Would Hank Hill Be A Trump Supporter? A Deep Dive

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Willie Muse

Willie Muse

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@WillieMuse2 7 ай бұрын
Can't really respond to everything, but I do wanna say that people saying Hank couldn't like Trump for being a piece of shit are really underestimating how big of a piece of shit Ronald Regan was
@sophiag4434 7 ай бұрын
even growing up and watching king of the hill, baby me understood how shitty hank was and his views were. I understood that his views were rigid and bigoted. the whole point of the show was satire on hank and people like him. also the fact that people forgot about the aids epidemic being under the regan admin is…. either impressive or concerning. probably both!
@tinkerhell-kj3mv 7 ай бұрын
True, but they're very different pieces of shit. Not fundamentally, but in how they sell themselves. Reagan hid behind economic bs and the notion of personal responsibility. Exactly the kind of thing Hank would fall for. This was also all pre-internet, so all Hank had to go on was traditional news media and an unwavering belief in the Republican party. Trump is very loudly and publicly about blaming others for everything. THAT is the kind of bs Hank can see through, and is what would make Hank declare him a jackass. With Hank I don't think social issues matter much either way. He has nothing AGAINST minorities, but he's not thinking about their POV either. I have no idea if the AIDS crisis would've affected Hank's POV; what I suspect is true is that he had little to no idea it was happening beyond a vague idea, and zero in-depth knowledge or sense of perspective. He's a suburban straight white guy. He would've likely written it off as not his concern and gone back to his propane. Basically I agree with your point that basic human decency isn't enough to keep someone from voting Trump, but I think Hank SPECIFICALLY would not, at least not a second or third time.
@SuperMcgooch 7 ай бұрын
People really don't realize how analogous trump is to Reagan. They're extremely similar in almost every conceivable way.
@Terminalsanity 7 ай бұрын
Yeah but Regan didn't act like a POS when he was President even as his policies were shit & there's fact Trump is an unrepentant draft dodger and a womanizer I think Hank would have a lot of mixed feelings about Trump much like he did with his father Cotton there's a lot of parallels there between them only at least Cotton was man enough to back up his mouth with his fists.
@SuperMcgooch 7 ай бұрын
@@Terminalsanity if you truly believe Reagan didn't act like a complete POS you need to look into some of the things he said about us gays in almost every single public appearance. He was equally as awful, truly. The only thing he really had on Trump is that he stayed with one wife for his whole life and he wasn't recorded as often. Oh also, Reagan tried to dodge the draft but couldn't.
@strangastrigo 7 ай бұрын
I live around a lot of people like Hank and most were Trump supporters. Some are homophobic, some aren't. That's not what matters, it's the patriotic thing. That motto ate deep into people's brains. Everyone craves the ability to be proud of being American and it's increasingly difficult with the politicians trying so hard to be a damn embarrassment. I'm hoping Trump has shown his petty, dishonest, crude, and superficial nature enough to override the desperate promise to give people something to be proud of. He failed miserably last time, just buddied up with another evil politician who went on to invade another country.
@GuyNamedSean 7 ай бұрын
I agree fully on that. I think he'd have been an ardent Trump supporter in 2016, despite misgivings about him being a big business New Yorker. I definitely don't think he'd have remained a Trump supporter though.
@torakfett3351 7 ай бұрын
The Patriotic thing makes me shake my head every time. It always makes me wonder what my grandfather, a vet from the Navy and Merchant Marines, would think of this man and his followers who invaded the Capital to try and stop a peaceful transfer of power from one president to another, almost allowing Marshal Law to be declared, calling themselves “Patriotic.”
@sharonharris9782 7 ай бұрын
​@@torakfett3351I prefer to refer to Trump supporters as Faktriots.
@hebarn76 7 ай бұрын
I grew up in a very conservative area with a lot of 90s Hank Hills. Half are now diehard Trump supporters. The other half feel betrayed by the current republican party and are super nostalgic for the good old days of Reagan. I remember some of the men in my own family talking about how it genuinely pained them not to vote republican for the first time in 40 years. How it's no longer the party of Reagan. For some of them, it was before he was elected and others after. I personally think Hank would start as the former and then slowly transition into the latter.
@beccak8166 7 ай бұрын
I always laugh at the "No longer a party of Reagan" thing. The GOP is 100% emblematic of Reagan's presidency. We just look back on horrible men with rose tinted glasses.
@Magmafrost13 7 ай бұрын
​​@@beccak8166 right? Like we're talking about a man who intentionally exacerbated a health epidemic out of bigotry to functionally commit genocide against gay men. Honestly not that far removed from Trump
@Nortarachanges 7 ай бұрын
@@beccak8166, that and they probably were too young/not even born when Reagan was president, so all they remember is the tv shows, pomp, and propaganda of a patriotic nation
@gapsule2326 7 ай бұрын
​@@beccak8166the even sadder part is the DNC is run by Reaganites. So its just double Reagan parties
@SeasideDetective2 7 ай бұрын
The irony is that, in some ways, history has come full-circle. The Republican party started out as economically protectionist before appropriating the Democrats' free-market philosophy, and now they've reversed course again. Well, not entirely. I suspect many conservatives today would be uncomfortable in the Republican party of the 19th century, and not just because it was so indulgent of big business. The GOP of that era also had much more of a "big government" agenda back then than today, and in terms of social and cultural matters they were puritanical to a squeamish and frankly effeminate degree. For all the braying today's conservative men do about "traditional values," they still like seeing girls in tank tops and Hooters shorts, and would throw a fit if they had to live in a world where women were required to cover their ankles.
@IamJacksSTD 7 ай бұрын
The second Hank saw a "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat" shirt at a Trump rally, he'd jump ship for sure. Wouldn't vote for Hillary, but would probably write in Jeb.
@fangorn23 7 ай бұрын
"Good ol Jeb. Sure he's not the most interesting speaker but he's a straight shooter and not a jackass"
@addoworkman2173 7 ай бұрын
*sigh* "I guess Jeb will have to do....I clapped for em"
@Joesolo13 7 ай бұрын
@@addoworkman2173 "You see bobby, he respectfully asked people to clap at the appropriate time in the speech. If a man can handle a crowd that well you know he can run a country"
@pyritefoolsgold3521 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I think if nothing else, he'd get off the bus when the Access Hollywood tape came out.
@Joesolo13 7 ай бұрын
@@pyritefoolsgold3521 It'd be a cut-to-commercial break. Hank listening to the recording and at "Grab them by the...." "BWAAAAAH"
@thes7274473 7 ай бұрын
"Under the wrong set of circumstances, anyone could be a Trump supporter" That gave me PTSD flashbacks to people who went from Bernie to Trump in 2016
@easyaccessjeans 7 ай бұрын
Oof. Especially the Bernie bros.
@Werewolf_Korra 7 ай бұрын
That is a level of spite I don't think would fly in a post Trump presidency world. Like, in 2016, the idea he could win, especially against Hillary, was laughable. But our reality is broken.
@yulebones 7 ай бұрын
90% of Sanders supporters still voted for Clinton and I wish that people thought about that 90% instead of inflating the 10% who didn't. It's just deeply frustrating to me that people are STILL blaming Sanders supporters for 2016 and not the fact that we still rely on the Electoral College when Trump didn't even win the popular vote in the first place.
