Will AI and Sora kill filmmaking?

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Mark Bone

Mark Bone

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@SoundCageStudios 6 ай бұрын
Believe it or not, Videographers are some of the MOST job secure when it comes to A.I. technology. Special/corporate events, weddings, documentaries, Music Videos (If a band or artist wants their actual selves to be seen), all manner of things can only be captured by a camera with a human behind it. A.I. can do a lot and can supplement a lot, but it can't replace the videographer/cinematographer.
@WestonNey3000 6 ай бұрын
The problem is, most of us don’t make a living making artsy films and documentaries. Most of us make a living doing corporate work and the daily grind. While most of us would love to be shooting more creative projects, we have bills to pay. The industry is tightening up, meaning some people will keep their positions, while the rest get squeezed out. I’m leaving this industry as I need reliable income. I used to make amazing money owning a production company, but it’s dead and I have to accept that.
@tonyamartin1425 6 ай бұрын
man i just bought all of this shit lol
@anubisai 6 ай бұрын
Do better.
@David_Schwarz_DOP 6 ай бұрын
Production companies won't work any more i do believe and see that happening in europe. But since the gear is so good and so cheap, i shoot even bigger projects for companies completely by myself. Yes i need a little more time for rigging everything then a small production company with like 3-5 employees would, but i can work for a fraction of the cost, which is good for the client AND i keep all that money for myself which is great for me. and its even more money then i would have in the pocket if i would have to share it with 3-5 other people. AI will push that trend even more. We're getting faster in editing so we can shoot more projects = more money.
@shaartmcl 6 ай бұрын
Yup. Love Mark Bone's channel but "it'll only replace lazy filmmakers" is pretty damn insulting and naive. I'm pretty shocked people look at the progress that has happened in such a short time span and think they can say what it will or will not do in the future. Am saying this as someone who abandoned a successful film career to pursue AI development.
@cameron_cushman 6 ай бұрын
All of the other filmmakers will be thankful for the work you’re giving them lol. Insane to me that people are leaving the industry because of AI.
@scotey 6 ай бұрын
I hope I'm not being naive here, but I think the more prevalent AI becomes, the more viewers will relish and demand authenticity in the content they consume. This is particularly true of documentary. Real people and real stories will always be valued. Now I could see AI usurping the role of animators who produce stylistic reenactments of past events. That seems entirely plausible. And lower-budget docs may utilize AI footage as B-roll here and there. But I think AI footage will only be used sparingly for a while. Unless it gets so good that real-world footage provides no discernible edge in quality and therefore becomes an unjustifiable expense. I gotta admit. The whole subject makes me anxious. I like the real world.
@tommyfilms2765 6 ай бұрын
I'm with you @Scotey 100% agree
@AlbertoCadeddu 6 ай бұрын
Man you touched exactly my point over the last 6 months. summarized in "what if"? I'm anxious too and I like the real world
@Goshjeyer 6 ай бұрын
This definitely resonates, it's great to see so many people talking about this and what it means. I know this is nitpicking, but I think we should be careful about saying that 'lazy' filmmakers will lose their jobs. We wouldn't call coal miners lazy because they got phased out, a lot of people in this industry are just trying to provide a service and get by. In the scale of human history, as with innovations like the printing press, temporary job loss doesn't necessarily make an innovation bad, but in a system with so little economic support for the average person, the loss of jobs will affect thousands of people and make getting into this industry as a beginner, especially with no connections, a serious uphill battle. I think at a certain point, the mantra of 'just be better than everyone else' has it's limits, and we will have to find other ways to reconcile with the effects of automation. Curious to hear other thoughts on this, as a new DP trying to find his footing, personally I find AI terrifying and am uncertain if I will be able to compete in the long term
@Videofilealways 6 ай бұрын
Best comment
@BuggsSFM 6 ай бұрын
the correct take
@BrianArtka 6 ай бұрын
I've been in the niche business of micro documentaries, real stories with a handful of different types of organizations for about 20 years now. I started in the early 2000's fascinated with movies, fascinated with "gear" and the how to film. My passion, and business now is story. finding them, crafting them(with a process), filming them, and editing them. I cannot tell you how upset, let's say, a non-profit's audience would be if we said, "oh, by the way.. this person you just "felt" something for.. is not real. its AI generated" You'd be done. REAL stories, from REAL people, involving REAL experiences will not be replaced by AI. Could AI help in organizing the story, or maybe some stock footage. perhaps. But completely fabricating a person's story from a prompt to use for a REAL organization's mission... no.
