Will This Petition Before The FCC Bring An End To Amateur Radio As We Know It Or Am I Wrong Jim W6LG

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Jim W6LG

Jim W6LG

Күн бұрын

Watch this video and then download this Petition
The Patreon Link: patreon.com/JimW6LG
Maybe I need to have my medications adjusted. If I am wrong, say so. I do want to be wrong about this.

Пікірлер: 666
@xjet Жыл бұрын
We are seeing similar corporate encroachment in the RC/drone hobby. Large, well-funded corporations are pressuring the FAA to remove the freedoms of this hobby and the FAA are doing just that. Another century-old, educational, family-friendly hobby thrown under the bus in the name of corporate profits. I fear for our grandkids and the very limited choices they'll have for a hobby.
@markr.1984 Жыл бұрын
You're right about the RC hobby. I have several RC planes that I had not flown in a while and was thinknig about taking them out and starting to fly again. But after learning about the new recent rules, I'm not going to. Probably try to sell my RC stuff now. If anyone will buy it.
@kd2eat Жыл бұрын
I'm PO'd about the F'nAA regs on drones too, but let the blame lie where it belongs. Corporations didn't push that legislation. Over-worked, spun-up citizens caused it by freaking out about drones near airports or flying over their back yards, then news media and conspiracy theorists went full-on nut-job about it until congressional representatives had to act in order to appease the people who were freaking out. If you want better government, be a better citizen.
@xjet Жыл бұрын
@@kd2eat No, the freak-out about drones near airports was just the "excuse" used to justify all this regulatory over-reach on drones. Nobody ever heard of a 250g foam RC model of a Piper Cub menacing an airport or spying on someone through their bedroom window but the FAA included them in the regulations because it's all about clearing *all* craft over which they have no direct control from that 0-400ft airspace. If this really was just about a bunch of snowflakes feeling anxious about drones then they wouldn't have touched the traditional hobby with its great record of safety and responsible behaviour. Trust me... with the likes of Amazon, Google, Airbus and other huge multinationals pouring massive amounts of money into drone delivery and autonomous air-taxis, this is *ALL* about the power of the mighty dollar.
@donadams8345 Жыл бұрын
@@kd2eat No, you are wrong. Commercial interests are behind what is happening. They basically want low altitude airspace cleared so that delivery and other low flying drone-like vehicles can have unfettered access to it without worry of colliding with hobby drones and model aircraft. They use the excuse of complaints from citizens and airline pilots (what few there really are) as an excuse to call hobbyists a danger. They have been proven to not be a danger. Money talks when it comes to the government. Hobbyists don't have enough. Congress and the FAA listen to money.
@anotherguy9402 Жыл бұрын
Probably our military/government pressuring/funding people within these big business to push this. The ability to engage these activities freely can and probably is being used against us.
@davidxbeats Жыл бұрын
I don't think you are being an alarmist at all Jim! You are right to "follow the money" in this scenario! THANK YOU for posting this! Also, my prayers will be on your behalf for the upcoming treatment. Keep fighting! You're an inspiration to many of us. 73! 🙏
@chuckh630 Жыл бұрын
OMG! I work in the trading indusrty as a network engineer and I know what they are up to. They want to run arbitrage data between different financial exchanges. Fiber is not fast enough these days. They want to use anything possible to get the data faster. Nanoseconds count. Will dig deeper into this. 73's N9TZO
@dougtaylor7724 Жыл бұрын
Please comment back here. Thanks
@patrickbouldinkm5l143 Жыл бұрын
@@dougtaylor7724 and that’s what it seems like on the surface, but there is no way in hell they can get any kind of comparable throughput, compared to optical, no way, this is dumb. I also used to work for a Wall Street firm and I can tell you that this is just not real. Something else is going on. and since you are a network engineer, I am sure you will agree that you will want to put your compute power as close as possible to the exchange. Why on earth would you backhaul market data in the first place if you’re arbitrage trading? You can’t get enough bandwidth, and you want to perform all of your computational cycles as close as possible to the exchange feed.
@patrickbouldinkm5l143 Жыл бұрын
@@tripplefives1402 the only possible plausible scenario that I would think could work would be if you used the HF link for a very small trading command on the second exchange. So for that, the compute on one exchange would be used to take a standard market data feed and quickly perform the calculation and use the HF link to send a short message to the second exchange located on the other side of the link, and that would be a very targeted trading request. OK, I think we should probably do the math though, it’s still doesn’t sound possible to me that it would be faster than an optical connection, even in a situation where you have a optical repeaters to compare with.
@munkymittens Жыл бұрын
It's more likely to prevent any communication when the fake bio attacks and enforced lockdowns arrive. Cell phones will cease to work and if you look closely all other backups are being heavily controlled and clamped down upon. Example being even turf that we the Irish burn in our fireplaces. Being controlled. Petrol is now being changed so after a while it becomes unable and therefore can't be stockpiled. Wake up please
@freethepeople9075 Жыл бұрын
Every relay hand off creates latency. Sooooo, I don't know how they can push bandwidth other these chanel's. There will have to be relay stations. Same as fiber.....
