When Lisa climbs out the window and meets Alex for the first time that’s not Matthew she’s fighting with. That all happened before she and Matthew even met.
@lotusglobe2671 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for pointing that out. Tbh, I was curious about why the man that Lisa was fighting with never had his face revealed in that scene. I thought that was weird. It's like just when I have the sequence of events in the story figured out, a new piece of the puzzle appears and it's a "blink or you miss it" moment.
@flashgordon8792 Жыл бұрын
@@lotusglobe2671 I swear there used to be a deleted scene where it’s revealed she’s fighting with Matthew Lillard’s character! Giving it a whole other layer of “WTF!” If you listen closely it even sounds like his voice! But I can’t find the scene anywhere these days.
@lotusglobe2671 Жыл бұрын
@@flashgordon8792 Damn! I would have loved to see that. I'll have to check now if my DVD copy has it. Sometimes there are Easter eggs when deleted scenes are found in the bonus features (i.e. White Bird in a Blizzard's deleted scene where the painting is explained in relation to Kat's parents).
@lotusglobe2671 Жыл бұрын
@@flashgordon8792 Also, Luke being the previous bf to Lisa? That would have been bonkers! As if that guy didn't keep enough secrets already hahaha!
@flashgordon8792 Жыл бұрын
@@lotusglobe2671 Exactly that’s why its totally mind blowing. Would have meant Luke had been keeping stuff from Matthew the whole time. I guess they took it out because it just adds a whole layer of complications they didn’t want. But if you go back and watch the window scene it’s 100% Matthew Lillard’s voice!