Aivan mahtavaa 👍👍👍Olet saanut venemoottoreiden timantin Vikströmmin 👍👍Muistan 1950 luvun alun, kun kotikylämme kalastaja laittoi vikströmminsä aamuisin käyntiin, välin kiroilloillen, mutta yleensä käyntiin hän sen sai, meillä vaahtosammuttimen kokoisilla oli ehdoton kielto tähän veneeseen, vaikka kovin se meitä kiinnosti. Nykyisin veneen moottori käynnistetään vain avainta kääntämällä ja nautitaan kesästä. Aivan loistava video 🌊🌊🌊👍👍👍
@jmerkku832 жыл бұрын
Kiitoksia paljon. Vastaus tulee pikkasen myöhään mutta toivottavasti ei haittaa. Parastahan se on fyysisesti laittaa kone käymään. Pikkupoikana tuli isoisän paatilla veneiltyä jossa oli tommonen iso kone 30-luvulta. Ihan parastahan oli katsella konelaatikkoon ajossa kun pää hakkasi männän iskujen mukaan ja alhaalta nousi kuuma pakokaasun, noen ja petroolin haju. Ai perkele!!!
@tapiosalminen75132 жыл бұрын
Muistuttaa vanhaa maamoottoria, mutta on tietenkin pienempi. Wikström taisi tehdä maamoottoreita. Siis moottoreita, jotka ennen vanhaan oli esim. Puimakoneen voimanlähde.
@Ragam3002 жыл бұрын
Sampan yang bagus dan mesin yang terawat
@Akseli20234 ай бұрын
Eli kädentaidot kunniaan👀
@clypeum50632 жыл бұрын
Nice boat, how much does a boat in that condition cost in your region?
@jmerkku832 жыл бұрын
Hi, and thanks. I would say about 1500-2000 euros. The problem is that you never gonna get all your money back. I've spend over 5000 on this boat but the actual value on the market is much less.
@clypeum50632 жыл бұрын
@@jmerkku83 thats not as much as i would be expecting. Im living in Germany and would Love such a boat for fishing and Just the fun of it. spending is alwasy Part of the Hobby, your boat is looking amd sounding great! Do you know if there are many boats local to you for a decent price to sell? I wouldnt mind a Short Holiday Trip to get a boat for such a good price.
@jmerkku832 жыл бұрын
Well, check this website every now and then: Spring is the best time. Right now there are not many options. My boat has an old finnish engine called Wickström. It is made in 1949 and it is a petrol engine. Petrol hasn't been made since 90's so I drive with gasoline. The engine has only 6-8 horsepower but it weights 230kg and gots a lot of torque. It is a bit too powerful for my boat which is only 5,80 metres long. This size of an engine is designed for 7-8 metres boats. A diesel would definetly raise the price of this type of wooden boat.
@clypeum50632 жыл бұрын
@@jmerkku83 thank you very much! I was in the Marked for a roughly 6-7m boat so now i know what to Look Out dir. Greetings from Germany!
@jmerkku832 жыл бұрын
Ok well have a good luck! If you liked my boat notice that these types of boats (also the bigger which you can see in my other videos) are made only on the west coast of Finland by a few boatcarpenters. Check