@donausmus4281 Жыл бұрын
Prayers for your treatments, sir. It is my belief that this government hates independent individuals like ourselves. I am ready to give the ARRL any support, financial or otherwise, that they need.
@doublegg6863 Жыл бұрын
Double from me Jim Praying for your full recovery…
@Nathan-z7s3d Жыл бұрын
Gather around our brother in his time of illness! In the name of the father, and of the son and the holy spirit ! Amen
@erinserb Жыл бұрын
Praying for you also Jim!!! Stay strong!
@basshorseman998 Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU JIMMY for still standing in the gap for all of us. I'll do my part where it may be needed. Thanks Jimmy, you are very important to us
@Marksracingengines Жыл бұрын
First and foremost Prayers Jim, I had no Idea you were still fighting cancer, and I know your going to win this battle. Second. Thank you for bringing this to light, you're absolutely right...this sounds sketchy. Thanks for the info, we all need to get on the ARRL to give some answers about this!
@R50_J0 Жыл бұрын
Time for the ARRL to stand and deliver.
@diamaunt2782 Жыл бұрын
they won't, they're ineffectual. Just like the nothing they did about the license fees.
@R50_J0 Жыл бұрын
I just checked their 2021 annual report. With $15 million in yearly income and $35 million in assets, you would think they have the money for a few lobbyists and lawyers in DC. (Had no idea that much money was involved.)
@BlueRidgeCritter Жыл бұрын
Don't hold your breath.
@greyshadow9498 Жыл бұрын
At one time the ARRL meant something. Like most lobbyists they went from representing you to representing themselves. Their only concern is existing now. Like most non-trade associations they'll happily bleed you dry and give nothing in return. How often have you seen "support us by donating, or buy this, and this, and this..." compared to how rarely you see "This is actually what we are doing."
@TheGeekiestGuy Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, it feels like the ARRL is growing to be the next NRA. I'll be really happy to see them help stop the obvious interference that is coming from people who don't even live in the states. There is a lot of odd stuff going on these days. With the next generation of hams not looking up from their cellphones, I don't know what to think. I'm trying to get as many people to join clubs or even just learn and take the tech test. With the resources folks have now, their's no reason not to get on the air. We are all in this together. 73🤙🏽
@sandynewman5533 Жыл бұрын
I have left my disapproval comment with the FCC. This spectrum adjustment is a direct attack on amateur radio. The only HF bands not directly affected would appear to be the 10 and 160m bands with the rest being at risk of 25kW of noise, with the potential of 50dB of interference/bandwidth essentially blanketing the HF spectrum.
@germanjohn5626 Жыл бұрын
lol Amateur radio is not that important anymore no matter what people think. It has become a hobby nothing more. Fer gawds sake, I go to hamfests and people don't buy cables because there are no connectors on it or don't buy microphones because there are no connectors on it. 90% of hams have no idea how to put a simple connector onto a coaxial cable all they know is buy the radio and hook it up to a pre-made antenna over a pre-made cable....appliance operators...that is what they are. just look at the junk content on you-tube and the self styled experts spouting out utter nonsense with thousands of people agreeing with them...Ham radio is in a sorry state with people memorizing the questions for a very simple test without having any real idea about the fundamentals.The corporate world and the FCC knows it. Why would they continue to give spectrum worth billions to an statistically insignificant minority? in a country of 350000000 like the US 760000 licenses with at least half of them inactive there is just not enough justification for the waste of spectrum.
@sandynewman5533 Жыл бұрын
@@germanjohn5626 I strongly disagree. Ham radio is a key part of emergency communications when natural or man made disasters occur. Also daily, weekly and monthly exercises are performed on the Hurricane net as well as the National Maritime net. I think your observation is grossly limited, as every hamfest I attend there is much more experience and ability being taught on site. Also, it ham radio that has pointed out to the FCC the interference coming from over the horizon radars, and intentional jammings being done on the air waves. On 40 and 20m I routinely see the trace signals go across the entire band. Yeah, it a is easier to buy pre made cables, especially if from a reputable company than to buy bare ended cable on add connectors. I do and have done both. And yes, I have made my own wire antennas end tuned them to where I was working, I have also purchased pre made antennas. If you think you live in an area where hams are deficient in your area, fix the problem, don't bemoan the decline of ham radio.
@thormusique Жыл бұрын
Whoa, this seems really serious. Thanks so much for posting this, Jim! This is the time for all of us to have our voices heard; I only hope it helps. And all the best to you in your journey back to health. This community needs you, cheers!
@Joe_HamRadioGuy Жыл бұрын
I am solely convinced the FCC doesn't care about amateur radio anymore. They don't care what people do on cb anymore it's just filtering down the line.
