Why Should ALL Catholic 👉🏼MARRIED Women Consider Veiling At Mass?

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A Catholic Wife

A Catholic Wife

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@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
Ladies: do you veil at Mass? There are many reasons, then, why the practice of wearing chapel veils is desirable. Most importantly, for wives, it has the same character that a habit has for a religious sister: it is a sign of her calling and consecration to the Lord, with and through her husband. Rather than being a stigma of women’s oppression, it is a sign of a genuine committed love, even as the Cross is the greatest sign of love ever given to mankind. ♥️
@marytreaty9357 2 жыл бұрын
I've always worn a veil/hat to Mass, even as a baby I had bonnets and beanies on. I like it, but I have grown up attending sedevacante Masses so maybe that's why.
@danika6586 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I do veil. When I received the message from Our Lord that it was what he wanted of me, I hesitated for a few months. Then, our NO parish had a NO mass in Latin and it was an easy way to try it for the first time. After that I always have, many times the only one, or one of two or three. When Pope Francis released his restrictions on the Latin Mass, we again were given the opportunity to start searching for the reverent Mass we were hungry for. We are blessed to have a Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Peter parish in the big city near us and attend there now since July with many traditional minded families and I am no longer alone veiling. It is beautiful to see all the big young and growing Catholic families! With veiled mamas.
@tinamcneil7564 2 жыл бұрын
My husband and I have stopped going to NO mass and are only going to Traditional Latin Mass. So I absolutely do veil-- a black veil. I agree with everything you say and stand for Deena! Thank you for all you do!❤
@dianaswanson5705 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I do, it was a journey. I go NO parish and it started with one young woman in her 20s. She was new, but it was something that I was already thinking about. I was becoming more aware and learning about my faith. My husband just converted 6yrs ago... he grew fast in his faith and we followed him...the traditional side TLM started calling me shortly after.
@laureng2596 2 жыл бұрын
I started veiling about a year ago. I had to laugh listening to your story. I grew up exactly the same way. It's been a struggle especially since I'm always working on humility. I have to fight my pride every time I go to mass. But, then I realize Satan doesn't want women doing this..so on goes the veil!!! Plus, I believe this is a great way to fight feminism.
@penelopeseymour9141 2 жыл бұрын
i’m 17 and i’m the only one in my entire parish that veils. i got so so many stares the first time i walked in wearing it. now i feel so beautiful, holy and humbled when i veil in front of the Lord.
@dianaswanson5705 2 жыл бұрын
You keep doing it to please the Lord and grow in your faith. You will inspire more women to do. At my parish it started with one young girl and now there's many more women who are wearing veils on a regular basis
@martaacosta4415 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you. Be proud, and God bless.
@ashleym4990 2 жыл бұрын
I was the first to veil at my church 2 years ago. I started because I felt the Lord was calling me to do this. So I listened and veiled for the first time on Ash Wednesday of 2019. Since that time usually 10-20 women at daily Mass and more on weekend Masses are now veiling. It’s been beautiful to see the transformation and the normalization of this at our parish. Keep it up…you’ll likely inspire other women to veil who previously would have been to self-conscious to be the first.
@trudiswanson9855 2 жыл бұрын
Please pray thanksgiving and praise as you don the veil so the evil one has nothing with which to tempt you with such as, any level of pride, any kind of vanity or any false giilt from dark judging hearts possibly jealous of you. Put Christ on with the veil, and God bless and preserve you in His Love.
@brendaallor9470 2 жыл бұрын
Keep doing it. I was the only one at my previous Parish. Before I moved, many others asked me about veiling.
@anniegray6277 2 жыл бұрын
I recently started veiling at NO mass and am usually the only one. I try very hard not to feel judged, especially by older women and priests depending on the church. But the peace and humility I feel when I veil is worth it. ❤️ It seems only “right” for women to posture themselves in this way before God.
@leslieswanson4680 2 жыл бұрын
I am the only one who veils at my NO mass. I used to feel self conscious but I love the peace I feel. I do catch stares and I just ignore it because I guess at least it’s starting point and maybe they’ll look into it more. I do attend a Latin mass when I can and every woman veils. It’s so nice to not be the only one sometimes.
@Grtchnjb 2 жыл бұрын
I attend the NO mass and am the only one veiling at the mass I attend. I have been veiling for about 9 months. As soon as I walk in the front doors, I put on my veil. I feel humbled in front of Christ and I also feel a total sense of submission. Another benefit of wearing a veil is it provides a “blinder effect “ which doesn’t allow me to notice anything ( stares or funny looks) but the connection between me and the Lord.
@AmbidextrousCrafter 2 жыл бұрын
I have been veiling at my NO Mass as well for 3 years now and was inspired by the older lady who sits at the back. When I started veiling, to be less self-conscious, I thought I'd sit in the back as well but then I felt the need to continue to sit upfront so I can concentrate better and hear better and as God would have it, 2 ladies in my women's bible study group approached me and asked me why I was veiling and so I handed them the Rediscover Reverence cards from Veils by Lily to help further explain the tradition of veiling and now those 2 ladies along with their young families are now attending the TLM and a few more other women both single and married are now also veiling during our NO Masses. While I would love to go attend the TLM, I feel called to stay put at the NO Mass to hopefully be another tool in God's toolbox for the Holy Spirit to use to further inspire women to start veiling.
@brendaallor9470 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. Keep doing it
@patriciajohnson1894 2 жыл бұрын
As a child in the early 70s it was a given, then in my early 20s I stopped and I started wearing a headcovering and many people made comments. I smiled and continued now they used me with my head covered
@carolinasihombing8380 Жыл бұрын
I’m 38 years old single and starting veiling few months ago. It represents that I submit my will to God🙏
@nicolesemtner2156 2 жыл бұрын
I veil at my NO Parish. There’s not a lot of women that veil, but for me, I feel like I am honoring God so much more when I veil.
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Nicole Semtner I remember when I started veiling when we attended the Novus Ordo Missae in Florida and I was only one of maybe 3 ladies who veiled. I pray that more women - especially ladies who attend the Novus Ordo Missae will see how beautiful this devotion is and will start veiling ♥️
@lindaleclair8938 2 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife Me, too. I am the ONLY one after three years.
@debbieschilens3444 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in my late 60's and never gave veiling any thought. I was in my prayer closet one morning. I had a blanket on my lap and all of a sudden I was being told to cover my head. I did it and it felt "right". Now I know I'm following God's will to veil in His presence. I don't care what anyone thinks. It feels right and humbling.
