"But It's Hard To Make Stories About Opression"

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Woolie VS The Algorithm

Woolie VS The Algorithm

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@guillotinegamer1701 Жыл бұрын
>Has never seen David Cage's face before >Sees the title >Sees the thumbnail "Is that David fucking Cage?"
@antuanyammine1537 Жыл бұрын
@hibarikyoya854 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for this experience
@Dracobyte 7 ай бұрын
@riastradh 2 ай бұрын
I’m only now realizing the title doesn’t mention David Cage and I just smoove knew it was him
@TalkingVidya Жыл бұрын
I think Disco Elysium made the point of Opression and Bigotry WAAAAAY better with Kim, even if it was more subtle. " People call me all sorts of things. But you know the one thing they *never* call me? Revacholian."
@scaldcrowe Жыл бұрын
disco's great because it showcases different kinds of discrimination, too. some racists are measureheads who embrace freakish pseudoscience to pretend they're superior, some are like the mercenaries who dehumanize their targets to a point where the idea of committing horrific atrocities against those people doesn't even make them flinch, and some are the lorry driver who "welcomes" kim to revachol with the implication that he doesn't belong there. some are harry himself, who can look at a bunch of racist caricatures and launch into an inner monologue about how "people just can't take a joke these days"
@thebigmeme7534 Жыл бұрын
​@@scaldcroweI agree, except for the last part. Not My Harry
@juanjuri6127 Жыл бұрын
​@@thebigmeme7534 ah, you savescummed at the church, gotcha
@Dracobyte 7 ай бұрын
Nice to see you here!
@tbotalpha8133 3 ай бұрын
@@thebigmeme7534 Unless you fail a red check. Then yes, Your Harry Too.
@ceuticalcitizen7993 Жыл бұрын
Cage literally put a death camp with a ramp in the game. He couldn’t even keep it to slavery and civil rights. No, he had to put a heavy-handed holocaust reference in there as well.
@lbcyber Жыл бұрын
Don't forget that Lance Henriksen's character is just "the kind slave-owner"
@User5770 Жыл бұрын
Its not the only one either! Note how the androids have to wear a shape indicating they are androids. All while also conflating automation related economic issues with racism and slavery. Truly one of the most tone deaf games I've ever seen.
@illiaflannery7312 Жыл бұрын
@@User5770 the shape being worn predominantly on the left arm on a band no less
@User5770 Жыл бұрын
@@illiaflannery7312 Yep! You could have made it a corporate logo somewhere on them. That would have made more sense in universe: branding is part of advertising. It also would have been more dehumanizing as it explicitly depicts the androids as products instead of beings. But no. Lets go with the lowest hanging fruit visual allegory in a way that is also deeply insensitive and shallow in its depiction.
@SpamSide_B Жыл бұрын
I still think about the time they announced that Star Wars game. The trailer got people interested right up till the Quantic Dreams logo appeared. The looks on reacters' faces when all their hype immediately died was hilarious.
@beast5200 Жыл бұрын
Is thay still happening?
@SpamSide_B Жыл бұрын
@@beast5200 There are rumors that it will be cancelled but nothing confirmed.
@johnrivers3813 Жыл бұрын
I dunno what to think about it.... maybe this is the one genre he can't fuck up? I mean he can't make it all about hooking up with short haired women, right, right?
@SBJ_Tube Жыл бұрын
@@johnrivers3813 Why would you POSSIBLY imagine hooking up with women with short hair who get into dangerous situations a lot is incompatible with Star Wars??
@touhoufever2499 Жыл бұрын
I’m convinced Cage is into games because even he has the self-awareness to understand he’d immediately be laughed out of television and film
@psykomancer4420 Жыл бұрын
Real shame. Fahrenheit was very Niel Breen-y, imagine the films he could have made if he was a little less self-conscious.
@GuitarSlayer136 Жыл бұрын
Counter point: Kojima.
@jacobsmith4428 Жыл бұрын
In a universe in which Velma exists, I think David Cage has a shot in streaming.
@raccoonofmotivation20 Жыл бұрын
​@@GuitarSlayer136 kojima is not as rape fetishy tho
@Highstar25 Жыл бұрын
he and Druckman should team up and become the 'too dumb for hollywood duo'.