@shadenox8164 7 ай бұрын
@@easyaccessjeans You mean the extremely miniscule amount that did when the majority of them voted for Hillary, while supposed liberals jumped ship to Trump at a much higher rate and are actually what helped him win but no one ever complains about them?
@pixieonthemoon8633 7 ай бұрын
Fun fact: A higher percentage of Bernie Sanders supporters voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 than voted for Barack Obama in 2008. I remember how ugly the 2008 primary was, because I was going to vote for Clinton but her RFK reference as to why she should stay in the race switched my vote to Obama. IMO, she went somewhere she shouldn't have gone and tbh, it left a bad taste in my mouth for years to come. Nowadays, where we're comparing d*ck sizes on the debate stage, making fun of disabled people and stealing government documents and hiding them in the bathroom, I suppose that isn't the most tasteless thing a politician has every done.
@prettyflyforacompsci7725 7 ай бұрын
My called shot before watching: Hank would initially be a little trumpy. Might vote for him once. But after seeing Bobby get sucked into the trump cult pipeline and how "not right" it made him, he'd change to try to save his family.
@cinnamonbonk 7 ай бұрын
Agree, I feel like he'd probably vote for him the first time, but loose faith in him over his term, and be really put off by the superfans.
@pastaman68 7 ай бұрын
I agree
@Werewolf_Korra 7 ай бұрын
I think he's become increasingly disillusioned with the Republican party. Plus with how centrist the Democrats have become, their milquetoast-ness fits Hank perfectly.
@carsonspears8568 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, Hank likes rules too much to be a MAGA cultist.
@josetheseeker 7 ай бұрын
Yall clearly never watched the episode where he didn't like George Bush for his weak handshake and Hank hates city folk scammer types he's constantly protecting his friends and family from them
@ChefTinman 7 ай бұрын
Library Story Time: Dale and (reluctantly) Bill are outraged in the ally about drag story time in the library. Hank hears about this and then we cut to the PTA meeting. Hank gets up to speak at the PTA meeting where we are surprised to learn that Hank's issue isn't that a Drag queen is reading to kids, but that the Queen is reading from "Little Women" instead of "Hatchet".
@josetheseeker 7 ай бұрын
Plot twist it'd be Hank and Peggy's drag queen friend Carolyn from season 11
@easyaccessjeans 7 ай бұрын
@tinkerhell-kj3mv 7 ай бұрын
Would we be that surprised? One of Peggy's BFFs is a drag queen. I don't think Dale would be that upset by it though, he's pretty unbothered by queer people. IMO that feels more like a Bill outrage, or a local mom's group led by that anti-Halloween lady.
@Patchouliprince 7 ай бұрын
Yeah the version of bigotry where it’s like “I’m okay with queerness in theory but not if it’s in my actual life” is so annoying. I remember when I was a kid I asked to come over to my friends house and she was like “just don’t tell them you’re trans, they’re okay with trans people they just don’t want me around them” I was like ☠️ Ok so I don’t think they’re okay with trans people then
@tinkerhell-kj3mv 7 ай бұрын
Strongly agree but I don't think this applies to Hank; he has no issues with Dale's gay dad and works hard to help them reconcile. If he ever figures out that Jamie and Carolyn are the same person, once the initial BWAAAAAAAAH response wore off (because he's still Hank), I don't think he'd have a problem with it. I think he'd be confused, but tolerant if for no other reason than knowing her friendship means a lot to Peggy. And I think he'd be willing to get to know her and understand her perspective, because Hank has been shown repeatedly to someone who will change when he realizes his harmful mindsets are hurting someone he loves (see: Bobby and the roses). Ultimately I think Hank is capable of accepting things he doesn't understand or isn't comfortable with.
@Em-uy9wj 7 ай бұрын
For real it’s so invalidating! Like we’re cool with gay people, but you our child cannot be gay!!! No!!! Like idk how they don’t realize that they totally negate their “acceptance” and don’t make anyone happy by acting that way… sorry you had to go through that :/
@Boozlenoodle 7 ай бұрын
Yes! I have incredibly liberal family members who took YEARS to accept that I am trans, meanwhile supporting trans people who were not family members. Just because someone is accepting from a distance doesn't mean they are going to be immediately accepting of those they are close to. There were a lot of coded conversations trying to gaslight me into being "normal"
@custos3249 7 ай бұрын
And if only the relative sentiment wasn't found in your own community. How about instead of slinging buzzwords and virtue singling as much as those bigots do, you engage and work with people to change their mind? Nah, that would take effort. I mean, if Daryl Davis can deprogram white supremacists by just treating them as human....nah, effective methods take effort. Much easier to just lean back into comfortable armchair activism.
@custos3249 7 ай бұрын
And if only the relative sentiment wasn't found in your own community. How about instead of slinging buzzwords and virtue singling as much as those bigots do, you engage and work with people to change their mind? Nah, that would take effort. I mean, if Daryl Davis can deprogram whyte supremacists by just treating them as human....nah, effective methods take effort. Much easier to just lean back into comfortable armchair activism.
@Conklestothemax 7 ай бұрын
Something I felt was missing from the Hank isn't homophobic part, there is a big difference between not being personally actively homophobic on the interpersonal level and homophobia being a deal breaker. Like I don't think homophobia would be a draw for Hank for a politician but it also wouldn't get him to reconsider his support.
@Alex-ph5ir 7 ай бұрын
Such a good point! There are many people who live in my area who are like this. They at least like to be seen as socially moderate-to-progressive, but they are committed conservative voters and basically no amount of bigotry (even that which directly impacts their loved ones) is a dealbreaker for them. They steadfastly believe that conservatives are always the lesser evil, so it doesn't really matter that much what the individual politicians say. They also rationalize and minimize the bigotry because they don't like the idea of supporting bigots, but their opposition to bigotry doesn't go deeper than that.
@dinosaysrawr 7 ай бұрын
Hank is definitely the type to fall for "soft," "civil" bigotry and prejudice, like a lot of people.
@lindensalter6713 7 ай бұрын
Yup have a couple coworkers who at least act decently towards gay and even trans people, but still proudly vote for trump. I have family members who are loving towards queer family members but has deemed the economy and military as more important than the basic rights of queer people. Like has said this out loud with their full chest and everything
@cutienerdgirl 5 ай бұрын
Because they probably work so much that they don't really care about anything going on with queer people.
@totz_the_plaid9625 7 ай бұрын
I think Dale would instantly distrust Trump due to conspiracy theories that are legitimately nonsensical. This would nudge Hank towards support, because Dale's a crazy idiot. Bill would instantly be all-in on Trump, and that would nudge Hank away because Bill is a gullible idiot. Boomhauer would have difficulty trusting Trump, which would give Hank pause. Hank would attend a few rallies to form his own opinion and briefly get swept up in things, but when he saw how cruel and mean-spirited Trump's base are, he'd end up rejecting the whole thing. It would be a journey, maybe a two or even three part episode, but ultimately he'd turn against Trump. Because, while Hank is conservative, he's moderate. He's rational. Most importantly, he's kind. It's kindness that would ultimately be the deciding factor
@aliencafe 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I could see him seeing the people that his policies hurt and genuinely feeling empathy for them. Hank might be a bit of a stick in the mud, but like you said, he's kind above all else. I can definitely see him especially taking issue with how Trump really obviously hates certain races. Man's pretty well known for knowing racism is disgusting and the only thing you should judge someone on is the content of your character.
