Why Parsing High Doesn't Make A Good Player in FFXIV

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Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker. Why Parsing High Doesn't Make A Good Player but instead there are other factors that come into play, which we will explore in this video.
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#ffxiv #endwalker

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@kunstlerischesetwas1284 2 жыл бұрын
Its quite simply. A dude who manages to clear a fight after just a couple of trys with a blue pars is definitely better than a person which needs 100 trys to clear and got a purple parse. The healer in my raid group always gets purple up to pink parses, but is so bad at remembering and playing mechanics, that 70% of all wipes are caused by him.
@StalwartSpaghetti 2 жыл бұрын
He probably doesn't pull his weight in the healing department either.
@kunstlerischesetwas1284 2 жыл бұрын
@@StalwartSpaghetti :P
@Blowitch 2 жыл бұрын
it doesn't really make much sense that a high parser can't do mechanics right... if you can parse high, that means you can dish out most dps while not messing up any mechanics (especially now that a mistake = damage down)
@Lyu-Phy 2 жыл бұрын
Finally, you said what I couldn't put my finger on. Parse is not everything. These rainbow parses are giga irrelevant when the team is dying left and right over and over gain. Altho it really doesn't make sense, a solid parser shouldn't fail mechanics that often, weird.
@StalwartSpaghetti 2 жыл бұрын
@@Blowitch With healers it's a bit different. One can easily parse orange if the other is doing all the healing.
@astrealove2247 2 жыл бұрын
I lead a static, and I've never asked any of them for their parses. What I'm looking for is a player who want to progress, and who's willing to learn mechanics, and who also take their own responsibility and want to improve as a player. On top of it I think group synergy & having fun together is more important, even if it takes a bit longer to prog in the end.
@TheImpolitelad 2 жыл бұрын
I got like 90% through a master's thesis of the nuance of examining logs before realizing it was dumb and drawn out, so here is my simplified meme filled opinion. Looking at parses by themselves is useless and sprinting head long down Toxic Valley. Looking at logs as a whole is an amazing tool I suggest everyone learns how to do, both for themselves and especially in a leadership position. Playing the actual game with people remains the ultimate gigachad move. But I understand if you want to trade the uncertainty of a bad raid night for some self assigned homework when building a static. In general, don't let other people being toxic limit you from using an incredibly powerful tool. We didn't give up on fire because one caveman ran around burning people's hair for fun.
@jink1768 2 жыл бұрын
I still remember pugging one week as a healer and I ran with this 99 healer and thought it was going to be a easy clear and it wasn’t. Turned out they were getting high parses on healer because they literally refuse to heal even with ogcd heal skills and wiped the group for 2 good hours every time they missed a gcd or they died and suddenly started “accidentally” kill other player. There are some people who care too much about parsing and are willing to waste other peoples time doing so:
@zefflick9475 2 жыл бұрын
Never asked for logs when recruiting static members before. It's easy to get better at a job you just play it. Much more interested in people that have good situational awareness, and are able to learn and adjust on the fly without relying on callouts. Most importantly if we spend the whole night wiping I want people that don't rage, sulk or blame other people all the time those guys are annoying and they drag everyone down.
@DarkDyllon 2 жыл бұрын
i'll blame the person at fault for wiping. be that me or anyone else, if i don't understand something i'll ask. been in raid groups where that wasn't welcome, because the other person felt attacked ... sorry but we're here to clear in the end right? how are you gonna figure out you fucked up if nobody tells you? on the topic of "never asked for logs" i get that, but my static rather wants to have an rough understanding on who we're gonna be trialing than not. we'll rather take an 50-90% parser than an 95-100% parser for 1 simple reason. the 50-90% parsers generally have an fairly quick learning curve, they know the fight and their job (otherwise you wouldn't get blue to purples) but when you go into 95-100 percentile you'll hit the players who want to clear a tier within 1 to 2 weeks max, which in general is not what my group aims for (4-5 weeks for next tier)
@zefflick9475 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarkDyllon That's completely fair. It's more targeted at people that are quick to call others out and go completely silent when they themselves caused the wipe or they get really aggressive and snap at people for making errors in a condescending way. It's all about finding 7 other people with the same goals, so many different types of raider out there.
@DarkDyllon 2 жыл бұрын
@@zefflick9475 for sure. my group makes plenty of mistakes, but they generally don't mind if i call them out. (would be an issue if they did xD) that's kinda a problem with raids though, finding 7 others who think like you (or have the same endgame) for example 1 of my criteria in an static when i was looking was that they are able to take criticism (don't take it personally either) and are ok with all forms of jokes and profanity. (both i like, in my private life i generally struggle not cussing left right and center, work life is much better thankfully) thankfully i found an static like that, we shit talk each other, make memes about each other and laugh a lot, while still progging. currently on DSR phase 3 beginning (still cleaning up phase 2 but we've seen phase 3 a few times now)
@redbloodreaver4935 2 жыл бұрын
I mean I'll just search for their logs on fflogs anyway. Why is there a need to 'ask' for logs?
@lethargicwizard 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarkDyllon there's a difference between pointing out mistakes if you're still progging mechanics, and someone might have a misunderstanding of a mechanic, and your goal is to help them learn; and the PF kind of finger pointing that does absolutely no good to anyone. At a certain point, it just comes down to execution mistakes, and it's not worth spending any more time worrying about who did what wrong when you could just be pulling. Some people have different learning curves than others when it comes to different types of mechanics, will struggle on some compared to others, and you're going to be in a raid group with all types. Just be kind about it
@NotTheWheel 2 жыл бұрын
I think here's the thing people misconstrue. It's not about relentless positivity for the sake of it. Your demeanor and patience play a part in how the Team functions as a unit. Parsing is secondary because it goes against team cohesion as a unit inherently. A Team is composed of individuals but an individual contribution doesn't make a team. The reason why you encourage people who fail isn't simply to be polite. Believe it or not, no matter how difficult the content is or in the future will become there is one silver lining about it - the content still can be completed by anyone, but those people who have doubts about themselves won't know they can do it until they try, that's why you encourage people, to bring their best selves forward. A Leader of a team will always pick someone up, instead of kicking them while they are down. Nothing worth the effort is ever going to be without error or shortcomings. So just remember that. People know when they make mistakes generally, I know personally if I mess up I take it hard because I know I messed up. I assume others are like that. If people are lost or need guidance they need to be told what to do clearly and without judgment because that makes you a better teammate by making those around you better.. Making your team better is more important than individual accomplishments. The greatest players can do both but the priority should always be the Team first and clearing the content above all. tl;dr Be a Good Teammate.
@MrAngryMonkey100 2 жыл бұрын
@NotTheWheel and right there flys in the face of what raiding has become in Ffxiv. Have you seen the comments folks made on this subject are the prime reasons folks who want to raid don't because of the bad behavior people have towards others and the general disdain HC raiders have for others trying out new content... Savage raiders make it sound like it is too hard for players to do it. be funny if a group from outside the savage raiding community swept worlds first... would love to see the meltdown on that one XD....it will happen one day and you will see a meltdown on a level that would make a 2 yr old look like an adult XD
@austins.2495 Жыл бұрын
@NotTheWheel these are words to live by right here. Good stuff man
@max7971 Жыл бұрын
⁠@@MrAngryMonkey100 it would be funny, because it would never happen. Everyone talks how everything can be done by anyone, yet for some unknown reason most people don’t.
@MrAngryMonkey100 Жыл бұрын
@@max7971 Necro Post
@harukun 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly it's something that I constantly say to friends of mine trying to get into the game that are hyperfocused on DPS because of the nature of the community: "Good DPS is a consequence of consistency and understanding." The more consistent you become (Always going in the same direction, for something, using your own rotation as a timer, etc) and the more knowledge you gain (such as when snapshots occur, markings on the ground, when you can preposition, etc), the higher your damage will go. I think that most people just need to understand that when it comes to raiding for a clear, DPS is a consequence more than a goal.
@LuminNox 2 жыл бұрын
This pretty much sums up the qualities of a good player willing to improve and to work for it
@max7971 Жыл бұрын
Experience with a fight+ability to execute. If someone fumbles buttons or clicks his skills-there is no ammount of fight knowledge, that will help him pull ahead of someone who both knows the fight AND doesn’t fumble. Just staying alive for the whole fight won’t give you orange parse, just as tunnel visioning your rotation and forgetting to do mechanics won’t.
@Hirotoro4692 2 ай бұрын
​@@max7971I'm not a clicker but there are absolutely clickers who can get orange parses
@articaea 2 жыл бұрын
just wanted to post that the toxic discord screenshot you showed at 2:30 of the person getting absolutely bullied for not having logs while looking for an uwu group? they just got their uwu clear recently!
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
thats awesome hell yeah
@Pay_Me_No_Mind 2 жыл бұрын
@Bigpaw87 2 жыл бұрын
Good to hear, that was absolutely disgusting behavior to endure x.x
@mihn7a2 2 жыл бұрын
great video!! you explained it perfectly. my logs often give off a 'bad impression' to the high end groups i often strive to join, i can get anywhere from 70-95 parses on AST but at first glance, they don't know i'm doing runs with a very casual static who's just running savage content for fun. so i really hate how much people instantly judge at the big dips between my dmg logs but never bother to look at my consistency, whether it be in healing or no deaths. it's getting to the point where i'm specifically looking for groups that don't ask for high parsers because it's just immediate judgement at /only/ dps. it's very frustrating.
@bigquazz3955 2 жыл бұрын
I've always said this. Past a certain point, your parse isn't an indication of skill. Between crit farming, kill time manipulation, and padding, the value of parsing really suffers diminishing returns. However, at a basic level it is still really helpful. Especially when paired with analysis.
@cynicalmanatee 2 жыл бұрын
yup, I call pink chasing "gatcha with your tinctures" At a certain point, you are looking for RNG rather than mechanical prowess.
@herny45 2 жыл бұрын
The bigger issue is people who go into a reclear, clear for 1, or a book run. With the intent to parse. So much wasted on what ahoulda been a quick reclear.
@hardware72 2 жыл бұрын
I've gone into p1s to parse in a clear for one as GNB. Somebody messed up their soak so I, unhappily, ate the damage down for the clear. But in the end it got the pug a clear and they were appreciative of it. It's when people intentionally throw in a clear party that I take issue. There are other chances to get your 99.
@Kai-gj7mk 2 жыл бұрын
Those are just people who think they're "parsing". Real parsers know kill time is everything in top upper 100 ranks and no C41 or book run will ever get you that.
@mosley3485 Ай бұрын
@@Kai-gj7mk In ultimate, you'll generally get a more favourable kill time in a C41 than you will in a party full of pumpers. It's usually easier to find a clear party than it is to find someone who will sandbag their own parse for yours, so parsers are a bit of an epidemic in ultimate PF.
@yassin9782 2 жыл бұрын
Another issue with parsing is that some jobs (such as WAR or the support jobs like BRD/DNC/AST) rely even more on kill time and team performance to log high in comparison to other jobs. I’ve been getting blue parses with certain teams because they either don’t perform well enough damage wise or have inconsistency with mechanics, and with other groups I get oranges when I play my rotation the exact same as when I’d get a blue log with the first set of groups. It feels annoying when people can judge some of my parses when it’s not an accurate measure of my skill because it’s not my fault it’s on the ‘lower’ end.