@homethatilove4595 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this humbling experience. Indeed, we women ultimately belong to our spouse Jesus
@kjhammer2137 2 жыл бұрын
Proper dress in church as well. We women need to get back to feminine modest dress. Not just for ourselves but for God, our husband, and our daughters. That was an adjustment when I was a teenager first going to TLM, so used to wearing whatever I wanted. But now that I have children that's all my children know. +JMJ+
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@KJ Hammer thank you for watching my video. I agree wholeheartedly with you ♥️
@kathleenmorrison8450 2 жыл бұрын
As a Greek Orthodox Christian I believe a woman covering her head is the right thing to do based on holy scripture and holy tradition. In the Orthodox churches in Greece, Russia, Albania, Armenia, the US, and most other Orthodox churches around the world, women still wear head coverings to The Holy Eucharist. In the US less so, and I have noticed here some women really have a "attitude" about it, are very vocal & defiant about it, saying no one is going to oppress them. I think this attitude was started with the Women's Liberation Movement. But that's not what it is about at all. In The Holy Bible 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 Saint Paul gives a very good teaching on this. I prefer to wear one, and I even did so when attending a funeral at a Protestant church. Sometimes people might ask because they are truly curious, but sometimes people ask because they want to argue and make you justify wearing it to them. I have found the easiest thing to do is say "I do it based upon the teaching of Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 11. When they say "What does it say?", then I tell them to look it up for themselves and refuse to comment further unless I am sure they really want to learn about it. This saves a lot of hassles. For me personally it is a way to remind myself to put everything else aside and worship Heavenly Father & Jesus, that this time is just for them alone. I have had other women join me sometimes as well. I must say my experience when visiting a Russian Orthodox Church here in the US I find ALL WOMEN have their head covered and if you don't then you feel very uncomfortable. Anyway, hope maybe this comment helps.
@MTR_06 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve experienced this, in the Balkan countries I visited, and Greece, except Chalkidiki. I was the only one veiled at St John Chrysostom.
@SingingSueful Жыл бұрын
I think the men should humble themselves before God too.
@millier.206 9 ай бұрын
I’m Serbian orthodox but not Serbian 🤣 only the Russian and Ukrainian ladies in my church wear the veil but I was encouraged by other women online that I need not care about looks from others. I love wearing the veil and when I pray at home I wear it, too. Ladies, don’t let others be a wedge between you and the relationship you desire with the Lord. If you want to wear it, go for it!
@kathleenmorrison8450 9 ай бұрын
@@millier.206 I love your comment, rock on baby!
@ACatholicWife 9 ай бұрын
@singingsueful why do you think they don’t?
@melissajano6592 2 жыл бұрын
I just started veiling about 3 month ago. I understand so much more because of your videos. So beautiful. I too have a wonderful husband and this is new to him also but he is a cradle Catholic and I am a convert. We are being flooded with information we never knew about the Catholic Church. We have been married 34 years and 8 kids. I’m so thankful and blessed for Adoration and our Catholic Church. And Thank you 🙏🏻❤️
@trclm26 2 жыл бұрын
I did not know much about this. My wife wears a veil to mass. We are in our 40’s both raised Catholic, lapsed for much of our 17 year marriage. We began going back 2 years ago and have found great priests and respect for one another through the sacrament of marriage. The family must stay important in society, it’s breakdown has brought us down. Thank you for sharing.
@trudiswanson9855 2 жыл бұрын
I remember the first time a woman came to our parish wearing a veil. I asked her about it as I was on the path to honouring my Lord in the Eucharist more. I found some beautiful lace from my daughter's formal dress, trimmed it, and wore it to Sunday Mass after much prayer. As I knelt to pray prior to Mass I felt the Holy Spirit came over me to confirm my action with real sweetness. I also had an internal vision of the true Communion bride. Unfortunately my husband continued in violence. It was still years before I was forced out of my home. I am wearing a headcover again and am blessed to find brave priests to give Holy Communion on the tongue.
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Trudi Swanson I am so sorry to hear about your husband. “ In order to have the complete picture, we must remember the pointed teaching St. Paul gives to husbands in Ephesians 5. The Apostle says that husbands are to represent Christ; they are to serve as head of the domestic church. What does this mean? The true authority that comes through the life-giving sacraments has little to do with fallen man’s understanding of power, of ruling over others for one’s own benefit. “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be first among you must be your servant; even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve” (Mt 20:25-28). Husbands are to act as Christ the King - the King enthroned upon the Cross: “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her” (Eph 5:25). The authority of the husband is truly itself when exercised in imitation of Christ. St. Thomas Aquinas captures this point well: “The wife is subject to God by being subject to her husband-under-God” [subiicitur viro sub Deo], meaning that she is subject to him inasmuch as he himself is “under God,” that is, ruling in accordance with God’s commandments [v]. Thus, in every marriage, husband and wife are called to imitate and manifest, to each other and to the world, the love of Christ and the Church, itself patterned after the mystery of love within the Blessed Trinity. This imitation and manifestation can be accomplished only by the grace of God, the God who is Love; it takes constant prayer and discernment, patience, and perseverance. Only through a continual awareness of the greatness of one’s vocation to love - to rule and to serve by means of love and for the sake of love - can the balance of hierarchy-in-equality and equality-in-hierarchy be maintained. The proper relationship of wife with husband and the precious gift of childbearing suffered harm from the Fall (cf. Gen. 3:16), as can be seen both in men who abuse their husbandly authority and in men who are too timid or effeminate to embrace its responsibilities. 💔We can see all kinds of problems: men who rule for their own selfish gain; men who refuse to rule for anyone’s good; women who refuse to let themselves be ruled at all; women who act as doormats and do not challenge abuses of authority. This, I think, is why we find the example of a happily married couple living together in peace and joy so refreshing and encouraging. It shows that it can indeed be done, by determined human effort and God’s implored grace.” Dr. Peter Kwasniewski | 1P5 Please know of my prayers.
@albieinangelus921 2 жыл бұрын
To God be the Glory!!! You have witnessed that we are not living for this existence, but for the next one!
@SingingSueful Жыл бұрын
So does that mean I am to ask my husband if I can read a religious book or attend a prayer service? Does he know any more about what is good for my faith life than I? Not my husband. He is loving and kind but very practical. He is likely to be watching TV and is not a reader. It does not always work out. The letter to the new Christian community of Timothy from Paul may be what Paul seamed as ideal. Women in the community who were originally Jews wore large veils all the time when outside the home. The letter was really directed toward the women who were originally not Jews and who wore their hair uncovered often with decorations. This caused a rift with the women who kept covered who’s men were distracted by the unusual spectacle. Paul felt that it was better for all women to veil than have distraction and chaos during prayer! A very wise decision at the time. Now, men are not distracted by a woman’s hairstyle unless it is ridiculous.
@emilymartinez9486 2 жыл бұрын
I am 17 years old and in my chapel, in San Antonio, every woman wears a veil since they could walk, pretty much. My church is also traditional. It is something that I do without much thought but I appreciate hearing the meaning behind why women wear veils in mass, whether it be traditional or an NO mass.
@gabrielaa.delacabada3971 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Emily, I'm also from San Antonio and I just started going to St Timothy's, are you talking about this church? If not could you tell which one so that I could visit, thanks, blessings
@pistoffpussycat5778 2 жыл бұрын
@francescob3574 2 жыл бұрын
It has to be either St.Joseph’s sspx chapel or Atonement ordinariate.
@gabrielaa.delacabada3971 2 жыл бұрын
@@francescob3574 thank you!
@emilymartinez9486 2 жыл бұрын
@@gabrielaa.delacabada3971 I attend St Joseph’s
@carmenarguello8834 2 жыл бұрын
I recently moved. But at my old NO Parish, there were a lot of ladies that veiled. Now at the parish here in the town I moved to....not too many ladies veil. But I found out there is a TLM in the city which is about 30-35 miles from me. My husband and I want to go. We've never attended a TLM before. The Lord is leading me to TLM. I'm excited but kind of scared...if that makes sense. All I know is NO. But the veiling part, I've veiled off and on during my younger years. Now, I don't go to Mass without a veil. I have noticed that more and more youngsters are veiling. And that makes my heart happy. Ladies, don't be scared to veil. Be and example for other ladies that are contemplating veiling. Thank you Deena for the video. Much love🙏
@kristinafinley2394 2 жыл бұрын
Deena, you are telling my story! 70's baby here, too, with the same challenge of overcoming what we were groomed to think about "equality" when it comes to marriage and our place in the authority structure. The struggle is real!