@fin2643 6 ай бұрын
But how will you know if that documentary is real?? what if you watch a documentary thinking its real only to discover its AI, afterwards??
@BrianArtka 6 ай бұрын
well, then that’s a mockumentary and I’m pretty sure it won’t be better than Spinal Tap or Best In Show. 😊 Also.. you feel good when you are lied to?
@D3cker1 6 ай бұрын
A.I. eats at the core of the human creative soul.
@nm-conceptfilms 6 ай бұрын
I hope you're right, but Sora will be trained with our data and therefore get better and better. Overall, I think Sora will do more harm than good. An invention of mindless and soulless inventors, and a very selfish one as well...
@danielvilliers612 6 ай бұрын
You just had to see the face of the one who is responsible of Sora at OPENAI when she was asked about what image they used the train the model. Her face completely decomposed in real-time in front of the camera.
@natrix 5 ай бұрын
@@danielvilliers612 Hopefully lawsuits will follow
@Glen.Danielsen 6 ай бұрын
Love this Mark. You present the realness of this issue, yet also perspective and thus the hope. So incisive. Bone excellence! 💛🙏🏽
@RazerView 6 ай бұрын
all my anxieties addressed in one video. well thought out and giving me some hope. focus on the creative (still love flying my drone :/)
@markbone 6 ай бұрын
It’s pushing us to be better artists!!
@RazerView 6 ай бұрын
@@markbone inspired to tell the best stories I can. Thank you for the videos, as always.
@Littlefluffyclouds-Animation 6 ай бұрын
I agree that it will wipe out the bottom end of the market. Without the bottom end it will be very difficult for new talent to work their way up.
@AmyGood 6 ай бұрын
I appreciate you addressing these questions. It's one that I, along with many others, have been pondering.
@KevinvanDiest 5 ай бұрын
Dude, good job. Thx for sharing, always great seeing fellow shooters at work ..inspiring solutions man. That table was a killer!
@campscape 6 ай бұрын
Such a good point about AI not being able to replace the people and stories we film. AI can't film real people, doing real things, during real time...thank goodness!
@markbone 6 ай бұрын
It can create but it can’t capture
@alexalexis7899 6 ай бұрын
I appreciate the overall positive perspective, however, even though you touched on what I consider to be the major concern regarding AI, you missed the mark (!). When you said “People who don’t have the skillset to create that type of viral video will just be able to ask AI to create it.”. This is the problem, but it’s not limited to viral videos - it affects everything. Ira Glass has a very famous talk about the creative gap, where he makes a very pertinent observation about the “killer taste” that pushes us forward into the artistic journey VS what we can actually produce with the skills we have, and as time passes and we dedicate ourselves to honing those skills, the gap will progressively close until, hopefully, we will be able to articulate our taste through our acquired skills. Unless AI unexpectedly plateaus due to some unforeseeable reason, you will be able to customize every detail of what is generated, like you currently can with a 3D scene, plus you’ll have the AIs’ database to hold your hand and manipulate the variables you might not yet be aware of. This plays directly into your “People who don’t have the skillset to create” point. This is what is coming for us. The prospect that everyone will be able to draw without being able to make a straight line to save theirs lives. Having ideas has never been a problem; anyone older than 13 knows how ubiquitous story ideas are. Whoever thinks their ideas are unique is delusional. What has been acting as a fair gatekeeping device until now was the skill a person had to unfold an idea into a full blown consistent and intriguing story, and then having the skills to materialize it. All these skills are on the verge of becoming obsolete, which means that an industry that already has fierce competition left and right is about to be flooded in a way we can’t possibly conceive of. You will no longer be competing with other traditional filmmakers, you will be competing with virtually everyone. Virtually everyone will be outputting fiction and/or experimental stuff and it will all drown itself as there can’t possibly be enough eyes and willingness to sit through all the media offerings. Documentaries will, of course, like you said, be safe from AI due to their very nature, and will thus remain the last arena where one proves their worth as a filmmaker. Personally, I find it morally egregious that an art form built on the synergy of a team of dedicated artists to articulate an idea is about to be collapsed into an output by a single individual that likely never even touched a camera. It is only a matter of time until AI can generate perfect photorealistic footage of whatever you want, and when that becomes a reality, how can production companies and studios justify the money it costs to rent equipment, crew and location over generating it? We already know the answer to this. “Shot in real life” will be the new “shot in 35mm”. Actually, it’ll become a privilege reserved for a rare few. I, both as a filmmaker and spectator, have no interest in working like that nor in watching stuff made in those terms.
