Why the Adeptus Mechanicus Codex disappoints you.

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Hellstorm Wargaming

Hellstorm Wargaming

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@Nubloot 9 ай бұрын
Problem with points reductions is that it doesn’t make the faction/units any funner to use.
@Tehstampede 9 ай бұрын
Too true man. It does make the GW Eyes Wide Shut parties more fun since we have to keep buying more model kits though so there's that.
@TheMarcosvolta 9 ай бұрын
sure it does. you get to play with units you prob wouldnt have taken or have been able to otherwise = more options = more creativity = more fun. youre just another sourpuss whos upset that they didnt get exactly what you wanted, despite you literally not knowing what you want and lacking the ability to covey such. just shut up and let james workshop balance their damn game. no ignorant, self entitled 40k player knows how to balance the game, but idiots will pretend like they know what theyre talking about anyways, just to seek the attention their absent fathers never gave them. doesnt matter if its 40k or CoD. talking out of your ass is far easier than putting in the due diligence to understand something as vast and complex as 40k and what entails formulating a working balance between factions. i've got idiots on the assmill forums crying that our cadian infantry should get lethal hits 24/7, DG players crying for FNP on infantry, ork players crying for not enough dakka. so on and so on. its clear to any moderately aware player that these people, including you, dont know what theyre talking about. except the orks, theyre right, theres never enough dakka.
@Glarrgify 9 ай бұрын
The current admech army is so large already, dropping the points turns it into the largest horde army in the game
@SenseiLlama 9 ай бұрын
tyrranids cry your heart out.
@stevencarmody1755 9 ай бұрын
It's not horde though if you're bringing hordes you have more money than sense the hordes are shit you're relying on kataphrons and maybe kastelans but personally rangers and vanguard are brought to hide and give your kataphrons their full reroll the rest is pure shite
@CarelessArsonist 9 ай бұрын
A basic problem is: The Army isnt even fun to play. Rolling lots of dice and dropping half of them because of WS and BS 4+ feels bad. And all the other mechanics - disembarking from a transport, thee need of a battle line unit next to your unit, getting stealth as a bonus after it was taken away before - don't feel rewarding, they just punish you for failing the setup. And why did nearly all the characters loose the ability to repair vehicles or units next to them? That would be a kind of theme, a faction identitry
@davida138 8 ай бұрын
And you don't even roll lots of dice. Most units get very few shots. Shooting phase for admech takes 5 minutes
@davida138 9 ай бұрын
Vehicles to BS3. Allow 20 man skitarii units. Design a heavier tank for us with more weapons
@LCDupuis 9 ай бұрын
AdMech is already sitting just over 1.2pts per dollar, reducing them any more and they go from being prohibitively expensive to comedically expensive. Which, I mean, they nearly already are.
@cloudthedark1 9 ай бұрын
The real problem is that the rules pigeonhole admech into a horde/immobile gunline but all the elites were writren as melee skirmishers who now have nothing to do because nothing really benefits with them doing so. A great example of this is Serberys Raiders. 8 and 9th ed, part of the reason you took raiders over hounds was because Tactica Obliqua was a stratagem/rule they had where they could react to charges by retreating, making it harder for your enemy to capitalise on trapping them and then slingshotting their way to the backline, which made them excellent melee screens as well as decent scouts for objective play/scoring on top of getting easy access to shooting rerolls. Now they only get it at the end of non-charge movement and you have to end close to a battleline and you don't get access to rerolls so good luck killing unless you have a lot of them
@MagosDominusRevan 9 ай бұрын
AdMec is a joke. Whoever in GW did them must be FIRED IMMEDIATELY. And GW needs to rewrite them ASAP like in a couple of months time. THey are unplayable and I refuse to spam 1 unit only to play a game! Why did i buy so many different models ? So I play only Breachers ???
@duelisticnature6901 9 ай бұрын
Here's my take. The design team went in with the goal of removing bloat to improve onboarding and blunting the killing power so games were less about tabling and more about scoring. However I believe somewhere along the factions they lost sight of this primary goal and didnt double back to compare their first work to their last work and see if it still held true to their main design philosofy. Design goals can change along the way sure, but at least have the courtessy/ throughness of applying the new modified design goal to previous prototypes. Admechs codex/ index felt and still does feel like its a prototype.