@isadsales 2 жыл бұрын
I am not married yet, but I feel a strong call to veil and humble myself before the presence of Christ… and yet I attend a NO parish where I have never seen a woman veil, ever. I actually learned that I should veil in mass from the internet, which is truly a shame. I’m still hesitant on veiling because I’m afraid it will bring more attention to me than not veiling at all. But being faithful requires courage… Thank you for sharing your experience!
@ACatholicWife 3 ай бұрын
*This video* is about married women veiling @jimseifert787 My unmarried daughters veil but again *this* particular video is discussing veiling as it relates to women who are 👉🏼married. Thanks for offering me your opinion.
@elainepellas3112 2 жыл бұрын
As a child it was just part of our tradition to veil or wear a hat to cover our head. After VaticanII it seemed the Church did not want us to veil. It went the way of Latin, Altar Rails, Ad Orientem , Rosary, Sodality, Legion of Mary etc.Music changed drastically. CCd went from learning the Catechism to abstract ideas of life and faith with busy work workbooks. I could go on and on. But when our priest felt the call to learn the Latin and begin praying the TLM everything changed. I felt a need to return to traditions. The Veil gave me an opportunity to be more reverent. In a small way putting on the veil was a way to present myself in as beautiful way to Our Lord. It is humbling. It in a way closes out the world around us and reminds us that our focus in forward to the Lord. I am elderly and a widow but when I put on the veil I feel pretty... pretty for Jesus my love. I wear a black veil. I see many young women wear other colors and beautiful lace appliques that are so lovely.No matter the design, the very act of veiling is a gift to Jesus.
@dawnmorgan2395 2 жыл бұрын
@EarthMuffinw2012 2 жыл бұрын
For those that want to veil and feel uncomfortable or nervous to do so, maybe try what I did. First, I remembered it's not just a veil but a "covering". I started wearing hats. In the winter, I wore a beanie and eventually transitioned to a nice wool hat or cloche hat. And in the summer, a cute summer hat. Eventually as I got used to waering a hat as a covering, I wore a pretty scarf as a covering. Then eventually a veil occasionally. What I found interesting is I noticed other ladies start wearing hats and veiling. Courage is contagious ina sweet way. I think the judgment we feel is often a projection from how we feel and our self consiousness. Most people don't really even notice us. And if they do, notice us, it's in passing. Anyone who has said something to me said they thought I wore pretty hats. One lady said said I gave her courage to start wearing a covering. Hopefully this is a babystep for a lady who feels the calling to wear a covering and wants to take a small step towards her calling. Peace and blessings.
@barbarakornacki8599 2 жыл бұрын
This makes perfect sense to me. I have worn a long lightweight scarf when I've gone to the TLM near me. If I had a nice hat I would have tried that first.
@felicitygrace5113 3 ай бұрын
So when you wore the hat, you didnt take it off inside church or during the Mass at all??
@EarthMuffinw2012 3 ай бұрын
@@felicitygrace5113 Nope, I kept it on. I wore hats I liked and were pretty. I actually get compliments.
@RedefiningBodybuilding 2 жыл бұрын
Deena I LOVE that you covered this yet again. I had always seen veiling as exactly this - biblically rooted. The thing that led me to veiling was 1 Corinthians 11 2-16. I had been on this search for what femininity means to God. What it means to be biblically feminine. I wanted to know more examples than just the Proverbs 31 woman. I also am single and want to fully understand what submission means in marriage. And all of this is rooted in our faith. So even as a single woman, knowing what submission is in my life NOW is crucial. We are in submission to the Lord. And when we are married, we are to submit to our husbands, trusting that HE submits to the Lord. My gosh, it is SO beautiful when you realize this. It is so deep. And I think that all women today need to study this as we come to understand God's expectations and blessings for us as women. I wear white of course. But on various days, appropriate colors - pink on Gaudete, red on Pentecost, and purple during Lent. ❤🙏🏿
@Grecia.R 2 жыл бұрын
Mind blowing reflection Deena, I too thought of it as a personal devotion and for me particularly, in reparation for my past immodesty. However, this reminds me of something my husband said a while ago when I told him my thoughts on veiling. He said that veiling was for all women. he couldnt think of a more humble way for women to enter a church. I told him that it sounded too demanding. I guess he's right, I have to hear things from other ladies to finally listen to him. Which by the way shows I have much lingering feminism to shed off.
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Grecia R thank you for sharing this with me. I was so obstinate in my thinking and had this “Jesus and Me” mentality and totally blew by the connection to my very own husband and our Sacrament. It’s amazing how the Lord allows us to grow in the faith and when it’s time He gives us the opportunity to see the truth. Ugh pride is so hard for me and I am sure that was at the heart of not wanting to see the tie in to submission when I veiled. I pray that this video will spark a conversation with married couples and I pray that the ladies will be open to looking at veiling with new eyes. Thank you again for sharing and making me realize that I’m not alone ♥️
@WiltonGal 2 жыл бұрын
I am a new Catholic (Pentecost) who wore a veil for the first time at my NO church on Christmas Eve. I was the only woman wearing a veil, and one man stared at me during the entire mass. I felt so uncomfortable and out of place that I have not worn my veil again. I am married and wore a black veil. I pray for the confidence to be able to wear it again.
@thecorbern4446 2 жыл бұрын
I would suggest that you go back veiled. I find that by veiling, my attention is more on the Lord and the Mass and I don’t look around at other people. We are at Mass to honor and adore Christ not man. I understand the discomfort at NO, but just keep in mind that idea. You can also offer up your discomfort up for many handicapped people who get rudely stared at all the time. 🙏
@leslieswanson4680 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry that you felt uncomfortable. I can relate to being the only one to veil at mass. It does get easier. Keep veiling if you feel called to and know why and who you’re doing it for. That helped me feel more confident.
@LisaKnobel 2 жыл бұрын
Wear your veil and fix your eyes on the tabernacle and do not care about anything else!
@jocelynsmith4315 2 жыл бұрын
I can relate ♥️ all of us feel this way at N.O. we have to fight the flesh 😭 it’s hard. I’m trying to push myself to be uncomfortable this lent. When I finally wore mine I was surprised to see 2 other women veiling one with just a small top cover veil and another lady with a fully on black infinity veil.
@AbigailCarter710 2 жыл бұрын
I am super excited to start following this channel, as a Traditional Catholic, it's really hard to find good content like this! When I was 16 I started veiling, and I haven't ever gone without one since, and it's been three years. I used to be NO, but found a FSSP parish close by, praise God. I wear mine into any NO parish, and I get a lot of looks and curious eyes, especially because I refuse to wear pants into a church, but I don't care, I veil and wear a dress because I feel that our bodies ought to be veiled in the presence of God, I was able to explain that to my very NO aunt, and she could actually understand for the first time! God Bless
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Abby Carter I’m so excited that you found my channel ♥️ What topics are you interested in watching on my channel? My next video is on obedience & the laity 😃
@AbigailCarter710 2 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife I am really looking forward to watching videos and hearing encouragement on holiness and sanctity of married life, which is what I am aspiring to. Seems like we hear so much AGAINST marriage, and how it is so distracting, the LONNNNNG way around to Heaven, it really drives me nuts! I'd really like to hear some more about how God loves marriage, about how it is a vocation, and how you can still be holy and have a great and personal relationship with God WHILE being married!
