Why YOU Think Tennant is the Best Doctor

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@KnightlyReviews 5 күн бұрын
Yo! Here's the songs I used with their corresponding timestamps! 0:00- Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Paul Abraham) 0:44- Weatherscan Track 3 1:52- Love & Peace (Kemmel Adachi, Gran Turismo 5 OST) 3:39- Apotos, Windmill Isle, Night (Sonic Unleashed OST) 6:21- Gorgeous Days, Private Suite (Monster Hunter World OST) 8:01- Salon (Pokemon Sun/Moon)
@ultraslayer9255 5 күн бұрын
I knew I recognised the mh one, great choice of music
@KnightlyReviews 5 күн бұрын
@@ultraslayer9255dude I'm actually obsessed with that ost
@ultraslayer9255 5 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews mhw has some great osts my personal favourite has to be arch tempered nergigante
@KnightlyReviews 5 күн бұрын
@@ultraslayer9255i like the nergigante chase quite a bit
@terranceeisner8958 3 күн бұрын
actually he hadn't died yet when the first doctor regenerated he was simply diagnosed with what at the time was a death sentence and it was actually Hartnell's idea but it
@fadeldennawi7133 4 күн бұрын
12 will always feel like THE DOCTOR. He combines classic who and new whk flawlessly
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I need to see how he wraps up but he's definitely my number two as of now!
@littlerenov9161 Күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews I could not agree more with the commenter. Even more so, I would say that Capaldi's interpretation of the Doctor not only makes a bridge between styles and tempos of Old-school DW and modern Who every now and then, but also brings back the elements of storytelling characteristic to Tennant's era, which you discussed in the video. Still the differences between the first four and the next six seasons of the show can be explained by the change in seat of the showrunner (duh, obviously, sry) Thanks for the video btw, *It was perfect. Perfect.* Good luck finishing the series, hope you'll love it enough to keep watching, when the Chibnall's decisions will hit the fan, haha. I wish you well man, keep doing whacha doin' ;)
@SpencyRockMC 4 күн бұрын
A few things worth noting. The first Doctor didn't die before being recast, he was just too old to do the series and was messing up his lines a lot with his declining health. Also, Capaldi is my fav, and his time on the show is VERY dedicated towards exploration of the character of The Doctor. A lot of the choices made about Matt Smith's doctor not focusing character driven moments are (probably not intentional, but) integral to his arc regarding the time war. Eccleston was angry, fresh out of the fight and Tennant was the sadness left over once 9's rage was had burned out. 11's time on the show being less focused on character becomes an important stylistic choice because it signifies how the Doctor plans to use his last regeneration, NOT focused on himself. Helping people, doing the last bits of good he can before what he thinks is a guaranteed death. When he gains that secondary set of regenerations, Capaldi's first actions all become about asking himself who he is, what it means to be The Doctor after every bit of joy and pain he's gone through. The four Doctors all culminate into a very impressive piece of longform narrative with that in mind. It's extra neat considering there's no chance they planned it that way lol
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
i think that's a really great way to look at 11's characterization, and when i eventually rewatch it i'll try to keep that in mind :)
@SpencyRockMC 4 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews I think that sweet spot from 2005-2017 is one of the best pieces of longform character writing I’ve seen from ANY TV show. Obviously not every piece of it was intentional, but the throughline is there from start to finish about overcoming a cosmic degree of grief and shame and the way it culminates at the end is beautiful. For me personally, that arc is what makes the show worth watching. When you finish watching Capaldi’s seasons I hope it all clicks!
@SpencyRockMC 4 күн бұрын
OH and to follow up on the idea behind this video specifically: Viewing each doctor isolated, the favorite doctor often becomes Tennant because A) the show was peak popularity back then and B) his Doctor needs the most emotional support out of any, while still retaining traits that make him “The Doctor.” I firmly believe Smith realistically could’ve achieved similar heights if Seasons 6 & 7 didn’t struggle as much in the writing department. And Eccleston could’ve too if he wasn’t cut short, but him being cut short was for the best IMO because without that his finale would have no stakes. Meanwhile, if you view every doctor as ONE character, and ONE narrative, the favorite often becomes Capaldi. We’ve seen him rage and struggle and ignore his problems as staple features of his past regenerations, so watching 12 tackle them head on means all the emotional support 10 got has payoff. Seasons 8-10 explore the character and wrap up the continued plot lines from prior seasons really efficiently.
@loftus4453 3 күн бұрын
Hartnell wasn’t that old actually. He did have a heart condition which resulted in his death years after he left the role.😢 He was only 55 when he was cast as Doctor Who - about the same age as Capaldi when he took on the role. Difference was Hartnell became extremely ill while playing the Doctor.
@largechild9941 5 күн бұрын
It's so refreshing to hear someone actually defend Matt Smith's run. People hate on it so much I just assume that's the normal reaction. He's my favourite doctor
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
Dude he's so good! He's definitely hated on way too hard imo
@ashleywhitaker8367 4 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews Hearing someone hate on Matt Smiths run, to me is crazy, I feel he had the best connection to their companions! whilst i love Tenant and Donna, I think the Rory, Amy and Doctor stories really showed where the doctor got it wrong, and I think thats important, is the doctor always right? obviously not, so why not call them out on it. For me, the hardest run is Jodie, not because of her, but because of story lines that were too on the nose of the world we currently live in. Not that they were incorrect though.......but also, you adopt the doctor you were raised with!
@abraxolotl 4 күн бұрын
I started watching during early Smith era, and he has always been my favorite (and it helps I usually enjoy the seasonal storyline in shows that moffet prefers). But after watching the show from the (new who) start, tennant does get a lot of the best individual episodes. And Donna. So I get why people love that part of the show.
@natvelo 3 күн бұрын
in the fandom the only era that gets any real hate these days is chibnalls and rtd2, even 12s which was hated at the time is beloved now it's kinda mad tbh
@user-cl9ep7gn9k 3 күн бұрын
My favourite is kinda split between david tennants and matt smiths - while i did prefer the intro for tennants series, matt smiths was more comedy focussed i think (I've only watched those two so maybe i'll prefer capaldi idk)
@codekillerz5392 4 күн бұрын
You are going to love Capaldi's last season
@Haunted_Wizard_Skull 5 күн бұрын
Your coworker did, in fact, give you blatant misinformation.