@kevinbirnbaum6460 Ай бұрын
@MattiasBrannholm 6 ай бұрын
I am afraid the perspective is to short. Compare the Will Smith AI-film from a year ago with the dogs from Sora. That´s serious progression in less than a year. Was it Elon Musk who said that by the end of 2024 the best AI will be as "clever" as the smartast person. By the end of the decade AI will be as smart as all humans combined... The prediction today for the future is based on what we see today. Why would AI not develop further? With the progression of AI, why wouldn´t AI know the people in you film on the spectrum better than you did after spending your time with them and be able to create an even better and more authentic documentary...? I am utterly worried...
@kevinsm2039 6 ай бұрын
Who cares what Elon says . People are so euphoric about everything he says and he’s been lying about solar roof Tessa semi hyper loop and we should’ve been to Mars by 2024.. yeah please never mention that guy ever again
@RJMotionDesign 5 ай бұрын
Me too. I also don't know what the prospect is for people starting out in motion design or videography now. It's one to thing to say "If you're good enough, AI won't replace you" but if you're a beginner then you're not an expert yet.
@nicholasjackson2167 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing!! Definitely encouraging to hear this from you to say the least.
@piusgyagenda 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this Mark, I have always said to people that we get to share about this topic that Ai is only going to get better but will not get to the level that human beings are at, creativity is something Ai lack it only follows codes
@CinerraFilms 6 ай бұрын
Unfortunately your misinformed. :/
@robertbycapri 6 ай бұрын
As drone operator, yes it will replace "easy" stock footage , but complex ones like wich requires 3 people , not any soon, in 5 years i might change my mind, meanwhile i had a big laugh at the 5:29 😂.
@PearlhouseTV 6 ай бұрын
there's something about a drone shot in the video where you know they actual shot the drone shot
@kamikaze1213 6 ай бұрын
There’s so much fine tuning that goes into a look, camera and lens selection and grading color that I don’t think it’s going to replace anyone in the industry anytime soon. It’s neat, but it doesn’t reflect the passion or creativity of the human mind.
@HikingWithCooper 6 ай бұрын
I can currently create a Pixar-level image just by typing "Pixar." With Sora you can do that with video...and it's just in beta testing.
@Filmmaker809 6 ай бұрын
I'm not worried because the same thing with CGI, CGI did not replace actors at all. I mean yes, stock footage and drone footage, such as shame for all the drone pilots which I think are very good at what they do. I'm still using stock footage and shooting my own B-Roll. We certainly do long takes cinema verite #markbone.
@RockWILK 6 ай бұрын
If you’re a writer, if you’re a performing artist, if you’re any kind of artist actually, you have probably had somebody bite your work at some point. I never sweat any of that, because I know nobody can do me better than me. When I teach workshops for writing and performance, I always tell people that. Just do you, because nobody will be able to duplicate that, not if you really do it well. And nobody can do you WELL better than you. Even if it’s not memoir based, if you study something, if you really learn the subject that you’re working on, and then, if you inject yourself into the equation, really bring your own soul and spirit to the project, nobody will be able to replace what you can bring to that art. I agree with everything in this video, it’s all about the individual, people will always gravitate towards the people who resonate with them to make their art. To see their art. To feel their art. Sure, AI will destroy so many things that personally, I have never had any interest in anyway. Generic ain’t art. It’s 30fps. It’s conventional. It’s common. Who cares? I just commented on another video this morning about this same issue, mentioning that it doesn’t get past me that I’m using AI right now, because I’m using talk to text. Lol It’s everywhere, but I’m not worried about it at all, because I know I’ll never stop telling stories, and that’s all that matters. At least to me. Great video, great food for thought, but anybody who’s making art and really genuine about it, really committed to it, dedicated to growth and contributing… isn’t preoccupied with AI. They’re preoccupied with the project that they are working on at the moment. And thinking about what they want to do after they finish. And thinking about what they could’ve done better in a past project. They’re not worried about being replaced by AI. They don’t care about that. Great work as always.
