WILL AERITH LIVE? (Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Ending Reaction and Thoughts)

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@0ttomobile 6 ай бұрын
Hey guys, thanks for all the support so far. www.twitch.tv/ottomobile Just wanted to add some timestamps to make things easier for you. 00:00 Start 02:40 THE SCENE 07:23 JENOVA 17:08 JENOVA FINAL PHASE 25:45 ZACK 32:42 BIZARRO SEPHIROTH 55:55 AERITH FIGHTS BACK 1:07:54 AERITH DEAD??? 1:12:17 RUFUS AND GLENN 1:17:00 ENDING SCENE 1:23:10 THOUGHTS AND RETROSPECTIVE
@LeonardMosca 6 ай бұрын
No but seriously he doesn't have the power to alter destiny what he saw was an illusion of him saving her it didn't happen that way just a mirage
@LeonardMosca 6 ай бұрын
Rip Aerith will be miss but not forgotten
@LeonardMosca 6 ай бұрын
It happened originally as it did in the original timeline but cloud was hallucinating when he saved her he didn't make it in time
@XFingersAndGamesX 6 ай бұрын
The game be like: "Congratulations Cloud! You your ptsd evolved into schizophrenia!"
@burythedraw8601 6 ай бұрын
@azahel542 6 ай бұрын
He's more schizo than ever, and it was a lot to begin with!
@andrewhelms6249 6 ай бұрын
LOL pretty much
@mettatonneoex 6 ай бұрын
Also you've gotta figure out timelines and timey wimey stuff have fun while your friends except Zack and Aerith think you're insane when you're only 50%
@chiangmei1265 6 ай бұрын
feel like home ain't it
@DarklightNamari 6 ай бұрын
To try and explain this better, The black whispers were trying to force Cloud to follow through with her death, just as it was in the OG, but he fought against them and as soon as he saw Sephiroth, he knew what would happen and this time, he swung his sword to stop him, forcing him away and losing his Masamune. In doing so, Cloud created a new tangent Timeline where Aerith lived and did not die... but the part of the scene where the screen glitches out and blood runs into the camera in the ground, the scene instantly switches back to the prior Timeline, where Sephiroth grabs his sword, but the blood in it indicates that he pulled it out of her torso, indicating that Sephiroth did in fact kill her in the prior Timeline. Cloud both succeeded AND failed to save her as we are seeing two different timelines the entire time Sephiroth is in the scene. Tifa caught a glimpse of this too when she kept seeing blood on Aerith glitch in and out. The rest of the ending plays out mostly in the prior Timeline where Aerith has died, hence why the gang is upset, but Cloud can see her because he can see into the new Timeline he made where she is still alive, which is why she appears similar to a ghost of sorts. This was also further proven when Aerith touched Nanaki when they were sitting in the field mourning her. Nanaki said her name because tho he cant see her, he felt her when she touched him. Cloud's mind has been suffering a lot of strain and trauma because of what Sephiroth meddling with him, but in doing so, the J cells within him are causing Cloud to become ethereally sensitive due to Sephiroth's presence and he is starting to gain sight into other Timelines. This will likely amp up the confusion and fear he suffers in the 3rd game because his newfound spiritual sensitivity. Some people may still believe Cloud might be hallucinating, but from what was shown in the ending, I think there is evidence he actually isnt. The things that Sephiroth does to him directly are likely the actual confusion and hallucinations, but everything with Aerith so far, seems to be true. This is how I came to understand it. Aerith having both been killed and saved in two different timelines seems to be a potential reference to the scientific theory of Shrodinger's Cat.
@littleidols 6 ай бұрын
No one knows. But you missed everything about the white materia. And I think there are 3 Sephiroths, one is Sephiroth Redeemed and he saves Tifa from the Weapon. I think no one noticed this yet (or I'm wrong).
@huaiguzhu 6 ай бұрын
First i thought Cloud was hallucinating that he saved Aerith whereas he didn't in reality. But in the very end I saw the crack in the sky then I realised it was not Cloud being schizo, he's probably existing in both realities simultaneously. However the world in which Aerith is alive has the crack indicating it's a doomed timeline.
@DarklightNamari 6 ай бұрын
@@littleidols There could be multiple Sephiroths I just didn't mention it cuz I was mostly explaining the overall ending itself and we dont have enough information to know if there are multiple Sephiroths yet. I'm aware the White Materia issue is a thing too, but again, not enough info to really know why he still has the clear one and what part the other one that fell into the water may play (if it does).
@DarklightNamari 6 ай бұрын
@@huaiguzhu I forgot about the crack in the sky, but it may be doomed because she wasn't supposed to live, which means if she is using this opportunity to help Cloud against Sephiroth's bigger scheme, then her living in the tangent Timeline may mean she is on a timer. Just speculation tho.
@gatorarman12 6 ай бұрын
Exactly right. Multiple timelines and multiple Aeriths. The moment with Nanaki is the clue to the audience that it's not just cloud being schizo. (Though I do think the devs are going to lean into the unreliable narrator and use Jenova/Sephiroth causing doubt in Cloud's mind as a huge portion of the first half of the next game). There are three whisper variants. Gray are fate. Black are Sephiroth controlled (the ones that try to stop you from saving Aeirth) and white are Aeirth controlled. Cloud saves earth and then you get the rainbow flash (something that happens with each new timeline). It also happens when Zack goes to Hojo to save cloud on the motorcycle bc a new path is made. I think the fate whispers intervened after cloud saved Aeirth and killed her in the remake trilogy timeline to try to put it back on its original course. But this was after the branch point had been made. The key word is after. We as a player resisted the whispers and made it to Aeirth so this timeline can't be unwritten. The saved Aerith is who we see in the fight helping Cloud and who we see at the end promising to pray for the world (aka cast holy in her timeline). Sephiroth can jump through realities, with his ultimate goal being uniting the disparate timelines into one where meteor is successful. (Hence all of the robed men going north and shouting reunion). I suspect he has this ability because of Jenova. I also think the J cells in combination with their connection to Aeirth are what allow Cloud and Zack to have some degree of awareness and ability to see between the timelines as well. And finally Aerith appears to have similar abilities to Sephiroth most likely because she is a Cetra and has a connection to the lifestream. If you take Sephiroth's words at face value, all of the timelines are the same world all connected by the same lifestream, and all destined to rejoin. It makes sense that Aeirth can move between them all bc of the lifestream. It would also make sense that she is directly opposed to sephirpth and is trying to make the timeline where Sephiroth is defeated and holy is cast the one they rejoin into. I don't think Sephiroth anticipated her being able to travel between the worlds, which is why he tells her "I underestimated you".
