🔥Japan OKs Noto Quake Aid Package Featuring Tourism Subsidie🔥 Up to 20,000 yen in subsidies will be provided under the program to cover half of the accommodation fees a night per traveler to the central Japan prefectures of Ishikawa, Niigata, Toyama, and Fukui. The travel subsidy program will be in place from March to April, lasting until just before the country's Golden Week holiday period from late April until early May. 🔥「北陸応援割」🔥 1人1泊あたり2万円を上限に、観光客の宿泊料金の半額が補助される予定。 地域:石川 福井 富山 新潟 時期:早ければ3月~GWあたりまで Q.今、観光に行ってもいいの? A.自粛ムードは、地域経済に大きな損失を与える。 観光は身近にできる復興支援です! www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240126/k10014335691000.html
I found your video as I'm finalizing the places we can visit in Kanazawa and the Hokuriku region because we can no longer visit the Noto Peninsula Thank you for making this video in English as I don't understand Japanese. I hope you will make more videos in English so that English speakers can enjoy your videos while researching for places to visit in Japan I also hope the Noto region recovery efforts are going well. And we are going ahead with our Kanazawa trip booked last year soon. I'm so looking forward to it 😊