@BlueRidgeCritter Жыл бұрын
Well said.
@BlueRidgeCritter Жыл бұрын
We're just keeping it warm until commercial interests really want it again.
@donl1846 Жыл бұрын
The powers in government and its agencies do not care about us. Its all about money and it won't get any better, only worse.
@garymelton5236 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim , as a person dealing with stage 4 cancer myself I wish you all the best. KM4HLA
@sattyfied Жыл бұрын
Jim, you are making the W6LG call sign proud. Saw your video and was surprised . This was my fathers call sign before he passed for many years. Keep up the good work and protect the bands. The world is encroaching on everything...
@roberthousedorfii1743 Жыл бұрын
I did NOT read all the technical rule changes, yet. However, at first glance, they go into GREAT LENGTHS to describe how they will NOT interfere with other users. They also mention that the FCC can shut them down on any frequency after some complaints. They mention some international rules also, which would need to be obeyed, since their transmissions would likely go around the planet. One item that DOES concern me is the amount of power they would be allowed to use. Would that damage our receivers if we just happened to tune in on a frequency they are transmitting at? Jim, At first glance, it doesn't sound too bad, BUT, as you say, the community NEEDS some seriously knowledgeable folks to look at this ASAP. Everyone who sees this video, and reads my comment, please try to get some more folks to review this.
@basshorseman998 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Sir well said
@johnwest7993 Жыл бұрын
No it wouldn't damage our receivers any more than a powerful AM transmitter nearby does. We are saved by the Inverse Square Law and the high dynamic range of our gear. However, nearby AM stations can often require filters and such be added to our gear before we can even get on the air. And if we are too close, as in within sight of their antenna in the field next-door, we may be reduced to working stations remotely and not at our QTH at all.
@fr.timothyhall3082 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for alerting us to this, Jim. Like astronomy, music and walking in the woods, radio communication is our birthright. Let's defend it!
@johnsmith-lb4mo Жыл бұрын
@quailstudios Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Jim, for this information. I have forwarded this to a friend of mine in California that may know something about this.
@ChatGPT1111 Жыл бұрын
Thanks once again for thinking of your ham brothers over yourself Jim. These are bands used by the entire world, so the majority of the world ultimately has to agree to these types of changes. Prayers and thoughts to a speedy recovery Jim.
@Ferret488 Жыл бұрын
I'm sending this to my local ham clubs and our Section Managers. Thanks, Jim.
@ham-radio Жыл бұрын
Thanks my friend. 73, Jim
@sc20910 Жыл бұрын
This is all about the dollar value to high speed trading, per millisecond in latency reduced, compared against fiber. It’s in the billions if I recall correctly about the microwave linkage installed between Chicago and NYC to have lower latency than fiber offered. The money to be made here is so insanely high that I imagine amateur radio to not be able to combat the issues sufficiently. Hopefully the other services will be commenting, like transatlantic aeronautical.
@ham-radio Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the explanation. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks, Jim
@RM2D Жыл бұрын
Spot on. My neighbor on a flight (don't remember where), was a Korean stock-trader that explained about the crucial millisecond advantage in trading, and the plan they had to connect major stock exchange locations with HF Data links, rather than fiber. I am not sure how this may impact Ham Radio bands, if they just appear above the existing bands, but the risk of FCC starting to cut in our frequency band and allocate 50-100 kHz on each band for this idiocy, is not at all uncertain. Now maybe FT8-clowns may begin to realize the danger with their activity. CW and SSB band segments are basically totally empty outside contest thanks to that ridiculous bag-piping hysteria... Unactivated Ham Bands are ideal for FCC to utilize for dirty stock exchange speculation....
@radiotvgod Жыл бұрын
Most intelligent analogy yet with this comment. Thank you sir. Your finger is on the pulse.
@jonmcadams5401 Жыл бұрын
Since the SEC regulates high speed trading, questions will be likely be raised by the SEC: (1) Will this new HF transmission mode of executing high speed trades introduce trading delays and reception errors that would impact market stability? (2) Could problems occur due to atmospheric noise, retransmission of data due to poor reception, or delays caused by the proposed method of frequency shifting when radio propagation changes? (2) Could unfriendly governments or entities monitor, decrypt, interfere with, or jam these HF transmissions impacting market stability? (3) There are also questions about regulation and who would be approved by the SEC to use a new high speed trading system.
@1mouseman Жыл бұрын
@@RM2Das a prospective new Ham, believe me, I feel your hate for FT8! It is a very very very sore subject for legacy hams such as yourself. Hopefully shouting at the clouds helps your cause
@WilliamBarrett-q1b Жыл бұрын
I've been donating to the ARRL Spectrum Defense Fund for years and suggest other hams do the same. When Apple developed their wireless phone chargers, they were using part of the ham band! The ARRL acted, and got this soon stopped. Support your ARRL! 73. WW5MB
@PsRohrbaugh Жыл бұрын
You are not exaggerating, you're a wonderful person, and I hope your treatment goes well because you're still a force for good in the world.
