Why Tifa is the BEST character in FF7R | Character Analysis

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@simplyeasydiy 2 жыл бұрын
I like how she doesn't come off as morally superior to anybody else. She doesn't judge others for not seeing things how she may see them and she doesn't have everything figured out. She is the type of person you know you can trust as your friend and will be their to offer a hand to pull you back from the abyss should you stare to deeply into it. Female characters are rarely allowed to exhibit the human condition like this in todays story telling. It is a breath of fresh air.
@SeventhheavenDK 2 ай бұрын
Omg, this is one of the best descriptions of Tifa's personality I have read. 👍
@mbovb006 3 жыл бұрын
What really surprised me about the Remake was how much I liked Tifa. I remember very clearly being quite taken with Aerith in the original game. I also wonder if its an age thing. I played the original when I was a kid. Something about a quirky, mysterious girl who flirts like crazy with you seems attractive and the woman who has it put together seems boring. Now as an adult its the reverse. Aerith came across like the first girlfriend you had when you were 12. Tifa comes across as the woman you want to take home. It really fits the arrested development of Cloud in the story of Final Fantasy 7. He's still so juvenile and boyish in a lot of ways. Tifa seems to bring out the 'man' in him a bit more. To top it off - I have more fun playing as Tifa than I do Cloud. They designed her fight mechanics so well. Feels like a streamlined modern twist on a classic arcade. NGL I am really looking forward to the part where we play more as Tifa when Cloud is out sick.
@NotsewTheGreat Жыл бұрын
The same thing happened to me I liked aertih when I was like 10 but that's changed
@wmen48 5 ай бұрын
Hehe kinda getting there myself. Gotta point that og Tifa and Aerith are different. Og Tifa was shy and less mature. Og Aerith was one of the most mature party members. She wasn't so bubbly. Of course she flirted with him but that was her opening him up. Remember she is a stranger and she recognise Cloud is putting on an act in one day. Like OP stated, in remake she feels less human and more magical fairy ppl.
@Mukation 3 ай бұрын
​@@wmen48 Alot of Aeriths juvinile behaviour is also an act, she's been sheltered and put on a leash sll her life, only meeting Cloud is the reason she ended up experiencing any real freedom for the first time.
@shadowthehedgehog2351 3 жыл бұрын
She's the only character in the game that feels real I really love her
@artvandalleigh7894 4 жыл бұрын
I like how she is presented as flawed. I firmly believe that weaknesses make the character stronger and she is a great example of that. Nice vid!
@Rachel.DawnAmber 3 жыл бұрын
I think the "not real" cloud thinks he's in love with arieth but the real one is still going for tifa. Good job in your analysis!
@kaage8780 2 жыл бұрын
Cloud was never in love with Aerith. Aerith is a fling, Tifa is the real love interest he shares mutual feelings with.
@mayamiko684 Жыл бұрын
Might be the case for OG but I think "not real" cloud is focusing on tifa now. But nice catch on getting the "real one" still going for tifa and it never really got contested (there are hints in the game that shows it like his "keep hoping" answer and etc), he's just in there horribly trapped inside while seeing all of these awful shenanigans happen around his fake persona which he hardly has any control over. I cannot wait for part 3 sigh....
@PinkSakuraBunnie 11 ай бұрын
​@@mayamiko684yeah, I think though for Remake as opposed to OG, he's more involved with Tifa even has his fake persona this go around bc, at least according to what I've seen from what the developers have said, this time around "real Cloud" comes out some when with Tifa (and only Tifa). And that would make sense then why, even though he's technically "fake Cloud" during part 1, this time around he seems more interested in Tifa (I don't just mean romantically, I mean like where she is, what she's doing, if she's okay etc.), unlike OG where he kind of ignored her a lot in the beginning while being flirty and nice to Aerith. Bc "real Cloud" always cared for Tifa, he just didn't make small break through appearances in OG like he is in Remake when with her at times. 🙂
@DS94everXev 16 күн бұрын
The "not real Cloud" is Zack. Cloud's mind has been mixed with Zacks Aerith loved Zack. Zack loved Aerith. Aerith is attracted to Cloud because she recognizes the Zack part of Cloud as something she wants. Aerith NEVER LOVED CLOUD. Cloud meanwhile ALWAYS loved Tifa. And that never changed. Even when Zack's memories were mixed in with his. Cloud pursued, remained and had sex with Tifa and ONLY Tifa.
