
@ls190v2 Ай бұрын
One line for all these people. "It's official, you suck."
@chickensniffer451 Жыл бұрын
This man is totally underrated, I totally agree with this take
@erinblodgett6790 10 ай бұрын
I think what they were trying to do a frozen 2 is that they were trying to make it so Elsa connected more with her mother side of the family rather than just her fathers and her staying in the enchanted forest was a way for them to do that along with also giving Elsa some freedom to learn how to control her powers much better than before while also, giving Anna ability to show off her own abilities considering the factor that she was more of a hindrance then a help during her previous movie i’m not saying that she was entirely helpless during that movie it is just that she was a bit too trusting during that movie and quite naïve which ultimately was the main reason for Elsa to cause the winter in summer event which then lead the kingdom to be more vulnerable trying to be Anna more responsibility in the long haul along with partially giving more spotlight to Anna and her relationship with her love interest along with giving Anna more spotlight then she did in the previous movie along with maturing on her character along with adding lore into their mother and where she was from instead of just making people speculate where she was from and who she was related to considering the factor that in my own opinion I speculated that she was potentially related to Rapunzel‘s mother probably being a sister that wasn’t mentioned or even a second or first cousin considering the fact, or that has been speculations, and it has been confirmed that Anna and Elsa are in fact related/cousins with Rapunzel.
@MC_Plush_Films.2005 Жыл бұрын
Is Encanto the only good modern Disney movie so far?
@1992disney Жыл бұрын
Not really.
@lilac3266 Жыл бұрын
yeah pretty much. It’s the most universally liked with the most success (outside of frozen) and the most memorable characters
@MC_Plush_Films.2005 Жыл бұрын
@@1992disney what?
@1992disney Жыл бұрын
@@MC_Plush_Films.2005 Sorry but, it's not. 🤷‍♀
@MC_Plush_Films.2005 Жыл бұрын
@@1992disney So you don’t like Encanto?
@no_i_dont_want_no_slugs 8 ай бұрын
idk if it's just my own issue (it probably is), but the way you phrase things sometimes confuses my brain. As if it's harder to follow than it needs to be, or like you're adding in more words than is necessary to convey your point. eg. "And of course, this contributes to the climax of the film where she must realize that she must trust because she blames her rage against Namari who killed Sisu as the reason for everything the way that they are." - I haven't seen the movie in a while, so maybe that's why I had to go back and listen again to understand what you said. But I think it'd be good to break up your sentences so ppl's brains don't have to store all that info until the sentence's end. Waiting too long for the period tires the brain. Or it tires mine at least lol. anyway, great video overall! and i know this advice is unasked for... but here it is anyway.
@Pencilfiend241 10 ай бұрын
I think its interesting how in most of these movies the writers try to get rid of central characters, making them leave the main group. I think its tells us that even the writers of these movies don't want to continue them. I feel like it's just higher ups who want these movies to get made, thinking hour long advertisements would be successful. Of course, they're wrong.
@me-ml6jx Жыл бұрын
I wonder why this went downhill so fast and so bad? Maybe putting people in charge whose only concern is branding and activism kills franchises. No that must be my inner ismphobe talking again. Guess we’ll never know then. Just consume product and get excited for next product.
@allandm Жыл бұрын
Frozen 2 had so much potential xOx still upset of how bad it was
@PteranoLiv 10 ай бұрын
At least Mirabel was great
@captainhowlerwilson508 2 ай бұрын
The botched themes about trust in Raya and the Last Dragon make it very questioning for me as to why anyone would say Raya is a great, let alone good character. The writing for her is so bad because they keep hammering that theme about trust time and time again making her fail in the most stupid ways possible.
@nicholassims9837 Жыл бұрын
If you want tosee something like Toy Story 4 , Ralph 2 and Frozen 2 potently done right watch Land Before time 10
@exaltedfalcheon1793 Жыл бұрын
LBT has no bad movies
@nicholassims9837 Жыл бұрын
@@exaltedfalcheon1793 13 Wisdom of Friends would disagree
@exaltedfalcheon1793 Жыл бұрын
@@nicholassims9837 hey, that's atleast a 7/10!
@nicholassims9837 Жыл бұрын
@@exaltedfalcheon1793 uh no Fanon Discontinuity The Wisdom of Friends tends to be ignored, even by diehard fans of the sequel films, due to its overly silly nature.
@nicholassims9837 Жыл бұрын
@alonanomi5809 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, if anyone thinks that Namari is _the_ villain of Raya clearly didn't understand the movie. Namari is a bad villain because she is not a villain and wasn't written as one either.
@MsPoseidon13 10 ай бұрын
The problem is, disney makes these stories that had a good ending, but then they see sucsess so they squeeze the life out of it to get more cash grab franchise movies, frozen 2 in my opinion was actually a pretty good movie, i enjoyed elsas journy though this movie and i liked how they seemed older and mature. But i dont think we really need a frozen 3. Encanto was a good movie but a little underwhelming. I feel like with everything being streaming services now, they dont but as much effort into these projects, they are rushed, smaller, lower quality, quick story plots that really arent hitting ir sitting the way they use to. Who ever is running disneys media department and project department needs to go because they are truly starting to ruin disneys legacy and run their reputation and brand into the ground with cheap crappy cash grabs
@mikkaribbe6200 Жыл бұрын
Okay, after remembering this horrible movies, I need to watch Arcane again. I need to see Something good
@artsenalproductions4813 Жыл бұрын
My voice is being heard.