@KnightlyReviews 5 күн бұрын
THAT MOTHER FUCKER (It's funny enough I'm not changing this video)
@Haunted_Wizard_Skull 5 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews you can watch the episode there the first doctor regenerates. How could they do that if he was dead? Lol
@KnightlyReviews 5 күн бұрын
@@Haunted_Wizard_Skull respectfully I'm not classic who anytime soon lmao
@AlisonH007 4 күн бұрын
​@@Haunted_Wizard_SkullHe wasn't dead but he was very ill due to his age
@sky0kast0 3 күн бұрын
Actually it was not age he just had a very early case of something messed him up and they didn't even know they planned on having a regenerate and come back and there was nothing they knew they just knew who was messing up it was hard to confirm why back then
@loftus4453 3 күн бұрын
William Hartnell, the 1st Doctor, lived for a few years after he left his role in Doctor Who. The BBC didn’t replace the actor because he died. They replaced him because he was ill and couldn’t perform the role well any more. He had tremendous difficulty remembering his lines which you can definitely see in the later episodes. The show was popular, so they came up with the regeneration idea to replace Hartnell with another actor. Worked out well for all us fans and a key piece of the Who lore was born.❤
@b-manmovies2032 3 күн бұрын
He also returned in the Three Doctors storyline (even if it was just a small role due to his health)
@BaileyMagikz 4 күн бұрын
6:52 matt smiths era: fish fingers in custard, fez's are cool, bowties are cool , Geronimo, oooo doctor you sonic'd her david tennant era: barefoot on the moon, alonzo y alonzo, I'm Burning Up A Sun Just To Say Goodbye, Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey... Stuff
@HydraDaLittle 4 күн бұрын
My favourite is 10, you're right! I love his boundless, "bouncing off the walls" energy; how he gets excited by new places and people, his companions get excited and so I get excited! His episodes feel optimistic but without going into fairy tale territory that I feel Moffat likes to do. I also find Tennant's and Eccleston's quiet moments a lot more relatable than doctors after that, I mean 11 all but confesses he gets bored if he stays still for 5 minutes. But in the end, I'm just happy my favourite show keeps going, and I'm glad The Doctor is still around!
@soulsurvivor8293 3 күн бұрын
That's partly due to 10's lack of bitter rage and self-loathing that 9 had from the war. 9 had begun to heal and form a strong bond with Rose prior to the regeneration into 10. In doing so, 9 tried to hold onto all the survivors' guilt from the War Doctor's actions to let his new incarnation grow from there. Though unsuccessful in holding onto all of it, 9 did project a wish to become someone who could at least grow into a more positive person for Rose. 10 had his moments of unbridled rage and sorrowful reflections on his past lives. But was able to grow from there until he lost Rose seemingly forever. The new loss compounded upon his existing problems. As such, he grew more distant from others, always keeping them at arms length. Until he lost Donna and lost Rose again, this time for good. With his only solace being the metacrisis half human copy of him going with her. He became insufferably arrogant. No one had the right to question or challenge his decisions after that. I hated the later era of 10's run, only for it to be topped off with his uncharacteristic (For the Doctor) angry rant at Wilf for getting trapped in the chamber. Less as Wilf himself and more at the fact that 10 was willing to let the random guy die, but couldn't let Donna's grandad die. Angry that he was guaranteed to regenerate into what he believed to be his last incarnation. I hated the long goodbye send tour of him visiting his previous companions and the "I don't want to go" line at the end. It felt disrespectful to whoever would come next, that 10 would be able to have this special long-winded goodbye tour on top of his angry rant at the situation with Wilf and the final line. It was just too much, at the end after that last stretch of the timelord victorious and carried through arrogance there after. 11 was great for being the manic obsessive attempting to do as much good as possible before he died. As he believed it to be his last incarnation, he felt an obligation to go hard and fast at every issue that he found. Only to have the resignation of his ultimate demise, all but confirmed to him in the alternate timeline when travelling to his own Tomb of the Tardis with Clara. He felt as though Clara had done more than enough by leaping into his time stream, but she came back at the end of his cenuries long defence of Chrismas on Trenzalore. Her appeal to the timelords being granted and the Doctor being granted an unspecified amount of new regenerations. 12 was great in that he was trying to find himself, both literally initially and figuratively throughout his run. Always questioning why THIS face? What was he trying to tell himself with that? Why is Clara still important after the Impossible Girl event had already taken place? All of them have had great moments and bad through their incarnations up to 12, but only 10 had what I personally view as a period of being unbearable and uncharacteristic to who the Doctor is or ought to be at his core.
@soulsurvivor8293 3 күн бұрын
Of New Who, Eccleston stands out as the best. His hardened post-war characterisation and eventual softening towards Rose were great in execution. Eccleston also voluntarily received less for his time as the Doctor to help ensure it's funding was not stretched on his account. He loved being the Doctor, a childhood dream come true, and it shows. Both of which are bonuses in his favour, as he did it for the love of the series and character rather than the money. He had his happy and silly moments, which never seemed out of place for his contrasting, internalised suffering. The latter of which would surface less and less, the more time he spent with Rose. Great overall era that was done perfectly.
@HydraDaLittle 3 күн бұрын
@@soulsurvivor8293 That's a great write up about the doctors! Personally I don't dislike Tennant's specials that come after Donna. His Doctor was always the most human one, and I understand that some view it as a flaw but personally I enjoyed that take on the character! It is very human to be afraid of death, and view regeneration like we, the human audience do - he dies, and someone new and different comes along. You're right, he is arrogant. He was told he was going to die after he hears 4 knocks, then he defeats the Master who he thought was gonna be responsible for his own demise. That's it, right? He just defeated the prophecy, the death itself, he's unstoppable! But it all comes crashing down because apparently it was Wilf all along who'd knock. Wouldn't you feel bitter and betrayed? Not necessarily by Wilf but by circumstance itself, by - I dunno, universe? Everyone? That's how I see it - although much like you, I didn't enjoy the goodbye tour, now that was definitely taking it too far. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as I did. Have you seen his return to the role? What did you think of that?
@deltaproductions313 4 күн бұрын
11 is my favorite they really humanize the Doctor but he still sticks out as the weird one in the room and the smartest and I love it series 5 is one of my favorite seasons of television ever
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
Hell yeah dude Season Five was fantastic
@Donnagata1409 3 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews Definitely
@aletcetera9883 3 күн бұрын
I’ve been saying it for a decade and I’ll probably be saying it for at least another decade: Capaldi is KING.
@The-Cosmic-Hobo 2 күн бұрын
Capaldi is the second best actor to play the role - second only to Troughton. Sure, Tom Baker embodied Doctor Who - but he just had to turn up and be himself. Capaldi (and Troughton) created a character.
