いわゆる積雪が増える大粒の雪は湿度も関係しますが、気温は-1~3℃くらいで降ってくる。空中で溶けてくっついて凍ってを繰り返して大きくなる。 寒ければ寒いほど雲でできた粒がそのまんま降るから雪の粒は小さくなる。 要は、日本より極寒でも最高気温が-5℃程度以下なら、雪が降ったって積雪は大したことないんですよね。 by 青森市民
Japan has been in the path of typhoons, bomb cyclones, and torrential rains in summer, In winter, they only turn into heavy snow because of the lower temperatures. This is a natural phenomenon since they are located in the same place, In Japan, summer is a typhoon disaster and winter is a heavy snow disaster. Japan is a country that is rich in natural blessings, but at the same time, it is a dangerous country with many natural disasters that can take away human property overnight. The reason for the misperception is that both Japanese and foreigners are unaware of the geographical peculiarities of the Japanese islands. The natural environment of Japan is completely different from the natural environment of countries on the continent, including those in Asia! The dangers of the natural environment of Japan, an isolated island nation in the Pacific Ocean, are not only in the path of weather-related summer typhoons and heavy winter snowfalls, While the warm and humid climate provides an abundance of green vegetation and food resources, bacteria and pathogens are just as easily generated and propagated, and the humid air is a dangerous environment where mold and decay can quickly occur. Therefore, since ancient times, long before the development of technology and scientific knowledge, Japanese people have been religiously taught to keep their daily living environment clean, to purify themselves and their environment by purifying themselves of impurities, and have been strictly taught from an early age so that it becomes part of their daily routine. This is because the environment is dangerous, and if one is sloppy and neglects daily cleaning, pathogens can quickly multiply in the house and spread disease. Since ancient times, many epidemics have killed many people. Japan's environment is a completely different world from that of the arid continent. Moreover, being a volcanic archipelago, it is an unstable and dangerous land with frequent earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Foreigners from the continent tend to overlook this other element of Japan's natural environment, which is actually the most dangerous of all. There is a clear and rational reason why the Japanese people have traditionally maintained a disciplined and clean environment with a supportive and organized way of life.