@yScribblezHD 2 жыл бұрын
I think there's a degree to which this matters between the very highest level of parsing, but I've definitely parsed at least 98 on WAR with groups that consisted of grey and green parses (and not particularly fast kill times). A lot of this probably comes down to minor optimizations in my own play, as well as crit luck and other similar factors.
@Valkross9 2 жыл бұрын
@@yScribblezHD I don't think by kill time being important he meant fast kill times. I think he meant adjusting the kill time in that you kill the boss during or just after the burst window, because DPS jumps during the window and winds down in-between windows.
@yScribblezHD 2 жыл бұрын
@@Valkross9 Yes, but invariably low kill times are also better than higher kill times if they're similarly aligned along 2 minute burst windows (because of stuff like pot windows).
@King-2077 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree with this a little bit, i have a friend who is an rdm main and he can parse high purple to orange with a group that have grey logs. I did that too on my drk back in eden savage. My 99 came from a group that had many deaths on that run and we got a very good killtime for my drk.
@Gegarace 2 жыл бұрын
I tried to parsing AST, yes if ur team is bad i'll most likely stuck on 95-98(good rng, for bad rng is like 88-92) never reach 99, but if you get only blue there's a lot of room to be improved my man.
@jolt187 2 жыл бұрын
Our tank is so hungry for a good GNB parse to impress an ultimate team he has wiped us for the past two weeks of P4S reclears trying to greed a GCD during act 2. We don't want to kick him but we've asked him to stop yet he still dies trying to sneak it in. It's hard to blame him bc his dream team wants oranges for DSR, which in and of itself is cracked. Parsing, or perhaps specifically the stock ppl put on pretty colors, is a rot on the community.
@DarkDyllon 2 жыл бұрын
actually, the ones that are wrong is mostly you guys. you guys are allowing this 1 GNB to basically wipe on repeat so that he can get his orange parse and join this ultimate static, he is wrong to basically put you guys through it, you guys are wrong for simply accepting this. "we don't want to kick him but we've asked him to stop yet he still dies trying to sneak it in" sounds like an simple "our ways part here, should've listened to us when we asked you to greed and wipe us on repeat" it will suck yeah, but it'll be better for the static, since concider howmuch anger is being build up to this 1 person that is basically trying to get his near perfect parse at the cost of everyone else's time. (also requiring an orange parse in itself isn't crazy, if your static is aiming at an fairly quick prog then you need extremely skilled players, if they do take him after 1 orange parse, then that ultimate static is just a bunch of idiots, as 1 orange parse can mean he or she just got lucky and crit/DH all their strong attacks, if he or she gets concistently orange parses then yeah, that player is good)
@SealedIzayoi 2 жыл бұрын
He should find a parse group that wants to focus on giving each other oranges rather than making you guys suffer through it during -reclears-... :\
@07citychamp 2 жыл бұрын
He didn't realize you needed to use uptime act 2 strats did he lol
@SuguSugux 2 жыл бұрын
I have 80. 95% without even trying. And I'm on p7 dsr. Your gnb is.. a dumbo
@gabrielh9524 2 жыл бұрын
I would kick him my static has a high parsing GNB that's really good but knows when to cut back and not greed for the sake of getting it done. We are actually finishing up UwU after we completed Hesperos savage and then we're going to prog DSR after the next savage teir. We aren't a high parser team we do have good numbers but it isn't our end all be all but it's not necessary to parse exceedingly high and even if you do and ifyou end up having a greed mentality that isn't going to help in DSR with how specific it is and how much you have to respect mechanics so you don't wipe the whole team. Also Act two has uptime strats make him watch it.
@gorgothegreat2117 2 жыл бұрын
Co raid leader here and we don’t look at your logs before the trial. We just do trials, so we can see how you communicate and adjust and we take the logs from the trial only and we go through things like buff alignment, mechanic execution (how many damage downs and we look at VoDs or the recreate function on FFlogs to see if they were even your fault) and whether you actually use your kit effectively. It makes our trial process a little longer but feedback from the both the group and people trialing is that they prefer our method to just blinding denying based on parses
@shikatsu 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I wish I had that sort of help as someone with anxiety but a competitive streak, mind you I feel like I should play tank so I can be the canary in the coalmine that I end up as a usual in Pugs
@gorgothegreat2117 2 жыл бұрын
@@shikatsu Aww. We really do try to minimize anxiety during the trial process. Normally we do a check in right after and give the feedback with in 24 hours as far as what we liked, and things that had us concerned and we give people sometime to sort of give their explanations and we consider all of that at the end. Our process is long but we’re so new to raiding (our first tier ever) we don’t want to get in the habit of treating people like numbers.
@strawberriilatte 2 жыл бұрын
I’m on console and been playing since PS3 era. The one issue i have when raiding is how quickly others will look you up on logs without realizing not every player is on PC.
@bigquazz3955 2 жыл бұрын
What does being on pc have anything to do with it? I play on console, and I can count on one hand the numbers of clears I've gotten where someone didn't upload. Everything gets uploaded, even the bad runs you don't want uploaded. As far as logs are concerned, there are only three red flags people look for. Those are hidden logs, no logs, and consistently Grey logs.
@balthefemroe 2 жыл бұрын
How do you tell if a log is hidden?
@bigquazz3955 2 жыл бұрын
@@balthefemroe When someone hides their logs intentionally, you can't even find their profile When searching. When someone just doest have logs because theyve never been uploaded, you can still find their profile but all the fights they don't have logged yet are grayed out.
@TheBadassTonberry 2 жыл бұрын
@@balthefemroe The "simplest" answer is that the someone is missing a log while others have their logs shown, but that will require you some detective work like knowing who was in the party and the like. i am not quite sure how savage works, as I never did it, but I'm gonna assume each one is their own run, unlike, say, aliance raids where you face several in one run. If the parser is the one hiding the logs, they won't show up for you either. That said, you can technically still view the log from someone hidden if at least one other person has their log publicized. The most obvious example is Aglaia, where you have 4 bosses, and therefore have 4 kills logged every fight. If a logged kill doesn't show up despite you knowing you cleared the boss and you're not the one running the parser, it is either hidden, other the person stopped parsing/abandoned duty. You can still view your parse if at least one other kill is logged.
@LuminNox 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with all points you made. FFLogs is a great tool for analysis and self-improvement but it shouldn't be used as a tool to judge player skill by just looking at their percentiles. Player skill is so much more than just having good dps.
@DarkDyllon 2 жыл бұрын
hard disagree. it's basically your resume, sounds stupid bringing an real life object into this, but it really is. an static can ask for your parse, go through it and see "ok, he started as grey, then gradually went to blue and high purples" this shows more than a single number ofcourse. this basically saves the static a lot of times, since if you get someone who says he/she got an good attitute, can learn mechanics fairly quickly and is decent at their job ... but then concistently parses grey. (grey basically means you can clear the fight as your job, but you either don't know the fight very well or the job itself) so if you want an fairly decent tier clear time (say 4-5 weeks) you don't want someone who parses concistently grey, because that shows the above and going for an 4-5 week clear time requires everyone to know their jobs very well and be fairly good learners. if used correctly, FFLogs can easily filter out the bad apples, which is quite easily since you generally ask for their ingame name anyways, then a quick search and you see what this person is all about. if you're not satisfied (since in the end, you got an group that wants the same goal, if someone simply isn't good enough to achieve it, it's better to cut the fat off early than trial the person, see that person isn't good at the game and then having to say "sorry, but you're not fit to be in our group", they could've used that trial space for someone who actually understands their job/the fights)
@LuminNox 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarkDyllon I agree that FFLogs is a good to tool for that if used properly. However most people just look at the percentiles without reading more into the logs which is just not a good representation of player skill. An all blue/purple player can be a better than a full pink player.
@HakaishinCat 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao this guy hugs his logs before bed
@poi_1314 2 жыл бұрын
@@LuminNox hmmm i think blue/purple simply doesnt have enough dps for world prog content
@LuminNox 2 жыл бұрын
@@poi_1314 I know people with blue/purple logs who got a world first in this game
@imacuttlefish6832 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like logs are appealing especially to raiders who aren't as experienced, because it's the simplest thing to look at. Good qualities on a player such as their skill and personality require actually playing with them (trialing) and decent judgement of character but "orange number good, blue number bad" is a lot simpler so I think that's why people more naturally gravitate towards it, and it's why you see especially midcore groups obsess a lot over logs, because they simply lack the experience. So in a sense they don't actually know what to look for in a person when they trial them. Which aligns with what you said in the video: the higher you go, the less obsession there is over parses. I've deffo noticed the obsession over logs increasing especially over the past 2 expansions and I agree, it's quite sad. I don't mean to say one shouldn't look at parses when recruiting, but it should be done in moderation and the static should understand it's not everything that person has to offer.
@JunglingFist 2 жыл бұрын
it's the exact opposite from my experience Most people, including new players, do not obsess over fflogs It's a few elitist players that call anything lower than a purple BAD and it creates conflict
@Kero282 2 жыл бұрын
if you have 3 potantial new member and one prases orange while the others are blue, which one will you check out first? yea, thought so, the orange one of course. odds are, hes not a dick either, you might have some decent fun conversations with him too. i think most statics dont really go hard on dps but they have the choice between multiple players and they will obv prefer the experienced one at first and they most often are teamplayers too because thats how they got their parses in the first place.
@imacuttlefish6832 2 жыл бұрын
@@JunglingFist Yes, I specifically mentioned midcore raiders for that reason. Casual players don't care enough about it so they won't obsess over parses.
@imacuttlefish6832 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kero282 This argument is wholly dependent on the idea that I would only look for parses whenever I'm recruiting people and going through that screening process. Or that looking at parses would even be a top priority for me. It's not, simply because there are other things I want to check that provide me with much more valuable information. I can think of at least 3 things off the top of my head. By the time I've checked said things, I will often have made up my mind on whether or not I wish to trial them so the colour of the parse will be irrelevant. Though, of course, the quality players I'm looking for often end up having solid parses anyway. But not all people with good parses will be the players I want. I hope that makes sense.
@Kero282 2 жыл бұрын
@@imacuttlefish6832 yes it does make sense what youre saying but i look at it in a different way. bad dps is a symptom, not the disease itself if you will. by looking at said symptom you can allready assume that he wont check the other boxes you might be looking for. hes not just having bad/average parses beacuse he needs practice, he parses in that range because he doesnt understand mechanics, doesnt grasp timewindows and hitboxes, lacks communication and therefore wipes often. if youre not able to parse purple consistently the issues aint always as simple as practice.
@Cassapphic 2 жыл бұрын
The differences between wide number gaps in a parse score and the actual relavent amount of dps is so minor it doesn’t really matter. My parses are all blue and I’m content with that, focusing on how to squeeze out 10 whole extra dps just isn’t fun to me, as long as I’m doing well enough to not hold people back I’m content.