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@@AbigailCarter710 my channel is about Traditional Catholicism and Sacramental Marriage so I’m confident you’ll find what you’re looking for here. How long have you been married? My husband and I will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary in June 🥰
@AbigailCarter710 2 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife At the moment,, I am unmarried, but hopefully it won't stay that way for long :) 1/3 of the way through a rosary novena for a good man that will be a leader in my future family. Mainly I look for encouragement right now that marriage CAN, and IS, an place to become saints
@sarahwong6301 2 жыл бұрын
I started veiling at 18 years old when I felt The Lord tugging at my heart to humble myself before him by covering my hair. 1 Cor 11:15 talks about the beauty of a woman being her hair and that resonated with me, for I was always given compliments regarding my hair. To hide that part of me was one small way to get the attention off myself and put focus onto The Lord. I am now married and my veil color has changed to black. I’ve also discerned and started covering my hair in public generally as a sign to other people that I’m married and my husband is over me. Proper veil for mass and a small lace head covering for when I go out.
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Sarah Wong thank you so much for watching my video and sharing with me. I have not thought about covering my hair in public but am definitely open to this practice. Is this something your husband asked you to do or something that you felt called to do? Do you have any resources (outside of the Bible) on veiling/hair covering in public for married women? I would love to learn more. Pax Christi- Deena
@worthwhilediscussion 2 жыл бұрын
I love this. Praise God for your obedience.
@glopez4919 2 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife Hello ladies, beautiful topic. I always wondered why mother Mary and other women covered up in public. Muslim ladies cover up as well I believe similar reason, some Evangelical ladies veil in public too. Looks like there's still more for this topic.
@sbrown8937 2 жыл бұрын
Feeling the tension of joy and conviction with this post. In my heart just below the surface, I know this all to be true. Culture has so many of us very distracted confused, and discouraged. Listening to you speak obout submission and obedience to our husbands brought me tears of joy and sadness through conviction and a change of heart to veiling. Thank you for this video and God bless you.❤🙏✌️
@jenntaa 2 жыл бұрын
this is beautiful, it does help however if you have a good God fearing husband.I have to attend mass alone, I do veil and pray that one day my husband will join me in attending mass.
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@jen t thank you so much for watching my video! I am so sorry that you have to attend Mass alone. 💔 Is your husband Catholic?
@jszocska615 2 жыл бұрын
I also attend alone and pray one day he’ll join me. 🙏🏻
@Mrs.dat4302 2 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife I am in the process of converting to Catholicism in RCIA, and I attend Mass without my husband. He has attended one time to see what happens, but I will continue to pray for us to be united in worship one day. 🙏❤
@jenntaa 2 жыл бұрын
@@ACatholicWife yes hes a cradle catholic,im a convert.ive tried and tried to get him interested in returning to his faith.
@jenntaa 2 жыл бұрын
@@jszocska615 💚🙏
@azbarb478 Жыл бұрын
Im 58 and married. A cradle Catholic with ancestors dating back to Ireland. I never veiled, but recently have felt the calling to. Most in my parish do not veil but thats not important. the Holy Spirit called me I believe. It's a wonderful tradition discussed in the Holy Bible
@DanielsonJulie 2 жыл бұрын
I am a convert and I was confirmed at Easter Vigil 2015. I wore a veil that night and I have never not worn one. We attended NO until recently and now mostly attend TLM. But I always veil.
@sarahsunshine78 2 жыл бұрын
I’m also a convert and was confirmed Easter 2018. My sponsor/friend veiled and so I did too. Now I would feel naked without one!
@DanielsonJulie 2 жыл бұрын
One morning right after I converted at the NO when I was one of the few women veiling at that Mass a little girl turned around and asked me “are you Mary?” I assured her I wasn’t but I’d like to holy like Mary. It was so sweet.
@rose6772 2 жыл бұрын
It is also a good idea for single or widowed women to wear a veil to show their submission to God. Veiling is a beautiful physical sign of an interior disposition toward a husband; it is likewise a beautiful physical sign of an interior disposition toward God.
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Rose I agree with you.
@lindaleclair8938 2 жыл бұрын
I veil wherever I go. This is definitely a new insight as to veilling. I do admit to having some other colors, not for fashion, but I have purple and rose for advent and Lent. My daughter has a gold and white one and when she plans on leaving for the convent, she was giving me that one. The gold and white she wears on Easter, Christmas.
@floridagirlavila7869 2 жыл бұрын
My daughter wears white and gold too, i think what Deena means is don't let the veil become a fashion symbol. I have several veils beige, navy blue, gray dark brown and i try to wear different ones depending on season to be appropriate like i don't think I'd look appropriate on Christmas or easter wearing a black veil or at a wedding in a black veil. I wear gold and black Spanish veil on joyous feast days since i don't wear white ones
@TheRootsofE 2 жыл бұрын
This is a beautiful video 💕 I so appreciate your words here, can absolutely relate as a wife of 23 years and know how much we want to simply approach our “role” with love and kindness. Blessings to you and your family 🙏
@soybean7120 2 жыл бұрын
After a year of veiling in a parish, we're I had not seen anyone else veiling it was so beautiful to see other sisters in Christ beginning to veil. I is truly a beautiful devotion. 🙏 🤲 🕍
@margaretfrazier181 2 жыл бұрын
Read up on veiling, its so beautiful and signifies for me the LORDs love and respect for women. May God bless everyone here.
@cegarza9627 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. I currently do not veil, but have been praying about it for a while. Tbh, I also struggle with the idea of being submissive to my husband. I obviously need a lot of prayers! The book you mentioned sounds interesting. Thank you for the recommendations. I’ll def look into them.
@LisaKnobel 2 жыл бұрын
At my N.O. parish many women veil. I was not doing it, but feeling called to veil. Last year for the 40th Anniversary of Medjugorje I decided to do the St Louis de Montfort's Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Just the week before, I was telling a priest and he mentioned that people usually do something special for Mary, like bring flowers. As soon as he said that I immediately knew what I would do special for her. I was going to start wearing a veil to church. Consecration day was very special to me as I had been to Medjugorje for the first time in 2019 and many beautiful things happened to me during and since that trip. So, it was like saying a huge thank you to her for all these blessings and graces I had received. Most of my ancestry is Eastern European, so I wanted to wear a babushka. But, I was too late for me to have my mother send one of my grandmother's. I dug in my closet and found this beautiful long white scarf with a floral rose pattern printed on the ends. So, that is the one I wear. It honors Mary and all the women of my family who were rosary warriors. And, it is a daily reminder of the consecration I made to Our Most Blessed Mother!
@JoBenLee 2 жыл бұрын
I love wearing a veil at Mass. I am so thankful to have this privilege. Thank you for making this excellent video!
