Best Thing - Grappling Hooks Worst Thing - Specialists
@chrisfarmakis29903 жыл бұрын
is it me or the gunplay is a bit arcady?
@middknifecrisis3 жыл бұрын
On Ps4 it's a total mess. I've asked for a refund, May buy again in a year or two when it's fixed and in the bargain bin. Back to bfv for me. Disappointed.
@findawaytowin29683 жыл бұрын
@@chrisfarmakis2990 I agree. You can’t enjoy a good firefight shootout without multiple dudes grapple hooking or parachuting in behind you. 90% of my deaths and kills come from blind siding dudes and getting blind sided like it’s cod ground war. Not satisfying. Lack of tactics just results in mindless gameplay that isn’t mentally stimulating
@findawaytowin29683 жыл бұрын
@@middknifecrisis how do you get a refund? I’d actually like to do the same
@middknifecrisis3 жыл бұрын
@@findawaytowin2968 PlayStation support, won't let me post the link here
@caiocm23503 жыл бұрын
got some good news gentlemen, if you play the portal mode you can completely remove the specialists and play with bf3 character models/classes.
@AnAmericanMusician3 жыл бұрын
Boring. I've played enough bf3 and bf4. I want something different.
@alexucon3 жыл бұрын
@evanwiger3 жыл бұрын
Theres a glitch in the menu in game allowing you to see the rest of the "specialists" (BF3, BF 1942, BFBC2) Im hoping you can play with bf3 and other models in the standard game. Unfortunatly, that may be just a bug and not apart of 2042's main game with conquest that's not in portal and hazzy.
@caiocm23503 жыл бұрын
@@AnAmericanMusician something different? well you could just play with the brand new specialists xD. I'm kidding I get what you're saying, look out for ww3 it might have something you like :)
@caiocm23503 жыл бұрын
@@evanwiger As you said they are only present in portal and their appearance in the beta was a bug. In portal you can still play just like the main game it just lets you tweak the setting as much as you want (bf3 classes, bots, maps, movement speed) if you really wanted you could just play the exact base game with bf3 classes. Hope this helps :)
@GraphicJ3 жыл бұрын
Specialists are the worst “feature” ever implemented in the BF series. Bring back the OG class system.
@dohuynhduc46993 жыл бұрын
@BadCompany1153 жыл бұрын
Too many "friendly fire" incidents
@imnotusingmyrealname45663 жыл бұрын
BuT cLaSsEs StIlL eXiSt, yeah then Overwatch is a class based shooter too with healers, tanks and that stuff. This was a terrible decision by DICE and they just copied CoD with it.
@evanwiger3 жыл бұрын
@drywater58673 жыл бұрын
I like some parts of it you know you can choose an assault package and stuff like that make that the class system copy but add the specialists to act as an extra ability and perk
@utrocks973 жыл бұрын
Getting rid of classes and having no factions just makes this game COD plus size. I can’t tell friend from foe and a battlefield staple was having unique classes. Support only having LMG’s or Medics having assault rifles and snipers being limited to recon. You used to have to play a role and that actually really mattered to squads. Now it’s just use whatever you want and kills the feel of it being battlefield.
@ottovonbismarck84603 жыл бұрын
Yeah, they need to rework that for sure. They won’t though
@JD-tp3th3 жыл бұрын
At least cod have a faction system, while in battlefield 2042 you just have the same dude running around on both teams, huge disappointment
@falfieri31673 жыл бұрын
The beta map is so lifeless
@evanwiger3 жыл бұрын
Hoping thats on purpose. The playtesters alpha was horrible. although it had waaaay more features than the beta. lots of cool spotting features and good revive animations and even animations for getting in vehicles. the locked 30 fps was the worst part.
@nhanon67as3 жыл бұрын
Battlefield went a different direction than what I though they were going. Good thing I just got Hell Let Loose. I'll just be sticking with that. I've always played at a slower pace
@davida68833 жыл бұрын
I agree the specialist is the worst part of the game, I'm just looking forward for BF Portal
@Dante.-3 жыл бұрын
I couldn’t play it for more than 30 minutes, aircraft feel like they were only added as a final thought and the ground combat feels too much like warzone
@Bean_80003 жыл бұрын
For me: Best thing - sound design (when it's not buggy) Worst thing - Loadout system (too much freedom and everyone looks the same bc specialists) In regards to movement, I do think they are trying to go too fast like apex and warzone. I liked BF1 and BF3/4 movement just fine.
@captainbroady3 жыл бұрын
Imagine the everyone in the opposing team brings out anti tank rockets on an open area map and you're in a tank. You won't stand a chance lol
@Bean_80003 жыл бұрын
@@captainbroady after playing the beta this actually isn’t an issue for me. However it comes at the cost of rocket launcher damage. They feel really weak.