@aar5pj Жыл бұрын
Many SW stations since the end of the Cold War have ceased transmitting and shut-down their operations,. There must be plenty of room on the Bands right now to fill those voids where it isn't necessary at all to interfere with Ham Radio transmissions.
@Rhythmicons Жыл бұрын
spotty sometimes though.
@MicheIIePucca Жыл бұрын
Hey Jim.... good luck with your Chemo... I'll be praying for you to heal and get past all these health issues.
@v12alpine Жыл бұрын
After a brief look at the document it's pretty obvious they plan to use it for stock trading with claims of better latency than fiber/microwave links.
@paulmitchell4421 Жыл бұрын
meanwhile in Connecticut the ARRL magazine publishing organization will act like deer in the headlights
@ham-radio Жыл бұрын
Based on what they have done so far, you are correct. I had hoped to light a fire under the CEO who so far has been interested in the wrong issues. I told him that to his face on Zoom and then he became angry. 73, Jim
@buzzbrayable Жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this, Jim. My prayers are with you. It's clear a lot of us are bucking for you. The shame of this is that money talks. And following the career paths of FCC commissioners must be revealing. 73.
@PeterJavea Жыл бұрын
Good on you Jim for putting this out. I wish you well with you upcoming treatment at the hospital
@kdch2239 Жыл бұрын
Sir I Think You are Spot ON The Whole Country is in BIG Trouble from this Rouge GOV.
@garymcbrien2288 Жыл бұрын
Prayers sent for your recovery. Thank you for raising this issue on KZbin. I found an article on it on Radio World earlier this week.
@WLK1965 Жыл бұрын
First of all, I hope you chemo goes well, I have a brother and brother-in-law (amateur operator) who have been fighting cancer for years. You will be in my prayers. I don't have any expertise in any field that would help the ARRL, I am a member and will certainly be contacting them and letting them know my concerns. Thank you for bringing this to light. Again, best of luck. 73
@ralphbailey736 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the heads up I hope your treatment goes well ... 73's N7ZXG
@aaronedw77 Жыл бұрын
AS a Amateur radio operator and television broadcast engineer with a PhD in computer engineering I am deeply concerned by this proposal. The reason this group is using shortwave is not for any public good but rather to gain a competitive trading advantage using HFT stock manipulation. The speed of light in fiber optic cable is ~2/3 C(180,000-200,000 km/s) there is also switching and packet forwarding delays. A 1000km fiber link will have nearly 12ms of delay. NYC to Chicago takes about 19ms for point to point fiber. By using shortwave they hope to gain a few ms of advantage for stock trades. Whoever is doing this, it was noticed a while ago somewhere in the various chatter groups that HFT folks gossip in, and what they expect these guys are doing, is the "minimal bandwidth, very noisy, very short signal messages" thing, but from NYC to Chicago or Europe using the 20 meter band. using the Kennelly-Heaviside region of the E Layer, which can channel radio around the curvature of the earth, and get an acceptable delivered to someplace far out of line of sight. The landing point is literally next door to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's data center in Aurora, IL. The CME is a virtual trading floor run out of this building now. This has the potential of delivering a signal around the world with lower latency than any other technique available. However, the signal to noise ratio of doing this SUCKS. Which is why these sociopaths are blasting it at enormous power, in order to get some kind of reasonable data rate arriving at the other end. Whether it works at all to trade with, I dunno, but that is the generally accepted rationale for what they're doing. Sorry about the long winding road to relevance here, but I thought it was worthwhile to describe the background of WHY somebody would be doing something as crazy as this. The answer is "money", as it usually is, but the interesting part is why and how it might be worth money. It is theoretically possible to use HFT to create "Flash Crashes" and having such a significant advantage could amplify this. 73. AD0WQ
@jimw7ry Жыл бұрын
What does the uplink from the "device" to the network use?
@chrisladouceur4093 Жыл бұрын
Showed up in my recommended. Hope someone can shed light on this and it turns out right for you guys. 73 from Canada
@clintonhunter6821 Жыл бұрын
Best wishes on your treatments, thanks for updates. 73
@floydlang9024 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jimmy. Praying for your recovery! I will contact the ARRL and see what I can do even though I have no expertise. God bless you and your family. Floyd AF6BC
@gregorylewis381 Жыл бұрын
Hello Jim, I'm Greg. As an amateur op myself, I fully understand your concerns and I also find this to be very alarming. I recently read something on Google about the FCC wanting to place HF transmitters throughout the HF spectrum, from 2 MHz to 25 MHz, for the purpose of global financial stuff, like for the stock market. So long as those transmitters do not cause harmful interference to our amateur bands, I don't really have a problem. I'm also concerned about the spectrum being over crowded, as I do enjoy foreign broadcast listening. I would especially like to say that I will pray for you concerning your cancer, as I personally know how horrific it is. I lost my dad to liver cancer, and I nearly lost my mother to lung cancer. Take care, friend. God be with you always.