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
this how i feel about it. would rather just clear and move on and help others
@pridefall3304 2 жыл бұрын
anecdotally, every high parsing sam I have ever met has been the most inconsistent sandbag when it comes to actually performing mechs. but boy do they love to talk about midare and how much dps they add to the group (at least pre 6.1) as if that makes up for the hours of wipes they cause
@Gegarace 2 жыл бұрын
I am 99 parser and i'll tell you a secret 99 is just a player that has time to do more optimize to certain bosses. It doesn't mean anywhere near they're good players. but in itself being a parser mean you should already "FULLY" understand what your class's rotation or skills, sometime others revelent classes as well as you have to burst at the same timing. but that's about it. I still died at some extreme contents that i wasn't familiar with. I am not a genius that all knowing, i'm just good at the 4 bosses 1st savage tier. and my conclusion is something like : max dps +1, made my team move for me -1 , let my team die -1, having them to spend their gcd on me -1 ... and so on. everything has a good and bad merit to it, good players will "allow" party to clear as easy and as fast as possible, period.
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
*slow clap*
@NatCr3w 2 жыл бұрын
I've played with oranges and pinks and surprisingly they were the nicest people I've raided with.
@Gegarace 2 жыл бұрын
@@NatCr3w to be more honest, they just don't care about parsing.they will be so relax(but still doing correct rotations and uptime). you are just in 1 of his 100+ round of optimizing that raid. 0 chance of malding. they understand they'll only get good parse in only small circumstances so they don't get mad because it was they were expected.
@zydeox1221 2 жыл бұрын
Thankfully, there are good people out there that are reasonable and have a good sense of direction and observing skills. My uwu static lead found me still proging p4s part 2 with blue logs (595 AST) on every savage including p4s part 1 and instantly accepted me, around 3 months or so into the tier. 2 months later we beat uwu and another month later i got my 15th weapon completing the full roster. When i had my final uwu weapon i was already 90+ in every current tier savage with the exception of p3s (Fuck p3s, F u c k p3s, cool mount tho). I got very inspired by players more experienced than me. If i had never accepted any criticism, refused problems existed, better numbers i would never have evolved in this game as both a healer and a person...:) because as a dragoon i'm still throwing myself out of the arenas with elusive jump.
@MrAngryMonkey100 2 жыл бұрын
I took elusive jumpo off my bars knowing I would use it by mistake XD
@jokanxu7308 Жыл бұрын
Very good points, unfortunately it doesn't matter. Every other metric will take longer for people to sort through to determine if you are a "good player". No one will spend 30 minutes sorting through your logs to see if you are consistent through all of your past fights, buff windows, mechanics to see if they want to recruit you. That is how the world works, no one gives a shit about you enough to spend more than a few minutes on a stranger. This is why recruiters only spend a few seconds looking at your resume in the real world or how potential to be a doctor or lawyer is determined through your MCAT or BAR score. If even parsing is a bad metric and lets say only 10% accurate, it is still the best metric to look at if every other at a glance metric is a worse indicator.
@StriderHoang 2 жыл бұрын
As a newer raider, it was definitely appealing. Seeing my grey parse actually have a color for once was solid proof that I was improving. Afterall, my parse wasn't going to change color for no reason. I didn't just improve my opener and rotation, I also eliminated deaths which costs me dps. It might be my experience into other competitive environments though, fighting games, that I think I have an attitude for improvement without necessarily letting it go to my head. My history of fighting games has always given me the attitude that I want to play to the best of my ability but there's always someone better. Which is why I why I simply don't put any stock into my logs, I just want to see how far I can go without sacrificing my mentality or consistency. My static runs logs but nobody uses the logs as a major measuring stick, simply a point of reference how well they're doing at any given point. Running my logs helped me adjust my rotation during my early time where the bog standard rotation I'd learned simply didn't look like I was registering good results. Getting my consistent parse was from observing that the altered rotation I learned really was working for me despite it being a niche opener.
@shirox11 2 жыл бұрын
Deaths are definitely the biggest hit to someones dps. Which is why mechanic consistency is the most important asset for a raider to have, damage will just naturally begin to come from that. (Not downplaying getting your rotation and opener down, but those don’t matter if you’re kissing the floor multiple times a fight.)
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
keep at it and youll learn more the more you do!
@ronmexico7256 2 жыл бұрын
Woah be careful about referring to logs in a positive light this is a no parse zone my dude
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
@@ronmexico7256 who hurt you
@ronmexico7256 2 жыл бұрын
@@Shuhannazy nobody? It was a comment on how negative the comment section and general community is to parsing and logs
@mashedpotatoes209 2 жыл бұрын
it is fairly obvious that players who parse high are probably going to be better than your average player and likely have a better mechanical understanding to fights, the big point to be made is that all of this doesn't necessarily contribute to a RELIABLE player. Parses don't always account for someone's consistency, how well they can communicate in a team setting and if they have the attitude for the toughest content in the game (ultimate). Before I started progging DSR, I held people with great parses to a pretty high regard, automatically assuming they were competent players, people you needed if you wanted to clear content in a timely manner. I do not think this anymore. My first static was filled with members that had orange and pink parses, and there was numerous issues that occurred, eventually ending up in the static being disbanded and a sour taste in everyone's mouths. The main issue with the static was consistency and attitude. There were nights where valuable time was wasted because some people would die to the silliest things (aka run into the wall, die to Thordan slashes) and these people had pink parses, people you had a higher standard for! It's okay to make a few mistakes here and there, but these mistakes would take an hour out of our night, which is beyond ridiculous! In terms of attitude, things were terrible as well. People were not quick to take responsibility for mistakes and there was a strong stubborn presence during prog, which ultimately brought down moral and our efficiency in the fight. Overall it was a very undesirable experience. I am not the only one who has gone through this, I've talked to a decent amount of players who had similar experiences in their DSR statics, with the main issues coming down to attitude and consistency during prog. Most of these groups had high parsing members, showing me that what I went through was not an isolated incident. The group I am in right now is mostly filled with players who have purple parses, and prog has been fantastic! People come into raid days with good spirits, people speak up when they made a mistake and consistency has been amazing. I feel so much more confident with this group and I feel much more excited for raid nights. This was the moment where the misconception of "you are as good as you parse" was broken for me.
@DarkDyllon 2 жыл бұрын
blue to purple are generally the good but relax players who aim at actually progging. my general stance is that i will call people out for fucking up, if you're not up for that, tough shit. (this includes to myself, i'll call myself out for being an retard and fucking up) always hated this mentality of "i don't want to be called out because that makes me feel uncomfortable" ... well, you're wasting 7 others time and just because 6 of those aren't willing to speak up doesn't mean i won't.
@havelard 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, thanks for this, I clear ucob and uwu with grey parse :) I gave a lot of pointers inside the raid to adjust and contribute to strategize. Many orange parse players dont talk much and can get sour quickly. I think we should change the game mentality that purple/orange/pink players are always better? Because they dont, 100%
@mashedpotatoes209 2 жыл бұрын
@@havelard I also cleared UWU and UCOB with grey and green parses, and that's perfectly fine. Being able to clear an ultimate is an amazing accomplishment as is, and caring about parses for them is sort of silly in my honest opinion. This is more true in UCOB and UWU where the damage check is incredible lenient and greeding for higher damage is just unnecessary (unless you wanna skip a mech). I had a Ninja on my Team who tried to greed in Golden Bahamut one run, and he died like 2 or maybe even 3 times to the exaflares. We still managed to clear, but lets just say his parse wasn't the best, and he just made Golden Bahamut more stressful than it needed to be, for himself and for the rest of the us. We had a good laugh at it afterwards, but if we wiped we definitely would've had a different attitude to his risk management. I should clarify that not all high parsers behave in the manner like my previous group, I have a few friends who regularly parse pinks and they are some of the best people to be around. The main issue I have with some high parsers is that they use their parse to inflate their egos and it can sometimes negatively affects the way they behave in groups, and with the rest of the community to put it in a broader perspective. I won't necessarily call these players bad, but they are definitely terrible to be around, especially when things get tough during prog.
@DarkDyllon 2 жыл бұрын
@@havelard you're correct. in general if you clear ultimate with an grey, what does it matter, you cleared the hardest fights in the game, an grey parse means you cleared it. (maybe not with the best performance, but you cleared it regardless, also that uwu and ucob are older ultimates, so if it was your 1st clear than it's whatever since you become more nervous as the fight goes on) the problem is that we can't change that mentality anymore due to it being ingrained for so long, would need an massive shift in mentality to change that. in general most raid leaders know how to use FFlogs correctly to judge an incoming static trial. some will ask for some logs, some simply don't and just want an good time, which both are fair, but in general, if an static leader knows how to use FFlogs, they can filter a lot of unwanted candidates out in an heartbeat. for example, if you want an quick clear, you generally want high blue to orange (obviously, best experience for me is with purple parsers, they're serious but can joke around) if you're just an casual static they generally don't care about logs. but if you're an hardcore raider (or world 1st prog) you generally only want the top %. and these people don't simple go "oh you got 1 orange parse there for you're good enough" they check your overal history, what is your experience in the game. if we look at my logs for example, i've been raiding since Stormblood, so my FFlogs profile is filled (be it by myself or others in that instance) i generally aim for purple parses and i don't do parse runs, so if they look at my FFlogs (especially this tier since i switched from PLD to SAM to RDM, had no experience on RDM) went from grey parsing all the way to purple now, that shows an growth and i generally get high blues to purples, which shows concistency. just by that look they can see i'm concistent at my job/fights.
@havelard 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarkDyllon im actually grey parse on savage. Maybe just grerns hahaha xD
@ifaeriewraith Жыл бұрын
If I found 7 people with mindsets like most of the people in these comments, I’m sure I would have got TEA cleared by now. Patience, understanding, and FUN makes things happen. I haven’t been back in to try again, not because I’m uncomfortable about the fight to get a clear, I’m not comfortable with some of the people who claim to call themselves helpers, and then don’t encourage and help when you do something to screw up a mechanic. It’s such a big goal for me, but I’m not enthusiastic to do something that I can’t enjoy at least with the people I’m doing it with.
@ProfessorHeavy1 2 жыл бұрын
Logs are like leaderboards. They represent some level of skill, especially when comparing certain players or reading further into the log details. But when you get further into the higher tiers, you find the people who do it as a grind, just to be the best. A WHM with a damage parse of 2 and a heal parse of 90 is clearly overhealing, which can be backed up by looking at the "Overheal%" stat. A SAM with a 17 parse has objectively lower DPS than a SAM with a 60 parse (after accounting for any death damage reductions and IL differences). Unfortunately, both of these sides merged and turned into this grotesque mindset of "if you don't have a high parse, you're very unskilled."
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
yeah i think people just dont add in a players circumstances its you did it or you didnt. and thats whats sucks
@freddyperreault1130 2 жыл бұрын
if you dont die, your parse will be higher, and parses are based off of item level. it even shows so on the logs
@yung-tuwei2284 2 жыл бұрын
@@freddyperreault1130 Where does it show the item level in someone's parse?
@rijsmiddel8765 2 жыл бұрын
@@freddyperreault1130 Parses aren’t based on ilvl at all, parsing at i600 and i580 with the exact same sequence of actions would drop your log from 90+ to around 40-50, and is one of the inherent issues with fflogs.