@stevencarmody1755 9 ай бұрын
Mate the proof is in the back of the admech codex in crusade rules one of the rewards is to give a battleline or kataphron unit a 5+ invuln but since both battlelines have 5+ invulns it's useless to them
@gribblethemunchkin 8 ай бұрын
I agree. It feels like they made Admech less lethal in line with the design philosophy early in the process since they had an early codex release, but let the lethality creep up for the later indexes. No way was the admech index/codex compared to the Aeldari or Chaos Marine index. I also think they maybe lack faction experts for some of the factions. No way did an admech expert have a heavy hand in writing the admech stuff. Same for the Drukhari. Some of the issues were spotted so quickly by the community that you wonder how they ever passed muster in the design studio and I think lack of familiarity with the factions, what made them strong, how they play and how they fit the lore, is perhaps one of the reasons.
@amrikneifer1193 7 ай бұрын
​@gribblethemunchkin I have to agree. If you don't have someone passionate about each faction on the team, you get mistakes like this codex.
@lordmalal 6 ай бұрын
Im not convinced this game has a design lead whatsoever. Feels like a bunch of different writers doing whatever they want with little oversight.
@liamcostello8314 9 ай бұрын
All admech units will cost like 10 points by the time this edition wraps up. I have no faith in GW making big changes to army, detachment, and unit rules in a printed codex. Not to mention, they probably make more money off points decreases.
@stevencarmody1755 9 ай бұрын
They designed admech to decide between surviving and losing and trying to play the objective game and losing its a no win situation
@davida138 9 ай бұрын
@davida138 9 ай бұрын
The biggest issue with me is it is not fun. Last game i tried the stealth detach rule against space marines. That forced me into sitting in my deployment zone so i could get heavy and try to destroy enough of his models so i could move onto objectives. So my movement phase took 10 minutes. Most of my guns are low volume shots so shooting took 10 minutes too. So the game was me watching my opponent play. Rolling saves and removing models. He dominated the table and almost tabled me by turn 3. I destroyed 3 basic marines and did some damage to his vehicles. Not fun. The rules are so conflicted. So Dunecrawler gives battleline models 4+ invuln. But also had heavy with 2 shots and blast. High strength. Neutron gun. Makes no sense. The rules are encouraging me to stay still for heavy. Move with battleline. Shoot at vehicles cuz high strength. Shoot at horde infantry because blast. A random throwdown of rules
@mcmhobby2044 9 ай бұрын
Well as of right now, I will not be buying anything for admech. Which sucks, as this is one of the reasons that I got back into 40k. They really do need a complete rewrite at this point. I would give props to GW if they did come out and say that they screwed up with admech, but I don't think that would happen.
@stevencarmody1755 9 ай бұрын
You're more likely to get blood from a stone than a gw fix
@ggezaf7056 9 ай бұрын
Would’ve loved to see a HQ to join to Sicarian units instead of stilt boy
@eaglesfly5236 9 ай бұрын
This situation demonstrates once again the utter failure of printing army lists for a game constantly in flux and expecting players to drop AUD150.00 on broken books and cards.
@syntheticjester1162 9 ай бұрын
I am convinced GW is trying to kill all interest in this army, ever since their time in the sun at very early 9th edition, it has been all down hill. They are systematically making them the one of the hardest armies to pilot with how may restrictions their rules have, while also being underwhelming rule wise, in addition to making them more and more expensive with price rises AND points cuts, AND they are not giving us any interesting models.
@HermieMunster 9 ай бұрын
Physical rules books with the amount of changes they constantly make, makes little sense as a player but unfortunately for us as players it works as a business model for GW. Digital rules that get updated and tweaked makes much more sense that rebooting every 3 years.
@ianshannon5789 9 ай бұрын
It may well be that Ad Mech are going to mainly be an army for the casual and narrative side for a while.
@DJammyRasta 9 ай бұрын
They are even worse at a casual level. If playing competitive you bring your 18 breachers and 12 chickens and can win some games. If you are bringing a casual list you won't have that though and will simply do nothing all game long.
@trentraber6921 9 ай бұрын
I am a new Ad Mech player as I decided to start them for an escalation league at my LGS. I have to say, the codex is disappointing, but I still think there are some builds in there that are good. To me, the best way to fix it, is to give the army more access to re-rolls. With BS 4, you need re-rolls to get consistent damage output for a shooting army. It's either that or drop the BS to 3 for everything, which I don't think they will do because of the doctrines.
@chriscannon7065 9 ай бұрын
Honestly, they should probably make the doctrina imperatives apply to all of the units but also consider something like having conqueror also add the lance keyword to melee weapons and make the AP not just limited to ranged. They should probably add something defensive to protector like units without ranged weapons gain stealth instead of heavy or some other defensive buff. Also they should probably make the deployment zone part of each also apply to when in objective zones to make them a bit less lame. (Other options than lance would be excepted as well, just hard to spit ball a good option when they have the sheets behind a paywall now)
@devineyre5545 9 ай бұрын
The tech priests cant even heal vehicles or mechanicus units...