@Xtermenator2173 жыл бұрын
@@captainbroady I probably got shot by like 6 rockets all at once one time
@Bukahta3 жыл бұрын
The graphics are a step down from bfv but my issue is the game feels clunky and unresponsive
@findawaytowin29683 жыл бұрын
This all day.. I’ve seen comments talking about the movement being one of the only good things about it and to me the movement feels glitchy and frustrating
@zerocarb48923 жыл бұрын
@@findawaytowin2968 same
@PCPAyLOAD3 жыл бұрын
This game has no soul. Its like DICE threw a bunch of run and gun games with a dash of ridiculous tornados into a blender and slapped the BF name on it knowing it would make money. Its going to release like BF3 where its in turmoil for months. You watch I would put money on it.
@fxcg23 жыл бұрын
-xp color depending on if its kill assist destroyed vehicle -add damage points as in bfv or atleast show dmg -quick change attachments or be able to change attachments woth numbers because when the model moves it moves also the attachment cross -be able to change attachments in map before u deploy -change OnOff color in settings and dont autoscroll when u change setting -permanent Bullet mode on screen not only when i ads -fences are bulletproof too much -make hitmarkers smaller -add granade icon -cannot hear climbing ladder or grappling hook, sometimes cars are also quiet 0
@gumzthegreatgaming50953 жыл бұрын
Team leaders should only be allowed to choose the specialist and the rest of the squad should be the OG battlefield classes
@Cramblit3 жыл бұрын
Honestly, that wouldn't be a bad idea. It would give them a place, without being overly cartoony.
@Levente203 жыл бұрын
Perfect idea
@tonymarchese92883 жыл бұрын
Be better than what it is now
@cesarromero74153 жыл бұрын
ALL dice had to do was make bf4 with new graphics and new maps… somehow they butchered this game and it is not enjoyable to play. Stop hiring millennials to make good games.
@MrTD7143 жыл бұрын
@gamingbanana76183 жыл бұрын
well at the same time u need to adapt with the current gaming population. We have a lot of young people playing that like fast paced military shooter with lots of guns and lots of cosmetics. The boomer generation aint a fan of that, they like slower more strategic gameplay. Go play squad, arma, anything else even (hopefully) battlefield portal and youll be good. But yeah its fast its chaotic, its buggy. Thats battlefield betas
@cesarromero74153 жыл бұрын
@@gamingbanana7618 actually I do not need to adapt... just because kids think they want arcade shooters, doesn’t mean the devs, making millions of dollars, should conform to their stupidity... if you want that crap, go play fort nite. Battlefield is supposed to be a mil sim shooter. Make games great again.
@cesarromero74153 жыл бұрын
@@clutchthecinnamonsergal8493 you sound like a little simp. Bet you haven’t even played the beta yet so
@Magdelia3 жыл бұрын
@@cesarromero7415 I don't think the game is as bad as you make it out to be. maybe you should just play cod vanguard and enjoy that complete joke of a copy paste of cod ww2.
@raiderfan20103 жыл бұрын
Sounding like a whiner here but here we go... Best Things: Made me appreciate BF4 even more Worst Things: Specialists (How goofy do I look in a squad of 4 McKays taking on a squad of McKays) Revive system (Lack of immersion by coming out of 1st person and into 3rd) Lack of a class system for tools, weapons and gadgets leaves no specified squad roles Some guns are almost recoilless and lack that pop Less team and enemy chatter (i.e. BF3/4 "I CAN'T MOVE") The map size (Bigger isn't always better) No clear squad management system to request and give orders No dedicated grenade button (console player) Friend or Foe visibility is cheeks since everyone can only be a select character No dialing the range on your sniper scope anymore I'm glad I didn't pre-order this will be a wait and see just for Portal mode
@deathtrooper20483 жыл бұрын
And no spotting
@raiderfan20103 жыл бұрын
@@deathtrooper2048 THANK YOU. Such a useful and simple thing to get rid of
@Larrybobangles3 жыл бұрын
Perfect review. I was sad playing it tbh. Just didn’t feel like battlefield at all.
@PCPAyLOAD3 жыл бұрын
Its not whining if its true.
@raiderfan20103 жыл бұрын
@@Larrybobangles same
@Drfhgh3 жыл бұрын
Im really not a fan of the movement. Close quarters hipfire gunfights are a nightmare with this movement. Players can turn on a dime and keep their speed while swerving across your screen. In my opinion bfv had excellent movement and this new movement lacks the same weight and interactiveness with the environment. Also unpopular opinion, I think the 128 servers and the new sector thing are huge mistakes. It was so intense in past games to capture a flag with just a few teammates and holding it from opponents. Now with the sectors you are instantly swarmed by enemies the moment they notice the flag being captured since they can spawn 100 meters away on the sector.
@ALYXC73 жыл бұрын
One of the main things I liked in bfv was the movement.