@WaltWarner 6 ай бұрын
Some excellent points, thanks. One of the most telling things I've read lately is that Tyler Perry after attending a private demo of Sora has put on hold an 80 million dollar expansion of his studio. I'm an old maker these days but I really feel for the young guns trying to figure out what the hell to do with all this 😞
@ClaytonBridges 6 ай бұрын
thanks 🤣🤣
@TheNitebinder 6 ай бұрын
This is no different than when cell phone photography and video filming became popular. Photographers and filmmakers didn't take it seriously. But as people started experimenting with them, news editors wanted reporters using them to take news stories or photograph interviewees. So they could fire photojournalists and save money. It didn't work out, but they did try it. Sometime ago on another channel told subscribers by switching to video, #AI will never compete with video. Yeah, right!!! You know, not everybody has the patience or desire video documentarian like you.
@markbone 6 ай бұрын
I find the that best compliment that not everybody wants to create the same art as me. It helps to be unique, even it requires patience
@chrisgoldenproductions 6 ай бұрын
I appreciate your view on how AI will change things in the industry. I can see it being used by some companies that want to keep their budget low and have a fast turnaround.
@asiimwesamuelcaleb 6 ай бұрын
An add that is not film related, amazing
@martinhallikvisuals 5 ай бұрын
As a commercial photo/videographer I believe that AI will take away only those jobs that create illustrative material about general things. If we talk about commercial photography/videography then clients still want to have their uniquely designed products to be filmed/captured. Yes drone pilots might lose their income if they shoot just nice landscape views in Island. But as soon as this nice view has a person in it who is wearing your clients uniquely designed jacket, then that can't be generated.
@nomading_in 6 ай бұрын
I like that it'll blast through some barriers to entry for a keen KZbin creator enthusiast, and that's mostly a cool thing. Speaking for myself, AI Upscaling, copyright free music, improved video quality, colour grading etc...allows me to try things quickly, and on a very small budget.
@omaralcantara1142 6 ай бұрын
I think AI if anything helps the videographer more Apple is in the process to create their own open ai once that crosses over to Final Cut Pro x features just pile up and of course across all platforms(Davinci, Adobe PR, ETC) due to competition we’ve been threaten by a change of algorithms every 2-3 years so if that version of internet change was survived I’m more than sure we’ll live through it AI is scary though when it comes to fake news they should have control over that because it can be extremely misleading to the general public. Great video btw Mark huge fan of your content Ai definitely can’t replace/replicate the content you make! 😂🙏🙏🎥
@CiprianTrip 6 ай бұрын
Yes it will replace any digital content creation efforts by humans, it's just a matter of time (and being given freedom to do that of course). Digital video is simply about recording light data and then lighting pixels on a display to reproduce the image, so as long as one can literally "paint" anything on a screen pixel by pixel, AI will be able to fake anything in the real world 1:1. It's not like rearranging atoms ⚛
@laughingbuddhafilms 6 ай бұрын
Well done, Mark! I always appreciate your thoughtful sharing and the research that goes into each video. AI can’t make this kind of video and give it soul.
@WinstonSmithGPT 6 ай бұрын
😂😂 This is like listening to a high school student do a group project on economics. It does not matter in the least if you think you are replaceable. It matters only if the available eyeballs decide you’re replaceable. Sure there will be four people who definitely want to see only things like real musicians on the spectrum. They’ll have plenty to choose from and statistically speaking they probably won’t choose you.
@annalf7857 5 ай бұрын
Yes!!! Finally someone who makes sense! :)
@kevinbirnbaum6460 Ай бұрын
Keep in mind, as a filmmaker, no one knows what you want to make but you. No one knows what you want to make but you. If you had a project in mind and found out you couldn't afford the horses you wanted or a barn burning down, no one knew that but you. So instead, you talk about the horses running away and have a character dusting soot from his jeans, coughing, and explaining there was a fire. No one knows what you had in mind in the first place. That being the case, eventually, using AI like Soros and asking for certain scenes to be created, you'll find out how to get your story out there even if you didn't have $10 million to do it. Again, you're the only person who knows the story of creative sacrifices you had to make in the real world and then make it look like this is what you always wanted in AI. As far as AI "lacking soul" is concerned, that's been said since the transition from film to digital. For the connoisseur of film, that counts-for everyone else, they never got it in the first place. AI will eventually cream Hollywood. Film will be a glossary term in a history book about a technology used for entertainment for 150 years before AI and even holography took over. Just give it time. It'll happen. Between AI and VR masks, big theaters will be corporate losers, but the studios will eventually try to own the tech to control the product.