@galaxyeyes1457 10 ай бұрын
So the big problem is basically shallow and nonsensical writing. They want flash over substance
@Wintermute01001 Жыл бұрын
Critics: Namaari did nothing to earn Raya's trust at the end. People who actually watched the movie: Namaari expressed regret over what happened to Sisu and helped the gang protect civilians from the Druun.
@SIMBA-tq2ch Жыл бұрын
Terrible execution
@queenberuthiel5469 Жыл бұрын
Also Namaari after shooting Sisu: *blames Raya* ☠️
@nathenewendzel7806 10 ай бұрын
True. There are levels in trust.
@velvetzealot5175 Жыл бұрын
I don't have criticism of the content so much as the presentation. You really need to add some pauses between paragraphs and you need proper transitions between topics. The way the video is delivered feels like one big run-on sentence, which makes it hard to follow and easy to tune out.
@ggjna5769 Жыл бұрын
Agree!! That's exactly why Frozen 2 is the dumbest movie ever made. Elsa character is completely destroyed in this movie. Queen Elsa giving up her role as Queen and leaving Arendelle to live in a stupid forest?!! This doesn't suit Elsa, really Disney's dumbest mistake ever made. For that fifth sprit-crap of theirs, they should have moved Anna to the forest, as "the bridge" between Arendelle and the unnecessary bit of forest, let's see if Anna fans like this as much. Frozen 2, Wreck it Ralph 2, Toy Story 4 are just cheap retcons, with very bad stories that really make no sense, I hope Frozen 3 becomes a direct sequel to Frozen and becomes a worthy sequel.
@Keznen Жыл бұрын
The first Frozen movie was shit and had the stupidest asspull of a "twist" villain ever. The sequel is perfectly on par with it because it's a terrible franchise from the start.
@that_myth_nerd Жыл бұрын
i feel like frozen 2 really worked. elsa had reconciled with her sister and her kingdom, but in the time between the movies she realized how she still felt like an outsider because of her powers and how long she had lived with no connection to the world around her. she looked happy, but still felt wrong being where she was, a feeling i personally have experienced. anna loves her sister, and is concerned for elsa when elsa starts showing how detached and unhappy she truly feels, and is scared that elsa will get herself hurt or killed. she doesn't want anything to happen to elsa, and wants elsa to know that she will always be there when she needs help. kristoff is desparately in love with anna, and never wants to leave her side. he feels lost without her, and wants to spend eternity at her side. but, he is very insecure and doesn't know if she feels the same way. i think this is conveyed better in the cut song "get this right", where kristoff tries to propose but gets wrapped up in his own anxiety and insecurity. anna picks up on this, proposes to him, and they sing a duet about how they will work together to build a life together where they can be happy and be themselves. at the end of the movie, anna and elsa separate, each going to where they feel most accepted and at home. elsa stays in the forest because she can relate more to the people there and feels more herself and less like an imposter. anna comes into her new role as queen and becomes a great leader for arendelle. (this is also better shown by the cut song "home", which would have been in the beginning of the movie, showing how much more she wants to do for the kingdom and people that she calls home.) kristoff proposes to anna, and defeats his insecurity and fully knows his own feelings and becomes more comfortable in knowing that he is enough for anna and that he doesn't need to be fancy or anything more than himself for her to love him.
@yrooxrksvi7142 Жыл бұрын
Sure, it "worked" because it framed how much of a Mary Sue Elsa is : ditching her responsibilities AGAIN because of her dead mom's voice and because she's now the Avatar of the Sami people. Give me a break. Anna and Kristoff were absolutely useless.
@volvoman5262 Жыл бұрын
next video: Why Disney Animation Sucks
@suzygirl1843 Жыл бұрын
It doesn't suck. You've just outgrown it
@liamhughes4105 Жыл бұрын
@@suzygirl1843 thank u u tell em finally somebody said it I’m sick this I like Disney but I’ll criticize or bad mouth them don’t make sense just doing this 4 the sake of it hates them really the wrong 1s saying absolute crap about them they just don’t watching them properly they just glance and that’s like wut the hell do they want god dammit it’s all about guessing and they sit there and say nothing but they have and they doing c it they’ve done everything actually and now I give up I’m stick this they don’t listen they continue 2 ignore us leave Disney alone god dammit
@volvoman5262 Жыл бұрын
@@suzygirl1843 it was a joke aboud that his videos on disney is almost always negative, and he is taking everythying aboud thoose movies and say it's bad
@volvoman5262 Жыл бұрын
@@liamhughes4105 it was a joke aboud that his videos on disney is almost always negative, and he is taking everythying aboud thoose movies and say it's bad
@liamhughes4105 Жыл бұрын
@@volvoman5262 exactly how he copes and I don’t know and this ain’t even tru Disney is fine they don’t hate it it’s the way it is now deal with it and shut up
@angelaparente4470 5 ай бұрын
John lassester movies didn't suck but the films outside it did
@shanegreen2933 Жыл бұрын
I really want you to bury Encanto too. Encanto is trash.
@lilac3266 Жыл бұрын
despite how much you personally dislike encanto it was well received for a reason. It did exactly what a story should. Have developed characters with a meaningful goal a good message and leaves the audience actually remembering the film. Encanto had the world in a chokehold because unlike these movies the characters had heart and the story despite being small scale made a big impact.
@shanegreen2933 Жыл бұрын
@@lilac3266 The development was as shallow as how the goals were achieved. Mirabel was a bad protagonist, but she sure was quirky.
