Why the Creation-Evolution Issue is so Important!

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Creation Ministries International

Creation Ministries International

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Should Christians bother with the biblical account of origins and the creation/evolution debate? Isn’t it just a distraction from more important biblical matters-like the Gospel?
In this interview, creation apologist and speaker, Scott Gillis, explains why the origins debate matters for Christians-and for everyone. It is not just a side issue! And failure to answer people's questions in this area impacts their openness to the Gospel! Find out why!
00:00 Teaser
00:54 Introduction: Why should Christians care about origins?
02:02 When sharing their faith, many of the questions/challenges that Christians get relate to origins!
03:28 Challenge: Religion is ‘fairy tale’, but science deals with ‘facts’
05:00 Illustration: The Lifeguard
07:18 Be prepared to give a defense: Apologia: A reasoned, rational, and logical defense
08:29 The Bible makes some scientific statements; evolution directly contradicts them
09:49 When young people don’t get answers, many leave the faith
11:02 Evidence for the Biblical Flood: Grand Canyon and Mount St Helens
11:57 → Extensive sedimentary layers (with fossils) all over the earth
12:44 → Enough water to cover the whole earth
13:44 → Fossilized marine creatures on Mt Everest
14:11 → Rapid sedimentation at Mount St Helens
15:31 → Rapid canyon-carving at Mount St Helens
16:16 → Examples of rapid fossilization
19:40 Can we fit millions of years of evolution into the Bible without upsetting major biblical doctrines?
20:16 → Millions of years don’t fit after Adam; that contradicts the Bible’s many time references
21:41 → Millions of years don’t fit before Adam; that contradicts the Bible’s critical teaching on death
23:28 → Why the Bible’s teaching on death is so important
24:58 Martin Luther: Have the humility to believe that the Holy Spirit got the creation account correct
25:58 Bruce Willis: Science has invalidated the Bible!
27:22 → Christians need to be equipped to defend their faith against such claims-usually about origins
27:58 So, is ‘origins’ a salvation issue?
28:22 → No; salvation is through FAITH IN CHRIST
25:44 → Yes; millions have been told science invalidates the Bible; their salvation is at stake
29:10 Conclusion: The importance of being equipped to defend and share our faith
31:30 Equip yourself with answers: Get The Creation Answers Book (e-book) for FREE!
• Creation: Why It Matters - creation.com/creation-why-it-...
• Street preacher says creation ‘is the issue’: It’s time for the church to stop avoiding the questions people want answers to - creation.com/street-preacher-...
• ‘Just preach the Gospel!’ or: how not to impress atheists - creation.com/just-preach-gospel
• Genesis: the roots of the Gospel - creation.com/genesis-root-of-...
• Creation: Timely tool for today’s evangelist - creation.com/creation-timely-...
• The importance of creation in evangelism - creation.com/importance-creat...
• Learning the lessons of Mount St Helens - creation.com/lessons-from-mou...
• Buried birth - creation.com/buried-birth
• Two histories of death - creation.com/two-histories-of...
• ‘It’s not science’ - creation.com/its-not-science
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• A Brief, but True, History of Time (streaming) - creation.com/s/35-8-576
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@creationministriesintl Ай бұрын
The link where you can get your free copy of The Creation Answer Book (mentioned at the end of the video) is: creation.com/pages/smvp-cab
@NoTrashInHeaven Ай бұрын
Great metaphor of the cultural storm pulling unprepared Believers out to the sea of indifference.
@Smith.Wesson.432UC Ай бұрын
6 days baby
@007gracie Ай бұрын
@BornAgain223 22 күн бұрын
amen ❤️ 🙏
@andrewdouglas1963 17 күн бұрын
According to genesis, God didn't create the sun until day 4. So how could 'days' as we understand them exist before the sun was created, and how long were these 'days'?
@vebnew Ай бұрын
Fear not, all that can be will be saved! If anyone is unwilling to believe in the Creator of Everything; God the Father and His Son; Jesus then they are doomed to be deceived into believing in evolution and ETs (aliens) as our progenitors…. God help us all not to fall victim to this “great deception” in the name of Jesus, Amen! (Psalm 14:1 KJV, Matthew 24:24 KJV, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 KJV and to avoid deception John 3:16 KJV)
@billcook4768 Ай бұрын
Hundreds of millions of devoted Christians have no trouble believing g in evolution.
@vebnew Ай бұрын
@@billcook4768 many of us do not know what the theory of evolution or what the Bible says about creation.
@HoneyHollowHomestead Ай бұрын
Another good resource is this channel and Answers In Genesis.
@showreelsarchive Ай бұрын
and ICR
@HoneyHollowHomestead Ай бұрын
@@showreelsarchive Yes, thank you.
@IAMhassentyou Ай бұрын
Amen 🙏 God's word is greater than the word of man. We can trust it to be true as we know that the Holy Spirit that lives within us is true.
@moxadurgin2508 12 күн бұрын
I am so thankful for Creation Ministeries and the Creation Museum and all the others I have found. I am a prodigal. I got lost BECAUSE of evolution theory. I am glad to be back!
@guipe43 Ай бұрын
Excellently done! Thank you for sharing!
@davidkunze2770 Ай бұрын
All of Gods Word is true as He breathed it through prophets. This, being all, means Gen, Job, Is, etc. It all fits together, so we must be true Bereans and study to see that true fit. Do not just read one book, rather study all that apply. Do not just study one or two when at least 5 or 6, or more, apply. Thanks
@stevepierce6467 29 күн бұрын
How about "The Greatest Show on Earth" by Richard Dawkins? It explains evolution in a way even simple-minded folks can understand. Dawkins is one of god's creations, so his book is divinely inspired!
@fredbriggs2225 16 күн бұрын
They all apply. God's entire Word, front to back; all interwoven...
@stevepierce6467 15 күн бұрын
@@fredbriggs2225 So not just "god's word" of a bunch of scribes 3000 years ago, but also people who are well-educated in modern science writing today. At last!
@garykistler4561 Ай бұрын
Romans 3;4 says, Let Gods word be true, and every man a liar; as it is written. Satan played this oldie but goodie in the garden. Did God say? Gods word is above man’s wisdom. If Gods word says 6 days, and on the 7th he rested. I’m pitching my tent with his word.
@Mae3-xp9nq Ай бұрын
Yes. God rested, blessed and sanctified the seventh day.
@guzz7842 Ай бұрын
@@Mae3-xp9nq A God with infinite power and energy, was tired ? Tired to give orders like: " let the light be " , He was rested, until one day he woke up, and " work " for six days doing the creation, then , at the seventh day he rested for ever, what a lazy God, wake up and create something else....
@guzz7842 Ай бұрын
Let´s focus in the phrase: " and every man a liar " , so, who wrote the bible ? Man´s. Who sayd God was talking to me to write his words? Man´s, that means , it´s just only lies from man´s...
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
@@guzz7842 God could have made everything in a instant but he chose a literal six 24hr days as an example for man with the seventh day as a day of rest. The Six days of creation showed the power and glory of God day by day. It is an illustration of Gods patience in teaching man.