@DutchDread 3 жыл бұрын
Tifa was always the best written character, people just missed it because they're allergic to subtlety.
@somethingspicy4757 4 жыл бұрын
You've literally taken the words out of my mouth, I'm gonna subscribe for sure.
@tashman9135 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you man - I appreciate that!
@nanx7062 4 жыл бұрын
Even when Ff7 characters were cubanized characters in the original game with text boxes and limited detail in facial expressions; I was still more drawn to Tifa than any other characters. I like a lot of the characters but tifa was always my favorite because she relatability some ways. I think the remake did i a good job showing the subtlety and Compton her character that just wasn’t possible in the original due to technical limitations.
@laurajanco2i 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know why people think that Cloud is in love with Aerith, but I feel like they should look twice, especially if they play the Japanese version, they're gonna understand who he really cares about. Appearences are deceiving.
@kaage8780 3 жыл бұрын
I never saw that. Not even in the OG. Ofc he cried when Aeris was murdered, but he would've cried too if it was Tifa? I think the most reason why Cloud cried was ESPECIALLY because he FAILED her. That's the reason why he was distant and felt trapped even in AC (Stigma affected too ofc) because he was feeling guilty about what had happened and couldn't find the peace. In my eyes, failure has always been Cloud's BIGGEST fear.
@laurajanco2i 3 жыл бұрын
@@kaage8780 Exactly...Cloud crying is not because that someone is special for him, but because he already lost and failed so many people that his persona couldn't take it anymore. He almost killed her with his hands...the guy was already traumatized enough. People saying "but he loves Aerith...", get your feet on earth, because Cloud is not the prince that loves his princess even after death. This is not a Hollywood style movie in which Aerith is a princess and Cloud is prince charming. Cloud is the shy countryboy that falls in love with the girl next door, his childhood friend, and even gets into Soldier because he wants to impress her. He holds her dear for his entire life and even builds a new persona based on some of Zack's memories, attitude and on his will to be a hero for Tifa. People think he loves Aerith because first, the idea of the cute girl and the tough guy (your typical cheesy fairytale, that ff7 is not...), second because she has an important role in the plot of the story (even more stupid, since not everything rotates around her, especially Cloud's character arc, that from the beginning to the end, is connected to Tifa instead). They don't have a beginning, nor an ending together, they don't even have things that bind them together...no promises, no past together, no mental connection, since they don't know each other, nor they love each other. SE spent their time depicting Zack and Aerith's love story in Crisis Core for what? Cloud and her didn't even meet one time there and everything that happened to him, was either about Zack or Tifa. I don't know...this ltd shit is getting tiring and this is the localization's fault, because in the Japanese version is evident the favor that Cloud holds for Tifa... SENA is just stirring up drama because they are salty, biased bitches.
@kaage8780 2 жыл бұрын
@@LCardosed92 do you seriously believe what you wrote? Do you actually even understand Cloud as a character? Or Tifa nor even Aerith? Or anything about their bonds, their childhoods etc and their roles in the whole game? Like seriously? Based on that comment, I just have to say..wow.
@kaage8780 2 жыл бұрын
@@LCardosed92 thank GOD I'm not a Clerith. So thankful 🙏
@chumb3784 2 жыл бұрын
@@LCardosed92 wow! Your brain really must be be an empty channel
@makedate9338 4 ай бұрын
In the first public screening of the trailer, it was when much later TIFA appeared and people went wild! They were waiting for Her! TIFA is a female action hero and still manages to be female in the best sense of the word! Humble, kind, wise,beautiful and strong
@yoshikanamoto4513 3 жыл бұрын
I agree Tifa is the best!