@SuperMcgooch 7 ай бұрын
I like this interpretation but I think it's extremely optimistic. He voted for Reagan and Reagan was legitimately evil. Same level of hate as trump just directed at gays instead of "illegals"
@Black6Knight 7 ай бұрын
While I agree Hank was a younger man when he supported Ronnie initially so there is the nastalgia factor. That being said, Hank has grown and has changed since then. He wouldn't be looking at Trump through the same lens that he looked at Ronnie in.
@PlurCo 7 ай бұрын
​@@Black6Knight I think this is the biggest factor x
@carolbaker2773 7 ай бұрын
He would 100% vote for Trump in 2016 and may have again or not vote in 2020. He might not support Trump, but he is a long time republican, and they typically will vote for anything Red. He reminds me of my dad, a man that doesn't support trump but does support the GOP and will go along with what they say because they are the leadership, and they know better. My dad has been using the same mechanic, the same grocery store, and the same church for over 30 years because he's a loyal customer and they have his trust after all. My dad has never voted for Trump in a primary but has voted for him twice in the national election.
@foxdurham784 7 ай бұрын
Great job again! As a queer southerner who's done work in the LGBTQ community, here's my thought on the Hank/Bobby relationship: Hank displays a trauma response I see among many parents of (suspected) queer children in homophobic areas. Despite their own more accepting ideas, they may dissuade their own children from experimenting with gender and sexuality. This is largely because they know very well how those children will be treated. None of this makes these parents' actions less harmful, but it does offer insight. Sometimes parent-child homophobia *can* come drom a genuine place of love and a desire to protect one's family.
@nicolasnamed 7 ай бұрын
I encountered this a little with my transness in regards to my family, my grandma tried to dissuade me a little but I could tell it wasn't because she had a problem with trans people per se, she just was hoping I wasn't because she didn't want life to be harder and more dangerous. That it could be simpler than it was. But she worried a lot about people she loved, and definitely still loved and accepted me the whole time.
@JamieElli 7 ай бұрын
I remember when I was about ten, my uncle got married. (He's gay) My dad got into an argument with my aunt because she wanted to tag me in Facebook photos of the wedding. He didn't want me to deal with any even association with gay people for fear of school bullying. Things like that have made me a lot more reluctant to talk to my parents about being gay.
@kneau 4 ай бұрын
Homophobia implies the fear is irrational.
@phaIIicaIIyimpaired 7 ай бұрын
What an interesting conversation you started, Willie! Also, you're very handsome 😘
@benjaminchetty7574 7 ай бұрын
As a Texan who has spent a long time in the same DFW suburbs that Arlen was based off of, I think a lot of people are quick to jump to stereotypes about Texas that don't hold up as well in any of it's big cities. I still run into Hank Hill-esque people regularly. Instead of becoming liberals or deep right wingers, they (like everyone else) have just become disenfranchised with national politics across the board, and talk more about local things and issues.
@byusaranicole 7 ай бұрын
Which suburbs? I live in the burbs and now I'm wondering who the heck is living in my neighborhood....
@chinyereugwu9431 5 ай бұрын
So who do they vote for?
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 7 ай бұрын
I tried to come out to my Mom & she went on a weird rant about Pride like how it's "ok" to be LGBTQ2S+ but "why do they"
@Joesolo13 7 ай бұрын
I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I hope you have at least some supportive people in your life!
@prettypleasewithsugarontop4858 7 ай бұрын
Pride should be g rated or kid free
@epaomirimiri 7 ай бұрын
I think Hank Hill would have supported Trump at first, but I don't think he'd vote for him again.
@maxaslagolis 7 ай бұрын
He almost stopped voting for Bush over a limp handshake. The shit Trump did would make Hanks skin crawl. Hank would host a fucking Anti Trump ralley when it came out Trump eats well done steak with Ketchup Hank would probably vote AGAINST him when he heard trump was a sexual predator.
@Broll00 7 ай бұрын
Honestly I could almost see that being an episode if they weren’t afraid of alienating potential fans.
@valerie_420 7 ай бұрын
My thoughts too pretty much. Considering Hank stopped supporting Bush over a limp handshake, I have to imagine that Hank would detest trumps childish behaviors (bullying, insults, petty arguments) as well as actions such as sexual harassment. Or maybe I just don’t wanna see my cartoon pops supporting that douchebag 🥲
@lauralucreziamartell3342 7 ай бұрын
I think you raise an interesting point. It definitely deserves an episode. He probably would have stopped watching Fox News for their disrespectful rhetoric about the United States and the Presidency under Obama. I suspect he exclusively reads his local/regional news paper, which he reads as a physical copy.
@jamiepandaman 7 ай бұрын
As a Texan, I feel that Hank Hill would've voted third party (Libritarian) in 2016, and not voted at all in 2020. That's what the real people he's based on did. There's plenty of people who are like him in a lot of ways that did, like you said, end up following Trump twice, and will probably do it three times, but those people in my opinion always lacked the empathy that defines Hank Hill to me.
@Nortarachanges 7 ай бұрын
Yeah that’s my feel. And the libertarian had a good campaign from what I remember. Good if you like libertarianism, anyway
@camboyrdee 7 ай бұрын
Exactly. Trump isn’t bootstrapper enough, came from wealth, lived in *shudders* New York, and was a TV personality. No shot is Hank voting for him.
@SpectacularDisaster 7 ай бұрын
I think Hank would have voted for Biden in 2020 and probably in 2024. Dale would have been full MAGA.
@sirKonradical 7 ай бұрын
I feel hank wouldn't have voted for trump simply because he was from New york
@MMAGamblingTips 7 ай бұрын
@RowanRiderofRohan 7 ай бұрын
This is fascinating to me, whose only prior knowledge of the show is Drawfee’s Bobby Hill incident
@3isyellowfightme_391 7 ай бұрын
Its okay dad
@tinkerhell-kj3mv 7 ай бұрын
@@3isyellowfightme_391 IT'S NOT OKAY DAD
@dark7859 7 ай бұрын
@Lavalampfullofsoup 7 ай бұрын
having a few glasses of wine then making freehanded crochet projects... relatable as fuck. Willie is the realist lol
@HoneyBeeFlanzman 7 ай бұрын
I love that he followed up freehanding a patch tipsy with adding it upside-down. That's me when I try to leave my crochet comfort zone
@EdieBird 7 ай бұрын
I almost want to try working on my current project while tipsy. It has four rows of GIANT LOOPS that could form the most spectacular, tangled mess of orange mohair. I won't. But I can picture it.
@mr.creamiersteamiermemeier5919 7 ай бұрын
I disagree so strongly that Hank Hill would watch Fox News. He is not about those theatrics.
@lordskeletor481 7 ай бұрын
Also there's an episode where he literally has the Fox network blocked and when Bobby asks him to unblock Fox, Hank's response is, "Is it football season?" "No..." "Then no."
@SCh1m3ra 7 ай бұрын
Keep in mind that the Hill household aging up would see Bobby in his 20s and Hank edging on retirement. The closest analog I have to Hank turned the blocker off Fox when he retired. And it has been a wild ride since.