@marcdionne1838 Жыл бұрын
Jim, research "Rick Simpson Oil" doctor's are nearly worthless.
@flyingjeff1984 Жыл бұрын
So, you DO understand the problem. It's right there in your reply. "financial stuff"
@gregorylewis381 Жыл бұрын
@@flyingjeff1984 Unfortunately, when money talks, the FCC's ears perk up. Just look at what happened to RF spectrum for the telecommunications industry.
@johnpwmcgrath Жыл бұрын
Thank you Jim!! Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. We're thinking of you!!!
@ismellbeanscooking Жыл бұрын
I have a radio club meeting tonight and I sure will bring this up. Thanks for informing us. I pray your chemo works this time around.
@williammyers-ka8gim978 Жыл бұрын
Hello Jim, First of all, Prayers for you, your doctors, and the treatment. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have submitted a comment on the FCC website opposing this filing and think that everyone watching this KZbin video should do the same. Again, Prayers for a full recovery and thanks for bringing this to our attention. Bill - KA8GIM
@rickmaudlin2160 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim for the heads up. You are looking good, God bless you.
@Spartacus2112 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Jim dor yur passion and dedication. Prayers for a speedy recovery...
@rebelamateurradion2fix196 Жыл бұрын
Hang in their Jim glad to see your still making content thanks for the heads up. N2FIX
@Cbro-621 Жыл бұрын
Good luck with your treatment I really hope everything goes well for you. And thank you for making this video. I’ll be checking it out after work!
@rd.7732 Жыл бұрын
Prayers for you Jim and get well quickly. Thanks for sounding the alarm. This bunch in D.C. is not to be trusted in anyway. Their mission is to limit freedom and make us slaves. God bless and keep fighting. 73
@brianyoung9014 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim, Keep your chin up with your chemo.
@davidhtims Жыл бұрын
I saw it also. Reducing our useable band and monetizing the use of our bands reduces the effectiveness of our mission as amateurs
@darrellcollins877 Жыл бұрын
Prayers for your recovery Jim
@jeffburris7043 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Jim, for the informative video. And never give up, never surrender, vs. the cancer.
@IMOO1896 Жыл бұрын
It’s been over a year since I heard new regulations for amateur radio users. What I heard was no new license would be issued. All this fits in with new regulations on practically every way for us to communicate.
@patrickwagner9729 Жыл бұрын
Yup, worthy of concern, for sure. Need to be prepared to fight.
@tcort Жыл бұрын
where did you hear that no new licenses will be issued?
@Rhythmicons Жыл бұрын
@@tcort Last year there were delays in processing, but nothing about no further licenses given out.
@panchopistola8298 Жыл бұрын
It’s only a regulation if you obey it.
@TheDesertRat31 Жыл бұрын
I recently got my tech license and I'm studying for general.
@redstickham6394 Жыл бұрын
I am a cancer survivor so I know what it's like to go through treatment. I wish you good luck.
@1mouseman Жыл бұрын
Excellent info! I will still go for my General license on Saturday, but I will hold off on buying a HF rig for sure. You help lots of people, even us SWLers.
@darrylhudson4499 Жыл бұрын
Play no
@spaceflight1019 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't hold off. Last fall and winter was the best dx we had in many years and this fall and winter should be just as good, if not better.
@daviddahlgren9603 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim , I just saw an article on this yesterday . I was shocked to see this , although , if they are doing their research on how the band's are so poor due to cycle 25 it might take the wind out of their sails. But I'm not holding my breath and am very concerned .
@radiotvgod Жыл бұрын
Would you kindly post a link to that article please
@spaceflight1019 Жыл бұрын
​@@radiotvgodKZbin doesn't allow the posting of non-YT links.
@ChrisHanken Жыл бұрын
I skimmed through the PDF and find under the Introduction and Summary (p.2/3) they stated, "The SMC members do not seek to amend parts of the Commission’s Rules that pertain exclusively to, nor do they plan to utilize spectrum allocated exclusively for, amateur, maritime, or aeronautical services."
@arloncaples Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Jim for being "an alarmist". I will send this to my local club, SARA. Keep up the good work! 73's Arlon KI5QKU
@mistermac4118 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Jim for this information. All the best in the treatments ahead!