@OlderThanAverageGamer3 жыл бұрын
No leaning either! 😥
@antonhallergren5883 жыл бұрын
I'm not impressed tbh. This game feels like a free to play or a alpha build. Specialists suck, the art style sucks, the game looks graphically worse than the past 2, gunplay is weird and feels like a copy of cod, the recoil is inconsistent, movement is terrible everything feels floaty, network issues with hits not regging, bullet velocity is to slow and finally I think it's unacceptable to launch a multiplayer game even as a beta that won't run above a consistent 100 fps on low at 1440p on a ryzen 7 and 6800xt. I think this game needs a complete overhaul as it stands in this beta. All they needed to do was rerelease a bigger version of bf4 like bf4 was of bf3 and no one would complain. But instead they think it's a good idea to try to copy other games just to draw those games player bases to battlefield.
@JadeHehehe3 жыл бұрын
@@clutchthecinnamonsergal8493 But he is not wrong.
@matthewwoods3393 жыл бұрын
Jet and helicopter mechanics just aren't doing it for me. I want to go back to the flying system we saw in bf4 and bf3
@thegrossmansmx3 жыл бұрын
they need class restrictions. a medic shouldn't be toting a sniper, and a scout shouldn't be carrying a med pack and a smg. same as a rocket launcher shouldnt be able to be carried by anyone. its chaos it feels like modern warefare with vehicles oh wait!.... they have some. and the forcing us to use 3 different ammo and limiting said ammo on each one is making decisions we want to make. and specialists need taken out. i want soldiers not heroes. this is battlefield not cod not overwatch not rainbow 6 seige. wheres our battlefield...
@Mark-xd5up3 жыл бұрын
It feels like a free to play game. Vehicles are crap, there’s more walking than fighting and the gun play is really slow. And where’s the destruction ? I thought this was a BF ? Plus this map is way too big and this isn’t even the biggest yet.
@hullukana2143 жыл бұрын
Seems like you need to get cod instead of bf.
@yo-nq9wr3 жыл бұрын
you seem like the type of guy to enjoy the new way siege is going in 2021
@higtmance36413 жыл бұрын
@@hullukana214 uhm no he quite literally wants the opposite?
@xxx-pliskin-sniper-xxx85383 жыл бұрын
@@hullukana214 Describes one of Battlefields key mechanics. “SoUNdS LyK YOu nEeD CoD!!”
@Magdelia3 жыл бұрын
@@yo-nq9wr KEKW. what a great game that went down the drain so fast
@clos198513 жыл бұрын
Nah f that grapple they need to make it have expendible ammo and it should be an unlock
@findawaytowin29683 жыл бұрын
Agreed. The grapple hook just adds to the randomness of getting blind sided constantly. I’d rather die in shootouts than constantly die from dudes from a million unseen angles like its cod
@assassin56PSNTAG3 жыл бұрын
It seems like Specialists, while great in concept to provide a dedicated gadget type associated to some player archetype, feel a bit shoehorned in. I think having the original class system with the new freedom of weapon and gadget choice would be a better trade off. I can't seem to think of too many reasons to actually include specialists outside of maybe cosmetic options or the third gadget option. But even then, with classes you can dedicate that third gadget to each class. Hud indicators have been pretty solid with the exception that revive symbols are appearing from very far distances very blatantly, moreso than they should. As well the ping system doesn't seem to work consistently, if at all. If we are to keep specialists and their traits, I'd like to see Boris, for example, have an increased radius in which he can stand near his turrets to increase their effectiveness. Right now it feels like I have to be much too close to my turrets for them to be really be effective and often time there's squad members that need help that I have to abandon the turrets for, but then their effectiveness is drastically reduced. Those are my only thoughts for now, I've been enjoying the beta so far even with the bugs mentioned. This is giving me BF3 and BF4 nostalgia for sure.
@nickhartmann88363 жыл бұрын
unfortunately the specialists are staying at this point but it’s not too late to fix the class aspect of the game. They still have operators classified as certain classes. So it should be a relatively easy change to limit which operators can bring in certain equipment. If they role out the game like this it’s just going to turn into a meta gameplay experience with everyone running the same 2 operators and same load outs.
@zakstephenson45453 жыл бұрын
alot of ppl and youtubers been saying this but i dont see it, i dont think just because we can pick any weapon with any class we will all end up using the exact same guns. For one, battlefield is not a competitive game which essentially destroys this logic right here because even if we assume that there is a meta gun i cant imagine the millions of average battlefield fans choosing that gun over a gun they just want to use or like the feel of. Secondly, as a gamer how can u complain about having TOO many options like can your lizard brain not handle not being forced to use different guns
@nickhartmann88363 жыл бұрын
@@zakstephenson4545 why are you insulting me for having an opinion on gameplay? On a game that has been around for 20+ years with a great formula of squad work and classes. Battlefield is about team work and in that team using squad tactics. COD is a casual shooter too and guess what… everyone uses the meta weapons. The entire point is now everybody can run missile launchers. The medic operator can now also run an ammo crate essentially giving her unlimited heals / unlimited ammo. Obviously you don’t know what you are talking about bc in any game there’s a meta it gets abused until it gets nerfed and then creates a new meta. Rinse wash repeat.