@willowkat27 6 ай бұрын
Man, it’s so refreshing to find someone who openly loved this game and is excited for what the future story holds. So many people are bellyaching about the multiverse stuff, and while I can understand to some extent…I heavily disagree with the automatic assumption that “multiverse = cheap and bad.” These games have expanded SO MUCH on all the characters, and the multiverse stuff has allowed for it even more, especially in regards to Cloud, Aerith, and Sephiroth! I think the whole theme of fighting fate is actually a really strong and meaningful one, and it doesn’t cheapen Aerith’s canon death because she’s still sacrificing and fighting SO MUCH to change things. Idk. I’m very here for the potential for a happier ending that one has to fight tooth and nail for, and that’s exactly what these games are (hopefully) leading up to.
@quangthaitruong7960 6 ай бұрын
OMG I feel the same. I actually quite like the direction the story is going. Always keep me guessing at all times. And the death scen is not bad either. I actually find it quite beautiful the way Cloud connects with Aerith more after she’s dead. Though it’s quite sad that he can’t accept her death yet, hence the denial. But at least, we know that she’s not his delusion. She’s actually there just in spirit form. And I’m very glad that they didn’t show her body sinking into water, kinda gives me hope that they still have plans to bring her back one way or another.
@kayzaac 6 ай бұрын
The entire crux of my issue with the multiverse elements is that it detracts from grounded emotion to encourage thought experiments. It's an approach that's somewhat at odds with the emotional cues that the game tries to amp up, like dramatic music or camera shots or character lines. Those elements end up getting overshadowed by the need to decipher every new story event. And in so doing it withholds any real emotional response until the truth is unquestionably understood. A lot of people write essays trying to explain the events of what happened, when the problem in of itself is that you even have to write those essays in order to be in a place to where your heart can appropriately respond. Some of the greatest stories in gaming, movies, anime, etc. are those with peak emotional moments, and those moments are often concise and easy to understand in a single sentence. It's what makes them hit so easily no matter how big-brain a person is. The remake project is fine as a theory-crafting puzzle story with great fanservice, but it doesn't end up being a great emotional ride, despite all the nice character work they've done between the party. Sure, there's emotion but it's a kind of surface-level disingenuous emotion. Like, of course I'm gonna feel a beautiful melancholy when they play Aerith's theme, but 3 minutes later that's all gonna be washed away when I start headbanging to the sick new Jenova theme while Yuffie talks about how fun everything's been. So not only is theory-crafting distracting from emotional events, but there's emotional dissonance in the presentation as well.
@willowkat27 6 ай бұрын
@@kayzaac that’s a fair point, and I don’t disagree. While I have no problem with the multiverse angle, I do find it really frustrating that it’s all so insanely confusing, to the point that nobody can agree on what’s really happening, and the emotional impact is drowned out by massive confusion for everybody. I wish they’d been at least a *little* clearer on some things, because right now everyone is so lost. On one hand, it’s kind of genius from a marketing standpoint. The mass confusion sparks tons of discussion among fans and keeps them engaged for the next release because everyone is desperate for answers. But man, it’s frustrating. I’m trying to give the benefit of the doubt and hold on to hope that part 3 will answer everything, clear it all up, and allow the emotional aspect of what’s to come to really shine. Part 3 could easily make Rebirth better in retrospect depending on how it handles everything, and I sure hope it accomplishes that.
@jamrah8713 6 ай бұрын
@@willowkat27your last point is what I’m banking on. I like what they’re going for but it really all depends on if rebirth nails the landing. If it doesn’t the remake trilogy is going to be tainted for years to come (at least story wise)
@mingQWERTY 6 ай бұрын
I dont think the whole multiverse stuff will matter in the end. It's all a trick. Sephiroth did say that all of the worlds will die out eventually so the impact of it will probably be little to insignificant.
@lysith3aPS5 6 ай бұрын
Pretty much every reaction I've seen so far of THAT moment has been "Yes!........wait, WHAT?" - Hamaguchi said we'd feel a different emotion this time, I just didn't expect it to be utter confusion.
@echoplanet2000 6 ай бұрын
lmao!!!! yes, you are right. None of us were expecting THIS!
@SyaarXh 6 ай бұрын
we all become cloud
@merwanor4864 6 ай бұрын
I was not exactly confused by this, I even sort of called it way back when playing Remake. People where so adamant that they would change too much and make it so Cloud saves Aerith. And I had this thought that the devs know that if they are going to make the moment as impactful, at least for old fans that already knows what is going to happen, they would have to do something different. So they put lots of fake hints of hope for some form of redemption, to be able to change the moment that had an impact on us from long ago. And it is actually really interesting to see that they definitely made an impact on many old fans by just putting that small snippet of hope just before they snatch it away so brutally. The moment is not the same as it was, but it does not need to be. They still somehow managed to make a known outcome come as a surprise, which is impressive imo.
@ffischer 6 ай бұрын
I just watched a man lose his mind for one and a half hours and I loved every second of it. 😂
@franciscopena3283 6 ай бұрын
In the end, it was all part of Sepiroth's plan to save Aerith and start the reunion of worlds
@jacknickel1788 6 ай бұрын
No I don’t think so because the black whispers were trying to stop cloud from saving her.
@MotherOfSorrows 6 ай бұрын
1:26:00 Aerith knew everything that was about to happen as long as she got her white materia. That's why Sepiroth used the Whispers to empty her memories in Remake. That way only he is aware of what's to come and thus can change his plan in order to succed. But Aerith tricked him, gave Cloud her white materia from another timeline and now, again, she knows everything (OG ending). Sephiroth will merge the timelines and thus Cloud, Aerith and Zack, maybe even some members of the Avalanche will unite in one timeline to kick Sephiroth's ass. I expect part 3 to start the way we know but change it's course completely during midgame. Anything can happen
@renegade637 6 ай бұрын
You know, that never occurred to me. But, it makes sense, especially given that Aerith gave him the white Materia before pushing him through the portal just as Sephiroth was coming in.