@Benjolino5 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!! Same class here, same struggles. I embraced veiling when we found our traditional parish ❤️ I only wish my husband and I had a more solid grounding. We started with a terrible NO catechesis (as he was converting before marriage), and years into our marriage, as I had a profound conversion from the Holy Spirit, I started realizing how disobedient I was to my role and duties, as a wife. What an admission, and how much pride to be purified from. I also realized that so many men have no clue what it means to be the head of their family. There is much need for prayer, support, humility and charity as I learn how to be properly subjected to him, while also trying to help him be the husband and father that he is called to be. Please pray for me, if you can. I am so grateful to our Blessed Mother for rescuing our marriage 🙏
@ModernLady 18 күн бұрын
Showing my husband is my leader was one of the reasons I started veiling. The true presence started it, but the submission continued it. I want everyone to know that I trust my husband and follow him.
@ema3452 2 жыл бұрын
I attend the NO and veil. There are only a few of us who do. I veil to honor God and that's what matters to me.
@MelaniesManicures 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve watched this before but I just came across it again. I was brought up with a dominant woman and I just converted this Easter and had a sacramental marriage this past Saturday. I came to the video because I was looking into what type of veil I should buy…but I needed to hear this message. I needed reminding that I’m under the authority of my husband. Thank you!
@pizzagirl3257 2 жыл бұрын
I've been veiling since I was a toddler [I'm 17 now]. I never thought it was complicated. If I'm without it I feel unprepared and empty. I'm unmarried too. 😂
@christinevon3524 2 жыл бұрын
I attended a mass at my NO parish in which our LA Archbishop was presiding. I naturally, was the only woman veiled. At communion, I knelt and received the Eucharist. To be honest, I felt like Archbishop Gomez responded in Union with Christ. It was beautiful.
@karenrich9092 2 жыл бұрын
I was not veiling when I married my husband. I was a homemaker however. As we had children and more technology came into our lives, he encouraged me to educate myself. This knowledge helped me to help him manage the income from his job. He also made sure I knew who to trust with car repairs, home repairs, and other needs we might have. I think he knew, with his health issues, that I would survive him and he wanted me to be able to take care of myself. He was always the head of the home and I shared our financial information with him whenever he asked. I hope this was not wrong. What would be wrong would be to have my skills and knowledge but not share it with him. That would be a sin.
@trishlozano8335 Жыл бұрын
An encouragement I received when I started veiling again, were my two parish priests commented on it. They both told me, at two different times: you look very lovely with your veil. I knew I was doing the right thing!😊♥️
@marknelson8435 2 жыл бұрын
Also, we cover what is holy; think of the veil over the chalice...and the tabernacle itself.
@bernardjones6162 2 жыл бұрын
You are a good wife and a woman of great faith and I commend you on your faithfulness of our faith. I like Latin masses because I was taught and brought up in the Latin mass. Wearing the veil is a beautiful thing and I respect you and any woman who wears it. My thing about the men wearing a covering also goes to the clergy who at one time, all wore the covering even the lowly priest when he celebrated mass. That all changed under VaticanII when the Latin mass was all but extinguished! Keep the faith, love your husband and your children and most of all, pray for our Catholic Church as we go through these critical times! Deo Gratias!
@pinkgirlsuzi 2 жыл бұрын
I understand submitting to a husband who is a faithful Catholic, but what about a husband who, without his wife's encouragement, wouldn't attend Mass or Confession at all? If a wife simply follows her husband regardless of what he decides, then isn't she just compounding his sins? Shouldn't she LEAD him to Christ by word and example? But if he says she cannot go to Mass, is she supposed to listen? What about birth control? If he tells her she is supposed to use it, should she violate her conscience and the Church's teaching? Part of the teaching of the Catholic Church is that both parties to a marriage are supposed to help their spouse attain Heaven. I am not saying wives shouldn't submit to their husbands, but I don't think they can submit in all things right or wrong.
@joantaulbee4142 2 жыл бұрын
I am in my 70th year, I’m a recent widow am I advised to veil as well? My husband wasn’t a Catholic nor Baptized, but as he was dying I asked his permission to Baptize him him he said,, yes. With exorcised blessed Holy Water I Baptized him. Seconds later the hospital priest arrived and gave him Last Rites as he was dying, he died a peaceful death. Due to a pulmonary embolism following surgery. Many people in his cardiac icu room cried as we prayed the Our Father in unison.
@mattkylie6723 Ай бұрын
Thank you sister 🇮🇪☘️
@ACatholicWife Ай бұрын
You are so welcome
@CK-ub7jf Жыл бұрын
Once again it was such a pleasure listening to you speaking so wisely. As we are entering these end times the impression is growing on me that our Lord is restoring his church through people like yourself. His coming cannot be too distant, and I believe He is calling his bride (the Church) to be fully prepared and radiant at his coming. Thank you for this gem of wisdom.
@alyssaradke1454 5 ай бұрын
I became Catholic in 2020, and I’ve been curious about veiling for a while. There are a handful of women at my church who veil. During this past Lent, I read articles and prayed about it and started covering my hair with scarves at Mass a few weeks ago. I haven’t bought an actual veil yet because there are so many styles and I haven’t decided what kind is right for me yet. I’m glad I found this video because it’s a slightly different perspective than I’ve seen elsewhere. Thank you!
@ACatholicWife 5 ай бұрын
You’re most welcome 🩷🙏🏽
@salsuginusrex5196 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful explanation! You got into my Catholic algorithm a couple weeks ago and as a single Latin-leaning Novus Ordo guy, I really enjoy your content. It's so beautifully rooted in the wonderful traditions passed down to us.
@ACatholicWife Жыл бұрын
@Salsuginus Rex thank you so much for watching my video! I hope you’ll stick around! Have a blessed Sunday!
@janie2370 2 жыл бұрын
What about those of us whose husbands are not spending time with Jesus and following Him? When I married my husband I was not a practicing Catholic, but 15 years ago I reverted and have been praying for my family since. My husband allows things and does and says things that are sometimes inappropriate and I always feel like I’m the one having to try to help him not do those things… and I’m having to undo things that the teens think are okay because he does it. This is a constant battle. I have encouraged him to pray and read Scripture and attend church, but to no avail. I will always submit to the Lord, but I struggle with this because I cannot submit to my husband in many ways. I naturally want to submit to him, but many times he’s a blind guide because he looks at things from an earthly perspective instead of a heavenly perspective. So I feel like I’m the one trying to lead the family, at least when it comes to morality. How does one submit to a husband who is a blind guide?
@tomk5611 2 жыл бұрын
Since you're the one with the faith, the Lord has put it on you as your cross to bear and you have to lead on certain issues where he doesn't have the faith to provide guidance. You can rejoice in having this Cross to bear. Nobody can get the fruits of the redemption without suffering along with Christ first. I recommend the book, 'My Imitation of Christ' from the Confratenity of the Precious Blood.
@janie2370 2 жыл бұрын
@@tomk5611 thank you for your advice! I agree with you, and it is very hard because I’m the quiet type whereas my husband is the charismatic leader type. This doesn’t come to me naturally and I’m trying but not good at it. But I’ll keep in mind what you’ve said and check out the book if you think it will help. Thank you!!!