@Brotherdirt1 Ай бұрын
@@Mae3-xp9nq My friend - Have you ever read the Bible?
@jenniferwatson7118 15 күн бұрын
This is so important - thankyou. And thankyou, too, for the e-book.
@longdavid646 Ай бұрын
Can you pls put the link to the ebook here in the comments section? The desc is not loading properly.
@creationministriesintl Ай бұрын
Sure. The link is creation.com/pages/smvp-cab
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
It is sad when Christians try to shoehorn deep-time into the scriptures when it is clearly not there. Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. In Six literal 24hr days everything was created...to give context God rested on the seventh 24hr day as an example for man to rest one day in seven and keep the sabbath holy. God did not rest for millions or billions of years on day seven as an example for man to follow. Adam was created on day six of creation..sometime after day six, Adam sinned. The bible teaches that the wages of sin is death. There was no death before Adam's original sin. The Bible provides the genealogy of the generations from Adam to Jesus the Christ. From this genealogy we can determine the age of the Earth to be some 6,000 plus years old. Deep time is a myth.
@tiry1346 Ай бұрын
When I read Gen 2:19,20, it seems impossible to me that Adam could have gone through so many experiences within a few hours of the 6th day of creation. The things that took place are as follows (I am not including the creation of the animals, which were created on the same day, only things from Adam's perspective) - Man had a job that required time to observe animals (from the Hebrew names of animals, it is clear that some really required a long time to observe, e.g. stork, Heb. chasidah). - Although he enjoyed the work, he had to realize that he had no partner, although God was available and apparently spoke to him. - He certainly ate, drank, and went to the toilet (in my opinion, these would precede the need for a wife), and since all these things were new to him (including walking, etc.), he would hardly feel blue for lack of companionship. - He slept while Eve was being created. - He composed his first poem. - He attended his own wedding where they received God's blessing. As I said, this seems to me extremely unlikely, even impossible, to happen in one day. I would say it must have taken much longer. Have you ever considered this question from this perspective? If so, what is your explanation?
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
@@tiry1346Nowhere in scripture does it say God did all those thing on day six. And he certainly did not do them on day seven.
@tiry1346 Ай бұрын
@@alantasman8273 Day 6 is covered in Gen.1:24-31. It is clearly stated there that the creation of Eve was included on the day 6. Events in Gen.2:20 must have happened on the day 6. If you have other explanation or resources to check in this regard, please share.
@Ozzyman200 18 күн бұрын
All this time and money and still creationists can't find a flaw in evolution that creationism can fix. Anyone? Anyone at all?
@akmurf7429 Ай бұрын
think about Scott's statement where he explains how there is enough water to cover the earth almost two miles deep if the surface were uniform. now go look at the mountain ranges of the world. Notice by observation that the vast majority of mountains (including Everest) contain sedimentary layers tipped up on their side. sediments do not form on an incline and that is proof that the mountain ranges were pushed up after the sedimentary layers were laid down (Noah's flood). So during the flood, Mt Everest, or any other mountain ranges did not exist yet. Read Psalm 104. In verse eight it says the waters went down into the valleys (ocean basins) and the dry land appeared setting a boundary (shoreline). If you are willing to consider, science presents ample evidence for the flood of Noah. Uniformitaryisim can not explain the unique landforms we see today because they were catastrophically formed.
@stevepierce6467 29 күн бұрын
Funny, but in my home state there is a place called Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park, where fossils buried by volcanic ash 12 million years ago show no signs of ever having been disturbed by any great flood. "The Great Flood" is entirely mythological folklore. Science explains the actual things we find, whereas the bible just says what scientific illiterates invented thousands of years ago.
@stevepierce6467 12 күн бұрын
@@MrWeezer55 It appears that Everest uplifts about 1 mm per year (that means only 4 meters in 4000 years) but we do not know how long or how steady that process has been. But there is plenty of evidence that Everest and other mountains have been around for far longer than the creationists want us to believe
@stevepierce6467 12 күн бұрын
It appears that Everest uplifts about 1 mm per year (that means only 4 meters in 4000 years) but we do not know how long or how steady that process has been. But there is plenty of evidence that Everest and other mountains have been around for far longer than the creationists want us to believe
@Vetforlife Ай бұрын
Dr. Greg Bahnsen has a four hour video on KZbin for students who about to head off to college. This class will prepare them against opposition from all sides. It’s titled “Basic Training for Defending the Faith”.
@ethanfulton9659 14 күн бұрын
@@Vetforlife thanks! I will be watching this
@ALLrWorthy 11 күн бұрын
I truly wish I could believe but I can’t get past the fact that there are older creation and flood stories that the Bible was based on.
@Mae3-xp9nq Ай бұрын
The six literal days of creation are important and so is the literal seventh day. Genesis 2:2-3 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. And we are commanded to: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exodus 20:8
@LeviAaronx 20 күн бұрын
@andrewdouglas1963 17 күн бұрын
According to genesis, God didn't create the sun until day 4. So how could 'days' as we understand them exist before the sun was created, and how long were these 'days'?
@andrewdouglas1963 17 күн бұрын
According to genesis, God didn't create the sun until day 4. So how could 'days' as we understand them exist before the sun was created, and how long were these 'days'?
@callumclarke1733 Ай бұрын
Darwin Evolution as Been Proven impossible the fossil Record proves Darwinian-theory wrong" it's a secular Religion. Science Points to intelligent Design.
@Loading....99.99 Ай бұрын
Try telling that to the people who believe their brains evolved over billions of years through 'random natural processes' without any intelligent input.
@frankierandle8779 Ай бұрын
That is correct. Evolutionists believe that science has proven evolution but it’s just the opposite; a scientist has discovered carbon 14 and 15 types of soft tissue in dinosaur fossils which contradicts millions of years of evolution. The truth is emerging slowly but I believe it will all come out eventually. Amen.
@stevepierce6467 29 күн бұрын
Strange as it seems, the Darwinian evolution theory has been proven many times over, with whole real-world advances in medicine and biology already operating. Evolution works in real-world science, while creationism works on the pages of mythology. There is not a single wisp of evidence supporting that wishful thinking of "intelligent design."
@tiry1346 Ай бұрын
When I read Gen 2:19,20, it seems impossible to me that Adam could have gone through so many experiences within a few hours of the 6th day of creation. The things that took place are as follows (I am not including the creation of the animals, which were created on the same day, only things from Adam's perspective) - Man had a job that required time to observe animals (from the Hebrew names of animals, it is clear that some really required a long time to observe, e.g. stork, Heb. chasidah). - Although he enjoyed the work, he had to realize that he had no partner, although God was available and apparently spoke to him. - He certainly ate, drank, and went to the toilet (in my opinion, these would precede the need for a wife), and since all these things were new to him (including walking, etc.), he would hardly feel blue for lack of companionship. - He slept while Eve was being created. - He composed his first poem. - He attended his own wedding where they received God's blessing. As I said, this seems to me extremely unlikely, even impossible, to happen in one day. I would say it must have taken much longer. Have you ever considered this question from this perspective? If so, what is your explanation?
