In 1990 I was stationed for a time at Lindsey Air Station in Wiesbaden and I really enjoyed my tour of duty there. I asked an older local citizen about the war years and he said that the Americans didn't destroy the town because it was so nice and they wanted it for themselves. 1990 war ich zeitweise auf der Lindsey Air Station in Wiesbaden stationiert und habe meinen Dienst dort sehr genossen. Ich fragte einen älteren Einheimischen nach den Kriegsjahren und er sagte, die Amerikaner hätten die Stadt nicht zerstört, weil sie so schön sei und sie sie für sich haben wollten.
@harrycurrie96642 жыл бұрын
"Wanted it for themselves" way of putting it I suppose. Maybe they needed it to accommodate their liberators.
@johannakönig10504 ай бұрын
Genauso dachte ich auch gerade! Denn die prächtigen Häuser und Villen der Innenstadt Waren unversehrt erhalten und die Amis konnten 1945 einziehen! Genauso haben sie auch Kasernen von der Zerstörung verschont, um dort ihre Truppen komfortabel unterzubringen! Dasselbe Phänomen kenne ich von meiner Heimat-Stadt ZW! Die haben sie gemeinsam mit den Briten zu 80 % "platt gemacht", jedoch an den vier riesigen Kasernenanlagen der Garnisonsstadt keinen Ziegel zerstört!
@dorothygale58963 жыл бұрын
I had a really good duty tour at Wiesbaden AFB...Beautiful place.
@Lindy787522 жыл бұрын
I've seen this footage many times. The majority of it doesn't seem to be in Wiesbaden at all. And no one can seem to explain the pro-Russian marches by civilians on the parade ground of Lindsay Air Station, which is indeed in Wiesbaden, but was never held by Russian forces. American troops took over Wiesbaden in March 1945 and they are still there to this day.
@Garwfechan-ry5lk10 ай бұрын
Around Wiesbaden there were many Slave Labour Camps with People mainly Russian Ukrainian Poles and Serbians in them, they were made to work 14 Hrs a Day in Armaments factories, Farms etc these people were forcibly taken from their Homes in the German Retreat through Russia, they were the lucky ones much of their families were destroyed by the Germans. In the North of Germany the British liberated many like this and also the Remnants of what was left of Soviet POW's around Lubeck Hamburg Kiel in Horrific condition.
@clubderunzensiertendichter5 ай бұрын
Als Wiesbadener erkenne ich hier leider nicht viel ...
@ksauce29855 ай бұрын
Ich auch nicht !
@jurgenczwienk19603 жыл бұрын
Leider hat man versucht das Bildformat auf 16:9 zu stretchen! Das Filmprektorgeräusch sollte man auch lieber weglassen
@ridouantaghi31893 жыл бұрын
Sag mal was ist denn ein Filmprektor?😂
@jurgenburberg15144 жыл бұрын
Was sind denn das für Aufnahmen mit dem Russenaufmarsch? Das ist doch nicht in Wiesbaden. In Wiesbaden waren meiner Kenntnis nach niemals russische Soldaten. Das könnten Bilder aus Gotha sein. Bei 10:58 sieht man im Hintergrund vermutlich das Dach des Gothaer Schlosses. Aber vielleicht täusche ich mich auch.
@logoes24y264 жыл бұрын
Es handelte sich wohl um russische Zwangsarbeiter und Kriegsgefangene nach der Befreiung im Camp Lindsay in Wiesbaden. Wenn Sie in Googlesuche folgendes eintragen, sehen Sie das Filmmaterial von 1945. Die Menschen an genau der Stelle im Camp: "Critical Past. Speaker, representatives and Russian Major addresses the group of displaced persons at the VE Day celebration in Wiesbaden" Weitere Infos als Text: "Lagis-Hessen. Wiesbaden, Lager für sowjetische Kriegsgefangene" und "Gew-Hessen. Zwangsarbeiter und Kriegsgefangene in Wiesbaden"
@jurgenburberg15144 жыл бұрын
@@logoes24y26 Vielen Dank!