@zakstephenson45453 жыл бұрын
@@nickhartmann8836 sorry for hurting ur feelings, as for your reply. For one I think it's a pretty big stretch to say battlefield is about "team work and using squad tactics" by that you mean fucking around in a squad with your buddies. The fundamental game loop is the same, they have merely expanded the freedom each player gets when choosing how they wanna play. That's a plus
@nickhartmann88363 жыл бұрын
@@zakstephenson4545 I think you’re in the minority on that one. We will see how the gameplay is once full release comes. I have a feeling everyone will run whatever operators are deemed as meta. There is no incentive to play as a squad anymore. Everyone can be a medic. Everyone can bring in ammo. I don’t care about the weapon freedom it’s more about the equipment and tools. The reason they went to operators is so they can capitalize on micro transactions and selling skins.
@zakstephenson45453 жыл бұрын
@@nickhartmann8836 except you can only choose one gadget, meaning except for Falk no one can run heals and ammo at the same time. Is this unbalanced? Maybe, but clearly it's not having a huge impact on gameplay because people are choosing the grapple hook because it's more fun. So if no one on your squad is running Falk then one person needs to run ammo, one heals, then one like rockets and the last person can choose. These are literally the exact same roles as the previous games. We are getting more variety and more interesting ways to play with our squads with all the extra gadgets they adding, the specialists arnt taking anything away from the game, I will say I hope we get some more interesting ones tho
@getfragged70513 жыл бұрын
The best solution for identifying enemies would be to make two different versions of each skin that have different colored camouflage. For each skin one team can have more of a digital/urban colored camouflage and the other more woodland or darker camouflage. They implemented this concept very well in previous battlefields that take place in modern times such as BF4. They can even have a few faction locked skins although I’d much prefer they just have the same skin colored differently for each faction. Not being able to differentiate friend from foe is one of my biggest issues with the gameplay.
@charliemurphy48993 жыл бұрын
I don’t know how to feel about the game
@findawaytowin29683 жыл бұрын
I do.. it sucks
@charliemurphy48993 жыл бұрын
@@findawaytowin2968 I mean it’s not that bad, but it’s not good
@dmdm5973 жыл бұрын
Best thing for me is the gunplay and the feeling of the gunplay eventhough some bugs and glitches ruined a bit but those can be easily fixed. The worst thing (i can definitely make a list on this) for me is without a doubt the specialists, everyone looks the same and it's a mechanics that wasn't simply needed, the classes worked just fine and everyone was happy about it.
@mikkiedupreez5533 жыл бұрын
Best thing modern setting Worst thing defiantly specialist and bugs
@noodle77253 жыл бұрын
I would love for them to FINALLY put a dynamic HUD, there is just too much on the screen! I want to turn it all off but still want to see who’s my enemy and teammate!
@mattevans43773 жыл бұрын
It would cool if the motion ball was a spotting ball. Might sound OP, but it reduces the amount of explosives people have, as it replaces grenades, and I think people hate explosive spam more than being spotted.
@bilLYNX3 жыл бұрын
wtf how do u only have 27k you should at 100k man. awesome video keep up the great work
@AnAmericanMusician3 жыл бұрын
Here's a spicy take: I like specialist classes rather than generalist classes. I'm kind of sick of the generic grunt thing after hundreds of hours in bf3, bf4 and bf1. I do however, wish that each country got to have their own specialists to stop confusion on who's on which team.
@OneEyedDrummerTDHE3 жыл бұрын
I play on ps4 pro and randomly through out the match i have Red, Green, and Blue lines that appear over the map textures. And seem to go throughout the world
@vptknrn59393 жыл бұрын
Best Things. The Gunplay:Combining with it's satisfying animations and great sound effects,along with the nearly perfect amount of feedback,makes BF 2042's gunplay one of the best i've experienced in an modern AAA game. The Graphics:I gotta say,they made the right choice by having this map as the map of choice in this beta. The environments are some of the most stunning I've seen in a Battlefield game,and the weather effects,especially the calm before the storm and the tornado,are downright gorgeous. Movements:Taking inspiration from the more recent COD games,most notably MW 2019 with it's tactical-sprint,the movement in this game is buttery smooth,making it satisfying to navigate through the map in this game. FOV Slider on consoles:The inclusion of an FOV slider was one of the first things I've checked upon loading up the beta,even though it's just a standard FOV slider,the inclusion is enough to completely change the experience for the better compared to the previous games on consoles. The Worst Things. The Specialist system:Look,let's be honest,we all know why this feature was implemented in place of the class system.Admittedly,I was not a huge fan of this change upon seeing it in the trailers as imo part of the Battlefield experience is that you're a no named grunt fighting in a massive battle. But seeing them in action,I quickly grew to outright dislike this feature. From the blatant advantages some specialists have over the other(I.e Webster with his grabbing hook compared to Casper's pathetically EMP drone),to the confusion such a feature caused by having identical specialists on both sides,makes this an outright baffling 'feature'.I'm sure there are better ways to implement specialists in Battlefield,but at it's current state?This ain't it chief. The bugs:Notably the graphical bugs,like the shadows disappearing all of a sudden and the bullet tracers leaving a black trail,to gamebreaking bugs that quite literally spawned me underneath the map,these bugs are expected as it's a beta,but I'll be lying if they didn't affect my experience with this game. The Revive System:OK,this is one I'm genuinely frustrated about. What happened to the defibrillators of BF3-BF4?With BF 2042,DICE somehow made a 'frankenstein' feature that combines both the defibrillator and BF5's animation revive system,but what we got was the worst of both worlds. Instead of having the defibrillator as a gadget for reviving teammates or playing an animation of you reviving the teammates,BF 2042 sees your character charging the defibrillator for 3 seconds or so,then the reviving procedure ends.Although three seconds don't seem like a lot in real life,it matters a lot in a game like Battlefield,where you're constantly thinking of strategies to beat your opponents to the curb,and that three seconds critical between getting to fight another day,or meeting your untimely demise. And as a medic player,this change truly disappointed me. Not to mention that due to the reduction of the respawn timer and the fast regenerative health,a medic's service is barely needed in this game. The lag:200-1000 ping+ servers,enough said.