@zacatkinson3926 4 ай бұрын
100% true Hell I thought this after remake, its actually quite predictable
@NerdStrikesBack 6 ай бұрын
Nearly everything Aerith says in the last cutscene is something she’s said before. If I said I wasn’t - when Cloud asks if she’ll be able to get home in Remake It’s like a second home - in the Remake Chapter 14 scene if you see her, talking about the Shinra building I’ll send up smoke - earlier when talking about the plane
@GuiltyHonklerv2 6 ай бұрын
Which is bad however you look at it, His brain is broken and is reliving those moments in his memory but believes it's actually her.
@zacatkinson3926 6 ай бұрын
Aerith is creating new timelines to save everyone,
@LostGeburah 6 ай бұрын
that's just lazy writing.
@zacatkinson3926 6 ай бұрын
@@LostGeburah not in the least
@dannyfromtheville3613 3 ай бұрын
​@@LostGeburahHow do you write it then?
@rexarc2477 6 ай бұрын
imma said it here ... this is sephiroth and aerith timeline battle 💀 both aerith and sephiroth is the one that can jump multiverse conciously ... and that fight is the same abillity as sephiroth thats why he say "i underastemated you" its just my theory tho
@rockmegently 6 ай бұрын
Yep. I think you’re right
@michaelrobosa146 6 ай бұрын
They are basically playing a 4D chess game. A battle of fate.
@itsdantaylor 6 ай бұрын
It is also interesting to note that, for the FIRST TIME in the remake games, Sephiroth seems surprised.....on the back foot....whatever the hell happened here, he wasn't expecting it.
@michaelrobosa146 6 ай бұрын
@@itsdantaylor yep, he didn't expected Aerith to show up in that fight
@cangri1788 6 ай бұрын
Beat it today and wow what a masterpiece. Totally agree on how good the reimagining was. Can't wait for part 3.😊
@Youplantedgrass 6 ай бұрын
Can't believe that ending, the wait for the next game is going to be so long.
@Thevikingninja117 6 ай бұрын
4-5 years atleast most liklely assuming.
@Cloofinder 6 ай бұрын
2028 most likely. It took 4 years after Remake
@kennyhigh7426 6 ай бұрын
Im hoping its 2 years max, they have most assets now and covid lockdowns aren't a thing now so hopefully not 4 years
@netfan7117 6 ай бұрын
2027 should be 30 years anniversary, so let's hope for that year.
@jamrah8713 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@Thevikingninja117I reckon 3 years, 4 years maximum. We’ll get an announcement / gameplay trailer for the 30th anniversary for sure but idk if it’ll be released for then They have said that the main thing they’re focusing on is the story scenario and also programming the highwind and how it’ll work in the game. The combat and the world is pretty much 90% done and the assets are there. Just need to get Vincent and cid combat working and then it’s rocket town, northern crater and wutai to go I believe
@ayyachris 6 ай бұрын
See you guys in 2027 for the last release and 30th anniversary. Final Fantasy VII: Reunion
@chriscofer6780 6 ай бұрын
On the ps6
@JosephHandibode 6 ай бұрын
​@@chriscofer6780it be on ps5 and ps6 for bigger audience next time
@Nyla_emotes 6 ай бұрын
I want 7 disks AT MINIMUM!
@AIrider08 6 ай бұрын
I want to mention that Sephiroth Reborn is technically not a name change. Bizarro Sephiroth is actually a mistranslation. If you translate the JP name it would be called Rebirth/Reborn Sephiroth.
@Echo-oy8os 6 ай бұрын
Bizarro Sephiroth sounds cooler ❤
@AIrider08 6 ай бұрын
@@Echo-oy8os Contextual overthrows the Rule of Cool. Sephiroth intends to be reborn as a god, and his boss theme in this form is called "Birth of a God". Bizzarro just means bizarre in Italian and Portuguege.
@meattomato2439 6 ай бұрын
I play with toys that cause pleasure !@@AIrider08
@kinakomono 6 ай бұрын
I think the reason for the switch is, Aerith switched it herself because she knew she HAD TO die in order to save the planet and her friends.
@Basedgodpiccolo 6 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie, this is a cool idea if they follow up on it in the next game.
@wtrrobson738 6 ай бұрын
I think it was one of Cloud's delusions, in part 3 there is going to be another reveal that it actually played out more or less like the OG, which is why we see Cloud mouth the lines he said in OG and then they skipped the funeral because Cloud's delusional state has blanked it from his memory despite him being the one to perform it.
@LittleRey 6 ай бұрын
​@@wtrrobson738is that what he was mouthing?? As soon as I seen him mouthing words in this weird time glitch I immediately screamed "THATS THE OG GAME!" because I am so familiar with a lot of the dialogue from OG, so I am always looking to see how they adapt it or change it.
@alexmerk5095 6 ай бұрын
GOTY I’m telling ya it’s coming!
@davidboomer6205 6 ай бұрын
I can't wait to play it on pc 🤞🤞🤞
@rockmegently 6 ай бұрын
I hope so 🙏🏼 they deserve it
@gvbobthebuilder 6 ай бұрын
The year is still young, but its a great candidate for sure
@andreahueck6207 6 ай бұрын
The ending was brutal I Cried for hours and was so depressed going back to continue playing rebirth for what I missed was Painfulll. Legendary game
@ChristianTaliaferro 6 ай бұрын
I actually think you hit the nail on the head as far as your interpretation of the ending! Aerith is laying on her side when the rest of the party sees her at the altar, though as Cloud approaches, he enters in a circle of white light and sees her laying on her back. None of the other party members are present when they were just a moment ago. He both saved her, and didn't save her
@duykhangtran4406 6 ай бұрын
So the ending of the game is Schroodinger Aerith?