@ThisIsAigle Жыл бұрын
So back when i did progression stuff on WoW and SWTOR, both guilds i was in had this very useful mentality about damage meters. "Your log doesn't mean shit until the boss is on farm." What it basically translated to was our very crude, but simple manner of stating, "so long as you hit things hard enough to kill before enrage, and heal people well enough they aren't dying from unavoidable damage, then learning the mechanics of the fight properly is the most important thing to do since that naturally increases your DPS, naturally decreases the healers heal-load, and increases the amount of additional DPS they can contribute to the fight. Knowing where to move, how far to move, and when to move increases uptime, knowing when to use a defensive cooldown versus moving increases uptime, knowing when something is coming off cooldown (whether internal or external cooldown) increases the effect of personal burst windows. Once you can go into the fight, and know before it even starts that you've won, then, and only then can you have the dick-waving contest over which DPS did the most damage, which tank took the most hits, and which healer had most of the effective healing per second. Because you have to get good, before you can 'git gud'. Get to the point where you are seeing the entire fight consistently before you worry about numbers."
@Pay_Me_No_Mind 2 жыл бұрын
I play on console, so I can't parse myself, but I have seen the results of players of all parse levels. I am MUCH more impressed/wanting to raid with a player that prepositions, can react on the fly, and is consistent with with a fight than someone that keeps failing mechanics/getting others killed over and over going for a high parse.
@MrAngryMonkey100 2 жыл бұрын
prepostioning before a mechanic starts is a sign they are using 3rd party software that tells them where to move to.
@Pay_Me_No_Mind 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrAngryMonkey100 Not always. In P3S, for FoF, the towers can drop two different ways. Positioning yourself in between the two options, then just needing to step to one side, rather than having to run across/through the boss I consider propositioning, and knowing the fight. Placing yourself ahead of time, allowing for minimal movement. I HAVE heard robo callouts over the mic, and that I REALLY don't like. Never played with those people again.
@that1JorgeguyxD 2 жыл бұрын
Friend of mine was denied into an ultimate static back when TEA was the new ultimate for another person that had pink 99's. The group couldn't get past limit cut a month later when their desired prog was p3 inception+. My friend gave them stream videos of making it to wormhole several times as well. "Pretty color > prog" apparently.
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
true and real
@TheImpolitelad 2 жыл бұрын
70s>90+s, 70+ tells me you know how to push buttons and work with a team and are generally laid back enough to go with the flow and secure the kill. 90+ tells me youre going to throw a tantrum and wipe the raid for an extra GCD or refuse to "deal" with other static members that struggle with a mechanic, or admit you maybe the one struggling. Parsing, like anything, is a tool. It can be used properly by examining the whole log for group or personal advancement or correction. Or it can be used to shred your static because big number go smash.
@didac3859 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheImpolitelad You don't need to do anything special to get a 90+. Just doing your rotation and being BiS is more than enough.
@rijsmiddel8765 2 жыл бұрын
@@didac3859 That’s the problem, BiS skews the data massively. The fact that a 90 only requires job competency and BiS shows that most logs are not even close to BiS ilvl. The system is inherently flawed, unfortunately it’s all we have.
@rinotattini9902 Жыл бұрын
​@@rijsmiddel8765 For certain classes even materia melds skew everything. Hell, try to play a ninja with dh melds and a ninja with Det melds. Then have both of them crit Hyosho, raitons and raijus, god forbid those are direct crits. Ninja can litterally lose 40% of their burst dps due to rng and bad melds. Shit is insane, also the 2 minute meta is litterally forcing everybody to play to buffs, in ShB at least with all different buff timers everybody was doing their own thing and you wouldn't get fucked over if someone delayed a couple ogcds, hell, sometimes it would fall under ypu 90 second raid buff or your 180 second one and benefit you. They way SE balanced the meta promotes this kind of behaviour even more than it already was.
@SampoPaalanen 2 жыл бұрын
I there's also something I saw in WoW (I've not spent enough time in PF in FF14 as I play mostly casually) when it came to parsing and that was not understanding the difference between peak DPS and sustained DPS. I saw players (in LFR or Normal that is) who front loaded their DPS and ignored mechanics to get as high peak DPS as possible and used that as proof of how good players they were. Something everyone who parses needs to understand is that it doesn't matter if you get the biggest possible number in the shortest time thus giving you a huge peak DPS, if you spend the rest of the fight essentially useless as your sustained DPS will suffer due this time being useless. A person who has a less peak DPS but is able to maintain a decent DPS thru out the fight will be better as their sustained DPS will be better and it's the sustained DPS that matters in fights not your peak DPS.
@LuminNox 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately in FFXIV DPSing in its current state is designed around burst windows. So it's correct that you want to deal as much damage as possible in those short windows as it results in the highest possible raid dps because buffs work multiplicative in this game. Those windows usually occur every 2min and last 15-20 seconds. In the off-time your damage will drop naturally as your sustained dps is not as high as your burst dps. But that doesn't mean you can just go afk. In optimal play you should use that off-time to prepare for the next burst window by building ressources or aligning your rotation. Coordinating those burst windows as a group is the key here.
@trymv1578 2 жыл бұрын
During the WoW Legion expansion I had two of the worst legendaries whereas the other guy playing my class had the best two (yay dumb RNG, right?) and was beating me on peak DPS in fights, so my raid lead prepped to fuss me then realized I was doing 97% of my simulation DPS... literally almost playing my sustained rotation perfectly (also was almost always the last DPS to die in wipes, aka doing mechanics) so he felt really bad and just told me 'sorry you got the short end of the RNG.'
@SampoPaalanen 2 жыл бұрын
@@trymv1578 Yeah RNG can suck sometimes. My worst story about DPS greed involves this one Shadowpriest I had in LFR during MoP siege of Ogrimmar to be exact, we were wiping on the mechanical scorpion boss and the shadowpriest starts complaining how he's doing the most DPS of the group, here's the thing though he queued as healer (something shadowpriests suck at due being a DPS spec) and we were wiping due not having enough healers. Had this genius been playing the spec he queued for we might have 1 shotted the boss (it's not that hard, especially on LFR). That's one thing I love about FF14 is that you can't play a different role then you queued as, sure if you play queued as healer you can try to play "green DPS" but chances are you won't be as good at as proper DPS and should stick to healing as your priority and DPSing when you have the chance.
@daedelus6602 Жыл бұрын
@@SampoPaalanen Played a DWT/DOT class in SWtoR and when I was in premade I was often the offtank (DWT) when only 1 tank was needed but in other instances I queued as a DD, and combat resses had a 5 min hard CD so 1 player used a combatress all other players who could ress a player got the same 5 min CD stealtress does exist but was tricky to pull of due the fact that you needed to be out of combat to do ment not getting hit after going in stealth.
@lnnova2436 Жыл бұрын
Right, a raider with only 90+ parses isn't necessarily a very good player, but they for sure aren't a bad player either. When you form a group you don't always have the time to get to know every player on a deep level to understand and see their potential. High parses are an indicator that that player is at least on a decent level. Anyone is allowed to decide for themselves with whom they play and what their criteria are. That being said if you want to clear with the goal in mind to get a good parse, it should be communicated and everyone should be on board
2 жыл бұрын
I haven't even set foot into the Savages yet. But from my 20+ years of MMO experience I can say that groups that only rely on parses to allow you in or not, tend not to perform at the highest level. Being able to work as one and get things done. So what if you do a bit less dps and get the clears consistently, albeit a bit slower than getting the super hispeed kills. I cannot stand elitism and gatekeeping and I feel that parsing is often used for just that.
@eddtoon 2 жыл бұрын
is it gatekeeping or choosing people you want to play with?
2 жыл бұрын
@@eddtoon if the parse is the only thing you look at I wozld count it more as gatekeeping. If it is part of the entire picture if said person fits your playstyle it is a valid tool among others. Hence i wrote ONLY parsing and not all parsing
@Th3hUnT3R1 2 жыл бұрын
@ parses shouldnt be the only factor, 100% agree, but in the first application there isnt much more you can look for, except for how they talk in their dm. Also its important to distinguish between how much damage you actually need (big difference between killing a savage tier/uwu at some point or clearing dsr in a month or so), like if someone parses grey across the board and it wasnt their first clear late into the tier with bad gear or something, then they probably dont know their job and it doesnt really matter what other qualities they might have. wanting 90%+ logs in every fight for uwu is obviously asking too much, but theres a spectrum. Personally I would want my coplayers to parse around high blue/low purple at least, because you can absolutely do that playing 100% safe: I also check how they did in shb and how many clears they actually did, so they didnt just get unlucky with one or 2 bad runs and I think thats fair.
@muramasa1984 2 жыл бұрын
Hahaha! Wait till u do savage with a random dps, that kept using his aoe OGCD on the boss the whole fight instead of it's single target version and then seeing enrage at 3-5% over and over again. I knew, we knew, everyone knew its that guy with his questionable rotation. Asking for a person parse is the most direct way of knowing someone capability. Especially when building a static. It not easy to cut someone when someone joined.
@turntapeover5749 2 жыл бұрын
@@eddtoon it's totally gatekeeping. If you wanna choose who to raid with you don't need a parse percentile to tell you. You can tell if they're bad without it.
@aurorablossom9634 2 жыл бұрын
It's absolutely true that mechanical skill and consistency are more important than high parses, but in my experience there's a strong correlation between them. Mechanically skilled players usually have high parses, and players with high parses are usually mechanically skilled. PFs definitely shouldn't be turning people away based on logs, but for static recruitment, while far from a perfect metric, it can be a good at-a-glance look to see which applicants may be worth giving a tryout to.
@ryoujiarisato7308 2 жыл бұрын
depends on how you read parses, literally anyone can sit in parse parties for hours and get pinks across the whole tier good parses on good kill dates, good averages and etc however do correlate
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
he literally said in the video that they do, but you cant get consistent good parses without having the first two unless you straight up fuck other players. na especially has a really bad habit of if you don't have oranges don't apply meanwhile you join and end up with them wiping runs over and over for fucking up mechanics due to greed. the mindset of it is horrible and makes raiding and finding groups no longer a fun experience. sure no one wants to waste time with trailing players, but half the mf's with this mindset don't even know how to read logs past that first number.
@mashedpotatoes209 2 жыл бұрын
It can definitely be said that someone with high parses is probably going to be better than your average player, and likely has a better mechanical understanding as well but I think the video is trying to state that this doesn't always contribute to a reliable player. Parses don't always account for someone's consistency, how well they can communicate in a team setting and if they have the attitude for the toughest content in the game (ultimate). Before I started progging DSR, I held people with high parses to a pretty high regard, automatically assuming they were legendary players, people desired if you wanted to clear in a timely manner. I do not think that anymore. My first static was filled with members that had orange and pink parses, and there was numerous issues that occurred, eventually ending up in the static being disbanded and a sour taste in everyone's mouths. The main issue with the static was consistency and attitude. There were literally nights where valuable time was wasted because some people would die to the silliest things (aka run into the wall, die to Thordan slashes) and these people had pink parses, people you had a higher standard for! It's okay to make a few mistakes here and there, but these mistakes would take an hour out of our night, which is beyond ridiculous! In terms of attitude, things were terrible as well. People were not quick to take responsibility for mistakes and there was a strong stubborn presence during prog, which ultimately brought down moral and our efficiency in the fight. Overall it was a very undesirable experience. I am not the only one who has experienced this, I've talked to a decent amount of players who were had similar experiences in their DSR prog, with the main issues coming down to attitude and consistency during prog. What I went through was not an isolated incident. The group I am in right now is mostly filled with players who have purple parses, and prog has been fantastic! People come into raid days with good spirits, people speak up when they made a mistake and consistency has been amazing. I feel so much more confident with this group and I feel much more excited for raid nights. Going through all of this, I no longer take parsing as seriously as I once did.
