Thanks so much for covering Alien: Rogue Incursion early and for all the feedback :) We are so excited to be releasing our game to the players tomorrow!
@Not_ImpressedКүн бұрын
I was really excited to dive into Rogue Incursion and even pre-ordered it, but the reprojection issue unfortunately makes it unplayable for me and many others. It causes significant discomfort and motion sickness that persists even when trying to push through it. I've ordered a PS5 Pro specifically hoping for better VR performance - is there any chance we could see a patch optimizing the game for the Pro? While I understand the Pro userbase is currently small, addressing these performance issues would not only help current players but could boost future sales as the Pro becomes more widespread and new PSVR iterations release. The core game looks fantastic, and I'd love to be able to fully experience it.
@shenmeowzoКүн бұрын
@@Not_ImpressedI'd 100% buy a pro if PSVR2 games were routinely getting a patch for it. Defo.
@avaron_VR_Gamecat23 сағат бұрын
❤ Patch in eyetracked dynamic foveated rendering (DFR) so you can make the game run at 90fps because eyetracked DFR helps let that happen much better then reprojection does on graphics rich games like this. Most modern game engines like Unreal5 or Unity can convert to DFR easy & by default, so if you can, look into it because our Ps5 psvr2 supports it & Alien is using Unreal5 engine. Hope you can let us know if it already has it or will in a few days near launch :)
@avaron_VR_Gamecat23 сағат бұрын
Survios make sure you add a space walk level or 3, into the game to add needed variety to levels. You can use the new Subside VR game as a guide on how to do a space walk correctly imagine fighting an alien on the outside of the ships hull with Subside mechanics & looks. Even a cool "if the sunrises" you must hide in the shade or the sun will sizzle you to death, mechanic layer on top would be epic. Carpe diem! :)
@ArtLike22 сағат бұрын
@@Survios Good luck with the launch, but is a future patch possible where you tone down the encounters? An encounter every 10 seconds feels a bit too much. Why not create more tension by letting the encounters breathe a bit more?
@REMY_L3beauКүн бұрын
The honesty of these reviews is always so refreshing. Always can expect you to tell it like it is, without a deal or sponsorship blinding your opinion. Respect.
@TooLateGaming20 сағат бұрын
Indeed! Too many KZbinrs can't be trusted (anymore). They just do anything for views and getting free stuff from developers and such. With many, it also feels if they are just playing a small portion of the game, which result in superficial reviews. I like how Bryan sometimes goes into these weird details, which shows he actually plays the game (from a gamer standpoint). And is also not afraid to bring in the negatives. Or actually, a balance of positives and negatives. Many KZbinrs are either too positive about something or too negative, because those are the kind of video-titles that attract viewers.
@josh.lo857212 сағат бұрын
Its hard for them unfortunatly many products are bad so even if they're not sponsored they still need to keep the interest up for making video 🫤
@SLX25Күн бұрын
I really hope they patch the non stop Xenos. Always knowing another one is on the way sounds really boring to me. Great review, Brian.
@dinkomalinko8585Күн бұрын
I hate when devs do infinite respawns whether it’s from alarm or if in a certain area or whatever.. it’s just lame , no one wants non-stop respawning of enemies.. breaks are good , add to tension
@nathanielthelin1051Күн бұрын
I couldn’t agree more. Infinite respawns really break immersion for me.
@melcroseКүн бұрын
@@nathanielthelin1051 It was an instant "no thanks" for me.
@pbarratt7321 сағат бұрын
@SLX25 totally with you on this... no element of surprise and pointless having motion tracker. If they fix that I'll be giving them my money.
@shaddow10009 сағат бұрын
That's what Dead Space and The Last of Us get right - they leave enough time to breathe and explore, and then they hit you with the good stuff
@rosdraculКүн бұрын
To solve the visual issue, set the console on Game (default). It looks muddy and blurry cause you have your console on Performance setting. For uknown reasons it messes the game up, so make sure to set it to "Game (default)" and you will be blown away! (It looks extremely good!)
@WithoutParole23 сағат бұрын
This is NOT the issue. I'm familiar with the bug in question and what I'm describing in this review is the the visuals with the Game Settings on Default.
@PrenticeSummerscales23 сағат бұрын
@@WithoutParole Is this on both the Pro and base PS5?