@Iyraw 3 жыл бұрын
As a Tifa and ff7 fan myself, it's interesting to hear you say that she's the most well developed character. From a fan perspective and someone who has played the OG and knows their story arc, Tifa and Barret are actually the least developed characters from Part 1. But I'm glad to hear and applaud the developers for being able to somehow incorporate character development for Tifa in Part 1 even though it's just about 10-15% of her storyline being flashed out in Part 1.
@DVRKSTXR 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think that’s just the one hold up with a game structure of this nature is that this is only Part 1. Once Parts 2&3 hit, Tifa’s character development is going to skyrocket. Even more so than it did in the OG simply because there is so much more that Square can do with the characters now that they are allowed to create a more dynamic script with actual voice actors that can draw more emotion and open up broader avenues for the characters through their performances.
@laurajanco2i 3 жыл бұрын
Ya'll are giving me so much hype...I hpe they don't screw her up, because so far, they are really giving us good stuff. I never imagined, because in the Midgar section, Tifa seems like she only fights and is a really laidback character(even if it's not entirely like that). I'm just excited for Kalm guys...
@kaage8780 2 жыл бұрын
@@laurajanco2i I don't think they screw her up since the remake has been said to be less ambiguous with the love triangle. They're definitely pushing more CloTi together. But well, can't say how pt.2 will be.
@sasakelala3360 3 жыл бұрын
huh??? Aerith was not "distant". She didn't proclaim herself being an "ancient" because that is 1) dangerous to know 2) not important when making friends. She is super friendly and open. I mean I still prefer Cloud with Tifa. But I TOTALLY don't get your assessment for Aerith.
@laurajanco2i 3 жыл бұрын
It's true that she's been fleshed out better in this and that she feels more human, but she feels too quirky for some people and her pushy behavior throws you off sometimes. She has moments in which she feels human, in which she can be serious, so I get the feeling that I'm gonna like her so much this time around and right after all that, she comes back to be reckless and extra and I cannot really get on board with her... Cloud feels more like a babysitter when he's around her sometimes, I can't even count how many times he sighed, during the gameplay. And the thing is that she can even be sweet and relatable at times. My favorite scenes of her, are the ones in which she's talking with Cloud in the park about you know who, the one in which she rescues Marlene and the moment in the train graveyard, in which she remebers her childhood. I love those though. These are actual moments...
@kaage8780 2 жыл бұрын
Super friendly and open? Setting up traps for a boy you don't even know = friendly? Tifa and Cloud BOTH think she is suspicuous since they know she's hiding things.
@DVRKSTXR 3 жыл бұрын
I agree that Tifa is easily one of the most well developed characters in the game, she’s my favorite female video game character of all time, but calling Barret emotionally distant after his many scenes with Marlene and ESPECIALLY after his emotional breakdown after the Sector 7 plate drop is a little off base. No other character in the game had a scene where they expressed nearly as much emotion as Barret did in that one scene alone. It was beyond powerful and emotionally provoking. I’d say the only other scenes that comes close are Tifa’s secret scene with Cloud and Jessie’s death scene.
@coxfire 3 жыл бұрын
I second that! Barrett is absolutely fantastic in this game. His reaction after the fall of the plate, his relationship with Marlene, the extra scene with President Shinra...They stayed true to who he was in OG game and made it even better.
@DutchDread 3 жыл бұрын
"the girl that Cloud himself apparently decides to fall in love with", Hashtag doubt.
@forbidstardust Жыл бұрын
He hasn't played the whole game yet but lmao he got caught in the illusion set up by the game ahaha. I'm not even sure if OP is sure with what they're saying considering the use of the word "apparently".
@NoDakExpress 4 жыл бұрын
Jessie was basically a nothing character in FF7 (and she died there too), so her relatively shallow story made sense - however if you hadn’t played the original before it may seem odd! Great essay and editing! Kudos!