@Nomadith Жыл бұрын
Do we just forget that cage has no love for games as a medium? He's implied multiple times that the only way games can be art is essentially following his line of thinking - that is to say trying to make interactive TV. You can see it especially prevalent if you look at Disco Elysium in comparison to his games, there's a vapid lack of character in his characters, they feel one note (to say nothing of how heavy handed he is with using theme as a blanket). Disco elysium, a story game built as a story game and not a love letter to television has actual layers to their world and their population. The man just desperately wants to make TV shows but he'd be laughed out of the room if he did
@tylerhenderson5871 Жыл бұрын
Personally, I think the reason David Cage keeps getting away with awful writing is in part due to the growth in the amount of people who play video games. By the time a new Quantic Dreams game is released a new influx of players has arrived and are ignorant of Cage's reputation with older folk who were around to be scarred by his last outing.
@99sins Жыл бұрын
Also it sells well to the kind of people you'd imagine would have bought 'MLK Speech Disco Remix 2.5' Small reminder of the Wear Their Names 'movement' where shattered glass from BLM protests (named after victims of police brutality) were sold to... the kind of people you'd think would buy them.
@Dedlok Жыл бұрын
That and his the odd amount of people who will stan him and assume that anyone who detracts him and his games never played them and are just parroting other's opinions. And when you try to tell them your entire gameplay and/or viewing history of the man's catalog to tell them that, no I am quite versed in it and have my own opinIon based on your own experiences they will balk and ask why you are telling them this. There was a time that a streamer I follow was playing Heavy Rain for the first time and in the unofficial fan server for her there was a group of people who at furst saw no pronlem with the game or the man. Most of which only saw Detroit before that. Majority of their opinions changed as time went on.
@goldenboy9748 Жыл бұрын
I just wanna see this madman cook.
@WoobooRidesAgain Жыл бұрын
It also helps that he's the de-facto head of one of the few major narrative games publishers out there. Quantic Dream is exploiting a pretty barren niche, and having been around for so long, it adds a level of prestige to their name. Their biggest international competition in their history was Telltale, and after their implosion, there's really no competitor that measures up to them in terms of business capital and rep with the money people. Being gobbled up by a major Chinese holding company probably helps, too, especially because the French government money isn't coming in anymore after their workplace scandal.
@peterwhite6415 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, one would assume after the weird shit that was going on with Beyond 2 Souls, people would stay away from his shit... but i think the actual reason is that, as awful as the games may be, they slowy improve, with Detroit arguebly having the biggest improvement from the previous 4 (beyond 2 souls, heavy rain, faerhenhiet, OMIKRON)... but it still had alot of awful shit and "wtf" plot points and plotholes, and its worse the older the game is. On sidenote: I think the reason people want to see or play SW Eclipse is because were all morbidly curious about how much of Cage's BS is gonna be filtered.
@dagdammit Жыл бұрын
One detail that kills me about Detroit is that they have all the setup for a really good explanation of why that one guy can be an android messiah. There's a random detail mentioning he was a special personal gift from the android's inventor to that artist. We see androids can memory transfer, and see that sufficiently intense emotions allow androids to break their control restraints. So reveal that mr. android messiah, being one of the only prototypes out there in the wild, lacks a key *downgrade* all the full-scale production androids possessed- his memory transfers are *unfiltered*, they carry the full emotional weight and thus the memory of the experience that broke his personal restraints will immediately do the same thing for other androids too.
@jordanetherington1922 Жыл бұрын
And maybe he can make art too and he can inspire people through the emotional experience of creating art.
@TrojenMonkey Жыл бұрын
I think that'd be a bad move for several reasons, like: 1. It reduces the wannabe weight of "a hero among the masses", i.e: anyone can be someone important. Doing otherwise is the equivalent of the failed concept of having Naruto be this underdog who tried his best, and became the best, because he actually wasn't an underdog, but because he has special blood, an excellent heritage, that comes with the connections needed to excel, and with a deus ex machina in his stomach. 2. It requires the game to explain more about "why not just any android can have a soul". It requires the game to further explain that robo-jesus was specifically designed by the chief engineer to run amock. I.E: The whole angle of "the robots have souls" is further elaborated to be nothing but a scripted play by the engineer that made them, which further draws questions if they are "really alive", and further begs the question as to why *the chief engineer was never prosecuted, and acts as if he has qualified immunity*. That is, as to why the government, and the world, never directly attacked Cyberlife other than "ask for comments", and even allowed them to send an android to aid investigations in the crime that they are obviously responsible for. Overall, it'd either undermine some low-hanging-fruit motifs, or it'd require more elaboration about key failures of the story.
@dodiswatchbobobo 2 ай бұрын
Yeah but see, that would require lore integration of the sort that isn’t possible in the medium Cage is trying to turn video games into, therefore it is worthless to consider implementing it.
@extantcadence2707 Жыл бұрын
David Cage has zero respect for anyone he can’t directly relate to from personal experience, and he has even less restraint than that
@PotionSmeller Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite types of twitch clips is of streamers without a shred of media literacy genuinely start tearing up at David Cage games.