@LibertyBridgeProductions 4 күн бұрын
Your co worker told you a lot of blatantly wrong information: 1.William Hartnell did not pass away that’s not why regeneration was invented it was because of his poor health. He even re appeared in the show for its 10th anniversary alongside the other 2 doctors. 2.Matt Smith’s seasons are beloved and he’s probably people’s second favourite Doctor and Capaldi is probably the 3rd. People just hate on it when there is a new Doctor and that guy is from that generation. I’d go as far as 2 say if you watch most lists you will either see series 4 or 5 at the top of peoples favourite lists.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
Yeah he definitely lied lmao but a lot of the conversations I've seen online were downplaying Smith pretty hard (maybe my feed was zoomed in on it though🤷🏽)
@BigEvil02 2 күн бұрын
Series 4 was Tennant's best because it wasn't bogged down by stupid romance and cockyness. It felt like Doctor Who. Trouble is RTD completely ruined that by having the Master turn into a parody of himself
@malmalfactor3544 3 күн бұрын
Hartnell didn't actually die, not until 9 years after he left the show least way, he was just getting very sick and very tired so acting was beginning to not be a possibility for him anymore.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
Yeah I'm definitely telling my coworker he's a dingus next shift
@aidanstinson7475 4 күн бұрын
Incredibly valid points, I never realized how the Van Gogh episode was structured similarly to Tennant's seasons, just another reason to love that episode! Honestly, everything you said was great, especially the final bit about Eccleston (UNDERRATED) - also someone already said this but you're going to love Capaldi's last season. I've given up on having a set ranking for the 9th thru 12th doctors, they're all so special in their own ways. Absolutely fantastic.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I'm so excited for Capaldi's last season! And I think you're right, having a favorite doctor is cool but a set ranking feels impossible sometimes lol
@LiveHedgehog 3 күн бұрын
My favourite is Eccleston but I fully understand a big reason for that is because I watched his series as it aired when I was 4.
@yigidigt8248 4 күн бұрын
i think peters doctor was the best it was a more serious doctor
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
I love Capaldi! (Ithink that return to a more mature doctor was so perfect right after smiths finale and every episode has only reaffirmed it for me so far)
@nateowen1064 3 күн бұрын
My favorite Doctors are David Tennant and Matt Smith
I like every doctor because of each of their unique qualities. but if I had to choose a favorite it has to be Tennant. ( but just like the doctor himself it changes.)
@unorthodoxbox 4 күн бұрын
I find it strange when people say “oh the show fell off during Matt Smiths run.” No, it’s a change in head writer and production, they’re allowed to do their own thing with the show. Moffat for all his faults is still my favourite era of the show for having a more experimental approach with multi season arcs. Changing up the episode structure and formula. Even the Chibnall era I’ll defend because while I didn’t like some of it, it kept going forward and tried new stuff. For example I like Segun Akinola’s music and Flux was incredibly fun and janky. Even with the newest series, we’ve already seen RTD being a bit more experimental with his stories. Gods and monsters, companions who have Moffatisms and a new episode structure. What I’m trying to say is embrace the change. Have fun with it. Doctor Who can be nearly anything. :)
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
I'm really excited to get caught up! Seeing all the cool stuff they come up with is my favorite part of the show so as long as there's a good episode here and again that's all I really need
@Donnagata1409 3 күн бұрын
Change is the point of Doctor Who.
@unorthodoxbox 2 күн бұрын
@@Donnagata1409 Yes it is, but I sometimes get the impression with some fans that Doctor Who has to be a particular shape and form and if it doesn't comform to it, they don't like it.
@KNBurt 4 күн бұрын
10 is my favorite, but 9 is criminally underrated
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I'll fight for eccleston until I'm dead
@MusicaX79 5 күн бұрын
Donna Noble is the best companion, and her season has the best episodes. Just two best friends the shenanigans they get up to which is extremely refreshing compared to the two seasons before it. Matt smith isn’t bad it’s just that you can tell the writers were running out of ideas when the writing became “and then.” Peter Capaldi's doctor is probably the best doctor in the worst writing at the time. Michelle Gomez as Missy or The Master during these seasons was also my favorite. While John Simm plays a great vindictive and sometimes Psychopathic Master. Michelle Gomez was more sociopathic and selfish allowing for a more relatable a fun version of the Master than before. Peter Capaldi got screwed by the BBC with his contract due to them requiring permanent availability. Even when nothing is getting done not allowing him to work on other project. You can see by the end of the second season, he was sick of the nonsense. He came in bright happy and overjoyed to play the part he always dreamed of having only for media bureaucracy to kill any love he had for it.
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
I didn't know that they were locked into exclusive contracts like that, that's actually really lame (and I think I prefer Simm's performance as the master personally but missy is so much fucking fun lol)
@MusicaX79 4 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews Less of an exclusive contract and more they take to long to shoot and write as such the 12 episdoes each took 12 months to shoot. the stories of the aboslute @#$% show the shoots for the shows are, well known. it's why some seasons take 2+ years.
@Twenteen2 4 күн бұрын
personally season 10 and 11 I think are really strong seasons and while idk the source of your information, from what I know of the actor he never hated the role and he was a die hard fan of the show for decades before
@MusicaX79 4 күн бұрын
@@Twenteen2 I never said he hated the role he loved it. He hated the bureaucracy and how much it took up his life. He left after the last season he was in because it took 2 years to shoot it.
@BangstaWasStolen Күн бұрын
Eccleston pulling a lowtiergod is phenomenal
@jackbamford 4 күн бұрын
Hey great video dude. I wanna just talk about a few things on why dr who has different fans prefering different eras/doctors. 1. Regeneration came about because the actor was to sick to carry on and he was basically replaced nicely. Nowadays its more because the show is really hard to make for any one actor to keep the role for a long time. 2. Dr who doesn't just chage actors it changes showrunners, Tennant to Smith was also the change of RTD to Moffat (he wrote the weeping angels episode). 3. The seasons change and the character focus does too. If you look at 9 and 10 they are guilty doctors with a lot of self loathing. But 11 and 12 are much forgetfful and often run away from their mistakes instead. There is a lot more to it than that (particularly with the ecclsston and Capaldi doctors but that is the basic appearabce of it that can mess people up.) You probably already knew at least one of these things but i love talking about this show too much and you seem to be really perceptive of the deeper character moments for a first time watcher for me to resist.