@tashman9135 4 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the thoughts! Yeah, its difficult to understand the fandom sometimes coming to the game with fresh eyes. Can't believe its only one part of the game tbh!
@edurmissa 2 жыл бұрын
I bought a nintendo wii because I like nintendo. I bought an xbox 360 because of the online and local multiplayer, most of my friends used to have a 360..... and I will buy a ps5 because of Tifa
@gamblerfls 10 ай бұрын
I find amazing how you read Aerith completely wrong.
@anndeo3818 4 ай бұрын
Cloud never ever fell in love with Aerith. Read the Ultimanias.
@DS94everXev 16 күн бұрын
💯 The entire story disagrees with Cloud loving Aerith. The entire story doesn't happen unless Cloud loves Tifa. Cloud never goes away to join soldier because he did so to protect Tifa. And Tifa directly requests that from Cloud. Then Cloud would have left Avalanche immediately after getting paid if not for Cloud seeing Tifa as a member. That means Cloud never sees Aerith at the church. The story never goes anywhere with Cloud as a protagonist if not for Tifa. The same can't be said of Aerith. Remake proves this view of Tifa.
@jenniferchough 3 жыл бұрын
"And [Aerith] is indeed the girl that Cloud, himself, decides to fall in love with...." Really?? I didn't know much about the characters going into FFVII Remake but I didn't get that vibe at all after finishing this game (this was my first foray into the FF universe). Was there something I missed? I walked away from the game thinking it was being kinda ambiguous. Or are you referring to the OG FFVII?
@rosebay1399 3 жыл бұрын
It is ambiguous, you're right :)
@laurajanco2i 3 жыл бұрын
it's complicated...he's right, but at the same time super wrong. The vibes you're getting are gonna guide you in the right path...
@fernicusmaximus9282 2 жыл бұрын
He never decided who he's in love with not even in the original.
@kaage8780 2 жыл бұрын
@@fernicusmaximus9282 he does share mutual romantic feelings with Tifa tho. It's proven many times in official sources and even in OG with the Lifestream scene.
@fernicusmaximus9282 2 жыл бұрын
@@kaage8780 I do not disagree with that at all. He does have feelings for Tifa I agree.
@Koniving Жыл бұрын
We are meant to believe she lost track of time; she herself doesn't know she has seen Cloud five years before, she last saw him 7 years ago.
@chaolihai-innit 3 жыл бұрын
Boy you gained a sub. This was amazing.
@akupocoffee 3 жыл бұрын
Great video essay! Subscribed!
@kevinmcdonald6560 3 жыл бұрын
where is the promised overall review? this was well-argued
@fernicusmaximus9282 2 жыл бұрын
Great video but I don't think Cloud ever decided who he loved in the original game.
@fernicusmaximus9282 Жыл бұрын
@Regina George I get ya I lean towards Tifa too BTW. The under the Highwind scene was probably the most romantic part of the game. Both characters admitted their emotion without just being speculation.
@mrtnite9780 4 ай бұрын
Shes my favourite character for simply being the sexiest.
@amronfaro9728 2 жыл бұрын
Tifa Lockhart's popularity rise to an abnormal degree. We can all agree that she is indeed the most popular and overrated character in FF history. Better than Masayoshi Shido from Persona 5, whom she can kick his ass.
@marcoabk 2 жыл бұрын
@bouchra7543 3 жыл бұрын
My question is what does Tifa bring to the story compared to the other characters? She lost her village and people she loved but it's a common past with Cloud and we mostly have Cloud's point of view and not Tifa's,she doesn't have her own character arc,she's a complement to Cloud's arc,there are the other characters who lost people they loved too so what makes her unique? Her development? Which one? Her training,her meeting with barret,her decision to run a bar,to join avalanche are never explored. A potential character never exploited.