@jon112media 6 ай бұрын
12:23 case and point that AI can't make things like this happen thanks for another great video Mark!
@PLAYLUXE 6 ай бұрын
Plot twist: This video was made with Sora
@Dancing_Alone_wRentals 6 ай бұрын
Finally, A video that asks the swivel chair question. Long overdue.....information that needs to be shared.
@markbone 6 ай бұрын
@thegenerousthief 6 ай бұрын
Love the idea of branding content as “Human Made” & it weeding out the lazy ones ..Appreciate these insights. 🙏❤️
@EricNentrupTheRed 6 ай бұрын
Waaaait...did you and @LucForsyth coordinate releasing complementary pieces?! Loved that serendipity if not. And expertly weaving in the BetterMe sponsorship raises a bigger issue of what Luc calls maintaining flexibility and adaptability as he's done across his career: that we can expect to have our baseline rocked on more frequent terms, at less spacious intervals. We can acquire the professional skill of expecting flux and shifts. And we can take your example about getting help to regain perspective easier than some, because the nature of being a storyteller is to be adept at assuming another role, perspective, and conclusion about such rampant change. When Sora dropped, I was so grateful I'd chosen to revisit filmmaking after a hiatus, but this time as a documentary filmmaker with a very specific field for where I want to focus my storytelling. I saw zero threat for the very reasons you and Luc point out so well. And we're going to be able to employ AI agents that free us from tedium just as high quality storytelling hardware has empowered us in the past 20 years. Cheers, bud!
@CardonaJason 5 ай бұрын
I'm creating both documentary and feature film projects. I embrace AI as a tool to handle certain aspects of my projects that will cost too much should I have to go the traditional route of chopper rides and actual car chases... lol
@RedRumble14 6 ай бұрын
In how many years will it kill? Designers Video makers Photographers? Should I even get into any of these spheres?
@Mostirrelevant 6 ай бұрын
The idea of bringing AI to art was unexpected. I am disgusted by every and each picture made by it as a substance for human content, and don't like it at all. At all, there should be some boundary between AI usage and animation usage
@swnup 6 ай бұрын
The only A.I. I’m losing to is Allen Iverson. If you were concerned about A.I. before watching this, while watching this, after watching this, time to get your skills up.
@markbone 6 ай бұрын
The answer
@BryceDocherty 6 ай бұрын
I never forget to drink my morning Bony-lytes. Hair on the chest and strong knuckles is all a manly filmmaker needs.
@rockybproduction9038 6 ай бұрын
Ai can’t livestream corporate events, ai can’t film interviews, ai can’t film companies training videos, ai can’t film actual events, ai can’t film company culture videos. Just saying I’ll use ai to my advantage for filler shots but it can’t take everything.
@GrantAce 6 ай бұрын
Short answer: yes; for film and live production: no
@Mostirrelevant 6 ай бұрын
The next troublesome part is idea that I see in the comments and on the net, that the art is something sufficient, a hobby that can be abandoned. That was the biggest mistake of my life, when I stupidly decided to find a proper job and gave up working on my art, because of fear what would happen. After 10 years of time wasted, I can claim that it is better to be broke artist fully commited to art than rich clerk with time to go shopping and go on boring holidays, at least from an artist perspective.
@norfolknonsense7578 6 ай бұрын
You're missing the point of being AI is still in it's infancy. The year to year improvement we have seen especially in the video segment makes me speechless.
@markbone 6 ай бұрын
@cogmission1 6 ай бұрын
I agree with your take, and have been saying that AI will never replace: 1. Those genres that report on the actual human condition (Documentaries, News Reporting, Weddings, Current Events, Popularized Events etc.) 2. Promotion, Observation and Creation of Personalities that are engaging and whose creative product is honored and sought after to learn and develop specialized "taste making". (Who cares what an AI thinks?) 3. What makes ART interesting is that it was created by a Human Being. There are creations that were mechanically generated (as well as algorithmically), but it's the fact that a Human can DO IT that makes it interesting and noteworthy.