@Kders22 сағат бұрын
@@PrenticeSummerscalessomeone didn’t watch the review….🫣
@RoyMartiniPSКүн бұрын
Great review as always. Still plenty to play right now, so I don’t mind waiting for a sale. Excited to see how they develop part 2 to improve on this one.
@Slaughter_HillКүн бұрын
Non stop xenos sounds awful. Imagine even the scariest game. Now imagine it with non stop enemies. Hurts the horror
@Kders22 сағат бұрын
I have a similar worry about suspense overall, but the vibe is clearly more Aliens with an “s” - a good ol’bug hunt rather than a horror thing. And I’m there for that - there’s a part of me stuck in an Isolation locker for the best part of 10 years, and they are never ever coming out. 🥸
@mattyork762519 сағат бұрын
No kidding. All the suspense is thrown out the window and suspense is a big part of the Alien franchise. This is just a horde shooter with rear projection
@Rachael-the-janky-gamecatКүн бұрын
Still a day one one purchase for me. It's Aliens in VR and not bad! I'll just replay if it gets patched for bugs or the pro. Hopefully they take the feedback for Part 2 and make something great.
@bobholness4345Күн бұрын
They won't...they made onslaught ffs 😂
@plo617Күн бұрын
I belive that many of these devs having to build their games with a Quest version in mind, compromises the potential out of all of these games. I still hope we get an Alien Isolation port one day..
@joemojoVR21 сағат бұрын
It's such a pity , servios did the same thing with waking dead onslaught. So frustrating.. they have released some really good games in the past .
@DevVRAR13 сағат бұрын
It doesn't
@plo61713 сағат бұрын
@@DevVRAR I just don't see how it doesn't. Sure, you can scale certain things up and down. However, the limits will still be weighed down by the weaker hardware. A game that is native to the stronger platform will simply have less constraints, on a design level.
@DevVRAR13 сағат бұрын
@ VR is not at a point in time where that matters yet, the game’s quality will never be decided by it either
@plo61711 сағат бұрын
@@DevVRAR Game design is the heart and soul of any game. VR or not. And game design is completely dependent on the hardware. The Quest's dominance in the VR space is a double edged sword. It would be like if game like TLOU2, GTA6 and Elden Ring had to design their games around the Switch.
@The-Real-Mr-BondКүн бұрын
Thanks for the honest review as always!!
@moneyteamdream7581Күн бұрын
This may be the only triple AAA level VR Aliens game we ever get.
@A540678Күн бұрын
Isolation 2 is in development. I'd be honestly surprised if it doesn't get official VR support
@moneyteamdream7581Күн бұрын
@A540678 that would be amazing!
@Oblivion486Күн бұрын
@A540678 the first one didn't have VR support (they started it but abandoned it), so I wouldn't be surprised if they second one doesn't have it.
@adaml.5355Күн бұрын
It is called "Part 1" and I think it will sell quite well.
@sirdan357Күн бұрын
@@A540678 If this game doesn't sell I guarantee it won't.
@djg3906Күн бұрын
They should give the aliens free roam which means you could enter a room on the first play through and there’s no alien, the second time there is. The game sounds like it’s missing unpredictability. Stick the unpredictability in and we could have a real winner of a VR horror game. Of course the main scenes which always require an alien to carry the cutscene would have to remain unchanged but just give the aliens free roam and the game will change for the better.
@PrenticeSummerscalesКүн бұрын
Free range xenos.
@djg3906Күн бұрын
@AlbertBalbastreMorte10 сағат бұрын
Or just stick to action videogame logic so once you clear a room, that's it.
@BGNgonКүн бұрын
Having played AvP on PC back in the day (marine, realistic setting), I'm so glad the aliens and gunplay are more like that '90's masterpiece than the Colonial Marines effort on PS3. Still looking forward to this though, I hope the atmosphere and gameplay will distract me enough from the reprojection and blur. I do feel we should be supporting games with ambition and integrity like this one. But I am hoping there's a graphics patch incoming. Thanks for your honest review, Bryan.
@Ace6amerКүн бұрын
Thank you, Bryan! Wait for part 2, wait for a bundle, then wait for that bundle to go on sale. Got it!
@socialdestruct5414Күн бұрын
I cannot deal with reprojection when it's used poorly. GT7 had bad reprojection and it showed. Now the method they use doesn't have that terrible ghosting. Why Aliens isn't using the new reprojection method is ridiculous. Also, it's crazy to me that one dev on subside can run circles around this game technically. Those are the devs who get my money. Not a dev team who clearly didn't want to utilize VR2, PS5, or PS5 Pro. While Aliens looks fun the bad reprojection doesn't sit well with me.