@lilac3266 Жыл бұрын
@@shanegreen2933 tell me how the development was shallow because even people who dislike this movie say that mirabel as a protagonist is the best part of the movie. Sure she didn’t have a traditional “heroes journey” but her development was more subtle and nuanced.
@gablit-gt8kk 8 ай бұрын
John Lasesster doesn't work for disney anymore
@Davinci_Fox Жыл бұрын
I don't recall a single good hero
@loonytunescrazy Жыл бұрын
I like Elsa and Anna
@Thatsaltypirate Жыл бұрын
Strange world was gay , puss in boots was 🗿🍷🔥
@valeriopastore7310 Жыл бұрын
The issue of "trust" has been played excellently in Puss in Boots 2. Change my mind!
@Musicalheart430 Жыл бұрын
We can't, cause you are 100% right
@jamesrichardsoniii4801 Жыл бұрын
Don't need to. I agree with you. Kitty's been through some stuff, but it's satisfying to see her trust in Puss at the end. No magic required.
@no-dc4mn Жыл бұрын
I agree!
@AllenTheAnimator004 Жыл бұрын
I can't because you're absolutely right
@osmanyousif7849 Жыл бұрын
Also, in TV series like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Invincible.
@generalcorgi698 Жыл бұрын
Crazy that the first Wreck it Wralph's villain was a character who went into another game because he liked it better, and the second movie is about Vanellope doing the same exact thing, but it's ok this time
@hunterolaughlin Жыл бұрын
Actually, Turbo/King Candy put his own game out of order LONG before Sugar Rush was plugged in and he tried to hijack RoadBlasters because he was jealous of the game taking his spotlight and his fans away from him. He wanted to keep his reputation of his game as the most popular game in the arcade and his reputation as the greatest racer ever. Sugar Rush just provided like a new home for him after 10 years of hiding in Game Central Station as at that time, most of the game characters thought he died with RoadBlasters and his game when they were both unplugged.
@adararelgnel2695 Жыл бұрын
@@hunterolaughlin the reason he is in a different game is not important. He shouldn't be there. But it's ok when venelope does it apparently.
@helenakri7282 Жыл бұрын
Like, literally. Every stupid decision in that movie aside, you'd think they could at least hold to not doing the same thing that defined the villain of the previous movie. But the movie is just THAT incompetent.
@venveng Жыл бұрын
@@adararelgnel2695 Vanellope game jump an online game. What are online games mostly do every once a few months? Yes it updates and I'm pretty sure Vanellope gonna get deleted once that happens. And if that won't work the devs would track the bug and kill it themselves since Vanellope doesn't belong on that franchise and to prevent massive copywrite lawsuit.
@DemonicRemption 11 ай бұрын
@emiliawblossomflowerproduction Because responsibilities are for old people.
@riotbreaker3506 Жыл бұрын
Here's the problem: Tarzan killed a leopard with his bare hands. Tiana got Dr. Facilier dragged to Hell. Mulan buried a thousand people alive. Simba threw Scar into a pit of Heyenas. Our Disney Heroes need to be violent again.
@mazkeraid4039 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget about Mulan buried like 96% of the Huns and got Shan Yu killed in tower of fireworks on-screen!
@Momoyue Жыл бұрын
I agree. I think Disney got caught up in trying to make sympathetic villains instead. Sympathetic villains can be good if written correctly. However Disney still tries to add a hero's journey with a sympathetic villain and that formula doesn't usually work. That story line sets up the hero to be the one at fault for the villain's actions, taking away any responsibility from the villain. The hero has to go through a journey to become a better person for a reason that was not their fault while the bad guy that caused everything gets forgiven with a slap on the wrist. Just go back to heroes working hard to kill the bad guy. Not every villain needs redemption.
@HimekoIzayoi Жыл бұрын
Simba didn't throw Scar into the pit on purpose. Scar was gonna pounce into him and Simba acted in self-defense. He had no idea that Scar would fall off to where the hyenas were.
@Ale-xy8ht Жыл бұрын
​@Lk 23:43 No, I think Scar just had a skill issue
@evanbarth7173 Жыл бұрын
@@Momoyueomg thank you for clearing this up for me! I agree with basically everything you just said, but somewhat felt bad about it because I thought that most people saying stuff like this meant that NO bad guys are allowed to be sympathetic, or redeemable. I realize now that while some definitely do believe that, that’s not what most people are saying, and I actually agree with that. Thank you so much!
@bugcatcherjacky1334 Жыл бұрын
The biggest issue with Raya is the fact that their whole movie was about "trust" when it should've been about forgiveness. You shouldn't blindly trust people you don't know, especially someone who's betrayed you before. It's what got Sizu killed to begin with. Trust is the wrong message. You don't fix problems by blindly trusting strangers and endlessly repeating the same circle. You fix problems by forgiving people. Forgiving the person that hurt you, forgiving yourself most of all. All of Raya was all about her UNRIGHTLY blaming herself for what happened to the world and everyone else seemingly blamed her as well. Even at the end that wasn't resolved. People just ignored it and Raya was suddenly fine
@mariantambe5110 Жыл бұрын
@Epic_Halfblood 10 ай бұрын
Yup! Trust needs to be earned. What did Namarii do to earn her trust? Nothing! You’re right too, you shouldn’t blindly trust someone if you hardly even know them. Especially if they have betrayed you before.