@TheKosiomm 3 ай бұрын
Keep in mind that things with Sora and all AI systems are not there yet only because they're currently using an ancient hardware (second quarter of 2024) and the electricity bills are just insane. They won't allow the public to use the full potential of their systems untill the price per user calculations and the models trainings drops significantly, otherwise they'll bankrupt in one week max. There is simply no other reason why these systems won't be capable of generating anything you want exactly as you want in greater details. I suppose very soon humans will finally understand what exactly the life of the mind is.
@janwahl5954 6 ай бұрын
what about commercial filmmaking, do tou think AI can replace it
@WhySteve 6 ай бұрын
I've seen AI KZbin pre-roll scams. Very "real" looking scams of AI Elon Musk on SABC 2 news. Very real looking, they even nailed the South African accents and "news template" perfectly. Also, to be fair, when you showed TikTok, that glowing guitar pic looked pretty cool to be honest haha.
@markbone 6 ай бұрын
Wild the misinformation AI is bringing
@jwate 6 ай бұрын
Propaganda and blackmail are my biggest concerns.
@markbone 6 ай бұрын
@robertgilfillan3221 6 ай бұрын
it's too much hype, some of the videos are cool or whatever, but they don't look good. They'll look better someday, but for now it's cringe.
@anubisai 6 ай бұрын
Derp 😂
@unfitcrit 6 ай бұрын
not entirely on topic, but getting news on social media isn't all that great.
@markbone 6 ай бұрын
@alexman378 6 ай бұрын
As opposed to getting it from bought out networks like CNN, MSNBC and Fox News?
@Mostirrelevant 6 ай бұрын
I presume that it is the best to not avoid this horrific idea, but prepare for the worst case scenario and come up with a solution. The most troublesome part would be that the lots of people will lose their jobs. If I have heard correctly, the strikes happened in Hollywood partially because of it, so some solution would probably have to be negotiated, maybe some jobs reinvented in order to keep everyone happy as it is possible. If the AI stays as a tool, that seems as a more realistic scenario, the better questions would probably be: do I like it? Can it be helpful at all? Can it shorten time of some work that is usually demanding and takes a lot of time (like it was the case with computer animation etc.)? I don't like it, it is too artificial for my taste and I do not want to see a movie full of robots, but maybe it can reinvent images of lost cities (Atlantis, Oz wizardry and a lots of them in short time) and provide more creative solutions, not sure. I don't believe in artificial content nor do I believe that a reader/viewer have what it takes to generate the content for himself and feel satisfied. Everyone needs a surprise and unexpected things to happen, real human experience and sometimes more time for the best things in life.
@Katie_Jo_21 6 ай бұрын
You know how cartoon artists (even in the computer imagining ones) always have a hard time with hands? I think that maybe the A.I. programs have the same issue with are own human hands …
@skycladsquirrel 6 ай бұрын
The only thing to kill film making is a bad story! Great video.
@gbppro9143 6 ай бұрын
@the40thstep 6 ай бұрын
I think it will empower creativity
@anubisai 6 ай бұрын
@natrix 5 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree less
@the40thstep 5 ай бұрын
@@natrix well I can tell you I've already got million ideas how to use it in my work on KZbin so perhaps those with imagination will be empowered and you will just need to step away to make room for others
@natrix 5 ай бұрын
@@the40thstep Haha bingo you nailed it right on the head. Ai is essentially an attempt to get artists to step away so that youtubers can youtube. Just so we're clear, the Ai uses for harm, exponentially outweigh the possibilities for creativity.
@the40thstep 5 ай бұрын
@@natrix youtubers include artists just as much as educators and entertainers
@Smudge114 6 ай бұрын
Resentment towards AI will grow, no doubt. Even though AI is based on human knowledge, it will become a battle between humans and machines. To what end is the development of AI in creative spheres? Does it really benefit society in the end? Regardless, there's no stopping it.
