The Showdown Update, This Is The End Part 5 !

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@SacredJoker1670 2 күн бұрын
After finishing the story of showdown I feel both overjoyed that it oven yet I feel sad that such a wonderful game ended
@crazyhawk5056 2 күн бұрын
The amount of meds I used for that section, also meh ending for 6 fricking years of the game :(
@xXxLancexXx-35 2 күн бұрын
I’m a tad disappointed at the ending, I really wanted a massive boss fight.
@Epiqe Күн бұрын
@adammonge6127 Күн бұрын
I was as well and I don't get it.. didn't fnix save us from the explosion at the of "behind the curtain." That final mission set up so much but I was disappointed with the entire lore from the update. I felt that kinda disregarded what fnix did, the story could of gone a different direction. They should of left the lore alone when fnix saved us from the explosion, and just speculated from there on. This felt completely rushed :/. What do you think?
@TheTimPilot 2 күн бұрын
Finished the story 30 minutes ago. Dang some of the sections are tough. Luckily the PM-71 is the tool for the job. Although the ending was a bit "meh", it's still nice to get it done 🙂 I am at level 54 at the moment with 381 hours of playtime behind me 😅
@JohnNugroho 2 күн бұрын
lol i didn't know those turrets can be deactivated, i was running around and hiding all the time. i brought myself a load of RPGs, grenade launcher and tons of grg for those apo machines quick deaths.
@OddButCools Күн бұрын
Ugh, there was no new lore or Easter eggs on the new island that I could find. The Apple Cult and Church of Iron never progressed their storylines. We’ll never know what was in that fight club bunker or that bunker under a farm house. There should’ve been a giant fight in the arena where the first rocket was located. Maybe, I’ll comb through the new island once more. Best of luck to the developers in their future endeavors. Also, the survivors on the DLC island are just hanging out in the cellar.
@xXxLancexXx-35 Күн бұрын
@@OddButCools yeah, I couldn’t find any Easter eggs either, or much of anything really on that map, they really rushed the release it felt like, there were no collectibles, no new location marks on the map for the new island, and hardly any safe houses. Kinda disappointing cause there are barely any robots spawns around most of the island so ever coming back to island just to farm experience points or for farming rivals is pointless.
@OddButCools Күн бұрын
@ Agreed. I used a lot of radios for temporary respawn points. Also, those apartments sure had a bad view in back.
@frubetube 2 күн бұрын
100% forgot you could disable turrets so had to do the silo with a constant barrage of bullets
@thedragonplaza1749 2 күн бұрын
Same here. Took me like 6 tries.
@RO8s 2 күн бұрын
Those ones can't be disabled, at least if it's the bit with the detecting laser. I fired twenty HE rounds at them and not a dickie bird. You have to crawl. The laser goes left and right and then advances. As it goes back to centre you crawl after it, wait while it goes left, then as it goes right,. crawl into the left, and as it advances again, crawl behind it and away. Nothing fires at you. It's the only way I found to get past it...
@RO8s 2 күн бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed that. My present character hadn't done the Russian dolls, so had to do those and then this. So, what, six hours of gameplay? Great fun and what a shame it's over... Only thing left to do is the whole story on Guerilla, carrying only what a teenager could carry and use - an assault rifle, a pistol, a fold-down bow and an FRG grenade launcher, without dying. That should take some time! :))
@barbaricengineer7098 2 күн бұрын
Turn off the detection meter for an extra challenge too.
@RO8s 2 күн бұрын
@@barbaricengineer7098 I never turned it on! Okay, first play-through it was on, but after that I cut it and the music! Without the music you can generally hear them... Much more realistic and fun.
@xXxLancexXx-35 Күн бұрын
@@RO8s I actually don’t know you could cut the music 😅 I’ve wanted to do that for a while and am gonna try that now.
@RO8s Күн бұрын
@@xXxLancexXx-35 I found that out very early on. I loved the music at first, but after I went into the South Coast I realised that the weapon I was relying on just wasn't good enough, but there was a 4* AI76 in Klinte and a 4* Algudstare in the ruins on the other side of the map. So I went to get them - as weak as a worm! I turned off the music and it took me eight hours of the most compelling gameplay of my life! I made it without dying once. I still think about that mission to this day...
@Blue_Jewel2716 2 күн бұрын
At least we got closure
@unknownrat2675 2 күн бұрын
Congratulations dude
@talos115 2 күн бұрын
I am at this part now he he he.
@janus9824 2 күн бұрын
That door at -1732.245, -1347.104 is still locked and requires a key. I thought they would have done something with it in the final update 😢
@Epiqe Күн бұрын
GZ dev´s just threw this game into trash 2 years ago...
@Aiden.Dorian 2 күн бұрын
Hey hello, since the Final Showdown update there are 3 times as many machines everywhere. Is that intentional or is that a bug?
@caderedfield9372 2 күн бұрын
@bubbashealy159 Күн бұрын
Is anyone having problems with the new buildings not showing up in the building tab. I play on ps4 and idk if it hasn’t came out yet for console but all I have unlocked is the drill but not the furnace or the chem lab and I was just wondering if they have to be unlocked or something
@trentargante8384 2 күн бұрын
Can you keep playing after the end, or do you have to start a new game? And, How long do you think they will keep the servers running?
@deltadestroyer1 Күн бұрын
continue as normal
@kevincoyle2163 Күн бұрын
Any one know how to get the furnace and chemical station ive got the drill cant get the other two
@amica6529 2 күн бұрын
The ending isn’t good they hyped fenix as if he’s an big threat to us and then they give us an actual 5$ fight destiny’s final shape has an better boss fight than fenix being killed by having his rocket crushed it’s a joke of a update they gave us no option for old weapon wheel instead they wasted time on resources nobody actually asked for and an entire let down to there community oh I mean what is meant to be a community wanting stuff the update actually should of had but we god a let down for adding resources
@deltadestroyer1 Күн бұрын
yeah i agree and so many fan boys are praising them for it and saing this is a fantastic game yet they all forget so easy that this game was broken from day one bugs/glitches etc
@ricardoconde8090 2 күн бұрын
what is the point of playing generation zero if it ends😢
@laceyhoward5140 2 күн бұрын
The ending was not it they could’ve done better many missed opportunities many areas I found myself saying more tanks more birds maybe a two on one team up against the player Especially since they charge for DLC’s and charged for weapon ammo packs for the whole games lifespan you would’ve thougt that they would’ve put everything they had into this final update just making a free wasn’t enough. Sorry.
@deltadestroyer1 Күн бұрын
im glad im not the only one speaking out
@unknownrat2675 2 күн бұрын
@Epiqe Күн бұрын
What a dumb ending, useless DLC, Dev´s just killed the game.
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