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Why Pull Ups Don't Make You Stronger (for Monkey Bars)

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Upright Health

Upright Health

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@Uprighthealth 6 ай бұрын
Can you do pull-ups? What about the monkey bars? Drop me a comment! 👉Rebuild Your Shoulders at Home:
@williambrinkmeier1772 6 ай бұрын
Wondering do you do online appointments
@dgf6275 6 ай бұрын
I have never been able to do pull-ups or to hang. I just looked at the monkey bars as a child and when Kris Kross wanted up to JUMP JUMP, I did not. I hate jumping. But, I'm gonna try.
@brucejensen3081 6 ай бұрын
I think working on bridges whilst working on one arm hangs, helps each other. You should do some stuff on bridges
@user-sl2ng2hr1k 6 ай бұрын
I haven't even dared to try monkey bars. I doubt my shoulders are up to it after an earlier injury with a dog that pulled his leash in an unfortunate direction when I was unprepared. I'd have to take it very slow if I wanted to learn it.
@Uprighthealth 6 ай бұрын
@@brucejensen3081 Agree!
@chrisb7087 6 ай бұрын
I can do passive and active hangs for 30 sec. Cannot come close to a pull up but wrists are getting stronger. 70 yo female here.
@alboud 6 ай бұрын
Way to go! Impressive keep going
@Cassp0nk 6 ай бұрын
Different muscles to pull up. It’s back, also it’s more an arcing up motion, not this linear thing beginners try to do.
@pawelkapica5363 6 ай бұрын
Amazing. Do easier pull progression like reverse rows on the bar, some bicep curls and most importantly negative pull ups. You can do it. But be patient.
@seedubyu 6 ай бұрын
just keep at it, you will get there. last year I was 66 and on my birthday I did 69 pull ups. not all at once (obviously) but I did do 69 in total. The most I could do in one set was nine reps, not bad for my age tho.
@sephirothjc 6 ай бұрын
That's amazing!
@hankkuya4354 6 ай бұрын
I went from 80 pull-ups, rope climbing, hanging,and to nothing after an accident. Studied Thai chi for 8 years to get my knee and balance back to normal. So now I have to train the hanging and pull ups. Excellent video. Top notch.
@scroogemcduckrich9705 6 ай бұрын
so sorry to hear that. i hope you have a quick recovery and return to your prior level
@davidbiddle3257 6 ай бұрын
I do pull ups just like you described, from a dead hang. I can do 10 reps, two to three sets during my 45 minute workout. The third set I usually can only do 8, take a quick walk and complete the last two. I am 69, and can’t get the hang from one arm yet, I can hang from both arms for 70 to 90 seconds, depending on the day.
@brandonyoung4910 6 ай бұрын
80 full hang pull-ups?!
@TheGmanway 6 ай бұрын
@@brandonyoung4910 right I’m like naw man he means like 10 sets of 8
@brandonyoung4910 6 ай бұрын
@@TheGmanway exactly haha.
@mlperkins 5 ай бұрын
Yes, I can do a pullup; sometimes three. I'm 78 years old (female), and have been working on this exercise for months. I'm quite pleased with my progress, and will keep working. Thanks for these great videos, which I'm sharing with my pickleball buddies.
@diaryofnricom163 5 ай бұрын
wow, congrats. 54yo male, I can't do even one. HAHA. I will keep on trying dead hangs and scap pulls for a while till I get my weight under control. About 15kg to drop. 🙂
@dennissaner2151 6 ай бұрын
At 64 years old, I'm happy to be able to hang for 15 seconds at a time. You've helped me get through many muscle weaknesses. Just getting up from a chair with just leg muscles is a big deal after my life choices tried to turn me into a statue. Now my mind is set at, ATM!
@lylachristopherson865 6 ай бұрын
I dig it. His work is golden. It's changed the way I think about mobility.
@kyleyoungmusic 6 ай бұрын
That’s huge!!! Good for you!! 👏 😁 I bet it helps a lot.
@kyleyoungmusic 6 ай бұрын
Keep it up!!
@jakemccoy 6 ай бұрын
Can you be specific about your life choices? You have a lot of wisdom you can pass on.