@A540678Күн бұрын
About what I expected. I'll still be picking it up and enjoying the world.
@SC0RPI0NFURYКүн бұрын
7/10 is actually a pretty decent score and who knows maybe it's a 9/10 for you
@Tangible_DКүн бұрын
People are saying the blurry look is because the ps5 default performance mode setting is overriding the game so you have to go into game options amd change it.
@WithoutParole23 сағат бұрын
Yup, Jammy and I discovered that bug the first day keys went out. This has nothing to do with that
@johnbowen7314Күн бұрын
Hm. Was concerned when no response on whether dynamic foveated rendering was included persisted. I was massively disappointed with how metro looked too. There’s really no excuse for psvr2 games not to take advantage of dfr by this point. The actual gameplay, that never looked convincing either. What a shame.
@dinkomalinko8585Күн бұрын
You’re a great honest reviewer and we all appreciate it
@lordfuniku7972Күн бұрын
Great review! Ill wait for a sale and hopefully a 90 fps mode!
@sirdan357Күн бұрын
Picked it up. I'll wait a month before playing though. These games need to be supported.
@coltukkorКүн бұрын
Oh I thought this was going to be a horror with action. Disappointed to see it’s an action with horror
@CHROME-COLOSSUS23 сағат бұрын
I wonder what happened to the sections they said would require some more stealth, like Isolation? I knew they had pivoted away from Isolation toward ALIENS, but I distinctly recall them saying there would be variety. I’ll still get it, but I’m surprised and disappointed to hear it has no periods of quiet or stealth at all. I actually treasure the calmer stretches in these sorts of games. I’m glad to hear that it’s very good, I guess I’ll keep whittling away at my (very great) backlog before nabbing this. Too bad it doesn’t have an option for co-op, either… I could see it’s lesser qualities being brushed aside if I was in there with other players, similar to how FIREWALL ZERO HOUR did it with the players versus bots mode. Huh. Well, thanks for the rundown, Bryan!
@idancharleslevine4094Күн бұрын
I hope it can be improved with updates and part 2
@martineidloth9577Күн бұрын
Ill go for it. Tomorrow will be awesome!❤
@SeanoldBeasley23 сағат бұрын
The biggest gripe I have with the game in previews that I’ve watched seems to be the alien encounters aren’t quite random enough but that can be tweaked easily I think. The countdown shouldn’t be the same every time after a clear. But said timer should change after play throughs. As far as full body IK and weapon sway, these features are both SUPER important to me. It’s hard to keep a weapon completely stable when you’re moving around and I LOVE having a full body like bonelab. I’m so excited to play this game I’d also like to have seen 1 additional pistol that wasn’t a revolver, a flamethrower, and a smart gun as far as weapon variety. Maybe they’ll add that in part 2
@BigFroggКүн бұрын
Still bought it. A 7/10 game where I shoot xenomorphs still sounds like a good time lol
@hollywooda111Күн бұрын
Ummm I think I'm gonna wait on this one... I dont wanna play it then get a update next day that transforms it.
@mattyork762519 сағат бұрын
Same. I got tons of games to play. Waiting for an update. Some things really bother me here
@NeurodiperfluouspolarificКүн бұрын
Looks pretty good. I'm definitely in...
@kxacd789Күн бұрын
The most important thing is whether a game is what you like and is most suitable for you. For example, many people like No Man Sky very much and it was highly rated. I only played it once and then never played it again...
@WithoutParole23 сағат бұрын
100%. We all have preferences and that will sway your opinion on a game considerably. I personally love the Alien franchise, smooth framerates, and games with polish. So that swayed me while playing Rogue Incursion
@XanderCreaseКүн бұрын
Everyone who said "Just port Isolation to VR" are probably looking a bit smug right now. Still, this looks fine (not full price though personally). Hope they patch out the "bleeding" AA and other graphics and performance issues😮💨
@AmigaVRКүн бұрын
Hmm AJ says it's a must buy great graphics no murra and everything is interactive 9/10 game. I guess we will either love it or not so much 🙂
@PrenticeSummerscalesКүн бұрын
Might be a case of one of them's got Alien as their favourite movie, and the other prefers Aliens.