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
I think that the doctor's character focus changing is what makes the character honestly. Could you imagine if we had several seasons of just Eccleston's characterization? (*I* want seven seasons of Eccleston's characterization but you get my point)
@Ixarus6713 4 күн бұрын
For me it goes: 1 - Capaldi, Capaldi and evermore Capaldi. Heaven's Sent was the peak of New Who and perfectly characterises The Doctor. 2 - Tennant/Smith/Gatwa (Because all three of them are perfect in a different way. And they're inseparable in talent at playing the role of The Doctor.) Every one of these is a 9/10, (because no-one is perfect) and my ranking is purely based on opinion. Real person wise, Tennant is probably my favourite purely because of how outwardly progressive he is. The guy is always having to defend the LGBTQAI+ community, because no one else in the industry does; and for that he earns my respect. Though I bet every one of the actors would fight for the community too. There's a reason they're the ones that were picked to play The Doctor, because every one of them is just a bit like him deep down. 😁 Tennant is also god tier in Good Omens. Season 2's finale brought me to tears. 😭😭
@Donnagata1409 3 күн бұрын
Oooh, the feels (GOAD's S2 end) 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@segevstormlord3713 2 күн бұрын
7:54 - You, my friend, are a man of taste and culture. (Eccleston is my favorite Doctor. He also was my first, but where TEnnent grew into the role over 2-3 episodes and became at least as good, Eccleston was THE DOCTOR from the moment he said "Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for you life!" ...admittedly, those are actually separated by a bit, but he captured it both times, and basically was the Doctor from the instant he had his first line. And that's saying something, considering that that is how I knew it was Doctor Who, and I _literally didn't know it was Doctor Who_ until minutes later confirmed it as the comercials came on with a little tag-blurb thing in the corner of the screen. It's just, "Huh, something about this says 'Doctor Who' to me, and I don't think I've ever seen any Doctor Who.," from the moment of Eccleston's first line.
@BigEvil02 2 күн бұрын
Wait what? That makes no sense. Do you mean you watched Eccleston's Doctor Who and said this seems like Doctor Who without never actually watching DW before? Then how would you know?
@doctorcreeps2169 Күн бұрын
@@BigEvil02Because he feels like the doctor, simple as that
@BigEvil02 Күн бұрын
@@doctorcreeps2169 but how did you know he felt like The Doctor if you'd never seen Doctor who before?
@Mercure250 2 күн бұрын
"But once Smith's season starts, they kinda take this and kick it up to eleven." I see what you did there.
@subzerokos 4 күн бұрын
I think this video will blow up in 4 or 5 months and then everyone will get it recommended again in like 7 years
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I mean I wouldn't complain personally (I am very biased)
@josephneill691 6 сағат бұрын
The 1st doctor, William Hartnell, didn't die before regenerating, but he was in declining health. I think he had a condition affecting his blood
@adambarnes49 4 күн бұрын
I don't have a problem with Steven moffat attempting a series long story arc, what's bad about it is that it just wasn't done very well
@Wiki7202 4 күн бұрын
part of the problem with the long arc style ids you often have to go back and rewatch them after release to see the hidden details that get missed in the moment but they are still good overall and i think you hit the nail on the head, its just a different style but that doesn't make it good or bad per se
@Chiggins_ 4 күн бұрын
"I can't really vet this" It takes literally less than 5 minutes to go to Wikipedia and see that William Hartnell left the role in 1966 and died in 1975. Yes, you COULD have vetted it.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I'm not British though (and I think it's a little funny)
@Chiggins_ 3 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews Do you guys not get Wikipedia in America? It's an online encyclopedia that contains information on everything. Or like, you DO get it in America, but it's only certain pages and you're restricted entry to pages about old foreign shows?
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
No we get Wikipedia, I'm pretty sure it's an American based company too (I just thought it was a funny way to open the video man I don't know what else to say here)
@Fyrehart97 2 күн бұрын
I have a lot of nostalgic love for Tom Baker: the scarf; the crazy uncle energy; the jelly babies. But I think it might be Eccelston for me; his characterisation is amazing and what I gravitate towards with my own writing.
@KnightlyReviews Күн бұрын
I think I like eccleston most because when people were describing the doctor to me (before I saw the show of course) I imagined him to be written like eccleston, I don't know if any doctor is beating that lmao
@Fyrehart97 Күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews this might be too dark for a KZbin comment section, the thing that moves me the most about Eccelston's performance is that beneath the gruff, no nonsense exterior is a self confessed coward. I think he's depressed and guilt stricken enough to snuff-snuff himself, but he's too much of a coward worrying about where he'll end up if he went through with it. A very dark place to be, indeed 😬
@BaileyMagikz 4 күн бұрын
anyone: bailey who's your fav doctor? | me: Russell T Davies anyone: he's not a doctor.... | me: 🤫Shhhh.... Russell... T... Davies...
@dino0000_ 3 күн бұрын
I think the Capaldi era perfected the serialised format by making the focus solely be on character conflict, it's honestly impressive how well the standalone narratives of each episode were woven with a doctor-companion dynamic which was changing and developing on an episode to episode basis, i'll seriously never get the hate for series 8 specifically because it did this sort of thing so well
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I've gotta finish Capaldi before I form a complete opinion but so far I'd say I agree
@segevstormlord3713 2 күн бұрын
3:14 - Rose is an amazingly terrifying force by the time you see that shot. :D By the end of that episode, her name is a universe-breaker.
@Luxormeister 4 күн бұрын
You were, in fact, right. My favourite Doctor is Tennant. Which makes me, in the eyes of the fandom, a normie. That being said, I enjoyed Eccleston, Tennant, Smith AND Cappaldi. They all feel different. You're right in that, but to me that ties into them being different personalities, different regenrations. Eccleston was wrath. He was chasing people off his lawn (earth) he only held on to kindness due to Rose being so incredibly human, as you correctly pointed out. Tennant was Guilt and deep sadness but also fresh out of mercy. He was goofy, to cover up. His story came in bits and pieces cause he himself tried to obfuscate it. He also easily was shown banishing people into fates worse than death. Smith was young rashness and silliness but also never giving up in the face of tragedy. It didn't always work out. He learned harsh lessons during this time. Smith had a short fuse. He's a bad liar, quickly overwhelmed by emotion, easily distracted and had a temper that could flare up suddenly. And Cappaldi is telling the story of a Doctor that is physically old as a reflection of his mental state. He wad questioning himself, his reason for doing things, for exisiting. Debating letting the saga of the doctor end due to the tremendous guilt he feels that only grows each and every day. He blames himself not only for the deaths he causes, but also for the deaths he fails to avoid. As he says, he is not a good man. But his journey is one of discovering that at his core, no matter what guilt he feels, no matter the circumstances. And even just that will always motivate him to help where he can. Even if the face of temptation or inrumountable odds. He believes in not one, but two Cybermen. He believes in love. He comes to save his worst enemy, Davros, simply because he called for help. All of this is extremely valuable and they all act it out greatly imo. Sure, I have favourites. Who doesn't? But I wouldn't do without any of them. Not to mention that throughout each season, each regeneration and even ovearcing all the Doctors, there is a story of an ancient, impossible, kind, brave man and all the things and people connected to him. It all adds up and it all is wonderful.