@K_FI_L_Y_P_S_O3 жыл бұрын
Best thing: replayability and squad teamwork is almost necessary. Worst thing: Identifying friendly vs enemy or guns sound tinny with little punch to them.
@K_FI_L_Y_P_S_O3 жыл бұрын
Also it's difficult to see what sectors are being lost while on foot. Sometimes the sector information doesn't show up when you look that way.
@K_FI_L_Y_P_S_O3 жыл бұрын
@@clutchthecinnamonsergal8493 yes but loud doesn't always equal good. They still sound off to me.
@joeo29703 жыл бұрын
The game just seemed boring to me. Hardly any action and big epic fights were non existent.
@nathanthompson7423 жыл бұрын
@@clutchthecinnamonsergal8493 yeah well it sucks when all your doing is constantly running between objectives to get there and for the battle to be over. Could just be people getting used to playing the game but my God I swear half the time I'm just running around moving from objective to objective for their only to be a 5 minute battle then its over. The map design doesn't promote any teamwork. Don't get me started on the operators, they have implemented a character creator or just a go with your standard soldier to be customized. Not this apex legends bs.
@WLW.3 жыл бұрын
@@clutchthecinnamonsergal8493 I went to objectives , problem was often there weren't any friendlies around so its was 1vs 5 , 11 etc..
@josephsavage15403 жыл бұрын
" I can't see how they will balance this, and on the topic of not seeing let's discuss the visibility issues" Segway achieved.
@bushmonster17023 жыл бұрын
It’s very rough. I’ll see what it’s like early next year.
@tylerjames88363 жыл бұрын
Three things I'm hoping for: 1.) Faster bullet velocity(i shouldn't have to lead a shot with a sniper within 50 yards) 2.) WAY more weapon attachment customization(bf4) 3.) Hardcore servers
@chimeraelite3 жыл бұрын
If they keep the grappling hook they NEED to buff the medic at least. Because no one revives, and especially with weapon freedom there's just zero incentive to pick her with her syringe being pretty much useless and even her being able to pick up everyone with 100hp. Regen makes her useless and the medic bag is better than the syringe because it's fast and doesn't take your damn gun away for a few seconds.
@evanwiger3 жыл бұрын
Best thing. You can always expect a firefight at a flag. no more ghost flags. Worst thing. performance, Audio, Jet and helicopter controls, and specialists.
@ectomorph_73 жыл бұрын
This guys pretty confident the devs “already fixed it” 😂
@Magdelia3 жыл бұрын
with the devs tweeting and everything why would you not have confidence in the devs? unless you always think negatively about everything. then you probably live in miserere .
@alerocillo3 жыл бұрын
Good- It's Battlefield Fun. The strategic gameplay or just chaotic is really enjoyable. Just what I wanted. Bad- A lot of time going semi on some weapon's tend to not shoot some rounds when your firing as much as you can. Ugly- Teams look too much alike. They need to give specialist some kind of uniform for what side your fighting with. I've shot so many friendly players thinking that they are enemies. Especially since player icons sometimes don't register in the beta.
@krigarb3 жыл бұрын
Add fractions (different uniforms and silhouets), the rest of the bugs can be fixed. It is already a ton of fun
@wrinklysoldier52443 жыл бұрын
Best thing = clean visuals Worst thing - being spotted 24/7... nobody other than a scout class should be Able to spot. Allah have to mention the sound... in a series x running astro a40s is complete dog sh*t
@IronTuskViking3 жыл бұрын
No map. Camera shakes when passenger in vehicle. First person messes up while driving tank sometimes. Load out slots show blank. While watching flying vehicles they seem to teleport. The b key call ins don’t work. The AK doesn’t save attachment choices on respawn.
@TheRabbitEdits3 жыл бұрын
Specialists only exist to sell skins imo, the game felt great but would undoubtedly be better with a classic class system.
