You are just blowing the steam. Show me the data you base on your analysis. The Conservative is about taking away social benefits for the less fortunate and feed the wealthy people. NO they do not deserve to be the leader of a multicultrual and multinational country.
Majority of Canadians repeatedly sided with the left, elected their far left party to lead their country. Now they suffer the setback consequence of their choice. No one to blame but themselves. "You ask for it, now you got it!" Fair and square! America is doing the same.
I came to Canada in 1988 from mainland China as a graduate student. It was a wonderful time and I am grateful. In 98 I left for USA and returned for business from 2014-2017 many many times. It was also very nice and I saw huge improvement from 2014 to 2017 when compared with what I knew when I left in 98. During the Covid, I saw housing price went through the roof, and the cold war between China and USA/Canada continues and becomes more intense. Canada like Australia did not actually had serious recession due to China market and hot money from China before the real cold war with China started. Now the cold war and the rise of Chinese technology will keep Canadian industry under pressure. In addition, Canadian immigration also does not help. I do not see good times again for Canada in the near future. Canadian dollar will decline and inflation will rise as low rate has to be in place to help economy. If cold war ends, Chinese investment will flow into Canada again, good time will return quickly. For now fasten the seat belt for a rough ride. Good luck.
如果早在十幾二十年前,甚至更早就已移民加拿大,並已置產,已無房貸,兒女均已成年的人來講,加拿大仍是適合養老的地方.至於其它的就沒啥可稱道的了,這個國家的美好已成ONCE UPON A TIME.未來只會更加混亂衰敗沒落.我姊姊今年要滿七十五了,移民加拿大近三十年了,她現在就在溫哥華過著養老生活.此外,聽說加拿大的治安也變得愈來愈差.本視頻之博主似乎忽略了一個普遍嚴肅的問題:大凡一個國家的經濟在年復一年走下坡的時候,真正的問題仍是出現在"人"沒有治國能力的短視政客卻掌握了大權時,這個國家的施政政策自然就會錯誤百出,只會讓各類問題變得更加惡化,終致積重難返,難以挽救,而美國國力的嚴重衰退,對加拿大而言,自然也會受到重大影響,畢竟整個北美就是美加二國而已,加拿大對美國的嚴重依賴是地理位置的必然,美國的興衰和加拿大的興衰是可以當成一體來觀察的,美國衰退了,加拿大亦難免;美國治安愈來愈差,加拿大也如此,唇齒相依吧.年過七十,活動力已大不如前,該去玩的地方,年輕時多半已去玩過,所以,單純地過生活養老是花不了什麼錢的,而加拿大的醫療福利是比美國好很多的,所以,情勢如何變化不知,但你若在加拿大住得夠久了,年紀也上來了,那麼,將來在加拿大過著退休養老的生活,還是很幸福天堂的.至於加拿大的未來,我看只有冀望於下次大選能換人換黨執政吧,讓新人掌權,或許就能大展鴻圖,做出重大的興革,如果仍是現在的執政黨繼續把持著權力,前景只會更差.因為,問題出在他們連自己錯在哪裡都不知道, 那還能期待什麼?