@dennissaner2151 6 ай бұрын
Many of us, as we get older, have similar life choices. Junk diets, sedentary, non-movement because of aches and pains. Mentally conditioned that as we all age we must become a park bench sitter and just a watcher of the rest of the world. That's mostly what you'll see with us "old" people. Nobody really wants to stop moving but sometimes we have pains that even doctors tell us is according to age. When you get to a certain age and you get tired of not being able to see your feet when you look down, let alone try to touch them you should know there is a problem. I saw all this and wanted to do something about it. I got rid of the junk foods that are attributed to all health problems and started working, from the feet up on weaknesses on my body that prevented me from doing what should be second nature. This young man brings simple easy to do exercises that showed me improvements on parts of me that I hadn't seen in a long time. He's like a modern day Jack Lalanne. When I say my mindset is, ATM (always think muscle), I literally am thinking, all the time, how can the muscles around that joint or weak spot fix my ache or inability. Being able to stand up and then bend over without sitting down to tie my shoes is awesome. When I can get dressed and undressed without sitting down or using any assistance makes a great mental impact. I know this was long-winded but I hope this will help the understanding.
@alanparker3130 6 ай бұрын
Did 8 proper pull-ups this morning (equalling my record) and I'm up to a few seconds for my one arm hang. I try both every morning. The monkey bars I do 3-4 times a week, whenever I drive past them. So much fun! I can do a U-turn now, going out onto the big, fat side bars, briefly... PS It's my 69th birthday this Easter.
@Uprighthealth 6 ай бұрын
Nice job!!!
@raghufn5881 5 ай бұрын
Thats awesome I also have the same pull up record of 8. and I am 14 years old.
@diaryofnricom163 5 ай бұрын
It helps a lot if one is not overweight. That is something everyone overlooks as all calisthenics instructors are usually under 70kg and super fit. I couldnt even hold pull-up bar for 10 seconds but now after dropping 5kg, I can dead hang for 20 seconds. More I go closer to my "ideal" weight, easier it will get.
@paulwalther5237 4 ай бұрын
Yeah being overweight makes everything harder. If I could only eat healthier 😂
@Neophema 3 ай бұрын
@@paulwalther5237 Why can't you?
@paulwalther5237 3 ай бұрын
@@Neophema Probably lack of motivation. I mean there’s some motivation and the result is I eat healthy some of the time which doesn’t get much results. Could be worse I guess.
@TraderKentaro 3 ай бұрын
Agree, after drop 4 KG from 88 to 84, i found that can do the pull ups and dead hang much better. Monkey bar still very tough for me tho.
@yianpap6093 6 ай бұрын
I saw the title and thought "That ain't right. I tried monkey bars 5 years ago and I was struggling/hurting. Then I did a lot of pull ups, chin ups and neutral grip ones and years later I tried the monkey bars again and bingo, the kid in me had returned!, No pain at all!". Then I listened and you are saying "because many people don't do their pull ups properly". Well I do:)
@ce1474 6 ай бұрын
I do take issue with this idea that one-arm hang is necessary. The man in the video appears to be both short and thin, so these sort of things are relatively easy for him. I'm 230 lbs and can do both pull ups and monkey bars. But I don't train one-arm hangs, and most likely could not do one
@ZEBASS 6 ай бұрын
@@ce1474 Yeah I hear you, one handed hangs are definitely a big challenge, and I'm not even as big as you are (190 lbs as of today). I was able to do 4 sets of 8-10 decent, chest to bar pullups and could hang from a bar for 1:30 - 1:40 on average, but monkey bars (which implies transitioning from one arm to the other) were always scary or painful, I even got some cracking in my right shoulder while trying that, and the pain and discomfort lasted pretty much forever. I am slowly recovering from another issue on my shoulder, and after almost 2 years being unable to pullup, I will relearn how to hang and be super extra careful.
@ce1474 6 ай бұрын
@@ZEBASS Yeah my policy is always to avoid injury. If monkey bars cause injury for you, then smart not to do them. Ive trained them for a few months now without injury. i would say that I felt some "discomfort" at first which went away as the shoulders got stronger.
@Teixas666 6 ай бұрын
the limit is more often than not, your grip strenght as pull up and its variants are mainly a back/arm exercise for any sort of motion in that range that requires endurance aswell working on grip strenght and stamina would do more
@NycilSikiclas 6 ай бұрын
That is so true. I can do 10 clean pull-ups from passive hang up to the upper chest with core engaged, straight legs etc. and I can do a passive dead hang up to 1min30s, but monkey bars are a challenge I can hardly manage in my best (adult) days and not at all most of the time. So, thanks a lot for your tips! With proper training using your advice on this video and the others, I might be able to challenge my kids this summer 😁
@jakemccoy 6 ай бұрын
I was there. One-arm training is the key. You are not far from it. For you, it’s more of a matter of getting over the shock of how heavy a one-arm hang feels. Most of your strength is already there. You just need to bridge the gap.