@FornoDan Жыл бұрын
Big love Jim, thank you
@bobr6555 Жыл бұрын
Disclaimer: I am not a technical person, my field has been international trade. It seems to me to be a communications arrangement for computer-controlled, and maybe AI-controlled, manipulation of certain financial markets. I suggest that this is far from being in the public interest. Critical sentence: "If adopted, the proposed amendments would enhance market makers’ ability to quickly access real-time financial data and to continue to act in a manner that provides liquidity and helps to improve asset prices, to the benefit of centralized markets and market participants." On page 13 - "The Commission’s Rules confirm that modification of the Part 90 Rules for 2-25 MHz Band Industrial/Business Pool frequencies consistent with this Petition would not require international coordination." It refers to "harmful interference caused by foreign operations if used to transmit data to points outside of the U.S." but ignores the reciprocal. No doubt many administrations in North America, Central and South America, Europe and Asia would have a lot to say about this. It would be seen as demonstrating US arrogance too, so from a political standpoint it's not a clever idea. It seems that the document asserts that 10KHz wide data transmissions would be cleaner than 10KHz wide audio transmissions. I wonder how a receiver on nearby frequencies would know the difference. In fact they are seeking 20KW for 50KHz wide digital transmissions. The study on 2-25MHz coexistence quoted is from a company with three out of their five directors having jumped ship from the FCC. The company's website is extremely underwhelming. I searched the document for mention of the USA's immediate neighbours, Canada and Mexico, and the ITU in regards to interference, but no such mentions. Does this mean that mean that these signals will magically stop at the USA borders. I started skimming the document from about page 25, and pulled up suddenly on page 28/29 when I saw reference to VHF and UHF frequencies. A lot of Appendix A, the "Study on 2-25 MHz Band Coexistence" is about man-made noise which has nothing to do with anything really except as their justification to use 20KW transmitters with 10db gain antennas. It strikes me as more obfuscation. IOn Appendix B I note that Skycast mentions transmissions between the USA and "Asia" without mentioning the country. If this country is one with which the USA has fraught relationships, how will your government know the content of the transmitted data? I have always been amused by people declaring "under penalty of perjury" - I understood it is the behaviour not this statement that is perjury, but I'm not a lawyer. The penalty applies regardless of the statement. Maybe a lawyer could clarify, but it is wording I see in contracts put out on the internet by scammers. In Appendix D I note the words "to reduce potential impact on other licensed transmissions in the 2-25 MHz Band" - note "reduce" not "avoid". I wonder if some of these experimental transmissions have given rise to interference which us hams typically put down to over-the-horizon radars? I've been involved with lawyers sufficiently to recognize this document as deliberately verbose, repeating the same and similar points over and over and over again, hoping that this makes it look more valid. Lawyers writing a technical document is definitely a major concern. By about page 40 my eyes started to glaze over and I suspect it is the intent of the authors to so affect any readers. Thanks for bringing this to your followers' attention and I wish you and the ARRL the best of luck in fighting this potential debacle. You all need to get your politicians onto this immediately. Bob VK4BOB
@ctbcubed Жыл бұрын
Since this has to do with finance and the possibly giving the US an "edge", what's to stop foreign bad actors from firing up high powered broad spectrum jammers like the Soviet "woodpecker" of the cold war era? That's where the real potential for interference to other services exists. It seems that the potential unintended consequences of this proposal will be what causes the most harm.
@mencken8 Жыл бұрын
Hard to understand how something put out April 28th is just now coming to light, with the comment period almost closed……
@jrjr1273 Жыл бұрын
Thank You for the heads up on this issue. You are in my prayers sir. 73
@taylornielsen5805 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the information. Prayers for your recovery Jim.
@jpbrown1963 Жыл бұрын
Never. Thought they would charge a fee for amateur licenses they do so I think you are correct sir
@senorglaze8374 8 ай бұрын
"Money does talk, it swears." A quote from B. Dylan that is right on the money.
@brianhind6149 Жыл бұрын
As always, it will prove to be the" thin edge of the wedge". If it is allowed, then somewhere down the road, it will be expanded. Jim, thanks for bringing this to the fore . Prayers for success in the fight against your Cancer. God bless.
@richardwestabrook9733 Жыл бұрын
Jim, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I was opposed to the selling of spectrum in the late '90s with the transition to digital TV broadcasty and that continues in more recent years with the repack of TV channels and more spectrum sold. I will read this petition. I am not an expert in this but have consultant friends that are more knowledgeable.
@circuitsandparts Жыл бұрын
Jim, you're showing due caution. 20KW is a lot of power and receivers will be desensitized for sure.
@gregorycoogle7621 Жыл бұрын
Our government is selling our our amateur radio frequencies for many many years! Amateur radio operators have done so much for the country and look at the return we get from our government. US government going to hell! 😮
@garycook5125 Жыл бұрын
If anyone expects the ARRL to do anything to really help make the Amateur Radio Service better, you can forget it. The ARRL is in the business of making millions annually for themselves by promoting the Amateur Radio Service as a hobby for every dingbat in America to join, and convincing them to buy expensive hobby toys from their many magazine advertisers. The ARRL isn't about making the Amateur Radio Service better; their focus is on creating a playground for immature individuals to play CB radio, on Amateur frequencies. They have no respect for the FCC rules.