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
@@mashedpotatoes209 this, so much this.
@aurorablossom9634 2 жыл бұрын
@@mashedpotatoes209 Absolutely, the importance of a healthy prog mindset can't be overstated! Personally I would still consider purples high parses, that's still in the top quarter! You don't need a group of orange and pink parsers to meet dps checks, but you definitely need a group that meshes well together and has similar mindsets.
@tatlxtael2303 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad you showed that one discord dm, I still can’t believe this is common behavior among high end raiders. Parsing honestly just seems like a mistake when people are using it like that
@Val_Grnnx 2 жыл бұрын
Another two very important skills that get often overlooked are awareness (both mechanical and situational) and the ability to own mistakes. Nothing worst for a raid environment that someone not acknowledging their mistakes
@MrAngryMonkey100 Жыл бұрын
even admitting to when you make mistakes induces rage from these asshats. It's a no-win situation for folks who want to raid the raiding community in FFxiv is not as friendly as people make it out to be and very gatekept but I do understand you don't just want anyone in there which I agree, but to make it where to not even folks who want to get into raiding can't is what is going on...I said this a while back back it's WoW raiders importing themselves into FFxiv and expect to have the same thing as in WoW...and they don't realize people dont want the WoW mentality in FFxiv
@burnersforhim 2 жыл бұрын
funniest thing is the "clear party" or "BARSE" tagged groups in pf, that wipe on mech one! (they still kick the player who was innocent)
@Auysssie 2 жыл бұрын
I wish more people shared this mindset, but I would say the general raid population would find it much easier to look someone up on logs and look at their average to determine if they want them on their team or not. It's sad, but that's just how it's been for a while.
@Mosannugget 2 жыл бұрын
I quit my old static because the people were so fixated on their parses that it got out of control. At first, it was normal. Players were trying to improve by getting better parses and we were getting clears constantly. But then there was the lead and co lead who both decided to kick those who didn't parse above 50. It didn't bother me because mine was always 60+ but my friend was worried since his was in the lower 50s and sometimes below. I told my friend to not worry and if they do kick him I'd leave. A month goes by, the lead kicks 2 players who had 2 weeks of bad parses and then 1 week of everyone doing really well. I was honestly tempted to dip after the first 2 kicks but reaaallly wanted to kill the 4th boss, so I stayed. PLUS I didn't really get along with those 2 that got the boot. Now a few more weeks ago, my friend was having a off day. It was raid and he was not doing well at all. The lead warned my friend and said " If you don't pull it together in the next couple pulls I will kick you" My friend didn't like that so he kind of snapped and I backed him up and also talked back. After a little while we finally calmed down, apologized and did our 14th attempt of the night. My friend did well, hell even beat me, but the lead wasn't having it. Lead decided to kick my friend and I just up'd and left the discord and static right then and there. The lead tried to get me back by saying " You were one of our better dps, we want you to come back" I refused and said that I joined another static. He didn't like that at all and for a week straight harassed both myself and my friend saying we are both hot dogshit at the game, leaving was your worse mistake and that your parses were garbage, etc" Friend and I reported the lead for harassment, got the entire static(s) to report except for the co-lead on my old static and the lead disbanded his static and quit the game. ( or got banned idk haven't seen him online in forever) Long story finally coming to an end: I don't mind ppl parsing, by all means pls do if you want. But it really does change some players and not for the better. Therefore I refuse to do it now. Instead I just raid to have fun and couldn't care less about my numbers.
@toastedpoptarts7815 2 жыл бұрын
My friend was sad that their rdm parse was not exactly where they wanted it to be in one fight, and I had to remind them that because they sacrificed a dualcast gcd to raise a party member we were able to clear in the first place. It's how I treat my healing as well. It's fun to go for the challenge and minimize dps loss, but even when I succeed I feel a little sad about not getting to see the pretty Sacred Soil animation on SCH or needing Lightspeed exclusively for burst in savage and unreal. For the party and for the parse challenge I'll work with that, but sometimes I just wanna see those pretty abilities without them being Bad. And when I do absolutely have to use them, I think about how on paper it'll just show the dps loss. I'll do it anyway because I like being support and the overall team dps is > my personal healer dps (in terms of raising), but again, just a bit of sadness that I'm sad to even feel when it's a fun game.
@toodleselnoodos6738 Жыл бұрын
Ya I have to remind myself whenever my static folks look at logs and everyone’s parse, not to get swept in with having a blue or gray. We got the clear and my job was to make sure everyone could dpsing. For extremes, our NIN loves me being the SCH as she knows I can help her greed with some mitigations. Trading my GCD to heal/shield so the DPS can sneak in more damage is WAY more worth it. But as always: everything is fight dependent. And understanding mechanics are the most important part of any fight.
@DFfan555 2 жыл бұрын
I used to be all about parsing and optimizing, and it was one of the factors that caused me to lose some friends I made through this game. They didn't take the game as serious as I had. Now I am fairly chill now when it comes to the harder content in this game. Still working on getting that mentality out, but I'm basically a different person now.
@VallThyo 2 жыл бұрын
The problem with the logs are not the logs themselves, but people using it to gatekeep or trashtalk others.
@godofm3tal1 8 ай бұрын
Obviously obsessing over parses can be bad. The point of a parse is to prove you have the capability to do damage. People trying to get #1 damage in an actual raid is when you run into issues.
@Melody_Manor 2 жыл бұрын
Finally one content creator, that states this. Thank you very much for this, it correlates 100% with my opinion on parses and as a static and raidlead it was the first thing I told new players, that I don't care about their parses, just consistency is king, learning stuff, looking at your own mistakes and fixing them.
@jaknafein 2 жыл бұрын
thought this video was about parsing while high. my smooth brain strikes again
@xKaisora 2 жыл бұрын
Parses bring out the irrational side of people. Back in Stormblood on O11s I had a tank in my static who consistently could not hold aggro on a specific phase since he insisted on removing the tank stance to do more damage (back then tank stance reduced the amount of damage you dealt so many tanks opted to keep it off). When I confronted him about it after I used Diversion and still kept getting slapped by the boss, he asked me (who was playing Samurai) to use Merciful Eyes instead of Hissatsu: Seigan to reduce my emnity generation. Basically he was asking me to voluntarily reduce my damage output in order to lower my emnity generation so his PLD ass could continue to keep tank stance off and deal more damage for the parses. His numbers went up a miniscule amount, but my outlook on his skills/cooperation as a player tanked.
@nihalzeor8085 2 жыл бұрын
I play in a world progress group, we clear savage in 2-3 days and DRS in less than 3 weeks (werent going full hardcore for that). And you know when our consistency improved dramatically? When we decided that we woulnd't upload any public log, most of us have hidden logs, I "officially" never cleared a 4th floor in the last 3 savages, and we don't care, because we know how good we are. We uploaded some logs private, and we had multiple 100% on weekly reclears on the early weeks, and still not made them public. Dealing damage is great, clearing the fight first pull is better
@Val_Grnnx 2 жыл бұрын
I'm tempted now to push for this within my static for the next tier; I'm tired of seeing people getting frustrated over their parse to the point of it spiraling down to a wipe fest. The thing is even more absurd given the fact that we are not even a hardcore group and that for a hardcore one the few logs we will get before being done with the tier won't mean anything, even if they're good.
@nihalzeor8085 2 жыл бұрын
@@Val_Grnnx I totally suggest that! Not caring about logs makes you clear way faster, because if you have a death you just ress and keep going, if you need one more heal, you'll get that, it's just better
@tibowmew 2 жыл бұрын
An interesting video. All I can say is, as a very casual gamer, and an MMO baby, I don't even know how to SEE my logs XD
@Deesofdestiny85 2 жыл бұрын
My parses average around 70-90 but my static don't care as we cleared each ultimate and almost close to clearing dsr. I play on console so i can't even see my parse. XD
2 жыл бұрын
A clear is a clear after all :)
@Deesofdestiny85 2 жыл бұрын
@ you right.
@King-2077 2 жыл бұрын
70-90 is okay. It means you’re average on your dps. For me, gauging a random player that i just recruited for my ultimate static is looking at any savage level that has many mechanics and looking at their parse there in order to see if they can do mechs and parse well at the same time, on this savage tier your parse on p3-p4s matters really much. I need to see at least 80 on those.
@captainziggy82 2 жыл бұрын
@@King-2077 lmaooooooo
@theboogyman3127 2 жыл бұрын
@@King-2077 is that requirement for doing any ultimate or only dru?
@vexten6425 2 жыл бұрын
It also seems like no one ever takes dps creep into account, the longer a tier is into its lifespan. All these groups want high percentile parsers but if you look at the numbers now, there are several jobs where the difference between a purple and a green is a measly 50 rdps. Meanwhile, we have a MNK in our group that hit 7.5k (highest parse in the group at the time) when we first cleared P1S, and now he's up to 9.2k pretty regularly. That has still only net him a blue parse, compared to his original gray. The actual numbers matter so much more than any percentile, considering those percents are ONLY made up of the people that log, and percentiles are not at all indicative of who can clear a fight.
@Cherryblossoms110 10 ай бұрын
It's also worth noting that MNK is especially unique in that it is a class whose parses scale like crazy with gear not only because it is heavily gear reliant (more crit rate = more oGCDs) but because it's a class that gains a lot of rDPS from the team.... which means that if the team's gear improves, then the MNK's parses will also improve. But the opposite is also true-if the team's gear is bad, then the MNK's parses will also be bad, even if the MNK player has good execution. Composition also matters, because MNK is so dependent on critical rate that not having certain classes help increase crit rate can actually cause a massive potency loss-I'm talking potency losses of up to like 6000 in a run. Yes. SIX THOUSAND lost potency-equivalent to 19 missed GCDs! All of this means that MNK parses tell you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the player's ability to play MNK, because you can end up with a 99 not because you are excellent at MNK but because your team was amazing... I've seen 99 parses where the MNK messed up 3 of their burst windows, and one of my highest parses on MNK was one when I forgot to adjust my SKS after getting new gear and ended up messing up 5 of my burst windows! (But of course, it was my best because everybody in my static upgraded their gear that day!) If you do not have the time or privilege to get an above average to amazing parse team, you will never get 99 parse on MNK, even if you are actually the best MNK player in the world. This also applies to other rDPS classes that give percentage damage bonuses, like BRD/DNC/RDM/etc.
@Lenz2371 2 жыл бұрын
I have never understood this obession. Seems like to me, if there is no problem, people actively make problems. You can clear Almost every content with grey parses. I cleared UwU and I am doing Ucob atm, yes they are older ultimates and you dont need as much dmg as in TEA or DSR, but as a healer I cant always do dmg I certainly wont let someone die just because they did a Tiny mistake.