@Volkovic7013Күн бұрын
Even playing AVP back in the day as a marine you felt at a disadvantage and it was always intense when aliens would attack from the shadows
@melcroseКүн бұрын
AVP was an absolute masterpiece. You could take that ancient game, port to vr, and have a huge win.
@petermulder7480Күн бұрын
This is One of the games we need to support, if this fails horrible there won't be another good VR Alien game for a long time. Just enjoy the good things and keep dreaming for better in the future
@djg3906Күн бұрын
This is the way I look at it.
@PrenticeSummerscalesКүн бұрын
I think this one is going to sell well by PSVR2 standards. The series is back in fashion, and there are lots of new headset users who'll want to try some blockbuster games this December.
@KeiBrightwingКүн бұрын
This looks like purchase at 50% off, if it ever goes that low.
@333335339Күн бұрын
I was really not a big fan of alien isolation. I am really looking forward to this one. Picking up a pulse rifle and blasting aliens is what vr is made for.
@kilartist1thedreamweaverga3Күн бұрын
Hopefully a day one patch is inbound.. looks line Metro got a patch rust fixed a lot so if this does not get patched on day 1 i guess i will finish Behemoth, then Metro and then this once it gets patched. From AJ’s review it should like they got a lot right but needs some love to make it epic. Great review man! Still a great time for VR!!
@teamdoa22 сағат бұрын
I am curious, (although I will be buying it anyway) do they not give these games to people to play test then get feedback from them in order to implement changes before release? That way, there is more chance of achieving healthy sales on initial release.
@lincolnklayvrКүн бұрын
Sounds like another form of wave shooter
@PapaSquatttКүн бұрын
Looks super fun to me!
@viperal583222 сағат бұрын
Wow only a 7 lol 😂 I thought you would at least give it an 8.5 lol
@IsaacCosmicКүн бұрын
KZbin definitely knows what I’m on the app for, this being my top suggestion. Little disappointed this is how it turned out, but I usually still love VR even if the game is jank. Guess we’ll see how patches and the sequel go!
@jtm7336Күн бұрын
I will pass on this one. I had very little faith that Survious would have pulled this off.
@bmackVRКүн бұрын
Why do you put the social screen output text up? Just curious, is there a time your not using that footage?
@thijsreijnders471122 сағат бұрын
Thanks Bryan! Do you have a video on what reprojection is? I heard it so many times but don’t know what it technically is.
@WithoutParole22 сағат бұрын
It's just ghosting that you see when moving around the environment. Some people see it, some people don't. So if it's not something you notice, be thankful! It's super distracting to me....
@thijsreijnders471111 сағат бұрын
@ ok, maybe I’ve seen it without knowing what it is. Thanks for the explanation!
@deadcatthinks6725Күн бұрын
Cheers WP - sounds like a "wait for a sale" title, unless I get bored between now & the other new releases on the horizon.
@pbarratt7322 сағат бұрын
Perfect review... I'll hold on to my money for now though. Lets see if they patch the frequent alien spawn rate. Seriously has took out the tension of surprise and horror. If they do, I'll buy it.
@DeathblowMateriaКүн бұрын
I had a feeling it was going to be disappointing when I saw footage of so many aliens getting destroyed by pistols. All they needed to do was make a game like Isolation in vr.
@LampsPantsКүн бұрын
Its a shame the game isnt a slam dunk but between this review and others its really sounding like I'm going to find it a really cool VR experience (for at least some of it I guess?). I hope Part Two can be an improvement!
@Magnum-Gaming18 сағат бұрын
Good to see transparency!
@damionmensah1477Күн бұрын
Sounds like people were expecting Alien Isolation but in vr. This isn't that obviously. Sounds more like Action then horror .
@user-oj8dr4di3z21 сағат бұрын
disappointing there is no flame thrower as a weapon
@Zirus_Blackheart22 сағат бұрын
aaaaaand as i predicted, rogue incursion isnt anything special 😕 SOMONE RELEASE ISOLATION IN VR! JEEZ!
@owRekssjfjxjxuurrpqpqssКүн бұрын
Part of why isolation worked so well was that there weren’t endless supplies of weak aliens, it was only a few extremely strong aliens and self defense was a last resort that usually would only temporarily fend off the alien but not kill it. This looks like it totally misses what made isolation work so well.