@thesonicboomerspodcast Жыл бұрын
I don’t understand why they just don’t transmit this data over the internet? Why do they need RF? Various interest have been gunning for amateur radio for a long time. Just look at the mess on the TV bands that forced the latest repack.
@pastayumyum Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the heads up
@c.a.r.s.carsandrelevantspecs Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this important information! ~ 73 ~ Jared, AC7WH
@johnledger7763 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the headsup on this important issue and Good Luck on your Treatments.
@benpiller-d6v Жыл бұрын
You're a a dedicated Ham. The best to you. We look forward to updates from you. Old Ben
@batfalcononyoutube Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU JIM. You really lead the way in such BIG issues. GOOD LUCK with the chemos, don't give up. 73 de SV1SLB
@GordonHudson Жыл бұрын
Their statement: "First, the Commission’s Rules currently limit licensed use of 2-25 MHz Band frequencies to public safety, aeronautical, maritime, amateur, and certain narrowly specified Part 90 Industrial/Business Pool uses" Is surely incorrect? I don't live in the USA but there are internationally agreed Land Mobile Radio allocations in that frequency as well as broadcast bands. Their 4.9 MHz frequency is in a Land Mobile Radio Band used in other continents.
@chrispy6313 Жыл бұрын
In my prayers! 🙏 Just read this Tues. Thanks for getting this out here. I read it is to be used to transmit large amounts of financial transactions, so encrypted data.
@michaellowe8286 Жыл бұрын
It does need to be check out, smells fishy to me 100%
@alyandthecats691 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this Jim! The corporate interests are trying to commercialize every domain and this seems like a setup step for doing exactly what you fear. There are NO "simple rewrites" when corporate lawyers are involved. All rewrites have a purpose that helps their clients bottom lines.
@michaellowe8286 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim we got you in our prayers for sure my bother went through intestinal cancer for two years been cancer free for a year it wasn’t easy at all but wishing you the best and again thanks for the info on this we will check this out W9NAF.
@Nikonman77 Жыл бұрын
Why don’t they use the fm broadcast band , … oh to a electronic store, Walmart anywhere and try to find a radio FM radio. Can’t find one. Why not get next to them. God bless you and all of our prayers JIM
@ronrico2620 Жыл бұрын
I'll be bringing this up on my local ham club tomorrow night
@ThinkPadModsandRebuilds-W4VHZ Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim for bringing this to our attention. I don't think you're being alarmist at all- this needs a hard look. Especially because the 20 meter frequency they are planning on using is indeed very close to our band privileges and the potential for bleed-over is certainly there. There is a lot of money backing this proposal, and I think it is a serious foul that we are just now hearing about this, with only a few days to respond. That was likely planned to reduce the timeframe available for dissenting comment. Good luck with your cancer treatment Sir- I am praying for you! God Bless and 73 de W4VHZ "Doc"
@125brat Жыл бұрын
Thanks for highlighting this Jim. As a G0 in the UK its the thin end of the wedge for our beloved hobby and what happens in the states usually ends up being copied in other parts of the world. 🙏🤞in your battle. 73 de G0CFD.
@KingLoopie1 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I'll pass it on. Good luck with the chemo! 🙏
@hagiasmos314 Жыл бұрын
When so many of us consistently describe amateur radio as a "hobby," one can't blame the FCC for seeking more profitable use of spectrum space. The law, friends, describe amateur radio as a "service." We need to emphasize that we're part of a service at every opportunity. It would cost the federal government billions to establish the emergency communications and other functions that we freely provide. The cost of the radio equipment alone, which we provide at no cost to the government, would wreck the federal budget. Rather than collect a license fee, the FCC should pay us a bonus! It doesn't strike me as a good idea to burden emergency communications with 25 kW, less 50 dB, of noise. But, notwithstanding the foregoing, I myself am willing to compromise: Require that these transmitters be located not less than 2 miles per kilowatt from any incorporated city. That way, everyone can have their cake and eat it, too.
@lomgshorts3 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim for the heads up on another encroachment on our frequency allocations. I will comment when I find out how to do so. And, I join others in praying for your 100% recovery in your fight against this very old disease. I lost my first wife to cancer back in the seventies when they knew practically nothing, but the knowledge has increased vastly since then, so I join with others in seeing you beat this! Don't hesitate in letting us know about your progress! From W4 land.
@lordofelectrons4513 Жыл бұрын
Upon reading the video title my first thought was corporate greed strikes again. Watching the vid confirms this suspicion.
@Tommyr Жыл бұрын
I wish you all the best with your cancer fight. It's taken most of my family as well. Probably me someday too. Keep on battling.
@calvinlong1265 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim, for bringing this to our attention. I shared this video with my ham radio club, and submitted a comment as you suggested in the other video in this series.