@steveabraham8847 Ай бұрын
I agree that there is no way that Eve was created on the same day as Adam. In the first chapter of Genesis, it is stated that God created both male and female on the sixth day. However, chapter two provides a more detailed account of the creation of man, indicating that Adam was the first to be formed. In chapter two, this sixth period of time, which is not necessarily a 24-hour period, has these events occurring. 1. Man is created (verse 7). 2. God plants a garden eastward in Eden (verse 8). 3. God causes trees to grow in the garden, both visually pleasing and bountiful for sustenance (verse 9). 4. God places man in the garden of Eden, assigning him the responsibility to tend and care for it (verse 15). 5. God communicates to the man the freedom to eat from every tree in the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (verses 16 and 17). This detailed account raises questions about the duration it took for God to plant the garden, nurture the trees to maturity, and witness them bear fruit. While God could have accomplished this instantaneously, the text specifies that God planted the garden, offering no indication of instantaneous creation. This deliberate wording suggests a process that unfolded over time, a duration likely longer than a mere 24-hour day, especially considering the subsequent responsibility for the man to tend and care for the garden. Adam had all these tasks he had to perform. Then, after Adam had named the birds and animals, Eve was created. After the creation of Eve, Adam makes an interesting statement in Genesis 2:23. In the CJB (Complete Jewish Bible, it says, "At last! This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. She is to be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” The phrase "at last" comes from the Hebrew word pa'am. Other versions translate pa'am as "now" (KJV, NKJV, NIV), "finally" (CEB), and "at last" (NASB, RSV). These translations of Genesis 2:23 consistently suggest that a certain duration elapsed between Adam’s creation and the subsequent creation of Eve. While the exact timeframe remains unknown, it strongly implies that Adam experienced a period of anticipation or waiting before the arrival of Eve.
@tiry1346 Ай бұрын
@@steveabraham8847 I haven't seen a 24h days creationist addressing this obvious discrepancy. As the 12th century thinker Averroes argued that when presenting a philosophical argument, you should always mention the views of your opponents. Failure to do so is implicitly admitting that your claim has weaknesses.
@stevedouglas5531 Ай бұрын
That’s what the Bible says that’s what I believe.
@ethanfulton9659 14 күн бұрын
I need your faith!!
@newcreationinchrist1423 Ай бұрын
Amen CMI 🙏🙏🙏✝️ God's word is truth and can be trusted in all things. You are such a blessing to the body of Christ. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. I mean that in all sincerity. You are truly a blessing.
@andrewdouglas1963 17 күн бұрын
According to genesis 1, God didn't create the sun until day 4. So 'day's' as we know and understand them didn't exist until day 4. How can we explain that?
@stevenwhite8937 Ай бұрын
Jesus said if you don’t believe Moses and the prophets when they told you about earthly things, how will you believe when told about spiritual things….
@Daniel90210 Ай бұрын
He said that to the Jews because they always rejected the Lord hence their inventions of evil like Evolution. Don't come back and say, Charles Darwin, I have read their books, their evil traditions of men and yes, they invented Evolution to cause people to reject the Lord hence 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 ".. Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved.
@boni2786 Ай бұрын
God bless
@Sydneysss Ай бұрын
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. *For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.* Exodus 20
@dannymccarty344 Ай бұрын
We all have the same evidence. God gives us a choice, to believe the evidence or not. Most don't. So, there's that....
@wan4891 Ай бұрын
Yes, all true but at 17:20 a goldfish eating another goldfish.......?
@vladim73 28 күн бұрын
Absolutely 💯 amazing 👏 Thanks!
@christophesutter1844 Ай бұрын
Alléluia 🔥💜🔥
@erich2385 Ай бұрын
Maybe a day back then wasn't 24 hours. Does Astronomy say what the minimum spin a planet can spin is any amount of time? Does the early bible define a day as 24 hours?
@eddiewilbanks1382 Ай бұрын
Evening and Morning… a single day…
@stevepierce6467 29 күн бұрын
Yeah, the best defense against having to accept reality: the word "Maybe."
@andrewdouglas1963 17 күн бұрын
​@@eddiewilbanks1382 Evenings and mornings as we understand them are only possible with the earths rotation around the sun. But according to genesis, the sun wasn't created until day 4? So what caused the previous evenings and mornings and how long were they?
@eddiewilbanks1382 16 күн бұрын
key... "As we understand them"... we are talking about creation by an all-powerful God... I take the scripture as written... since the other days following the Sun were described as 24 hours I will believe the first 3 were also... God is light so he could choose to rotate the earth in the pattern it would have after day 4 as easily as saying :let it happen... however He did it, I choose to believe the account of His Word...
@andrewdouglas1963 16 күн бұрын
@@eddiewilbanks1382 There is no mention of 24 hours. The 'days' of genesis could have been longer or shorter than 24 hours. Especially the days before the sun was created. Those days could have been millions of years long for all we know. This would tie in much better with the ancient Hebrew word 'YOM' from which the modern English translation of the word day came from as 'YOM' doesn't necessarily mean a 24 hour day in ancient Hebrew.
@billcook4768 Ай бұрын
Yep, in six days about six thousand years ago. But being a bit of a mischievous trickster, He created a world full of evidence pointing to it being billions of years old. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
@SheridanFalkenberry Ай бұрын
Hi there! Please see this article here for the idea of "appearance of age": creation.com/is-apparent-age-biblical
@stevepierce6467 29 күн бұрын
I like your explanation: A) The world is 6000 years old. B) If evidence shows that the world is millions of years old, refer to rule A.
@BornAgain223 22 күн бұрын
the point of the video is that the evidence doesn't even point to billions of years. That's what it looks like when you put your darwinian big bang glasses on. Take off the lenses of the evolution religion, and it looks completely different.
@billcook4768 22 күн бұрын
@@BornAgain223 (1) Can you point to those scientists who believe the data points to a roughly 6,000 year old universe who don’t believe Genesis is literal history? (2) The belief that the earth is millions of years old predates evolution; no evolutionary glasses needed. (3) Evolution is not a religion (4) Evidence the universe is millions of years old can be found in sciences other than evolution.
@BornAgain223 22 күн бұрын
@billcook4768 (1) no, that's part of the point being made in the video, that depending on the axioms you use to presuppose reality, the evidence leads to vastly different conclusions. The young earth creationists believe that the bible is inspired by the holy spirit and infallible. In other words, even though it can be interpreted differently, the text itself is true, regardless of how it's interpreted. (2) I've never heard of a millions of year old earth theory that doesn't involve evolution. Even the old earth creationists that I've heard from involve evolution in their theory as to how God set the universe "in motion" so to speak... (3) the darwinian model of evolution is as much a religion as any other religion is because it has: dogmatic doctrines (you must believe x and y about the universe), faith based assumptions (you must believe unprovable assertions), orthodoxy (right beliefs that are traditionally held, [much like the trinity in Christianity] and heretical views, which you will be excommunicated for.) Also, it proselytizes (evangelizes) itself in the school systems while at the same time calling out other beliefs as false religions (untrue), like when evolutionists call the stories in the bible fairy tales. (4) See you've cooked your presupposition into your statement. You said evidence for the universe being billions of years old can be found in other sciences. The evidence itself doesn't say anything, it just presents itself to the person interpreting it. A fossil doesn't say "im 43 million years old." That's something that is deducted, hopefully from careful testing and analysis, using scientific methods of observation. As the people making the video were explaining, depending on the worldview you hold beforehand, the observations you make will lead you to a certain conclusion. It's just, do the conclusions match the observations that are made?