@WorldGovernmentGeoInstitut 3 жыл бұрын
I think Tifa should be given her own spinoff video game or maybe even a video game series. She needs to be a heroine rather than an Avalanche member that tags along. I want her to be a protagonist of her own story where a One World Order has taken over the FF7 world and her alone can liberate it (Cloud is missing, maybe trapped somewhere or already taken as a prisoner). That would be such an awesome story. Sort of like the FFX spinoff with Yuna.
@bouchra7543 3 жыл бұрын
@@WorldGovernmentGeoInstitut Maybe a spin off on her, I'm not sure they will do it, SquareEnix preferred to make a dlc on Yuffie rather than Tifa and even if she doesn't have her own spin off, her own game they can write her in a good way as one of the protagonists of ff7 but they don't do it, even in case of Tifa, in the novel her character was around Cloud.
@WorldGovernmentGeoInstitut 3 жыл бұрын
@@bouchra7543 That's one of the things that I don't like about Tifa. She's such an awesome character with so much potential yet Square Enix wastes it by making her revolve around Cloud. I know Cloud is the protagonist but each character is interesting enough that they could have their own "arcs" so to speak, I'm biased towards Tifa because I think everything about her feels right.
@laurajanco2i 3 жыл бұрын
@@WorldGovernmentGeoInstitut what is wrong with you guys? She doesn't revolve around him, she is developed alongside him. If anything is Cloud who depends on her. How can you guys say that you're biased, if you don't understand her character enough. If she didn't exist, Cloud wouldn't exist either. Imagine her dying, for example... it's the end, Sephiroth wins. It's not like she's less important or relevant, just because she helps Cloud's character development. Her being one of the best and most loved characters in ff7, it's not for nothing and not definitely (only) because of her physical appearence. Tifa has her own dreams, her own objectives... these just happen to allign with some of the characters'. She's directly involved in the Nibelheim incident and not because of Cloud. It's him who revolves around her. It's Cloud who takes experiences from others, not the opposite. If you guys think she's just there to be the love interest for the protagonist, ya'll are completely wrong. She's like a life lesson in ff7, she represents balance and strength for the group, she never gives up and has spirit of sacrifice. She's like the heart of ff7, while Aerith is the soul. I don't know if you noticed how similar Tifa and Aerith are and yet so different. They seem like the perfect opposites and they all have their respective jobs and personalities. Just because Tifa doesn't have as much of a centric role as Aerith, doesn't mean she's less valuable. Also...I descovered recently from ""Trace of two pasts"", that Tifa bought Seventh Heaven with her savings, to shelter homeless Barret and Marlene and when she didn't even know them well. This girl had to fight for her entire life and without magic, mako or without weird origins and stuff. She's just real. Still telling me that she's not a good enough character? Tifa is really the best.
@celineosthaus8032 3 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you. I wish Tifa wouldn't revolve solely around Cloud. Also, the other comment can't handle it if you don't think Tifa is that great.
@wassaaaaaaaaaaaaap 3 жыл бұрын
Why? There's 2 reasons.
@Traigame2cervezas 9 ай бұрын
Bruh, she's far from the best. Aerith is perfection and there's nothing you can do.
@tobytheshih-tzu6329 6 ай бұрын
Everyone has their own opinion! I love Aerith too but Tifa is just as amazing!
@EvelynL.1112 4 ай бұрын
@manjimidou8779 5 ай бұрын
Real talk tifa is trash.
@EvelynL.1112 4 ай бұрын
Then why are you here?
@manjimidou8779 4 ай бұрын
@@EvelynL.1112 to remind people tifa is trash.
@EvelynL.1112 4 ай бұрын
@@manjimidou8779 You are not going to convince people by invading a pro-Tifa video and spouting hate about her. If you hate Tifa, you shouldn't be here in the first place! People can like whoever they want!
@EvelynL.1112 4 ай бұрын
@tim92019 6 ай бұрын
Tifa is the Best because She’s Hot Beautiful Smart and she can kickass. I Wish She is My Wife
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