@NycilSikiclas 6 ай бұрын
@@jakemccoy Thanks a lot. Yes, the one-arm hang feels way too much for comfort and that is what is blocking me. 4 months to bridge the gap between me and the kids!
@jakemccoy 6 ай бұрын
@@NycilSikiclasYes, I weigh 210 lbs and have small wrists. I used to think they were impossible for my body type. But with a little consistency, I eventually got it. Now, one-arm hangs are part of my daily workout.
@peterblum613 2 ай бұрын
Same boat. I am able to do good, full-range pull-ups, but monkey bars have been a no-go for my entire life. Lately, I have been active hanging for about 45 seconds before my grip fails. I suppose that I will try passive hangs and one arm. 6 ай бұрын
❤ I can not yet do a pull-up. I am working on it. Thank you for your videos!
@fulviomanfrin9401 3 ай бұрын
I do My pull-ups from dead hang always. By doing so I noticed o lot more benefits from the exercise.
@ForHonorUSMC 6 ай бұрын
So timely. In the past several months, I began training 'monkey bar style' on the pull up bars at the Cross Fit gym I work out at (I just do open gym, cross fit is NOT for me). I noticed that I can now do muscle ups with a fraction of the effort, despite NEVER training them. When I began hanging more, I became so much more solid feeling on the bar, and that has translated into STRONGER pull ups. I feel like most people walk before they run, and never learn to hang with confidence, yet try to jump into pull ups and then get confused when they get injured. They skipped a fundamental step!!
@vicsheldon427 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the advice. Still working on pull-ups, but I can dead hang for more than a minute, so there's hope.
@brucejensen3081 6 ай бұрын
You can start with a few bands going from the bar to under your feet, to give a bit of a slingshot up, for a bit
@vicsheldon427 6 ай бұрын
@brucejensen3081 Yep, I've been doing that, and I can do one unassisted pull up, but, as a 77yo female, it takes a while to build up the strength to do them.
@PigmaStatiX156 6 ай бұрын
I would work on going from dead (passive) hang to active hang. Flex your back to bring your shoulders up without bending your arms. Go back down to passive hang. Back up to active, repeat. Pullups just around the corner!
@BWater-yq3jx 6 ай бұрын
Doing pullups at all is a big deal for a 77yo female, but I'll tell you what I did to get back to doing pullups at 55yo after not doing them for over 30 years... Primarily wide-grip lat pulldown machine, progressively increasing weight until I was repping comfortably with 70% of my bodyweight. (Depending on build, I think pullups are lifting approx 75% of bodyweight. Lots of people say it's more like 90-95% , but they are missing that your back musculature is not dead weight - it's doing the lifting. Put it this way - not a chance I'm repping lat pulldowns with 95% of my bodyweight.) Some hanging, for around a minute a time. That was it. Over about 2 months. Before my first attempt at pullups I tried some negatives standing on a chair to start from the up position, then controlling the descent. That felt ok, so I went straight into regular pullups and managed 8. That was about 8 months ago, and I hit 17 the other day, so pretty happy with that. But as I said, that's a big ask for a 77yo woman.
@michaelbutler3250 4 ай бұрын
The message is spot on. I’m a 63 year old man, routinely did 50 pull ups daily for 40 years. Was my go to strength move. I started doing static hangs, both 2 arm and 1 arm a few years ago and have been astounded at my strength gains. I have moved 100% to monkey bars now and can do back levers easily. My grip is like a vice. Quit pull ups now, swing and hang, it’s awesome
@mybeautifuldoggies 6 ай бұрын
You're a fantastic teacher! 🍎 Btw, I cannot do anything! However, I do have a pull-up bar that hangs in a doorway, and I stand on a stool, and am working up to a dead hang (while feet are still touching the stool). I was anemic for over a decade, but did not get diagnosed until it got so extreme that I was fainting frequently. Hence, I lost quite a lot of muscle 💪, and lost all my strength, and almost died. I've started using light weights while exercising, and thought that if I learned to dead hang, that would also help build muscle 💪 throughout my body. I don't know if this is a reasonable goal for me, or how long it will take, but I would love to be able to do it! As I mentioned, you really are a great teacher! I watch all of your videos, even those addressing problems that I don't have. You're doing a great service for mankind, and I wish for many blessings from heaven on you and your family 🙏.