@bugcatcherjacky1334 10 ай бұрын
@@Epic_Halfblood Exactly what annoyed me about that message so dang much. We're supposed to raise our kids proper, not to become a toy for others to push around
@chrismarkwardt4685 10 ай бұрын
The point of the message is that two opposing sides will never make peace until someone decides to gamble on trusting the other. An opposing side will never "earn your trust" because they're expecting you to earn their trust which locks both sides in endless conflict. The movie's execution is a bit rushed but the message is good, you shouldn't blindly trust but you also shouldn't blindly mistrust otherwise you will just isolate yourself and transform the environment into a police state.
@Caff-pv8fg 10 ай бұрын
@@chrismarkwardt4685 I see what you're getting at, but it wasn't blind mistrust. Originally, Namaari betrayed Raya after Raya showed her the gem, which is the reason of the mistrust.
@dhruvgeorge Жыл бұрын
Also, Lightyear retconned Zurg's origins. The Zurg-Buzz dynamic was supposed to be a sort of parody of Star Wars with Zurg as Buzz' father
@kamikazelemming1552 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't really call it a retcon, considering it's just a single line of referential dialogue from Toy Story 2. Plus, as far as I know, Zurg has never actually received a proper origin story in any sort of media, save for what we saw in Lightyear.
@KossolaxtheForesworn Жыл бұрын
@@kamikazelemming1552 yea but the fact that these toys are still under the belief that they are these characters (like buzz was in toy story 1) and have the memories of these characters, so its canon that zurg is buzz' dad. but then they retconned it.
@loonytunescrazy Жыл бұрын
I perfer as an Alien Dicator
@midnights2631 Жыл бұрын
The moment I heard what they did, I wanted to tear my hair out
@Bustermachine Жыл бұрын
@@midnights2631 The only reason it was a problem was that they insisted as marketing it as an in universe movie rather than just letting the Lightyear film exist as its own thing without trying to give an explanation.
@GabePlaysYT Жыл бұрын
There's a lot of issues at play with Disney's movies for the past several years: the general lack of a iconic or defining villain in Disney's movies and focusing more on generational issues or something more abstract instead of the simple and personal plots of the past. When there is a villain, it's a twist villain that's either too obvious (Professor Callahan) or too silly (Buzz Lightyear in his new movie), or a character that is ultimately redeemed whether or not they actually deserve it (the girl from Raya). It just doesn't feel like there are big stakes anymore. In the past, the stories were simple and personal. Ariel wanted to be part of their world. Belle wanted adventure in the great wide somewhere. Aladdin didn't want to be a street rat. All these characters didn't wait around for the plot to show up. They were unhappy and actively drove the story forward with their own choices. In contrast, modern heroes all lead pretty happy and normal lives outside of maybe a few gripes. It's only when something bad happens that they choose to step up. So it feels like the plot is driving them instead of the other way around. More and more, the main characters are also too perfect or too powerful and this is more compounded if it's a female. Disney refuses to make a female that isn't an "I don't need no man" girlboss and this is especially prominent in all of their live-action remakes. Disney forgets that strength can take all forms like Snow White or Cinderella quietly enduring in the face of an unhappy situation. They seem to think that you're only strong if you can do absolutely everything by yourself, negating the other characters. When you have main characters that don't really struggle anymore, a lack of a compelling villain, and a more abstract plot that's just pulling the characters along for the ride instead of the characters driving things forward, you end up with very "meh" movies. Puss in Boots 2 had GREAT villains, a personal story where Puss is driving things forward, and plenty of flaws for him to overcome. Is it any wonder it did so well?
@hollywoodkid1342 Жыл бұрын
I love this so much! You’ve no idea how much this means to me, and I’m passionate enough to write stories as Disney has had in the past
@hameley12 Жыл бұрын
GabePlays, after watching a few videos on ModernGurlz's channel and then Aldone's channel. I've read similar comments and I left a message stating a similar thought. I try to review or see a movie before my niece and nephew watch it. And every time I do so, I'm left sleepy, nauseated, or dumbfounded. Then I go to other film creators and I'm left excited, inspired, and want to explore more. Then I know my niece and nephew will def feel the same, and each time they do watch these feel-good and warm-hugs movies they ask me questions and want to explore a new theme or idea. I love that! A movie that inspires kids and adults and keeps the kids asking questions. In a certain movie, my niece asked me why the parents wouldn't listen to their daughter and/or helped her with school assignments. And why the bullies were so imperfect? If I ever have children, I want them to ask all the right questions too and see things from different perspectives. Sadly, Disney's $$$$$ type of movies doesn't give the same excitement and feel-good vibes.
@prasetyodwikuncorojati2434 Жыл бұрын
@@hameley12 to be fair, recent Disney feels like lame fanfic from wattpad with all of its distinct features but more prominently overly perfect hero without meaningful conflict
@TheUnseenPath Жыл бұрын
The thing is Disney needs to balance out there heroes. All the modern Disney heroes are women where are the men? Aladdin, Hercules, Tarzan's of Disney now? No longer there. We struggle too.
@monabohamad2242 Жыл бұрын
@@TheUnseenPath Disney "needs" NOT to "balance" ANYTHING stop saying that everything must center around males yes it's definitely what you're saying no point at all in denial
@toongrowner1 Жыл бұрын
what also bothers me is how the other sugar rush characters are treated as little children who need to be taken care of. Should this not count for Vaneloppe as well? She is also a little kid, or is she for some reason the only character in the game with a whole developed personality? WHich I also call bs cause even the freakin NPC's in fix it felix of a developed personality.