@metalgamecatsolid-frits7828Күн бұрын
Thanks for the review Bryan! Glad it didn't took you as long as Behemoth 😉 I loved RE4 for it's intense action, so this will not disappoint me I guess 😻👍
@imaginator85Күн бұрын
I pray for the day when VR devs take things seriously. This pattern of games looking hype and then ending up being half baked and disappointing is just the standard now.
@shrekrealista5045Күн бұрын
Maybe you don't, but a lot of devs already take VR seriously
@LampsPantsКүн бұрын
Pretty sure the majority *are* taking it seriously and working their arses off. Even when a game turns out bad it's a pretty safe assumption that unless you're looking at an uninspired asset flip or something the people working on it worked hard.
@letsseepaulallenscard4419Күн бұрын
Sony need to put some money behind the headset, which of course they won't as we all sadly now know. The only next generation experiences on the psvr2 are village, re4 and call of the mountain. Both resident evil games on psvr2 are amongst my best ever gaming experiences period. Are there any AAA games to be cautiously optimistic about in the future?
@Hiedon123Күн бұрын
An aliens game where the best looking thing is playing around with terminals 😂
@dp7987Күн бұрын
I might have missed it in the review, but I had mentioned in the trailer video that it didn't look as dark in some areas like I would have expected. In the game is this aesthetic met properly would you say? Did it feel like you were in an "Aliens" environment? Second question, would you have preferred Alien Isolation over this in VR?
@WithoutParole23 сағат бұрын
It was definitely dark. Very dark. Proper Alien vibes But yeah, I would have preferred getting Alien Isolation in VR to Rogue Incursion
@dp798721 сағат бұрын
@WithoutParole The environment makes this a go for me. I would probably agree about isolation. Appreciate it
@richardbaqui7173Күн бұрын
Servios is back!
@heavybrett-al408218 сағат бұрын
I'm loving it so far, only just started it, but it's quenching my thrust for wanting to be in this world. Hopefully the Dev's continue to tweak it in the future.👍
@LucifersBeard332Күн бұрын
Thanks for this. Great review and looks like one to maybe get on a sale.
@nodecrasher49913 сағат бұрын
Damn it looks so neat in VR. Time to put my Index into work
@rauldeluna1Күн бұрын
How disappointing.
@braxbro7602Күн бұрын
How is a 7 out of 10 disappointing?
@drippythegamecat536523 сағат бұрын
@@braxbro7602not sure about Raul, but I was hoping we'd get a surprise resurgence from Survios after all these years. Based on the review, it seems like they met the low bar of being better than TWD: onslaught
@rauldeluna122 сағат бұрын
@@braxbro7602 I was referring to the fact that the xenamorphs just keep coming at you non stop. It would of been so much better if they showed up periodically without any warning. The jump scare factor would've been much better. Also, the fact that you never really need to use the hand held monitor to track their location. I wanted this game to feel like I was inside an Aliens movie. But based on this review, it doesn't seem like that's the case.
@Zeidinho23 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the review - pretty much what I expected. It seems like only a few studios know how to truly maximize the potential of the hardware. The team behind Red Matter comes to mind.
@marcinpuszczao941814 сағат бұрын
I was about to buy the PSVR just because of this game: Thank God I saw this and saved a ton of money
@carlotron6515Күн бұрын
Thanks for your review, Creed blurry too
@DavijoBoyКүн бұрын
I'll probably pick up Metro after I'm done with Behemoth, Would've preferred this to be more like Isolation.
@erikgarcia2854Күн бұрын
So, it sounds like an action horror alien vr game. Like dead space. Sounds cool enough
@WithoutParole20 сағат бұрын
Action for sure. Horror, much less so. A Dead Space-style Alien game would be EPIC :D
@oursiqueКүн бұрын
Never "got enough already" of your reviews!
@Volkovic7013Күн бұрын
Would it be fair to say it is like a rail shooter but with more freedom? I was hoping this would have more subtlety to it, be more intense but it looks to be less so.
@WithoutParole23 сағат бұрын
No I don't think that would be fair. There's enough exploration, puzzle solving, and terminal interactions that keep it from feeling like a wave shooter.
@Volkovic701330 минут бұрын
@WithoutParole thank you
@PortuducksКүн бұрын
With all these xeno blood particle effects, you'd expect the environment to be Swiss cheese after shooting one down, unless this game occurs at a time when Y-W already developed spacecraft hulls that can withstand acidic corrosion.