@laurelannemchugh4139 2 жыл бұрын
I am a widow and a convert to the Faith, who wears the veil. Prior to moving to my present location, I had for a long time been attending traditional parishes; I always veiled. But my NO parish here is typical in that no women were veiling. I feared that I was calling undo attention to myself, which I certainly did not want. But after some months I realized how truly uncomfortable I felt, a real sense of loss, doing without my veil. So I began wearing it again. Theses days, there is often onfe, sometimes two, other veiled women at Mass. If we support each other, others may follow. Blessings to you in your witness, Deena.
@khustombuilt2854 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I was brave enough... The Indian women at Mass are all veiled and they look so lovely. I dislike standing out (call me Sheepie)....Don't want people to think I'm putting on airs.
@ashleyvo4929 2 жыл бұрын
It is not about them or anybody around you. This is a personal choice that you will have to make and we will support you in sisters of Christ if you wear it. I personally do wear it only to mass and it is a hit and miss when I go to adoration. Let them stare at you but God will always stand with you. Return to the Lord… (oh, I am not married.)
@gemmapereira4402 Жыл бұрын
My Mother always covered her head in Church to honour and worship God, We are Indian living in India. My Mum used to wear a "saree" to Holy Mass and she used the part of:saree" called "pallav" which was draped over the left shoulder, to cover her head. For me she had sobre knitted caps, scarves. Now I wear a veil. For some years, I wss one of four wearing the veil. People would stare, and some would ask me why I veiled and my answer to honour and worship The Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Tabernacle. I was called "Gemma with the veil" by a Priest to identify me. (There was another Gemma). Now very many are wearing the veil and with utmost humility genuflecting on entering the Church or a Service on open grounds. Genuflecting, like veiling had been pushed under the carpet. God Bless
@carolyneliza 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing what you have learned through your reading and for encouraging me to begin veiling. God bless you.
@ACatholicWife 5 ай бұрын
You are so welcome 🩷
@Londndvs Ай бұрын
I’m catholic and only once in my life did I ever see a woman veil but her image will be in head forever. She was beauty graceful and radiated modesty… that was about two years ago I recently been curious about veiling and I decided put my sons blanket over my head and I never seen my self so beautiful in my life I felt like the Holy Spirit telling me you are our lords daughter. I felt protected & beautiful and I felt a warm feeling over me I didn’t want to take it off…
@kml111712 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your video, for your love, and for helping guide fellow women to a beautiful, humble way of life
@jaimemorgan5323 Жыл бұрын
I was brought up on the TLM. Veiling from the earliest age has always been the norm in the parishes I've been fortunate to belong to. I've never associated veiling with being married, though - or heard of the tradition of black chapel veils for married women. You learn something new every day :)
@aleksandragieralt7370 2 жыл бұрын
I have a question about the "black veil" thing. Recently, I found out this comes from the Italian and Spanish tradition, and I am neither of those things (also not married). In the Polish tradition, there are flowered veils (in Poland there also weren't any mantillas and even at the SSPX Polish women do not wear chapel veils; in some regions only married women wore veils (never black), and unmarried woman wore flower crowns). Unfortunately I very strongly associate black veils with mourning and sorrow and I do not think being a married woman is cause for mourning and sorrow, rather joy for having a husband and family. I don't think I could bring myself to wear one of those unless I was in mourning . . . It doesn't help that the first time I came across a woman in a black veil at mass, it was at Novus Ordo, and she was weeping and wailing all throughout the mass, doing everything possible to draw attention to herself. I was a child, and she scared me. The second time I saw them, it was at JPII's funeral mass on television. I don't have anything against black veils, but they do have that connotation of sorrow and mourning and I always think of the wailing woman when I see them. I'm not saying this to judge this woman, its not her fault how I perceived her as a child and I think she did not mean to draw attention to herself, I think she truly was distressed on that day and could not control her emotions. Would you recommend black veils for ALL married women, even if culturally they did not wear lace veils at all (I have also seen images of women wearing solid shawls and veils over their head at mass in other cultures, and Our Lady herself worse solid-colored fabric veils, so there is no way those could possibly be considered immodest if Our Lady wore them herself)? If so, why? What is the significance of black that it would be associated with marriage? EDIT: I am not saying that Polish women should not veil, I am just asking why not wear the veils that are part of our tradition, culture and custom?
@LisaKnobel 2 жыл бұрын
I wear a bright floral veil as my heritage too is Eastern European. Next time I go home, I will be getting one of my Great Grandmother's Babushkas and I will wear that in honor of all the faithful women in my family who taught me what it means to honor Mary.
@LovedbyJesus23 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I think if you’re going to veil it shouldn’t matter the color or if it has lace. The point is to cover your head.
@francescob3574 2 жыл бұрын
Non married woman typically wear a white veil. I have four daughters under 18 and they will wear white while my wife wears a black veil.
@sunnyday7843 2 жыл бұрын
LovedbyJesus23 I like lace because they do not get as hot in the warmer temps :)
@aleksandragieralt7370 2 жыл бұрын
@@francescob3574 I believe that is in the Italian and Spanish tradition. The mantilla (lace veil) comes from the Spanish tradition but I am only recently learning about that. Canada and the USA seem to have adopted that tradition as well (maybe because Italy is where Rome is, and that's the Pope's diocese? or maybe through the influence of Spanish and Italian Catholic immigrants?). I usually see Canadians (second/third generation and further on) in trad parishes wear either lace veils or hats, while women from other cultures (first and second generation immigrants, members of cultural communities) wear an assortment head coverings (some wear lace, some wear shawls, some wear hats, some wear head wraps). My unmarried friend who studied theology and wears a white lace veil, says the black/white lace veils come from the Spanish and Italian tradition, and I recently read something similar on a traditional Catholic account on Instragram. It's a beautiful tradition, just strange to ME, since the back veils I witnessed growing up were always connected to mourning (the weeping woman and the women at Pope JPII's funeral). I thought it was for widows, since widows often wear black for a period after their husbands' death.
@donnaharding7702 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I had the blessing of a good marriage, So happy for you!
@curry2695 2 жыл бұрын
I am so glad to hear from you. I believe that you sounds like my age and I grown up in this same way. I am so proud and glad the catholic tradition and nurishment of faith helping me in my married life. I give all the glory , thanksful to my Father in heaven, son of Jesus and Holy Spirit. God bless you my sister. We need people like you to break the chain of evil thought in human heart. Please pray for me.
@rayst.pierre163 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you my good woman and may God bless your family. I so enjoy your clear, concise and down right truthful presentations on the topic discussions. Keep up the good and fruitful work. It is Gods work. I only yesterday stumbled onto your channel and have already shared your work with others. Thank you! 👍👍👍😊
@debbiereitmulder2151 2 жыл бұрын
I started to go to the TLM recently and also started ceiling as well. I feel blessed as this almost felt natural to me. I currently only own 1 veil and it is white. I am married and I still wear it but plan on getting several more in other colors as I feel this will be more appropriate. I believe wearing the veil for me shows that I am submissive to my Lord Jesus just as Our Blessed Mother was in her fiat. I feel this is pleasing to Our Lord and am happy to do so to please Him. It also is an outward sign that my focus is on God alone.
