You can set pay rates at whatever you like however none of the pay and condition changes will benefit 1 particular branch of care. Shared Lives Carers, are often overlooked or unrecognised within the care sector. We/they provide both respite care for carers and full time homes for scheme users and are generally employed on a self employed basis. This is exploited by Local Authorities because self employed individuals do not enjoy the same rights as those employed as PAYE staff. So holiday pay, sick pay, The minimum wage simply doesn't exist for us. We do 'enjoy' certain tax benefits, though the rates for those have remained the same for at least a decade or more. So as carers have seen some pay increases, their gross income has crept near and nearer to the tax thresholds and now a good number of carers are seeing financial gains eaten up by in Income Tax. So even now if we are actual offered a substantial increase, we will loose a sizable chunk giving it straight back to HMRC. While all these 'reforms' are being discusses, might it be useful to review the Qualifying Care Relief.
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