@brian5388_a Ай бұрын
And Steve Irwin, lest I forget. Natalie Imbruglia too
@philharris5848 Ай бұрын
For God to have created the entire universe, which is totally beyond any human comprehension. He would have had to do it all instantly, he couldn't possibly spend days, weeks or months just on planet earth. So if it's a question of which is correct, The Bible v Tens of Thousands of Scientists in every country in the World. I wonder which I'd choose to believe?
@chrisneeds6125 Ай бұрын
No: "The Son of man came to seek and save THAT which was lost"???
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
@chrisneeds6125 Ай бұрын
​ @cosmictreason2242 Jesus restores man's lost condition when Adam fell so that we can freely choose to be transformed *BACK* into the Image God made us to be so that His glory will cover the earth.
@georg7120 Ай бұрын
Why were there two creation of all living things?
@Loading....99.99 Ай бұрын
Just one creation, but two different perspectives of Genesis 1 & 2. I can explain further though it will take time for me to type out the details for greater clarity.
@georg7120 Ай бұрын
@@Loading....99.99 Either Genesis 1 and 2 are contradicting, that would imply that you can't trust the bible, or there were two creations.
@Loading....99.99 Ай бұрын
@@georg7120 there's no contradiction.. i previously commented that there is a breakdown of the two chapters that can give clarity to the seemingly differences which i can help you with, but it's gonna take a little while to expound in typing it out.
@007gracie Ай бұрын
Michael Pearl has interesting book called “Eight Kingdoms” & explains it. KZbin called “The Door”.
@georg7120 Ай бұрын
@@Loading....99.99 There is a clear contradiction. In Genesis 1, birds were created before the creation of man, in Genesis 2, they were created after the creation of Adam.
@tatorwagon Ай бұрын
Dinosaurs had no soul. Didn't the first soul start with Adam. Death before Adam were the soulless, correct?
@eddiewilbanks1382 Ай бұрын
The first man was created by God on day 6
@SheridanFalkenberry Ай бұрын
This article digs into this topic! creation.com/no-death-before-fall
@stevepierce6467 29 күн бұрын
Soul: something we imagine we have that no other living being has. Soul: something never proven to exist.
@TickedOffPriest 10 күн бұрын
It is a Salvation issue, but you can still be saved without it.
@nathanchadwick8291 Ай бұрын
When did evolution become a fact? I thought it was still a theory.
@stevepierce6467 29 күн бұрын
In conversation, a theory is like a hunch or an inkling. In science, a "scientific theory" is a fully established explanation of natural phenomena fully supported by lots of evidence. We all live by the dictates of "The Germ Theory of Disease."
@dennishagans6339 Ай бұрын
To the public at large the evolutionists paint such a wonderful picture of how it all happened, the problem is that when you look into their papers and journals not normally made for public consumption it is a totally different story. In a big bang paradigm, stars are where all of the elements come from, some being made in the stars and the rest in supernova explosions. so you would think that since stars play such a role in the creation of the elements needed for life, explaining star formation would be a top priority. But they have no clue how the first generation of stars actually formed, lots of ideas but nothing concrete, it takes stars to make stars, that is how stars are formed today A super nova goes off close to a gas cloud compressing it enough for gravity to take over Grains of dust enter the cloud cooling it enough to compress and gravity to take over Collisions, like two galaxies colliding and new stars forming on the collision front. That is how they say stars are formed today, a supernova is a star exploding, grains of dust, the big bang did not make dust those are made inside stars, and galaxies are just huge collections of stars, all three require stars to exist to make new stars go back to the big bang and there was no first generation to make the second. they know this. That is but one of an entire host of problems in their models, they scream give us more time to make new discoveries, yet more time and new discoveries are not helping, JWST has given them fits with its findings, turning their models into chaos. No Thanks ill stick with Biblical Creation model that works just fine. We are told to giver every man an answer to the question of the reason of the hope that is in us, that is not an origins answers it is an answer about our hope in Christ, we preach Christ crucified and raised the 3rd day, that is our hope, it is not a question of origins it is a question of our hope in Christ, we do not owe the evolutionist/atheists anything but a true witness of the Gospel of Christ, if they reject that, then that is on them. we were not called to answer the origins debate, we are called to preach Christ and Him crucified. but they will reject that outright, well that is on them, as that is what we are supposed to be doing.