@iwritechecksatthegrocerystore 7 ай бұрын
Hank wouldn't be a Trumper but Peggy would've for sure fallen down the Q-hole....
@maxaslagolis 7 ай бұрын
Fuck...yeah she would have, I can see the episode. She starts going Q until Hank points out to her that shes acting crazier than Dale and suddenly shes kicked back to reality and is horrified of herself
@aliencafe 7 ай бұрын
Luanne though.... It'd be the halloween episode all over again. Pizza was an evil concept invented by the Druish!
@dd4850 7 ай бұрын
Plot line: Peggy is going down the q hole and Luanne soon follows, they go to a meet up for people on the q forum and it’s full of KKK members and various other radicals and get freaked out and realize there’s no way they could believe the same things as those kind of people
@tabbris 7 ай бұрын
Dale would be the actual Q
@tinkerhell-kj3mv 7 ай бұрын
This is an episode I'd like to see. Peggy and Dale exchanging more and more outlandish conspiracy theories has the potential to be dark comedy gold.
@he-man3653 7 ай бұрын
This can all be boiled down to “Hank would never vote for somebody from New York”.
@TheCharnstar 7 ай бұрын
Trust Willie to turn "maybe Hank Hill is a Trump supporter" to "maybe some Trump supporters are Hank Hill's" and me being like, "damn, he made me hopeful again"
@Link2855 7 ай бұрын
Hank would never vote for a man from New York. Period.
@SeasideDetective2 7 ай бұрын
I don't think Hank has a reflexive dislike of people from the Northeast, especially since they are culturally diverse anyway; Boston, New York and other cities have plenty of what one could call "urban rednecks." What he does have a problem with is the condescending, pandering attitude that Northeasterners often feel they need to hold toward Southerners and Westerners. I recall an episode that was about a business deal between Strickland and a New England company, and the latter's visiting CEO insisted on playing up cowboy tropes throughout the meeting. This annoyed Hank, who informed him that Texas was not a gigantic, ongoing John Wayne movie.
@NekoChanSenpai 7 ай бұрын
Hank Hill is a self hating new yorker. He was born there and that brings him a lot of shame. He would likely have a gut reaction against a candidate from there, and it could be the subject of an episode where he has to decide if that gut reaction is leading him to the right decision. He might wrestle with whether to go against his gut solely because he knows it's at the place and not the candidate. He might look into the candidate to see if his aversion is justified or not. He would probably prefer to believe that his opinion isn't swayed by his own prejudice, even if it is. Or maybe he feels that reaction and somebody calls him on it and tries to get him to look at Cheeto man from a more logical perspective and instead of learning a lesson, he ends up more opposed than when he started.
@seto_kaiba_ 7 ай бұрын
He voted for a Californian and he doesn't like California either.
@leviheidle524 Ай бұрын
Wait just a minute now, Reagan was from California, and we know how Hank feels about California.
@livliveart 7 ай бұрын
I'm happy to say that my dad is basically Hank Hill, and though he has a journey ahead of him he is paying for my HRT, so... I have hope 🙏
@tinkerhell-kj3mv 7 ай бұрын
Love to hear it. Also a lot of people think Bobby is an egg, so if they're correct, good to know there's hope for him too.
@staroutofspace4986 7 ай бұрын
To your points, I think it depends on how present Bobby still is in Hank's life by 2016. As Bobby grows older and continues to be himself, perhaps Hank softens and does get with the times. Then again, if they had a falling out around when Bobby went to college, and Hank grew to resent things he felt took Bobby away from him, perhaps he'd be primed and ready for a Trump presidency.
@bingeingforsoup 7 ай бұрын
This is the biggest factor imo. My partner has a parent who was very Hank Hill-esque when my partner was growing up, and has adapted to the times because of the relationship said parent has with their adult children. Bobby and Hank's relationship is the biggest factor!
@misbac6105 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I think he would be, what an interesting conversation you've started Willie; I value your KZbin presence, also you're very handsome.
@WitchOracle 5 ай бұрын
Underrated comment
@itkathleen 7 ай бұрын
So I grew up in Garland TX, which Arland is (obviously) inspired by -- and so did my father. Like Hank, he's is a lifelong Republican who, in his own words, "votes down the ticket" with a strong loyalty to authorities/family figures no matter what problematic shit they may or may not do. And I gotta say you hit the nail on the head. My dad originally hated Trump. Now thanks to... everything, he's a proud supporter, had a Save the Steal pfp, etc. His pipeline was Facebook and Rush Limbaugh mostly, not Fox News and was *genuinely* surprised when, to give one example, me and my sibling told him Parler wasn't 'a haven of free speech for conservatives done wrong by Media, Society, and Everything' but actually full of nazis. The pipeline is real. Check on your moderate Republicans - they are not okay.
@mandyknight1410 7 ай бұрын
I have no idea how so many people would reject this premise or flat out not want to talk about it. This is a perfect discussion question and you did a fantastic job!
@WillieMuse2 7 ай бұрын
Unrelated but I have a new mic input with a noise gate and it's cutting off the ends of sentences. Did anybody notice this and know what I need to change in order to make that not happen?
@dawnthegoblin 7 ай бұрын
I didn't notice it but you can increase the delay before it cuts off your voice, I believe that's increasing the gain but I could be wrong.
@susieq721 7 ай бұрын
Didnt notice but dawnthegoblin replied with food advice!
@thomasjdurfee 7 ай бұрын
If you are worried about an aggressive noise gate at the end of your sentence, the setting you want to change is the noise gate's hold and release time (100ms is probably ok). Hold makes it a sharp cut, release is tapered, and you can mix both. This will give you a bit of wiggle room before it kicks on. If you are worried about losing the start of the sentence, decrease the attack time or see if you have a checkbox for "look ahead" in your software (some make you pay extra for it). To test it out, say "If" really slowly and see if it cuts into the f.
@colonelstunts4885 7 ай бұрын
i love audio nerds.
@salmonella7993 7 ай бұрын
@@susieq721 And I love food advice.
@Shhmallison 7 ай бұрын
Oh thank God I don't have to worry about what to watch Willie has a new video
@garindint 7 ай бұрын
how do you only ask the right questions every time
@rainyraccoon2503 7 ай бұрын
This question always made me really uncomfortable because like a lot of people I want to like Hank Hill. He reminds me of family members I know, but just like those family members I'd probably also avoid talking politics with him because existing in a state of plausible deniability is more comfortable than the possibility that they might stand completely opposed to the things I believe in. But this video was great. Another really thoughtful exploration of something I thought was a much simpler question.
@emisformaker 7 ай бұрын
A new Willie video is such a lovely birthday present! Between this and my husband baking me a cake, I can nearly ignore that I can barely leave my house from how much snow Cape Breton got over the weekend (somewhere in the neighbourhood of 48").
@WillieMuse2 7 ай бұрын
Happy birthday!!! 🎂🎈🎁
@pal5683 7 ай бұрын
A belated happy birthday! 🎉
@bridgetcooney5085 7 ай бұрын
I don't know if the Hank of my memory woukd be a Trump supporter. But I'm fairly sure he'd at least support him once he was president. He's a traditionalist, the office would at least garner his respect. And even if he didn't like what Trump did, he'd be conflicted and desire to support him.