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
Beautiful take my friend, I don't have anything to add here (I'm really amped to see how Capaldi wraps up though!)
@blamppost2516 3 күн бұрын
Doctor who is a big part of my like my dad remembers watching the first ever episode in the 60s and was friends with john hurt who was in the 50th anniversary episode
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
Dude that's really fucking cool (my girlfriend and i actually just watched John hurt in the first alien movie of all things)
@samuelhart9359 2 күн бұрын
Capaldi’s my favorite, but I’ve never understood the Smith hate. I think your analysis was really well thought out, and provides some interesting insight into the character.
@Devlinator61116 Күн бұрын
Right as you started talking about The Eleventh Doctor, I got a House of the Dragon ad on this video and Matt Smith was pointing at me.
@KnightlyReviews 23 сағат бұрын
He's calling you
@LeoChaseTheMythMaster 2 күн бұрын
I started Doctor Who in October or November last year. I watched Bill's first episode today. I'm working on a video of 100 reasons I loved Doctor Who.
@BigEvil02 2 күн бұрын
Have you seen classic?
@LeoChaseTheMythMaster Күн бұрын
@@BigEvil02 no.
@BigEvil02 Күн бұрын
@@LeoChaseTheMythMaster That's okay, is it something you're interested in watching? As let's be honest there would be no Doctor Who without it.
@LeoChaseTheMythMaster Күн бұрын
@@BigEvil02 I am interested in watching it at some point. My friends who recommend NuWho also recommend that I watch it afterwards.
@BigEvil02 Күн бұрын
@@LeoChaseTheMythMaster You have great friends. Hope you enjoy. Who's your favourite so far?
@guywhowatchesvideos-z2e 2 күн бұрын
William Hartnell Was the first doctor, and was struggling with his memory and lines as a result of his progressing age. As such, they recast him before Hartnell's health declined further.
@KnightlyReviews 2 күн бұрын
yeah, I'm glad that he got to leave the show with grace (can't believe my coworker lied to me though lol)
@BigEvil02 2 күн бұрын
His progressing age, he was 58!
@firebladetenn6633 2 күн бұрын
William Hartnel did not in fact die at the end of his run as first Doctor, and would actually reprise his role during Jon Pertwee's run. Your coworker gave you a line of Bollocks.
@ThePonderer 3 күн бұрын
Never really been on the Tennant hype train. Always preferred Smith and Capaldi, and if I’m honest I might even rank Whittaker above him depending on how I’m feeling that day. *That said* it’s not hard to see why he’s the favorite, particularly in the UK. There’s just something indescribably “quintessential” about his take on the character and the content of his stories.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
Honestly fair enough man, eccleston is my favorite but my list generally flips depending on the week lol
@danielsantiagourtado3430 5 күн бұрын
Love your content! Thanks For this ❤❤❤❤
@KnightlyReviews 5 күн бұрын
Thanks so much! And it's really no problem🧌
@segevstormlord3713 2 күн бұрын
3:40 - I honestly wish Dalek Clara had been a companion.
@KnightlyReviews 2 күн бұрын
I dunno, I think their tragedy sets up for Clara's companion run so well (I legitimately jumped when I saw victorian Clara lol)
@johntaylor6345 Күн бұрын
Actually I think it's because when some people started watching the show. David Tennant was the Doctor. When i started watching the show Jon Pertwee was the Doctor. I've watched it ever since. I am now 62 and still watch. Still exciting to watch. Its my way of escaping this God forsaken world.
@Davelime501 4 күн бұрын
William Hartnell did not die before he regenerated he got ill
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
Yeah I definitely got played (but refusing to Google for the sanctity of the joke was totally worth it)
@Teaminatorium 3 күн бұрын
Yep you're right, my favourite Doctor is David Tennant. But honestly I just enjoy him as an actor and a person in general :D But you have a very interesting point that I do agree with, I feel like Moffat as a show runner just decided to go too "epic" and change the silly tv show with terrible special and visual effects, that depended on the script the most, into some kind of weird MCU like thing, which makes me so sad because all the Doctors after Tennant are brilliant! They all do the character so much justice and could be so good! It's just the fact, that the scripts aren't handeled well.
@BigEvil02 2 күн бұрын
Moffat went MCU? Have you seen Chibnall and RTDs latest work?
@maxbrager1872 Күн бұрын
the 12th doctor and bill season is hands down the best
@KnightlyReviews 23 сағат бұрын
I'm pretty sure that's my next season? I'm taking a break rn and I'm about to watch the Santa Christmas special
@segevstormlord3713 2 күн бұрын
Moffat is a _brillaint_ episode-writer. He is too heavy-handed as a story-runner, and it shows in Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi's runs. Though I will say that Capaldi's run elevates to match Tennent's if not Eccleston's when you meet _Missy._ And, since I don't think you're there yet, I will say no more about her, other than that I would love to see more of her in the future. Imaginging a Girl's Day Out with a certain version of Clara you've not quite run into yet, Bad Wolf Rose Tyler, and Missy makes me so very happy. I would love to see that, one day, even if it was just a one-hour special.
@KnightlyReviews 2 күн бұрын
I've hit Missy already! I didn't care too much for Danny so the ending of that arc fell a tad flat for me, but Missy was far and away the best part
@segevstormlord3713 2 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews She continues to be a gem for... more or less the rest of Capaldi's run, IIRC. I agree that Danny is forgettable, to the point I'd actually forgotten about him.
@lewiskaler1830 2 күн бұрын
Smith is my favourite by a mile, but I think Capaldi embodies what the doctor should be more than any other actor to step into the role
@KnightlyReviews Күн бұрын
Totally valid (that's how I feel about eccleston)
@olived9560 4 күн бұрын
Awesome video! I’ve always loved both these eras (moffat era more though) but i’ve never thought about it this way. You’re so right, especially in the last section with the fav moments! Also re regeneration origins: show was going well but william hartnell (first doctor actor) was in poor health and couldn’t really continue filming bc he kept messing up lines due to that, which is why they made the decision to invent regeneration. they never stated the doctor’s species and what he could do, after all! (source: trust me i’m british)
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
yeah i'll trust you (you're british)
@gu-psi 2 күн бұрын
12th Doctor (Capaldi) is absolutely my favourite!! He's so awesome
@KnightlyReviews 2 күн бұрын
I'm loving him so far!