@viisovari4544 6 ай бұрын
So what does it mean - this ending is too open for interpretation
@ChristianTaliaferro 6 ай бұрын
@@viisovari4544 I would say that we’re still on track from where we were in Remake. This is still Aerith and Sephiroth who have come back through the Lifestream post Advent Children, and are now playing 4D Chess with one another ontop of the events of the original game. Hence the idea of a “Requel”. Aerith is likely still “alive” in some form or another. She thanked Cloud for saving her during the final fight against Sephiroth, though at least physically, she was slain just as she was in OG. From what I’ve seen, it’s better to view the other “timelines” as other “worlds” housed within the Lifestream. Zack is alive, not in an alternate timeline, but a world in which he survived his death. I think the same is true of Aerith, and the two of them cheating death is her using these worlds to battle against Sephiroth. Just as he is using them to bolster the power of the reunion, so too is she using them, like how we see her give Cloud the White Materia to give to herself. When the Reunion happens in Part 3, all of the worlds will collide, reuniting Aerith and Zack with the rest of the party in the final battle against Safer Sephiroth..
@viisovari4544 6 ай бұрын
@@ChristianTaliaferro And what’s with the Black Materia, why he put it in his Buster sword? What happened to Biggs? What’s the deal with Glenn and Rufus at the end?
@WhiteWumboProductions 6 ай бұрын
@dreamphoenix 6 ай бұрын
Thank you. I love your observations. For Queensblood, the easiest way to win is area denial. The AI will likely be patched to fix this, but currently it doesn't seem to fully appreciate the threat one of your cards represents by creating green dots deep in its territory. It will as often prioritize building its combos over protecting its space. It is possibly to beat rank 7 players with the starter deck this way.
@DavidZMH 6 ай бұрын
Remember, back in the day that OG FF7 was confusing when you first played it. Its only now that we had time to piece things together so the remake trilogy confusing people is understandably so but I have faith in the writers and producers that they will make it make sense. After all they all created the original also.
@Cloofinder 6 ай бұрын
Gamers: Oh God did she live or die?! Square: Yes
@sharynmorgan944 6 ай бұрын
To be continued in part 3.
@Goujiki 6 ай бұрын
For those that paid attention: Aerith is dead, Cloud is hallucinating. Sephiroth is trying to control the timelines, but is failing. Zack was just existing in Aeriths dream of another world that never happened.
@ReikokuXTaifuu 6 ай бұрын
@@Goujiki Cloud isn't hallucinating though? Red XIII could literally feel her the moment Aerith touched him in the ending scene. Cloud is the only one that can see her, yes, but she's clearly there in some capacity, even if she's just a spirit only Cloud can see or something.
@Matagu1 6 ай бұрын
Imagine, Aerith is actually not death. Just as Jenova/Sephiroth fooled Cloud, Aerith fooled everybody, also Sephiroth in thinking she is death. Only Cloud knows she is still alive.
@quangthaitruong7960 6 ай бұрын
That’s a fascinating theory!
@marie-costa 6 ай бұрын
My Dream ❤
@DarthPingu07 6 ай бұрын
That's my theory too. She survived and switched the timelines. Cloud understood the assignment and told her that "I got this". Keeps Sephiroth busy while she activates Holy. That's why he admits he underestimated her.
@ivancouto1028 6 ай бұрын
she is fking dead jesus christ. garbage theory theres no theory
@sosboob 6 ай бұрын
@darkcobra1418 6 ай бұрын
29:59 What sucks is that if Sephiroth hadn’t interrupted you right there, you would’ve staggered him and Cloud and Zack would’ve both said “Let’s bring it home!”
@jamrah8713 6 ай бұрын
Cloud “stopping” Sephiroths blade created two timelines. One where he saves Aerith and one where he fails (I believe this is what the group sees by default hence there reactions post jenova and Sephiroth battle). What cloud sees is in my opinion NOT a dead Aerith but the Aerith from the timeline HE created, hence why he can see the tear in the sky. I believe he has the ability to exist in the multiple timelines or at least has an awareness of it unintentionally, most likely due to the jenova cells pumped inside of him and other hojo freaky stuff. But I believe the game alludes to all these timelines existing within the same lifestream with Sephiroths comments about the multiple worlds and other pointers, which would also explain why Nanaki can feel her presence I believe the third game is really gonna go into a DEEP dive in clouds psyche more so than the OG, and perhaps him fully coming to terms with aeriths death AND also finding himself, which would make for a much more gut wrenching reveal / moment than a 1:1 re enactment of the original in my personal opinion That’s how I view it. Hopefully it isn’t too long of a wait for the third game, but apparently a lot of the works already been done so I expect 3 years or so
@gervang2445 6 ай бұрын
Love your reactions lol.
@metastase895 6 ай бұрын
Only 4 more years until Final Hearts 4 part 3.
@irishspuds5894 5 ай бұрын
this game made my childhood. the way you talk about it and your reactions to the music and events in the game.. the emotions you show the characters and the story is just like me. and its so nice to see
@dellan 6 ай бұрын
A fucking journey of a game this was
@merwanor4864 6 ай бұрын
These devs are so damn sneaky. They where basically just gaslighting us into believing we could finally save Aerith, but it was all a ruse. They had to make this moment impactful for old fans, and by putting all these hints of fake hope to change the future, they somehow made the moment impactful for those that already knows what happens. There is a lot of elements to this ending, lot of subtle hints and exploration of themes like ptsd or shock. Of course there is some form of multiverse BS thrown into the mix, but I think we can't really say that Cloud is a reliable protagonist in showing us what is fake and what is real. When the Jenova fight starts, Cloud still believes Aerith is alive so he is not as angry or ready to fight as the rest of them. And we can see this because he does not have a limit break ready, while the others do. His mental state is extremely precarious at the end of this game and I am sure we are going to find out a lot more when we get to Mideel in part 3. I may of course be completely misunderstanding the entire thing, but I am so far fairly happy with this entire remake. They are doing many of the same things but still making it interesting for us who already know the story.
@iswiftyfox8997 6 ай бұрын
I feel like the third game is gonna have cloud finally realize Aerith is dead and learn to accept it but in order to keep Aerith fans happy they’re gonna make it so cloud is able to visit her through the livestream or whatever and enter the alternate timeline idrk tbh but I doubt they’re gonna keep it simple and just say yeah she’s just dead like in the OG otherwise they wouldn’t go through the effort of all the whispers stuff and alternate timelines but I also doubt they’re gonna revive her
@DevilHunter1994 6 ай бұрын
I mean Advent Children already established that Cloud and Aerith can speak to each other through the lifestream. I honestly think that what we're seeing here is the origin of that. Cloud is talking to her ghost at the end, just like he can in the movie. It's just that the final events of the game played out in such a way that Cloud fully believes that he saved her, and doesn't realize yet that he's talking to her spirit.