@MihirS84 5 ай бұрын
This man is right. I can do 13 pull ups with decent form (From active hang until nose to bar). Yesterday when I took my daughter to the park I wanted to show her how to move on monkey bars. It was embarrassing how bad i struggled to reach the end. It took me at least thrice as longer than the other kids to reach the end. I wrongly assumed I could do it as easily I could 25 years ago since I am reasonably fit. This is a real wake up call....and that's what brought me to this video. Thank you Upright Health.
@paulwalther5237 4 ай бұрын
At least you got to the end 😂
@nanmartin7324 6 ай бұрын
I can't, been trying for forever, made some gains but nope can't do a pull-up still. Gonna work more on hanging. Thanks
@edwardburroughs1489 6 ай бұрын
Try chin ups (supine grip), its a bit easier as the bicep can become involved more. If not try just doing the negative part of the rep, i.e lower yourself from the top position as slowly as possible.
@Jacksparrow4986 6 ай бұрын
Did you try easier progressions? See e.g. hybrid calisthenics.
@nanmartin7324 6 ай бұрын
@@Jacksparrow4986 yes actually I do follow Hampton at Hybrid and have the app.
@connorkillmice 6 ай бұрын
chin ups to get biceps help, hanging to build forearm strength. i hang for minutes and minutes and get a crazy pump
@JoaoNeto-or8xx 6 ай бұрын
do 5 sets of rows, 5-10 reps close or to failure, 3,5 minutes rest, wide grip, after that, hold the last part of the chin up, chin above the bar, till isometric failure then lower slowly, if you feel that cheated and could hold more, or get down slower, get to the top again and repeat, you will go down a lot faster, count one set, do 5 sets, 5 minutes rest or even more, 2 times a week, with time you will be holding longer and longer before failure and before you know, wil be able to do your first complete chin up an pull up (not the one chest to bar). it worked for me, I'm 1,76, 1,79cm, 1,85cm reach, my chin barely pass the bar cause of the length of my arms, and 71, 73kg, if you are close to my proportions sure will work like a charm, just have patience and endurance to discomfort.
@Eryk88896 5 ай бұрын
this is amazing value advices for be better in pull ups, muscle ups and everything like this. Man i start doing this from now
@jakemccoy 6 ай бұрын
Failure on one-arm hangs was embarrassing for me because I had been practicing calisthenics for years. It was assumed I could do monkey bars, but I couldn't do them. I can do them now, as well as rope climbing (another skill it was assumed I could do).
@Funzelwicht 6 ай бұрын
Love your humour! :D And of course, the information!
@shafaa1 5 ай бұрын
K Boges is another great You Tuber resource in reference to pull up strategies.
@marcchrys 6 ай бұрын
Great advice! I'm 64 and can do 10 full range pullups, but I always find monkey hangs at the playground challenging and sometimes rotator cuff injuring :-( So I'm definitely going to use these progressions😊 ps a video on rope climbing would be helpful/fun!
@Aima952 6 ай бұрын
I can't do even a messy unassisted pullup yet (need about 15% of bodyweight to be handled by a band/machine, down from over 50% 6 months ago), but I can comfortably do a length or two of the monkey bars because they're pretty easy to improve on with technique once you hit the basic hanging strength requirements.
@nataliegabrielse2194 6 ай бұрын
I can hang for about 20 seconds, can't do any pull-ups but will use your advice to get stronger 😊
@manuferreri 6 ай бұрын
bro really took a swing at my love life in the middle of the video 👏
@sirmnrt 3 ай бұрын
Love the importance of stability!
@4TheLoveOfHockey 5 ай бұрын
years of neglect and being overweight I CANNOT do a pullup, but I am working on it. Thanks for the video, working on my shoulder strength and mobility first to ensure I am not damaging my body while getting back into shape
@frogspasm2000 6 ай бұрын
55 yo here. I was 215 lbs last year, down to 170-175 now. A couple of months ago I could only do maybe one pullup, but no I'm up to 5-6 and I can do around a minute dead hang.
@tokiron 6 ай бұрын
I also think grip/forearm strength is important to consider with being able to do the monkey bars. I'm right hand dominate and can hang on my right arm much longer than my left. It's almost scary hanging from my left arm because I feel it will slip at any moment 😅
@jakemccoy 6 ай бұрын
This is great info that I discovered the first time I tried monkey bars. I will highlight (for bigger guys) that dead hang is insufficient as well. You have to get to the level of one-arm hangs. It may feel impossible at first, but it is a fun challenge and good for your shoulders in the longterm.
