Will, your parents should challenge you more often. You got some great bargains, that will add up to a big return $$$$$.
@carolschaupner4686Ай бұрын
I like the way you do different things on the channel. Will picking alone was different and fun. It’s a real challenge to find things in an antique mall that you can sell for a profit. Great job.
@PickerRoad28 күн бұрын
Thank you Carol❤❤❤
@veronicapelkey4940Ай бұрын
I love the adventure with Will and Rodie ❤️❤️
@YesteryearsTreasuresАй бұрын
How fun to do a challenge. Great Job, will 🎉 0:47
@nancyloomis3046Ай бұрын
26:26 I have never come across any cow parades. If I ever do and they are within budget, I would snap them up in a second! They're so cool! 😎
@nancyloomis3046Ай бұрын
11:53 Those Mercury astronauts on Life magazine...such iconic 60s American history...and so well interpreted in "The Right Stuff" one of my favorite movies. I think Ed Harris who portrayed John Glenn, Scott Glenn as Alan Shepard and of course, the late, great Sam Shepard as Chuck Yeager! All truly stand-out performances!
@nancyloomis3046Ай бұрын
I LOVE ❤️❤️❤️ Steampunk and Victorian-style collectibles!
@kimharding2246Ай бұрын
Awww… that chip on the little squirrel bowl! I was ready to buy! 😂
@nansea6318Ай бұрын
Life Magazine with Astronauts brings back great memories. Yes. Film the old way. Darn, Roadie popping up always makes me laugh. And you let her hold your cash! You did very well shopping Will. 😊❤
@PickerRoad28 күн бұрын
Thank you Nancy❤❤❤
@LauraMe...21 күн бұрын
I'm awake! I think I started to watch this and crashed. The cats and I are curled up in bed, today. It's freezing! Okay its 34° thats close enough. Going to get snow for Thanksgiving! Will I totally approved all of your purchases. I see you had a Hawaiian pizza with pineapple although what looked to be ham should be spam to be authentic! I spent 20+ years spinning and Flippin pizzas as my part-time job in a family take-out. Loved every second, and it was just a warm family atmosphere. On Friday and Saturday nights we all had our positions and it was all hands on deck (6 ppl) from 5 to 10. Good memories❤
@sharonburgerburger9808Ай бұрын
I liked going along with Will, with his journey. I think you doubled +.
@nancyloomis3046Ай бұрын
Thanks Picker Road family for all your fun & interesting videos...they take me to what's good about America! I'm kinda sad right now about current events, so vids like yours help me and are just "what the doctor ordered." ❤️
@sashaz2072Ай бұрын
Each video is unique and so much fun. Always enjoy each one!
@gregoryschmitt2257Ай бұрын
Well done Will!! And you educated us along the way!
@Barb-v7kАй бұрын
How fun!!! What a great idea!
@PickerRoad28 күн бұрын
Thank you Barb❤❤❤
@nancyloomis3046Ай бұрын
I think a VHS filmed video would be fantastic!
@virginiacaston1456Ай бұрын
Love your finds Will! 😊
@catherinemcneill7045Ай бұрын
You three always keep it interesting! I loved doing the challenge with you, Will, and I thought you met it quite well. Didn't you nearly triple your money? I sorta' did the math in my head... I loved the blue and pink Cat! & liked the Uranium die set. I think those were the biggest slices of Pizza I've ever seen & a great bargan. Luv Pepperoni! Blessings, Cat
@carolynmcdonald9163Ай бұрын
I was so involved in the video and happened to look up and saw it was almost over, very sad. But, great video. Always enjoy your picking journeys.❤
@pauladart176Ай бұрын
Always enjoy your journeys.
@HeatherFeather45Ай бұрын
😊 Will you're so fun to watch I'm always impressed by your knowledge love watching you, you really have a way about you good job on the picks as well. 🤘🏼💯
@triciayewer8407Ай бұрын
That was a great video, well done Will. You found amazing items and achieved your challenge. 🎉 I definately think you should look for a cam corder that works and do some picking filming with it. ❤❤❤
@donna5023Ай бұрын
Dearest Will The saying on the typewriter “All work and no play makes Jack …..”. Is from about 60 years ago when a woman interviewed for a secretarial job. That was the standard test sentence. It supposedly had every vowel and consonant used in every day professional language. ❤ Donna in San Diego. Love all 3 of you!
@PickerRoad28 күн бұрын
Thank you Donna❤❤❤
@hresulas4446Ай бұрын
This was a fun challenge!🤗
@SHERRY0010Ай бұрын
Glowy glass❤
@jillenethurman3804Ай бұрын
Fun video !!! You found some good treasures !!! Thank you !!
@KathleenJacaruso-bw3cuАй бұрын
So interesting to see the Vegas strip pieces. Will you are a great thrifter.
@marianhsrper5616Ай бұрын
Have lots of fun
@cecilehalsey9185Ай бұрын
The best pizza i ever had was from a hidden little hole in the wall pizza place inside the Cosmopolitan! My sister and i ate there several times!
@claudettekennedy7842Ай бұрын
Great 👍 job. I would be interested in seeing you record with the beast 💪 video recorder.😊