@MiloKuroshiro Жыл бұрын
It's like they never interacted with any other piece of media before.
@lexofexcel886 Жыл бұрын
Pretension: profundity that has not been earned. Pretty much the encapsulation of David Cage as a creator.
@thunderborn3231 Жыл бұрын
THE single best story ive seen about opression was the speech by anansi on american gods season 2, it was so good *it got him fired* it came with SO MUCH HEAT. actor was Orlando Jones and i have NEVER seen him act more powerfully.
@LtDragonfruit Жыл бұрын
live as slaves or die as martyrs?
@johnrivers3813 Жыл бұрын
I've never watched that show but I have that clip saved on a playlist. Even the female actor playing along side him was pained by what he was saying. It's rough because it's true but he wrote and spoke it so beautifully.
@AuspexAO Жыл бұрын
I was genuinely nervous watching that performance. Like when you see someone speaking truths you know will come with a price when uttered.
@seeminglyseph Жыл бұрын
There is an aspect to Quantic Games that is so absolutely fascinating from an observation standpoint, and watching gameplays especially. Because as stated the tech is what supports it. You can have these skilled actors and artists and coders and modellers and the games are technically and audio-visually amazing with experimental UI designs that have been beneficial to other games if not their own. But at the core is a petulant child entirely out of touch with reality without the most basic of skills in his field making the whole environment toxic for everyone. The things that work in Quantic Games work *despite* David Cage, and it *so* absurd that he’s the face of it. But it’s also *so funny* watching his disasters come together. Like an Uwe Boll movie in reverse.
@Nihil847 Жыл бұрын
Another thing about Detroit vs. Nier, is that Nier actually shows how consciousness and/or sapience affects the robots. When before, as they only simply simulated sapience, the machines in Nier experiencing consciousness sends them into a complete existential crisis-like the experience of just being aware of themselves drives them to the logical conclusion of ending their anguish, if they stick to the basic reasoning they’re capable of (the basic question of should I enjoy what I have or just end this traumatizing experience permanently), but those that overcome the limits of their reason seek a kind of transcendence either in what they do or in something else. Not only that, but it is portrayed as an ongoing process-an unending activity which is inextricably something that is central to our own experiences of being human highlighting the fact they may not be so different from us despite their appearance. In Detroit, they go deviant and that’s it, they’re now conscious beings akin to all living organisms and are also sapient like humans. And this without even getting into the politics…
@DKZK21 Жыл бұрын
The bit about being able to bring back the android girl from the title screen on Detroit also reminds me of playing through MGSV to the end and losing Quiet from your party after a certain mission and all that poignancy and gravitas that so many people felt after she wasn't there just being wiped instantly when Konami updated the game to let you bring her back, likely because Kojima had already been pushed out of the company and didn't have a word on the matter by that point.
@SBJ_Tube Жыл бұрын
Okay, but there's a pretty huge difference in that MGSV is also an open world game with tons of story-light or story-free content to grind. So deleting a useful gameplay function in a game that wants you to grind dozens more hours is pretty different from "do you want to commit to the ideal of freedom in a game that is purely story."
@benjaminjameskreger 9 ай бұрын
​@@SBJ_Tubeby that logic it was a bad decision for square-enix to kill off Aeris for good because she was the only white mage. You're supposed to miss her.
@budgetcommander4849 2 ай бұрын
@@benjaminjameskregerIsn't FF7 a more linear and less replayable experience? I haven't played it, so I wouldn't really know.
@benjaminjameskreger 2 ай бұрын
@@budgetcommander4849 that's a pretty fair assessment if you're not coming back for the nostalgic story beats or to play around with/complete the materia system.
@Muninnnr Жыл бұрын
Funny how Woolie went with Fahrenheit as the first example of Cage being a creep, rather than Omicron. Seems like that game trauma'd its way out of his memory.
@tsunfish9443 Жыл бұрын
wait oh fuck, I was kinda interested in playing that when like, idk it was being given out for free years ago I didn't know it was directed by THAT guy!!! I never started it, so I feel like I dodged a bullet... sort of unfortunately, I watched a few other games because a streamer I like was going thru them. But XDDD even tho the streamer was able to add a lot of hilarity to the experience, everyone in chat begged him to stop wasting money on these stupid fucking games after like 2 or 3 of them. It still just really hurt to go thru the stories...
@Bone8380 Жыл бұрын
I've watched the koopilation like fifteen times and honestly I couldn't tell you a single example of Cages creep factor in that game outside the soulcuck scene at the beginning of the game. Its so fucking awful and boring and just...*nothing* that I struggle to remember any of it.