@monogramadikt5971 6 ай бұрын
when i was a kid all the local parks had monkey bars and other great kinds of play equipment, then local councils wanted to wash their hands of any liability for people who injured themselves on the equipment etc, and in a short time it seems most little parks across my city just completely removed all forms of play equipment, now we wonder why so many kids are overweight etc
@BWater-yq3jx 6 ай бұрын
It's ok, they can do it 'virtually' using technology. 🙄
@frankswd 6 ай бұрын
@ 61 years old, took my 7 yr old son to the playground, decided to play with him on the bars. That was eye opening experience. As a former US Marine I thought I could do at least some pull-ups monkey bars and pushups but failed on all accounts! 😥
@PhantomViper49 5 ай бұрын
Firstly, thanks for your service, second if you started working out you'd probably gain all your muscle back. People who were in shape it's easier for them to get back In shape so keep trying.
@heathermunoz6282 3 ай бұрын
I can do both. It's important to be able to do both. You would never think looking at me that I can, so it obviously has nothing to do with lots of muscles. I'm 48, who had a total hysterectomy, has osteoporosis, has Sjogren's and Spondylolisthesis/severe stenosis.
@paulwalther5237 4 ай бұрын
I am more of a runner (when I’m not injured) but got sucked into doing this obstacle course The Tough Mudder at age 41. I hadn’t done monkey bars since I can remember. It was one big fail. I had a good laugh at myself. My coworkers who were also a bit younger than me did them just fine. It was humbling. I may give this a try but I’m not able to drag a box to the gym so we’ll see what they have on hand there.
@brandonyoung4910 6 ай бұрын
Currently sitting around 15 clean full hang pull-ups when I’m fresh. 6’3 240lbs
@thetwokerrys 6 ай бұрын
You’re a legend Matt!!
@GeorgeLista 5 ай бұрын
Just bought a pull-up / dip workout station… starting from zero, can’t wait to get started and see how things change. Liked and subscribed… will check the website too 👍🏼
@mwkibomiazawa1003 6 ай бұрын
I can do 24 pull ups, 52 kg weighted pull ups, and 26 kg weighted monkey bars as a 19 years old amateur calisthenics athlete with almost 6 years of experience.
@somasundaramsankaranarayan4592 6 ай бұрын
@sublicenseable 5 ай бұрын
Nice! How many cm and how kg are you?
@mwkibomiazawa1003 5 ай бұрын
@@sublicenseable about 1,78 m and about 70 kg, so it is a 75 % bw pull up with 52 kg.
@Onnitfan1 5 ай бұрын
61. Can do 15 pullups. Was working on my one arm hang but stopped a while ago. I'm gonna get back at it!
@albertochiandetti9477 6 ай бұрын
loved you. great video and thanks for the tips!
@roscoestark6589 6 ай бұрын
I like to do 3 second dead hangs every rep of my pull-ups, and also incorporate dead hanging in between sets 😊 but this has inspired me to add one arm hangs
@ZFlyingVLover 3 ай бұрын
case in point mark wahlberg. lmao. btw. Hanging is great for recovering from shoulder injuries. It helped me and I'm almost 61 years old.
@californiaplant-basedeater2761 5 ай бұрын
This got my attention. I can do 10 seconds on a one arm hang and will be incorporating it for sure. I just bought a pull up bar and youtube must have used that from my search history to give me thus video, lol.
@theweknd6946 3 ай бұрын
I always thinking about this but not sure what is it, your video justified my suspicion
@channelnummer5493 5 ай бұрын
Like your sense of humor a lot.
@Devon_maloy 5 ай бұрын
I’m gonna use a box for pronated pull-ups! Thanks for the help!!!
@seedubyu 6 ай бұрын
This is a blooming GREAT video and GREAT instruction. This is like what I used to do, just start by hanging, that in itself is a challenge but after a while of continuation I could hang for a full minute and then I would start to swing aswell and then continue and the duration would increase, I got to where I could hang for 2 minutes. I never thought that I could pull upwards from fully hanging like a dead weight but I made that break through then I just progressed from there until I could get my chin to the bar and then beyond so that I could do a full complete chin and neck above the bar pull up.
@memoryhero 6 ай бұрын
This whole video is my spirit animal. Rock on, sir. 🙏
@user-sl2ng2hr1k 6 ай бұрын
Late summers I can usually do 3-4 pull-ups. Right now, probably not. I only practice when passing by one of the neighborhood outdoor gyms, but not in winter. (58 years)
@detoxfidelity 6 ай бұрын
Very different skill. I can do 12 clean pull-ups but can't hang from one hand for more than 5 seconds, working on it though 😉
@Uprighthealth 6 ай бұрын
Well said!