@andreasmeelie1889 Жыл бұрын
You know I still love the movie but I never once thought of it that way and I'm shocked that I never did so thanks! :)
@venveng Жыл бұрын
You don't need to worry about Vanellope anymore, You forgetting that she game jumped an online game, online games have regular maintenance and updates. She gonna get deleted for sure.
@NinjaFlibble Жыл бұрын
I think the better thing Disney could have done with Kristoff in Frozen 2 (since they literally don't use him for a majority of the film) is leave him with the citizens of Arendelle to keep the peace and act as de facto ruler, then that would have served as a foreshadowing of Elsa stepping down in favor of Anna. As far as Kristoff's character arc, they could have used it to help him build his confidence as a leader. Even if they only had a couple of scenes of him resolving disputes or whatever. It would've been better than what he got.
@lauraw2526 10 ай бұрын
Yes, it would have!
@juanchoresultay2704 10 ай бұрын
Could work I guess
@ruatfelachhakchhuak7823 8 ай бұрын
But who will drive sven!? 😂
@Nonjola Жыл бұрын
Easy answer: They are too perfect. But Disney always had these issues with their main characters, you rarely see an imperfect hero/heroine from them. The only ones I can think of are Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Goofy, Baloo (TaleSpin version), Darkwing Duck, Lilo, Stitch, Kuzco, Star Butterfly, Jack Skellington, Kermit the Frog, Woody, and Jack Sparrow.
@liamhughes4105 Жыл бұрын
@suzygirl1843 Жыл бұрын
The issue is YOU. Grown people whining about a company that's entertaining an underdeveloped audience who won't understand complex villains. You need to stop watching kids content
@joaquinm9148 Жыл бұрын
What about Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet
@NaddleSchidaddle Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't Dipper Pines also count? 🤔
@blinkowarner3117 Жыл бұрын
Oh bullshit. Aladdin is a liar and a thief, Hercules lacked confidence and was far too trusting, Simba was too cocky and was afraid of facing his past, Jack Skellington almost destroyed Christmas in his arrogance, Beast is self explanatory and was a huge asshole with a temper, Quasimodo was a doormat who trusted Frollo and believed himself to be a monster, Nick Wilde was a con artist and a criminal, Peter Pan was a bratty little jerk, and Stitch was destructive and crazy! I could go on and on, none of these heroes were PERFECT and all were very complex and well written.
@michaelbrent1536 Жыл бұрын
Disney needs to take notes from movies like the prince of Egypt, DreamWorks, rise of the guardians, how to train your Dragon 2, The super Mario movie and Puss in boots 2! Because those movies not only have good feelings, but good heroes, too!
@Simbala-bq5vy Жыл бұрын
And theyre old movies
@verozety4040 Жыл бұрын
@@Simbala-bq5vypuss in boots 2 and the Mario movie are new.
@RoninofRamen Жыл бұрын
Dreamworks more than proved they are also capable of creating utter dross with Bee Movie, Shrek the Third and Turbo. Although all is forgiven thanks to an Elite team of Penguins.
@dreamguardian8320 Жыл бұрын
@snowy_gateaway7583 10 ай бұрын
It's funny how every one of the movies you mentioned are from DreamWorks except The Super Mario movie. Shows how good they are at making films
@enomisv9830 Жыл бұрын
Raya and the last dragon isn't about trust issues. It's an instruction manual on how to gaslight people.
@thesardonicpig3835 Жыл бұрын
This is a pretty controversial opinion, I guess, but ... as terrible as Raya was, I still remember being intrigued by it far more than all other Disney releases in the years shortly before and after. In terms of approach, it was just very different from the rest. While most Disney films nowadays seem to be "small scale" domestic dramas, Raya was a road movie-adventure set in a fantasy world with complex lore and many different, unique locations. Its primary focus was on the relationship between its hero and villain, who are not related, but who essentially share a trauma bond. The story is just this really good old-fashioned action adventure, with high stakes and frankly quite epic combat scenes. The fight coreography in Raya is breath-taking. Unfortunately, they completely and utterly botched the story's message, failed spectacularly at the dialogue, underdeveloped its side characters and created the ungodly Sisu, the eldritch version of My Little Pony. Yet even though Raya is broken to pieces by its own flaws, I still think it's one of the more unique Disney films of recent years, purely by being a traditional adventure story of sprawling geographic scope.
@MysteriousMagick Жыл бұрын
@mo0nflowersart Жыл бұрын
Totally agree.
@BrightWulph Жыл бұрын
Raya's concept is incredibly unique and the message is a good one, learning to trust/forgive or not to be too trusting of people and that it's OK not to be independent and learning humility etc, but the mobiebbotches it so badly that Raya ends up being brow beaten into trusting someone who has proves many time sover that they're not trustworthy.
@prasetyodwikuncorojati2434 Жыл бұрын
So sad as it actually has unique concept that can be explored further. Yet all ruined by bad storyline and bad characters with "dangerous" message; trusting someone who has done something bad to you, and she only know you pretty recently
@TheUnseenPath Жыл бұрын
The problem there lies with it's villain and basically giving her no consequences for her actions she's an abuser and somehow Raya is supposed to feel guilty about it.