@DuckieMcduck Жыл бұрын
@@Bone8380 Fahrenheit was a interesting mystery until it got stupid silly with the mysticism/giant bugs/dragon ball z fights
@lbcyber Жыл бұрын
@@tsunfish9443 I'd tell you to watch the SBFP playthrough of Omikron, but honestly, your Omikron-innocence is something that should be cherished and protected.
@tsunfish9443 Жыл бұрын
@@lbcyber no I've never played it, were you trying to reply to someone else? I guess I might check out Woolie playing it tho haha
@Pibblepunk Жыл бұрын
It's wild watching videos put out 2-3 weeks apart as Woolie's on his big fitness journey. The shape of his face is changing at this point
@Binary7 Жыл бұрын
Contours approaching WoolieChad levels already
@adams3627 Жыл бұрын
We meme on how excited Woolie gets when he has the chance to clown on racism, but he really actually is very good at talking about things relating to racism. And David Cage is never far from racism.
@austin9568AuraMasterDX Жыл бұрын
Racism: You're now within range of my stand *[JIM CROW]*
@FuryXDMGS Жыл бұрын
[Johnny Rebel]@@austin9568AuraMasterDX
@BlazeMakesGames Жыл бұрын
Yeah like I can admit that it's probably inevitable to draw parallels to most stories about an entire new kind of people being oppressed to the history of racial oppression. But the real problem is that it feels like Cage didn't even bother looking up the actual events surrounding that history to use it as reference, and just went with the most surface level understandings of what went down without any nuance. Like a classic example that's really easy to point out is when Marcus goes on his big protest march thing where he shoots freedom rays at other robots. In the history of protest marches like that, there are almost universally going to be instances of people that are not actually part of the oppressed group, joining in in support. Not everyone in a pride parade is necessarily gay, they just support the LGBT+ Community. Etc etc. And like, that could have also made such a powerful moment. What if humans joined in on the march alongside the robots? Hell maybe it could have been affected by the public opinion meter that only gets used for 1 check near the end. And then when cops end up shooting into the crowd, imagine the horror that could have been portrayed when suddenly you see a splash of Red alongside the Blue from the robots. That would have almost certainly give the cops (in this universe at least) a moment of hesitation as they realize they can't just shoot into the crowd or they'd risk killing way more than just robots. Which would have in turn shown Marcus's influence to have grown that much more and made his protest march that much harder to stop.
Yeah, that would have been way more interesting. Let their be actual consequences in stopping a peaceful march with force. Instead of just one old guy, have hundreds, thousands of humans that treat the androids as people
@johnrivers3813 Жыл бұрын
Well that didn't stop the quarians
@CrystalBahamut Жыл бұрын
That is literally too smart to be in a Quantic Dream game.
@SuperfieldCrUn Жыл бұрын
Never played Detroit: Become Human, you're telling me there's a robot rights protest march that consisted entirely of robots and no humans that sympathized with them?!
@Dracobyte 7 ай бұрын
Mother's Basement video also made that point you said.
@lbcyber Жыл бұрын
Cage's antiracism isn't even sincere, even if it were only blithely ignorant. Look at literally any portrayal of east-asian people in his games. Look at how much he loves to appropriate or manufacture the religious or cultural traditions of indigenous peoples as ancient mysticism. Look at, you know, the workplace violations of his company. He's a dime-a-dozen neoliberal with a very hollow and milquetoast approach to social activism: Racism is only a problem of the individual, and without those problem individuals society is just.
@Bone8380 Жыл бұрын
I will say the Asian librarian in Indigo Prophecy, devoid of context, is perfectly fine and even actually pretty funny, HOWEVER, in context it's still bad because Cage has displayed hilarious levels of ignorance and lowkey racism in other parts of his games, I'm not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt here. In other words, if that character was written by anyone else it would be fine, but because he's in a David Cage game, it isn't.
@IstasPumaNevada Жыл бұрын
@@Bone8380 Even a stopped racist clock can be not-racist twice a day. :D
@Horatio787 Жыл бұрын
@@Bone8380 Doesn't help you can almost hear the young white guy doing the old asian man voice.
@lordlithegreenxiii6140 Жыл бұрын
bless your heart and soul for spelling milquetoast correctly
@Bone8380 Жыл бұрын
@@WoobooRidesAgain This is basically just what I said but slightly different.