@shivastars 6 ай бұрын
Why are you acting like cloud doesn’t interact with aerith in advent children too? “to keep aerith fans happy” as if that’s a bad thing lol characters like tifa and zack got extra scenes added and y’all didn’t complain but it’s bad if aerith gets the same treatment in pt3?
@iswiftyfox8997 6 ай бұрын
@@shivastars I didn’t mean it like that lol. I’m saying since the remakes have pushed the clerith ship more than ever before i think it’s gonna be a case of the story ends how u want it to end sort of. Idrk how to explain it.
@itsdantaylor 6 ай бұрын
Man when the developers stated about the upcoming 'big twist' from the first game (IE Cloud's identity) and that this version of the story would be less of a 'unreliable narrator' and more of a 'unreliable world' they weren't kidding. How does one stay sane when one is pulling a Everything Everywhere All At Once and can see seemingly different realities at the same time?
@DevilHunter1994 6 ай бұрын
I don't think Aerith actually lived in that other world. If you look closely at her in that scene where she says "Cloud...it's okay." you can actually see green lifestream particles coming out of her. So it seems Cloud didn't actually save her. He just thinks he saved her, and is talking to her ghost without realizing that it is, in fact, her ghost. So I think either Cloud is literally just repressing the truth (probably with some help from his Jenova cells, given all his Jenova headaches in those final scenes), or it's possible that he did stop Sephiroth's strike, but Aerith dying is actually some kind of fixed point across all possible worlds. So even when you stop it...you can't actually stop it. Another potential option is that perhaps the scene where Cloud stops Sephiroth's sword actually takes place within the lifestream. So when Cloud stopped Sephiroth, what he was really doing was preventing the Sephiroth that's still in the lifestream from completely destroying Aerith's soul. So, he saved her soul, but she's still physically dead, hence the green lifestream particles.
@mrplayfulshade1038 6 ай бұрын
Imma be 100 with ya'll I legit do not trust Cloud's POV at all anymore. Its all so confusing and scary I feel like they are tricking us again
@kamptey 6 ай бұрын
finished this game yesterday it's so peak GOTY fr
@garance5415 6 ай бұрын
They kept aerith theme during the fight i literally can't do that
@engelskmann2011 6 ай бұрын
Gonna take a guess and say that Jenova showed cloud what he wanted to see and that helped sephiroth get by cloud who knew she was going to die due to the visions he had in remake
@Nyla_emotes 6 ай бұрын
In previous trailers we had the hint: what is real and what is fiction? So all possibilities are open here I d say!
@risquecat 11 күн бұрын
When Aerith says "Cloud, it's ok", you don't actually see her speak it. I think Cloud took Aerith hand and held it to his face, thinking she reached out to him.
@DarthPingu07 6 ай бұрын
Cloud: deal with that Meanwhile... Aerith: *gets kebabed* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@alimichalkan8046 6 ай бұрын
This is seriously truly a great final battle for Rebirth. The emotion is just so crazy right now and the transitioning from one battle to another truly is anxiety inducing.
@O-sa-car 6 ай бұрын
mans was goin thru it
@brianbaratheon 6 ай бұрын
Cait Sith is actually one of my favorite characters. Moogle Magic got me out of a few jams.
@zacatkinson3926 3 ай бұрын
You didnt get Zack and Cloud Synergy "Together as one" when Zack is alone at the church
@juartreyes 6 ай бұрын
I was so confused by this ending I honestly don't know who's more fucked up in the head rn me or Cloud
@bahamutskingdom 6 ай бұрын
I will simply answer the question to the title. No Aerith will not survive. As an Ancient, she can travel the lifestream as Sephiroth does now. And she can speak to people in thoughts and whispers. (Maiden who Travels The Lifestream short story) But she is gone y'all. It is gut wrenching, just as it was 27 years ago. Trust me when I say my generation gets the sadness. We had it from the very beginning of this game. But to bring her back......one it would undo everything she did to save the planet. (Don't know what I am talking about....play the original) But more over it would be a complete middle finger to the game in and of itself. It IS about loss. Loss of friends and family, loss of your mind, loss of yourself. It is completely enveloped in loss, while bringing us to the conclusion that despite the loss we do face, we can still prevail.
@GuiltyHonklerv2 6 ай бұрын
People who were fans of the OG and played it a long time ago understand that she is gone for good, She isn't alive in another "timeline" or "world", She only exists in the lifestream now. See people using flowers and whether they are dead or not to indicate that she is alive somewhere else on another world but whenever you see wilted/dead flowers it only means the lifetream is either dying or dead.
@malekk4012 6 ай бұрын
My guess Aerith switched the timelines around when Cloud saved her so she could finish the job...
@DropoutJerome 6 ай бұрын
Bro I'm so mad that this video popped up at the top of my home feed and started auto playing and it took me a second for me to register what I was looking at. Smh I hate KZbin sometimes.
@erickreyes7902 6 ай бұрын
After watching all the endings... this is PEAK STORY in GAMING HISTORY!...
@dannyfromtheville3613 3 ай бұрын
45:45 100% FACTS!! 56:39 EXACTLY!!! 🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎶🔥🎶🔥🎶🔥 1:14:17 Yeah, Glenn and Sephy go waaay back. I didn't play EC enough to reach the Young Sephiroth arc, I go to vids to learn about that stuff 1:16:22 Probably not the main world. The flowers are in full bloom so wherever he is Aerith's probably alive there
@toychristopher 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing! I love your reaction so much!
@marvinalberto7963 6 ай бұрын
when the screen goes static it means thats whats really happening.
@wilddragonchase 6 ай бұрын
i took the ending to mean that Aerith is physically dead in this world, but that she does live on being a Cetra in the lifestream, and (some form of both) Aerith and Sephiroth have been playing 4D chess around the various worlds trying to outdo each other.. and that by the final battle he realised that he underestimated her. i also think theres meta commentary by the line "no promises to keep at journeys end", which references the "promise" of a remake that has been made in the FF7 remake reveal trailer. like the majority of the first 2 games are faithful to the story beats of the original, but i can see how the 3rd is going to either be wildly different, or it will do everything, but then add something completely original, like Zack coming to the main timeline/world.. or the Zack interlude being a full game with him recruiting the Turks and then joining up with the main party or something. i just know that part 3 is gonna be wild
@Mari4Mari4 5 ай бұрын
Great, now he isn’t just sad, he is insane.