@BornAgain223 22 күн бұрын
amen amen 🙏
@dennishagans6339 22 күн бұрын
Fair Use Star Formation Neil DeGrasse Tyson said, "We Know the cloud wants to Collapse under its own weight to make one or more stars. but rotation as well as turbulent motion within the cloud work against that fate, so too does the ordinary gas pressure you learned about in High-school chemistry class, Galactic magnetic fields also fight collapse they penetrate the cloud and latch onto any free-roaming charged particles contained therein restricting the ways in which the cloud will respond to its self-gravity The scary part is that if none of us knew in advance that stars exist, front line research would offer plenty of convincing reasons for why stars could never form." [Neil DeGrasse Tyson, 2007, pg 107] Death by black hole and other cosmic quandaries. New York: w.w. Norton and co. Eva Novotny said, “The process by which an interstellar cloud is concentrated until it is held together gravitationally to become a protostar is not known.” [Eva Novotny. Introduction to Stellar Atmospheres and Interiors, p. 279.] Martin Harwit said, “Literally hundreds of ideas on how stars are formed have been advanced in past decades. However, we are still far from any real solution.” [Martin Harwit, Astronomical Concepts, Second Edition. p.405.] Martin Harwit said, “The universe we see when we look out to its furthest horizons contains a hundred billion galaxies. Each of these galaxies contains another hundred billion stars. That’s 1022 stars all told. The silent embarrassment of modern astrophysics is that we do not know how even a single one of these stars managed to form. There’s no lack of ideas, of course. We just can’t substantiate them.” [Martin Harwit, Book Review in Science, 7 Match 1996, p. 1201-2] Charles J. Lada and Frank H. Shu said, “The origin of stars represents one of the most fundamental unsolved problems of contemporary astrophysics.” [Charles J. Lada and Frank H. Shu. The Formation of Sunllke Stars. Science, 4 May 1990, p. 564.] Ward D Thompson said, “The formation of stars is one of the most fundamental problems in astrophysics... No current model can reproduce all of the observations.” [Ward D Thompson, Isolated Star Formation: From Cloud Formation to Core Collapse, Science 4 January 2002: " Vol. 295. no. 5552, pp. 76 - 81.] V. Trimble and M. Aschwanden, “The formation of galaxies and large-scale structure remains TMIUPIMA. . . "the most important unsolved problem in modern astrophysics.” [V. Trimble and M. Aschwanden, Astrophysics in 2000, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 113:1025-1114, 2001 September] Roger A. Windhotst, as quoted by Corey S. Powell said, “Nobody really understands how star formation proceeds. It’s really remarkable.” [Roger A. Windhotst, as quoted by Corey S. Powell, "A Matter of Timing" Scientif‌ic American, Vol. 267, October 1992, p.30] This is but one aspect of what they do not know, for example, they have no way to build our solar system, as once the rocks get about a meter in size that have enough mass to smash each other to rubble and not enough mass to stick together, thus no planets can form, and even if they could somehow form, because they are in that dust cloud, as they orbit within that cloud the protoplanets would be slowed down by the cloud, and the way orbits work when you slow down you move in closer to the mass you are orbiting, this is called the migration problem, where any planets that could form, after so many orbits would migrate into the protostar ie our sun. Either way you do not get a solar system period, they know this too. Fair Use Formation of Planets Martin Harwit said, “Once these planetesimals have been formed, further growth of planets "may" occur through their gravitational accretion into large bodies. Just how that takes place is not understood.” [Martin Harwit. Astrophysical Concepts. p. 553] J. Blum and G. Wurm said, “The formation of planetesimals, the kilometer-sized planetary precursors, is still a puzzling process.” [J. Blum and G. Wurm, The Growth Mechanisms of Macroscopic Bodies in Protoplanetary Disks, Annu. Rev. Astro. Astrophys. 2008. 46:21-56] Jeff Cuzzi said, “How the first stage of this process, primary accretion, works is a fundamental unsolved problem of planetary science.” [Jeff Cuzzi, “Planets: the first movement," Nature 448, 1003 30 August 2007] John Chambers said, "Objects must have grown very rapidly from sub-metre-sized pebbles into 100-km-sized bodies, possibly in a single leap.” [John Chambers, “Planetary science: Archaeology of the asteroid belt," Nature 460. 963-964 20 August 2009] Anders Johansen said, “How this process continues from metre-sized boulders to kilometre-scale planetesimals is a major unsolved problem: boulders are expected to stick together poorly, and to spiral into the protostar in a few hundred orbits owing to a 'headwind' from the slower rotating gas.” [Anders Johansen et at, "Rapid planetesimal formation in turbulent circumstellar disks," Nature Volume 448 1022-1025 30 August 2007] did you hear about any of this on PBS Nova? How about in National Geographic? What about in the school science classes? No you did not, as these are things they keep to themselves within their own journals and papers. After all, if they were forthright with these things the public would say well you can teach in our schools when you can tell us how these things work, and Creation science would win the day.
@BornAgain223 22 күн бұрын
@@dennishagans6339 thank you sir, God bless you!
@dennishagans6339 22 күн бұрын
They scream give us more time to make new discoveries that will answer these things, time and new discoveries are not helping them, they got their 10-billion-dollar James Webb Space Telescope and what they have found has thrown their theories into chaos, they had said it took over 1 billion years for mature galaxies to form, yet JWST has shown fully formed mature galaxies 200-400 million years after the big bang. Everywhere they turn, the observations are disproving their predictions and theories. They are committed to the billions of years and when they actually make new observations, the billions of years go down the proverbial drain. Foe example Titan a moon of Saturn has a hazy atmosphere which is made of Methane and Ethane, well because they think Titan is 4.5 billion years old, there must be a global ocean 1.5 kilometers deep on Titan of Methane and Ethane, to keep Titans atmosphere replenished, we sent a probe, no global ocean of Methane and Ethan, only a few small lakes, nowhere near enough to sustain Titans atmosphere for 4.5 billion years, 6,000 years no problem.
@throckmortensnivel2850 Ай бұрын
Ah yes, "kinds". What are "kinds"? Who knows. Creationists are fond of telling you that dogs are a "kind", and cats are a "kind", but what they won't tell you is how to determine what a "kind' is, so you can figure out for yourself which organisms are which "kind". A good example is the rock hyrax, known locally as a "dassie" in South Africa. A relatively small furry critter about the size of a house cat. According to genetics, it's most closely related to elephants and sea cows. So, are those three a "kind"? Hippopotamuses are closely related to whales, so are they a "kind"? I await an answer from a creationist. As far as the sedimentation from the flood, it may be true that if you flattened out all the mountains and valleys of earth's crust, the existing water could cover it all. In a similar way, you could cover most of your kitchen floor with a quart of milk if you dropped a bottle on the floor and it broke. But then you're left with the problem of how all those mountains and valleys formed during the lifetimes of humans, apparently without them noticing it. Just the heat generated by all that action would have melted most of the planet, and killed every living thing on it. Honestly, I think you're best defence is to say it was a miracle. There is no argument that can be made against a miracle. True, a miracle isn't science, but frankly, the "science" of the biblical flood is just plain silly. And, after all, you do accept the miraculous creation (and many other biblical miracles), so why swallow the camel, then strain at the gnat?
@SheridanFalkenberry Ай бұрын
Here's a whole slew of articles addressing this topic! creation.com/speciation-questions-and-answers
@throckmortensnivel2850 Ай бұрын
@@SheridanFalkenberry Yes, a whole slew of articles, not one of which tells me how I can tell what "kind" an animal belongs to. Which leads me to believe there is no defintion of "kind". If you can find such a definition, I'm willing to look at it.
@throckmortensnivel2850 Ай бұрын
@@SheridanFalkenberry I found this in one of the articles posted: "Groups of living organisms belong in the same created kind if they have descended from the same ancestral gene pool." Given that all organisms have descended from the same gene pool, this definition of kinds is really saying nothing at all. To put it another way, the offered definition is not something which could guide someone to being able to determine what "kind" an organism is.
@stevenwhite8937 Ай бұрын
Tell us how to determine what a species is?
@stevenwhite8937 Ай бұрын
If you can’t tell a hippopotamus from a whale nothing anyone says will help you…..
@picazzo5150 22 күн бұрын
What is a day considered in the Bible if one day is a complete rotation of the earth. Just asking.
@ChunkOcoal Ай бұрын
9:35 completely wrong. There is no mention of different “kinds” (clades) being born through another. That’s not part of evolutionary theory. Try understanding your opposition before contesting it!
@ScottGillification Ай бұрын
Evolutionary theory does include, over millions and millions of years, through natural selection and random mutations, slow changes from one ‘kind’ to a completely different kind.