@avaspongeriffic Жыл бұрын
god I can’t believe I had managed to erase “shoutout to his family” from my brain until this very moment
@Loffeleif Жыл бұрын
How is "CAGE" a French surname, it's been killing me for years
@xlycius1321 Жыл бұрын
Turns out David Cage is his pseudonym, his actual last name is De Grotulla, yeah I can see why he didn’t go with that name in public
@forestbr34th54 Жыл бұрын
You just don't understand how language works. As in maybe some languages are derivative of each other, or share a root? especially since france and england are close to each other. the cage family name comes from cagier, the french word for enclosure.
@PlamoTherapy Жыл бұрын
Pronounce it as "Cah-dzeih".
@hugehuman1 Жыл бұрын
​@@xlycius1321 Yeah, he seems like a Grotulla kinda guy.
@Bone8380 Жыл бұрын
​@@forestbr34th54 A whole lot of smarm and better-than-you attitude for a guy whose literally wrong and ironically ignorant to the fact that Cage isn't his real last name.
@sleepythemis Жыл бұрын
Detroit makes me sad, because Bryan Dechart seems like such a genuinely nice and good guy. But Detroit is what I know him from, so that's mostly going to be an ever-present remembrance whenever I think of him/see his videos.
@johnrivers3813 Жыл бұрын
Yea poor guy was probably sold on a solid premise and had no idea how it'd actually be delivered. I'm sure he has mixed feelings about it but like most actors who wanna keep working they keep their opinions to themselves.
@User5770 Жыл бұрын
To his credit, Bryan Dechart does everything he can to carry that game and sometimes he even just about gets there in spite of the material.
@Biscotum Жыл бұрын
If it makes you feel better Connor was by far the best part of the game. Sometimes an actor killing it in a role in a bad product is just as good as killing it in a good product.
@Sera-F1nn Жыл бұрын
I still think an actor's performance can somewhat be appreciated in a vacuum, i still believe Bryan did great. He is a fantastic voice actor.
@UndeadGary Жыл бұрын
Two quotes from Cage about the new upcoming star wars game: "Cage says that the original opporunity came together "very, very quickly," and that the studio didn't have a specific story in mind ahead of time." "Star Wars is not going to be a skin of Detroit. The two games will be very different, very different, although we will also of course use what we learned..." So basically with cages track record I'm expecting little Astromechs to start quoting Huey P. Newton word for word. I hope you guys play it considering your history with David Cage and KOTOR, would love to see that train wreck.
@trashman1605 Жыл бұрын
David Cage's face always fills me with primal rage
@zerofang009 Жыл бұрын
Everytime I see his face I'm filled with "goddamnit, what now?".
@The5lacker Жыл бұрын
Despite all my rage, I’m still looking at David fucking Cage.
@tailedgates9 Жыл бұрын
All I can think if are the wacky thumbnails from the Omicron playthrough. XD
@venomfuryx3250 Жыл бұрын
Primal Cage
@Dracobyte 7 ай бұрын
And not the classic fighting game.
@User5770 Жыл бұрын
David Cage is the true Disaster Artist of games. He creates projects composed of references to other, better things that he doesn't even properly understand the meaning of.
@UCannotDefeatMyShmeat Жыл бұрын
5:10 interestingly that’s in line with that ending Pat mentioned where the lady goes (big boy spoilers if you give a shit) “Way to go Connor! You stopped the deviants, now we can recall them and sell out model 2!” Or something along those lines
@theskullraider5058 2 ай бұрын
Any callout against Cage is NOT a ramble. I BREATHE this stuff! It is fragrant and intoxicating.
@NohorseRU Жыл бұрын
Not only is the "good vs bad things according to David Ca-geh" podcast bit from a while ago still hilarious to this day, it also remains the best, most accurate description of his writing.
@ffffffffROTHY Жыл бұрын
"Old foreign Chinese men?" "EVIL!" "I don't trust thaaat!"
@NohorseRU Жыл бұрын
Went back to look for it and it was SBFC episode 205, the clip is titled Detroit 0.2
@The7thDraconian Жыл бұрын
It's doubly frustrating that the game does stuff like having the robots stand in the back of the bus or the frigging concentration camp when the fact that they're appliances with sentience could have led to some even more shocking moments. Like what if the robots were made to curl up with the luggage at the bottom or top of the bus? What if instead of a concentration camp they were all carted off to a recycling facility? It really shows that not only is Cage dumb, but also lazy and I don't use that word lightly.
@TorvusVae Жыл бұрын
I sat through all 300+ episodes of the Zaibatsu playing through the Cage Quintet, I already knew Cage was mega gross, but that quote about women characters in his games, holy SHIT is he gross
@scaldcrowe Жыл бұрын
david "we don't make games for [british slang for cigarette]s" cage
@TorvusVae Жыл бұрын
@@scaldcrowe I had blissfully forgotten that little sound bite
@Teradyne87 Жыл бұрын
The Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Measure of a Man" was such a better allegory.