@WLW.3 жыл бұрын
Don't like the spasmodic / fast pace movement - leads to people over doing it. Map size to big. Ends up being fairly quiet in areas. Lack of vehicles , can't deploy them at times = Spend to long on foot getting around. Poor teamplay , fragmented squads all over. Hardly any healing / reviving.
@antoniosanjurjo84423 жыл бұрын
Yes the audio needs work. We needs to be able to tell friend from foe easier. The movement is great it is alot like Titanfall
@cyclonus81353 жыл бұрын
Best things - Nothing Worst - No limit to class system
@tigerswood-13 жыл бұрын
I just want to be able to see the enemy and know it’s an enemy by their look
@GamePatter3 жыл бұрын
Best Thing - on the fly weapon customisation Worst Thing - Specialists
@austinmattson-laurent5403 жыл бұрын
I’m just worried those on the fly weapon customization is all the attachments there are per gun
@ZeSgtSchultz3 жыл бұрын
I hated when people were upset about visibility in bf5. They were mad that infantry would blend in with the background. THATS THE WHOLE DAMN POINT! It's not the revolutionary war. Infantrymen shouldnt standout. Especially if they've been in the field for a while. Even starched ACUs will blend in after 3 days in a foxhole
@fiftydabs51143 жыл бұрын
I think it feels pretty good tbh. I’ve been enjoying it while i take a big break from tarkov Great video man
@amun-ra25093 жыл бұрын
How can you think that making all the players look the same from both teams is a good idea??!! Whoever pushed that idea true needs to be checked for mental issues
@divocakosbicakoskreatinosv3503 жыл бұрын
they could just take Battlefield 3 put it on next gen graffics + battlefield 3/4 weapon customization + battlefield V movement and gunplay and they would have made most played battlefield game, but sadly they choosed the wrong way sadge
@Dailymess013 жыл бұрын
The red dot sight has a very small red dot, i cant see anything
@freek9313 жыл бұрын
You're actually the first creator that is fair about the criticism. I honestly think a lot of the community is overreacting just a bit to the state of the beta. I understand that it's a franchise that many people hold near and dear to the heart so when it tries doing different things and strays far from expectations, obviously there's gonna be pushback but I personally had a lot of fun in the beta and can't wait for full release. Look at the state that bf4 was in at launch and that game is still being one of the most played battlefield games. I'm holding out hope that this one is going to stay the same (for the most part minus a few major changes) and its continuously improved upon. Great video though!
@itame1013 жыл бұрын
Hit scan was shocking.
@crazyhenry62873 жыл бұрын
I would like to see more attachments for the guns. It would also be great if they would take the flashlight off the scopes for the sniper class👎 for me.
@shootergang21683 жыл бұрын
Gun play seems slow and bullet velocity is my biggest problem with the game
@adrianpickel14823 жыл бұрын
Aim assist is practically non existent on console as well
@jens563 жыл бұрын
The best = Destruction and explosions The worst = UI and movement mechanics.
@FrancescoDallOlmo3 жыл бұрын
I played more than 8 hours and here's the bad things that can be tweaked: Sound: bfV and bf1 have crispier sound, it really feels like you're in the battlefield whereas in bf2042 everything has a "closed" sound. HUD issues: it would be nice to see the points in the same position where you have the kill skull icon, in the center. Specialists: I like the idea of customising your character with any weapon you want, but every player looks the same. Would be nice to just have skins and special trait as distinct things. Snipers: bullet speed is so low and the map is so big that sniping is very hard. I think it need to be tweaked. General bugs: I think they'll fix it, but planes are very bugged and it happened more than once to get under the ground and get stuck
@KuyaArbee3 жыл бұрын
you also forgot about movement... BF2042 now has bunny hopping etc and brought back movement that was terrible on BF4 back to this game lol
@FrancescoDallOlmo3 жыл бұрын
@@KuyaArbee i didn't mind the movement, also considering that it is similar to warzone and that may bring many cod players on bf .. more players, more support, better game
@elliotpostma77183 жыл бұрын
I'm honestly thinking about playing Insurgency sandstorm today instead of the battlefield beta. I don't know there's something just off putting about the beta. Also have you noticed how tiny the player models are? And how fast they are moving?
@ksw89343 жыл бұрын
performance wise its the best BF beta ive ever played, i have between 90-and 120 depends of course on settings, but its a really smooth 90 fps! I really think we gonna pump more fps after the release, the reason i think that is for example switching from high/medium to complete low settings does nothing or at least margin of error for the fps BF5 was worse with fps on low in the beta. if im right, its the same but updated engine, in bf5 on low i pumped out around 200fps i think 144 will be possible after release for a lot of people. Great beta, i have a lot of fun together with some friends. Playing alone is harder since the scale is so big, so maybe not fun.