@AP-qo3nk 2 жыл бұрын
This is a very good video but one thing. I would not describe Joseph as a sinful man. He was just and righteous. Check out the new book Consecration to St Joseph. It goes well with everything you're saying and you'll learn a lot about St Joseph ☺️
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@A P thank you for watching my video. I think what I was trying to say got muddled and I shouldn’t have used that language. *Mea Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Maxima Culpa* 💔😔 I was trying to show that St. Joseph was the least precious of the Holy Family yet our Lord allowed him to lead, protect, and provide for the Holy Family. I love St. Joseph and couldn’t imagine a more perfect example of a husband and father than him. Whether he had sinned or hadn’t or was born with the stain of original sin or not for me 🤷🏽‍♀️ is irrelevant. I have the book & did the consecration to St. Joseph with my husband 🥰 I just fumbled my words in this one. Thank you for your charitable comment. ♥️
@nicolerobinson629 2 жыл бұрын
Well I’m not a Catholic wife anymore I started to veil while attending the Latin mass with the SSPX. It just happened to be an SSPX. I found an amazing community of married couples to be witnessed too.
@davidallengreen5153 4 ай бұрын
May God bless you and your husband! I veil ,so happy to have found you and your chanel! I just wanted to thank you I just know subscribed 💗, Lori❤
@ACatholicWife 4 ай бұрын
I’m so happy you found my channel!!! Welcome 😃🙏🏽
@davidallengreen5153 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the beautiful comment ❤ you made my day,have a blessed night,I'm so happy I found your channel too!!!,Lori
@BarbaraChervenak 5 ай бұрын
So far, I have not seen the need for a Chapel veil. I'm concentrating on the condition of my heart.
@ACatholicWife 5 ай бұрын
I’m sure you can do more than one thing 🙂
@rosemaryohenewaaokrah9824 2 жыл бұрын
What you shared.....is gold! God bless
@pearljoyevans6671 2 ай бұрын
Today will be the first time my daughter and I will veil. I’ve been feeling the call for about a year now. I’m very nervous but I keep praying for strength.
@ACatholicWife 2 ай бұрын
That is wonderful 🩷 I would love to hear how it goes for you.
@janetmusala 2 жыл бұрын
I veil but it's out of respect for the Real Presence.
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Janet Usala as do I ♥️
@jacquelinegress1925 2 жыл бұрын
This really resonated with me, truly… thank you
@chaoticplannermom6973 2 жыл бұрын
I veil. Started veiling about 4 years ago. My 15, 13, and now 7 yr old started veiling also. My oldest even wore one for quince mass a few weeks ago.
@lauraingeorgia5052 2 жыл бұрын
I never thought of veiling as submitting to my husband. I too am a product of the 70s & a domineering mother. I know exactly what you're saying! I remember when some women in my church started veiling. I thought, "oh geez, what are the thinking?!" I thought it was ridiculous. But over time, I noticed the younger single women veiling, & how beautiful they looked, dressed nicely, modestly & with a veil framing their lovely young faces. But... It wasn't for me. Definitely not me. Then one day, I suddenly felt really drawn to it. I really wanted one. It was really weird but I felt like I needed to do this because it was right. I didn't know why... So I started researching a little & learned about women's hair being their crown of glory (my hair is horrible & definitely not my crown of glory! 😂) Covering their heads was a sign of humility. That's something I totally needed! Anyway after arguing with myself about it, going back & forth, I continued to feel nudged in that direction, so I went to the church bookstore & bought my first veil. I've been veiling ever since. I'm trying to be a better wife, although my husband has turned against the Catholic Church, mostly because he, like me, was poorly catechized. I'm praying all the time for his reversion. He's incredibly stubborn but a good man & I do know that with God all things are possible. 😊
@pgf2785 6 ай бұрын
I think every Christian lady should be wearing a veil in the church, not only the Catholic ladies!! Thank you
@ACatholicWife 6 ай бұрын
Do you mean protestant because *Catholic women are Christian*
@njboey5238 5 ай бұрын
Lord guide All your Daughters , by their actions , You are Honoured and Glorified ❤
@ACatholicWife 5 ай бұрын
Thank you 🩵
@RandallvanOosten-ln5wf 9 ай бұрын
I am not a Catholic; yet, in a Protestant seminary, studying 1Corinthians 11, I began to see that head coverings for married women were not presented as an optional "cultural" artifact. St. Paul was serious. I even defended this position in my seminary class. Needless to say, no one agreed with me though their counter arguments were emotional pleading rather than Scriptural. Hence, for years I thought I was the only Baptist that believed Feminism had crept into the church and was blinding people to God's will. Recently, there is a growing movement amongst conservative Protestants to revisit this issue. Part of this is a reaction to how destructive Feminism has been to society--and the church. You are right that a deeper issue is submission and the red-hot topic of obedience. These are issues that Protestant pastors completely avoid out of fear. They are terrified of the negative reaction they will get from so-called "Christian Feminists." Oh, I would add that Catholic scholar, Carrie Gress makes the point that our age of Feminism has an anti-Mary spirit. Feminism, she asserts, is the polar opposite of the humility, grace, and faith of the Virgin Mary. I fully agree with her.
@davyrantucci 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Our God is a God of order, hence why there is order in nature and in a family. I trust my Husband and my Husband is a good and Holy man as well and so respecting him and his role in our family is really helping him to lead even better. My veil not only is showing an outward sign of that but also is the sign that I have a different role to play in being a “mini tabernacle” for the souls God brings to us. In Tradition the most precious things are veiled in Mass and we are included in that for the vocation we have been called to. So I veil mainly for the reasons that I am in the presence of God, and it differentiates it from the “everyday”, and also because of being a married wife and a Mother :)
@Traditionally_Tanya 2 жыл бұрын
Oh thank goodness! I thought you were going a completely different direction. Although, I should have known better. 😉 Growing in wisdom @ truth is always a beautiful blessing! ❤️🙌🏻🙏🏻
@harmonygordon6901 2 жыл бұрын
For me, a black veil is for funerals. It is the color of mourning. Colors mean things in our Church. I like to change my veil Colors like the vestments. Different colors for different occasions. I also at times wear hats. I cover my head.
@SomewhereInIndiana1816 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting!! I hadn't thought about that.
@jllopezocds 2 жыл бұрын
A beautiful testimony. I can relate to your transformation over the last two years occurring simultaneously as mine.
@nicoleyoshihara4011 2 жыл бұрын
Yes for veiling! I think it's beautiful for women to veil 🤗❤
@nonna5399 Жыл бұрын
My husband grew up a son of divorced parents (he was 12 @ the time). His paternal grandmother was a very spiritual, religious Catholic. His mom, non denominational. I grew up in Catholic elementary school and lived Jesus since I was 5. My husband would ‘come w me l’ Sundays and Holy Days to Mass, but once I started veiling, he no longer does. I view my veiling as showing my Lord and Savior an outward sign of my internal love and devotion to HIM. I pray for husbands like mine always.
@camovets5719 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video & pointing out the damage the “women’s movement “ has done; not only to The Church , but to the whole western world. I recently saw a video of New York City from around 1900. What struck me was how almost all the women not only wore dresses , but the heads where covered in public by wearing hats or scarves etc. This was how Christian women dressed for millennia , it’s only the last 60 years that we lost this. The sad thing is that The Novus Ordo Church has not only supported the “women’s movement “ but implemented it in The Church by having females on the altar; this was unthinkable less than hundred years ago.