@valerierae76 Жыл бұрын
Namaari could have been a sympathetic villain by making her a victim from her mom. It already shows in the movie that most of her actions are motivated by her mother, but it's barely talked about and shown that it makes us think that she's just being evil for no reason and then victim blaming raya. If Namaari's mom was shown being more forceful towards her to make her do what she tells her to do, it would show why Namaari started doing what she was doing for the whole movie. Then, they could continue it by playing with this idea more. Have Namaari show up to her mom failing a mission to show her mothers disappointment towards her, have her mom blame her for making the world the way it was. Her mom just says to get the gem piece but have her be one of the people to break it and blame Namaari for being the one to break it, aka more manipulation. That gives more of a reason for Namaari to continue with being an antagonist, in her scenes, show something that would connect the viewers her and her mom. Have her fear her mom, fearful of disappointing her, make her have a complete meltdown when she fails to capture the gem piece and the dragon. It would also make Sisu's reasoning that Namaari isn't evil because she's just scared make more sense.
@TheUnseenPath Жыл бұрын
Jack Horner from Puss in Boots Last Wish is evil for no reason and it's wonderful.
@valerierae76 Жыл бұрын
@@TheUnseenPath oh yea, he’s great. But the biggest difference is that Dreamworks made him an evil for no reason villain where as Disney is trying to claim that Namaari is just misunderstood and not a villain.
@acrsclspdrcls1365 Жыл бұрын
We had a good villain with the mother, Nemaari just seems like the Poor Man's Version of Darth Vader.
@milaliah Жыл бұрын
it would also better explain her killing sisu
@greenstarlover1 Жыл бұрын
Basically Zuko and Ozai's dynamics? Sounds like a good opportunity to teach about parental abuse.
@battybuddy Жыл бұрын
One major thing I didn't get about Zerg being Buzz- Does anyone ever consider what happens with time travel if you KILL your previous self?... Apparently Buzz never considered that...
@star-boltlover9609 Жыл бұрын
Apparently no one saw Back to the Future when making this film 🤦
@JerbilKonai Жыл бұрын
Who knows... elaborate suicide?
@asmodeusguys4472 Жыл бұрын
Apparently in the post credits scene, he survived. But even then, some interpretations of time travel show that if you go back in time, and kill your past self, nothing bad would happen to you, because that just causes a shift in the timeline. Still a bad movie.
@Bustermachine Жыл бұрын
I mean, as soon as Buzz jumped into the future and found Zerg sieging the colony, it was clear that they were from divergent timelines. That's the thing, each time travel movie works by its own rules.
@battybuddy Жыл бұрын
@@Bustermachine and pretty much all of those rules state “killing yourself creates a paradox.”
@nicholassims9837 Жыл бұрын
If you want to see a movie about trust done right watch Emerpors New Groove with the climbing the gorge or Ice Age 1 where Diego confesses on his pack's ambush ENG Pacha " Now push me up and I'll grab the rope---" Kuzco " How do i know you wont let me fall after you grabe the rope?" Pacha " You just going to have to trust me " IC1 Diego " Listen I can help you but you got to trust me " Manny " Trust you why would we trust you ?" Diego " Because I'm your only chance "
@ThatJohnKillion1970 Жыл бұрын
The tonal whiplash between Wreck-It Ralph 1 and 2 is worthy of a class action lawsuit.
@wallacephillips9880 Жыл бұрын
I now feel like we’ve been in a Post-Revival era that has started with Ralph Breaks the Internet. It could be called The Plus Era. Because of the past and upcoming sequels and because how certain films have done better on Disney+ rather than theaters. I’m still hoping for Wish to be a big hit, to prove that an original movie can still be as financially successful as an un-original movie.
@yrooxrksvi7142 Жыл бұрын
Imo The Revival Era went for a wrong turn with Frozen. It started off so good (The Princess and the Frog, Tangled, the last Winnie The Pooh movie, Wreck It Ralph), but then they decided to push for moral relativism and "subverting expectations" and "catering to modern audiences", so we got the pathetic slopfest known as Frozen. Even Zootopia, whichi I absolutely HATED, drips with moral relativism and modern lefitst politics. The Plus Era ? Huh, sounds about right. Because either they're pushing for worthless sequels no one asked, or these....boring, small scale, generational/cultural drama movies like Raya or Encanto. Though I'd argue Ralph Breaks The Internet and Frozen 2 are more transitional movies, one step in each era. I too hope Wish to be a return to form, but I don't know.
@quangamershyguyyz7166 Жыл бұрын
@@yrooxrksvi7142Frozen and Zootopia are really good, well thought out films though. So I would say it starts with Ralph breaks the Internet.
@trentintoof1465 Жыл бұрын
​@Quangamer ShyGuyyz to me the reason frozen is hated is how popular it got and the songs were everywhere so many even I started hating frozen because of that
@yrooxrksvi7142 Жыл бұрын
@@quangamershyguyyz7166 Frozen and Zootopia are NOT good at all. Frozen is a dumb pretentious movie that predicates itself only how "subversive" of typical Disney tropes it is. Elsa is a terrible character, Anna is just a worse copypaste of Rapunzel, Kristoff is a useless doofus that serves only as a glorified chauffeur, and Hans is still a terrible villain. You call having the parents and the trolls be the cause of the sisters being estranged for 10 years "well-thought out" ? Or shoehorning a lazy plot-twist villain at the end ? Please......