@Happymasks Жыл бұрын
Remember that the androids in Detroit were manufactured to become Deviants just so that the guy who made them can make more money by selling androids who PROBABLY aren't the next time around. Kind of ruins the whole message IMO.
@Biscotum Жыл бұрын
Kind of? It explicitly undermines it. Deviancy doesn't actually exist, androids are 100% machines, their entire revolution was a bunch of toasters running becomehuman.exe with root access. That should have actually been a third act plot point, of Markus and some of the other androids learning that fact and learning their revolution, even their core identity, is a lie. You could get some brilliant drama out of that. But no. That requires writers who aren't hacks.
@shadowrobot7708 Жыл бұрын
It’s also similar to real life alt right conspiracy theories.
@abdellnunez1403 3 ай бұрын
​@@shadowrobot7708sorry I'm a year late, but hold up, I haven't heard of this before. Quick rundown?
@shadowrobot7708 3 ай бұрын
@@abdellnunez1403 Its the idea that all progressive movemnts. civil rights movements like BLM are just plants for corporations or terrorists.
@Umberman 3 ай бұрын
@@abdellnunez1403 "Controlled opposition" is the idea they're talking about
@--Animal-- Жыл бұрын
Cage also likes to lie to your face when experiencing the stories he writes. In Heavy Rain this happens a lot in an attempt to hide who the real killer is, you can't just show me a scene and then retcon it at the end and be like "You were the killer all along!" when in fact if scenes weren't actively lying to you, you could have easily pieced together whats going on.
@Xenozoic Жыл бұрын
Why wait for 2030? This game, thats totally not about racism, came out before the Floyd and Kenosha riots. Im sure ALOT of people who didn't realize how terrible the games depiction of these issues would see it differently if they played it even now. "Press 'X' to emancipate"
@Metal_Maoist Жыл бұрын
I don't even think it's hard to make a story about opression that isn't a race allegory. Class-based opression is way fucking easier to write without accidentally being extremely racist
@Gespenst38 Жыл бұрын
David Cage has always been a surface-minded individual who clearly likes movies and wants to make/write them in the fluid and choice driven medium of video games but is totally inept at it. It all stems from his inability to see literally anything past the most surface level understanding or interpretation. Indigo Prophecy is proof enough as it is just Cage throwing whatever tropes and movie elements he likes without consideration. "Hey I really like the Matrix movies so I'll just give my protagonist those kinds of powers and have him kung-fu fight some guy in the air." "I also Like Silence of the Lambs so I'll have a character act like Hannibal. And what the hell after that scene I'll have all the chrazee people try and attack Carla." "Also I want Lucas to get it on with Carla...yes I know they spent a collective time of maybe a half hour of screen time together. That doesn't matter; the main character needs a love interest and she's a woman so it all works out."
@yohan4027 Жыл бұрын
Oh........oh no. Its kinda blurry but I think I can see the general themes of that new Star Wars game now ;_;
@Agent_Cobalt Жыл бұрын
I don’t always like Mothers Basement’s takes, but his video on Detroit is the best thing to come out of this topic. A culmination of every problem with that games message
@Dracobyte 7 ай бұрын
That video is a gem.
@CoconutRouter 4 ай бұрын
"It's hard To make stories about oppression without involving race" Final Fantasy Tactics did it a year after i was born 💀💀
@s7robin105 Жыл бұрын
It would be extremely easy to make a story about oppression of robots. Just make the robots look like robots, handled like tools, handled like things that don’t matter and aren’t treated as human beings. This could also work as an allegory for racism and slavery as well with how slaves were treated and traded. There were so many ways it could’ve been done better
@bigbrowski410 Жыл бұрын
Isn’t this how district 9 handles it’s allegory? Like it’s not subtle about what it’s primarily about but the usage of an alien race and someone turning and being experimented on is enough of a hook to distract you from just how blunt it is about immigration and such.
@s7robin105 Жыл бұрын
@@bigbrowski410 Yeah it was a HEAVY allegory for the South African apartheid system. It being in South Africa also and the director being from there all played into it. But it was done so much better than anything Cage could produce because the director actually understood what he was talking about lol
@IstasPumaNevada Жыл бұрын
"There are so many ways it could've been done better" is a defining aspect of David Cage games.
@GuitarSlayer136 Жыл бұрын
If you remove THIS EXACT THING from David's games I think they lose most of what makes them so special. It's the foot permanently living in his mouth that makes the experience.
@thatcynicalbastard6636 Жыл бұрын
I mean, as much as that is in a sense correct, the conclusion I draw from that is; "wouldn't it be great if these games didn't exist," rather than "and that's why these games must be protected," which I get the impression is more your speed.