@jurgenczwienk19603 жыл бұрын
@aandykf10 ай бұрын
Hat jemand eine Idee, welche Landstraße ab 16:18 zu sehen ist?
@Snafuski9 ай бұрын
@2:00 Petersaue Island, I suspect, and my hunch: It is from the left bank of the Rhine looking over to what became Mainz-Kastel (that odd exclave of Mainz on the right side)... So much for Grossdeutschland and some hollering demagogue spreading conspiracy theories... Germans had a rough time in the 20s and early 30s, but they should have been careful...The colder historian's eye would have explained that WW1 also terminated centuries of feudalism, and society was re-adjusting... Of course, the Wall Street crash was also created by the usual con men operating in the USA and selling hallucinations to the greedy.
@georgemiller1513 жыл бұрын
The footage from the Soviet sector was really depressing. Like Orwell’s 1984. At 18:30, Germans begging for leftover soup outside an American mess hall. Sad.
@yaboyflvckor4563 жыл бұрын
the same is happening now under russian occupied countries from baltic to yugoslavia... all the eastern europe lol...
@shirleybalinski45352 жыл бұрын
My Dad said one of the things which bothered him bad in Germany was before & after Wars end, were the children at the back of mess hall licking garbage can s& lids, snatching food out of garbage cans & carrying it.home. He said they were pretty skinny.
@shirleybalinski45352 жыл бұрын
Biden's America.
@neuwalter738610 ай бұрын
Einen sowjetischen Sektor gab es in Wiesbaden nicht!
@bigdghost33193 жыл бұрын
Wiesbaden Airbase - US Army owned and operated... I flew the OV-1 Mohawk out of there for 3.5 years. 1st. M.I. Battalion....
@josepherhardt164 Жыл бұрын
I'm afraid the Soviet POWs that went home were in for a sad surprise. Stalin once said that there were no Soviet POWs--only traitors. Doubt that he'd changed his mind.
@Rockinbiker19462 жыл бұрын
I would bet if they didn't march with the red flags that day, they didn't get fed....
@caobita19 күн бұрын
4:39 die dürren Pferde vor der Kutsche 😢
@deepfish44324 жыл бұрын
Das nicht alles, wenn überhaupt Wiesbaden ! Wiesbaden war Amerikanisch besetzt! Beide Teile enthalten wenig Aufnahmen die wirklich aus der Region kommen ! Es gibt auch nich viel! Leider schon gar nicht von Bombenangriffen wie am Anfang zu sehen!! LG aus Wiesbaden
@sina58782 жыл бұрын
Wiesbaden hat was der zweite Weltkrieg und DDR betrifft extrem viele Geheimnisse. Weis es von einer älteren Dame um die wir uns kümmerten und durch den, Ex meiner Mom.
@Mish10352 жыл бұрын
This is not Wiesbaden!
@rodjones1172 жыл бұрын
Most of it isn't, but there are some scenes of the Kurhaus and I think the Kurpark.
@Sigma-1783 жыл бұрын
Во как от русских бежали... Натворили дел и к американцам,позорники!!!
@hoi4noob7653 жыл бұрын
@mohatanger5886 Жыл бұрын
شيء فضيع ارتكبه هتلر المجنون والمهلوس وكيف تاق به التقة العمياء الشعب الالماني ليدهب ضحيتها اولا وقبل كل شيء الشعب الالماني باسره لقد ارتكب حماقة لم يرتكبها قبله اي انسان كان ليسقط الشعب من القمة الى الاسفل في غضون اعوام قليلة لولا الحماقة والجنون الدي ارتكبه هتلر لكانت المانيا في شكل اخر لانها كانت من الدول الاولا في العالم انداك فاستغلتها برطانية وحليفتها التقليدية امريكا للهجوم على برلين من الغرب وروسيا من الشرق وابادوها شر ابادة ياللاسف عمى وقع لالمانية وشعبها حل عليهم الدل والعار من كل جانب اسف