@chrismanuel9768 7 ай бұрын
I feel like, after Trump, Hank would rethink his stance on the infallibility of the president and put his focus on work and family, and stop thinking about the government in general. Either that or get directly involved and run for office himself
@TheQueerMess 7 ай бұрын
Mx. is pronounced like mix, you got it right.
@camboyrdee 7 ай бұрын
Mx like motocross
@kleerude 7 ай бұрын
I got in a big argument once about whether Jack Donaghy would have voted for Trump (he absolutely would). Someday they’ll listen to us, Willie.
@EinDose 7 ай бұрын
The only way Jack wouldn't have voted for Trump is if he himself was running as well, which... yeah he would probably do.
@bokodasu 7 ай бұрын
What kind of weirdo thinks he wouldn't? Are your friends trolls?
@kleerude 7 ай бұрын
@@bokodasu Their main evidence was the one 30 Rock episode where Jack supports a crazy Republican candidate, but then backs out when he gets too crazy. Like Willie said, that kind of Republican doesn’t exist anymore. The CEOs Jack was parodying back in 2010 are all donating to Trump’s campaign in 2024.
@connerblank5069 7 ай бұрын
Hank would be taken in immediately by the pro-worker messaging and surface levell slogans, start wearing the hat, and then get confused when people had poor reactions to his opinion. Then, he'd get defensive, double down, and get far too involved. Meanwhile, in the B plot, Bobby would be taken in by a group of radical feminist drag queens because he likes their outfits and they enjoy his comedy, get swept up in their movement, and find himself shouting anti-trump slogans in a big protest wearing queer-coded clothes, possibly with a wig. At the climax, Hank would be on the other side, spot Bobby, be briefly horrified, then angrily drag Bobby home, shouting about something or other. Upon further examination however(probably during a conversation with Peggy) Hank would find that even if he doesn't agree with their lifestyle, some of the things they were teaching Bobby, which he had been hearing about over dinner, were perfectly reasonable opinions to have. The big climax would be Hank at the end, stepping away from the Trumpers after a realization that the whole thing was a farce taking advantage of good working folks, whereupon he would walk away with his head held high.
@Jaxident 7 ай бұрын
Peggy Hill truly is one of our nation's fiercest allies, though
@drskelebone 7 ай бұрын
I want to see the "I believe this friend said 'they/them'" Hank Hill. The one who understands people are actual people, and it hurts no one to be kind and accepting. In everything but his hatred for charcoal, I feel this is the fundamental Hank Hill.
@MiCKi914 7 ай бұрын
This episode was really interesting to me, even though I've never seen a full episode of King of the Hill. I really love how you took the character of Hank and used it to explore how real actual people might (and have) gone down the Trump path. As someone whose career relates to news and media, where Hank gets his news would for sure be a huge factor. In fact, I would say that even though Hank was apparently not into MySpace in one episode, I think he could easily get sucked into Facebook under the right conditions. ("wait, so I can join this group and see posts from propane lovers everywhere?") But maybe he would also be one of those guys whose wife uses FB to keep up with social stuff but he doesn't use it himself.
@jessiehermit9503 7 ай бұрын
Do you trust the news?
@bugsixtyfour7696 7 ай бұрын
This was an extremely well made video! The pacing felt more snappy and you did a great job not letting the silence build for to long! I feel like ultimately Hank would have voted for Trump, but after the Trainwreck that was those following years would come to regret his decision and make him think more critically. Maybe an episode of the possible reboot (or honestly several episodes) could talk about hoe during the time the show was off air he did fall down that rabbit hole, and covers how he managed to get out and keep growing as a person after such a difficult time. With characters like these it's equally as important to talk about how they can be used as a positive example as it is for them to stay grounded and real. And Hank would fit the bill of an old school Republican that got burned by Trump.
@lenorebunny 7 ай бұрын
This is along the same lines as Fundie Fridays KOTH deep dive! Go watch that one too 😁
@killerklown94 7 ай бұрын
To me, Hank doesn't feel like someone who watches dedicated news channels of any type. He feels like a purely local news, possibly weekly ABC news person.
@Biggestgayestbird 7 ай бұрын
Willie, this is literally so important to take about. I think a lot of leftists have this “trumpists are all crazy” perspective that blinds them to the reality of why the movement is extremely cult like and why he has the power he does. I need to show so many people this video essay
@robertrodger3055 7 ай бұрын
You say Hank satirizes a specific type of person who doesn't exist any more. I think the truth is a lot of the people he was satirizing have gone on to become Trump supporters. I suspect the writers won't make Hank a MAGA type, but I can just about imagine them trying... or making him one that supports Trump because that's what you do, but isn't happy about it. But I feel like if Hank Hill was an actual person in the real world that I knew, he'd be one of the many people I can't quite face any more because they've drifted off into that world.
@mountainhorse9419 7 ай бұрын
I think that was his point. Hank Hill, as he is on the show, can't exist today because he's had to change. He's either gone to that extreme, or he's been forced to acclimate the other way.
@tinkerhell-kj3mv 7 ай бұрын
A lot but not all, and I can see Hank going the "minor crisis of self because the party he supported no longer exists" thing. I think ultimately he'd be a "take back our party from the jackasses" type. (Not saying Reagan and the Bushes weren't jackasses but Trump is a very unique TYPE of jackass that I think Hank would take real issue with.)
@colonelstunts4885 7 ай бұрын
rural Midwest so perhaps not the same conditions and obviously entirely anecdotal. both of my parents are staunchly conservative and have nearly all the same values, to this day, as hank hill. it's what gets me on every rewatch. both of them vocally despise Trump and find him a stain on the party, though one voted for him in 2016 (and claims to regret it now). Just asserting that they very much do still exist. Probably less common than the Q morons who have infected the rest of my family, I must admit.