@Marty-bo6op 6 ай бұрын
If at the ending scene (that very nice fmv) Aerith wasn't really there why did her hair/clothing move so much when the tiny bronco flies away? If she was a spirit that only Cloud can see, it shouldnt have happend. She is not in the same world. But I think we just have to wait till part 3 for answers.
@Goujiki 6 ай бұрын
its 100% Cloud Hallucinating it all. He's in denial about her death.
@deu2ex975 6 ай бұрын
I think the worse thing is that she IS kinda there as a lifestream ghost. The issue is that she's still dead in all the ways that matter and ''saving'' her in that other timeline/branch/possibility is actually screwing him up harder by preventing him from grieving and acknowledging she died. It's not the fact that he can see her ghost/timeline counterpart or whatever that's the issue, is that he's using that as a crutch to not at all accept that she died in any way shape or form. It's really amazing how the remake has the ability to show just how fucked up Cloud is in the head.
@sanddry738 6 ай бұрын
I personally love the timeline stuff because the idea of AC Sephiroth getting another chance is horrifying. Yeah things can be confusing but they’re also hitting this story’s major beats. (And by god this game is SO charming!) I really hope they make the Northern Crater some of the most fucked up stuff before you see the “new” world with Meteor on the way. Just rip all of our hearts out and give Cloud a hug from everyone later. From my own assumptions, the two new weapons fighting the whispers may be killed by Shinra. Thus making Sephiroth’s battle against the planet easier. He tried to stop Aerith here but failed due to Cloud getting a fully charged White Materia from the other timeline. So Sephiroth still needs to do something because everything is still on track for him to lose. (Like he tried to delay Rufus) NOTE: he DOES seem to be hyper-focused on Cloud this time. In the OG he didn’t give two shits who Cloud was. Just another puppet. This time he wants him to join him. Overall this game has been a wild ride and so well polished. Seeing people go 100+ hours with all the content. Plus the INSANE soundtrack. Can’t wait for a PC release
@JaceWD 6 ай бұрын
unpopular opinion: she dead. as in dead dead. there are no different timelines. No alternate worlds. It was all in clouds head. He makes things up as he goes on. how he suddenly sees zack in nibelheim and suddenly remembers that they were friends. how he sees aerith waking up when she is dead. His mind cant cope so he is on copium. like a true crazy schizophrenic. he sees different things and different realities and makes it into whatever it is he wants to see. to cope with aeriths death, he makes up a reality where there are alternate worlds and where she comes back into his world to save the world together with him. And to cope with his friends all thinking she is dead, its becoz "only he can see her"... even sephiroth isnt real. its all in his head just like in ff7remake. Never wondered how he suddenly gets transported into space to do battle against him, by himself? its coz its not real. its playing inside his head. arguments for this theory: 1) the hint by sephiroth at final fight, asking cloud whether all this is real or not. but the game has been throwing us curveballs all along, so at this point they set us up to think "dont fall for it" when in fact, it is the truth. 2) all the lines aerith said at the end with cloud, are lines that she has at some point in ff7remake or ff7rebirth has said before...much like how a person imagines a person who is gone, and all he can see is the person saying things that they already happened before, becoz thats the only things our memories can remember... 3) scene near the temple lake. they laid her body in the water like the original game. and then they were mourning her. game deliberately not showed us this and instead she is sitting there next to cloud. then his mind glitches as he sees the truth for a split second, that the white materia fell into the lake. Then he is back in crazyland again and there she is sitting right next to him. yay. everytime he glitches, its like in the original game, where reality and fiction meets. instead people talk about different timelines and alternate worlds meeting. not once have square enix even confirmed this. they deliberately keep things vague to mess with players and keep us guessing. which is cool. but instead, players live in marvel multiverse world and think up all kinds of crazy multiverses theories. if theres literally so many worlds out there, why 2? why 5? as the infinite possibilities are endless its literally endless worlds, a million billion worlds. not 5. not 2. and even if we settle with 5 worlds for simplicity. why is there only 2 aeriths. why not 5 zacks. why not 5 clouds. where are the other 4 jenovas and other 4 hojos and 4 sephiroths? 4) then theres the rift in the sky. only he sees it. meaning there is no rift. its just cloud playing adventure game and thinking its the reason he must travel north to confront sephiroth. heck i wouldnt be surprised if he never had the white materia either and it would be in fact, the black materia that he is holding all along, but his mind glitches and turns it into white so he thinks aerith gave it to him. i must "keep it, safeguard it" and its "proof that she is here with me, see she is still standing there and talking to me, the others just cant see her" arguments for multiverses are actually very weak in this game. only thing is the dog, that changes and "supposedly" its meant to mean different realities.
@hiddenmaster6062 6 ай бұрын
Pretty sure Aerith is a livestream ghost now. But more in touch with what the hell is going on. Maybe the fact that Cloud saved her led to her being in this kind of more overt limbo than being as mute as the livestream itself. Anyways......... NEW GAME PLUS PART THREE! HERE WE GO!!! :D
@neondemon4345 6 ай бұрын
I'm upset they didn't show Arieth in the water. That was my peak in FF7 OG.
@GuiltyHonklerv2 6 ай бұрын
I suspect cloud blocked that memory out because he is in deep denial about her death, When he comes to terms with it in part 3 I think we will see it
@TheOfficialNewb 6 ай бұрын
Aerith i dead communicating through the lifestream and across worlds to cloud because of their deeper connection and glen is just a jenova puppet glenn was literally jenova think of it like that and itll make much more sense. aerith is dead though. If you dont believe me about aerith go back and watch the scene with the tiny broncos motor going off EVERYONES clothing and hair reacts except for hers. and i dont mean the propeller scene cause thats when cloud is specifically focused on her and his mind is already completely broken at this point being a sephiroth puppet right before the crater JUST LIKE IN THE ORIGINAL game lol Ohh i forgot to mention zack is just in another memetic world in the lifestream. it goes into a LITLLE bit of detail of the lifestream worlds when sephiroth takes cloud through the worlds and whatnot.