@mitchjopeydope899717 сағат бұрын
What is full body IK?
@WithoutParole17 сағат бұрын
Inverse kinematics is the technical (and probably not-incredibly-accurate) term for having your full body represented in VR rather than just floating hands as most games do it.
@mitchjopeydope899716 сағат бұрын
@@WithoutParole Oh thank you, that's actually usually what I prefer in VR. Love your videos btw!
@SteveHinkley1971Күн бұрын
Absolutely amazing review, as per usual.
@daviddowsett1658Күн бұрын
Darn it ... I had high hopes for this, some of the visuals could be patched in time, but not the AI/Atomosphere, I was really hoping of a fun game to play on my lonley Xmas Hols ... might actatul switch to Metro VR: Awakening, as I want creepy scarry horror (+ a bit of action), will have to think about it on Friday after work.
@mediocrelukeКүн бұрын
Man, when will I learn.. never preorder! I had low expectations and this still looks disappointing. They had the blueprint with Isolation (devs even said they were big fans of it) and still managed to mess it up. Also, the Pro has been out for some time now. Why aren't new games taking advantage of it? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
@JohnDoe11VII22 сағат бұрын
Why would you preorder a digital game? PSN isn't going to run out of copies. They have been working years to make a game for PS5. If they programmed for the Pro it would have taken even longer to release the game. Pro features could come latter in an post release patch, if they think it's worth the time and money.
was waiting to see if this was better than metro. Which one should I get?
@Pablo-dt9pmКүн бұрын
Metro 100%
@WithoutParole23 сағат бұрын
Ancient Dungeon
@kevinsmithfan3722 сағат бұрын
Can i ask. Ign said in their review they had an issue with hitting the ps logo button by accident. Did you have that issue at all or is this another case of ign blaming user error on poor controls
@WithoutParole22 сағат бұрын
In the 10 hours I spent with Rogue Incursion I did that once. But I probably accidentally hit the PlayStation button once every 10 hours I spend in my PSVR2 headset, regardless of the game. It happens but it's very seldom an issue. Meaning if you don't usually do it in other games, you probably won't do it here either
@kevinsmithfan3721 сағат бұрын
@WithoutParole thanks, I thought it sounded like bullshit when he said it, but figured I had to confirm it with other sources
@moneyteamdream7581Күн бұрын
Other KZbinrs noticed that performance mode in Playstation settings made the game look and feel muddy. Switch that off and it looks beautiful. Not sure if this is what plagued Bryan?
@WithoutParole23 сағат бұрын
I experienced that too. What I'm describing in this review has nothing to do with that particular bug
@moneyteamdream758123 сағат бұрын
@WithoutParole thanks Bryan!! Hoping part 2 might be a bit more on the scary, horror side. I'm still going to pick this up though. Happy holidays man!
@4theluvofmusic10 сағат бұрын
I would be less inclined to play an Alien Isolation VR port because I'm a pansy. But something that puts you in that world and gives you the force necessary to defend yourself actually looks like a fun romp to me. I'll put this one on my wishlist and pick it up after I've knocked a couple other VR games off my backlog. I hope there will be some polishing before then.
@emilianomontanari2839 сағат бұрын
reprojection also for ps5 pro?
@steverichard2786Күн бұрын
Try going in to settings change performance mode to Game mode helps with graphics
@WithoutParole23 сағат бұрын
I'm familiar with that bug --- what I'm describing in this review is the actual game with the correct settings
@steverichard278623 сағат бұрын
@WithoutParole Thanks, Brian. I was gonna pick this up day 1. Think I'll wait for a sale
@adammerza57455 сағат бұрын
Saints and Sinners also had constant spawning enemies, didnt hurt the tension. I suppose they were more avoidable
@whistlestopwondersКүн бұрын
Think I will wait for a patch with that reprojection and AA issue.
@hb-hr1nh23 сағат бұрын
It seems more a wave shooter, it reminds me of the "Aliens: Colonial Marines" game from 2013.
@olddarth6385Күн бұрын
Thanks Bryan!