@DarkDyllon 2 жыл бұрын
every fight can be cleared with grey parses, because being an grey parser means you cleared the fight. what becomes important is that an grey parser is clearly not ready yet for a fight like the ultimates, it also automatically filters potential candidates. if you're looking for an week 1-4 clear, an grey parser is likely not going to get you there (likely, it's possible but unlikely) meanwhile having an 95-100% parser can mean a lot of things, like they got an good day, or an good group or are generally really hardcore and hoping for a quick raid tier completion. my static is aiming for an 4-5 week tier clear the 2nd tier, it's possible and generally when we trial someone we check their logs, is this an 95-100% parser? i already say no (i'm not the raid leader) simple reason is because those type of players generally aim for an very quick raid tier clear, faster than what we offer and so far, that logic hasn't failed me yet. we've taken 95-100% parsers and they all left after 1 week because we were wiping on mechanics they had fully mastered.
@ZelosSama 2 жыл бұрын
Well i mean , even if people dont obsess with parsing , if you pnly clear with grey parse , people will more likely look elsewhere for a better candidate. Its like if you are an employer and have to choose between a resume that has the bare minimum requirements, like they got the passable grade and has no real experiences between the chad that excels at the jobwoth flying colors and had multiple opportunities to show it off, you would pick the chad everytime.
@DarkDyllon 2 жыл бұрын
@@ZelosSama yeah, that's what a lot of people are ignoring with FFlogs, it might sound stupid since it's a game and all, but it's basically your resume. saw an Samurai post on the official forums why he found it stupid that nobody wanted an SAM (after the 6.1 changes, so SAM became a lot less desireable) he went on to bitch that multiple static leaders on discord flat out refused him due to his parses on savage being in the lower part of grey, this SAM was aiming to prog in DSU and attempting to join a static. he was mad that SE allowed this kind of behaviour because it's against ToS to use an parser let alone ask for said parses. that entire thread blew up in his face, where everyone was basically calling him a cry baby because he basically was saying "Yoshi-P, please force these statics to take me!" if my current static ends up dying at some point (which i prog savage and ultimate with, got to phase 3 finally yesterday) I can quite easily find an static for DSU, concidering i've seen phase 3 and basically do phase 2 flawless now, on top that i generally aim for atleast a purple parse in all 4 savage fights.
@birdman6846 2 жыл бұрын
the first thing I do when a tier is about to release is that I visit SSS and I make sure I learn and understand my rotation, I make comparisons with other ppl to understand different aspects of said job, from there on I just hop on savage since I pretty much gathered all I can, I can freely proceed to applying the same rules in a sense but this time to savage , I've cleared everything like this (while it was current content mind you) with pugs or a static. I'll just say that when ucob first came out I cleared it with a gray parse ast and a SMN that would dc right before Phoenix transition.
@RealRaslu 2 жыл бұрын
Finally someone who drops some truth on this part of the community. We had people in our DSR group with the best parses, all deep in the 90's. They kept failing basics 2 weeks into prog. Pull after pull keeping the group back. I ignore groups asking for logs only, have no interest in playing with people like this. I'm in p5 on DSR after having countless groups turn me down because "I'm not qualified" and will keep them back with damage checks. Pretty sure I will be clearing before most of them because my static is focused on consistency amd a good mindset for prog.
@dmillk 2 жыл бұрын
If you're finding people for your static you're going to ask for logs. It's only normal. There are a lot of things to check and honestly, piling 'why they didn't hit at least 90' on top of that list is just one more thing to check. Understandably, most groups won't even bother and will focus on testing consistency and mechanical awareness for those already in the 90 range. Especially when you consider that getting ~90+% on savage isn't that hard and is something that most higher-end players can do during reclears without actual parsing runs, super optimized strats, or even good crit/dh rng. It isn't far-fetched that groups would use this baseline. Of course, some exceptions apply, healers are the obvious ones but also things like when the runs were made relative to the patch cycle. Honestly, If someone came to me with sub-90 parses for DSR, I would need to inquire more to figure out why they aren't hitting the mark. And it would take more than 'I just haven't done parse runs' for me to want to go any further. DSR is in a bit of a weird spot because it doesn't have any major dps checks. So pulling a lower damage dealing but really consistent player could work. But they'd be a potential liability for future content. If they're regularly 90+ it makes it really easy because that just leaves consistency.
@MrAngryMonkey100 2 жыл бұрын
@@dmillk big numbers and pretty colors do not make a good player. Consistancy and awareness is more important than big numbers. Big numbers come from being consistent and aware. and besides most of those 90% are done with the rotation addon, so I highly doubt they know what there doing. Players will do anything to get into a high-end static group up to and including cheating. also did you know that FFlogs can log your positional data as well via overwolf...That I do know is TOS violation so if folks are going to try to downplay that then i highly suggest you start looking into overwolf if you want to keep using FFlogs...
@dmillk 2 жыл бұрын
​@@MrAngryMonkey100 Never said pretty colors and big numbers make a good player, I said a good player has pretty colors and big numbers. So it's easier to weed out the players that don't have those and then focus on consistency and awareness. Rather than focus on all players and try to estimate consistency, awareness, and worry about rotation, etc. If that makes sense.
@MrAngryMonkey100 2 жыл бұрын
@@dmillk When you look at FFlog usually folks look at just those 2 stats and nothing else
@MrAngryMonkey100 2 жыл бұрын
@@dmillk But your still saying it without actually saying it outright. word games don't look good.
@milkshakezin5058 2 жыл бұрын
For me, I always followed the logic: the important is kill the boss, and not stay watching how much damage you do compared with your party
@raptureend 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate this so much I started savages recently kinda casually with a group of friends and I've been picking up the fights a bit slowly due to being colorblind and on console (no colorblind mode) my main friends are patient and understand and give me links to the logs when we do win so I can better my rotation. But some of the rotating members get frustrated it's fairly annoying as I really do enjoy doing the content. This video literally just made me feel loads better about attempting savage content more.
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
No matter what pace you learn at. Keep learning then one day you can help others like yourself and make the raiding community better
@Dewkeeper 2 жыл бұрын
Pro tip: the dev team has taken to usually giving every mechanic several different types of cues, but people rarely point them out in guides. Even things that are primarily color coded are usually accompanied by unique sound or animation indicators, so if you seek those out you'll be able to consistently identify the mechanics! Look for cast names, mechanics-indicator-icon shape/animation, voicelines or boss model poses/animations. 👍
@raptureend 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dewkeeper I've noticed that. I've been using sound clues and debuffs. It has helped allot for me. Thanks for the tips 😁
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dewkeeper to add to this, the floor of every fight is a map. Use it
@Dewkeeper 2 жыл бұрын
@@Shuhannazy good point. Every boss arena is designed to show things like edges of mechanics or ideal places to dodge, it may just not be obvious at first (which is probably by design)!
@balthefemroe 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like with actually giving someone a trial, you get to know them better and you find out if their style meshes with everyone else's. Being a static lead is hard work but I believe I have a better feeling for who I'd like to join my static and who I'd rather see the back of than I used to.
@KillItWithFire2 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with basically everything you say in this video. Logs can be an extremely powerful tool for analyzing a fight and as a way to direct your own growth as a player. That's their best use. Once people start using logs like a scoreboard instead of an analysis tool, problems start arising. The goals of "do everything in your power to make killing the boss more consistent" and "do the most damage possible" are frequently aligned, but they are not always the same thing. But parses reward the latter and not the former, which encourages the wrong behavior when the two goals come into conflict. I actually have the same problem in WoW since they use logs and parsing in very similar ways there. Grey and low green parses are usually a sign that there's something going wrong, but once you get into the blue and purple range, your damage isn't going to be the reason you wipe. And the difference between a high purple and a 100 parser in terms of raw damage is really not that large.
@unloyal4847 2 жыл бұрын
A clear is a clear, a high parse with a fail is a fail.
@theGn0rp 2 жыл бұрын
When one player can wipe a team, that doesn't really matter.
@Lunarowl 2 жыл бұрын
From personal experiences, I find that most of the players who were making excuses, do genuinely believed that they have no problem or are not the problematic one. Which is sad because as soon as you trying to put the point across to them nicely, they just think you're the one being toxic (and this is where drama starts). Also, I'm with you on the fact that logs shouldn't be something people gets overly obsessive with. However, the sad reality is that when you try to find a static, that's how people get to know you from (it's comparable to finding a job in reality where you need a good looking CV/Resume in order to get the potential employer to be interested in you at first glance, before deciding to contact you for interview etc.). Logs are just like that: a Resume/CV for raiders who wants to find a static for savages and ultimates. So it's understandable as to why people can or will get obsessed over Logs and the numbers.
@Kero282 2 жыл бұрын
this. people dont seem to undersatnd that logs sort anyone out that isnt as good as the best potential member. if there is one dude asking to join with consistent orange everyone else below it is automatically screwed, people will of course prefer the strong/experienced one over the others. the others should realize that its not enough to think youre good enough, you have to put effort into it and prove it with logs even if it doesnt show everything about you. its funny but this comment section is actually filled with people thinking theyre good and they would fit into hardcore raiding groups etc. if they just would get a chance. guys with that mindset and your blueparses youre not going anyhwere.
@nataliebrathwaite9292 2 жыл бұрын
I remember doing Omega 6 savage with a pug Scholar back in stormblood, they were more obsessed with their parse than there were healing, I had to solo heal that entire fight to the best of my ability. The MT kept dying but we somehow still cleared. It was not a fun experience.
@renouille85 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah healer parsing outside of parsing group or atatic is the worst
@xXxEqSxXx 2 жыл бұрын
Im a high ping player and i don't give a single fuck about logs i just clear farm get gear and enjoy the game
@NatCr3w 2 жыл бұрын
One of the things that I learned is that the individual fight parses get muddled the second BiS becomes available. For example most groups are going to clear once a week and be done. However, for a parse focused group they may run it 10 times a day with a focus on optimizing damage. This means that your average static that can clear is going to put up 1 log a week maybe and then be done. Meanwhile the top end players are going to amass purples and oranges just by the nature of how much they run. This shifts the bell curve way off. I find mostly Midcore statics or Semi-hardcore statics tend to over focus on parses. I've run with some very good players who were top 25 on their main jobs and they could not give a damn they just went for the clear. Parsing is very much an example of Dunning-Krueger. The average people are the ones who get the most toxic about the parses.
@freddyperreault1130 2 жыл бұрын
so they were consistently top 25 parsing, while just going for a clear? i feel like.. this is a lie. you dont magically score top 100's on accident on first clears
@NatCr3w 2 жыл бұрын
@@freddyperreault1130 Not on our clears with them but their ranking on FFlogs was top 25 and do have all 99 clears for this tier. They still put up high purples with us playing alt jobs but it was a clear group they put together to get us a clear. They put it together for one of my static members who was in their FC. It was a statement on how all of the best peopls have interacted with have been some of the nicest and most understanding people. The ones who have been exceptionally toxic were the ones who were average at best.
