for those who cant see cause of angle main deck 1x lady labrynth of the silver castle 1x lovely lady of the silver castle 3x arianna the labrynth servant 1x labrynth cooclock 3x labrynth stovie torbie 3x Labrynth Chandraglier 3x absolute king back jack 3x arias the labrynth butler 1x labrynth labyrinth 3x pot of extravagance 2x welcome labrynth 3x big welcome labrynth 2x dimensional barrier 3x dominus impulse 3x destructive daruma karma cannon 3x trap trick 2x transaction rollback extra deck 2x chaos angel 2x relingquished anima 1x dharc the dark charmer, gloomy 1x s:p little knight 3x muckraker from the underworld 1x moon of the closed heaven 1x underworld goddess of the closed world 2x number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir 1x abyss dweller 1x Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis side deck 3x lava golem 3x fantastical dragon phantazmay 3x artifact lancea 3x lord of the heavenly prison 1x rivalry of warlords 1x eradicator epidemic virus 1x labrynth set-up