@wosavy 6 ай бұрын
the game looks insane
@jackbyram6175 6 ай бұрын
I couldn't watch this due to spoilers! But i wish you the best! and I love you! and yeah! ahha Or some shit maybe
@Basedgodpiccolo 6 ай бұрын
Top tier reaction.
@risquecat 6 ай бұрын
I love this guy reaction.
@LostGeburah 6 ай бұрын
result: confused new player + confuse AND angry OG enjoyers.
@velocityraptor7188 6 ай бұрын
At the rate things are going, Advent Children will not be what people think it is. Just imagine Deepground being exposed early and AC plot accelerated. "A confluence of worlds."
@seogabonotjah6555 6 ай бұрын
How in the hell hes still had black materia???😮😮😮 Also whats the mean of blank materia aerith give to him
@savann.sun1980 6 ай бұрын
The blank belong to the Aerith of his timeline. It could be a way to get his mind back in track.
@Goujiki 6 ай бұрын
in the OG, Cloud gives Sephiroth the Black Materia in the Northern Crater, does he not?
@thebrigade7684 6 ай бұрын
Every theory is correct because SE did not bother in trying to make it make sense it feels like we are only getting to see 60% of the stuff that happpens... Go figures try figuring that out
@LeonardMosca 4 ай бұрын
What is scene is not really her is what Genova did to what's his name screaming the illusion and playing with his mind
@Ohne_Silikone 6 ай бұрын
Instead of killing her off in one world, they now kill her off in all the timelines, as a fixed point in time, absolute and definite. It is like the original 2.0. "You had hopes, yeah??!! Now watch us crush it, again, manyfold." Cue her theme as they push the deathstricken mind behind your doubtfull unexcepting eyes in the next boss battle. Surely after this a phoenix down will fix it. Or all the phoenix downs you can get your hands on. And then they clip the cord of your lingering hope as they drive home the realisation: she will not come back. This one you can not save. All the silly fun only set you up for this horrendous sledgehammer.
@Ohne_Silikone 6 ай бұрын
I think the flashbacks are of the OG timeline, where he wasn't held back, but in the new timeline he killed her just the same. I see a lot of people explaining themselves that she is not dead somewhere, but I take it she is. She is now a presence in the life stream and as such still somewhat in connection with the gang. Like in OGs final shot.
@zacatkinson3926 6 ай бұрын
This game was to bridge part 1 and 3 and it seems like it too
@slyktech1860 6 ай бұрын
Have you seen Fight Club?
@meattomato2439 6 ай бұрын
yes brad pitt like aerith am i right ??? ...
@Ninonidas 6 ай бұрын
The elemental wing phase, was one of the most frustrating pieces of gameplay I've ever seen, like they cycle between the 4 elements, what do you think you need to do?!
@jackbyram6175 6 ай бұрын
w streamer! the goated streamer!
@bredbowlfr 6 ай бұрын
Awesome Reaction
@jackbyrem5968 6 ай бұрын
Hiiieee A hybrid orbital set is shown below. How many unhybridized p orbitals does it have?
@1jidion 6 ай бұрын
sephiroth manipulated the timeline to the point she died like the OG
@Oakkie32 6 ай бұрын
Aerith theam make me cry 😢😢
@chiangmei1265 6 ай бұрын
No Promises to Keep, am i right . . . . . .
@LeonardMosca 6 ай бұрын
Maybe he was always crazy to begin with that's why he never made soldier just a theory my cat has a theory E- equals MC square hold on I got to talk to her about copyright infringements 😅😒🙀
@highwizard6764 6 ай бұрын
I couldn't hold myself together the first time I saw this death scene, and I was like "Yesss" and "Noooooo". I am already in tears while mashing L2 and R2. Having seen the Avengers/Marvel multiverse, I saw why SE took a page from them. Multiple timelines + Whispers = Creative freedom
@kiwiraider9128 6 ай бұрын
Do johnny's quest. I enjoyed it.
@yoshisauce9630 6 ай бұрын
I love it but hate it. This some real kingdom hearts type story
@devilblack3837 6 ай бұрын
There are 2 aeriths, 1 is sleeping, 1 is dead
@sharynmorgan944 6 ай бұрын
At least 2 Aerith's, the final part of the trilogy will be interesting.
@elysvg5094 6 ай бұрын
Ce jeu ❤
@elijahbrobbey2667 6 ай бұрын
wowie otto gyatt rizz fanum tax rizz gyaatlord wowie
@DarthPingu07 6 ай бұрын
Why am I putting myself through this again? Why am I watching this? I know she's alive but fuck sake man 😭
@nodakgirl93 6 ай бұрын
12:30 😂😂
@sosboob 6 ай бұрын
she liek to put it inehr nose
@zacatkinson3926 6 ай бұрын
Cait sith sucks in his sections
@maluekfassi9060 6 ай бұрын
tired of multiuniverse sh*t....
@sosboob 6 ай бұрын
way to actually spoil the entire game for me dude...
@smashscrubzone4712 6 ай бұрын
​@@explodinglodeddiaper bro watched a 2 hour video of spoilers and then complained
@chriscofer6780 6 ай бұрын
​@@smashscrubzone4712 people will always find some to complain about even if it means watching a two hour video about the ending and than getting mad about spoilers. People amirite
@sosboob 6 ай бұрын
{‼❗❕SPOILER WARNING❗‼!!!!!}Bahaha you're amusing me, I am simply trying to get through home sweet slum in the original version of final fantasy 7, and now I know later on that Aerith is going to die! i'd get having some spoiler warning or something but he really just uploaded the video raw with all the damage in its fullest form I dont see how its not ABSOLUTELY expected for me to be upset. @smashscrubzone4712 @@chriscofer6780
@sosboob 6 ай бұрын
but not even a warning?!??!@@explodinglodeddiaper
@jackbyrem5968 6 ай бұрын
can you stop please@@sosboob
@aether_eyes 6 ай бұрын
My theory is that at the end, Sephiroth succeeds in merging worlds and summoning Meteor, which brings Zack and Aerith back to us in the original timeline. But because one Aerith had the White Materia, we're also able to summon Holy and stop Meteor like the original. I dunno man. Every time I feel like I have a grasp on what is going on, we get thrown a curve ball. I actually enjoyed Cait Sith in this. I thought he was gonna be fucking insufferable but they portrayed him pretty well, all things considered, he's a comedic character. The betrayal hit harder in this game than the original, though. I knew it was coming when he joined the party and I was still fucking heated when it happened, lmaoooo.