@markbone 6 ай бұрын
@HikingWithCooper 6 ай бұрын
I disagree re: reshaping Hollywood. When a studio is looking at creating a billion dollar (ticket sales) animated movie and on one hand they can pay people 250 million to make it in 2 years or they can upload their script and have the same movie in an hour plus keep that 250 million for themselves, it'll be a no brainer. They need to cash out ASAP because who knows, maybe Sora 2 will be a Google home page widget where anyone can watch any movie they (with or without GPT 5) can dream up for free and right now. Remember that Sora isn't even released yet. It's in beta testing and some of the footage is already indistinguishable from real life. If they make the same advancements in the next year as they have made in the past year since the spaghetti video, it's game over.
@gbppro9143 6 ай бұрын
Also...Once your personal AI buolds that perfect image, it now become your property. This is awesome since many shots of other pekples property require permission and/ or payment. So buy an AI and own it. That's the future. Build it and sell it or buy it for convenience and external creativity. AI is external creativity. Still mine, just not completely from my brain. "This story was based on a true thought." Who owns the details. I like it... "The award for best AI content feeder goes to..."
@OutdoorAdventureTV 6 ай бұрын
So many thoughts on this whole topic. 🙂 I see AI movies as an opportunity for a new kind of filmmaker. With the right creative direction, AI will allow low-budget creatives to produce amazing movies, just like KZbin has for content creators. A creative could write a screenplay, gather a small team and create a short story or a full length movie. Jurassic Park stunned us with neo-realistic dinosaurs, and yet the same images created by AI today would potentially cause quite a conflict about the ethics of AI content. I would actually like to see some movies in the early "Disney-esque" style like Snow White. Or cartoons like Johnny Quest. Both genres became too expensive to produce. In the formal filmmaking world such as features, docs, short films, I foresee legislation that will require disclosure of the AI content. A requirement similar to the current movie ratings (G, PG13, R) will be established to inform the view as to the AI content. KZbin is starting to address AI content on their platform. Obviously there will be unregulated videos that will be used to deceive people for nefarious purposes. I do wonder whether there will be AI "stars" or personalities that will gain a large fan following? There will be an interesting societal change as AI becomes more prevalent.
@Manjunathnswamy 6 ай бұрын
Ai videos save vfx cost and time..
@Dancing_Alone_wRentals 6 ай бұрын
Iowa can do all that?
@ZacJfilm 6 ай бұрын
As technology improves there will always be people losing jobs. That's the bad side. The good side is that those same people are freed up to do things they'll be better at, and we'll all benefit from the improved tools. If everyone having a guaranteed job was the goal we could all be subsistence farmers.
@katlis 6 ай бұрын
I do like how AI will make storyboarding SO much easier now.
@govnopochta69 3 ай бұрын
I heard that recently AI started degenerating itself because of feeding on it's own data. Think inbreeding but with AI-generated pictures. How do you think, will it affect SORA?
@SamLucas26 6 ай бұрын
Since AI has become such a huge conversation in the creative space, I've pretty strongly took the stance that if you're scared of AI replacing you as a filmmaker, then your understanding of what a filmmaker is has been pretty dramatically reduced to nothing more than an image maker, or as you call it, a "lazy filmmaker" or somebody who just seeking to capitalize on trends. And the thing about trends is that they're predictable by definition. And if something is predictable it can be replaced by a computation, again, by definition. So you're right that if you're a lazy filmmaker, AI will ABSOLUTELY replace you. But if you correctly understand your roll, not just as a storyteller in generic terms, but a storyteller who can only tell a story the way YOU see it; then you can be comfortable in the fact that your perspective can't be replaced and you can start to see AI as a tool that can help you with things like pre-vis and concepting, creating plates for compositing and background/sky replacements, storyboarding, etc.
@tommyfilms2765 6 ай бұрын
Maybe, if all you're making is stories for yourself. But that's not the majority of how people earn money in this industry. They work for clients, who have their own vision, their own budgets and now the ability to make quality work at scale, affordably with little effort. This tech trends in that direction, away from all crew roles below the line. If you're in the commercial space like myself, seeing brands like Under Armour drop a completely AI-generated ad where it took old campaigns, and repurposed the footage without having to reimburse the artists who originally shot it, is completely unethical. Are those crews considered lazy filmmakers?