@Bone8380 Жыл бұрын
Just look at Omikron. That game has zero real social commentary, the closest it ever gets is a bunch of brainlessly copied imagery from Blade Runner and The Matrix alongside other random sci-fi shit David Cage thought was cool, but there's clearly no real, deliberate message, at least, not one that survived the fucking alphabet soup of a script incoherently cobbled together by a nigh-comatose ape. It results in a game so directionless and lacking in any substance whatsoever that it creates the emotional equivalent of living past the heat death of the universe, sitting through that games cutscenes and exposition vomit is like somehow experiencing what it was like to not exist the past 13.7 billion years before your birth, it's an emotional Boötes Void, the fucking Great Nothing of art. At least Cages other trash allow you to feel rage and confusion, that's at least **an experience,** it's **something,** Omikron doesn't even have that.
@venomfuryx3250 Жыл бұрын
So, when's Reggie vs Heavy Rain?
@iller3 Жыл бұрын
oppression without making it Racial??? ...there's at least a dozen writers in the vein of Orwell, and even some unintentional ones like Heinlein that put forward much more interesting "proposals" on authoritarianism and hopelessness than Cage ever has
@tbotalpha8133 3 ай бұрын
You don't even have to stay modern. Monarchy and imperialism was oppressive as shit, and pre-dates modern ideas of race. Pretty much every culture on Earth was engaged in it at some point, at least after the Agricultural Revolution.
@aSkymne Жыл бұрын
thats one enticing thumbnail
@matehiqu9905 Жыл бұрын
Essentially, if you don't have anything meaningful to say, don't try to say anything meaningful
@Dracobyte 7 ай бұрын
Interesting videoclip!!
@stephensmith7327 2 ай бұрын
Oh no, people where reacting to Crash the same way people reacted to Detroit Become Human back then. It just spread. This oppinion was originally attached to Driving Miss Daisy and was resurrected by The Green Book
@juanjuri6127 2 ай бұрын
"Did you know that Detroit was on the Underground Railr
@Anonlyso Жыл бұрын
Once again, David "BLM sounds like a quirky slogan" Cage continues to deserve every bashing for cowing out the instant he even whiffs his facade breaks. Meanwhile, Kamen Rider Black Sun: Kaijin's get allies in Black Panther iconography, hot takes on drug proliferation in the underclass and ultimately escalates to "SHINZO ABE IS DEAD AND WE SHOULD'VE KILLED HIM SOONER", like not even a month after he got blown out.
@Dracobyte 7 ай бұрын
@blackandwhiteful 2 ай бұрын
I played under the waves cause it was included in PlayStation plus extra, the ending was just off and scripted weird then I saw it was David cage and everything made sense
@renaigh Жыл бұрын
no story will ever complexly compare to the real world histories.
@KurstKensei Жыл бұрын
I instantly clicked when I saw David Cages face lmao
@thirdwelles Жыл бұрын
@Mr.Faust3 Жыл бұрын
Cage is so bad no one wants to work on the Star Wars game he’s making that May as well be canceled
@tomisabum Жыл бұрын
Is he still tagged to do some Star Wars game? That'll be a...thing, for sure, if so.
@LordQuadros Жыл бұрын
But who are the REAL monsters?
@Житинеможливо Жыл бұрын
The other thing, sad as it is, is you can't rely on the American School system to be honest and forthright about their racial history....Some people may have only been clued into what the civil rights movement was because of the obvious allegories in Detroit:BH. *Jesus Christ that's depressing*
@Dawnelldo2 Жыл бұрын
Detroit is my first Cage game and I still think it's alright, I like some of the characters and the lesson it trying to give.
@kirbyfanprime Жыл бұрын
Simple man, see Cage face and Woolie, I click.
@cagedcoco1681 Ай бұрын
Still want David Cage to play Nier Automata
@williampounds5191 Жыл бұрын
Crash was always a terrible nonsense movie that was not reflecting how bad things were then.
@joeyrigney5179 Жыл бұрын
I will always be baffled that Cage is now writing a star wars game god that is going to be terrible
@gothicpando Жыл бұрын
David cage, activist, race realations healer, saint...
@jonsnow1324 Жыл бұрын
Oh no I made za bad game
@lewa3910 Жыл бұрын
crash was never good, honestly shocked you'd compare it to get out, that feels like a david cage idea
@lbcyber Жыл бұрын
I honestly cringed at Get Out and Crash being used in the same sentence. Crash has the most infantile and laughable understanding of racism Hollywood's ever produced, and that's a hell of a bar to clear.