@gamingwithlegends2412 5 ай бұрын
Not only you are fit and strong but also funny and attractive personality 😂❤ From India
@bonefishboards 5 ай бұрын
Pull ups DO make you stronger. As a rock climber over the past 45+ years, I know when I'm weak on overhanging rock while climbing and that correlates directly to the amount of weighted pull ups I can do in my normal circuit. I'm 60 years old and can still do 20 unweighted pull ups in a set and three sets of 10 with 25 pounds.
@FightingFire01 4 ай бұрын
I can do maybe 12 proper pullups, but ever since I lost one of my fingers on my left hand I've found it incredibly hard to one arm hang for more than a couple of seconds at a time. Hopefully more assisted hangs will help!
@covingtoncreek 6 ай бұрын
Do both hanging and proper pull-ups. Part of my morning routine is various yoga and hanging. In the beginning all you have to do is hang 10 or 15 seconds, then gradually increase the duration a little at a time. Currently I hang for 65 seconds and then 80 seconds with some stretches in between. The 80 seconds one is a beast on my forearms, but eventually that will get longer. Also thumbs wrapped around or thumbs over makes a big difference. Thumbs over is a bit more like rock climbing.
@tobysyoutubechannel420 5 ай бұрын
Great video! Thank you!
@Jaqenhgar222 6 ай бұрын
How do you gain wrist and forearm strength without risking elbow tendonitis. I started throwing in some forearm stuff ( wrist curls and reverse wrist curls) , nothing crazy, not a lot of weight or sets, and ended up getting tennis elbow in both arms, now it won't go away, and I just ended up with weaker grip.
@bigal6114 6 ай бұрын
I’m working on 1 arm hangs. I start swinging and rotating instantly when I lift my feet up. Working on hand placement at the start.
@polkalamypekopeko2969 6 ай бұрын
Pull ups with heavy weights in proper form if I focus, max out at 25kg 1RM, max num is anywhere between 8-15 depends on my moods. I can do one arm hangs, as well as Typewriters but I realize yeah I can't do any kind of swings, mostly because of my weight at 93kgs, my tendons generally don't like it when I do that. As long as the movement is strict I can sometimes do tucked lever holds, but I get my fear of falling triggered by that hold.
@Łucja1-k1s 6 ай бұрын
Nice video! I can do one pull up on a good day, and around 2-3 chin-ups. Monkey bars are easy compared to pull ups for me personally.
@andrewhancock2451 5 ай бұрын
Loose hangs can be hard if you have shoulder impingements, which is more likely in older age.
@cacbdb 6 ай бұрын
Can do 10 pull ups (8 good +2 struggling), can't do one arm hang (very painful in the shoulders).
@cliffaugust6704 6 ай бұрын
I hang every morning for at least a count of 40...It's part of my morning, 1 hour stretching routine...I turn 70 next month! I can only do 3-4 good pullups though.
@alboud 6 ай бұрын
Still impressive
@sarahwalker5478 6 ай бұрын
I can now do the monkey bars as an adult, and can now do an entire straight arm pull up with no feet on the ground... Granted it's only one at this stage but I've worked up from none! I thought that I'd been doing monkey bars wrong cos I can only do them in the passive style, so glad to know that there's nothing wrong with that way! It's so satisfying playing on the monkey bars as an adult😁
@TribeWars1 5 ай бұрын
I'm at 15-ish pullups and can do around 30s of hanging on my right arm (20 on my left one). It depends a lot on the bar's thickness and surface though.
@kdcbattlecreek 6 ай бұрын
I've never been able to hang. Even as a kid, my hands hurt.
@leilehuayuen3794 6 ай бұрын
Me, too! My teachers would get so mad at me, but raising my arms straight up has always been so painful in my shoulders!
@user-ds8py5rp1x 5 ай бұрын
can you do a video on exercises to increase your speed and agility.can do a video on those exercises.👍
@suev4143 6 ай бұрын
Brilliant, thanks!
@rextransformation7418 4 ай бұрын
Can't do pullups, or maybe just one. This was last year, I've stopped training for almost 5 months, general weight lifting/resistance training at home. Plus, I've stupidly done a one-hand-hang and my right forearm has never fully recovered (5-ish months ago); the pain is basically gone, but if I start lifting something with my right hand I start to feel too uncomfortable which leads to initial pain. Before I could do passive hang with both hands for over a minute, but now it's more challenging, and kinda depressing, with my non-fully cured forearm.
@Marathon5151 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been working on my dead hang almost daily to decompress. Right now , I can consistently do two minutes and hoping to get to three minutes.