@SamLucas26 6 ай бұрын
@@tommyfilms2765 I'm also in the commercial space, I don't really make any stories for myself, and what I will say is that, yes, a lot of commercial work these days is lazy film making. A lot of commercial concepts are recycled, non-creative, easy to replicate, concepts (which also don't give any credit to the original artists either). Obviously unethical people exist and that sucks but that's a different conversation altogether. And I'm not for a second pretending that Ai won't break into the space in any capacity whatsoever. There's going to be/already are Ai artists who create solely with Ai and that's their medium, but the amount of creative effort that it takes to do that is not less than the amount of creative effort it takes to create a commercial film project (and in some cases, it's more). So it's not really a question of whether or not Ai will exists as a legitimate commercial medium, it absolutely will and already does. But it's not going to straight up replace film making. It's going to replace film making that is easily replicatable because by the very nature of what it is, Ai needs a framework of what already exists in order to replicate. My production company works with a broad range of budgets, anywhere between like $35,000-$500,000 film projects. And what I can tell you is that not a single one is interested in the type of ambiguity that is Ai in it's current state. For the same reason that it's more cost effective to pay my First AC $850/day than to rely on autofocus and have to redo a take when it screws up, we can't rely on Ai to not waste more time than it saves (for now).
@annalf7857 5 ай бұрын
Ahahah if there was an ounce of truth in what you are saying the "real artists" of this world would be rich and successful... Which is exactly the opposite of what happens...
@SamLucas26 5 ай бұрын
@@annalf7857I’m struggling to realize how that conclusion is connected to what I said? And I’m not trying to be combative in saying this. I think this is a genuinely interesting conversation that I’m interested in having. I just need a little help bridging that gap from from my comment to yours
@uptonfilms95 6 ай бұрын
Luc Forsyth just drop a video one hour before yours about the same exact thing. Weird timing
@olf42 6 ай бұрын
Are you watching Blade Runner 2049?
@ommm8 5 ай бұрын
Most of these observations are nonsensical. AI will be used to create visual effects, thereby wiping out loads of jobs in the fx industry - are they all "lazy filmmakers" ? "Most AI generated stock footage is bland" - yep... until it isn't. AI has barely even begun and will evolve beyond comprehension, and will definitely be able to produce "lazy" posts like this.
@BelindaFarage 6 ай бұрын
This is great and how I've been thinking about it. Not that it's great because i agree - (ha!) - but because this is how humans are. Spot on Mark! And yes - DO NOT REPLACE HOCKEY with AI! Just gross!
@JeremySmithOfNewScotland 6 ай бұрын
Look closer at the details on the sora gold miner clip, it’s unusable. Horses turn into people, some disappear have extra legs.
@katlis 6 ай бұрын
But again Sora is still in beta. Imagine a year or 2 from now how much better it will be.
@futurelen 6 ай бұрын
free palsten ❤
@agylub 6 ай бұрын
No. Only 95% of jobs will go
@dariusjackson6681 6 ай бұрын
I see AI as just another tool to be used for great things
@abduallahelgendi 6 ай бұрын
Free palsten 🇵🇸
@constantinosschinas4503 6 ай бұрын
Easy results will kill film making. Digital cameras/ workflows have done it already. If something is easy to accomplish, audience lose interest. This applies to design, cars, and so on. People love rare results.
@oo0Spyder0oo 6 ай бұрын
Some people thought rock and roll was evil once, just have to adjust to new things as we always have.
@videoprosuk 6 ай бұрын
My thoughts exactly, executed beautifully as always.
@failedfilmmaker 6 ай бұрын
The last point is the biggest one I believe. The artist is just as important as the art.
@gbppro9143 6 ай бұрын
Hey buddy, you are over thinking this. Artificial intelligence is becoming a personal property. Individual AI for everyone. Web based intellectual property is managed by your personal AI online. Millions of creators using AI to assist them in bringing ideas to life. There will be so many movies and documentaries and cartoons and games driven by people and AI that there will be more to see in a lifetime. There already is. This brings creativity to those who never had the ability to tell their stories. We as people will have more time to learn all the other things involved in all visual arts. Imagine content created from brainwaves. Thoughts, dreams, ideas that create can be created faster than ever. Also ideas that humans could not understand until now come to life. The easy stuff is over guys and girls. We get to use our brains for their true purpose. Creating new thoughts and ideas then sharing them. Besides...I still need AI as a.spell checker.
@Dstinct 6 ай бұрын
The huge hole in your idea is that pure AI generated content has been ruled by the US copyright office (which the majority of western countries defer to) as uncopyrightable, so anything you generate I can take and use for whatever I want. There is no profit in it.
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