@angelalong6740 Жыл бұрын
I started veiling five years ago on Mother's Day because I made a promise to our Holy Mother that I would every Sunday. I never looked back.😊
@michaelshelbyedwards 2 жыл бұрын
Once I started I couldn’t stop! Within 6 months of beginning to veil at NO, I felt compelled to move over to the TLM. It started w the veil.
@homethatilove4595 2 жыл бұрын
@jennifer7648 2 жыл бұрын
I wear a black veil thanks to you and your wonderful information, to our NO church. There were a couple who veiled before that and now thankfully there are a few more😊
@Shernickyholmes221 5 ай бұрын
I'm an american coptic orthodox convert. All the females veil when receiving the eucharist. It's beautiful seeing the little ones lined up with their veils on.
@bernardjones6162 2 жыл бұрын
Wearing a veil for women while in church is an image that is gesture of respect to the house of faith. Men should wear a yarmulka like the Jewish men do. Christ was a Jew along with his mother Mary and they abided by the Jewish customs. As a Catholic from the Old school I love tradition!
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Bernard Jones thank you for watching. Men should not cover their heads. “For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. That is why a woman ought to wear a veil on her head, for the sake of the angels” (1 Cor. 11:7-10). Pax Christi ~ Deena
@kjhammer2137 2 жыл бұрын
In a similar way, when a man takes off his hat for the flag or national anthem out of respect.
@madelinejaneski9750 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful message. I’m a married women with similar up bringing, on a similar journey. The world needs this message! Men need to hear it too, because they have a real responsibly as head of the home. ... I think people see being submissive as less power and that’s not fair, but y’all - with great power comes great responsibility and so to be submissive also means less responsibility, and praise God for that 🤗🙌!! We have ENOUGH responsibility simply keeping our children alive 🤣 (assuming ya have kids)
@JohnDoe-qb6hx Жыл бұрын
Your take on that Scripture is spot on. Women who wear a veil and men who do not wear a covering on their heads, in unison (both are equally necessary) displaying the submission of the church to Christ and God. It is a beautiful picture of the relationship between God and His people. God in authority lovingly cares and protects his people, who in return love and honor Him for His goodness to them. "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her"
@cindyvelasquez1958 2 жыл бұрын
I really love the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary on the background.
@vrcarlos6955 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. I veil as an act of humility . Thanks for the encouragement.
@Barbara-oc1lv Жыл бұрын
I just got my veil in the mail yesterday. And I am so excited to wear it next Mass.
@becomingbethany 2 жыл бұрын
I can completely relate to what you were saying at the beginning of the video regarding seeing all the young brides seeming to do it all the “right” way…. Far from how I did it 15 years ago… does sting quite a bit. I’m so proud of them but it’s so difficult to not feel the regret of all I didn’t do when I didn’t have my faith. I definitely veil but I have a hard time veiling with a black veil bec I relate it to being a widow. But I don’t wear multiple colors and bedazzled, I wear a very dark blue… but now you have me feeling called to wear black. 💙 Love your videos.
@Woopthereitis90 2 жыл бұрын
My husband also thinks the black veils look like they're for mourning 🤣 I'm trying to slowly convince him otherwise so in the meantime I simply wear a dark brown veil. I'd like to find a black one that isn't too heavy, maybe more sheer.
@Mcinally83 2 жыл бұрын
I love that you addressed this, and I love your view and opinions. I am wondering why you only address veiling at church, though. Why not veil at all times? You can say, in the passage you read, it states only while praying. We are asked to pray without ceasing. Also, you say stay with tradition. Traditionally, women veiled ALL the time. Just something to think about 😉 I veil at all times, and I teach my children (7 girls, 2 boys) about modesty, tradition, and veiling. My girls are veiled once they reach puberty.
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Rachel McInally thank you so much for watching my video and sharing your thoughts with me. Honestly, I’ve never considered veiling outside of my parish. I’ve had a few ladies ask me why not veil continually. I’m not there nor is it something my husband wants or has asked me to do. I will pray about it and share if I make the decision to veil always. ♥️
@Mcinally83 2 жыл бұрын
@A Catholic Wife ❤ Thank you for taking my comment so nicely and in the spirit it was intended!! I was so terrified you may take it wrong and be offended. I know you will honestly think and pray about this! It brings many blessings! God Bless you!!!
@elizabethtompkins8187 2 жыл бұрын
Catching up on your wonderful videos. I started veiling a little over a year ago. I so wish I lived close to you and I could take you out to coffee and share more of my vocation story. In a nutshell I was discerning whether God was calling me to religious life or marriage and he made it very clear that I was called to “abandon myself in marriage”. I have very much seen that as a call to be submissive to my husband. It is soooo not easy but I know that when I submit to my husband I am truly being obedient to God.
@ACatholicWife 2 жыл бұрын
@Elizabeth Tompkins thank you so much for watching my videos and for sharing with me! I wish that I was closer to you - meeting other Catholic women is so precious to me. It’s the 😞 HARDEST thing ever to submit (for me) to my husband and honesty it’s absolutely exhausting working out my own issues of pride. “A wife submits herself to her husband primarily for the love of God, in obedience to His call. Nor does this sacrifice of self, sustained by the grace of God and properly understood by her, endanger the status of the wife as *equal* to her husband.” Dr. Peter Kwasniewski I read this book and my heart was forever changed: The Case for Patriarchy amzn.to/3qyPhjv Have a blessed Sunday 😃 Pax Christi ~ Deena 💖
@jmr8265 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Elizabeth! I also was discerning religious life - I felt God give me the choice between the two, and I chose marriage. I am now engaged to a wonderful, God-fearing man. As old fears have come that maybe it isn't the right vocation, I have heard God that I am called to the "littleness of marriage," and I take great joy in this, as St. Therese is my patron!
@elizabethtompkins8187 2 жыл бұрын
@@jmr8265 praying for you both. Yes there are moments that I wonder if I made the right decision but in my heart of hearts I know I did.
@sassykassispages 2 жыл бұрын
The first and last time I veiled was about 3 years ago. I have a similar story; I put my veil on when we entered the church about an hour before Mass started. I felt so comfortable and happy to be veiled. As we were walking in to our seats our Priest stop us and said “ What’s this?” I told him that I felt called to veil and decided to start. He proceeded to berate me and ask me if there was anyone else in the church I saw veiled. He then proceeded to demand that I take off the veil and told me to not do it again. I spent that entire Mass bawling my eyes out. I would like to try it again as many of the women in our new parish veil but I still have some pain from my first attempt.
@TamGreat Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry to hear that.
@quasimodo614 Жыл бұрын
My goodness 🙏🙏🙏
@millennialconservative6579 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing! I know exactly what you mean by obedience to your husband. I agree with it, believe it, practice it and full heartedly understand why, it’s just when I say it out loud, I cringe! It’s so hard to tell someone and explain. If anyone has a hard time, let it sit with you for a while and think/pray it over.
@bryanwolfe9350 10 ай бұрын
I love this tradition, I think it is Biblical and does honor God and your husband. I'm currently converting to becoming a Catholic, I am single, I've met one younger woman who veils and she is so satisfied with this practice. I say bring it back. 😊 Thank you for sharing!
@lalagordo 2 жыл бұрын
I also veil at home during morning and evening prayers and I have my girls veil during those times also
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