@4akrosslastname764 7 ай бұрын
Willie, asking the questions we were all thinking
@samanthastanley7113 7 ай бұрын
I love the ending, thinking of how Hank could be a Trumper and how Hank is flexible gives me hope for those who have been grifted by 'make 'merica great again'. Long time watcher. First time commenter. I adore this man and all of you who are unwilling to be kind to this man, I hope you stub your toe and bite your tongue twice a day for a week. I appreciate your time Willie 💕
@lordskeletor481 7 ай бұрын
I'm gonna give a hot take here: Hank would never vote for Trump. In 2016 he'd vote for that libertarian guy who was weird about Mt. Everest after voting for Kasich in the primaries. This is in part because Mike Judge (the creator of the series) is himself a libertarian, also in part because Hank also has a penchant for anthropomorphizing his passions as women he is in deep love with. However, it's also because I am certain Hank would LOATHE Trump (with episode evidence): 1. As we can see in the episode where Strickland wants Hank to impress the Boston man and the episode where we learn where Hank was actually born, Hank is not fond of people from the Northeast and big city areas in particular, and as such, would have a bias against Trump from the start simply because he's from New York. 2. Now people may say that Hank blindly worships Buck, but he doesn't, he visibly shows annoyance with Buck and threatens to quit on him twice (when they hired the guy who harassed people under guise of jokes, and in the episode where Buck invested in a car wash and forced Hank to work for Kahn). He also expresses this disdain very openly in the episode where Buck meets his illegitimate son who is also a propane seller. He has also explicitly quit in the episode where Buck put in someone else as the temporary manager of the company. In that episode, we learn that the main reason Hank stays with Strickland is because he values helping people and feels as if propane and it's myriad of uses is how he can best help people. As such, he doesn't blindly worship Buck and as such, wouldn't worship Trump. 3. Looking at the Bush handshake episode we can see that very small things can disillusion Hank from politicians, such as a limp loser handshake, so I'd imagine the tapes of him admitting to sexually assaulting women, claiming that he could shoot people, and his generally in Hank's words, "jackass" demeanor (something Hank also dislikes) would put him further off from Trump than just a limp handshake. 4. As we can see in the Olympic torch episode Hank believes that any amount of showboating, even in private, will be punished severely (he literally thinks he deserved to perish from this mortal plane but was only spared to sell propane for the sin of a touchdown dance). He would believe that the campaign announcement on an escalator means the man is the antichrist or at the very least, a supreme jackass. 5. He's also very against big corporations as we see him often try to avoid mega-lo-mart during the early seasons, and he generally prefers shopping at small businesses, he would not be a fan of a man with a huge corporation trying to be president. Peggy would fall down the Q-Hole as we can see in multiple episodes where she gets drawn into pyramid schemes, charismatic leaders, and also cults. Dale would initially fall down the Q-Hole with Peggy but would go to an event and see the people and come to the conclusion that this is a CIA psyop to kidnap and mind control the masses, an MK Ultra 2 so to speak, he would, as per usual, not vote. Bill, now I have no evidence to back this up, but he would be a Marianne Williamson supporter, I cannot explain why, I just know in my heart he would be. I can imagine a scenario of Dale being like, "Why would the aliens give HER this knowledge?" and Bill saying something like, "Keep her name out of your mouth!" He'd think that her vibrational ability would let her know he voted for her and she would reward him with a date. Boomhauer's political beliefs are held close to his chest but he's a pretty moderate person, would probably vote blue because no way is he getting wrapped up in Dale but senile. Now Kahn? Kahn would support Trump, because they both share, in Connie's words, "empty-headed materialism". Source: My King of the Hill Autism
@MRuby-qb9bd 7 ай бұрын
I think you are 100% correct about Bill and Williamson. I think Boomhauer is secretly antifa, but the world will never know.
@tinkerhell-kj3mv 7 ай бұрын
> Dale being like, "Why would the aliens give HER this knowledge?" This got me so good. I wish you were writing for the reboot. And good point about Hank's intense belief that bragging will incite severe displeasure from God and is a sin worthy of death. Like...yeah you're right Hank would loathe Trump. Which doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't vote for him, at least the first time, but he'd absolutely loathe the guy. Also you can't convince me Trump has a good handshake. Not with those baby hands.
@lordskeletor481 7 ай бұрын
@@tinkerhell-kj3mv Thank you for the compliment! And that is a good point about him loathing someone not necessarily equating to not voting for them at least once, also Trump certainly has a piss poor handshake.
@blinkowarner3117 7 ай бұрын
This is the best answer to this question I've seen yet
@Lexi_Zone 7 ай бұрын
Best answer
@rgs8970 7 ай бұрын
Hank reminds me so much of my own father. Lots of differences but the most striking similarity is his respect for what he believes is rightful authority. Tl;dr: my dad may not like Trump, but he will not be upset if he's re-elected 😬 also my dad isn't Hank Hill so 🧂 take one grain and pass the rest on My dad has no social media and still gets two local newspapers that he reads daily. I don't know who he voted for in 2016 or 2020, and I don't know who he will vote for this year. However, he made fun of Trump mercilessly in the run-up to the 2016 election, and he did use the word "disgusted" when talking about Trump's "handling" of the Big Sick Times of 2020. I think it's likely that my dad supported a third-party candidate or did a write-in vote, just to say, "Well, I didn't vote for the guy!" I don't know where his allegiance lies for 2024, but I think my dad will also be factoring in that Trump's appointments to the Supreme Court led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. For a lot of evangelical Christians (including one of my sisters and her family), Trump is the "imperfect vessel" (🙄) to deliver God's will to this country (🙄) he's not Hank Hill; he's just another guy in a similar demographic, one among many actual Boomers who are going to vote because "that's what you do".
@Gamechamp3000 7 ай бұрын
Willie x King of the Hill?? This is a holiday :>
@KIHarder 7 ай бұрын
Gamechamp3000 x Willie Muse?? This is a holiday :>
@How_Many_Monkeys 7 ай бұрын
I’ve actually been enjoying the shorts you’ve been making. Like a drip-feed of Willie content between your actual videos lol that being said, if you really hate them or hate making them, I’d definitely understand if you stopped. Also, I really liked this video, topic was a little out there but was entertaining nonetheless 👍
@DirtPoorWargamer 7 ай бұрын
While I agree that Hank is homophobic, I don't believe it comes from a place of hatred; more just confusion and being uncomfortable with the idea of being hit on by another man. I also tend to give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to Bobby, and believe he's primarily concerned with making sure Bobby isn't picked on. Sure, he'd prefer it if Bobby were straight, but if Bobby turned out to be gay, Hank would certainly still love and support his son.
@tinfoilslacks3750 10 күн бұрын
Hank's shown in several episodes that he's politically accepting of but personally uncomfortable with gay people , in a manner that is specifically a manifestation of his extreme prudishness and discomfort with sex in general. He's shaking his wife's hand in their wedding photo after all.
@lpqsilver 7 ай бұрын
Hank cheers when Trump rants about toilet flushing
@dokiepkosa 7 ай бұрын
I feel like the big wild card factor here is how Hank felt about John McCain
@heidiknabe9669 7 ай бұрын
This. My immediate thought was no goddamn way he’d be fine with McCain being mocked and all the other heinous things he’s said about the armed forces.
@hambeastdelicioso1600 7 ай бұрын
I've only watched a handful of KotH episodes but my gut feeling is that Hank would not support Trump if only for the classified documents nonsense. But that's pretty specific to me as someone who was active duty military and also had a security clearance. When Trump stole those documents, he spit in the face of every person who currently holds or has ever held any sort of security clearance and guarded our national secrets with the dedication and seriousness that they require.
@onezestyblueberry4414 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Willie. I was putting off doing my dishes because there were too many and this video helped keep me company for it.
@ghostmoon94 4 ай бұрын
I've been binging your channel and can't get enough! Keep doing what you do!
@ItBeThatWaySometimes 7 ай бұрын
_Happy Willie Day!_
@melaniesheldon8013 7 ай бұрын
Happy Willie Day to you!❤😊
@AetherMagicChatroom 4 ай бұрын
I have never seen an episode of this show. Ever. And yet o am sitting here reteaching myself how to knit and listening to your very relaxing and soothing voice saying some of the greatest things I've ever heard. Thanks for enriching my evening routine Willie and Knitcolas, I appreciate you
@ChefTinman 7 ай бұрын
People who think he obviously wouldn't be a Trump supporter are the same ones who are baffled how he got elected in the first place and why he might again.
@LKnivesGaming 7 ай бұрын
It's only an obvious no because Mike Judge does not like Donald Trump to the point that he was going to run a bunch of anti-Trump ads until Fox shut it down. Dale could be but it would be used to make fun of the MAGA crowd.
@pandorabryn 7 ай бұрын
I’ve been pondering this question since 2016. So glad I came across this video!