@TheBorhork 2 күн бұрын
KZbin algorithm put this on my feed and I’m not disappointed Aside from your coworker giving you blatant misinformation, your analysis of the actual eras is fantastic. I’ve never really stopped to think about season long stories for the Matt Smith era and beyond being the reason that I felt the quality went down. I think the doctor is wonderfully written across everything, except for Jodie (nothing personal against her, I just didn’t like the writing she was given). I loved 9, 10, 11 and 12, but 10 stories were my favorites. I didn’t think the writing was bad for 11, I did find it just less enjoyable though. I like the episodic nature where I could just pick up at any point and not feel like I had to watch the next episode immediately to know what was gonna happen because it had some unresolved plot point. I really like the way that RTD managed to weave in small details building towards major plots at the end of each season (baring Martha’s solo season) but the bad wolf pay off at the end of nine’s run to the missing planets pay off at the end of Donna’s culminating in all the companions teaming up to fight off the Daleks he’s honestly one of my favorite moments in all of Doctor Who
@cotbegemot371 4 күн бұрын
You may not like it, but the last Tennant season is what peak Doctor Who looks like. Moffat managed to keep the bar at the same hight in season five, but completely lost the plot by the end of season 6. Moffat probably has more absolute bangers under his belt, but RTD's baseline is much higher and his world building was much more mature. Chibnall is an actual manchild.
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
I think I've gotta watch more of it before I lock in an opinion like that but so far I totally get where you're coming from, RTD is definitely my favorite lead writer so far
@Twenteen2 4 күн бұрын
this is an opinion I never hear anywhere but season 6 is genuinely my favourite matt Smith season. to me it had the best individual stories, the finale I think was a miss but I think I love every episode other than the cyberman turd
@thevirgologychannel6215 3 күн бұрын
I always feel that generally people like the first Doctor they encounter. As a classic fan Tom Baker is my favourite and Peter from the New-Era but I always felt that the Tenant era was a love story with arguably the most aesthetically pleasing actor portraying the Doctor. DT is a great actor and I don’t want to take away any of that from all the actors of that period but It was a big shift for classic fans. The tears and kissing and emotion was new and I think he brought in a new fandom. I think with Matt Smith came in, a lot of folks who skipped Eccelston pretty much though the Doctor Who was over when DT left. They were determined not to like it, especially when the love story had ended.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
If I make a second doctor who analysis in the future I WILL be stealing this idea. I think you hit the nail on the head with that one
@thevirgologychannel6215 3 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews Be my guest! You can also mention in my opinion the difference in writing styles of the show runners. To me Russell T Davis was in love with the Doctor, I would even go as far and say he was Rose in these stories. Mickey being the best boyfriend you could get and then this magical superhero appears and falls for you. Pure fairy tale stuff. Whereas I think Moffat and Chibnall wanted to be the Doctor. We moved towards the more complex story telling and less emotional tropes. These guys were sat with their action figures as kids and made up stories in their imaginations. Just to say, I do think the romance was necessary when it happened with DT and rose. Just because the Show needed something to pull non-fans in especially female fans. It wasn’t the Doctor Who I was used to but the show has to be made for the audience of the time.
@SadJBomb Күн бұрын
your coworker wasnt too far off, the actor for the 1st doctor was very ill and wasnt going to be able to keep playing the role for long (in a lot of episodes they had to keep in some outtakes due to the budget so you can see him messing up a lot lot of lines) so they decided to recast him because hes an alien, why wouldnt he be able to just change bodies. and then regeneration was born
@SubjectZero05YT Күн бұрын
People hate on Matt Smith’s run?? Damn, I didn’t know that.
@KnightlyReviews 23 сағат бұрын
It was a pretty solid chunk of the doctor who related stuff I saw on Twitter when I got into the show, but that could've been a wonky sample size
@luciadwhpanimallover9222 3 күн бұрын
12th Doctor is the best as he has the best character development and also the right balance between human and alien. You’ll love 12s era
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I'm like smack dab in the middle of his run and he's my second favorite so far, I'm really excited to see if he sticks the landing
@otipjoj7047 2 күн бұрын
omg yes Christopher eccleston doesn't get enough recognition. I love him as the doctor
@pizza01412 3 күн бұрын
Dr who has been a thing for waaaaaaay longer than 6 years. Dr who was first aired 60+ years ago
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I said sixty (my fault gang I probably could've been clearer)
@JoshPinder92 3 күн бұрын
I love Dr Who 💙💙 like the past 20 years alone have been peak tv and i cant wait for more to come ... 2010-17 is my fave era with Smitg and Capaldi... Eccleston and Tennant are so nostalgic and too timeless in so many ways and Whittaker i feel brought anither brilliant energy i adored too and that era feeling quite grounded yet whacky too ....now with Gatwa im intrigued .... Bring it on allons-y 💙💙 series 1,4,5,6,10 and Flux and 60th trilogy are peak imo
@BigEvil02 2 күн бұрын
The 60th isn't 'peak' by any stretch, have you seen classic who? The 60th was only done for nostalgia unfortunately
@cameronjosephvideos5942 3 күн бұрын
I disagree, your series long movie structure exists only with Series 6 and even there only in a handful of stories. You still have Curse of the Black Spot, The Doctor's Wife, Night Terrors, the Girl Who Waited, and the God Complex that don't tie into the wider plot at all, and Series 6 is the most plot heavy series of the show. Series 5s cracks are basically as focused on as Torchwood or Saxon, with the exception of the one Angels two parter, and by the time we reach Series 7, well its nothing but episodic in 7A, and 7B only has the odd tidbit about Clara's echoes, we don't even get a Trenzalore of Silence mention until the finale. Series 8 is right back to just easter egg teases with Missy, and Series 9 just has Capaldi stare at people and say "like a Hybrid" every now and then. Series 10 had a little more, but not much. It really didn't depart that much from the monster of the week format.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
Fair enough, I think the long running mysteries are the best part of the show so whenever those elements come up I lock in extra hard. I said this in another response but I might've placed more weight on those elements than I should've on my first watch. Either way I still think it's a fun comparison to talk about with the community so I'm still pretty happy with how the video came out!