@SenseiLlama 9 ай бұрын
I don't like hoardmech, i want an elite army. I want more units I didn't get any. I want robots, I get gimpsuit stilt man. Who is a crappier more expensive vindicare. OH AND ITS FRAGILE. our rule still doesn't effect our whole army, so they give us detachments to cover for it. And since you mentioned castellans, they are crap. Thier shooting is terrible, the only good thing is their fist, but they are so slow using it is difficult., i love admech but I'm not having fun playing. Ill take a shit win rate if I'm having fun. The codex is broken, badly.
@saintmayhem9873 7 ай бұрын
My take is that AdMech sort of struggles in the writing and it ends up translating to weird choices for the tabletop. They can't use the old tech from 30k because its "corrupted with heretical scrap code" They can't use new tech because how dare you make something new you heretic. What you're left with is a faction that essentially has "stagnant" as one of its key features. What the authors need to do is put Cawl in charge of the entire mechanicus and lets see some new abominations being manufactured. A few heavier units and some weapon choices for captain models like a rifle for the skitarii marshal or some such would be a neat option. I'd love to have a thanatar siege automata for something bigger too. Barring that we need the AdMech heavy tank too. Something with 18-24 wounds and a big ole chonker of a gun. Praetorian skitarii would be neat. Servitors coming back would be nice. Basically we just need datasheets that aren't just copies of other datasheets.
@AlexJaneway 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, the dragoons, etc have always seemed to want to come in large units, but priced like dreads.
@RSBurgener 8 ай бұрын
AdMech seems like a really tough sell these days. My impression of this was that the community leveled so many complaints about codex creep in ninth edition that now we get armies that are *too* reasonable upon release and come to us pre-nerfed, essentially.
@thatchris1626 7 ай бұрын
I have a lot of issues with it really. A good example is the vehichles. Ignoring the fact that we only have access to 2 tanks as a faction that builds armies, our tanks are seemingly over resilient? All whilst having pitifull damage output. My onager can be insanely unkillable but the the overall damage ends up being more like chip damage, you need sit it in your home objective or the back line to keep heavy. Obviously it's melee is shit so it's not like you can run about charging people. The enginseer makes it even more resiliant with absolutely no benfit beond that, and is the only *tech priest* that can repair things. It feels like there were just a bunch of blanket nerfs thrown over Admech, then a bunch of blanket changes that were game wide. The change to D6+1 damage that is seen everywherebeing a good example just ends up doubling up. There seems to be a fear of GW to give admech anything that makes them stand out, and the weird tankiness that is currently a thing was just by pure accident. The meta units again feel like a complete accident, and I have a strange feeling that armies of 4 units was probably not what they were going for. There wasn't a design behind what is currently available, there's no character. 9th admech was a rule salad but the webs of buffs and consistent shooting balanced by poor survivability and adabability made it interesting. Even if they weren't exactly very good by the end
@JarosławGrabarczyk 7 ай бұрын
admech into DG is some crazy matchup. DG chooses -1WS/BS aura and can use smokre/flies gem to give you -1 to hit. so you hit them on 6s :D
@Papasiak 5 ай бұрын
-1 modifiers on bs ,ws and wounds doesnt stack. If you have -1 and another -1 it just gets the admech from 4bs to 5bs however if they somehow get buffed by a character or heavy or whatever and get back to 4+bs they get back to 5+bs from the second -1 to hit.
@JarosławGrabarczyk 5 ай бұрын
​@@Papasiak You can have max -1 hit modifier, but DG aura is about changing WS/BS. You have base +4bs, so with aura your profile is changed to +5bs. -1 to hit is modifier to your profile, so +5 changes to +6bs. It is still modified by -1 to hit, but your profile is also changed, hence it stacks. You do not want heavy for your doctrine because this game is all about movement and position and I do not recall any admech characters giving +1 to hit in this edition. It's just admech: you have 0dmg but lots of board control.
@DarrinSK 9 ай бұрын
Reducing points vost has a limited utility. The army just feels horrid. Turning it into a horde army feels fucking bad
@eaglesfly5236 9 ай бұрын
I never hate on the studio guys as they are always under the thumb to grind out content to time limits. No, I'll save all my bile for GW marketing, all problems stem from there.
@Snirby1629 8 ай бұрын
i love the desighn and lore of admech so much its sucks that the army is this bad in the actual board game
@mhicks31 9 ай бұрын
2:25 minor correction. The Tau also have this issue. The Tau army rule doesn't apply to Kroot or Vespid. kind of a bummer if you want to run lots of those units.