@ChunkOcoal Ай бұрын
@@ScottGillification Where does evolution state that one kind can diverge into a completely different kind?? I want to thoroughly understand where you got that from before responding
@stevepierce6467 29 күн бұрын
@@ChunkOcoal That is the essence of evolution. There is one subtle detail that young-earth creationists reject, without which it is impossible to understand evolution, and that is the enormous mind-boggling amount of time it takes for one "kind" to diverge into a completely different "kind." But inasmuch as all living cells are vastly similar, it is easy to understand that we human animals are even related distantly to...........TREES, with whom we share 50% of our genetic material.
@Vernon-Chitlen Ай бұрын
I wish there was a documented, eyewitnessed account of anybody having made carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur and phosphorus forming a single protein or gene in a reasonable simulation of a prebiotic earth, so I could be an intellectually satisfied atheist too.
@ConservativeMirror Ай бұрын
I wish there were a documented case of a god creating any living organism.
@Vernon-Chitlen Ай бұрын
@@ConservativeMirror As if carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur and phosphorus, out of 98 elements, on a perfectly sterile, barren prebiotic earth could arrange themselves into DNA? 1 single gram having the equivalent information storage capacity of 88 million grams of 1 terabyte hard disk drives, a 4 letter code compared to the zero's and one's, using 100 million times less energy than the computers scientists are using to examine DNA with, including the electronic device you're using? The DNA that has the coded instructions for the forming and replicating every organism that has been?
@boxelder9167 Ай бұрын
@@ConservativeMirror- Turning water into wine, resurrection of Lazarus, resurrection of Christ, resurrection of the dead who came up out of the graves and were walking around. I excluded the loaves and fishes because they were not alive as far as we know but the yeast in the wine would have been. I suppose that we could have added the virgin birth as well.
@luv2travel2000 Ай бұрын
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
@@ConservativeMirror There is a documented case...look in the mirror...you are the result of that organism.
@artmaven4901 9 күн бұрын
Darwin's theory of evolution by means of natural selection does one thing only. It offers an explanation for the diversity of life on this planet. That's it. That's all it does. It says nothing at all, anywhere, about the origin of life, or what the meaning of life is, or how we should live our lives, and it definitely says nothing at all about the "creation" of anything. It has no supernatural dimension. It has no application to other scientific theories, such as the Expansion Theory (the so-called "Big Bang"), or the theory of gravity, or the Heliocentric Theory, or anything other than the question of why there are so many species of beetles. Further, Darwin's theory, like all scientific theories, can only operate on physical evidence in the natural, physical world Science has no means of examining supernatural claims, and must thus remain silent on the subject. Thus, Darwin's theory *cannot* make any claims about the supernatural. These are all elementary facts about one of the most robust and well-studied of all scientific theories. If you'd bothered to read Darwin's book(s), or any of the many many books about his work, or if you'd merely received a decent science education, you would already know all of this.
@dharmaambesa2730 21 күн бұрын
Holy Bible is True and Truth.
@brian5388_a Ай бұрын
Hey. You are just repeating what the Aussies already said in previous videos, now in an American accent. Rather get John Lennox, Stephen Meyer, or Lane Craig in and debate them, want to see that! Ken Ham already destroyed Bill Nye, want to see you guys step up to the challenge. Go Aussie! (you guys and David Campese the best!)
@chrismitchell7692 Ай бұрын
I was an atheist prior to being saved. It was because of the person who testified to me - his character. He was different from anyone else I ever met : not to destroy me, but to share the Gospel with me....
@michaelszczys8316 Ай бұрын
Which is a bigger fairy tale? Everything came from a supernatural creator God or everything came from nothing all by itself without any outside help.
@lacidy Ай бұрын
And created all creatures as male and female
@michaelszczys8316 Ай бұрын
Yeah, how does that happen by itself? If you really study it hard and spend serious time thinking about it, it is obviously ridiculous. If you really WANT it to be true then it is convenient.
@billcook4768 Ай бұрын
The big fairy tail is the claim that science teaches that everything came from nothing.
@BornAgain223 22 күн бұрын
​@@michaelszczys8316yeah it's about sin and holding onto it, it has nothing to do with probability and plausibility. Obviously God creating everything is more plausible and more probable. In truth, the probability of a God making everything is near 100% just based on the concept, and the probability of the big bang and evolution is near 0% based on the concept, but that doesn't matter to most people.
@manuelsalgado9457 Ай бұрын
Evolution is such an insidious and dangerous idea because if there was always death then the work of our Lord wasn't perfect, death was here before Adam's sin, then the reason for our Savior Jesus's passion loses meaning and weight.
@scorpian3 Ай бұрын
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
@scorpian3 Ай бұрын
@@cosmictreason2242I would say reading a kings Bible is worse.. I would say using God's name to raise money is worse... There is nothing perfect ... That's what's amazing with the world .. which I think someone said is a world with out end....
@michaelcamilleri8554 Ай бұрын
@@scorpian3 What we say when we can't find answers
@scorpian3 Ай бұрын
@@michaelcamilleri8554 what answers u need ? Or questions? The idea that the earth is only 6k years old because of some man made book of loosely collected story's (Torah) that u follow word for word . Again us orthodox people don't .. maybe if u had the tablets or arc or something.. but some how they got lost . Lol
@aaronwalcott513 22 күн бұрын
The Bible is the written Word of God. Jesus is the Living Word of God. The whole Bible points to the Person (Who) and Work (why) of Jesus Christ. If an unbeliever has no *why* (s)he would see no reason to repent and accept Jesus as Saviour.. The origin detailed in Genesis points to the Who and the why.
@keibro13 Ай бұрын
The bible was written by Iron Age men, not god. It is a primary Jewish source. At the time it was written, it was a minor religion amongst many. For the Jewish people it was an origin document that set out their claim to nationhood. It’s a mythical treatise on the Jewish people. It’s completely absurd to think that it’s anything more than that.
@Mae3-xp9nq Ай бұрын
Adam and Eve were not Jews
@zerosteel011 Ай бұрын
Nope. Wrong on all counts.
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
The Bible is not only true, it is impossible to be false. Any attempt to refute it will be self refuting
@paradigmbuster Ай бұрын
There is a difference between create and make. Create means to form from nothing. But make means to transform for service. The Bible says "in the beginning God created the heaven and earth". The Bible also says "in six days God made the heavens and the earth" Did you notice something? That means that the planets, moon and stars predated the first day. The darkness upon the deep was the darkness on the sea floor, not the sea surface. So that darkness does not mean that the earth was by itself without the sun. In three days dry land appeared but at first the sun was visible on the surface as the water drained into the new rapidly opening basins. That was the first day.
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
Nope, Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. In Six literal 24hr days everything was created...to give context God rested on the seventh 24hr day as an example for man to rest one day in seven and keep the sabbath holy. God did not rest for millions or billions of years on day seven as an example for man to follow. Adam was created on day six of creation..sometime after day six, Adam sinned. The bible teaches that the wages of sin is death. There was no death before Adam's original sin. The Bible provides the genealogy of the generations from Adam to Jesus the Christ. From this genealogy we can determine the age of the Earth to be some 6,000 plus years old.