@arthurcarnegie9144 7 ай бұрын
As I was listening to the evidence Willie was citing, I had already come to my conclusion. Turned out Willie had a similar conclusion. I remember when this question was passed around awhile ago, I was unsure simply because I hadn’t watched enough King of the Hill to have a solid answer. I know the general characteristics of the characters, but knowing the general bits of the King of the Hill characters doesn’t mean I know them well enough to make that guess. However, as people cited reasons and evidence for Hank Hill to be against Trump, I felt a sense of relief. Is that weird? Maybe. But the thing is Hank Hill is the older conservative man who is willing to accept when he’s wrong and willing to change because he’s ultimately a good and kind man. I like to think Hank Hill could navigate through the madness that is conservative politics. Even if he’s wrong at the start, it’s got a hopeful ring to it if Hank Hill can come back around. Hank Hill reminds me of some “good and kind” conservatives that I do have in my family. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean those “good and kind” conservatives are willing to change. Just because I’d like to think they’d eventually change and reject the far right conspiracies, that doesn’t mean they will. I’m sure many of us would like to immediately accept the anti-trump Hank interpretation, but in doing so, we would be overlooking aspects of his character. This video is a good reminder that given the right circumstances, Hank could be a Trump supporter. It isn’t a clear cut answer. This is a really good video, and I think it’s a shame that Willie got so much push back years ago. Sometimes analyzing a question that seems clear cut results in seeing a picture in a new light, and this particular topic is proof of that.
@timtheskeptic1147 7 ай бұрын
I think the moment someone pointed out that trump is a carpetbagger from NYC (he is), Hank would be against him.
@c_carnelian 7 ай бұрын
thanks for making this vid, Willie, your insight is genuinely always something i appreciate because you present information in a way that i really Click with! and as someone whose family has largely gone off the deep end w regards to the foul cheeto man, i totally Feel this. its sad seeing folks you view as Sensible lose their way like this, but youre right! maybe, like Hank, they can change. i'll keep hoping, anyway 🥲
@jonahromero7476 7 ай бұрын
My dad ended up becoming a trump supporter, and he's someone who I genuinely would say felt like Hank Hill to me when I was younger. Conservative, but not a very outspoken or aggressive person towards people of different beliefs. However he was pretty steadfast in what he felt and usually didn't have his mind changed about things. He's still not a hateful or aggressive person as far as I can see, but I definitely don't have the same closeness to him as I used to
another on target take. Thank you Willie!
@AquaMaceEnt 7 ай бұрын
As someone who firmerly supported Trump, i want to say thanks for your perspective. If i can walk away from supporting trump, i would hope that others can see they were wrong just as i was wrong to support trump too. I hope it may give hope that others may also have hope to overcome and become better people just as ive had to come to terms with myself.
@9ZweihandeR9 7 ай бұрын
One look at Hank's relationship with Mr. Strickland is all I need to believe that Hank would be a huge Trump supporter. He is willfully blind to the flaws of Mr. strickland, and those flaws are very closely matched with Trump's most immediately visible flaws.
@josetheseeker 7 ай бұрын
Not really hank is the only one to ever call him on his shit like when Strickland and his estranged son make a mess together at a propane award thing and hank steps in to save the day as always even though he had already warned his boss about his son
@TheSlipperyNUwUdle 7 ай бұрын
He was not blind to his flaws. There are episodes where he either outright quits his job or threatens to. He’s willfully ignorant, if anything. He desperately craves the paternal affection of a man Buck’s age because his own father was so awful. Buck offered him a job at Strickland and he started to view him as a father figure of sorts. It could have been any older man his father’s age.
@LincolnDWard 7 ай бұрын
For me, having not seen the show, the moment you mentioned the handshake thing with Bush, that sealed the argument. The people who support Trump have been convinced of a worldview in which a person's "strength" (charisma, force of personality, masculinity, and ability to get what they want) is the defining feature of leadership, and that handshake incident only makes sense in the context of that worldview.
@wryn.is.trying 7 ай бұрын
i don’t know how to say this other than just blatantly: your videos make me feel sane! i live in a very very right-wing state, so i appreciate anything that reminds me the entire world is not like the extremism i’m currently surrounded by
@Fiona-68 7 ай бұрын
I live in a very divided state. I'll do my best to make 'merica not completely insane again. I encourage you to watch the Lincoln Project
@FelicityPickens 7 ай бұрын
Thoughtful video, Willie! Thanks for doing this deep dive it's given me a bit to think about.
@wilderwisdom 7 ай бұрын
honestly I think you're making a really valid and important point here, Willie. because of. everyone wants to think Hank wouldn't be a Trump supporter. not our good friend Hank Hill!! because they're afraid of the answer. of course he wouldn't be. of course THEY wouldn't be. truth is, none of us are immune to propaganda. And like you say, everyone forgets that, or doesn't want to acknowledge it. thanks for this thoughtful piece ❤ you're a joy
@myeyeswentdeaf6213 7 ай бұрын
This is THEE BEST question I’ve heard ANYONE ask in years since Trump came around. As a matter of fact, my friends you call me Hank Hill back when that show was on. They said I’m just like him. And as for this Hank Hill, NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! I HATE TRUMP!. I hate him so much, and I hate the support the Republican Party gave him, defending him for every damn unAmerican thing for 8 years now that voted Biden in 2020 and will again this election, and I will NEVER vote Republican for the rest of my life.
@BethanValerious 7 ай бұрын
the premise of this video is fucking hilarious and i think your reasoning is well thought out and well presented
@PossumMedic 7 ай бұрын
33:44 - "...but I can certainly see Bobby trying to think of a way to not come home for Thanksgiving" I had to watch that part twice 😂
@paranoiarpincess 7 ай бұрын
I picture him as one but I've always aligned patriotism with conservatism, but I'm Canadian so I have more of an outsider opinion on the matter.
@iartghetto 7 ай бұрын
To me, The Perils of Polling perfectly demonstrates an argument that simultaneously could be argued for either side. He loses faith in Bush because of a wimpy handshake, indicating that Hank could be one of the many that saw a strong candidate in Trump's bizarro masculine posturing. That said, it also indicates he's able to actually analyze a politician and consider straying away from partisanship if he doesn't have faith in the individual.
@iartghetto 7 ай бұрын
Oh, and I see you literally covered both of those sides. I left that at 4:55, wasn't trying to teaf your arguments.
@melaniesheldon8013 7 ай бұрын
Thanks ❤for putting out great videos ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@brandthacker8913 6 ай бұрын
Love the video! I really wasn’t expecting to be nodding my head profusely this entire video
@Delightedly 7 ай бұрын
I really appreciate this because everyone seems to love that show, but Hank Hill’s lack of support for Bobby potentially being queer made me profoundly uncomfortable with the entire show. I can’t love a character who sincerely believes kids owe fealty to the sexuality/gender identity that their parents pick for them.
@deethwarrior 3 ай бұрын
I think its more that hank doesn't want his son to be bullied so he overcorrects for bobby to not be bullied for "not being right" ya' know?
@MadDoctorWalsh 7 ай бұрын
Good lord, if i ever sponsor an episode I can only hope my kitted square is done last minute after a few glasses of wine
@69hikikomori 7 ай бұрын
@LimeTreePrickly 7 ай бұрын
Im 10 minutes in and im loving this episode! The topic is actually surprisingly interesting. But i also have to say that i just viewed a few episodes many years ago, so im not that attached to hank hills character.