@mewrongwayKOCXF Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim! were all pray for ya!
@samjones-ou3bn Жыл бұрын
prayers for your treatment GOD BLESS Thank you Sir
@mnpd3 9 ай бұрын
Ham radio as we knew it ended many decades ago. I've been licensed for nearly a half-century so I would know. In the old days Hams were technically minded gentlemen - the entire radio industry was built on their contributions. The rules for admission to that club changed and we got a flood of assholes fresh from Channel 19 who were so ignorant they couldn't decipher their own callsign sent at 5-wpm CW.
@smiffykuk Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the heads up Jim.. especially with your major health problems… I’m in the UK but its likely if they do it in the States, we will follow soon after… Good idea to get some expertise to overlook this document… when its so near the deadline, my nose twitches as well
@JD-tg5ib Жыл бұрын
I always knew the government would end up taking away the ham bands. I just expected it happen sooner.
@glennclever3640 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the information, I have passed a link to your video and attached the petition along with the e-mail I am sharing. Good luck on you heath issues God bless and I will say a prayer for you. Tony in Pennsylvania WA3ZPO
@NicklasJohnson Жыл бұрын
Part 90 allocations exist in that spectrum already; they're defined in Part 90 and laid out in the FCC band plan. And the petition says on page 3, "The SMC members do not seek to amend parts of the Commission’s Rules that pertain exclusively to, nor do they plan to utilize spectrum allocated exclusively for, amateur, maritime, or aeronautical services." So no, this doesn't sound like it affects Amateur Radio at all, but you would need to read at least as far as the top of page 3 for that to be clear.
@ham-radio Жыл бұрын
The dirty digital signals at only -35dB with 100kw ERP around the country will cause in interference inside the amateur radio bands around the world. Also, the money behind this petition is in part likely from other countries like Saudi Arabia and Ukraine.
@aarontooth Жыл бұрын
Ideally they should justify why this is actually better than existing Internet infrastructure etc. Compared to what these high frequency trading folks need, SW just doesn't have nearly with bandwidth. So it seems like something that would be very marginally useful for them.
@johnwest7993 Жыл бұрын
Time, (in microseconds, or even nanoseconds,) is everything in automated stock trading. They have to beat their competition in the race to be first to make a trade, and it doesn't matter how little they beat them by, just so they do. A million dollar trade can be a tiny packet of info. They don't need volume. They only need speed.
@radiotvgod Жыл бұрын
Jim, I did not see any suggested petition for us as hams to counter these proposals. (if that’s what you meant, but I did read the petition for rulemaking. This is primarily a group of brokers. What they don’t discuss is the intention of an advantage of speed using the system or if it perhaps could be something that they are concerned about with disasters, pulse attacks, taking the Internet down, but still allowing transactions if that were to happen. Would this be done by Spectrum auction or is this a “gift“ to the petitioners? What kind of licenses are required and what kind of fees would the commission realize? The proceeds of these activities I would assume go to the general fund and not the commission itself?
@rogerlafrance6355 Жыл бұрын
This has bee around a few years. Ringway Manchester did a YT about it. The idea is to receive stock market quotes before the other guy and buy a milisecond faster. As far as ham and other allocations go, that's mostly done at the international level at the ITU. This uses existing HF frequencies.
@BlueRidgeCritter Жыл бұрын
The thing is, the amateur bands have always had a moratorium on commercial interests by definition. There's plenty of other places outside of our bands that they can go. It kind of sounds like they are looking for a free place to operate, as opposed to having to buy spectrum outside of the bands and be licensed elsewhere.
@greyshadow9498 Жыл бұрын
​@@BlueRidgeCritterOh they're not going to get it for free that's for certain. If this group just wanted to freeband the FCC wouldn't even entertain it, they would have just tossed them off their porch. To get the FCC to reband any spectrum is going to take truckloads of money. Even then I could almost guarantee they will auction off the spectrum when they do. You can look to 220 and CBRS for good examples of greed and mismanagement.
@MichelleBradley Жыл бұрын
@@BlueRidgeCritter Yes. The portion of the spectrum on the international table allocated to fixed services, which is where the Part 90 activity is currently taking place.
@Saucer_Scoop Жыл бұрын
Thank you for calling our attention to this. We have already lost a good slice of the 220MHZ band to deep-pocketed business interests. All my best for a speedy recovery...
@HamRadioAdventures Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim, lets get the word out to all Amateur Radio Operators. 73!
@ham-radio Жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/nZ3QnoyFjcybn6s Uploading now my soon to be added Comment. Thanks, this is an adventure to boldly go where I have never gone before. My father worked on Star Trek. 73, Jim Heath
@JD-lx2yf Жыл бұрын
Reach out to the NAB. Even though they focus on Radio & TV OTA services, they might be willing to help as a lot of the NAB and SBE members are HAM operators. I'll chat with my SBE Chair and see if he will forward this in an e-blast.
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