@paradigmbuster Ай бұрын
​@@alantasman8273Like I already said, create means to form from nothing, but make means to transform for service. The six days was the making. I believe these are litteral days and the earth was finished 6000 years ago. I contend that if you reach that there no celestial bodies before the 4th day you cause brethren to stumble and keep unbelievers from entering in. The darkness was on the face of the deep not the face of the waters. Since the mist in Gen 2 had to take a long time to accumulate to a deep ocean, there had to be heat from a pre-existing sun to keep it above freezeng. Also the wind that blew over the face of the waters needed the suncas well.
@paradigmbuster Ай бұрын
​@alantasman8273 I believe the earth was finished 6000 years ago but the earth and all the celestial bodies were created in the beginning, before the first day. The six days is the making not the creating.
@tomgunn8004 Ай бұрын
The Genesis Account of Creation is clearly factual. The claim that Darwins' theory of creation has been proven to be true is just plain inaccurate.
@jacobholstein Ай бұрын
Isn't it insanely mathematically impossible for the immense amount of data within our dna to occur naturally.
@NazSBG Ай бұрын
The clue is in the title of Darwin evolution.....'theory' Theory doesn't mean fact! Theory is not truth!
@newcreationinchrist1423 Ай бұрын
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
@scorpian3 Ай бұрын
@NazSBG Ай бұрын
@@scorpian3 explain to back up your empty comment!!!
@davidhudson4230 Ай бұрын
I’m good either way but I suspect it was not a literal 7 days.
@nschlaak Ай бұрын
I have two book suggestions for more information on the timeline of creation and both are written and peer-reviewed. Thousands, not Billions by (DeYoung) This book summarizes eight years of research by the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) and a team of scientists. The next is Starlight and Time by Dr. Humphreys a physicist. I'm impressed with Dr. Humphreys's biblical knowledge and his brilliance as a physicist explaining how God could have created everything using the rules of physics in our universe.
@Mushroom_Samurai Ай бұрын
It had to be. Any other explanation is unbiblical
@Mushroom_Samurai Ай бұрын
The reason I say that is because if you believe it's not as he says and it was longer than a literal 7 days you'll have to find a way to explain how there was death before sin. Adam certainly wasn't millions of years ago because science will tell you human kind has only been around for such a short period. However there was death far before Adam if that's the case. The whole Bible would be discredited as you see. You cannot in good faith believe in millions of years and believe in the bible at the same time.
@davidhudson4230 Ай бұрын
@@Mushroom_Samurai I don’t believe Genesis is to be taken literally. If you do I don’t blame you.
@Mushroom_Samurai Ай бұрын
@davidhudson4230 I'm praying you come to find it is to be taken literally. Jesus died for the sins of the first adam to grant us eternal life. If you don't take Genesis seriously, his sacrifice is meaningless, my brother in christ. This line of thinking is blasphemy. It will be the downfall of many christians.
@DanielHan-bp5we 7 күн бұрын
This guy don't know science and what he is talking about. He call science fact and don't believe Genesis. There are so many scientist prove that Noah's ark is scientific perfect size that world's biggest storm can withstand. He use Jesus said this and that, but he is taking same passage Jesus spoke to win over his argument. Bible is History, His Story - story of God loving mankind.
@jimmiewomble416 Ай бұрын
I think it's quite an insult to our creator to believe that he didn't spend hundreds of millions of years developing life on earth. While the Bible says "A Thousand years are but a day unto mine eyes", it could also be appropriate to translate that into "A Billion years are but a day unto mine eyes". Give God the credit he deserves.
@vladimirivan3963 27 күн бұрын
Q: Did God really create the world in 6 days? A: *sigh* Let me tell you a story.... Q: Did the ressurection really happen? A: The Bible is clear, there is an empty tomb... Christians say that either you believe the whole bible to be true and factual or you cannot cherry pick and you need to addopt another belief system. Honestly, i don't believe there is a single christian who deep down believes every single word in that book to be the truth, but they claim to believe it, just in case! Just in case it happens to be true so they can secure their spot 'upstairs'. It's utterly sad how truth and divinity have been damaged by millenia of lies and misguidance. Just my opinion
@dr4391 26 күн бұрын
I can answer ALL of these questions. Please contact this ministry and share my comment. I will be happy to talk with them. The Bible is true...100%. God bless you...
@88Padilla Ай бұрын
"These fossils conflict with the bible so the science behind fossilization must be wrong!" Lol. Saved you some time.
@buckanderson3520 Ай бұрын
I tend to see the six days of creation as being six different periods or epochs of creation in which God created different aspects of the universe rather than literally six days as we define it on Earth. It says in the book of Genesis that God created things in essence before He made or formed them. The exact method God used to form or shape things is not specified so it is entirely possible that God formed everything using the same forces He uses to form rocks or mountains meaning what are considered natural forces. Though even "natural" forces did not create or direct themselves. Whether God formed man through the process of evolution or more directly I do not know because I wasn't there. God is able to do anything so knowing whether He did it this way or that is less important than acknowledging God as having done it.
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
You tend to think wrong. Exodus 20
@truth2478 Ай бұрын
So if the Earth is young, As you claim. When did satan fall, And 1/3 of the angels? And yes what about the dinosaurs, Are you telling me that the dinosaurs was on the arc, ? And in the last 4000 years they died out? Don't make me laugh.😮
@luv2travel2000 Ай бұрын
Dinosaurs are pre-flood. If you want those type of answers Dr. Kevin Zadai, ThD talks about this.
@binhanh296 Ай бұрын
There are ancient temples record their encounter with dinosaurs and put what they saw onto their temple walls or pillar. Those people obviously didn't have the "tech" to reanimate those monster from bones, so it's very likely people of ancient times recorded what they saw, and they saw dinosaurs, may as well called them dragons or monster back then.
@CBALLEN Ай бұрын
I believe when God created, He created things fully formed and functioning. The chicken always had to come first.
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
Dinosaur soft tissue containing blood vessels, blood cells, collagen and even partial DNA (DBA has a half-life of 521yrs) has now been found at dig sites on six continents. Many of the tissue found were excavated mere feet from ground level where solar radiation, water and weather conditions should have destroyed the tissue long ago. Soft dinosaur tissue puts the lie to the deep time myth that dinosaurs lived 65+ million years ago.
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
Dinosaur soft tissue has now been found on six continents ...some of these tissues have included DNA which has a half-life of only 521yrs. Dinosaurs lived much more recently.
@coolumesque Ай бұрын
Evolutionists say birds & every living creature that moves came forth from the waters. The Bible says Birds & every living creature that moves came forth from the waters. The only question is "How did it get into the waters in the 1st place?". From a Living Being (GOD), or from natural forces interacting with each other? **** Genesis = 20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. 21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters "brought forth" abundantly, after their kind, "and every winged fowl" after his kind:
@grahamflowers Ай бұрын
God did not create everything in our 6 days but in his six days Gods day is 1000 of our years he created everything in revers from the end to the beginning
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
Nope, Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. In Six literal 24hr days everything was created...to give context God rested on the seventh 24hr day as an example for man to rest one day in seven and keep the sabbath holy. God did not rest for millions or billions of years on day seven as an example for man to follow. Adam was created on day six of creation..sometime after day six, Adam sinned. The bible teaches that the wages of sin is death. There was no death before Adam's original sin. The Bible provides the genealogy of the generations from Adam to Jesus the Christ. From this genealogy we can determine the age of the Earth to be some 6,000 plus years old.