@yrooxrksvi7142 Жыл бұрын
@@quangamershyguyyz7166 Zootopia is just cringe. Preachy as all hell with its "muh racism" messages while using a very lazy juxtaposition of predators and herbivores, has too much gross-out or meta humor that really ruins the immersion, Judy and Nick are just insufferable : her being a pepp go-getter with a holier-than-thou attitude, and him just being the diet version of a jerk with a really shallow motivation to turn to crime. Bellwether is probably even worse than Hans, as her plan is overly convoluted as it makes no sense : why let the predators be kidnapped, instead of just letting them roam free and terrorize people to get her point across. Also, it can't decide whether it wants to be a dumb buddy comedy or a "thought-provoking" thriller with a social critique. No, buddy, they are both terrible and overrated.
@LowellLucasJr. Жыл бұрын
*Raya did nothing wrong but the movie forces her to blindly " TRUST" others despite every human being backstabby! * Dad from Strange World needs to realize he's being like his father...sooner... * Elsa wants to be alone but has no REAL reason to be. Personally many of these characters issues/ flaws are from misunderstandings and poor communication with others. Some of it is forced " Learned Lessons" that are obvious but the narrative wasn't necessary.
@YourDearestSmiley 10 ай бұрын
Elsa lived her whole life alone because she didn’t want to hurt anyone. It makes sense for her to want to be alone.
@lionmom7629 Жыл бұрын
When Disney made Snow White they were doing something nobody had ever done before. There are hits and there are misses, but Disney is at its best when it takes risks. When it does what nobody else is doing. Encanto turned out great. Really good. So did Inside Out. Meet the Robinson's got me all chocked up years ago when I took my daughter to see it. And I thought I would hate Frozen until I heard Let it Go. I'm over it now, but that song....wow. The thing about taking risks is that there's no guarantee that all of them will work. But the alternative is stale, unimaginative, cookie cutter, formulaic repeats of things that have not felt new for decades. So, they should keep taking those risks. I certainly think a lot more of Raya than I do of all these live action remakes, even if its not perfect. Creativity is not always perfect, and what's perfect can also be boring, tired and soulless.
@m12love Жыл бұрын
This! I think the biggest problem is with messages of newer Disney movies - Raya's message about trust is just like you said but I am even more concerned about Strange World's message - the movie tries to portray both grandpa and dad as "equally bad" and "basically the same" when one abandoned his son and didn't even try to reach him again and the other one accepted his son's wishes the moment his son decided to tell him he wants to be adventurer not farmer??? Frozen 2's message is basically a bunch of nothing - I just honestly don't think a protagonist of a children's cartoon (something which in its nature is supposed to give good moral message to kids) can be good character if a movie itself doesn't know what it wants to say, or if the message is just bad. Compare it to Encanto, a newer Disney movie, with very positive message and very loveable cast.
@exaltedfalcheon1793 Жыл бұрын
You mean "older" right?
@mariantambe5110 Жыл бұрын
I think you're right. It's why the movies feel so unfocused and end up being forgettable.
@tanishambrowne1137 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that was my issue with Raya they had horrible message on trust and they hammer it in so much not mention the villian she did so much bad stuff to Raya. Disney really has no creativity nowadays i just hope the villian in wish isnt sympathic or misunderstood i really would be pissed.
@brittanyparks8242 Жыл бұрын
I'm quite glad I was never inclined to watch this movie, because as someone who's trust was ruthlessly slaughtered by everyone important in my life, this sort of half assed botched message would genuinely make me despise Disney.
@jeremiahwalker3795 Жыл бұрын
We have Wish coming up which has an evil villain, No twist, No generational trama, Just an evil villain, we just gotta hope they do him right
@BabyGirlTiny Жыл бұрын
When y’all say so much bad stuff, y’all just mean that one time when they were kids
@CaseyJewels 10 ай бұрын
At 17, I wrote the first draft of a novel. In the process of writing it, I realized I kept contradicting my message/theme. At 17. Disney is a giant company with large teams behind their movies. I don't understand how they couldn't see the contradictions and muddled mess of Raya's themes.
@evanbarth7173 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I’m fully convinced that the reason Disney refuses to make truly great movies again (except for the rare exceptions) nowadays is because they never recovered from the backlash they got following the Dreamworks classic: Shrek. No one can convince me that Shrek didn’t traumatize Disney into trying way too hard to “fix themselves!”
@helenakri7282 Жыл бұрын
Dunno about Shrek, but the era of buzzfeed style articles and shallow soundbite critique of why disney princesses are lame and un-modern and whatever, seemed to really strike a nerve somewhere. Irony poisoning, I'd say, few of the recent entries feel genuine (even the better ones can't hold themselves back from poking at old disney cliches). Not to mention the barrage of live action remakes that are soulless husks on conception level to begin with.
@jemm113 Жыл бұрын
Buzzfeed Millennials and their consequences are a disaster for Disney creative output.
@Lilla88able Жыл бұрын
​​@@jemm113thing is, buzzfeed isn't "the world" or what absolutely everyone thinks. One thing that I don't get is that Buzzfeed and sjw can say stuff, but why, at some point, those companies decided they HAD to obey them? Wtf is Buzzfeed at the end of the day? I even enjoyed some of their contents at some point but I never took it so seriously... now there's a say: go woke go broke. Was everyone convinced that all people around the world had become 2.0 liberal all suddently? I don't get it.
@aaronwe9850 Жыл бұрын
My condolences. I can imagine watching a company that produced such wonderful movies sliding into the dark ages causing much distress. It seems like they forgot how to tell stories and now they grab stuff put it in a box and expect the audience to like it. Any legitimate criticism is waved away. Too bad but maybe in the future Disney will remember how to tell stories again.