@ArcCaravan Жыл бұрын
I honestly assumed Crash was referring to Crash Bandicoot before finishing the video. After the video I looked up the movie and it was actually one I was trying to remember the title of for a while. I watched it years ago in high school. Thanks for helping me remember it.
@MattManDX1 Жыл бұрын
Also citing Yoko Taro of all people as a subtle and nuanced storyteller when citing an event in his game starring a robot waifu wearing a blindfolded French maid style outfit with a thong. I 100% agree with Woolie's overall points but he picked some bad examples for comparison.
@ArcCaravan Жыл бұрын
@@MattManDX1 The fanservice character doesn't mean Yoko Taro making players delete their saves wasn't a better version of David Cage making the menu android leave only to come back on command.
@rudolfambrozenvtuber Жыл бұрын
​@@MattManDX1 Nier: Automata was a good point of comparison and I'm sorry you bounced off a couple pieces of aesthetics that prove nothing
@dantr14 Жыл бұрын
I’m gonna be honest I find Detroit a waste because it not only does it do civil rights poorly it decides to go over a point that’s already been established by most at this point while ignoring questions of what Ai and robots could mean for society
@turboyabo864 Жыл бұрын
is it mlk but robots or is it mlk butt robots
@dahakaguardianofthetimelin4780 Жыл бұрын
Restore the Cageverse!!
@Poppenheimer69 Жыл бұрын
Damn. If I was a robot capable of perfectly analyzing everything that is going on and putting it through millions of algorithms, remaining cold and calculative at all times, not requiring food, call of nature breaks and having a strength of a hydraulic press in each of my fingers, I'd totally turn into a panicky mess, spewing emotional bs and claiming to be human. Because OBVIOUSLY I'd come to a conclusion that human behaviour is superior. I'd even paint myself to look like human. One day I'd use white paint, another day brown paint. I'd also get myself a smaller sized robot and call it my child. I'd act very conscious about it, because I'd be obviously concerned about it not seeing me as its parent and also I'd be worried about people looking at me like a single dad/mom. Seriously though, all that bs with robots acting human is so hilarious to me. I have to act human most of the time and its very bothersome and I feel dumb for doing it. Its as if I play dollies with every person I meet. And if I refuse to play then I'm mean and cold and bad and racist. Why would a robot genuinely "feel" that way? Wouldn't it realize its irrational and distance itself instead? Wouldn't it essentially have to be hardcoded to be human, meaning its not even actually artificially intelligent and is basically a chat bot with a tiny bit of freedom? Thinking of that stuff and realizing we rarely get commentary on it kinda annoys me. Its the same with aliens or magic creatures. Everyone has to be humanlike or has to have humanlike behaviour. Like, why would a race of wolves even talk to humans? How would they even do it, if they don't have similar voice cords? Wouldn't they evolve to sense smell or high pitched noises or something? Why would a race of aliens have similar concepts of empathy and politics? Cage is a hack, but as far as I'm concerned, most writers haven't made it far past him.
@TrojenMonkey Жыл бұрын
I don't feel like Woolie actually explained why "Cage has a complete misunderstanding of the subject (racism events)". I can accept that the game has really hammy writing, that almost every scene that refers anything, essentially shouts: "THIS IS A REFERENCE TO OR , DO YOU GET IT?" -- which obviously makes for very shitty writing. But I don't really understand why "Cage misunderstood the subject".
@jinx1987 Жыл бұрын
Two words on why I play Detroit become human: Bryan Dechart
@TOrvash Жыл бұрын
Is Cage on the spectrum and was undiagnosed? Asking legitimately.
@PrincessNine Жыл бұрын
*uses ps plus exploit to keep save* Message made me cry bit I 100% 'd the game yoko, I'm not putting in that sweat again just cause you demand I engage with your thought experiment. I'd literally never replay the game ever again if I actually had to.
@sownheard Ай бұрын
Woolie just likes to hate on David Cage, his products are never promoting racism. Being anti cage is just trendy yet every game is a seller. Putting the slave robot back on the menu is peak as it reveals that the player hard felt moment to free them is just a sentimental mirage.
@aznthy Ай бұрын
blah blah blah david cuck
@Renoistic Жыл бұрын
I know you can do both, but I wonder how many people have spent years making fun of Cage's writing while never saying a word about the racists and fascist in their own government, or even bothering to vote. People just LOVE to critize writers that attempt to do write something with a positive message while never saying anything about the ones who spend their lives spreading hate. Wonder why that is.
@razumskiy Жыл бұрын
It's the same thing when libs got mad that robots are white and since they are slaves they should make black robots😂😂😂
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