@ToxicPancake883 жыл бұрын
For me I’d prefer reworking the specialists so that they keep their individual perk but then have access to a series of class specific gadgets. Eg Casper would have his motion sensor ability but then be able to only chose 2 from a series of “recon” type gadgets like the drone, C5 and spawn beacon etc. Then when they add further specialists they can be categorised by class and also have access to their class specific gadgets. So if they add a new medic type character they’d have a new perk specific to them but get to choose from the same “medic” gadget pool as Maria Falk (syret gun, medpack etc). Would be the best of both worlds imo.
@denesk27943 жыл бұрын
Performance: I play on a first gen i9 and a 2080 Super with 32 GB RAM. 3440x1440 ULTRA Runs flawless.... I don't know what people with 30XX cards are doing or running or how their PCs are set up to have performance issues. Technically my rig is all "last gen" of everything and runs perfect. Just my 2c
@samsillis1753 жыл бұрын
I have a 3060 with a ryzen 7. I was hoping for more graphical options but the game runs flawlessly. I do think the game could look better
@denesk27943 жыл бұрын
@@samsillis175 I don't think it looks bad, especially for the map size. On Ultra it looks pretty good. However, I still play BF4 regularly, and if they just collected game modes from 4, 1, 5 and put it into a new game with BF 1/5 graphics, it would be perfect for me. At the end, when I play I turn off lens flare, and chromatic aberrations, and definitely motion blur..... realistically, unless it is an "eye-candy" single player I probably turn RTX off as well. :) I have it on on BF V though and with DLSS it runs good even in 3440x1440 .... at release time I had a 2060 and RTX was unplayable. It would even crash :)
@samsillis1753 жыл бұрын
@@denesk2794 the game doesn't look bad, but if you look at the new squad update coming you can see how the game could look a lot better even if the map is bigger
@mukly26413 жыл бұрын
Just a heads up - the beta build is a couple months old!
@CsZ963 жыл бұрын
Do you think they brought random bullet deviation? There’s something off about gunplay
@lukass56993 жыл бұрын
Not enough buildings to much openess. Battlefield V destruction was 100 times better. Specialists suck. All classes but grapple hook are trash. Map to big, I suggest to fix this by making some sectors like Bravo and D1 and D2 worth more points making it so you can see more players however add more buildings in those areas with Better distruction. Guns are very boring to use and kills aren't satisfying to get. Feel like D1 and D2 has so many players but not enough buildings.
@ajarmetta3 жыл бұрын
Ive heard that the destruction is pretty much bc2 level on 2042 but portal remastered maps have full destruction
@steriskyline44703 жыл бұрын
Why should we be fine with a billion dollar game franchise releasing buggy though? They’ve made so many bf games they should have it down to an art form at this point.
@UninformedThinker3 жыл бұрын
Best thing: Climate changes like tornadoes etc. Worst thing: lack of personalization with weapons and specialist classes
@cyclonus81353 жыл бұрын
They should have kept the class system the same as BFV now it seems nothing is off limits people don’t revive people now so it sucks
@DoubleHelix1133 жыл бұрын
Best thing - for me, vehicles and map Worst thing - specialists and grappling hook and netcode Too risky. Cancelled my preorder.
@Dabman0073 жыл бұрын
Huge map felt like 32 players not 128
@battlefieldexpert3 жыл бұрын
the thing i like about the game is the vehicle gameplay and graphics but what i dont like is the gunplay and the fact theres no Factions
@findawaytowin29683 жыл бұрын
Every time I’ve gotten into a vehicle it’s glitchy as hell and when I’m the gunner in a vehicle I swear it’s like my bullets go through enemies. Direct hits that don’t register
@battlefieldexpert3 жыл бұрын
@@findawaytowin2968 The bullet velocity is slow as fuck and theres no recoil
@yo-nq9wr3 жыл бұрын
@@battlefieldexpert your acting like the previous battlefields had any recoil to their guns
@timmunson76993 жыл бұрын
Nothing will beat Battlefield 4. I'd rather play battlefield 4 over 2042. BF2042 just doesn't feel realistic or enjoyable unlike bf4 and I played bf4 on PS3 AND PS4 and absolutely love it.
@mr_ako6623 жыл бұрын
There are long standing bugs across many bf titles that were never fixed never mind the obvious bug in just one title. What exactly are you talking about?
@findawaytowin29683 жыл бұрын
To this day Bf5 has this bug where my player will do a reload animation 2 or three times in a row without me even firing and it gets me killed in a close quarter encounter when I try and fire.. the big is here in the beta too which already has me annoyed. This is what I get for pre ordering a damn game. Never again
@tonymarchese92883 жыл бұрын
Why is it that I can play an american specialist on the russian side and a russian specialist on the american side breaks my emerson completely
@rendellfidelity3453 жыл бұрын
Honestly when you mentioned BF4 was the most buggiest beta in recent memory. you should consider the fact that dice only had 2 years to develop that game. Gamers were literally calling it Battlefield 3.5 (to be honest its my favorite in the franchise) . When you consider BF2042 had more than enough time after BFV and SWB2 last updates in development and the beta looks like this... worst of all whatever happened to EA and game articles saying "DICE is ahead of development in the next battlefield" MY F^&@##^ ASS !