@zeldagameryt4018 Жыл бұрын
I think all Disney heroes right now can be described with two words. Elsa: “Ice Princess” Raya: “Female Fighter” Maribelle: “Family Outcast” Ralph (Raplh Breaks the Internet): “Overly clingy”
@lilac3266 Жыл бұрын
Well basically any Disney character can be described with 2 words. That doesn’t say anything on the quality of the character it just means you can simplify lmao
@Bustermachine Жыл бұрын
@@lilac3266 Aladdin - Dashing thief! Ariel - Humanboo XD Bell - French Nerd Hercules - Rocky Demigod
@lilac3266 Жыл бұрын
@@Bustermachine exactly being able to describe a character in 2 words just means u can simplify lmao
@NyaCutie2024 Жыл бұрын
Aurora: “Sleeping Beauty” Merida (Even though she’s from Pixar) “Female Archer” Jasmine: “Rebellious Princess” Moana: “Ocean Lover” Pocahontas: “Nature Lover”
@TheVCRTimeMachine Жыл бұрын
"Disney" is an embarrassment to the Walt Disney name and legacy. They are completely disconnected from the ideals and storytelling style of their namesake. Shameful
@DarthX4 Жыл бұрын
because they aren't heroes, they range from boring protagonist to vilain. granted the so called heroe being an actual vilain isn't new, disney has a long history of that, but they never went as far as lie to Lucas then turn a nazi in a princess until last decade.
@dhamotl7607 Жыл бұрын
Raya was probably one of the most disappointing recent disney movies I've ever watched. I was SO hyped for it, the way they created each realms, with their own culture and traditions, so detailed that the whole color palette differs, the clothes, the mannerisms to even where they're physically placed in the world tells a bit about them, then the animation looks and feels great too, the character's design are sick as hell(except Sisu and the dragons as a whole), Raya is one of the most beautiful princess in Disney and I WILL fight for this statement, her convos with Namari in the cave/trap and on Spine are genuinely entertaining for me. But the whole story? the message? what happened...? The whole thing with trust, then Sisu and Namari's whole character???? like what the actual FUCK. NOTHING MAKES SENSE AT ALL.
@Pandalka 10 ай бұрын
I suspect Disney was trying to introduce us to some far east trust philosophy, I don't know which exactly, and they should've not done that if it has zero connection to reality, like in this case. some things look good only in theory.
@Jaxvidstar Жыл бұрын
3:19 That Penelope is basically doing what Turbo did from the first movie. Just consequences free or not bothering to show said consequences because girl power. 10:34 It's almost like this movie isn't for Buzz Lightyear.
@katzuma7641 Жыл бұрын
If we removed buzz lightyear from the buzz lightyear movie and replaced him with any generic space ranger, it would be the same movie
@godzillatoons3947 Жыл бұрын
It’s actually illegal for movies to advertise stuff. So it’s more of, Ralph Breaks the Law
@kingandrewcecil348 Жыл бұрын
Both "The Emoji Movie" and "Space Jam: A New Legacy" also broke this rule too, except that they're WAY WORSE since both of these two movies in question are so focused on being literally nothing more than feature-length advertisements to the point that they have no proper story being told nor do they have any compelling characters. "Ralph Breaks The Internet", as bad as it is, at least had more of a story despite being a feature-length advertisement for Disney for heavens sake!
@loonytunescrazy Жыл бұрын
@@kingandrewcecil348 I like the first Space Jam
@kingandrewcecil348 Жыл бұрын
@@loonytunescrazy Same here
@magdalenajohnston2929 Жыл бұрын
Tons of movies have advertisement placing in them. If you see someone drinking a brand of drink, or food, or wearing branded clothing. It's pretty common. Not saying it's not illegal but it's absolutely a common thing.
@kingandrewcecil348 Жыл бұрын
@magdalenajohnston2929 But at least those product placements in most of these movies are just for a few short minutes that don't take up too much of the film's story, instead of practically hogging up the entire feature-length runtime unlike say "The Emoji Movie", "Ralph Breaks The Internet" and "Space Jam: A New Legacy". In fact, in most of these movies you can cut out those product placement scenes and nothing much would change in their respective movies' plots.
@salt7625 Жыл бұрын
The problem the one thing we can all point at...it that villains just aren't villains anymore, it's like when the us declared a war on terror or drugs...you can't declare war on a concept, a vague suggestion, you need something you can actually hit, what is disney declaring war on? Bad cultural norms? Famaily issues? Nobody knows! Yes you can have a villain that is redeemed in the end but that villain has to be redeemable in the first place. And for them to be redeemable they have to be likable, and their actions can't be too extreme. If they aren't likeable they can burn, if they did. Oh idk mass genocide, and child abuse as well as kicked puppies...they can burn.treasure planet is far better than strange world cause it had INTERESTING CHARACTERS that you could get INVESTED IN as well as a cool world. Same thing with atlantis and it is sad both those movies didn't get the attention needed for disney to take them seriously at the time. You can make clear villains and still have your social commentary. It's not like with a villain you can't have undertones of other lessons in a story. It wouldn't be a story then. Make villains and let your story focus on the conflict between them and your hero, not your hero and an abstract concept
@bestdadoftheyear7181 Жыл бұрын
What disney and other companies should do is Just let it go, accept that the end of the franchise is the end with no continuation, like toy story's real last movie.
@kelleyceccato7025 Жыл бұрын
I agree with much of what you say, and I have to thank you for leaving my beloved Joy, Sadness, Judy Hopps, and Moana out of this.
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