@freddyperreault1130 2 жыл бұрын
@@NatCr3w well then yeah it makes sense they were just going for the clear then, that doesnt actually mean thats their mentality, helping someone out and not trying to parse are two different things entirely
@alexisf7720 2 жыл бұрын
This is quite true tbh, a friend and I started doing TEA as our first ultimate and we were going to play with a high parsing friend who picked another high parsing friend instead of us (I mostly had high purples, my friend had oranges, most purples), we ended up making our own static with people with no ultimate experience and cleared in 58 hours of total prog. Mind you, most of the players I recruited where regular purple parsers, with one having some oranges. In fact, our off tank had 0 logs as a tank, but had some logs as dragoon. Only reason I picked him was because he had the patience to do E8S on PF and when I talked to him I felt like he was a person with a good attitude/willingness to learn. To this day the friend with pink parses and his static of parsers has not cleared TEA. And are also behind us on DSR prog (them being at rewind, us being at double dragons enrage). This is not to brag, or diss, but rather for people to understand that parsing matters, yes, but it's not the deciding factor when picking someone. Seeing so many statics disband because of bad attitude on DSR.
@timbrady1176 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that there are some people that take parsing into way too much effect when building a static and there are other measures such as previous raiding experience, previous ultimate clears, etc. However, i think extreme examples are outliers. Your post about someone saying you need 90+ parses across the board to do UwU doesn't make any sense considering the damage check is non-existent in 70 ultimates XD. What you are showing is just ignorance and telling of bad statics. The fact is that generally high parsers are better players. You will find overgreedy inconsistent players in 99+ parses sure, and you will find players that are better than some 99+ parsers with lesser parses sure, but those are just outliers.
@DacianGradaMusic 2 жыл бұрын
this here is why i'll probably never even touch savage... Unreal/Extreme is my limit as a casual player that still wants to play decently, can't be bothered to tryhard for logs that are inherently against TOS anyways only to encounter such "personalities" and ruin my day lol -- great video and mindset though, must be really nice when you find your kind of group to raid with!
@jordany1955 2 жыл бұрын
That's kind of a weird takeaway from the video. You never have to touch or care about logging to do savage. And if you do log for self-improvement, you don't have to tryhard for high logs unless you're specifically aiming to join that kind of group. There are plenty of casual to midcore groups that are just happy with people that show up and try their best and improve from week to week. A grey parse is still a clear in the end and there are more people that tried that fight and failed than completed it.
@ProtossOP 2 жыл бұрын
It was my first tier to prog savage. I've cleared everything with pugs, never bothered to find static or to do parse runs. Logged only for my own self interest, nothing more. So I say go for it and try to kill at least p1s and p2s, they are extreme level so kinda easy.
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
The point of the video is there are a lot of us who raid who want to change this mindset so more people can raid comfortably
@fiammaspell 2 жыл бұрын
This tier has been my first and I've met so many people that are quite frankly more interested in just running the content than anything else. Most have treat logs as a gauge for self improvement. Honestly, half the time we would be doing our reclears right after a maintance anyway so logs were a no-go and that didn't effect moral in the slightest. You don't need to be a tryhard to do savage content and that is part of what this video is trying to represent. Many people just want to play.
@KindredEmotions 2 жыл бұрын
I always thought it was funny how FF14 players call out WoW for toxicity, yet I raided there for years from BC to Legion, never knowing wowlogs existed. I come to FF14 and a majority of my raiding interactions with strangers involves fflogs and parsing. Hell, the first time I ever heard the term “parse” was actually in FFXI.
@calliehatsu 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of what you said. I feel like the only time logs should be a requirement is during week one ultimate/savage progression, I can only speak for week one progression but generally I feel like you need to be able to push 85%+ consistently in order to beat the enrages with low ilvl. Echoing what you're saying where I think everyone should be trialed because numbers don't show everything. Also people wayyyy overestimate how much dps you need for old ultimates, like, the dps checks are not difficult at all anymore.
@jjilatt123 Жыл бұрын
Hou can legit kill Ifrit in UWU before he even dashes now.
@Tomcanrun 2 жыл бұрын
Glad videos like this are being make and talked about, so my current static refuses to raid without act even just for re clears (can kill again for logs during week but they refuse) they told our astro healer at the time to do the same damage as our sage now this is not to be confused with same parse nope they expected 5k+ astro dps the entire time while the astro solo healed the raids, a blm player that had pure prio he stepped out his ley lines we wiped for him, i could honestly go on about my static lol
@guitalex2005 2 жыл бұрын
My parses are green and green means go. Good enough for me.
@ZombieWolfe 2 жыл бұрын
raiding isnt for me then again i only raided once. after being kicked from a static i was trying to improve i felt like i wasnt enjoying the game worrying over my dps. all i would do is extreme fights just to see if i could get more dps. i then began to hate the game and not have fun anymore. then i just said fuck it, there are more things i can do in this game other than raiding. now i play how i want to, not how other people want me to.
@StriderSeiryuu 2 жыл бұрын
wish fflogs had feature to only upload logs for individual only without effect others, i ran savage with PF and sometimes i got an orange parse and i really want to upload into fflogs while some people on the same run got unlucky death or mistakes and they parse grey in the end, their grey parse is on flogs in a sake of me showing off my orange also vice versa, for my grey logs...
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
thats what adps and ndps are but the parse itself shows rdps. edit : i read this wrong, but yeah that happens with pf, not your fault.
@Flaky1990 2 жыл бұрын
oh my god you have the playstation markers on hotbars, that's genius! I flex all roles in that fight so I'm gonna yoink that...
@goropanckechi3028 Жыл бұрын
I heard that some people actually uses fflog in an argue. I heard à teacher was asked his fflogs when he asked " jimmy where are your homework ?"
@thegidzor8612 2 жыл бұрын
I also think when there is a newer player who wants to get into raiding (like... with their FC or friends) they should be allowed to do so, happened to me and because of that I lose interest in Savage Raiding. I'am a slow learner in Savage Raiding so I do get they want someone who knows/learn the fight faster but I got completely blocked off besides the few times they had to fill a spot, all I'm saying is give people a chance because who knows, maybe someone who you think was no good can surprise you.
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
this happened to me too when i started. i had to work harder to learn than most, but i kept at it and now i do raid teaching for others in the fc i run. it sucks that so many have to have a first bad experience
@rtbear674 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine I was just starting on Ex3. cleared once few hours earlier, then fc goes ex3 together. I still not used to mechanics. then after 2 clear your fc said "you need to improve your dps" then never again got invited with the fc to go trial or raid XD. These days, I just go pf with fresh proggers. ex3. as I know how suck it is not to be able to try, or forced to try with all fresh proggers. playin rdm, dunno how many times I ressed people. and clear with 1 second left to enrage. I don't complain even if we wipes again and again and never clear because of the new players. playin the ex3 is fun. I don't really care if I don't clear. UWU, I just practice in PF, whenever I want or if my internet connection allows. sometimes also join fresh proggers which usually stuck in garuda just for fun, let people experience mechanic as much as possible. though 2 times I was surprised, with one fresh progs PF we reached titan. another one enraged ifrit.
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
@@rtbear674 I do raid teaching parties for my fc. There are players always willing to help. They’re just not as many
@patrickmarshall7523 2 жыл бұрын
I just seen that discord chat on Reddit yesterday! Dudes is such a child
@TheRealLink 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. As a lead who is handling someone very focused on parsing when the group is not, I have to make the judgement call on it since our static is not a "parsing" static. And as you said in the video, it depends on if the player is optimal, contributing, and not making their own mistakes too. In this case it was too much of an ask so I had to swap players. I agree though that there are a lot of factors at play and it's great to challenge oneself but also one has to have the right environment for it as well.
@yukimiasma9590 2 жыл бұрын
As a melee, whenever i do a new mech, i would play safe first, and then inform my team that i would want to try to greed with what i learn and then slowly optimize everything in the fight including greeding opportunity.
@augosyx 2 жыл бұрын
What I have learned that the agro position on Light/Full Party determines where I am in the DPS that I no longer have the need to use ACT. I only use it whenever I feel like I need to see numbers.
@mosley3485 2 жыл бұрын
Not really. For one, things like healing done generate enmity. It isn't purely based on damage. Also, you have absolute no context. You're 4th in enmity. Is the person in 3rd doing well or badly? You could be doing great. You could be a bit less of a human trashcan than the person above you. You have no idea.
@Hirotoro4692 2 ай бұрын
​​​@@mosley3485the fact you used the words "human trashcan" to refer to someone performing below high standards tells me all i need to know. I'm glad i don't raid with you and anyone who chooses not to is dodging a bullet because you sound toxic as hell. People like you are the issue with high end raiders who make the community toxic. Every person deserves respect and is human just like you, but you associate their worth with their parse?
@tanhongyi7180 Жыл бұрын
One of my previous MMOs I'd played, Blade N Soul, had a dps meter built into the game, and there was a saying in the community when it comes to raids : "A dead dps is zero dps". And that MMO has no dedicated healers too, so not knowing where to stand, not knowing where to move, walking into aoes means your hp loss is entirely on yourself. And you can only count on semi healing jobs to recover your hp over time. It's the same for FF14 : What point is there having a perfect rotation efficiency if a player can't pay attention to the mechanics that are going on in the raid?
@max7971 Жыл бұрын
I can guarantee you that anyone who scored purple/gold didn’t die on that particular fight. Consistently good parses=consistently good player.
@daviddavidson2834 2 жыл бұрын
facts, thanks for reminding me on that :'D didnt get into a game like I did with XIV since Everquest man, and I'm loving it, your insights come from experience and I think its good things to hear for people looking to get into highers tiers of raiding in general who dont much have experience with it, gj
@mordiusm4400 2 жыл бұрын
The way I also viewed it, is I didn't fully pay attention to there highest numbers. What I would always look at was are they improving consistently? If no, why? did they die from damage, not being healed? Did they stand in the AoE? If no to both of those, then what was holding them back from doing better. Can I help them improve, and do they listen to honest advice. If yes, then I don't care if they are grey, green, whatever. As long as they are trying to improve, then I am happy with them. If they are not trying to improve, then I don't need them. Raiding to me is something that you always look towards improvement towards. Better colors show improvement, show that you know the fights, that you know your rotation. It helps simplify what skill level the player is at at this point in time. I have seen that some groups are massively focused on if you are an orange parser, and that's fine. If that's the kind of people they want, then so be it. It all comes down to the person recruiting the group together. I absolutely prefer those who are consistent over high parses, but in my experience high parsers are often super consistent, even towards the beginning of raid tiers. It's just what happens. All in all, it comes down to your own beliefs on the whole system.
@jttcosmos 2 жыл бұрын
I’m somewhat reminded of WoW and item levels on gear… It was always interesting to see people requiring ilvls that significantly exceeded the levels the run itself dropped (for first-time clears!). Meanwhile raiding guilds had cleared the content in standard quest gear. Unless you have an enrage mechanic, the speed of the kill is not really that relevant. Seen people in amazing gear with super high solo dps wipe runs by standing in the fire; meanwhile, folks in gear that barely hit the minimum were happily dancing around the mechanics and slowly chipping away at the boss until it went down. Much prefer the latter. Also helps looking at people soloing stuff that they have no business soloing. Might take them an hour, and the rotation is often intentionally simplified, but as long as they get the boss down, all is good. Except for the aforementioned enrage cases, consistency beats “pretty numbers” all of the time.