@Sebmyname4ever3 жыл бұрын
best thing : it's free worst thing : doesn't run good + buggy + bad visibility + confusion teammates/ennemies + one specialist only good + map problems + ui problems + ai bots problems
@Sebmyname4ever3 жыл бұрын
+ even worse bugs when the storm gets there
@Sebmyname4ever3 жыл бұрын
i'm not saying its a bad game just a very bad beta
@SStrandh3 жыл бұрын
Best thing - movment and gunplay. Worst thing - to much vehiclespam.
@SStrandh3 жыл бұрын
@@clutchthecinnamonsergal8493 BF1 and BFV did it right. Why wouldnt I want this game to be more balanced in that regard?
@Bonded_Airsoft3 жыл бұрын
Honestly it does need some improvements but I’m really enjoying the game
@taylorhillan25343 жыл бұрын
The missiles and mini guns on planes and helicopters are really bad and need a bluff.
@OlderThanAverageGamer3 жыл бұрын
Infantry movement WAY too fast - No leaning either??
@mikkiedupreez5533 жыл бұрын
What if dice makes specialist for the American side and specialist for the Russian side?
@demontongue98933 жыл бұрын
All I care about is optimisation, my ryzen 3600 and gtx 1070 should be more than enough as its more than enough for every other game on ultra so why is my setup just cutting the cheese for low settings ? I think we all know it's not out builds. one other very small gripe, I don't like those hitmarkers at all I hope there's hardcore mode from launch that's how I like to play it but if I'm forced to play normal mode like in battlefield V for years I don't want to see those horrible hitmarkers they flare around the character like an aura when they die it looks like and arcade kill YOU WIN +100 lol
@ZBurd3 жыл бұрын
they took my hud and my family billy, help.... but the bug/weird thing I'm getting was when my Xbox controller disconnects and I sign into my profile again, my hud disappears, and then when I die I cant respawn again, but hey it's just a beta, and I was mostly enjoying myself.
@chrisnewton23253 жыл бұрын
I don't care about a few glitches the game runs fine enough I'm tired of having bugger all to play it feels amazing on series X for me
@afuturesoldier3 жыл бұрын
the specialist thing for me is alright it just the freedom of weapons. i thing the kit package thing should determine what kinds of weapons you can use. like similiar to the class system from before but with universal weapons like in bf4. theres not alot of incentive for teamplay with this cuz you can just support yourself on almost every front. for example as Faulk you can heal yourself and carry an ammo bag.
@rendellfidelity3453 жыл бұрын
Playing as these specialists is bullshit. Bring me back the immersion of playing as a unnamed soldier boots on the ground action. Not this hero shooter shit.
@nguyenanhnguyen76583 жыл бұрын
Gun in 2042 is very hard to handle compares to other games, sniper for example, I do not feel like it although I am a pretty good one in all BF series.
@EllDavis3 жыл бұрын
BF4 Déjà-vu. I call it "Bugglefield 2042".
@picklechin30613 жыл бұрын
I’m gonna say it. This is not only the worst Battlefield I’ve ever played, but probably among the worst FPS games I’ve ever played. Movement and gunplay is janky to the point of frustration. I do have a question that may or may not contribute to this opinion but has anyone else experienced vertical sensitivity being A LOT lower than horizontal sensitivity? It makes aiming and controlling recoil miserable.
@reaperkillz24203 жыл бұрын
"Where not getting any crashes". Speak for yourself, I've only played 5 full rounds and its crashed twice. That said my PC is mid spec so might be struggling abit. Tried low settings and the game looks potato asf so running on high which might be stretching my PC abit. Enjoying the beta so far anyways.
@Generalkux3 жыл бұрын
Bring back classes for the love of god
@mikkiedupreez5533 жыл бұрын
I got an idea for the specialist
@LegeFles3 жыл бұрын
It should just be the gadget instead of the specialist.
@madmike54213 жыл бұрын
Well I guess you weren't there for BF2, that launch was a mess bigger then BF4. My biggest issue is unit identification. Upon first spotting,especially if they are close you can not identify by either color code above then(because it doesn't show), or uniform because they all seem alike. Differently need work on uniform and high light color coding. Also the colors they chose for the interface suck. go back to the BF4 color scheme. It's been a staple since BF2 and change for change sake is stupid.
@moistharem59413 жыл бұрын
Bro I'm getting less than 60 fps on all low settings with an rtx 3060
@TroopperFoFo3 жыл бұрын
Feels like hardline 2. Have to pass on this one.
@Magdelia3 жыл бұрын
hardline? no shot. bf2042 does not feel like that game at ALL
@samgeorge47983 жыл бұрын
Overall vehicle and rocket launchers feel week. I think specialists are fine I literally don't notice it in game. Except when the Canadian talks, why dose he have a jersey accent. I also don't like the visibility, I like 3d spot idk what the community thinks. It makes it so hard to spot stuff in planes This feels like a beta for a video game. I feel they have done a decent job for that