@Webinthamind23 сағат бұрын
i like that you included how it performs on PS5 pro will wait till it gets patched many of the issue seems fixable
@ArtLike23 сағат бұрын
Damn damn damn!!! Developers, TRUST YOUR AUDIENCE. The reason Alien Isolation was such a great experience was because the game knew how to pace itself properly. It understood and made it quite clear to the player that if you meet one of these Aliens, you’re gonna get killed. So why throw hundreds of these things at us and essentially make it a shooting gallery game? Hopefully, a patch will be released that addresses these issues. tone it down. There should be a push and pull happening here, keeping the player on their toes but not boring them either.
@Panos_GRE23 сағат бұрын
Funny you said that because in Aliens the movie, they are treated like low rate canon fodder that go down with a few shots. Their intelligence is massively underated in the latest movie too. This game is supposed to be more Aliens than Alien, so the shooting gallery makes sense.
@ArtLike23 сағат бұрын
Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I would have preferred more horror over action. Not full stealth like in Isolation, but when you can’t even spend 10 full seconds without an encounter (as reported in this review), that seems a bit too much.
@laserdawn652718 сағат бұрын
Until they swarm..that's what I was expecting in this game. It should be like music. I heard another reviewer say it's one note all the way through. But they said the story was good. I want a challenge and intensity, on edge stuff. Like maybe traversing high up. And shooting aliens on wires,pipes connecting to your path kinda thing. The frigging Queen alien. Not the young queen version..I want to be like Ripley standing there in a nest. Not sure if the game will be able to be modded on pc?
@avaron_VR_Gamecat12 сағат бұрын
Lets just hope the Alien detector motion sensor becomes more useful in the mythical part2 upcoming pack. ( They updated store info) I am actually excited to think we might get MORE Alien Rogue incursion. its always a good thing to get more of a favored IP we love. * hopes * :) . . THEN we will NEED to use the motion sensors! -_^ Thanks again for the timley review BP, your the best!
@GreyMatterShades12 сағат бұрын
Ah that's a shame. I was hoping they could nail it a bit better than a 7. Hopefully some patches can improve the visual aspects and maybe change the enemy spawns to create more tension. As for the performance, I've heard volumetric fog and lighting (and a lot of stuff that has transparencies) can be pretty hardware intensive in VR. Seems like they're using a lot of that stuff to create their atmosphere, so that could explain the need for reprojection. Does the game use DFR?
@minners7123 сағат бұрын
Think I will wait a few months and pick it up then. Hopefully they will rethink the gameplay decisions.
@barragethree5047Күн бұрын
This looks pretty damn good. More action than horror,, but that's okay. As much as I love Isolation, I wouldn't want a VR locker simulator
@jackcall381522 сағат бұрын
Wow this looks great. Cannot wait to play tomorrow
@typicalsloth2716Күн бұрын
Sounds like huge Aliens fans will enjoy this as is, while the rest of us can just wait for a visual patch. Seems pretty solid to me still though for $40
@Fr3akyFrapz20 сағат бұрын
a full on alien isolation vr port should be made!
@ItsFreeVRealEstateКүн бұрын
Another great review, this game looks awesome. Give me bhaptics support Survios.
@ryogo66622 сағат бұрын
I think I'd rather have non stop enemies coming at me than having several minutes of walking between encounters like in Metro and Behemoth.
@JoHnAnDjAnEdOe81Күн бұрын
So wait for an update is what it sounds like. So in a month it will be better.
@osamahanged23 сағат бұрын
I guess I'll wait for a sale. Waited for Metro to go on sale and finally picked it up on Monday when it was 20% off. Been playing that recently and loving it. Next I'm waiting for Behemoth sale and finally Aliens. Got so many games on backlog that I need to play through first.
@Bitmappy23 сағат бұрын
What a shame and to add insult to injury, although not VR, isolation is currently on offer for £8.99. But you know what, a score of 7.0 isn’t a bad game.
@CR00K__Gaming21 сағат бұрын
We are in the age where a game will improve within a couple months with updates, so this 7.0 might actually be an 8 in 2-3 months. I have a couple games to run through anyways, so I'll probably swing back, but I am really excited for this one!
@kelteelКүн бұрын
Although i would love an official Isolation VR, i do love shooting Aliens. A:CM was disappointing, but still fun, especially multiplayer. But shooting Aliens in VR is my dream come through. Even if the game is mediocre, it is still insta buy once it releases on Quest 3.
@damiendelawderКүн бұрын
OUCH... hype derailed. 😞 7 not worth 39.99 hard pass. Putting away my PSVR2 until Jan, i guess... what a shit ending to 2024 for VR 😢