@shirox11 2 жыл бұрын
PF has the problem of often requiring bloated ilvls too. Idk how many times i have seen mount farms basically requiring BIS gear.
@pebble4698 2 жыл бұрын
i had the misfortune of encountering the same toxic (competitive? obsessed?) attitude u described from a few hardcore players even when i was a sprout still going through msq, and the way i was being treated got bad enough that i left my old fc because of it. now, as someone who has been playing the game for several years, one of my favorite things to do is to help sprouts through content for the first time, whether its an arr trial, or babys first fisher price raid group, or even learning how to gather. i would consider myself a casual-to-mid-range player bc ive done plenty of ex grinding for mounts but im never the first in line to try the new savage, ultimate, 9-to-5 type shit. i do have a basic understanding of what it takes to participate in a hardcore raid group, but even still, its honestly baffling to me how much some hardcore raiders- people who honestly should have more of a grasp on how the raid works -value numbers on a personal log over actually knowing how to perform mechanics, adapt to undesirable circumstances, and above all, cooperate with the rest of their team. teamwork isnt rocket science and acting like a douchebag for that sweet parse isnt going to give u a bigger dick. most of the time, it isnt even going to get u a clear. at the end of the day, ffxiv is a game, and the rewards u get for clearing hard content are nothing more than pixels on a screen with zero (legitimate; rmt is a whole other can of worms and has zero place in any mmo) real-world value for the dozens of real hours u poured into honing ur capital-g Gamer skillz. raiding is truly a labor of love and it can be lots of fun, but only if ur not the kind of person who gets a stick up their ass every time things dont go exactly their way. the toxic attitude people like that bring to the table effects not only their raid group, but regular players just trying to enjoy a good game without being harassed by some no-life geek spitting in their face about damage numbers.
@RheaRReinhardt 2 жыл бұрын
Now, I gotta preface this by saying that I still count as a Sprout that just reached Level 70 and is somewhere in the Stormblood MSQ. Ever since I had a random parser that criticized my "sub-average DPS" as they called it in a RANDOM HEAVENSWARD MSQ DUNGEON (we still won first try btw), I absolutely despise the concept of parsing and logs in this game. Look, I like improving my mechanics and consistency and I value being a team player above all else, and I absolutely know this game is rather DPS-based. But I mean it's not like you would've seen me in any late game savage raid shenanigans anyway because that just, from a baseline, sounds like a damn chore to me, but now I outright hate the whole idea. I'm way too casual for it and trying it would significantly reduce my enjoyment of the game (and with that, the enjoyment of any party I would attempt to join). Thanks, whoever it was that ruined that for me this early. And yes, only one person was needed to ruin it. Good thing Final Fantasy 14 has so many other things to offer, huh? I can only implore everyone to keep parsers out of duty roulettes, nobody thinks you're cool because you just told someone they have low DPS at The Aery. Lol.
@theGn0rp 2 жыл бұрын
Thats just one dickhead, most parsers are just trying to optimize their own personal gameplay to then help others/their static.
@Noobi_97 6 ай бұрын
I partly agree. Your log number doesn't say how good you are at progression. It shows you can adapt your rotation to a fight and know how to play your job (being purple or above), if you have BiS. If you have no BiS, don't even consinder thinking about your log.. You will be outperformaned anyway. For recruitment in my current group and past groupS, i mainly look for logs that are done with BiS (and are at least 80+, since if you clear and have no crits or whatever, you should end up purple most of the time. If you are blue with BiS, you are doing something wrong and you are not adapting, "optimizing" your roation.), clear speed of current tier, social factors in the trial, mitigation adaption during prog. Healer logging btw is shit in this game btw, so don't really think "wow that whm got a 99, he sure knows what he is doing". Very often is one healer sandbagging for the healer and doing most of the healing, so the other healer heals most of the time. Here prog logs are the best to look at if you want to recruit a healer :)
@rohanmelling8466 13 күн бұрын
I've had so many healers in the current tier who are just parsing high numbers and caused so many wipes. I absolutely hate pure loggers, especially when they join my kff or reclear parties. We are here just to get the clear, if you want high parses go form a logging party.
@ShinhashiYT 2 жыл бұрын
Good video, good mindset and I agree with you in all points there. However you are probably unaware how hilariously easy it is to bot your rotation or spoof your parses to >90 while never getting caught. There are more people who do that than you might think but monthly download counts for programs tell a different story. Top end parsing is infected with cheaters and botters.
@AzuriteTV 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting... I'll look into this
@thenotorious_o.n.i6056 2 жыл бұрын
i dont know anything about botting but as far as i know there aren't tha tmuch people at least in EU servers.. cause i did a lot of logs and surely you'll see if someone sucks and use bots, cause parsing is not all about rotation otherwise everyone will be a high parser
@Pay_Me_No_Mind 2 жыл бұрын
I've come across several players that brag about being orange parsers... when their next 10 highest are 47-72.
@jacobtridef48 8 ай бұрын
I’d rather have a static of blue parsing fast learners/consistent players. Than a static or Purple/Orange parsers that wipe the group til they get a good run
@noonesp3cial 2 жыл бұрын
I came from 15 years of EXTREME gatekeeping in wow from logs/parsing and it is what I blame for the end game content being pretty much dead in both the retail and classic scenes. The 5% that push the content don't allow others in if they don't have good parses, but can't get good parses if there not allowed in to learn fights.
@Alexis5224 2 жыл бұрын
Logs is only a thing I use about myself and cam show me how I have improved over the course of the tier. Although I cannot deny that I've used them as an indication of the player's skill but that is all to it. It is just an indication and nothing more than that.
@leisuregaming1335 Жыл бұрын
Crit farming and running something over and over is not fun. I just run however many i need in order to clear and do the best i can during reclears, i play with radoms on pf
@vandso677 11 ай бұрын
It doesn't make you a good player but it makes other people think you're a good player. And that's what matters.
@slimfastsubaru2043 2 жыл бұрын
lets be realistic here, if you are a HC static or even med HC, what's easier to do? looking at logs and seeing this is a blue player that prolly aren't on your statics lvl and outright saying no sorry. or even worse no logs and are unproven so saying no, or giving them a chance for them to not be up to snuff then having the awkward conversation that they aren't good enough and kicking them out? gotta look at both sides of the coin
@khadar47 2 жыл бұрын
came here only to post that this whole video is low parser cope *leaves without looking back for a second, grinning*
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for the view and engaugment to help share the word about how your big numbies dont mean shit. *skips away laughing back to my cleared content and actual groups of friends*
@theGn0rp 2 жыл бұрын
Preach lmao.
@gigabased4 2 жыл бұрын
First thing that I look in someones logs is clear dates, after that its the actual parse. If you've done the same fight 100 times then its pretty obvious that your parse is going to be high and thats nothing to brag about, now if you do have week 1 clears then thats much better looking than a 100 parse week 20 million.
@kurosakikun96 Жыл бұрын
Agree with this, I will typically not care about parsing until I understand the fight inside and out, and at this stage in the current tier my best run is a 52 as Reaper on P5S, and I am perfectly ok with that, because I'm still cleaning up my rotation (as this is actually my first tier) and getting my ilvl up, and have ran with parsers before in an aim to clear only to watch one of the tanks kill the party black mage with a TB and get extremely passive aggressive about it
@AkokaCola 2 жыл бұрын
i have been refused out of so many statics because "uhh you don't have p4s cleared after 4 months" (whilst i have been consistantly doing purple logs) . I've been doing this tier with a very casual static, so it took ages to clear the fights, yet most people seem to not think about the fact that there's 7 other people in a group, and that some people (like me) really don't like PF. It could even be a good trialing opportunity, yet most groups just straight up refused me. I enjoyed looking at ff logs in the start of ShB, but over time, I've started ro hate the fact that site exists just because of people overglorifying logs and parse numbers and taking them way too seriously
@gavecunningham1204 Жыл бұрын
I'm recently healing panda savage and I'm confident to say: if you got a team who wishes to clear the fight as smooth as possible without wasting time, healer parse doesn't mean shit.
@hirokjyotideka5571 2 жыл бұрын
I want to raid but I have garbage ping 150-160. Is it doable? Greed damage or safe?
@Shuhannazy 2 жыл бұрын
i play on other data centers at 150-200 ping. a lot of people do. you get used to moving a bit early over time, but still much better to play safe till you know for sure your movement in that specific mechanc or fight
@palea_alt 2 жыл бұрын
you can even do an ultimate (uwu) with this ping. speaking from experience.
@MrAngryMonkey100 2 жыл бұрын
Unforchantly you hit the nail right on the head with parses a lot of players who can or want to do savage content are gatekept out because of no parses or other issues (also you should bring up what goes on outside of the game that affects players in-game that is another prime issue). a lot of the raiding community came from WOW on this current raid tier so the "WoW imports" expect a log to even try out for a group and if you get turned down they spread the word to other groups to not invite x or y players to there groups. This has frustrated alot of players (including me) that want to do savage content but are gatekept out and it is rough on PUGs as well as that mentality is pushed down to the PUGs, so it makes for a hard time for players to grow and develop and gain the needed experience needed. The ones pushing parses usually set the bar so high that they can't accomplish it themselves and/or themselves are one-trick ponies and/or elitists. that is one of many problems when a player wants to get into savage raiding content and more sitting around in the community..Some really nice folks want to raid that either doesn't know folks who do or can't because they tried for a group and didn't make the cut and were blacklisted altogether from the community.
@chelsthegameruiner8669 2 жыл бұрын
I was in an FC that used that damn site for all endgame content. I remember them saying that my Machinist wasn't great but yet my Reaper was much better despite the fact that they whined about me playing Reaper before (odd, it's almost like every class is good if the player is skilled enough). Believe me, as a raider even before playing FFXIV (my group was among the top raiders in Destiny 1), I adapt VERY quickly and my achievements in FFXIV prove it. Nearly had every extreme trial mount before Endwalker and I had done many savage raids as well. The parse site honestly irritates me because my buddy Nero (the only one I still play with from the original Destiny raid group) has been kept out of doing the savage raids and ultimates, and he's even better than I am at raiding. My point is, that parsing meter doesn't dictate a good raider, the player themselves dictate who the good raider is.
@Altearithe 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed wholeheartedly. If anyone looks at my parses, they'd go "eh" 'cause it's mostly greens and blues with a purple here and there. But what they don't see is that I spend a good chunk of time scraping bodies off the floor as RDM and that I'm mechanically consistent. I'm a fast learner and a great asset for progging fights because I can pump out rezzes faster than a healer will notice someone is down. I'll rarely be the cause of a wipe as well. But you can't see this if all you do is look at a number, and I've been rejected before because of it. (Jokes on them of course, they came crawling back when they needed a new member and was shocked I was in two statics already.)
@RainKerosene 2 жыл бұрын
no they cant come crawling back because they can't see shit you flashbanged them
@Altearithe 2 жыл бұрын
@@RainKerosene lmao ain't that the truth. DSR is the first time I had to lower my own effects so I can actually see things.
@Sniperbear13 2 жыл бұрын
the one thing i always try to maintain its the most important part of any game, is having fun. if you are aiming to do a World First and whatnot, then you should play with like minded people and stick with them, and leave everyone else to do things their way.
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