@BigEvil02 2 күн бұрын
Series 10 had the whole vault storyline and Bill's character development.
@evagrius13 3 күн бұрын
*I* think that David is the best? NO!!!! That's rather assumptive title. Yet another David Tennant fan-boy blabbing on about Tennant. Also, WIlliam Hartnell didn't die while filming Doctor Who, so you are obviously inaccurate in the first minute.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I'm an eccleston fan ranting about how the structure of the series changes halfway through actually (and also that's a part of the joke)
@adambarnes49 4 күн бұрын
If you say that you don't like doctor who series 4 your gonna get some very funny looks, just be careful
@TakeAchance365 Күн бұрын
My favorite Amy Pond episode is a Amy’s choice
@KnightlyReviews 23 сағат бұрын
I couldn't stand that episode lmao (I hate a choose one episode in any show though)
@TakeAchance365 15 сағат бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews I guess mostly because of the dream lord and evil version of the doctor always had interest me
@ghoti_mayo3098 3 күн бұрын
Capaldi is the best.
@Cosmicclonecustoms 4 күн бұрын
0.18-0.21 hartnell did not die but was to sick to continue playing the role 12th is my faverioute
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
We love Capaldi in this household
@ghastlyprawn02 2 күн бұрын
I’m still trying to get over the girl who waited all these years later lol
@RichterPhallos 2 күн бұрын
6:16 *BOO THIS MAN!* JK hes pretty cool
@Concreteowl 4 күн бұрын
I don't. My faves are Tom Baker and Peter Capaldi. I love them all though.
@HT-lr1rs Күн бұрын
12 is amazing, if you are into darker more adult themes. Season 9 i think is my favourite
@ChaosandHavoc 3 күн бұрын
13 will always be my Doctor but they are all The Doctor and them all being different is what makes The Doctor so interesting if it was the exact same personality every time with a new face it would have gotten boring a long time ago. But with that if the show was only ever written the same way it also would have gotten boring what keeps it interesting is that different showrunners and writers give us different things. Thats the magic.
@KnightlyReviews 2 күн бұрын
100,000,000% agree with you there, I think the best part of the show is exploring how they're each different and it's why I've fallen in love with the show over this past year
@ChaosandHavoc 2 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews Everyone finds it hard to let go of their Doctor but I think this fandom sometimes finds it even harder to let go of the writing and see the good in new writing. It's why every time theres a new era you'll hear a lot of negative for the writing. But personally they are all good if you are willing to let go of what was and see the good in the difference in each eras writing. One of my favourite thing about 13s era is that we got a diversity of voices in the writers room we had POC writing their stories, Demons of the Punjab, that story if one of my top episodes ever and never would have been told if not for that writer, we had women and queer people writing episode that had those themes. It diversify the voices in the room to tell the their stories. Moffs had some really interesting over arcing themes, 12s am I a good man, wondering why he had that face, great contrast of trying to figure out if he was good while having one of the most prickly personalities in NuWho, we lost 9 too soon but that man had clearly gone through things and it was just a joy watching him be the Doctor. My top 3 fav Docs are 13, 9 and 12... all under different showrunners and writers.
@michaelvancore5553 4 күн бұрын
This was great, you totally need to make more Dr Who content
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
If I think of any other topics I definitely will!
@jd_music23 4 күн бұрын
Just wait till you finish Capaldi. He's hands down the best. Not my favourite run of episodes but best actor and character arc!
@WheatDos 4 күн бұрын
I think the best Doctor is Capaldi! CHECKMATE!!!
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
Damn you forth and unconsidered option enjoyer! (He's my second place at the moment lol)
@kierandoodykd 3 күн бұрын
As someone who was basically raised by Dr who... yes, it did change... it got worse
@BigEvil02 2 күн бұрын
When Whittaker came along it did
@oishi_unofficial 4 күн бұрын
7:58 Is that the fuckin' Scott Pilgrim censor sound?!
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
👀 (yes)
@lbricks7631 4 күн бұрын
I was born in the mid 2000's and Tom Baker is the best and its not even close.
@lbricks7631 4 күн бұрын
Wow a comment section full of people who have only watched 40% of Doctor Who how predictable
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
Cool that he's your favorite but shitting on people who haven't watched classic who is pretty lame dude
@lbricks7631 3 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews I ain't shitting on them, I love all the doctors lol. Its just that theres a strange expectation that if you grew up with nuwho that your fave doctor has to be from nuwho
@lbricks7631 3 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews Doctor Who fandom is weird.
@BigEvil02 2 күн бұрын
​@@lbricks7631I agree. Especially if you don't like Tennant. I've seen the worst of the fandom and the best of it. Unfortunately there's A LOT of toxicity that still exists. RTD isn't doing anything to help either
@iroquoispliskin4347 5 күн бұрын
yesss mor content :0, i liked the bald guy wish he did more seasons mabe 1 or two more
@KnightlyReviews 5 күн бұрын
Dude eccleston could've done eight more seasons and I wouldn't complain
@mattevans4377 4 күн бұрын
There is a much simpler explanation. People find Tennant attractive
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I think you meant to say Capaldi here
@ModHaterHD2003 3 күн бұрын
I mean I am Ace and Aro and not gay so not sure if that explanation works for me I think he is my favourite for his acting
@audreycove4950 Күн бұрын
Doctor who fans don't agree on anything, this is what I love about them. I personally don't like the 10th doctor and I know fans (classic and modern) who HATE him. He's only the most popular because he's the most watched, ask classic fans and he's not nearly as popular. Matt Smith isn't nearly as hated as you think, again some fans hate him (mostly Tennant purists) but he's widely loved now.
@matthewhegarty2873 2 күн бұрын
I think David Tennant is the best Doctor because that’s who I grew up on as a kid! Most Doctor Who fans always pick the one they grew up on as their favourite! My mothers favourite is Tom Baker because she grew up watching him and for my youngest brother his favourite is Matt Smith cause it was Matt Smith who he watched as a kid! Every Doctor brings something to the table so who is to say who’s objectively the best one??
@BigEvil02 2 күн бұрын
I think the point is that Tennant is overrated quite honestly. Just because someone grew up with a specific Doctor doesn't make them the best. I could argue that the 12th Doctor was the best because he added so much to the role and felt like The Doctor rather than some space imp who people swoon over.... Just like an argument can be made for Patrick Broughton being the best because he was essentially the first regeneration.