@remulean 9 ай бұрын
There are 2 fixes for the army. one is a quick fix. the other is more granular but better. fIX 1. Add the following rules to the army rules: Conqureror improves ws by 1 Protector improves BS by 1. It means you can lean really heavily into ranged by standing still but at least you'll be hitting on 3's but you'll miss that AP. Or you'll lean into meelee and worse shooting for more Ap. Fix 2. Improve the bs and ws on select units. Essentially all units.
@ArhainHainar 9 ай бұрын
That ad transition 👌
@mathewm7661 9 ай бұрын
What's the likelihood that they'll change the rules and the points with an update?
@TaRatTinCan 9 ай бұрын
Incredible likeness to DJ Khaleed in the thumbnail
@warhammer1104 9 ай бұрын
Admechs problem is that they have awesome models with boring and lazy rules.
@blitzrw450 9 ай бұрын
This Codex is so confused with itself. It wants to be too many things and doesnt have the strength or amount of unique models to be any of them. Not enough preists, robots or elite units. I also hate the karaphron models. I dont want 40 of them.
@crafty_android 9 ай бұрын
Thoughtful video thanks
@normoloid 9 ай бұрын
Im completely new to the game, but I would like to know more of allied battling, my friend has now some space marines and tyranids, so would it work if there would be like tyranid+genestealers vs space marines+adeptus mechanicus or templars+mechanicus?
@HellstormWargaming 9 ай бұрын
Currently in 40K, allies dont work super well outside of the set ones as instructed in each individual index/codex, but for fun you can do anything you like! Just have an agreed points limit with your opponent and I'm sure you'll have a rad time!
@dzhyanproton 9 ай бұрын
Im new to 40K, how often do dataslates happen? When can we expect a next one ish? Ive read on warhammer-community that one is in the works but nothing about time
@HellstormWargaming 9 ай бұрын
Around 3 months between each one
@dzhyanproton 9 ай бұрын
oh so that would mean were due one soon? Thats great!@@HellstormWargaming
@nickpeachey4199 9 ай бұрын
At timestamp 9:45 you mention that it's in print before the index. This is a point I've seen a lot of people make and I'm not sure I agree just based on what we've seen. There's been several instances where the index had blatant incorrect rules, which were fixed in the codex (first that I have at the forefront of my mind is the kastellan infantry fiasco when datasmith was attached, I don't believe that was added in after the fact). I understand that the timescales are long for publishcations, but it does seem to be backwards from what makes sense in the rules being odd in the index, but attempted to be righted, in the codex. Otherwise thanks for the vid, I'm still going to try to find something interesting to run with my cogboys that isn't 27 chickens...
@HellstormWargaming 9 ай бұрын
Print for books in large scale can take months and months. Maybe they spotted the issues after the index but before the codex was printed, but likely way before release of 10th edition to the public ( infact I’ve had this confirmed )
@ChaosSwarm 9 ай бұрын
Ye there factions rule is weird and not efekting whole army is weird and half of them efekted is combat units. If they had the Protector imperetive give +1hit in combat when being charged. And conquerer be 1+ hit in combat when charged. 9ed codex had buff debuf/buff you picked. That fealth nice.
@jackbennett6344 9 ай бұрын
The doctrinas are bad and the rest of the rules suffer for it. "Just buy more" will not fix the issue.
@djc1376 9 ай бұрын
Just a poor codex poor powers and gins and usless powers limited range of units
@AllThingsCubey 9 ай бұрын
If a big dataslate returned most of the Skitarii units to BS3+/WS3+ and increased AP values on a lot of things, the army would become vastly more playable. Specific datasheets that could be transformative if buffed: -Cawl, who is a joke right now -Both tanks, which hit like wet noodles -Ruststalkers. If they got +1S, and +1AP on their melee, with a return to WS3+ (as they should always be) they could actually be rather impactful Generally the army rule not applying to a lot of the army, the bad WS/BS, lack of re-rolls, and total lack of melee buffs, need to be addressed by GW befofe the army will feel playable. Even in games I win agaibst weaker opponents, Admech feels miserable to use right now.
@untitled528 9 ай бұрын
Only 2 of the detachments are decent
@mikeyp266 6 ай бұрын
How important is lore to rules design? Admech IS a BS 4+ army in fluff....im not prepared to boost them to 3+ just to fit in with admech players head cannon....id be ok with their weapons hitting harder, but not more often
@dilbob454 9 ай бұрын
Custdoes one does not affect all units in the "book" since they don't have a actual book just yet. Sisters Of Silence get nothing, not warlord traits, strats or any special rules really.
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