@gvbobthebuilder 6 ай бұрын
I think this makes sense, I just have a feeling we get to play as everyone and they all live happily ever after, killing Aerith might be too much this day in age idk or they just wanna change it. You do get to play as Aerith after she died...and still play as Zack. Multiple timelines confirmed though for sure, and the whole "just as worlds unite, so too do they part". maybe Sephy trying to bring all the worlds together and end them all, then fails when bringing them together, we stop him, so that "The worlds united, do not in fact part" lol.
@itsdantaylor 6 ай бұрын
I feel it's important to note a few things that we, the audience are shown, in the final chapter or so. 1. Alternate timelines are shown being created with the 'rainbow effect' (Note WE the audience are shown this in the Zack timelines, not Cloud so it's for us to know and not Cloud to know/be used to delude him) 2. Cloud and Aerith are shown to be able to connect to their AU selves. Cloud even being pulled into his AU body to be given the white materia and sent back. 3. Aerith in the 'au' scene is shown to be awake....then her 'spirit' helps Cloud fight against Sephiroth in the final battle then fades away'. We are then shown a Cloud, seemingly on another 'plane' since everyone around him dissapears, holding a now SLEEPING Aerith asking her to wake up. We the AUDIENCE are SPECIFICALLY not shown his typical death dialogue and/or her water burial. I doubt they would not include such IMPORTANT scenes for just another fake out 'oh she's still actually dead' scene at the end. While I may just be inhaling a HUGE amount of 'copium' I think the timeline split, Aerith in 'our' universe died, faded away but then transferred into her new AU self. It's why she says 'Goodbye' at the end, because she did still 'die' and will remain dead in the regular universe. NOW......what the HECK this means for part 3? I have no idea.
@TheKingOfN0thing 6 ай бұрын
@sharynmorgan944 6 ай бұрын
She also said to Cloud on the beach, " your really gonna love my future self "
@Hrz 6 ай бұрын
I'm not going to pretend I know what the hell is going on for sure, but in regards to "We the AUDIENCE are SPECIFICALLY not shown his typical death dialogue and/or her water burial." my guess is this is going to be tied into his broken psyche and when he finally comes to terms with who he really is, they will also show these scenes and he will have to accept what happened. As all alternate timelines appear fleeting, this still leaves room for Aerith and Zack to come back through another timeline and team up, only to still have to "leave" and return to the lifestream - which keeps everything canon (and allows Cloud to be in the necessary mindset) for Advent Children.
@velocityraptor7188 6 ай бұрын
Predictions. 1. Aerith will cast Holy before Sephiroth can restrain it. 2. Zack at the end of Rebirth in the church is now in the Rebirth timeline. 3. Zack will takeover Cloud and both he and Tifa will save Cloud from the Lifestream. 4. Shinra will battle Weapon pursuing seph, trying to stop Meteor, but also has to deal with a new war with Witai plus anti shinra groups. 5. At some point last third act, Aerith will return. She still has to use Great Gospel. She will enter into Rebirths timeline. And the entire party will see her and the sky like Cloud does.
@un_known5895 6 ай бұрын
well one thing's for sure, Rebirth is indeed the "empire strikes back" of the trilogy, the group we followed encountered hardship after hardship after hardship and they end the game with our hearts gripped and squeezed beyond belief. whichever of the 3 (Nomura, Kitase, Nojima) had said that by the end we would feel more attached and come to know the characters on a higher level weren't lying, hell i even felt connected with the midgar 7th infantry for goodness sake!!
@LeonardMosca 4 ай бұрын
Only game up to the hype that's for sure
@shibadoge191 6 ай бұрын
wait what?, what, wait..., wait what.. what the... wait . Most of the players will have this feeling at the end of this game.
@Nyla_emotes 6 ай бұрын
Which was SE intention all along! :)
@Goujiki 6 ай бұрын
If you paid attention, Aerith still dies it's just Cloud in denial and hallucinating. The only thing different is that Sephiroth is still from the OG and ressurected himself to try and control the timelines, but he is failing again.
@GodOfAI_ 6 ай бұрын
You all over complicate it this trilogy is LITERALLY a sequel to advent children, meaning that yes Aerith is dead in the main timeline but not in the 4 others that are confirmed. Therefore yes, there’s a chance to see our couple back together in the third game.
@MarkoDarkoYT 6 ай бұрын
I get the impression Sephiroth has been highlander-ing through the worlds and killed her in all of them. He hunted down and most likely killed her in that timeline we visit for sure.
@GodOfAI_ 6 ай бұрын
@@MarkoDarkoYT nope, in fact in Zack’s timeline she’s alive.
@JosephHandibode 6 ай бұрын
you aerith and zack
@KingdomKeyJT 6 ай бұрын
Did you completely miss the part where Sephiroth said that the alternate timelines are destined to fade away and fizzle out? That’s why Aerith said “goodbye” at the end, THAT was her death.
@MarkoDarkoYT 6 ай бұрын
@@GodOfAI_ which Zack? We see at least 3. The one that went to Shinra HQ, the one that went to the Reactor and the one that couldn’t decide and went to the church. The Aerith that wakes up with Cloud is presumably killed, which is why she handed over the white Materia. Only one that might be alive is the one Cloud saved in whichever world he bled into during the death scene.
@meattomato2439 6 ай бұрын
Dormammu I have come to bargain ...
@Nyla_emotes 6 ай бұрын
What is real and what is fiction? Could it be the devs gave us a hint of understanding from the trailers? Sooo curious to see where they will go but one thing is for sure: Cloud has never been this broken ever. He is in denyal of her death, maybe because he truly saved her in another reality or maybe because it is all in his head. Time will tell, but it’s going to be a huge trauma to realize that in this timeline he still failed to save her. All his reactions at the end scream about mental denyal. And Aerith knew so it could be all her doing in trying to protect his mind until the right time arrives for him to fully realize the truth which for butterfly effect thanks to Sephiroth was all coming a little too soon for him to digest!
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