@anthonymotture 5 ай бұрын
I do pull ups from outstretched arms right to the top. But you can do the monkey bars with bent arms.
@onemanops 4 ай бұрын
Hey just subscribed. I can do the moneky bars. I trained the hangs the way you described
@10speed4 6 ай бұрын
I'm 65 and I do a 2min hang before each workout and a 1min hang at the end of each workout. I can't lie, my grip and forearms are screaming at/around the 1:45min mark, WHEW! And yes, I'm looking to add monkey bars to my workouts.
@Teixas666 6 ай бұрын
the main missconception with htis is that more often than not, its not your back or arms that fail you in this, its your grip. you should absolutewly build up the Strenght toward a proper pull up(with good form) but if the goal is the monkey bars working towards grip strenght and endurnace serves one better.
@GameFuMaster 5 ай бұрын
i went to try it out and... wow, I can barely hang on one handed, can't believe I used to swing around as a kid
@bobwesley4634 5 ай бұрын
I either do 3 sets of 10 pull ups or when I want to really go to total failure, I do 4 pull ups every minute for as long as I can, my best for now is 15 minutes, so basically 60 pull ups in 15 mins.
@judihibbard1909 6 ай бұрын
I have arthritis in my hands and wrists. Any suggestions? I loved the monkey bars. I can do assisted pull ups cigar 😊
@golfinguna 5 ай бұрын
Use a pair of good quality gripper gloves, keep the hands warm.
@gilliancanvin8551 6 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@teosto1384 6 ай бұрын
Just in case someone is interested, I'm doing 10 pullups at best (proper ones, chin over bar from dead hang each rep) on a good day yet I can't do a single monkey bar switch. And yes, I could lose some weight, 15kg to be at optimum. Hanging from one arm just is too much for my fingers. And have I used them really? 15 years of heavy manual labor where my hands and especially fingers are separating plywood boards in hundreds and sometimes up to few thousand per day. And yet, hanging by one arm is too much. Now a few years ago I could do 3-5 seconds and definitely going to get back there. Big thumbs up to anyone being able to do monkey bars. I WILL be joining the gang hopefully by the end of this upcoming summer.
@ClintInDaHouse 5 ай бұрын
As a guy who could do 1000 pushups in the time it takes to watch the movie Alien from opening to closing credit roll (needed something to watch between sets), I gotta say that doing even 100 pullups within the same time is waaaay harder.
@charliemurphy3529 6 ай бұрын
At 76, I think the hang bar is the best ( and cheapest ) workout tool - hands down 🤓🤓. I believe that everyone should use it for at least a few minutes, every day. The hang bar can also do wonders for shoulder problems if you take it slow and easy - start with very little pressure and support yourself with feet on the "ground" and slowly increase your stretch over several weeks - I recommended it to all my fellow pickleball friends 🏓. It's natural movement and strength building at the same time.
@mack7207 6 ай бұрын
I can do about 12 dead hang pull-ups on a bar and about 9 on rings. I do however still struggle with one arm hangs, I’m only able to go for about 10s. Would this be a grip issue?
@Uprighthealth 6 ай бұрын
@valergio572 3 ай бұрын
I love make tricks by one handed grip. People around always get wonder😂.
@Xaero324 6 ай бұрын
38yrs old here. Can do dead hangs for 90 seconds. I also do pull ups from a dead hang position but can only do 10 a set.
@debbiesmith8544 6 ай бұрын
I’m going to try this. Do you have exercises for your glutes you have posted? I need to help my knees. I have osteoarthritis.
