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On 13th March 2022 James Sinclair will be in Glasgow teaching a seminar at the kind invitation of Sifu Zubbair Khaan. (a student of Abid Mahmood).
Here is a short extract from a Seminar held in November 2013. For access to the full 1hour and 47 minute video please contact info@ukwingchun.com
Master Abid Mahmood, of the Midlands HQ invited James Sinclair to conduct a MasterClass on the Wooden Dummy.
There were no plans to film the event. However, Abid wished to have a lasting memory of the day.
Finally, approaching 10 years later!!!! we compiled the short clips together. We ended up with 1 hour and 47 minutes of great material and demonstrations. The camera work is poor at times, but the content is priceless.
If you would like to host a live seminar now that things have started to settle, just let us know.
As always you are only watching a tiny extract from a far greater discussion. It is easy to misinterpret the content. As such we cannot enter into discussions on anything in this clip. Please Save your questions for the face to face classes.
Jazāk Allāhu Khayran (جزاك اللهُ خيرًا) to Master Abid Mahmood of the Midlands Wing Chun Academy for the support over the years.
Jazāk Allāhu Khayran (جزاك اللهُ خيرًا) to Sifu Zubbiar Khaan for his patience and graciousness in assisting at times during this seminar.
UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. HQ
Unit 7, The Planks
Lubards Lodge
Hullbridge Road
Essex SS6 9QG
Tel: +44 7860 276923
Email: info@ukwingchun.com
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