@grahamflowers Ай бұрын
@@alantasman8273 So endeth the evening and the morning of the first day that should have been so endeth the morning and the evening of the first day but God created everything in reverse from the end to the beginning
@ChunkOcoal Ай бұрын
This is completely scripted.
@chriswilkes2438 23 күн бұрын
The bible is nonsense
@user-sy4ov7tb3q 23 күн бұрын
Have you read the book of Proverbs found within the Bible? It contains some of if not the wisest advice there is.
@djsarg7451 Ай бұрын
I agree the Creation-Evolution Issue is Important. But Creation Ministries International young Earth view means they message is lost. The earth is not 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day has not ended. Thus day 7 is a long time span, thus day 1 to 6 must be a long time span. Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblical Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is: Sunrise to sunset Sunset to next sunset Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ). We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast. Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains". The events of day 6 can not have happened in 24 hours. Have you entered into the 7th as Hebrews 4:9-10 asks you to?
@luv2travel2000 Ай бұрын
Disagree. Around 6,000 is correct.
@vikingskuld Ай бұрын
Yeah sorry those days are absolutely clearly defined as 24 hours. There is no extension of millions of years. I can point out many Hebrew experts that totally disagree with that lie. On top of that the dating methods are flawed. The earth has been shown to be very you by far many more arguments. So shame on you for spreading misinformation
@terryhansen5928 Ай бұрын
There are a number of misunderstandings in your explanation. These arguments are clearly answered by the many creation ministries out there. Instead of me answering them, just look into the refutations by many highly qualified scientists and theologians.
@NazSBG Ай бұрын
The word day in Genesis in the original Hebrew text means a literal one day. The narrative is clear in Hebrew. The word day to mean more than a 1 day period (example: in my father's day) is clear in the original Hebrew text!
@alantasman8273 Ай бұрын
The scriptures do teach a young Earth and science backs it up. Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. In Six literal 24hr days everything was created...to give context God rested on the seventh 24hr day as an example for man to rest one day in seven and keep the sabbath holy. God did not rest for millions or billions of years on day seven as an example for man to follow. Adam was created on day six of creation..sometime after day six, Adam sinned. The bible teaches that the wages of sin is death. There was no death before Adam's original sin. The Bible provides the genealogy of the generations from Adam to Jesus the Christ. From this genealogy we can determine the age of the Earth to be some 6,000 plus years old.
@charlo90952 Ай бұрын
I can see the appeal of Islam. It doesn't spend time agonising over these untenable concepts.
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
That's not appealing at all
@diamondlife-gi7hg Ай бұрын
I interpret them as long epochs not literal 24 hr days and a thousand years is like a day to God or 1 billion because time means nothing to God, but it does to us. Old earth creation is the correct view in my opinion. God is the macrocosm, and we are the microcosm that's how I see it.
@007gracie Ай бұрын
But Hebrew contradicts your opinion. It’s very clear. There’s over 100 things that contradict deep time. Information war indeed.
@thetabletopskirmisher Ай бұрын
Creation - Evolution is very important. Not important: 6 days or not.
@cosmictreason2242 Ай бұрын
Supremely important
@johnmacdonald3282 Ай бұрын
Did God really. Sounds like Satan.
@rudybriskar5267 Ай бұрын
I'm an old earth Creationist. Man himself is only six thousand years old but it's absurd to believe that the entire universe is only six thousand years old. I definitely believe that we all came from Adam and Eve. I also believe God's Word from Genesis to Revelation.
@Daniel90210 Ай бұрын
You don't believe in anything about the bible. You can't pick and choose, if God said he created everything including the entire universe in the 6 day creation, then that is exactly what he did. If God is God, he can do anything.
@eddiewilbanks1382 Ай бұрын
How do you ignore the plain reading of 24 hour days in Genesis 1? Why is it absurd that an all powerful God could use any time he chooses to create? Pick what you are going to believe…. God’s Word or man’s word…
@genec2007 Ай бұрын
What would make it difficult to believe that the universe is older than God says it is? Honest question.
@rudybriskar5267 Ай бұрын
@@genec2007 God hasn't revealed everything to us in our fallen state. Will all of this be revealed in the future? Only God Himself knows. If He doesn't then that's His perogative. Please explain how man with only bronze and stone tools moved stones weighing NINE HUNDRED TONS? Then there are the other created beings, angels, seraphim, cherubim, powers, authorities dominions, Nephilim etc. They are only hinted at. Yeshua Himself said " if I tell you physical things and you don't believe how would you believe if I told you Heavenly things "? Like all human beings I have questions, however I came to the conclusion long ago that I don't have to understand the intricate things to accept that God is real and that He is sovereign. That is why I believe His Word cover to cover, btw, I have read the Bible cover to cover six times and I'm in the midst of my seventh time reading through the entire Bible. I have been studying God's Word for over twenty years and eschatology for just as long.
@rudybriskar5267 Ай бұрын
@@Daniel90210 wrong. I believe everything in God's Word. I have been studying God's Word for over twenty years and eschatology for just as long. Who are you to tell me that I don't believe anything about the Bible? Have you read through the entire Bible? How many times?
@user-hn6my2sp6z Ай бұрын
@bevanbasson4289 Ай бұрын
Please read Genisis carefully, real proof of a flat earth, please push that theory. Use the same deductions and fact gymnastics, and you will get there.
@billcook4768 Ай бұрын
Except the earth is globe shaped, not flat. 😅
@user-sy4ov7tb3q Ай бұрын
Neither the Bible, nor science, supports a flat earth and/or geocentrism. Some people believe in a flat earth because they have been led to believe that the Bible teaches it. They therefore believe that by denying a flat earth, people are denying God’s word. IF the Bible taught the earth is flat, their argument would be sound. But the Bible does no such thing. The same applies to the geocentric model. There is no need to reject the authority of the Bible in order to accept the vast, observable evidence that shows our earth to be a sphere that rotates around the sun! Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Dr Robert Carter, both Christians and Biblical creationists, have not only refuted and debunked the arguments put forward to suggest that the Bible supports a flat earth and geocentrism, but have given extensive, observable evidence, that the earth is a heliocentric sphere. For much more explanation and reasoning, please read: → Refuting flat earthism - creation.com/refuting-flat-earth → Refuting absolute geocentrism - creation.com/refuting-absolute-geocentrism
@rmccp Ай бұрын
Can’t believe people think god mad a man from dust and a woman from his rib. And then they populated the world.
@actionhero1983 Ай бұрын
The interviewer sounds too scripted
@Mae3-xp9nq Ай бұрын
As long as he speaks the truth, who cares if he is scripted.
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