@matthewhegarty2873 Күн бұрын
@@BigEvil02 like I said, growing up with him is why he’s my favourite and whether you think he’s overrated or not is up to you! Personally I don’t think he is I think he’s incredibly talented and deserving of his popularity! An argument could be made for Matt Smith technically being the best Doctor as he perfectly personified the old man in a young man’s body even basing many mannerisms with the character on the elderly! You were also never in any doubt when watching him that his character is an alien while Tennant acted very human-like a lot of the time which I believe was largely inspired by the 5th Doctor who is my personal favourite of the classics simply because of his more humane persona! Ultimately whoever your favourite is is up to you! There is no wrong answer
@presidentghardonien 6 сағат бұрын
7:50 fr. 9 is the best doctor. So sad he didnt have any more time.😢
@captaincharisama94 3 күн бұрын
Season 5 is amazing.
@RobTFilms 3 күн бұрын
William Hartnell didn't die in 1966 lol
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
"William Hartnell didn't did in 1966 lol" ☝🏽🥸 (I'm kidding I was legitimately incorrect lol)
@RobTFilms 3 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews I can't wait until you get to the eras after Capaldi, will be interesting to hear your thoughts :D
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
If I've got enough to say I'll definitely make a video, but no promises yet (I probably will though)
@zillafire101 5 күн бұрын
Im reminded of what Hbomberguy said, where before, the Doctor was just a guy with his own issues.
@KnightlyReviews 5 күн бұрын
That's a really nice way to put it, and that's genuinely the best part about him
@dithotrava3645 Күн бұрын
4:58 - Heck yeah Jujutsu Kaisen!!
@5areth 4 күн бұрын
Okay, but how did you get that looping Tardis and Time Vortex background, those are beautiful!
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I use wallpaper engine! It's like five bucks on steam and I use it for all my videos lol
@sanddagger36 4 күн бұрын
nah, his father in law will always be my favorite. Series was starting to go down hill and there were less good episodes than bad episodes, but he still managed to craft a dark and haunted character that was unable to make the jokes that Tom Baker did to get by. So instead he was just friendly. But his companions thought they were smarter than him and they never listened. More than once he had to give them a harsh scolding. Jodie actually tried to act like him a little, making speeches about hierarchy and summit, but it didn't work as well. Seeing nice friendly toothy peter Davidson get angry was like disappointing your father. It made you feel bad for both him and his companions. Jodie came off as more whining because she felt like a new person, rather than the same old doctor. Peter carried 19 seasons worth of gravity with him but Jodie only carried one. Their "Fam" made everything seem like a one off adventure, more like torchwood or Sarah Jane adventures, like she had no other lifetimes to call upon.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I haven't watched classic who yet but everyone is saying Tom Baker did an incredible job, but reading this comment made me much more excited to. I LOVE when the doctor is characterized like that
@66thDoctor 3 күн бұрын
Joke's on you Tennant is my least favourite Doctor 😭 But fr tho, Capaldi is by far my favourite
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I've been loving Capaldi so far!
@66thDoctor 3 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews if you get the chance, check out some classic who! I recommend Seasons 19, 9, 25 for start :)
@malmalfactor3544 3 күн бұрын
It's Capaldi
@Twenteen2 4 күн бұрын
your friend basically got it right, But he wasnt dead just growing old and ill. it also wasnt called regeneration then it was just something that happens, i think it was named on the 2nd or 3rd regeneration. Anyway great video! love the sonic unleashed background music lmao. My favourite doctor is peter capaldi but david tennant was my favourite for basically my whole life. i never really found matts arc satisfying or even coherent. Christopher Eccleston is the most underrated modern doctor, and honestly i prefer his 1 season to any of matts, he absolutely killed the role and the revival Sorry for my bri'ish rant, i really hope u enjoy peter
@dwfan91- 4 күн бұрын
I think your coworker lied to you😂 that isn't quite what happened but still, very great video. I personally believe that each era of the show is basically its own show, because each are different in basically every single way. As you say, the difference between series 4 and 6 in terms of style, structure and pretty much everything is astronomical
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
Yeah he probably did lol (and honestly I think that's a pretty fair way to look at the show)
@dwfan91- 4 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews I hope you continue to enjoy the show, series 10 is great imo. You’re close to the JW era which is very controversial as you’ve probably already seen. It’s also very short (and genuinely not that bad if you just give it a chance) so you’ll be basically all caught up soon. It’s a great show so I hope you make more videos on it:)
@lbricks7631 4 күн бұрын
MY GOAT, how could you ever allow him to defend the FRAUD
@dwfan91- 3 күн бұрын
@@lbricks7631 😂
@mrdoctorgilmore 2 күн бұрын
Tennant was my favourite only very early on when I just knew about him and Eccleston, since 2007 Colin Baker has been my favourite. Tennant currently sits near the bottom of my ranking as I find the 10th Doctor a bit too unlikeable and overrated. This is due to it feeling like some stories can't decide whether he needs to be praised or humbled.
@KnightlyReviews 2 күн бұрын
Yeah I think that's fair, I haven't seen Baker yet but if I go through Old Who I'm sure I'll like them too!
@NiceSlayer327 3 күн бұрын
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
Twitter is a weird place man
@OfficialRaveBlitz 4 күн бұрын
David Tennant will always be my Doctor, I also really loved Eccleston as well as Matt Smith. I'm also happy to report Christopher Eccleston got some amazing stories in the form of Big Finish audios. Peter Capaldi though, oh man, he is on a whole other level.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
I looked up big finish audio (cause I had no idea what you were talking about) and I think it's really cool that they brought him back for a podcast. But damn dude I'm not listening to them because they're FORTY DOLLARS😭😭
@OfficialRaveBlitz 3 күн бұрын
@@KnightlyReviews They aren't Podcasts. Big Finish produces Audio Dramas which expand upon the universe of Doctor Who, so they're pretty much new stories with familiar Doctors. Paul Mcgann's 8th Doctor for example has alot of stuff from Big Finish.
@KnightlyReviews 3 күн бұрын
When I say podcast I generally mean long form audio content (my professors call everything a podcast and I guess I picked it up, oops👉🏽👈🏽)
@MorbyGanaWho Күн бұрын
*laughs in Matt smith*
@epikpencil 4 күн бұрын
My favorite doctor is the twelfth doctor (Yes, s8 is pretty bad but s9 and s10 are IMO the best in the show's history, and even s8 doesnt do anything bad to twelves character, it just has some boring plots to individual episodes)
@crawley652 4 күн бұрын
my favorite doctor is matt smith i just cried in almost all episodes of his run
@KnightlyReviews 4 күн бұрын
my girlfriend is the same way lol
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