I feel like people wouldn’t be happy they lost a deathmatch game because I sat in one spot and pretended it was hardpoint the whole time. I should go play hardpoint if that’s what I want to do.
@PhilipChantryProductions12 күн бұрын
If the game allows me to play for as many deaths as possible instead of as many kills as possible, is that OK?
@yoshinator19511 күн бұрын
Is the first comment meant to be taken as sarcastic or is it genuinely supporting the idea of playing the objective correctly? Also I’m not sure what you mean by the second comment
@PhilipChantryProductions11 күн бұрын
@@yoshinator195 The second one is rhetorical. If the game allows you to play in a way that’s bad for the whole team, you still shouldn’t do it. If you play for kills on hardpoint and say screw the objective, you should be in deathmatch. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t count towards stuff like ranked. If I play deathmatch and don’t try to get kills, that’s not cool. In deathmatch the objective IS to kill people. Ignoring game objectives is bad. Why even have different game modes? Why have any objective to the game at all? Why not try and die the whole time? As someone who prefers hardpoint, it’s basically throwing the entire game experience for me so you can get kills. That’s selfish. On nuketown 24/7 it makes more sense, but you’ll still get kills if you help the team out. Why ruin the game mode for people who like it just for a couple more kills towards your camo?
@PhilipChantryProductions11 күн бұрын
Playing a slayer role assists the team, I don’t think you always need to be on the objective. But if someone is completely ignoring the objective it’s like playing with one less teammate than the other team. That’s not fun if you’re trying to win. Sorry I wrote an essay. I’m just trying to be more clear.
@gVert40410 күн бұрын
fuck playing obj, my constant stream of high tier killstreaks is doing more to help the team than deathrushing the obj. the reason I like obj modes even though I only care about fragging is because it makes the spawns/lanes more predictable. besides it’s CoD who actually cares about winning the only thing that matters is KD
@yoshinator1959 күн бұрын
If you’re adopting the slayer role and letting the killstreaks help put pressure to play the objective, I don’t mind it. To me, if you can knock two birds with one stone, no stress. The debate comes down to if you prefer winning vs KD.