@shari250 6 ай бұрын
I also have knee issues I need a plan to work on my glutes without putting too much stress on the knees
@Uprighthealth 6 ай бұрын
@jasoncuculo7035 6 ай бұрын
I competed in powerlifting. Two years ago I tore my right shoulder labrum. I will go a side moment tangent for a reason that will become evident later in this comment I have asthma. Thin, with all medications and exercises I would still have growing lung tumors. They stopped growing because of the addition of extremely strong muscles involved in breathing (diaphragm, intercoststalis, serratus, etc. The test measured 96 which is normal, I said "that's too low", the tech said it is normal, I told her I am a powerlifter. She squirted Alupent in my mouth. She retested and got 170 despite the scale normally going to 100. I asked if that was because Alupent is a steroid. She said it would not do that. I conversed with the doctor. I was having an asthma attack was not about to collapse since I was getting the full amount of oxygen. The strength of the muscles. As a result. The additional reduction in inflammation caused by the powerlifting stopped the growths from continuing to grow. I have no back pain but severe arthritis from before I was a powerlifter due to manual labor job injuries from my teen years. I have an extremely strong heart. A leg cuff is needed to measure blood pressure on my dense muscular and cold 18"arms to get a proper reading of either 129/70 or 110/70. I also have sugar issues or cholesterol issues. All due to powerlifting. I am required to do it medically and muscle loss due to weight loss causes negative health issues. During the lockdown I would bring a wagon of weights to the park. I did 2 full range pullups with a 77 and a half pound dumbell held between my feet. On the way down I would drop it and grap a 45 and do a few more reps drop it grab a 35 do 4-5, reps drop it grab a 22 snd a half do two more reps drop it grab a 10 and do two more drop it snd do 3-4 more with just bodyweight for 3-4 more reps all in one continuing ous set of over 20 reps weighting 248 pounds bodyweight (,not includingdumbells,). Since labrum surgery has a 5 month recovery I only had therapy. I have gotten my bench presses back to 365x2 but needed a spotter on the second rep. I military pressed 225 pounds standing. After that shoulder disfunction interferes with my bench presses. I needed a spot in the third rep with 305 pounds last week. It may be related to stress. I did not get into the PhD programs I applied to despite a 4.0 GPA out if 4.0 cumulative. I needed the stipend to eliminate my student loans so I can live in the salary I get when I finish college. I get SSI can not get loans this semester due to no tuition ,extended matriculation and my check is below the absolute poverty line. My foodstamps were stolen electronically last month. I went down to 232 pounds have since gone back up only to 239. I am 54 years old never used illegal ergonomics, and take no supplements. Sleep is also an issue. Mind is riddled with problems. I can only do 10-11 full range pullups now with a 50 pound dumbell held between my feet for two or three reps four on a good shoulder day, then drop grab a 30 and hit 3 more,drop 4 more bdw. I usually do an a time hang but one as far down as possible without full arm extension to avoid right shoulder issues.My bent rows are disproportionately strong to my bench presses. Injury affected pulling less than pressing off the chest. I still military press the same oddly but after much dynamic stretching, actively stretching and mobility work.
@dougkinney4061 6 ай бұрын
Just over a year ago I did get injured doing hang from bar without assistance
@sephirothjc 6 ай бұрын
I always do pull-up from a hanging position, and I go down to a hanging position every rep, figures why I can do the monkey bars no problem.
@16777215 4 ай бұрын
It's funny that I can do a few good form pull up (from passive hang to bar under chin), yet I can only hang on monkey bar passively and not for long...
@marlowe2215 6 ай бұрын
Hi! I was wondering if you could tell me more about the bar you're hanging from in your garage? I don't have a pull up bar at home, but I do have a big beam in my garage just like yours. Which bar are you using and how is it installed? What is the estimated weight limit? I am around 190 lbs and don't want to damage a load bearing structure of my house... or myself!
@MarkHous 6 ай бұрын
Why not use workout bands? Get a set and start with the heaviest band that allows you to hang or perform a full range of motion pull-up(s). Progress as needed to the next band. You can also use the bands for a multitude of strength and mobility exercises. That sounds like a good idea for your next video. Have fun.
@Uprighthealth 6 ай бұрын
Yup! Thinking about making that video! :)
@immigrationadviser4711 4 ай бұрын
I can do 5 clean pull ups from dead hang, zero momentum, I am 39 years old. I started pull ups 2 years ago when I wasn’t able to do even one.
@clockwork1019 6 ай бұрын
@uprighthealth great content! Gotta ask - what shoes are you wearing? I’m a barefoot enthusiast and those look like barefoot shoes I’m unfamiliar with.
@JVL-4LIFE 6 ай бұрын
Man... I never thought about using a box 🤦‍♂️
@rockstarjazzcat 6 ай бұрын
Recently I've been cutting feet with each move on the climbing wall (easy climbs) to get in lots of hanging in prep for dynamic moves. Monkey-dom or bust! Cheers, D
@igotaak47 6 ай бұрын
Yes I can.
@beanboi789 5 ай бұрын
I can only do 4 pulls at a time but i start from a dead hang every time.
@stefanchase7188 6 ай бұрын
My rings let me change height arbitrarily for this. I suck at pullups but am also building up from injury so no rush
@josedanielherrera7115 5 ай бұрын
More detail on exercise, less comedy but I guess this is entertainment 😊
@Devon_maloy 5 ай бұрын
Chins, & 1 arm hang, but pronated pull-ups give pain brachioradialis bad, months of rest, no better, neutral full range no problem. Help
@pjd0ioas 5 ай бұрын
Softstar shoes ❤
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