@EyeDuDab 7 ай бұрын
I've never watched anything from you before, but this video had me laughing so much at your jokes 🤣 Keep up the good work Willie ✊
@Em-uy9wj 7 ай бұрын
This was somehow… healing?
@jacobshroyer6109 7 ай бұрын
Dale being a Trump supporter in the reboot could be pretty funny
@easyaccessjeans 7 ай бұрын
I think John Redcorn, mostly Bobby (and maybe even Bill!) would convince Hank that Trump was the wrong call. I could imagine Hank getting sucked up in the MAGA mythology, and Bobby getting sucked up into Bidenism. I imagine that Bobby would likely implore Hank to go to a Biden rally and listen to what he had to say. Something like, "Dad, you always taught me to be sensible and listen to all sides. I've listened to both Biden and Trump, and i gotta say, i know Biden's a democrat, but i think his views are a lot more in line with yours than you might think." Begrudgingly, he'd attend, and while being there, he'd have several moments where he smiles in agreement. Possibly even letting out a "woo!" a couple of times. I imagine it would cause him to be reflexive and critical of Trump and he would start seeing Trump for what he is. It'd be hard for Hank to publicly support Biden, but i think it'd be even harder for him to continue supporting Trump. Would he have voted for Hillary? No. Sadly, not. To be fully transparent, i dispise Trump and, in my opinion, a vote for Biden is unconscionable, especially for his heavy role in supporting Israel's genocidal attack on Palestine. Cornel West 2024. 🤷‍♀️
@tinkerhell-kj3mv 7 ай бұрын
I can see that although I would've loved to see a 2016 episode in which we see Bobby go full Berniebro, Hank go full MAGAt in response and them realizing ultimately they just want America to be a country to be proud of. And then they reconnect over how much they both hate Hillary Clinton and start researching third party candidates together. (I was a strong Clinton supporter so this doesn't reflect my own personal values, but it's how I think it might go with the Hills, and I would enjoy seeing it as an episode.) But a followup episode in four years with the Biden arc would be a great followup as Hank learns that you shouldn't write someone off purely for being a democrat.
@BeatzByMK 7 ай бұрын
I’m not a liberal or a democrat (anymore, after 2016 I gave up on them), but this made me think about things differently and made me realize there’s something’s I should question in my own beliefs
@iswhosheis 7 ай бұрын
Bobby would NOT be a Trump supporter.
@Broll00 7 ай бұрын
I can’t see Bobby supporting or following any politics.
@tinkerhell-kj3mv 7 ай бұрын
Bobby has shown he can get sucked into anything, on any side of the political spectrum. If he'll go to school in a suit waving a sign about how his classmates are going to Hell and calling them "fornicators," he can fall down the QHole. He is fundamentally a good person but he tends to get deep into causes impulsively (sometimes good ones sometimes not), and...his best friend is DALE GRIBBLE's son. I can see it happening. (I don't think Dale is necessarily pro-Trump; he's such a wildcard and hates the government so much; but that dude would love him some QAnon.)
@iswhosheis 7 ай бұрын
@@Broll00 Personally? I see an older Connie coming out and being very outspoken in the Arlen LGBT community while Bobby and Joseph support fully. I also think it's worth noting that this is still Mike Judge and Greg Daniels...I doubt they would let any of their characters be outright bigots.
@Alex-ph5ir 7 ай бұрын
As soon as I saw the title of this video, I knew this was a video I always needed without conaciously being aware of it. And I strongly agree with your analysis. I think that it's wishful thinking to believe that Hank, were he in the real world, wouldn't vote for Trump (at least the first time). I live in a conservative province in Canada and am surrounded by the moderate "banal conservative boomer," and most of them would have voted for Trump (and have voter for our versions of Trump) because they see conservatives as always the lesser evil, and they aren't willing to reflect on the harm they're supporting.
@thetravelingpip3771 7 ай бұрын
I’ve never seen an episode of King of the Hill but I’m loving this commentary. Thanks for the video Willie!
@mindymycelia 7 ай бұрын
this was on point. especially considering you aren't close to Trump supporters, I like how you are familiar with the nuance of what some of them are like. recognizing the good in people doesn't mean you're giving them a pass, it means being able to realize that the good side of them may not really affect their stance. so it keeps you from getting tricked by the good parts of people like Hank Hill because you already know those parts coexist with bad parts that may not ever change. like hopefully they will change but they might not. you can't let how in some ways endearing and lovable someone is cloud your judgment of their worldview. a lot of what you said about Hank, and what Hank could become after the 2010s, applies to my dad. my dad used to be more benign (on the surface) but he's become polarized like you said. and since he's fiercely, unquestioningly loyal to god and country (like Hank), the direction he was polarized in was further to the right. you can't tell someone's political beliefs by how nice they are in a face-to-face conversation with a drag queen. like just because someone's not the type to rant on Facebook or show more obvious signs of racism doesn't mean they wouldn't vote for Trump twice. when my dad is introduced to people who are like me and live "alternative lifestyles" (his euphemism for being proudly queer or otherwise living what he thinks of as a degenerate life), he's mostly very polite and tries to find common ground. he may even walk away from the encounter with his mind ever so slightly expanded. he doesn't totally view us as subhuman, he's even kind sometimes and tries to learn some stuff to a limited point. but that doesn't like... make it to where I ultimately feel emotionally safe with him. I feel like people who would see Hank Hill in black and white and just see him as a good character who isn't bigoted can get manipulated more easily. not just by people who are better at manipulation, but by having rose-colored glasses about people based on being close to them and seeing their good sides.
@OshaVids 7 ай бұрын
never clicked a video faster
@justinedwards5047 7 ай бұрын
I feel like Hank would have been a supporter of trump leading up to his first election, but would have become fed up with him by the time of his reelection and would want to pretend like he never liked him
@TheRealLongname 7 ай бұрын
Hank wouldn't be
@rogueprince1341 7 ай бұрын
So Mike Judge answered this at a convention. He said there is absolutely no way Hank R. Hill would be a Trump supporter.
@garindint 7 ай бұрын
i’m sorry to comment twice i know i’m only on the first point but my neighbors are lesbian trump supporters & see absolutely nothing wrong with that
@Em-uy9wj 7 ай бұрын
My lesbian aunts like trump (even now) and are the joke of the whole family. Like ladies please. Please
@rgs8970 7 ай бұрын
@garindint mine too 😬 (or maybe we live in the same neighborhood, but it's a lot more likely that there is a whole demographic of Trump Lesbians™️)
@44nobody 7 ай бұрын
Comments help the algorithm, so maybe commenting twice helps? I searched online, but couldn't find the answer as to whether two comments by the same person counts just once, or if it counts as two separate comments.
@CubeIsHorse 7 ай бұрын
Second comment because I got past the first bit of who sponsored the episode and I just wanted to say I love the sweater you have for the video. I’ve loved watching the sweater journey as your skills have improved. ❤
@raspyraccoon6530 7 ай бұрын
You’re right, and you should say it.
@Freemeatballsandlinguini 7 ай бұрын
He watches local news because Nancy Gribble is their weather person. Peggy makes him support his neighbor.
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